Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

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Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by WilliamSmith »

I decided to start a thread about something we started getting into in a couple other threads:

Chi, prana, Odic Force, Kundalini energy, and what methods can be used to safely cultivate this type of life force energy.

Energy arts such as Chi Gong or some types of Yoga can help cultivate this lifeforce.
I only have personal experience with Chi Gong in solo practice (no benefit of a master's teaching, except through books), and then some more ways it's manifested itself, and then the quote from @Lucas88 refers to some other experiences I had of it when it started becoming way more dramatic, and he talked about how he actually practiced kundalini but it became dangerous.

The Chi Gong I've practiced is more lightweight than that, yet I've found it effective in being able to experience Chi Flows, so wanted to add that as a word of encouragement that you don't need to do anything extreme. I've heard cultivating it in this way has very positive potential for your energy levels and your overall health, including immune system strength.

Off the top of my head:

Ancient China is (as far as I know) the greatest treasure trove of ancient knowledge about these arts and the nature of "Chi", and fortunately a lot of ancient poems about the nature of Chi (and related topics in Chinese mysticism) survived many revolutions.
I'll list some of those old texts later. I'm looking forward to getting more into the study of these.

I don't know a lot about Japan's practices, but believe they have practiced these for a long time (including in martial arts), and Reiki has become popular on the energy and healing arts side I've heard (though still haven't read about Reiki specifically myself, mostly only Chi Gong):

Here are the traditional Chinese characters for Chi Gong by the way:

And the Japanese Kanji is this:
They Japanified it a little for their きこう kikou Chi Gong, but Takoboto (an electronic Japanese dictionary) still used the traditional version for Reiki: :)

India is a really fascinating one that I don't know about, but is famous for some Yogic practices that include a lot of this kind of thing, but I haven't learned very much about their systems yet.

I think it was known to a lot of ancient cultures, but not sure how much literature or lore about it survived various onslaughts by the likes of the Romans or hordes of culture destroyers from the Abrahamic religions, including the Vatican which seemed to share a fixed interest for a period of time in wiping out the indigenous spiritual and metaphysical knowledge of countries they took over (whether by the sword, or by other conversion methods).

Very interesting later era physical/Western scientific research on it was done by Karl von Reichenbach who called it Odic Force.

I think it was what Franz Mesmer was dealing with too with his use of mesmerism and projection of energy, though need to look more into him before I can be sure about that one...

Some more was also done by that whacko Wilhelm Reich who I'm not too crazy about for various reasons, but some of the work his successors did on "orgone" and trying to create box-like devices that concentrate this energy and measure it are very interesting and worthwhile.

Lucas88 warned about the danger from experience of trying to do too much advanced Yoga though: VERY interesting stuff there, but I can say from personal experience that I'm pretty sure you can safely practice lighter-weight Chi Gong exercise and just start building up Chi through breathing and gentle meditation/imagination without having to take those kinds of risks...
Lucas88 wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 8:10 am
Kundalini practice is great if done correctly but work with this energy can also be extremely dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. What many people don't understand is that you need to open all of the chakras (in most people they are only ajar) through specific meditation techniques and develop the body's meridians through Hatha Yoga stretches BEFORE you cultivate chi energy or awaken the Kundalini. If you don't do this first then the Kundalini energy will ascend through meridians where it isn't supposed to go and overload them. This can cause dysfunctions, symptoms of psychosis or even reversal of flow as was my case. Don't even attempt to awaken the Kundalini until you have opened all of your chakras and developed the body's meridians sufficiently and really know what you are doing. A premature Kundalini awakening can really mess you up.
Lucas88 wrote:
May 6th, 2022, 8:10 am
What you say about remarkable energetic phenomena with the ladies is also true. Sexual energy is identical to chi energy and therefore to the Kundalini too. I too am able to make orgasmic energy expand through a large part of my both either through sex or masturbation. My body produces chi energy very easily and I am extremely sensitive to it (hence my premature Kundalini awakening). The fact that you are able to have those energetic sensations with only a short practice of Chi Gong and simple sexual stimulation shows that you are already an advanced soul with a high-vibrational frequency and a well-developed energetic system. Most people are unable to cultivate any significant quantity of chi energy even with years of Yoga or Tai Chi.
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :

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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by WilliamSmith »

Moving in some cool stuff from other threads to get into later on here in this one on the topic:
Lucas88 wrote:
June 19th, 2022, 3:22 pm
In my case my body produces an exceptionally high quantity of qi which is the universal lifeforce energy and which is identical to the sexual energy which results from an orgasm. Whenever I have an orgasm I can make the qi erupt violently and expand throughout my whole body. The sensation is really powerful and ecstatic and after a brief refractory period I am ready to go again. My Peruvian girlfriend was very similar in that regard. A few times when we made love she felt an intense jolt or electrical pulse shoot through her body and it would take her into a state of ecstasy far greater than what a regular orgasm could give. Back then we had no idea what that was but now I know that it is a surge of qi or the Kundalini energy after looking into Yoga, Qi Gong and traditional Chinese medicine. It seems that my Peruvian girlfriend and I both have an abundance of this energy and therefore have insane sex drives and incredibly powerful orgasms. @WilliamSmith wrote about experiencing this kind of sexual phenomenon himself in another thread.
Lucas88 wrote:
June 21st, 2022, 6:40 pm
WilliamSmith wrote:
June 20th, 2022, 2:38 pm
On chi gong:
@Oucast9428 (and anyone else interested in Qi) check out Shaolin Cosmos Qi Gong and the books by their grandmaster for some simple and safe exercises you can do regularly even without the benefit of learning from a chi gong master: I've had those books for decades but you could probably even find out how to do their basic exercises from videos.
I've heard other people say that after practicing simple exercises like those diligently and enjoying the experience with an open mind, they increasingly experienced chi flows and positive phenomena from practicing arts like this. (Those were many different types of nice people who said that, by the way, including women, seniors, etc, so it isn't only rather abnormal sexually voracious characters like me or @Lucas88 who can experience chi flows even without getting into the heavier stuff Lucas88 mentioned that can be dangerous, like some tantric stuff.)

I don't know about this yet but 靈氣 Reiki is pretty big in Japan, and I believe got quite a following in the West as well. (Cool kanji, huh?)
Some of the old ancient poetry about the mysteries and properties of Chi rhyme beautifully in Cantonese (which is more similar to the old middle Chinese spoken in classicals periods), and I should post some in my kanji and Chinese characters thread sometime... :)
Just out of curiosity, @WilliamSmith, whereabouts do you feel the qi energy expand in the moment of orgasm and what unusual sensations do you feel?
I will definitely get back to you on that one, but briefly it's a mixture of the expansion throughout the body probably similar to what you described, but periodically surprised me with what was like a giant up-the-spine lightning bolt shock shooting upwards (but not unpleasurable, yet alarmingly intense). Finally, after she and I had been going at it for quite awhile, I sometimes have it get flowing everywhere in the body it's almost tangible feeling, and have it shooting around like it's coming out my fingers even, pretty wild! (That latter case isn't the norm, though maybe I'll keep practicing and get in killer physical shape to where I can keep cultivating it and experiencing more like that even more regularly!) :)
I'll interject that I was NOT visualizing anything to try to make anything like the lightning bolt shock or "shooting out the fingers" stuff happen though (which the Chi Gong masters warn is not safe unless you'd been trained more by a master about specifically how to visualize).
Yet even with no conscious visualization or intention to do anything fancy, there seems to be an energy body system already in place in human beings (and probably other creatures, I wouldn't be surprised), where if your natural levels of Chi grow through some healthy means, the Chi has a "mind of its own" and knows what it wants to do in your energy system for your best benefit, similar to how other parts of your body grow, heal, and replenish themselves with no conscious thought on your part.
Lucas88 wrote:
June 21st, 2022, 6:40 pm
I tend to feel the energy build up in the lower abdomen (the region which in TCM is known as the qihai and the lower dantian) and then the majority of the energy shoots up the front of the torso towards the upper chest region. I also feel the energy flare up around the perineum.

