Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Why would you think that is a ‘slip up?’ As a Christian, I see that from a trinitarian perspective. At least the Logos was involved in the creation. I have also heard non-Christian interpretations, such as God addressing the divine council or angels in the royal plural.
Isn’t Yahweh supposed to be the supreme Being? The one true creator? Why would he address an assembly of angels as though they were equals? If this isn’t a slip up which would suggest a pantheon of gods, rather than a sole creator of humanity then why is this the only instance in the Bible where Yahweh refers to the Holy Trinity. The rest of the time he says “I” I am a jealous god etc.
We should also consider that the Biblical authors and readers knew what knowledge was floating around about the spirit-world and the Mesopotamian interpretations of it. There other other elim or elohim mentioned in the Bible besides the creator. There is also the term b’nei Elohim, the ‘sons of God.’ The dead sea scrolls (c.f. LXX) manuscripts of Deuteronomy 32 say the LORD divided the nations according to the number of the sons of God. That may refer to YHWH giving these spiritual entities guardianship over other nations besides Israel, and retaining Israel as an inheritance/portion, at least for a time. Though in Psalm 82, God judges the elohim for their not doing justice and decrees that He will inherit the nations. He also offers the nations to the Messiah.
The dead sea scrolls are nowhere near as old as the cuneiform clay tablets found in mesopotamia. And none of the cuneiform tablets reveal anything about Yahweh at all. There is no mention of him until the Dead Sea Scrolls.

“The Dead Sea Scrolls are ancient manuscripts that were discovered between 1947 and 1956 in eleven caves near Khirbet Qumran, on the northwestern shores of the Dead Sea. They are approximately two thousand years old, dating from the third century BCE to the first century CE.”

So two thousand years old. When compared to the dating of cuneiform clay tablets:

“The oldest tablets in the collection date from the reign of Gudea of Lagash, from 2144–2124 B.C. That makes them more than 4,200 years old.”

They are older. And they are stories told by the first civilization of humans about a pantheon of gods and goddesses who descended from the heavens in their flying crafts. The Annunaki “Those who from Heaven came down”

It’s curious how none of these beings ever mentioned Yahweh during their interactions with humanity. In fact, if anything, it was their king who despised humanity and thought they were undeserving of ascending to the level of godhood. This is shown in the King Anu’s interaction with the human sage Adapa, whom Enki (the serpent) had taught the secrets of heaven and earth.

If you are going to say these texts are falsehoods and have no credibility then I would have to ask the question well how do you know the dead sea scrolls and the Bible itself isn’t a falsehood also? In comparison we have the same story of the Annunaki being told globally, but interpreted differently by different cultures, against a single book written by the Jews.
I recall reading in a book by Don Richardson about how various cultures and peoples actually have a concept of the Most High God, even if they worship other entities. There was one, the Karen in Bhurma, I think, that believed that God named Yawa created man and woman and put them in a garden, and they sinned. Based on the words of their prophet or prophets, they were waiting for a white an with a black book to tell them how to be reconciled with the Most High God, while they wore bracelets on their wrists to indicate that they were in bondage to the gnats/demons. There was eventually a mass conversion of the people group when they encountered the son of a blond Swedish missionary couple. One of their prophets told his disciples to follow a donkey to find the man they had been waiting for. It stopped at a hole in the ground. Out popped a blond Swede who was digging a well.

Yes, most cultures have a supreme Being they recognise as an intelligent creator. In a lot of cases they recognised the existence of such an entity as well as other godlike beings who also helped humanity cultivate civilisation.

In Hindu for example they recognise Brahman as the supreme creator and we are all part of Brahman’s dream. We are the Atman, individuated units of consciousness from the supreme source.

Even the hermetics of the West had the concept of the All. Which is the same thing as Brahman really. So the Ancient cultures of both the west and the east had this idea of a fundamental consciousness which serves as the fundamental basis of all creation.

Even though the East and the West had these ideas about Brahman/All they still had other deities who were themselves part of the creation. Such as Shiva in Hinduism or Hermes Trismegistus (who is the inspiration and kind of the founder of Hermetic philosophy) in the West.

I think Yahweh was an extraterrestrial visitor the same as Hermes and Shiva. Though I think he was a conservative god who opposed the spiritual development of humanity with the "forbidden knowledge" shared by Enki, the divine serpent.
Back to the Bible, the Deuteronomy 6 passage and other passages indicate the sons of God cohabitating with human women was a bad thing. A lot of the Mesopotamian literature, and Greek also, present it in a positive light—Gilgamesh, for example, or Hercules.
Yes, I imagine because as King of the Annunaki (Yahweh is synonymous with Anu in Sumerian mythology) Yahweh has very conservative views on mixing Annunaki DNA with what he describes as "unworthy humans". Which served as a pretext to his initiation of the Biblical flood. And the Bible is Yahweh's interpretation of events.
You might be interested in reading or watching material from Michael Heiser. He’s an author—both Ancient Near East/Old Testament type studies, and also alien-science fiction. He goes to ancient alien type conferences. But he has a PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. So he has studied a lot of this Mesopotamian literature, along with Biblical and intertestamental literature, and he focuses on some of the same things you are discussing. Here is an ]interviewwith him I found with a quick search: [youtube][/youtube] I seem to recall his saying that Ancient Aliens did a ‘hit job’ on him once, so he may have been in a clip on that show, presented in a negative light. He has shown some flaws in one of their author’s arguments, from a scholarly perspective, so maybe they don’t like him for that reason. Ancient Aliens is an entertainment show, after all, rather than a scholarly type show.

I haven’t watched that much of it. Just enough to turn me off. It’s a conspiracy theory style approach to the topic... huge irrational leaps and conclusions. I don’t care for it. You can look at the debunking video for an example illustrating some of the problems with the approach the show takes.
I will watch the interview when I get chance and let you know what I think when I have done so. Been really busy with work and my daughter so I don't get as much free time to invest into the forum.

I haven't seen Ancient Aliens defame anyone on the show. But I won't defend the show anyway. I think the show does have some good information when it talks about ancient cultures and megalithic structures, but sometimes they do make speculative statements or episodes about unrelated stuff about Big Foot for example. Overall though I think the show is pretty decent, even if it is dismissed as pseudo scientific nonsense.
I don’t see any reason to think that entities from the spirit-realm are actually little physical green reptile men, or giant eyeballs with tenticals, or bug eyed humanoids with no nose, that travel across the universe in a saucer-shaped space ship. If a physicist can conceptualize of a ship bending space in front of it (wow, a physicist could describe warp drive) that does not mean there is evidence that this can or does happen, or that technology to do such a thing exists. If it did, that wouldn’t mean that spiritual entities that interact with people in non-physical ways are actually fleshly beings on a distant planet that travel here in rocketships or in flying saucers.

