Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by Winston »

WilliamSmith wrote:
December 12th, 2022, 6:20 am
Winston wrote:
December 12th, 2022, 5:30 am
Also, see the 90 minute Ancient Aliens special where William Shatner sits down with the team of researchers and they go over the evidence for ancient aliens one by one. It's very compelling and makes a strong case if you look at the big picture, not just one thing.
Was this the Ancient Aliens special you were referring to?
Yes that's the one. It's very good and worth seeing. The Ancient Aliens panel go over the evidence one by one. Each evidence is compelling but not ultimate proof. However when you add up all the many proofs that they present cumulatively, it does present a very strong compelling case. Shatner even admitted that at the end of the episode and said he was more open minded to it. I think he was already a believer in ancient aliens and was just pretending to be a skeptic and devil's advocate in order to generate some dialogue.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by WilliamSmith »

Winston wrote:
December 12th, 2022, 7:30 pm
WilliamSmith wrote:
December 12th, 2022, 6:20 am
Winston wrote:
December 12th, 2022, 5:30 am
Also, see the 90 minute Ancient Aliens special where William Shatner sits down with the team of researchers and they go over the evidence for ancient aliens one by one. It's very compelling and makes a strong case if you look at the big picture, not just one thing.
Was this the Ancient Aliens special you were referring to?
Yes that's the one. It's very good and worth seeing. The Ancient Aliens panel go over the evidence one by one. Each evidence is compelling but not ultimate proof. However when you add up all the many proofs that they present cumulatively, it does present a very strong compelling case. Shatner even admitted that at the end of the episode and said he was more open minded to it. I think he was already a believer in ancient aliens and was just pretending to be a skeptic and devil's advocate in order to generate some dialogue.
Thank you very much! My girlfriend and I have actually collected about the first 11 boxed DVD sets of Ancient Aliens (LOL) but I haven't got further, so I am looking forward to it! I've always liked William Shatner by gut instinct, heheh. :lol:
But I was actually fascinated by the ancient aliens hypothesis for decades:
I originally got suspicions of my own from reading the old-time religious literature and feeling like I was practically reading direct sci-fi talking about genetically engineered beings and extraterrestial flying craft.
Those more subjective hunches got supplanted by a lot of the early paperback reprints of old Erich Von Daniken books, at a library book sale even before the internet existed in the PNW rural town I lived in at that time as a teen high school dropout, LOL. I read many research books besides his too, and the information and evidence stands on its own regardless of who presents is: So MrMan's illogical, irritating and thoroughly unintelligent straw man arguments attempting to merely dismiss the hypothesis and voluminous evidence (which doesn't prove the hypothesis, but supports it) by smearing it as a cult attached to one Tv series or other or one author or another hold no weight whatsoever. :)

The books I read about it have made me aware of many ancient wonders unexplainable by contemporary science and technology, and totally uncanny unexplainable astronomical knowledge of multiple different groups of indigenous people all over the world whose own tradition claims they were taught this and many other things by "star people," "men from the stars," or similar, and also astounding evidence that seem to directly describe extraterrestrials throughout history in cultures all over the world, not merely since "UFO" concepts became popular in entertainment media in much more recent times (e.g. maybe around the 1950s or so).

@Winston, how long have you been aware of and interested in the ancient aliens hypothesis?

I'm curious about your take on this as well. How long have each of you been aware of and interested in the ancient aliens concept? Where'd you first hear about it?
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by Lucas88 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
December 12th, 2022, 7:53 pm
I'm curious about your take on this as well. How long have each of you been aware of and interested in the ancient aliens concept? Where'd you first hear about it?
I first became aware of the ancient alien hypothesis in the mid 2000s shortly after attending a 10th Planet Jiujitsu seminar with the school's founder the legendary Eddie Bravo. That's right, I met Eddie myself when I was a teenage Jiujitsu student. At the seminar I fell in love with Eddie's unique style of no-gi grappling and started to buy his books and DVDs and browse his website. On the website I often came across references to "Nibiru" and always wondered what it meant. One day I decided to do a google search for the term and before long I discovered a trove of information about the Sumerian texts which were supposed to be even older than the Bible (and on which the biblical Genesis story was based) and their stories of an ancient godlike extraterrestrial race known as the Anunnaki which was said to have come from the heavens above and created the first humans through genetic engineering. Nibiru was supposed to be their distant home planet according to the theories of one such Zecharia Sitchin. Needless to say, my fascination was such that I spent days sitting at the computer and obsessively reading through all of that fascinating material. I remember enthusiastically telling my mother and other family members about everything that I had learned about our species' mysterious origins. You could say that I learned about the ancient alien hypothesis thanks to Eddie Bravo. I looked into it! :lol:

However, after a while the fascination died down and I went back to focusing on practical and mundane things like college, Jiujitsu, languages, etc. I didn't give the topic much thought for a good few years. I was still just a teenager and hadn't become a truth seeker yet.