I asked my Chinese doctor which path does the qi take in the moment of orgasm. He told me that the qi ascends chiefly through the kidney meridian which travels from the southernmost part of the abdomen just above the tallywhacker all the way up to the upper pectoral region. My experiences with qi match what my Chinese doctor says. I seem to feel the energy most strongly in the kidney meridian. This is of importance to me because some online sources say that the qi in the moment of orgasm travels up the Ren Mai or conception vessel which runs up the center from the point just above the tallywhacker all the way to the face. But my Chinese doctor says that that information is erroneous and that there is a lot of misinformation on the internet pertaining to TCM.

Wow, awesome, thanks @Lucas88, that is very interesting stuff. I personally am frankly rather ignorant about Traditional Chinese Medicine even though it's definitely a subject of great interest to me, but I did notice there's sometimes obvious attempts during Chi Gong practice for the Chi flows themselves (again, NOT me trying to visualize anything, which I heeded the Chi Gong masters warnings about not being safe for beginners/solo practitioners) where it concentrates or tingles at certain chakra areas which I didn't necessarily believe even existed. I would guess it's trying to clear certain blockages, but whatever it's doing, it all provides me with some personal experiential evidence that made me think the "chakra" system and meridians concepts (even though I don't understand them well enough to ID which ones yet) had some objective validity within the human body and energy systems.
Lucas88 wrote:
June 21st, 2022, 6:40 pm
Reiki (the traditional kanji which you used for "ki" is way better than the both common modern Japanese one and the simplified Chinese one, btw) is now very popular in alternative circles. It is a form of healing in which it is supposed that qi is guided by the practitioner's hands in order to heal imbalances. Some people swear by it while others either don't rate it very highly or even say that it is a corrupted form of qi healing. While I personally don't like Reiki for the second reason and much prefer acupuncture as a form of treatment for imbalances and stagnant qi, I do have direct experience of energetic distance healing and know that it's 100% real. For me it was to alleviate the agony which I suffered in the first few months of my horrific botched Kundalini experience. I've only told you about the very surface of my experience. I might go into greater detail in a separate thread once I'm emotionally ready to do so (recalling the experience is still somewhat traumatic for me).
Thanks, interesting stuff on Reiki! The transmission of the hands makes me wonder about connections to Mesmerism and his "magnetism," which I'd guess is based on Chi, though can't be sure since I haven't studied Mesmer in detail yet. Based on what I know of both Chi Gong (even as a lowly solo practitioner, not adept or master) and what I know about hypnotism, I believe a lot of the info out there from contemporary hypnotherapists claiming Mesmer's arts were supposedly based only a misreading of the power of suggestion were total BS and disinfo on the part of the the hypnotherapists who are trying to dismiss the energetic basis of what Mesmer was doing. Hypnotism IS powerful, by the way, but I think Mesmerism is an energetic branch, and the naysayers are wrong that what he did was based on only the power of suggestion. More on that later...

Also, not pushing you to share anything you don't want if part of the experience was traumatic, but that's very interesting about energetic distance healing! I've heard about that distance projection of Chi, but only read about it.
Lucas88 wrote:
June 21st, 2022, 6:40 pm
It would be really awesome if you could post some Cantonese poetry about the mysteries and properties of qi in your kanji/hanzi thread. I can read some Chinese and make out the meaning of basic sentences thanks to my knowledge of Japanese. I've gotten into TCM recently and would like to study it in the near future. I've therefore been reading some Chinese websites about qi and meridians and I've found that often the terminology is the same as in Japanese albeit with differences of pronunciation and sometimes simplified versions of the characters. I think that knowledge of kanji/hanzi will help me a lot with the study of TCM. In the West the acupoints are designed by a number system (e.g., CV1, CV2, CV3, ect.) but in Chinese each acupoint has its own unique name which is comprised of hanzi and expresses some deeper meaning with regard to the function of the acupoint. For example, the name of CV1 in Chinese is hui yin, which means "meeting of the yin" since this is the point where all of the major yin meridians meet in the region of the perineum.
That I definitely will do sooner than later, hopefully early tomorrow! I'm in the mood for those tonight so will go dig out the old classics on Chi and my partial attempts to cobble them together in Cantonese...
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by Lucas88 »

Another awesome thread, @WilliamSmith. I thought it was about time that we have one dedicated to qi and energy arts too. :D
WilliamSmith wrote:
June 22nd, 2022, 4:34 pm
I will definitely get back to you on that one, but briefly it's a mixture of the expansion throughout the body probably similar to what you described, but periodically surprised me with what was like a giant up-the-spine lightning bolt shock shooting upwards (but not unpleasurable, yet alarmingly intense). Finally, after she and I had been going at it for quite awhile, I sometimes have it get flowing everywhere in the body it's almost tangible feeling, and have it shooting around like it's coming out my fingers even, pretty wild!
You definitely have an advanced energetic constitution if you are able to have frequent experiences like the ones which you've described. There's no doubt about it. Seriously, my Chinese doctor who learned Qi Gong in conjunction with his TCM studies says that the kind of ease of qi cultivation which people like you and I possess is quite rare. Most people only feel a slight increase in qi after practicing Qi Gong and very few practitioners experience such dramatic qi phenomena with so little practice. My Chinese doctor says that I have a special talent for cultivating the qi and it seems that your experiences are as significant as mine.

It is interesting that you mentioned that the qi energy ascended up the spine like an intense lightning bolt in the moment of orgasm. That sounds like a classical Kundalini experience. I would be interested to know whether the sudden qi bolt which you described went up the Sushumna channel (as opposed to some ordinary meridian along the spine such as the Du Mai). If so then you could already be operating on Ida, Pingala and Sushumna (most people have Sushumna inactive and operate solely on Ida and Pingala) or the sudden qi bolt might have been attempting to open your Sushumna. The Sushumna by the way is a special channel for the ascension of the Kundalini. If you experience energy shooting up through it even without any intentional visualization techniques you are definitely more energetically evolved than most people.