As I mentioned before, researchers who have researched UFO phenomenon find it to be an occulting phenomenon. Two agnostic scientists decades ago, one of whom did a report for Congress, basically determined that the accounts of interactions with UFOs were similar to if not identical to accounts of encounters with demons. Dr. Hugh Ross, an astrophysicist who has interviewed those who experienced UFO type phenomenon found that how intense their encounters were corresponded with their involvement in the occult. The vast majority are explained by simple phenomenon like viewing the planet Venus at certain times, weather balloons and such. Of those that cannot be explained that way, dabblers in the occult see lights in the sky. Those more intensely involved in the occult might see the ship, or see aliens, or talk to aliens get abducted and such. The more intense experiences happen to those more intensely involved in the occult.

If you acknowledge there is spiritual, occult, etc. Phenomenon, why bring space ships into the explanation in the first place?
Because I think we are spiritual beings ourselves. We have both a physical body and more subtle astral bodies which occupy different layers of reality. I've experienced such a thing during psychedelic experiences with psilocybin mushrooms. I've had philosophical revelations which I had no idea about previously and then read about in Hermetic philosophy afterwards.

If we are spiritual beings, then why would the same not apply to other beings occupying distant regions of the cosmos? Beings like Shiva/Enki/Prometheus and Yahweh/Anu/Cronus/Saturn I believe are from a highly advanced race both technologically and spiritually.

There are clues throughout various different cultures about the "forbidden knowledge" and the "fire of the gods" shared with humanity by one god (Enki/Prometheus) against the will of the gods of the "heavens"

Then there is the work of Thoth in Egyptian mythology which serves as the foundation for Hermetic philosophy and we come full circle back to my psychedelic experiences. Interestingly as a side note, there is supposedly text in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth which suggest he had a hand in the construction of the pyramids. I would have to find this text for myself though and share afterwards.

Why do you think such beings cannot exist? The cosmos is a massive place! And our understanding of physics is pretty basic. There are a lot of experiments in quantum physics which our physicists just can't understand. The double slit experiment for example where particles change states depending on whether or not they're observed.

Then there is the fact that certain parts of the cosmos are older than others. So all it takes really is a solar system older than ours, with a species older than ours by millenia. A few million years head start on humanity plus a comprehensive understanding of quantum physics and it is more than feasible for the Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis to hold merit. And that's just if we consider the material side of things.

As for the spiritual side of things, advanced godlike beings who have an advanced understanding of the nature of reality would inherently know how to bend space and time to their will.

Such intelligent and advanced beings would have no problem with the construction of the pyramids of giza. This is much more believable than a couple of enthusiastic Egyptians with oxen and rollers building the pyramids. It still hasn't been established what they were even for. There is no evidence to suggest they were designed as tombs. That is merely conjecture.
Ross also found that technological displays kept pace with the current understanding/mythology, etc. In the early part of the 20th century, their ships could go slightly faster than our blimp-type craft and they claimed to be on the back side of the moon. Scientists now consider aliens on the back side of the moon not to be feasible, so now they are from far away, and their craft are faster than our jets. Explanations fit our current technological theories. It makes sense that they may be spiritual beings pretending to be physical alien type beings.
Yeah. I think they are both physical alien types and spiritual beings at the same time. Why do the two things have to be mutually exclusive?

I'll reply to the rest of your messages when I get chance, MrMan. Just a bit busy.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
October 13th, 2022, 4:19 am
Why would you think that is a ‘slip up?’ As a Christian, I see that from a trinitarian perspective. At least the Logos was involved in the creation. I have also heard non-Christian interpretations, such as God addressing the divine council or angels in the royal plural.
Isn’t Yahweh supposed to be the supreme Being? The one true creator? Why would he address an assembly of angels as though they were equals? If this isn’t a slip up which would suggest a pantheon of gods, rather than a sole creator of humanity then why is this the only instance in the Bible where Yahweh refers to the Holy Trinity. The rest of the time he says “I” I am a jealous god etc.

I told you I looked at this from a trinitarian perspective. The Bible also says that all things were made through the Word. The opening verses of Genesis show that God created the heavens and the earth, the Spirit hovered upon the face of the deep, and God SAID. The Father, the Spirit, and the Word are all present at the creation.

But God has other entities doing things throughout the Bible, not just doing everything Himself. He has angels doing things and he works through humans. And there is also another batch of sons of God, who will be made like the eternal Logos, in that after He became human, He was resurrected, immortal, from the dead. So there is another groups who will be manifested as sons of God, resurrected from the dead (or transformed) who will reign and rule with Christ.

We should also consider that the Biblical authors and readers knew what knowledge was floating around about the spirit-world and the Mesopotamian interpretations of it. There other other elim or elohim mentioned in the Bible besides the creator. There is also the term b’nei Elohim, the ‘sons of God.’ The dead sea scrolls (c.f. LXX) manuscripts of Deuteronomy 32 say the LORD divided the nations according to the number of the sons of God. That may refer to YHWH giving these spiritual entities guardianship over other nations besides Israel, and retaining Israel as an inheritance/portion, at least for a time. Though in Psalm 82, God judges the elohim for their not doing justice and decrees that He will inherit the nations. He also offers the nations to the Messiah.
The dead sea scrolls are nowhere near as old as the cuneiform clay tablets found in mesopotamia. And none of the cuneiform tablets reveal anything about Yahweh at all. There is no mention of him until the Dead Sea Scrolls.[/quote]

First of all, so what? I saw a post online about a reference to what someone interpreted as a divine name saying that he is God in the writings of Hammarabi, but I don't know Akkadian and haven't studied it out that deeply.

“The Dead Sea Scrolls are ancient manuscripts that were discovered between 1947 and 1956 in eleven caves near Khirbet Qumran, on the northwestern shores of the Dead Sea. They are approximately two thousand years old, dating from the third century BCE to the first century CE.”

So two thousand years old. When compared to the dating of cuneiform clay tablets:

“The oldest tablets in the collection date from the reign of Gudea of Lagash, from 2144–2124 B.C. That makes them more than 4,200 years old.”
From what I've read, many cultures have an idea of the Most High God, then they went off and worshipped lesser spirits, but many cultures still retain some knowledge of the Most High God. The descent into idolatry happened long ago.
They are older. And they are stories told by the first civilization of humans about a pantheon of gods and goddesses who descended from the heavens in their flying crafts. The Annunaki “Those who from Heaven came down”
Which you mix with a very modern mythology about flying saucers and space aliens to come up with the alien astronaut hypothesis. Do you have a quote about descending in flying crafts, btw? Do you read cuneiform, or do you rely on the interpreters of 'history' on the TV show 'Ancient Aliens.'

You ought to try to get some questions to Dr. Heiser about flying ship quotes. He studied Semetic languages and mentions Akkadian from time to time. He may actually know Akkadian and be able to read the cuneiform. It would be good to hear about this from someone who considers it from the perspective of an academic who studies the languages and culture of the Ancient Near East rather than from an entertainment TV show promoting alien conspiracy theories. Heiser apparently talks to people at Ancient Alien conferences, but you could also figure out how to forward him a question to answer on his podcast.
It’s curious how none of these beings ever mentioned Yahweh during their interactions with humanity.
If these beings interacted with humanity and did not want humans to worship the most high God, why would they mention Him?
I will watch the interview when I get chance and let you know what I think when I have done so. Been really busy with work and my daughter so I don't get as much free time to invest into the forum.
I know what that is like.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by Pixel--Dude »

You would have to give me some quotes about 'men from the stars.' I know that the Romans associated some gods with the stars, or supposedly deified people becoming stars. There is a comment... maybe a joke... about a dead Caesar becoming a star, and a similar thought in the Aeneid-- maybe about Aeneaus. But men coming from the stars? In what cultures? I think you, or your sources, would be inclined to take stories about gods coming down from heaven as a story about men from the stars, right?
Hey @MrMan, sorry for the delayed response. It was the American Indians who talked about the Star People. The Star People were supposedly astral beings who visited various tribes. They made many petroglyphs depicting them and their visits.