In the very early 2010s I became strongly interested in spirituality and things of a more transcendental nature and ended up getting roped into organized religion for a brief while. Organized religion is the least best place to find spirituality and transcendence but they suckered me in when I was at a low point in my life. Nevertheless, since I am a true Gentile soul, I always perceived that something was "off" about organized religion and that its teachings and energy were somehow alien to the nature of my soul. In 2012 I began to question a lot of things and eventually awoke from the Jewish hoax slave religion deception and quickly got out of dodge. My whole philosophical framework was shattered and I began to obsessively read about philosophy, spirituality, esotericism, etc. in search of answers.

The next year I started to feel an inexplicable desire to search for Enki. I already had some knowledge about the Sumerian texts and the story of the Anunnaki and Enki as the true identity of the Serpent in the Bible and as humanity's true creator and benefactor, but I only knew about the very basics. Yet I continued to feel this irresistible urge to research Enki and his story. And guess what? So did @Pixel--Dude. At roughly the same time, Pixel--Dude started to become interested in the same topic and we would even do research together. After some research, I came across a website called which told Enki's story and his noble struggle against Yahweh's tyranny in depth and even taught much practical spiritual knowledge concerning meditation, Yoga, mantras, etc. for the evolution of the soul. Loveenki explained that the true purpose of spirituality is our evolution towards godhood through the ascension of the Kundalini and the Opus Magnum but that this spiritual knowledge was suppressed by Yahweh and the obnoxious religions which want to enslave us. Everything was beginning to make sense.

Naturally, I didn't just accept any of this point blank. As an inquisitive soul, I did a lot of my own independent research into the Sumerian texts and other ancient mythologies and found that much of what Loveenki was talking about was substantiated in those materials. Not only that, I also discovered that much of Zecharia Sitchin's account about the Anunnaki as a race from a 12th planet called "Nibiru" was purely an invention of his own. Indeed, Sitchin frequently mixed together true accounts found in the actual Sumerian texts with pure fantasy. It turns out that Sitchin was a Jewish disinfo agent (a known Freemason too) and I suspect that his whole game was to make the Sumerian creation story look as ridiculous and unbelievable as possible and thereby discredit it. I therefore realized that the Nibiru story was all bunk. In reality Nibiru is barely mentioned in the actual texts and was certainly never a moribund planet with an elliptical orbit. The Sumerian texts generally say that the gods came down from the sky without specifying their exact origin, but my research into various mythologies has led me to believe that they originate from Orion.

I believe that Pixel--Dude and I were simply heard Enki's call. We are both true Gentile souls and therefore naturally intuit that the mainstream religions are a hoax and feel drawn to the spiritual path of our true father. We are noble warriors in this war. We want nothing more than to fight against the Jewish impostor god Yahweh and his nefarious New World Order. The Jewish impostor god Yahweh has taken over the Earth and subjugated Enki's children, us, the true Gentile souls. The NWO simply consists of his earthly foot soldiers. Pixel--Dude and I are noble Gentile souls. We are determined to fight back. We also know who on this forum are fellow true Gentile souls!
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by Winston »

@Winston, how long have you been aware of and interested in the ancient aliens hypothesis?
I heard about the ancient alien hypothesis when I was a kid and reading some of Erich von Daniken's books like "Chariots of the Gods". It presented some interesting arguments about the pyramids and the stones on Easter Island. However there wasn't as much evidence for it as there is now on the History Channel series and scores of YouTube videos about it like that channel called "The 5th Kind".
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by Pixel--Dude »