I myself have never experienced a qi bolt travel up the spine in the moment of orgasm. In my case, as I explained in the previous thread, I usually feel the energy ascend through the Kidney Meridian up to the region of the chest but sometimes when I enjoy a particularly strong orgasm the energy will shoot up in a more central position and I will feel it in the throat region. I don't know which channel the energy ascends through in this case. I'm not sure if it's through an ordinary meridian or through the deeper Ida and Pingala channels. Some of the energy is also felt in the loins and the inside of the upper part of the thighs. My Peruvian girlfriend also felt an intense qi bolt shoot through the front of her body and penetrate the throat region. She found it extremely ecstatic and was totally dumbfounded by it.
WilliamSmith wrote:
June 22nd, 2022, 4:34 pm
I would guess it's trying to clear certain blockages, but whatever it's doing, it all provides me with some personal experiential evidence that made me think the "chakra" system and meridians concepts (even though I don't understand them well enough to ID which ones yet) had some objective validity within the human body and energy systems.
The chakra system is very real indeed. I too have direct experience of it. However, the chakra system is not dealt with in Qi Gong and TCM. Qi Gong and TCM deal primarily with the ordinary meridians of the body and certain energy centers such as the three dantian which are distinct from the chakras whereas the Indian Yoga system deals more with the deeper, more occult aspects of the soul's energy system such as the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna channels (called Nadis in Sanskrit) as well as the seven major chakras and then the less-known minor chakras. The Indian focus is a more occultist one but it's possible that some of the same concepts exist in the more esoteric traditions of Chinese spirituality such as Chinese inner alchemy although I'm not too familiar with those traditions and need to do more research of my own into the Chinese side of things.
WilliamSmith wrote:
June 22nd, 2022, 4:34 pm
Based on what I know of both Chi Gong (even as a lowly solo practitioner, not adept or master) and what I know about hypnotism, I believe a lot of the info out there from contemporary hypnotherapists claiming Mesmer's arts were supposedly based only a misreading of the power of suggestion were total BS and disinfo on the part of the the hypnotherapists who are trying to dismiss the energetic basis of what Mesmer was doing. Hypnotism IS powerful, by the way, but I think Mesmerism is an energetic branch, and the naysayers are wrong that what he did was based on only the power of suggestion. More on that later...
The naysayers and scoffers are ignorant fools. They are merely armchair theorists who have never attempted to practice this kind of stuff or experience it for themselves and prefer to arrogantly dismiss other people's experiences from the sidelines just because they don't align with their own ideological view of reality. I've even come across "acupuncturists" balls deep into their Western materialist paradigm who insist that qi and the meridians are just theoretical concepts and therefore unreal yet practice acupuncture themselves without knowing how it really works. I explained to one particular naysayer acupuncturist that I had experienced qi phenomena myself and was unmistakably suffering every day from the blockages which my premature Kundalini awakening had caused in some of my meridians and that acupuncture treatment was helping to unblock them and I can even feel myself where they are blocked but he just cavalierly dismissed my experience and asserted that I must be suffering from some unknown physical ailment. @Winston wrote an whole website on those people:

I'm so thankful to have found my Chinese doctor. He is a brilliant man who understands Qi Gong really well and recognized my condition immediately and has helped me to unblock most of the blockages in the affected meridians through acupuncture treatment. Other acupuncturists who I spoke to about my condition didn't have a clue about that kind of thing. True acupuncturists who understand also the deeper Qi Gong aspect of TCM are rare.
WilliamSmith wrote:
June 22nd, 2022, 4:06 pm
I think it was known to a lot of ancient cultures, but not sure how much literature or lore about it survived various onslaughts by the likes of the Romans or hordes of culture destroyers from the Abrahamic religions, including the Vatican which seemed to share a fixed interest for a period of time in wiping out the indigenous spiritual and metaphysical knowledge of countries they took over (whether by the sword, or by other conversion methods).
Kundalini practice was indeed known to ancient Europeans but occult knowledge was suppressed by the fanatical Judeo-Christians who oppose all genuine spiritual practice. The Caduceus which you find in Hermetic and Alchemical symbolism and which was adopted as the universal symbol of medicine represents the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna channels and the ascension of the Kundalini for the pursuit of godhood. Likewise, from what I've read, in England alchemists were known as "puffers" which was probably a reference to their occult breathing techniques which resembled those of Indian Yoga. Occult knowledge of the Kundalini was preserved to some degree in the secret societies and mystery schools but had to be done in secret due to opposition from the mainstream Judeo-Christian culture.


The real reason why Christianity forbade occult knowledge and has historically had a problem with sexuality is because the Jewish slave cult doesn't want us to become aware of our divine nature. Indeed the Eden story of Genesis consists of an outright prohibition of the Kundalini and our pursuit of godhood since in esoteric terms the Serpent represents the Kundalini itself. The Jews who peddled to us their slave religion at the behest of their demonic archon god sought to deprive us of all true spiritual practice for the authentic evolution of the soul and instead misdirect us with their batshit-crazy redemptionist doctrines concocted for our spiritual enslavement and docilification. The enemy especially forbids any teachings pertaining to the Kundalini. They understand that should a Gentile soul experience an awakening through occult practice or sexual orgasm he/she could also experience a great expansion of consciousness and realization of his/her own divine nature and thereby see through the deception of the Judeo-Christian impostor god's tyranny.

But Kundalini practice is way older than the Bible. The Yoga tradition has been practiced in the Indus valley for many millennia and in Egyptian reliefs and sacred images of the gods and goddesses the upright serpent which protrudes from the forehead in conjunction with the bright solar disk above the crown symbolizes the ascension of the Kundalini and the state of godhood which results from this.

The Kundalini and qi cultivation are our true Gentile spiritual practice. This same true Gentile spiritual practice of ours has been ruthlessly attacked and suppressed by Jews, Christians and other barbaric Abrahamic slave religion fanatics.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
June 22nd, 2022, 4:34 pm
Also, not pushing you to share anything you don't want if part of the experience was traumatic, but that's very interesting about energetic distance healing! I've heard about that distance projection of Chi, but only read about it.
Okay, @WilliamSmith, you've persuaded me. I'll try to recount my whole traumatic Kundalini experience and road to recovery since my testimony will surely be of interest to those who are interested in Qi Gong and paranormal phenomena in general and may even be useful information for anybody who is suffering from the same problem.

Kundalini Awakening Gone Wrong (Serious Stuff)

Part 1: My Premature Kundalini Awakening

In the fall of 2020, during full lockdown, I decided to add Kundalini Yoga to my spiritual practice. I was already an experienced meditator and had practiced meditation every day for the better part of two years and so I thought that I'd begin with Yoga too. After all, I had plenty of free time since the lockdown was being imposed quite aggressively and most people were confined to their homes. I found a Kundalini Yoga instructional DVD set and some good online materials and began to study the postures and breathing techniques and would soon implement them into a 20 minute Yoga routine before bed.

The first two nights of Yoga practice were pretty uneventful except for a really strong orgasm following masturbation on the second night but on the third night I experienced the sudden awakening of the Kundalini energy while lying awake in bed. I felt an intense heat and pressure in the region of the perineum as though a stream of extra energy was flooding into my body and then it began to ascend slowly through the front of my torso in a winding motion. At first there was resistance but then the energy forced its way into the heart region and I felt a sharp pop as though something abruptly came open (maybe it was the heart chakra). I saw with my mind's eye a field of golden energy permeate my whole body and was immediately overwhelmed with an intense feeling of bliss and absolute love and entered a state of ecstasy. Then the Kundalini energy continued to flow upwards through the throat region and towards the temple. I felt my consciousness expand considerably for a brief moment. Once the awakened energy calmed down I lay in bed in absolute awe and would feel extremely energized and mentally lucid from them onwards.

A few nights later I had another intense Kundalini awakening. Once again the energy emerged from the region of the perineum like the first time but this time it shot up my spine and made its way to the base of the skull. This time the pressure was immense as it pushed its way upwards and I feared that it was going to break my spine. That feeling lasted for more than an hour but my instinct was to relax and allow it to rise. Once the energy completed its ascension I felt an ineffable bliss like last time. I continued to feel extremely energized and mentally lucid. To this day I'm still not sure whether the energy ascended up the Sushumna channel or whether it simply forced its way up the ordinary Du Mai meridian which runs upwards along the spine.

My third Kundalini awakening occurred a few nights later and was very similar to the first one. The energy once again ascended through the front of the torso in a winding motion and I experienced a similar kind of intense bliss. All seemed to be going well.