Gods descending from the heavens might have been mystical and mysterious to our ancestors who had no understanding of space or even advanced technology, but since we have advanced enough technologically we have ascended into the heavens ourselves and we can see that this is no astral realm of the gods, but a vast cosmos full of galaxies with their own stars and planets.

So when all these gods such as the Egyptian gods, Hindu gods and even angels descend from the sky instead of simply materialising at their desired location is indicative that they are part of the creation themselves and have physical bodies as well as being advanced spiritual deities.
Not knowing how the pyramids were constructed is in no way evidence at all for space aliens doing it or being behind it. If you already believed space aliens were down here helping out, that might be an appealing theory. But if you don't believe that, it's not evidence in the least.

How many hieroglyphs are there in the world, and how long did it take you to read them all? Where did you learn to read hieroglyphics? Where is there testimonial evidence of beings from the stars building the pyramid--- other than non-standard interpretations of Egyptian art that conventional Egyptologists interpret differently? (Is there that even.)

And there are those who offer 'naturalistic' interpretations of how the pyramids could have been constructed. Think about the Romans and concrete. At some point, 300 or 500 or whenever, the knowledge of Roman concrete was lost. So for 1300 years or 1500 years, until the 1800's, mankind (or Europeans) did not know how to use concrete. Since people did not understand this ancient building method, is that proof, or even some kind of weak evidence, for aliens helping the Romans make concrete to build the various buildings they made with it?

Men who lived 4000 years ago were intelligent like we were. Some of their societies were rather well organized and had specialized divisions of labor. If they put their minds and effort to it, they could figure out ways to solve building problems. Some of these ways may have been lost over time. That doesn't mean space men had to do it.

The pyramids are a complete mystery to us. Nobody knows how the Ancient Egyptians were capable of building such an advanced structure, and when I say advanced I don't mean metallic structures with sliding doors, but advanced in terms of the mathematical calculations, astrological calculations and geographical calculations. Plus, moving those blocks, some of which weigh several tons and how they were cut and erected to a height of 500 feet just seems impossible for people with limited technology to accomplish.

I know you reason that they must have some kind of forgotten technology, but no evidence for such technology exists. Not even testimonial evidence. But testimonial evidence for beings arriving to earth and teaching humanity advanced civilization does exist.

Apparently in the Emerald Tablets, which serve as the foundation of Hermetic philosophy, Thoth is said to be the builder of Giza. Baring in mind, some of these philosophical concepts from Hermeticism are insights I had during a psychedelic experience before I had even done any research into the philosophy. ... ide-021638

Our ancestors were indeed smart. Maybe not as advanced as we are today, but they certainly had functioning societies. The Romans... Well, I'll let these guys explain how successful the Romans were :lol:

But where did everything we know about civilization come from in the first place? It just seemed to spring out of nowhere in the Middle East, around modern day Iraq. Mesopotamia is known as the cradle of civilization. And whom do they credit with bestowing the knowledge of civilization upon them? It wasn't other humans, it was the Annunaki who came down from the heavens, what we know as space.
So why would any of the aliens have to space aliens from distant planets that live in exclusively 3 dimensional bodies composed of molecules, as opposed to spiritual-type beings that have the ability to interact with the physical realm?
Why do they have to be one or the other? Why can't they be both? They travelled earth in crafts, as I've shown you with the flying city, Ra's chariot etc. But they were also powerful gods. If they are products of the same material reality as us then how can you be sure they didn't ascend naturally to godhood?

This is the spiritual alchemy Thoth shared, the fire of the gods Prometheus shared in Greek mythology, the forbidden knowledge of the serpent (Enki's symbol) it was the god you worship as Yahweh whose name is linked to El/Saturn and who also serves as a direct plagiarism of the god Anu, King of the Annunaki, who directly opposed humanity ascending as gods and saw humanity as unworthy.

This was our purpose as well. To ascend as gods. This was our birthright and Yahweh robbed it from us and turned this planet into a giant plantation farm where serving and obeying authority is the cornerstone of our "civilization" Anyone who goes against the authority is an outcast or considered a nutjob conspiracy theorist etc. Our world is devoid of purpose. Our purpose as human beings is not to toil our lives away for a meagre and meaningless existence with no purpose.

Why would surgical precision blow that theory apart? First of all, consider your sources. Spooky type shows are entertainment. Ancient Aliens is a prime example of 'spinning' the data, and skipping over more logical explanations to lead to the alien conclusion. Two of your videos are Youtubers. One of them had a source-- what was it some scary bedtime story TV show?

Secondly, if the facts are right on all these videos... like the Discovery channel one, which sounds a little more credible... how is this evidence for aliens? There is some percentage of the world population involved in non-mainstream cults. There are Satanists of different varieties. My wife and I had a long conversation with a former Satanist in Indonesia about the various rituals. Apparently a lot of them were sexual in nature. But there are also cultists, whether they call themselves Satanists or otherwise, that are really into blood. There are even groups who consider themselves vampires who drink blood. If other people could be in weird cults, why couldn't surgeons, veterinarians, or other medical technician types join cults and develop technologies to extract organs, blood, etc. in these strange ways?
The aliens responsible for this kind of occurance are indeed demonic in nature. I don't know why they do this, but do you really think a cult of humans who drink blood are really capable of killing a cow, or stealing it, taking it to a remote location without being seen or detected by dogs that might live on the farm and then return its exsanguinated corpse where they got it from? Plus, if they wanted to drink the blood then why surgically remove the eyes and lips etc? It doesn't make sense.

It is more likely that the aliens known as the Greys did this for some experimental purposes and just dropped the exsanguinated corpse where they got it from. Baring in mind that no tracks were found anywhere near the corpse other than those of other cows. These deaths weren't ignored, there were investigations conducted by police and none of them found anything at all.

Why are the sources not any good? Because it was an independent content creator from YouTube? I simply chose to share that channel in particular because I like it. That doesn't mean it was a spooky story made up by the creators, they tell of real (supposedly real, anyway) supernatural events and mysteries that have happened. If that kind of thing inteterests you then you should check out some of the other videos on there. Even if you don't believe they really happened they might still interest you.