WilliamSmith wrote:
December 12th, 2022, 7:53 pm
Winston wrote:
December 12th, 2022, 7:30 pm
WilliamSmith wrote:
December 12th, 2022, 6:20 am
Winston wrote:
December 12th, 2022, 5:30 am
Also, see the 90 minute Ancient Aliens special where William Shatner sits down with the team of researchers and they go over the evidence for ancient aliens one by one. It's very compelling and makes a strong case if you look at the big picture, not just one thing.
Was this the Ancient Aliens special you were referring to?
Yes that's the one. It's very good and worth seeing. The Ancient Aliens panel go over the evidence one by one. Each evidence is compelling but not ultimate proof. However when you add up all the many proofs that they present cumulatively, it does present a very strong compelling case. Shatner even admitted that at the end of the episode and said he was more open minded to it. I think he was already a believer in ancient aliens and was just pretending to be a skeptic and devil's advocate in order to generate some dialogue.
Thank you very much! My girlfriend and I have actually collected about the first 11 boxed DVD sets of Ancient Aliens (LOL) but I haven't got further, so I am looking forward to it! I've always liked William Shatner by gut instinct, heheh. :lol:
But I was actually fascinated by the ancient aliens hypothesis for decades:
I originally got suspicions of my own from reading the old-time religious literature and feeling like I was practically reading direct sci-fi talking about genetically engineered beings and extraterrestial flying craft.
Those more subjective hunches got supplanted by a lot of the early paperback reprints of old Erich Von Daniken books, at a library book sale even before the internet existed in the PNW rural town I lived in at that time as a teen high school dropout, LOL. I read many research books besides his too, and the information and evidence stands on its own regardless of who presents is: So MrMan's illogical, irritating and thoroughly unintelligent straw man arguments attempting to merely dismiss the hypothesis and voluminous evidence (which doesn't prove the hypothesis, but supports it) by smearing it as a cult attached to one Tv series or other or one author or another hold no weight whatsoever. :)

The books I read about it have made me aware of many ancient wonders unexplainable by contemporary science and technology, and totally uncanny unexplainable astronomical knowledge of multiple different groups of indigenous people all over the world whose own tradition claims they were taught this and many other things by "star people," "men from the stars," or similar, and also astounding evidence that seem to directly describe extraterrestrials throughout history in cultures all over the world, not merely since "UFO" concepts became popular in entertainment media in much more recent times (e.g. maybe around the 1950s or so).

@Winston, how long have you been aware of and interested in the ancient aliens hypothesis?

I'm curious about your take on this as well. How long have each of you been aware of and interested in the ancient aliens concept? Where'd you first hear about it?
I think @Lucas88 covered most of our "origin story" Loveenki is a fascinating website, even if you don't believe what Caroline talks about. When Lucas88 had a Kundalini crisis there was nobody that could help him. Other spiritual healers could alleviate his symptoms, but they couldn't stop him from feeling like his legs were on fire. In the end I sent Caroline an angry message, blaming her for his Kundalini awakening. It took her a while to respond, but she sent a message to me via email, directly after I had had a psychedelic experience where I was asking for Shiva and all the other gods to help my friend. This was some serious stuff. It stressed Lucas88 and everyone who cared about him for months. It was bad.

Caroline recommended acupuncture and Lucas88 dreamt of a certain acupuncturist shortly after. Dr Chen who he has mentioned before. Someone who has helped stabilise the Kundalini energy and take away the feeling that Lucas88's legs are on fire. A series of weird coincidences or "divine intervention"?

I followed a similar life path as Lucas88, though independently as he was living in Peru. (I think) I joined the Christian faith (this is before the Kundalini crisis and discovery of Loveenki) and after a few years abandoned it and became agnostic for a while. Then I discovered Zechariah Sitchin's work, a dramatised version of the Sumerian texts. His work is nonsense to be honest and reflect very little of the text's content. Instead he makes stuff up and lies in his account.

I think part of my true calling came a few years later when I first felt an inexplicable urge to try psilocybin mushrooms. I ordered them from Amsterdam and they arrived a few weeks later. I wasn't expecting them to blow my mind like they did. I was taking them because I felt depressed and didn't want to become another customer of the pharmaceutical drug cartel. I wanted an authentic cure for depression. Then I read about shrooms curing depression in some cases and even helping with PTSD.

When I took them I felt a fire climbing my spine. Then a blinding flash of light and I was in a temple with Thoth, surrounded by hands making occultic symbols. Thoth told me about the old gods and said I should write a book about it. From there I became fascinated, looked more into the ancient texts (the REAL ones. Not Sitchin's Jewish shit) Other mythologies, compared research with Lucas88, watched ancient aliens, more psychedelic experiences etc.

Everything just kind of came together. It's a lot more coherent than @MrMan likes to make out and answers a lot of the questions we had about the nature of reality. Hope you found all this interesting @WilliamSmith lol.

Edit: by the way WilliamSmith, here is a link to my Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences thread. viewtopic.php?style=11&f=15&t=45587&p=385661#p385661 here you can read a little bit more into some of the experiences I have had. I will probably flesh them out a bit more in the future.
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