Part 2: A Sudden Shock to my System

However, shortly after my third Kundalini awakening, I felt a sudden shock throughout my whole body and the extra qi energy abruptly came crashing down into my lower body. From that moment onwards I could feel an uncomfortable heaviness in my legs, an agonizing burning throughout my legs and perineum, and a strong sensation of blockage in my lower abdomen. I would later discover that some of my meridians had gone into reverse flow due to the massive overload of qi following the Kundalini practice and the energy was therefore stagnating in my lower body instead of rising like it's supposed to.

Unfortunately the heaviness and burning sensations weren't my only problem. A sudden reversal of energy flow in the Liver Meridian on the right side caused a major blockage in my lower abdomen through which this meridian runs and this in turn brought about qi congestion throughout all of that region. The result of this was the obstruction of the natural flow of qi to the penis. My dick just went completely limp. I couldn't get an erection at all and my ability for orgasm was almost zero. That was the beginning of a living hell of impotence which would last for months.


Strangely enough, one night about a month later the qi spontaneously came back up and resumed its normal course. The reversal was put right in what seemed like an auto-repair function of my body's meridian system and the heaviness, burning sensations and erectile dysfunction were all gone. It really does seem like the qi has an intelligence of its own. I was so happy and thought that I was off the hook but unfortunately my celebration was too soon. Later that same night I felt strange heat sensations throughout my upper body and found myself hypersensitive to sound stimuli. I couldn't listen to music without the sound seeming too overpowering. My meridians were so overloaded that my senses were excessively magnified to the point of discomfort. Then as I lay in bed trying to sleep the energy came crashing down into my lower body again and I was back to my previous hellish state with all of the negative symptoms.

During the next few months I suffered tremendously as I frantically did research into my condition and desperately looked for solutions but most of the Yoga teachers and holistic medicine practitioners who I contacted had no clue how to treat my problem and could only offer me bogus advice of a New Age persuasion (one New Age woman even told me to hug a tree in order to "ground" the Kundalini). I continued to look for solutions. I attempted to unblock the blockages through meditation techniques but to no avail. Eventually my aunt found the website of a renowned energetic healer who was based in London and offered Reiki and Chakra Healing including in the modality of "distance healing". I booked a series of online sessions with him without knowing what to expect.

Part 3: Energetic Distance Healing

I had my first session with the renowned energetic healer and all I can say is that he was the real deal! He was at his clinic in London and I was in my home here in Yorkshire and we spoke through a WhatsApp video call. Now I shit you not! The energetic healer who used his own gift of clairsentience to scan my energetic anatomy somehow began to manipulate the congested energy with his mind at a distance and I was even able to physically feel the energy moving around from place to place. Then I felt something open up at the base of the spine. He explained to me that he was redirecting the energy up the Sushumna channel which runs up the spine and that that would put it on a more natural course and thereby relieve the pressure.

After my session with the energetic healer I got up off of my bed and walked down to the kitchen when all of a sudden I felt tingling at the base of my spine and the shortly thereafter more of the energy began to rise up the spine. I could now feel a constant sensation of burning in my neck but at least the pressure in my legs and perineum was relieved to a significant degree just as the healer had promised. Moreover, my erectile function was back on line. You can't imagine how many times I jacked off that night!

Since the Sushumna channel relies on the chakra system for its transportation of qi the same healer gave me a series of chakra meditations in order to keep them open and functioning correctly. These meditations worked and the Sushumna channel continued to redirect a large part of the excess qi.

However, unfortunately the healer's intervention only served as a makeshift fix to treat the symptoms and buy me some much needed respite. After my sessions with him I assumed that I would just have to wait for the excess qi to diminish by itself through lack of simulation (qi levels go back to normal if Yoga or Qi Gong practices are desisted) but what I still didn't know was that some of my meridians had gone into reverse flow due to the initial shock of the Kundalini awakening and that it would be necessary for me to correct that problem.

Part 4: Acupuncture Treatment

In the spring of 2021 I corresponded with a very knowledgeable Yoga teacher. She immediately recognized what my problem was (i.e., the reversal of the flow of the body's meridians) and advised me to seek out acupuncture treatment. This was my glimmer of hope.

In the following week I looked up various acupuncturists in my area and even spoke to some on the phone or corresponded with them by text. I spent the whole week weighing up the pros and cons of each of them and still had no idea who would be the best option. Then one Friday night I went to bed and saw one of the acupuncturists in a dream. In the dream the acupuncturist who was a Chinese woman with a TCM clinic in a nearby town was performing acupuncture on me. I took this as a sign that I needed to go to that particular TCM clinic and to this day I believe that the dream was a revelation of guidance from my own oversoul or higher self.

A few days later I had my first consultation at the TCM clinic. Dr. Li, the Chinese woman who I saw in my dream, welcomed me at the reception and passed me on to her husband Dr. Chen who carried out the consultation. Dr. Chen immediately recognized my problem too and told me that he had treated a similar case of a guy who suffered a reversal of the qi energy in one arm and one leg and a near-total paralysis of those limbs after obsessively practicing Tai Qi with wrong technique over an extended period of time. I perceived that Dr. Chen knew what he was talking about and felt that I had made the right choice of acupuncturist.

Over the course of the next year Dr. Chen performed intense sessions of acupuncture on me with the goal of making the qi energy in the affected meridians flare up in the right direction and reopening the blocked areas. Progress was slow since the reversal of some of the meridians was just so bad but gradually the meridians were reopened little by little. As my acupuncture treatment advanced the symptoms of heaviness in the legs and sensations of blockage progressively lessened. The anxiety lessened too. Life became increasingly more bearable thanks to Dr. Chen's expert treatment.

This one's for the naysayers. I know that qi and the meridians of TCM are not merely theoretical concepts. I've experienced what it's like to have severe qi blockages in certain meridians and I can even feel the meridians flare up and reopen and thereby resume their natural flow after acupuncture treatment. Let me tell you something. The trajectories of the meridians are more or less exactly how they are depicted in the TCM meridian anatomy charts (the detailed, anatomically correct ones and not the simplified ones). When Dr. Chen places needles in the Liver Meridian to make the qi energy flare up I feel it flare up along its traditionally accepted trajectory from the foot, through the lower central abdomen, then under the ribcage and finally up through the temple region and towards the bai hui point at the crown. There's no mistaking it. Qi energy is a real phenomenon and the meridians really does run where the traditional sources say they run.

Dr. Chen is a brilliant man. He has helped me tremendously with his treatment plan and now I sense that I'm close to full recovery with only a little bit of blockage remaining in a pair of meridians in the head region. In fact Dr. Chen himself told me that very few acupuncturists would know how to treat my condition and that I'm very lucky to have found him. I believe him 100%. I tried to explain my problem to various acupuncturists both in real life and on the internet and none of them knew anything about this sort of thing. I will be forever indebted to Dr. Chen. He relieved me of terrible suffering and guided me back onto the path of health.

Final Comments

Kundalini Yoga and Qi Gong can be beneficial if you practice them with a true master and really know what you're doing. They can promote good health, sexual vigor and even psychic sensitivity if done right. But these practices also have the potential to be very dangerous when performed recklessly or incorrectly and can lead to immense pain, physiological dysfunction and emotional distress. In my case a premature Kundalini awakening messed up my life for the better part of two years. If you wish to practice the energy arts please do your research in advance and do it safely. Don't do something foolish like I did.