But yeah, if you're not convinced because of the style of the video (there's two creators, one narrates the story and the other does the sketches) then just search for Jonathan Lovette and there are other videos about this.
Last edited by Pixel--Dude on October 14th, 2022, 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I told you I looked at this from a trinitarian perspective. The Bible also says that all things were made through the Word. The opening verses of Genesis show that God created the heavens and the earth, the Spirit hovered upon the face of the deep, and God SAID. The Father, the Spirit, and the Word are all present at the creation
Fair enough, we are all entitled to our own interpretations of things.
But God has other entities doing things throughout the Bible, not just doing everything Himself. He has angels doing things and he works through humans. And there is also another batch of sons of God, who will be made like the eternal Logos, in that after He became human, He was resurrected, immortal, from the dead. So there is another groups who will be manifested as sons of God, resurrected from the dead (or transformed) who will reign and rule with Christ.
Why does God need angels to do his bidding in the first place? And how come God's will can only be enacted by human beings acting on his behalf?

A King of an alien race, however....
First of all, so what? I saw a post online about a reference to what someone interpreted as a divine name saying that he is God in the writings of Hammarabi, but I don't know Akkadian and haven't studied it out that deeply.

So what? Well, if the cuneiform tablets predate the Bible by thousands of years does that not imply that the Bible is a plagiarism of these ancient texts?

Yeah, Yahweh exists throughout ancient texts under different names, but he is never credited as the divine creator. In much older religions this credit goes to divine creators like Brahman and the All. A supreme consciousness from which we, and even Yahweh himself derive. Somewhere along the line the Divine Creator and Yahweh have been deliberately conflated so that we may follow the authoritive edicts of a tyrant imposter rather than live authentic lives and become gods ourselves through the practice of occultism.
“The Dead Sea Scrolls are ancient manuscripts that were discovered between 1947 and 1956 in eleven caves near Khirbet Qumran, on the northwestern shores of the Dead Sea. They are approximately two thousand years old, dating from the third century BCE to the first century CE.”

So two thousand years old. When compared to the dating of cuneiform clay tablets:

“The oldest tablets in the collection date from the reign of Gudea of Lagash, from 2144–2124 B.C. That makes them more than 4,200 years old.”

From what I've read, many cultures have an idea of the Most High God, then they went off and worshipped lesser spirits, but many cultures still retain some knowledge of the Most High God. The descent into idolatry happened long ago.
Yes, most high God in Hinduism and Hermeticism is Brahman/All. Yahweh usurped this title. People still worshipped lesser gods and goddesses and why shouldn't they have? These gods and goddesses were to be revered and loved. They are the benefactors of humanity and we owe everything to them.
Which you mix with a very modern mythology about flying saucers and space aliens to come up with the alien astronaut hypothesis. Do you have a quote about descending in flying crafts, btw? Do you read cuneiform, or do you rely on the interpreters of 'history' on the TV show 'Ancient Aliens.'

You ought to try to get some questions to Dr. Heiser about flying ship quotes. He studied Semetic languages and mentions Akkadian from time to time. He may actually know Akkadian and be able to read the cuneiform. It would be good to hear about this from someone who considers it from the perspective of an academic who studies the languages and culture of the Ancient Near East rather than from an entertainment TV show promoting alien conspiracy theories. Heiser apparently talks to people at Ancient Alien conferences, but you could also figure out how to forward him a question to answer on his podcast.
History isn't written by Ancient Aliens. I've looked into these ancient mythologies and philosophies myself, the same sources of information where Ancient Alien gets its content. It's the people who give testimony to flying boats and cities which suggest they arrived in a ship rather than just materialising as you would expect a god to.

I like the show, but I don't inherit my worldview from a TV show. They just talk about something which I already believed anyway. And sometimes their content is of no interest to me at all.
If these beings interacted with humanity and did not want humans to worship the most high God, why would they mention Him?
Why would they help us with civilization and then withhold that information from us? Yahweh is mentioned in the Sumerian cuneiform tablets, but he is called Anu instead.

No I can't decipher Sumerian cuneiform. But there are people who have. A lot of them remain untranslated, leaving the Sumerian account fragmented.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
October 14th, 2022, 1:06 pm
The pyramids are a complete mystery to us. Nobody knows how the Ancient Egyptians were capable of building such an advanced structure, and when I say advanced I don't mean metallic structures with sliding doors, but advanced in terms of the mathematical calculations, astrological calculations and geographical calculations. Plus, moving those blocks, some of which weigh several tons and how they were cut and erected to a height of 500 feet just seems impossible for people with limited technology to accomplish.
Really? So what?

First of all, I wouldn't accept your word for it that no one knows how the pyramids were built. I don't spend a lot of time studying the pyramids, but I know that there are lots of people with theories on how the pyramids were built, and one or someone of them may be right. If they are convinced they are right and happen to be right, then the know.

But even if they don't know, so what? Ancient people were as smart as we were. If worldview led them to build these structures for whatever reason, and they spent numerous generations working out the math and the construction technology, why would space men have to be involved?
I know you reason that they must have some kind of forgotten technology, but no evidence for such technology exists.
If your assertion that no one knows how the pyramids were built... yes it does. The pyramids are evidence.
Not even testimonial evidence. But testimonial evidence for beings arriving to earth and teaching humanity advanced civilization does exist.
Baring in mind, some of these philosophical concepts from Hermeticism are insights I had during a psychedelic experience before I had even done any research into the philosophy.
I've heard the idea that drugs can open up people's minds to demons, also.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
October 16th, 2022, 9:47 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
October 14th, 2022, 1:06 pm
The pyramids are a complete mystery to us. Nobody knows how the Ancient Egyptians were capable of building such an advanced structure, and when I say advanced I don't mean metallic structures with sliding doors, but advanced in terms of the mathematical calculations, astrological calculations and geographical calculations. Plus, moving those blocks, some of which weigh several tons and how they were cut and erected to a height of 500 feet just seems impossible for people with limited technology to accomplish.
Really? So what?

First of all, I wouldn't accept your word for it that no one knows how the pyramids were built. I don't spend a lot of time studying the pyramids, but I know that there are lots of people with theories on how the pyramids were built, and one or someone of them may be right. If they are convinced they are right and happen to be right, then the know.

But even if they don't know, so what? Ancient people were as smart as we were. If worldview led them to build these structures for whatever reason, and they spent numerous generations working out the math and the construction technology, why would space men have to be involved?
I know you reason that they must have some kind of forgotten technology, but no evidence for such technology exists.
If your assertion that no one knows how the pyramids were built... yes it does. The pyramids are evidence.
Not even testimonial evidence. But testimonial evidence for beings arriving to earth and teaching humanity advanced civilization does exist.
Baring in mind, some of these philosophical concepts from Hermeticism are insights I had during a psychedelic experience before I had even done any research into the philosophy.
I've heard the idea that drugs can open up people's minds to demons, also.
I don't consider psilocybin mushrooms as "drugs" I consider them entheogenic plants which open our perception to more fundamental layers of reality. Plus, I've never considered any of the beings I've seen as demonic in anyway. I've seen various gods and goddesses such as Shiva from Hinduism or Isis from Ancient Egyptian pantheons.