I decided to post about my experience at the request of @WilliamSmith who is deeply interested in Qi Gong and related phenomena. I will leave this here not only for anybody who is curious but also for the benefit of anybody who might be suffering from something similar themselves should they casually stumble across it.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by Shemp »

I'm in a rush mow, but I will return to this thread later, which I haven't finished reading. However, I will add one comment. Regarding sexual energy work, the best source of info, IMO, is Mantak Chia, especially his book "Cultivating Male Sexual Energy". The main problem with internal energy work is how to communicate from teacher to student, since everything is internal so impossible to see what is going on, plus there is a lack of standard terminology so everyone makes up their own terminology. This is why Tantric teachings are so useless: the terminology is an absolute mess. The ancient Chinese Taoists cleaned up the Indian Tantra mumbo-jumbo and then Mantak Chia cleamed up ancient Chinese Taoist teachings so that they are accessible to moderm westerners. Or such is my experience. He has some YouTube videos but his book I cited above is better, IMO.

BTW, when that blockhead @gsjackson talked in another thread about my advice re masturbating with a dildo in the ass, that was advice for anal-retentive people like him, to clear blockages at the anal genital gap so the sexual energy can cross this gap and then go up the spine. I didn't need such unblocking myself, but I can guarantee GSJackson will need a huge dildo rammed into his overly tight anus to clear all his blockages if he wants to work with internal energies.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by WilliamSmith »

Damn, that's amazing @Lucas88, thanks for sharing your kundalini experience. Congratulations on recovering and getting healed from that ordeal:
That's intense, and a great example of why in retrospect I'm glad I decided to take the Chi Gong masters' warnings so seriously and just practice the basic exercises only without trying to do anything advanced.

Also, your story is a great endorsement of the potential power and high value of traditional Chinese medicine if it can heal that dramatic an imbalance! I'm very interested in TCM but just am still pretty ignorant about it, looking forward to learning more...........

To encourage people about safer practices:

I am never posing as a master or adept of any sort (my disclaimer) but I feel confident that as long as you don't try to do anything advanced in terms of visualizations, the basic exercises recommended by the Chi Gong books I mentioned (like Lifting the Sky for example) are way safer to do without running into such extreme trouble like Lucas88 had.

I have been practicing those for over 20 years now, and even though my practice must be comparatively mediocre vs the results any real master or adept would get (just because I'm a solo meat-head who learned it from books, even if they were great books, and sometimes I've also been negligent in disciplined daily practice), I've been able to definitely get benefits and interesting experiences.

Compared with what masters might be able to do, what I can do would be comparatively lightweight, but after consistently doing even modest solo practice for years, I gradually but steadily "levelled up" to where I eventually was even able to sometimes experience the more dramatic convincing energy body experiences. I'm convinced there's a lot of health value, and pretty sure safe-to-practice Chi Gong exercises are very unlikely to trigger such extreme problems. (A lot of other people do these too, and steadily make progress with similar positive results over decades, by the way, not just me extrapolating from my own xp only...)

When I experienced blockages at certain chakras, by the way, I had the impression that the chi was moving around knowing where it wanted to go (never me trying to direct it or visualize anything to do with chakras) and then it seemed like it was working on clearing blockages, since I didn't experience it later "stuck" in those places or concentrated. Also, of course, I could be wrong about what it was doing: I just observed/felt it and had those impressions.

The masters whose works I read said you should be safe and get benefits provided you are NOT trying to do any forceful visualizations (or other obvious mistakes like breathing too forcefully, something I never tried but apparently not uncommon from people who are enthusiastic and I guess maybe thought they could "huff" chi out of the air, LOL). I always took the Chi Gong masters' advice to just maintain a healthy, positive frame of mind and more "imagine" or affirm I'm getting positive results while being in a mild daydream/trance-like state.
(That statement could easily sound like it might just be New Age subjectivity put that way, but my point here is: Then it actually DID lead me to the unexpected almost paranormal experience type of results over time after years of practice, as well as a lot of other positive benefits...)
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
June 25th, 2022, 12:41 pm
Damn, that's amazing @Lucas88, thanks for sharing your kundalini experience. Congratulations on recovering and getting healed from that ordeal:
That's intense, and a great example of why in retrospect I'm glad I decided to take the Chi Gong masters' warnings so seriously and just practice the basic exercises only without trying to do anything advanced.
Thank you, @WilliamSmith.

A few months ago I wouldn't have been able to write about my horrific ordeal like this because I was just that traumatized and certain memories of it would have been too much for me but now I feel psychologically well enough to write about my experience. I just felt that the time was right.

I've learned a very serious lesson with all of this. I've done various reckless things in the past and need to stop doing them and start thinking about my loved ones who suffer too because of my extreme and outlandish pursuits. I'm talking about things like MMA fights, psychedelics for mystical experiences and most recently this. Now I know that I had my momma worried sick with my participation in combat sports and my use of psilocybin and Ayahuasca. Then this Kundalini awakening gone wrong also put my parents and other relatives through hell. I need to calm down and stop doing this kind of shit.

I now know of other cases of what is known in the medical literature as "Kundalini syndrome". Others who practice Yoga without adequate preparation and end up awakening the Kundalini energy prematurely report feeling sensations of intense heat and electrical jolts in certain areas of their body often accompanied by uncomfortably heightened perception of stimuli, restlessness, anxiety and myriad other undesirable symptoms. What those people have done is overload their meridians with too much qi energy. The excess qi throws certain meridians out of balance and negatively affects physiological and mental functions.

My case was more extreme than a regular case of Kundalini syndrome. In my case the excess qi that I awoke was so much that it overloaded my meridians to the extreme and caused some of them to go into reverse flow, hence the stagnation of energy in my legs, perineum and lower abdomen. I think that was a defense mechanism of my body's meridian system which sought to avoid serious damage and possible psychosis. My Chinese doctor explained to me that if too much qi reaches the temple region via the Liver Meridian it can make you go completely insane.
WilliamSmith wrote:
June 25th, 2022, 12:41 pm
Also, your story is a great endorsement of the potential power and high value of traditional Chinese medicine if it can heal that dramatic an imbalance! I'm very interested in TCM but just am still pretty ignorant about it, looking forward to learning more...........
Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture in particular are indeed awesome and can certainly heal many conditions when performed by a competent and truly knowledgeable acupuncturist. My Chinese doctor is excellent. He has over 30 years of experience in the field as well as a deep understanding of the Qi Gong and tells me that he is able to heal his patients 99% of the time. Through acupuncture Dr. Chen has helped several people recover from strokes when conventional doctors told them that the nerve damage was irreversible. He's also treated patients for other serious conditions and achieved good results. His wife specializes in fertility. She has helped many women to conceive when all else had failed. TCM in general gives "mixed results" only because there are so many poorly trained acupuncturists out there who think that they can treat people just because they've done a basic acupuncture course without even learning about Qi Gong. Its efficacy is also downplayed by the mainstream medical establishment which has a vested interest in the continued sale of pharmaceuticals for profit. But that's all nonsense. High-quality acupuncture is effective for many ailments and can often treat conditions where drugs, surgeries and regular therapies have failed.

I now have a great interest in TCM. It did save my life after all. I've been looking into universities which offer degree programs in TCM in Spanish-speaking countries and might apply to some of them once I have more information. I think that I'll be good at the theoretical side. Not only do I already have knowledge of anatomy and physiology from previous studies but also have my own keen interest in and experience with the qi side of things and can even read many Chinese characters and understand the concepts behind them. I just need to get over my fear of sticking needles into somebody else!