In the Goetia Yahweh slanders the old pantheon of gods and goddesses as demons. Throughout various mythologies and religions these same gods and goddesses who are slandered as demons are benevolent beings that helped humanity and attempted to help humanity ascend as gods themselves. This was our birthright and Yahweh/Anu deprived us of this. This was the forbidden knowledge or the fire of the gods Prometheus/Enki bestowed upon humanity.

Yahweh punished them by nuking their cities on earth (Soddom and Gomorrah & Eridu Lament I believe its called) he also imprisoned the offending gods in an energetic prison such as we see with the Titans in Greek mythology and the demons of the Goetia.

Take Enlil for example who was Lord of high places, Lord of the sky. He is slandered as Beelzebub, the etymology of which is a parody of his original sumerian title which makes a mockery of his name and calls him Lord of the Flies instead. The etymology of all the demons of hell can be traced back to the benevolent Sumerian gods who taught us civilisation and who also attempted to help us raise our vibration and frequency so that we may become gods ourselves and grow spiritually!

Our purpose isn't to grovel to Yahweh or any of the Jewish religions. Yahweh has proven only that he doesn't care for humanity. He does nothing to help anyone. Suffering is everywhere on this planet and what does Yahweh do to help? He is the real demon. The Gnostics knew it as well. They call him the Demiurge because they knew he was an evil god who wants to keep us imprisoned here.

I believe there are evil entities though. Like the Saurian reptilian aliens people have warned others about for centuries. It started in ancient cultures such as Nefertiti and Akhenaten

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Akhenaten was probably the first of the reptilian imposters to invade earth disguised as a human. This is also something warned in the Lament of Asclepius, something written by Thoth or Hermes, who was part of the Egyptian pantheon of gods.

It is the belief of @Lucas88 and myself that these reptilian beings made the Jews, Yahweh's own chosen people who he instructs to dominate over the Gentiles (Enki's people) hell! Lucas88 even posted evidence of their agenda in his Esoteric Side of The Jews thread. Also, @WilliamSmith and @Tsar have posted plenty of examples of their evil as well.

Even other Christians such as @Outcast9428 and @Cornfed see through the Jews and the evil of the Old Testament.

Throughout history ever race has had an aversion to these people and throughout history they have attempted to subvert Gentile culture through their usury and slave morality religions.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 4th, 2022, 5:30 am
It is the belief of @Lucas88 and myself that these reptilian beings made the Jews, Yahweh's own chosen people who he instructs to dominate over the Gentiles (Enki's people) hell! Lucas88 even posted evidence of their agenda in his Esoteric Side of The Jews thread. Also, @WilliamSmith and @Tsar have posted plenty of examples of their evil as well.

Even other Christians such as @Outcast9428 and @Cornfed see through the Jews and the evil of the Old Testament.

Throughout history ever race has had an aversion to these people and throughout history they have attempted to subvert Gentile culture through their usury and slave morality religions.
Having studied various ancient mythologies including the prebiblical ones of the Near East, it seems obvious to me that in the ancient past there were two opposing factions of extraterrestrial/otherworldly beings whom ancient men revered as gods or angels. One faction was led by Enki/Prometheus and consisted of the old Pagan gods and goddesses who were recognized by the likes of the Sumerians, Egyptians and early Hindus. This faction taught our earliest ancestors the arts of civilization and bestowed upon humanity occult knowledge for our spiritual evolution and ascension to godhood. The other faction was led by Yahweh/El/Anu and included certain evil gods and the so-called "angels" of the Abrahamic religions. Those entities seek to enslave humanity and deprive us of all true occult knowledge. The religions which they have created are deceptive programs for our enslavement and destruction.

Unfortunately for us, Yahweh (just a megalomaniacal false god and certainly not the creator of the universe) and his malevolent faction defeated our original gods and goddesses in the most recent battle, expelled them from the Earth, removed all true occult knowledge and subjected humanity to their slave religions. They alone are the architects of this world of misery and suffering. This event can be seen in the myth of Prometheus and even in biblical myths such as those of the Watchers being banished to the Abyss and the Dragon/Ancient Serpent and his angels being chained up until the end of time. The dictator Yahweh ousted Enki/Prometheus from power and imprisoned many gods from his faction or at least forced them into exile. His loyal followers then wrote slanderous stories about our true gods in their perverse religious literature (chock-full of gruesome evil shit, by the way) and accused Enki/Prometheus of being the bad guy. Meanwhile, the evil angels allied with Yahweh and who created Judaism, Christianity and Islam turned this world into their own little playground for their sadistic evil.

Christians and other Abrahamists are unable to see the bigger picture because they are still stuck in the Judaic matrix of thought. They blindly accept the biblical version of the story as truth while completely ignoring any perspective from the defeated other side. History is written by the victors and therefore serves an agenda but Christians and other Abrahamists lack any semblance of critical thought and just parrot the biblical narrative without question. Because of this they buy into the false narrative of a cosmic struggle between Yahweh and Satan and uncritically regard Yahweh as the good guy and their own offshoot of Abrahamism as a force of absolute good and are therefore blind to the older Enkist/Promethean perspective of Enki/Prometheus' defense of humanity in the face of Yahweh's tyranny and subsequent banishment at the hands of Yahweh's allies who are humanity's true adversaries and oppressors. In addition to their ignorance, Christians suffer from Stockholm syndrome and will make endless excuses for the evil deeds and enslaving doctrines of a Jewish god who hates Gentile humanity anyway.

Enki taught Adapa the knowledge of godhood. That knowledge was the sacred Kundalini which has the potential to raise a human being to the evolutionary state of a higher godlike being and this is even reflected in the Book of Genesis (a later Hebrew plagiarism of Sumerian myths) in which our true father is represented as a serpent which is symbolic of the ascended Kundalini and tells Adam and Eve that such will open their eyes and make them as Elohim. Yahweh however sought to prohibit and demonize the knowledge of godhood. His faction instead concocted false religions with their "plan of salvation" which consist of our absolute submission to the demonic god of Israel and involve fear, control and psychological manipulation. Those religions would ensure total obedience to Yahweh's false authority with threats of judgment and damnation. Meanwhile, our original gods and benefactors were defamed as "demons" and "fallen angels" in the Bible, Talmud and Kabbalah and misrepresented as the "demons of hell" in Christian demonology and the Goetia.

The Jews are the chosen people of the demonic impostor god Yahweh. He made them in his own image and gave them the task of infiltrating and destroying all of the Gentile nations of the Earth. It is all just a sick game to those evil entities who are the real "demons". The election of the Jews at the hands of the demonic impostor god Yahweh is the occult reason why they have developed such a supremacist and anti-Gentile ideology since the time of the Torah (yes, the Torah itself and the rest of the Bible are full of that perverse crap and not just the Talmud as some dishonest people - usually Christians - would have us believe) and conspire to subvert the societies of the Gentiles wherever they go. The elite Jews hate humanity because they themselves aren't truly human and are merely the servants of a foreign god who despises humanity. They are a truly demonic race (of course, here I'm strictly talking about a subset of elite Jews, not the average Israeli citizen who doesn't know anything about religion or the Jewish conspiracy).

Christians also play into the deception, and I don't have much respect for them either, especially for the incessantly tubthumping, fanatical ones who love Jews and turn a blind eye to their evil and support Zionism. Christians promote the worship of the evil Jewish god Yahweh and submission to his slave program and sometimes outright Jewish Messianism. They too are our enemies. Some Christians are nice, well-meaning people who just happen to be blinded by so much deception since childhood and are unable to unplug themselves from the programming, but many Christians are truly perverse souls who just seek to push their creepy little batshit crazy Jewish slave religion on everyone else at all costs and force everybody else to submit to their tyrannical one vision under Yahweh and their false Jew Messiah Yeshua and demonize anybody who doesn't go along with their twisted little cult. The more fanatical of the Christians are nothing more than perverse little slave souls totally possessed by the deceptive Messianic slave program of Yahweh. They are our enemies just like the Zionist and Kabbalistic Jews and we should view them as such.

To hell with Judaism and Yahweh's other slave religions! We are Gentiles and our true gods are Enki and the original gods of old! We as worthy Gentiles must fight against the deception of Abrahamism to the very end. This is war and we must know who our enemies are!
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by MrMan »

@Lucas88 The various polytheistic religions are brutal and immoral. Most of us are more familiar with the Grecco-Roman stories. Let's take stories about the Greek mythology for example. They do stuff like eating their children, chopping their dad's private parts off. The stories tell of how Zeus runs around committing adultery. There are stories about he and others, like Poseiden, raping females--humans or goddesses. Then there are the stories of mean Hera persecuting Zeus' bastards and making their lives hard.

And Greek paganism was divorced from morality. Thieves would worship Hermes. Stealing had its own place in the religion. So did trickery and such. Dionysus was associated with drunkenness and sex orgies.

Middle eastern polytheistic religion may have been just as bad or worse. There is evidence of large-scale sacrifice of children to Canaanite religion. Mayan and Aztec polytheism was brutal also. Aztecs are well known for tearing the hearts out of their human sacrifice victims. The Spanish said they sold the meat in the market.

Even Hindus have temples for their prostitutes. Their version of transgender is also entwined with their religion.

Typically, polytheism is divorced from morality. There are gods for doing evil and gods for doing good. They just use up their resources serving this spirit or that.

If you think YHWH beat other gods, why would you want to serve these other gods, the losers? Why would you want to be a part of the loser religion in your own worldview.

You are also wrong about the idea that YHWH wants Jews to destroy Gentiles. The plan is for all nations to be blessed through Abraham. Before Jesus came, there were prophecies about Gentiles believing in the Messiah, and Israelites rejecting Him (at least for a time.)

Connecting all this to alien astronauts makes no sense. You get that from TV and the movies and online streaming shows.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by Lucas88 »

MrMan wrote:
November 4th, 2022, 2:43 pm
The various polytheistic religions are brutal and immoral. Most of us are more familiar with the Grecco-Roman stories. Let's take stories about the Greek mythology for example. They do stuff like eating their children, chopping their dad's private parts off. The stories tell of how Zeus runs around committing adultery. There are stories about he and others, like Poseiden, raping females--humans or goddesses. Then there are the stories of mean Hera persecuting Zeus' bastards and making their lives hard.

And Greek paganism was divorced from morality. Thieves would worship Hermes. Stealing had its own place in the religion. So did trickery and such. Dionysus was associated with drunkenness and sex orgies.

Middle eastern polytheistic religion may have been just as bad or worse. There is evidence of large-scale sacrifice of children to Canaanite religion. Mayan and Aztec polytheism was brutal also. Aztecs are well known for tearing the hearts out of their human sacrifice victims. The Spanish said they sold the meat in the market.
It's funny that Jew-loving christards like to point the finger at the atrocities and morally questionable practices of other religions of antiquity but conveniently turn a blind eye to the bloodthirsty atrocities of Yahweh and the Israelites as well as the bizarre and batshit crazy elements of ancient Judaism which, as anybody who has read the Bible knows, are quite numerous. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that page after page of the Old Testament is full of descriptions of murder, bloodshed and gruesome animal sacrifices followed by prophecies of death and destruction. The Hebrew Bible reads like the diary of the psychotic fantasies of a psychopath. But christards think that it's okay because it all comes from the Jews. :roll:

But I don't have to defend the immoralities of the Pagan religions of the Greeks, Canaanites or Aztecs because I don't subscribe to those religions anyway. What we know as Greek mythology was a relatively late development in the known history of religion. So was the Canaanite religion. All of those Pagan religions which you mentioned developed long after the expulsion of the original Gentile gods at the hands of Yahweh's faction. Even the considerably older Sumerian religion emerged after the fact. So those Pagan mythologies of the Greeks and such - and let's be clear that even I think that many elements of them sound largely ridiculous - consisted primarily of stories of men passed down in increasingly distorted forms. Or alternatively and not mutually exclusively, those same Pagan religions could have been influenced by Yahweh's deceptive angels (demons) in order to throw the Gentile world into confusion and slander our exiled gods and goddesses in their absence. I for one believe that practically all religions that have emerged in the Kali Yuga following the exile of Enki's faction are all corrupt and distorted if not outright deceptions created by negative entities allied with the enemy.

I don't follow any particular religion or mythology because I believe that all purported holy books and theologies are manmade and reflect a particular ideology, even if they may contain some element of truth. Instead, I believe that mere traces of an ancient conflict between two opposing factions of extraterrestrial/otherworldly beings exist in the various mythologies of the Near East from the Bible and Jewish apocrypha to the Sumerian and Akkadian texts and that some of the stories have even made their way into other mythologies such as the Greek story of Prometheus. Having studied all of the known mythological materials - and not just the Bible as most Christians do -, I've come to the conclusion that Enki and the old gods of the Gentiles are in reality the good guys and that the psychopathic Jewish god Yahweh and his angels are our adversaries. The Bible is simply the propaganda version from the evil faction. Its purpose is to slander and delegitimize our original gods, falsely elevate the demonic impostor Yahweh as cosmic creator and establish the Jews as his chosen people. The Abrahamic religions created by those beings were designed for the spiritual enslavement of the Gentiles.

Most people don't even consider this possibility. They simply assume that Yahweh and Judeo-Christian religion or Islam are the good side just because the Bible or the Koran says so, even though all of those religions are full of evil and disturbing teachings and use fear and guilt to manipulate people.
MrMan wrote:
November 4th, 2022, 2:43 pm
If you think YHWH beat other gods, why would you want to serve these other gods, the losers? Why would you want to be a part of the loser religion in your own worldview.
Because some of us actually have moral principles and loyalty and prefer not to worship a sick psychopathic impostor god just because he ousted others by military force. Nor will we submit to him or his slave religions just because of his threats either. I think that many people only believe in Christianity because they fear the threats of hellfire and damnation anyway. What a perverse religion of psychological abuse that that douchebag god has created. :shock: :(

But your argument here is quite disturbing. Would it be right to serve Stalin just because he defeated all of the other potential Soviet leaders in the purges? Bowing down to a dictator just because he's powerful and militarily successful is just messed up and a manifestation of cowardice. True Gentile souls are not cowards but I think that many Christians are.