My brother is also receiving acupuncture from Dr. Chen for MS. It is to help with the nerve damage in his hand. However, at the same time Dr. Chen is also giving him some simultaneous treatment for erections and sexual vigor as a bonus (read: boners :lol: ). My brother reports that his erections and sexual energy are now through the roof and in the moment of orgasm he is able to feel the energy expand through his abdomen and other parts of the body like I do. Dr. Chen explained that most people have blockages in their meridians due to poor diet, toxins and a sedentary lifestyle. The acupuncture undoes those blockages and allows the qi to flow more harmoniously. This leads to better physiological and mental function and, in my brother's case, better erections and orgasms.
WilliamSmith wrote:
June 25th, 2022, 12:41 pm
The masters whose works I read said you should be safe and get benefits provided you are NOT trying to do any forceful visualizations (or other obvious mistakes like breathing too forcefully, something I never tried but apparently not uncommon from people who are enthusiastic and I guess maybe thought they could "huff" chi out of the air, LOL). I always took the Chi Gong masters' advice to just maintain a healthy, positive frame of mind and more "imagine" or affirm I'm getting positive results while being in a mild daydream/trance-like state.
My Chinese doctor says the same thing. Never force the qi to go to a particular place through visualization. That can overload certain meridians and cause problems.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by WilliamSmith »

Shemp wrote:
June 24th, 2022, 1:40 am
I'm in a rush mow, but I will return to this thread later, which I haven't finished reading. However, I will add one comment. Regarding sexual energy work, the best source of info, IMO, is Mantak Chia, especially his book "Cultivating Male Sexual Energy". The main problem with internal energy work is how to communicate from teacher to student, since everything is internal so impossible to see what is going on, plus there is a lack of standard terminology so everyone makes up their own terminology. This is why Tantric teachings are so useless: the terminology is an absolute mess. The ancient Chinese Taoists cleaned up the Indian Tantra mumbo-jumbo and then Mantak Chia cleamed up ancient Chinese Taoist teachings so that they are accessible to moderm westerners. Or such is my experience. He has some YouTube videos but his book I cited above is better, IMO.

BTW, when that blockhead @gsjackson talked in another thread about my advice re masturbating with a dildo in the ass, that was advice for anal-retentive people like him, to clear blockages at the anal genital gap so the sexual energy can cross this gap and then go up the spine. I didn't need such unblocking myself, but I can guarantee GSJackson will need a huge dildo rammed into his overly tight anus to clear all his blockages if he wants to work with internal energies.
I didn't see the exchange you were referring to in the other thread, but sounds like @gsjackson (who I already have quite a good impression of from other discussions) is all the wiser if he was rightly declining to give credence to any "practices" involving men sticking something in the wrong end. :wink:

On the constructive side, I haven't read it yet but I already got that book recently, full title:
"Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy" by Mantak Chia
Sounds promising based on the blurb from Goodreads:
Mantak Chia reveals for the first time to the general public, the ancient sexual secrets of the Taoist sages. These secrets enable men to conserve and transform sexual energy through its circulation in the microcosmic orbit, invigorating and rejuvenating the body's vital functions. Hidden for centuries, these esoteric techniques and principles make the process of linking sexual energy and transcendent states of consciousness accessible to the reader. This revolutionary and definitive book teaches: higher taoist practices for alchemical transmutation of body, mind and spirit; the secret of achieving and maintaining full sexual potency; the Taoist "valley orgasm" - pathway to higher bliss; how to conserve and store sperm in the body; the exchange and balancing of male and female energies, within the body and with one's partner; and, how this practice can fuel higher achievement in career and sports.
Last edited by WilliamSmith on June 26th, 2022, 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by WilliamSmith »

Some more details on safe chi gong practice, in case it's encouraging to others who are curious but only aiming at the type of basic but consistent exercises that are safe:

The most dramatic results I described earlier were singling out some of the intense experiences to show how convincing direct experience of chi/energies can become later on in your practice. Also I might've been unclear about how long, but even though I'm no master or adept of any sort, dramatic stuff didn't happen fast either: I started practicing a bit of Chi Gong over 20 years ago...

I didn't get anything that dramatic at all happening when I first started, just some nice "rush of energy" sensations that we normally experience from time to time that I'm sure naysayers would ascribe to something other then energy/chi. Later on I started experiencing a lot more of that rush of energy up the spine that tingles in the scalp.

Also, while I have had some dramatic experiences directly in chi gong practice I can write about more later, for the two I described briefly: All that extra energy from the dramatic cases built up from really going at it with females and being taken by surprise by what it did (the "shooting out the fingers" experience, and also that lightning bolt from the root chakra area up the spine which for some reason I imagined in retrospect as a cool looking green color even though there were no actual 80's lightning FX visual hallucinations, LOL).

So it was all in the context of healthy male/female heterosexual non-perv activities, and NOT from me attempting any kind of tantric stuff or visualizations. But I think it pretty much confirms that consistent chi gong practice + healthy and wholesome passionate sexual activity can raise up a ton of energy...!

I'm all for being some kind of living sex god with magical powers, but @Lucas88 gives us a good warning about how these energy systems actually do have an objective reality and systems through which they function (not just some power-of-suggestion imaginary exercise that can become somewhat real seeming via self-hypnotic daydreaming, like a lot of the New Age stuff). So I personally stay away from trying to direct energy via visualizations (other than the gentle "imagining"/affirmation type, while letting the chi cultivated through basic gentle exercises do its own thing).

Here is an example of a more typical Chi Gong session without any of the more dramatic extremes:

I had a good hourlong Chi Gong session the other night and nothing so dramatic happened, but I experienced the wonderful "circuit" flow of the fountainlike energy rushing up my spine a lot, and my hands felt like big glowing balls of abnormal warmth, energy and heat (not dangerous/scary heat though).
Usually the entire experience is positive and makes me feel great, and it's frequently accompanied by "impulses" to let my body do certain types of movements which I couldn't have consciously predicted, but seem to have some therapeutic value that my own body/spiritual energy system wants. But it's a bit hard to describe: It's nothing at all like being under some hypnotic suggestive spell (or anything more occult like spiritual possession in voodoo rituals), so there is no occult side to it.

If I ever started feeling negative or like something bad was happening I'd stop for sure to make sure things weren't going wrong, but don't remember ever having a bad experience like that from gentle Chi Gong practice...
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by Lucas88 »


In your original post you mentioned Reiki 霊気/靈氣 and I told you in one of my earlier replies that I'm not a fan of the practice and regard it as inferior to acupuncture for the treatment of qi imbalances and physical as well as psychological ailments.

Curiously my Mexican girl and I had an interesting conversation last night about energetic vs. physical forms of healing which make use of qi rebalancing. Of course Reiki and similar modalities of no-touch distance healing fall into the first category and acupuncture falls into the second.

My Mexican girl has accompanied me throughout most of my terrible ordeal. She knows about the distance healing which I received as well as my current acupuncture treatment. She is also looking into acupuncture herself in order to treat her depression.

We talked about the efficacy of the various forms of healing. We came to the conclusion that those which work also on the physical body are more effective than those which work only with energy at a distance. I know that Reiki-style distance healing is a real thing and is able to treat physical ailments by manipulating energy on a more subtle plane. I've experienced this myself and I know others who attest that such interventions have helped them. However, I've noticed that the positive effects of Reiki-style distance healing don't seem to hold as well on the physical level and seem to be short-lived. In my case the energetic healer was able to treat the symptoms of my condition and buy me some temporary respite. On the other hand acupuncture which uses a hands-on approach and stimulates the acupoints and meridians also on a physical level through the insertion of needles seems to be much more effective at treating the physical causes of illness and gives more lasting results. We must remember that we are not just energy but also physical bodies. It is therefore more appropriate to treat problems with the physical body by working directly on that same density. The popular New Age idea that mind alone can manipulate reality however we desire is false and doesn't hold weight here. More often than not the use of physical interventions such as acupuncture is better.

On a separate note, look at this traditional representation of the Liver Meridian 足厥阴肝经 in a Chinese textbook:


I can say from personal experience that the trajectory depicted in this image is extremely accurate. It also looks really neat, doesn't it!