Enki and the Gentile gods seem to have been exiled from the Earth but not thoroughly defeated. Even the Book of Revelation recognizes that the Dragon/Ancient Serpent will return in the "end times". The war might not be over yet. Yahweh tells the nations that he and his angels will win but the Book of Revelation is just part of his own propaganda book and not set in stone, no matter how all-powerful he wants people to believe him to be. Moreover, I don't believe that Yahweh's matrix (the Earth and its astral plane) are inescapable. I suspect that strong and evolved souls are able to escape Yahweh's matrix if they have enough awareness.
MrMan wrote:
November 4th, 2022, 2:43 pm
You are also wrong about the idea that YHWH wants Jews to destroy Gentiles. The plan is for all nations to be blessed through Abraham.
That's what Jew-loving suckers like you have been led to think! :lol:

In reality the Torah, Navi'im (prophecy books), Talmud and Kabbalah are full of Jewish supremacism and anti-Gentile racism as well as a Jewish plan to subjugate all of the Gentile nations to Jerusalem. The Hebrew Bible is just a blueprint for Jewish world domination and the enslavement and destruction of the Gentiles. It's just that delusional Christians and especially Evangelical Zionists don't see this because they have their heads lodged so far up their asses with their Jewish hoax slave religion bullshit and biblical brainwashing. Some Christians say that it's not the Torah, it's just the Talmud and the Kabbalah, but that's not true at all. The Torah is the root of all of this perverse Jewish anti-Gentilism and is just as evil as the Talmud and the Kabbalah. I've researched this myself and have found the teachings of the Torah to be just as bad. In fact, I even made a thread about it with many well-researched videos which expose the Jewish supremacist, anti-Gentile Torah cult as well as Kabbalistic doctrines:


But, of course, naïve Christians have been so conditioned by the Jesus cult and the kosher Judaic worldview that they are unable to understand the evil program against them and will simply bow down to Israel and the Jews like good slaves and with Stockholm syndrome.
MrMan wrote:
November 4th, 2022, 2:43 pm
Connecting all this to alien astronauts makes no sense. You get that from TV and the movies and online streaming shows.
What you say isn't true. I have developed my ideas from years of researching ancient mythologies/religions and occultism. I've even studied the Bible and apocrypha. I don't care for TV shows like Ancient Aliens or authors like Zecharia Sitchin.

I said previously that I believe that the ancient writings reveal the presence of two opposing factions of extraterrestrial/otherworldly beings. I didn't claim to know their exact nature, although I would assume that they have physical bodies from the ancient stories that I've read of them. I don't see how it really matters whether they are how we imagine extraterrestrials to be or whether they are something else. All of the quibbling in this thread concerning whether they are aliens or gods/angels or whatnot isn't that important to me. Words like alien, god, angel, etc. are merely human terms anyway.

I've looked into various religions, mythologies and philosophies. What about you, MrMan? Have you seriously studied other religions? Ever tried to look at things from any other perspective?
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by Pixel--Dude »

What you say isn't true. I have developed my ideas from years of researching ancient mythologies/religions and occultism. I've even studied the Bible and apocrypha. I don't care for TV shows like Ancient Aliens or authors like Zecharia Sitchin.

I said previously that I believe that the ancient writings reveal the presence of two opposing factions of extraterrestrial/otherworldly beings. I didn't claim to know their exact nature, although I would assume that they have physical bodies from the ancient stories that I've read of them. I don't see how it really matters whether they are how we imagine extraterrestrials to be or whether they are something else. All of the quibbling in this thread concerning whether they are aliens or gods/angels or whatnot isn't that important to me. Words like alien, god, angel, etc. are merely human terms anyway.

I've looked into various religions, mythologies and philosophies. What about you, MrMan? Have you seriously studied other religions? Ever tried to look at things from any other perspective?
These are things I've also pointed out and asked @MrMan myself. He seems to think that any notion of extraterrestrials visiting earth is purely derived from the Ancient Aliens TV show. Completely failing to acknowledge the amount of time spent on research into ancient cultures and mythologies and even occultism independent of this TV show. I won't lie, I do enjoy a few of the episodes of the show Ancient Aliens, but I don't watch it religiously. When I say I've only watched a few episodes I mean that it is literally just a few episodes from odd seasons here and there.

The last questions at the end of this excellent rebuttal are perfectly valid! Also questions I've asked MrMan to address in the past in one of our previous discussions, but I don't think any answer was offered. I suppose the doctrine of the Christian faith is that other religions and mythologies are all demonic deceptions imparted onto humanity by demons and false prophets or whatever.

We used to be Christian as well. But critical thinking and research took us away from that path and we feel much greater because of it. Spirituality is much more empowering than Christianity, besides the lack of dogmatic doctrines which keep someone weak and servile, Spirituality offers people the chance for greater levels of introspection so you can become your true and authentic self. Not just a marionette of Yahweh.

@Lucas88 has looked into all this stuff way more than me, and has a much deeper knowledge of the inner workings of our spiritual anatomy such as chi and all the rest of it. I have a much busier lifestyle having a child and working full time etc, but I've done a fair bit of research myself. For years we have shared information and sources etc, dabbled in entheogens which revealed secrets about the nature of reality, which we then later read about in Hermetic philosophy. I experienced interaction with Shiva, who shared many interesting lessons with me about the nature of reality and about our purpose here as human beings. None of these lessons involved blindly worshiping other deities. There was something about meditation and yoga bringing together the frequency and vibration of subtle astral bodies, and after I told Lucas88 about this (someone who has more knowledge of languages and things like that) he told me the etymology for the word "Yoga" comes from an ancient Sanskrit word meaning "Union"

The difference between my love for Shiva and the love I had for Yahweh is a stark contrast indeed. My love for Yahweh was a love derived from fear. Fear of being judged and punished for not living a perfect life in alignment with his dictatorial edicts! Fear of Yahweh is fundamental in the Christian faith. @MrMan even kind of alluded to worshipping Yahweh simply because he won a war against the benevolent gods. Better to walk at the right hand of the Devil, right? :roll:
If you think YHWH beat other gods, why would you want to serve these other gods, the losers? Why would you want to be a part of the loser religion in your own worldview.
The reason is because in direct opposition to the kind of love evoked from Yahweh, a forced one out of fear kind of resembling the relationship between a tyrant king and his subjects, my love for Shiva is genuine and resembles the love between a father and a child.

I perceive Shiva as the true benefactor of humanity, also known as Prometheus from ancient Greek mythology and Enki from the Sumerian mythology. When I experienced interaction with this deity he offered me advice on how to deal with an issue in my life and also described to me the nature of reality in ways which were previously unknown to me before they were confirmed in Hermetic philosophy. And he did this without demanding I atone for the bad things I've done in my life and without demanding I grovel or pray for forgiveness or any of that self abnegating rubbish.

Also looking forward to seeing what contributions you had in store for this thread @WilliamSmith. You said you had some stuff to share once you were back from your trip.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by MrMan »


I'll comment briefly on some of your posts. The Canaanites were wicked. YHWH was righteous in telling the people of Israel to wipe them out.