See the part of the meridian which ascends through the eye and temple region and continues up to the crown? That's the part where I suffered the most blockage. See also how lower down the same meridian connects to the lower abdomen just above the penis? That is where it connects to the Ren Mai or Conception Vessel which in turn ascends from the perineum region and is therefore related to the energy system of the penis. The blockage of qi in the meridian at the height of the temple caused all of the energy in the same meridian below that point to congest, especially in the lower abdomen region, and that blocked the flow of energy to the tallywhacker and therefore caused erectile dysfunction. It also caused the qi to stagnate in my legs too since the Liver Meridian begins at the foot.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by Shemp »

WilliamSmith wrote:
June 26th, 2022, 2:21 pm
On the constructive side, I haven't read it yet but I already got that book recently, full title:
"Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy" by Mantak Chia
Glad to see you got the correct book, because Mantak Chia wrote a bunch of similar books to try to make his teachings more palatable/understandable to westerners, and he ended up watering things down in the process. I'm especially thinking of that book with the handsome guy grinning on the cover, like he just got laid after a long dry spell, which Mantak Chia co-authored. The choice of book cover is publisher's decision and other co-author messed everything up, but that is the most widely read of Mantak Chia's books, unfortunately. Flies are always most attracted to shit.

AFTER you read the book several times, his YouTube videos add some interesting additional info, but the videos are misleading if you haven't first read the book. Again, this tendency by publishers (people interviewing Mantak Chia) to pander to stupid masses who want amusing sound bites, even at the cost of distorting the true teaching.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by WilliamSmith »

Shemp wrote:
June 27th, 2022, 1:42 am
WilliamSmith wrote:
June 26th, 2022, 2:21 pm
On the constructive side, I haven't read it yet but I already got that book recently, full title:
"Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy" by Mantak Chia
Glad to see you got the correct book, because Mantak Chia wrote a bunch of similar books to try to make his teachings more palatable/understandable to westerners, and he ended up watering things down in the process. I'm especially thinking of that book with the handsome guy grinning on the cover, like he just got laid after a long dry spell, which Mantak Chia co-authored. The choice of book cover is publisher's decision and other co-author messed everything up, but that is the most widely read of Mantak Chia's books, unfortunately. Flies are always most attracted to shit.

AFTER you read the book several times, his YouTube videos add some interesting additional info, but the videos are misleading if you haven't first read the book. Again, this tendency by publishers (people interviewing Mantak Chia) to pander to stupid masses who want amusing sound bites, even at the cost of distorting the true teaching.
I don't have enough time to come back to the forum in earnest quite yet, but had to pop back in to say that I agree that this book by Mantak Chia is the best one I've read so far on Taoist sexual alchemy:

I think this stuff is going to turn me into a !@#$ing monster, LOL. (In a good way, I mean. I'll be nice to people and everything. But yeah.I feel lucky.)

The women are lucky too, with all these newer generations of low-t men turning more and more into a bunch of perverted mentally loopy soyboys walking around putting on women's clothing and talking about "gender fluidity," the women who want a man are going to only become more and more desperate and neurotic, so they need all the rugged alpha male practioners of Taoist sexual alchemy they can get. :D

I already had some of his books but hadn't got into them yet, but I definitely second this endorsement so far.


I can't say re: @Shemp's other critiques yet (I'll keep them in mind but I haven't read all the other books or checked out the YT videos yet), but I think all three of you would value this 1st book and find it very interesting.
For shared interests with me and the other testo-poisoned skirt-chasers the reasons are obvious, but I think Outcast9428 would find it interesting as well both on the philosophical side and some interesting critiques they have of post-1960s era sexual revolution issue and how that ties with the subject of whole Taoist sexual alchemy (which I think Chia recommens as ideally being done in the context of a loving relationship), not to mention prospectively becoming the biggest stud ever in the trapill scene (especially some decades from now after MrMan has passed the torch).

Like I mentioned, even if I'm not the ideal role model in this regard, Chia leans way more in favor of a more admirably high standard of gentlemanly conduct and practice within context of a loving relationship (not promoting Will Chamberlain-esque or Errol Flynn-esque healthy exercises with women in vast quantities), FYI. :wink:
(I'm also fine with that in theory, it's just a bit easier said than done to get into a rock-solid relationship with only one or a few women than it would've been in the 1980s, but I'll have to scram for now and leave it at that).

Oh and if MrMan is worried about this, this has nothing to do with the more religion/superstition-laden traditions found in Hinduism. (I saw some interesting back/forth discussion on that in another thread I never had time
but always had strong reservations about Hinduism myself, but Taoism and a great deal of ancient Chinese philosophy including the "esoteric" sciences including energy stuff have long been way more about ancient Chinese men of learning pursuing and passing on knowledge in a more pragmatic way, not religious/superstitious following of creeds so much.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by Outcast9428 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
September 18th, 2022, 11:56 am
Shemp wrote:
June 27th, 2022, 1:42 am
WilliamSmith wrote:
June 26th, 2022, 2:21 pm
On the constructive side, I haven't read it yet but I already got that book recently, full title:
"Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy" by Mantak Chia
Glad to see you got the correct book, because Mantak Chia wrote a bunch of similar books to try to make his teachings more palatable/understandable to westerners, and he ended up watering things down in the process. I'm especially thinking of that book with the handsome guy grinning on the cover, like he just got laid after a long dry spell, which Mantak Chia co-authored. The choice of book cover is publisher's decision and other co-author messed everything up, but that is the most widely read of Mantak Chia's books, unfortunately. Flies are always most attracted to shit.

AFTER you read the book several times, his YouTube videos add some interesting additional info, but the videos are misleading if you haven't first read the book. Again, this tendency by publishers (people interviewing Mantak Chia) to pander to stupid masses who want amusing sound bites, even at the cost of distorting the true teaching.
I don't have enough time to come back to the forum in earnest quite yet, but had to pop back in to say that I agree that this book by Mantak Chia is the best one I've read so far on Taoist sexual alchemy:

I think this stuff is going to turn me into a !@#$ing monster, LOL. (In a good way, I mean. I'll be nice to people and everything. But yeah.I feel lucky.)

The women are lucky too, with all these newer generations of low-t men turning more and more into a bunch of perverted mentally loopy soyboys walking around putting on women's clothing and talking about "gender fluidity," the women who want a man are going to only become more and more desperate and neurotic, so they need all the rugged alpha male practioners of Taoist sexual alchemy they can get. :D

I already had some of his books but hadn't got into them yet, but I definitely second this endorsement so far.


I can't say re: @Shemp's other critiques yet (I'll keep them in mind but I haven't read all the other books or checked out the YT videos yet), but I think all three of you would value this 1st book and find it very interesting.
For shared interests with me and the other testo-poisoned skirt-chasers the reasons are obvious, but I think Outcast9428 would find it interesting as well both on the philosophical side and some interesting critiques they have of post-1960s era sexual revolution issue and how that ties with the subject of whole Taoist sexual alchemy (which I think Chia recommens as ideally being done in the context of a loving relationship), not to mention prospectively becoming the biggest stud ever in the trapill scene (especially some decades from now after MrMan has passed the torch).

Like I mentioned, even if I'm not the ideal role model in this regard, Chia leans way more in favor of a more admirably high standard of gentlemanly conduct and practice within context of a loving relationship (not promoting Will Chamberlain-esque or Errol Flynn-esque healthy exercises with women in vast quantities), FYI. :wink:
(I'm also fine with that in theory, it's just a bit easier said than done to get into a rock-solid relationship with only one or a few women than it would've been in the 1980s, but I'll have to scram for now and leave it at that).

Oh and if MrMan is worried about this, this has nothing to do with the more religion/superstition-laden traditions found in Hinduism. (I saw some interesting back/forth discussion on that in another thread I never had time
but always had strong reservations about Hinduism myself, but Taoism and a great deal of ancient Chinese philosophy including the "esoteric" sciences including energy stuff have long been way more about ancient Chinese men of learning pursuing and passing on knowledge in a more pragmatic way, not religious/superstitious following of creeds so much.
This does look like something I would be interested in. I’ll try and check it out.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by Pixel--Dude »

WilliamSmith wrote:
September 18th, 2022, 11:56 am
Shemp wrote:
June 27th, 2022, 1:42 am
WilliamSmith wrote:
June 26th, 2022, 2:21 pm
On the constructive side, I haven't read it yet but I already got that book recently, full title:
"Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy" by Mantak Chia
Glad to see you got the correct book, because Mantak Chia wrote a bunch of similar books to try to make his teachings more palatable/understandable to westerners, and he ended up watering things down in the process. I'm especially thinking of that book with the handsome guy grinning on the cover, like he just got laid after a long dry spell, which Mantak Chia co-authored. The choice of book cover is publisher's decision and other co-author messed everything up, but that is the most widely read of Mantak Chia's books, unfortunately. Flies are always most attracted to shit.

AFTER you read the book several times, his YouTube videos add some interesting additional info, but the videos are misleading if you haven't first read the book. Again, this tendency by publishers (people interviewing Mantak Chia) to pander to stupid masses who want amusing sound bites, even at the cost of distorting the true teaching.
I don't have enough time to come back to the forum in earnest quite yet, but had to pop back in to say that I agree that this book by Mantak Chia is the best one I've read so far on Taoist sexual alchemy:

I think this stuff is going to turn me into a !@#$ing monster, LOL. (In a good way, I mean. I'll be nice to people and everything. But yeah.I feel lucky.)

The women are lucky too, with all these newer generations of low-t men turning more and more into a bunch of perverted mentally loopy soyboys walking around putting on women's clothing and talking about "gender fluidity," the women who want a man are going to only become more and more desperate and neurotic, so they need all the rugged alpha male practioners of Taoist sexual alchemy they can get. :D

I already had some of his books but hadn't got into them yet, but I definitely second this endorsement so far.


I can't say re: @Shemp's other critiques yet (I'll keep them in mind but I haven't read all the other books or checked out the YT videos yet), but I think all three of you would value this 1st book and find it very interesting.
For shared interests with me and the other testo-poisoned skirt-chasers the reasons are obvious, but I think Outcast9428 would find it interesting as well both on the philosophical side and some interesting critiques they have of post-1960s era sexual revolution issue and how that ties with the subject of whole Taoist sexual alchemy (which I think Chia recommens as ideally being done in the context of a loving relationship), not to mention prospectively becoming the biggest stud ever in the trapill scene (especially some decades from now after MrMan has passed the torch).

Like I mentioned, even if I'm not the ideal role model in this regard, Chia leans way more in favor of a more admirably high standard of gentlemanly conduct and practice within context of a loving relationship (not promoting Will Chamberlain-esque or Errol Flynn-esque healthy exercises with women in vast quantities), FYI. :wink:
(I'm also fine with that in theory, it's just a bit easier said than done to get into a rock-solid relationship with only one or a few women than it would've been in the 1980s, but I'll have to scram for now and leave it at that).

Oh and if MrMan is worried about this, this has nothing to do with the more religion/superstition-laden traditions found in Hinduism. (I saw some interesting back/forth discussion on that in another thread I never had time
but always had strong reservations about Hinduism myself, but Taoism and a great deal of ancient Chinese philosophy including the "esoteric" sciences including energy stuff have long been way more about ancient Chinese men of learning pursuing and passing on knowledge in a more pragmatic way, not religious/superstitious following of creeds so much.
Thanks for the recommendation, my dude. I have a list of books as long as the Great Wall China to get through, but I'm sure this could be fast tracked to take precedence over some of the works of fiction I wanted to read, even if they are considered some of the literary greats.

Speaking of Taoism, my brother got me a book by Alan Watts, an interesting philosopher who talks about ancient Eastern traditions such as Taoism. I don't have time to fish for links right now, but I will update this post when I get more free time.

In any case the book does sound interesting, I'll have a look and see if I can find a copy online and order it.
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Re: Energy Arts, Knowledge and Practice (Chi 氣, Prana, Odic Force, Kundalini, etc)

Post by WilliamSmith »

I figured you wouldn't mind if I posted this additional very informative post you made in another thread about what went wrong with your Kundalini yoga. I am glad you've made so much progress recovering with the help of your doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, and hope that's still going well.
I also concur bigtime that *moderate* Chi Gong should be comparatively much more safe, but it's also the case that it is possible for it to go wrong if done incorrectly for too long. But I've been doing it to some degree for over 20 years at this point, and fortunately was cautioned to make sure not to breathe forcefully, and cautioned that any visualization should be done very gently. I heeded the warnings so have only benefitted from it.

Lucas88 wrote:
July 20th, 2023, 5:57 pm
WilliamSmith wrote:
July 20th, 2023, 4:55 pm
Wow, this is fascinating stuff guys, thanks for this! (I don't really have anything to add yet except that I strongly recommend basic Chi Gong exercises as well, as a way to build up more Chi / "Odic Force" much more safely than being untrained in opening the chakras, which gave Lucas so much hardship when it went wrong.

My problem was that I hadn't opened the chakras enough and the Kundalini energy therefore ascended through channels where it's not supposed to go instead of the shushumna channel (which relies on the chakras being fully open to carry the Kundalini energy). The Kundalini energy completely overloaded certain energy channels and caused them to go into reverse flow due to the shock to my system, which in turn caused the heaviness in my legs, erectile dysfunction and other serious problems.

There are cases of "Kundalini syndrome" reported in the medical literature. People experience a premature Kundalini awakening and then the excess of energy overloads their energy channels (or "meridians" as they are called in TCM) and gives rise to strange electrical sensations in the body, anxiety, mental disturbances and in some cases even psychosis. This is likewise because those people didn't open their chakras enough before the Kundalini energy was awakened and the Kundalini energy ascended through channels where it isn't supposed to go, hence the strange sensations and other aforementioned symptoms.

However, in my case the eruption of energy was so intense and overloaded the energy channels so much that they actually went into reverse flow (presumably as a defense mechanism for the severe damage that would have been caused) and I ended up with the energy descending and stagnating in my lower body and causing all kinds of physiological dysfunction and suffering. Kundalini practices are extremely dangerous if you aren't physically prepared for them and don't know what you are doing 100% (most modern Yoga instructors don't know what they're doing, by the way).

Kundalini practice is the most intense type of energy work. It is much more powerful than regular Qi Kung, hence the extreme damage that it did to me with so little practice (I'm extremely sensitive to energy work). Qi Kung can be dangerous too if practiced wrong or taken to the extreme, but moderate Qi Kung practice shouldn't result in the kind of problem that I experienced with Kundalini Yoga.

Some people practice Kundalini Yoga for years at Yoga classes and don't experience anything like what I did. I was able to awaken my Kundalini in just three days because 1) my body produces qi so easily due to a phenomenal level of fitness and a decade of martial arts training; and 2) my power of concentration is unusually strong due to years of daily meditation. But in this case such virtues worked against me because they allowed me to awaken the Kundalini energy in a body that wasn't ready for it (chakras not open enough, the right energy channels not stretched out and trained enough, etc.).
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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