I'm trying to figure out why you believe/think the way you do. What reason is there to think the Enki is all the stuff you say he is, to associate him with being the same as Shiva the destroyer? In one of the myths, Enki had a man offer a sacrifice to the gods...which you seem to have a problem with. I don't have a problem with slaughtering animals. Animal sacrifices underwent ritual slaughter.

You are also drawing on some old and, to moderns, somewhat obscure mythology. It could be the religious practices associated with Enki could be somewhat brutal like later Canaanite rituals.

What reason do you have to think this story like about YHWH defeating Enki is real? Isn't it foolish of you to speak ill of God if you believe He defeated these weaker gods you follow? What reason is there for you to think anything is immoral at all?

If you are just putting pieces of the puzzle together, your conclusions don't seem rational. Did this spirit that called itself Shiva tell you all this stuff?

And what does all this stuff have to do with space aliens?
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by WilliamSmith »

@Pixel--Dude and @Lucas88, holy !@#$ this is awesome stuff you've posted, I've only had time to skim it so far (f-ing SQL errors kept me away earlier today when I was hoping to do another HA binge starting earlier), but I need to catch up with you on all this and also the "Esoteric Side of The Jews" thread and get back here before the next time I get pulled back into the Bermuda Triangle, LOL.
I have a date tomorrow but will try to get back on this while I'm resting during the holidays. Meanwhile, THANK YOU!

You might already know way more than me but I can probably contribute something. I ought to start blogging this kind of stuff since I've put so much time into it over the years :lol: ....
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by Pixel--Dude »

WilliamSmith wrote:
December 4th, 2022, 10:45 pm
@Pixel--Dude and @Lucas88, holy !@#$ this is awesome stuff you've posted, I've only had time to skim it so far (f-ing SQL errors kept me away earlier today when I was hoping to do another HA binge starting earlier), but I need to catch up with you on all this and also the "Esoteric Side of The Jews" thread and get back here before the next time I get pulled back into the Bermuda Triangle, LOL.
I have a date tomorrow but will try to get back on this while I'm resting during the holidays. Meanwhile, THANK YOU!

You might already know way more than me but I can probably contribute something. I ought to start blogging this kind of stuff since I've put so much time into it over the years :lol: ....
Glad you've found the thread entertaining. I also think this is a really interesting topic. I wonder what @Winston makes of some of the discussions here. I was thinking of moving the direction of the conversation away from benevolent gods as described in ancient mythologies to more modern encounters with more malevolent aliens such as greys or reptilians.
MrMan wrote:
November 6th, 2022, 12:51 pm

I'll comment briefly on some of your posts. The Canaanites were wicked. YHWH was righteous in telling the people of Israel to wipe them out.

I'm trying to figure out why you believe/think the way you do. What reason is there to think the Enki is all the stuff you say he is, to associate him with being the same as Shiva the destroyer? In one of the myths, Enki had a man offer a sacrifice to the gods...which you seem to have a problem with. I don't have a problem with slaughtering animals. Animal sacrifices underwent ritual slaughter.

You are also drawing on some old and, to moderns, somewhat obscure mythology. It could be the religious practices associated with Enki could be somewhat brutal like later Canaanite rituals.

What reason do you have to think this story like about YHWH defeating Enki is real? Isn't it foolish of you to speak ill of God if you believe He defeated these weaker gods you follow? What reason is there for you to think anything is immoral at all?

If you are just putting pieces of the puzzle together, your conclusions don't seem rational. Did this spirit that called itself Shiva tell you all this stuff?

And what does all this stuff have to do with space aliens?
I speak ill of Yahweh because I perceive him as a tyrannical dictator rather than a loving god or father figure. The relationship he has with humanity is more like a king imposing decrees on his subjects rather than a loving father imparting wisdom upon his children. Why should I respect such a being, just because he won the cosmic conflict and banished our true benefactors?

In ancient cultures the etymology of the gods and their names are linked throughout different cultures. A discerning scholar can make the connections and ascertain which gods correlate with which. Across various cultures the story is of gods descending from the heavens (which we now know of as space, full of various planets and stars etc) and they imparted knowledge and wisdom upon humanity.

Enki wanted humanity to be as gods also, as is our birthright and our purpose. But Yahweh opposed such a notion because he saw humanity as unworthy and possibly a threat to his reign of power. This is why he had their cities destroyed because he saw the dissemination of occultic knowledge as an abhorration. Yahweh is the truly evil god. He is the evil demiurge the gnostics talked about and worthy of no love or respect.

Shiva shared with me, in psychedelic experiences, that the way we raise the kundalini is through Yoga, to bring balance to the astral subtle bodies and have them vibrate at the same frequency and vibration. To reach the ultimate harmony and transcend morality and live as a god. This is righteous.

This is our destiny and Yahweh will not be able to stop it from happening. He may have imprisoned most of our benevolent gods in an astral prison, and slander them as demons in the Goetia. (Also a motif repeated in Greek mythology with the Titans being imprisoned for disobeying the will of the gods of Olympus) but Enki/Shiva got away and promises to return and tear down the hegemonic veils of illusion constructed by Yahweh.

I associate these gods with modern ideas of aliens because I believe personally that they have a physical presence in this material reality as well as being spiritually advanced gods in their own right. The pyramids are in alignment with the constellation of Orion, where I think they are from, and every culture throughout history describes some kind of flying boat or flying city as I've already identified earlier in this thread.

I don't think it's irrational or Ill conceived to believe in such a thing. I do however, fully acknowledge and admit that I could be wrong. I don't know the truth of things 100% nobody does! I do think my view of reality (something I will elaborate on in another thread. I will tag you if you are interested.) Is more credible than the Biblical narrative. But that's just my opinion.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by Winston »

CaptainSkelebob wrote:
October 2nd, 2022, 12:09 pm
Aliens are smart enough to build ships that can move billions of lightyears across space to pile rocks on top of each other??? :roll:
Cmon PD.....
If the pyramids had sliding doors and air conditioning inside these tombs then maybe I would be on board :lol: :lol: :lol:
How do you know aliens or interdimensional beings, travel thousands of light years to get here? There's no proof that stars are suns that are thousands of light years away. Can you go up to the stars or dome ceiling and verify it? No you can't. What this means is that aliens could be from just above the sky dome, under or inside the Earth, or slipping between dimensions, etc. Why are you so narrow? You make assumptions that aren't founded.

Watch that interview I posted with William Michael Mott where he gives some compelling reasons why aliens come from inside the Earth. It's fascinating.

Also, see the 90 minute Ancient Aliens special where William Shatner sits down with the team of researchers and they go over the evidence for ancient aliens one by one. It's very compelling and makes a strong case if you look at the big picture, not just one thing.
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Re: Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis

Post by WilliamSmith »

Winston wrote:
December 12th, 2022, 5:30 am
Also, see the 90 minute Ancient Aliens special where William Shatner sits down with the team of researchers and they go over the evidence for ancient aliens one by one. It's very compelling and makes a strong case if you look at the big picture, not just one thing.
Was this the Ancient Aliens special you were referring to?
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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