Distribution Pamphlets to Promote Happier Abroad!

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Distribution Pamphlets to Promote Happier Abroad!

Post by Winston »

Hi all,
I just designed this one page Pamphlet for HappierAbroad, based on the 3 point comparison of my home page. I figured that it's good to have something to hand out to people, since many don't bother to click on links in emails but are more likely to read something if given in hard copy.

Here it is in PDF format. If you know someone who would be interested in this site or in need, feel free to print it out and hand it to them.


Left click on the link to view it in your browser. Right click and select "Save Target" or "Save As" to download as a PDF file.

Let me know how it looks!

More Pamphlets can be found here:


Last edited by Winston on October 17th, 2013, 12:20 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Post by Winston »

I've changed the Pamphlet to look better and share more points. Here is the text in it. You may download it and print it out to share with others at: http://www.happierabroad.com/Pamphlet.pdf
Why you should visit

Are you a lonely, dateless and alienated but decent male whose wants and needs are not met in America? Are you tired of living in denial about it and being told to “blame yourself� which leads to no results? Do you find US social culture to be dysfunctional, hostile and anti-social? Have you tried everything?

If so, then I have a message and solution for you! The problem is NOT you, but the dysfunctional society and culture you live in. We can prove it!

My name is Winston Wu of HappierAbroad.com, a website and movement that offers hope, validation and a real overseas solution to the many Americans who are lonely, isolated, alienated, insecure, depressed, empty, unworthy, dateless and sexless, but suffering in silence. We share incredible possibilities and solutions overseas that lead to romantic, social and psychological fulfillment for those afflicted.

We bring exposure to the fact that America does not only have economic problems, but also major social and psychological dysfunctional conditions inherent in its culture that are being denied. Some of the major ones are:

1) There is no sense of human connection in America. People are socially engineered to be segregated and paranoid of each other. An “ice barrier� exists between strangers. "Every man is an island". This deep social fragmentation and disconnectedness make America the loneliest country on Earth. People are generally not inclusive, greetings are superficial, and it is difficult and awkward to try to meet people.
2) The dating scene in America is one of the worst, if not the worst, and most hostile in the world to men. Women are conditioned by their culture, media and peers to despise men and see them as fools, criminals and predators. They do not desire to be feminine, and are not approachable or easy to meet.
3) The culture, education system and media do NOT make people feel good about themselves. You are conditioned to feel insecure, inadequate and empty, not whole, loved or accepted. The system programs you to try to fill this manufactured void by becoming a workaholic slave and consumer junkie.

These dysfunctional conditions combined greatly contribute to America having the highest rates of mental illness in the industrialized world, making it one of the worst countries, if not the worst, for Dating, Social Life and Mental Health. We are brainwashed to think that all this is natural and normal, which it is NOT.

The GOOD NEWS is that in most overseas countries, these conditions are REVERSED:

1) People are far more open, inclusive and connected. Friendships are truer. It is easier and more natural to meet people. There is an instant familiarity between strangers rather than an ice barrier.
2) Women look and act feminine - sweet, modest, giggling and blushing. They respect and need men, and provide love, companionship, support and tenderness. They are friendly, approachable and easy to meet.
3) You are raised to feel accepted, whole and good about yourself, allowing the “real you� to emerge.

Most Americans never hear about these things, and even if they do, have trouble believing it all for they go against what we are “programmed� to think and believe. Plus they are taboo and politically incorrect as well. But that's what we are here for, to disseminate these life-changing truths to those in need.

You see, once you go abroad and experience all this, then BOOM! The solution is in plain sight!

The vast material available at HappierAbroad.com demonstrate and prove all this conclusively. We provide an abundance of verifiable testimonials, photos, videos, articles, ebooks, guidance and an online community for you to participate in. We have changed lives, inspired many, given Hope, Validation and a Real Solution that has led people like you to romantic, social and personal fulfillment overseas, making them "Happier Abroad".

So visit HappierAbroad.com today! Let us inspire you, open your eyes and change your life!
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Look! The Pamphlet is damn near perfect now! Share it please

Post by Winston »

Look! The Pamphlet is damn near perfect now! Share it with your friends please!

Hi all,
After revising it over and over again many times last night, my one page Pamphlet looks completely new and different now. You will LOVE it! It packs a powerful punch that the first version didn't, using stronger keywords that flow in a much nicer rhythm. The trick in writing after all, is not merely describing your intentions accurately, but making your words flow with rhythm, the way a song does. This version of the Pamphlet, as you will see, does just that. It packs a lot of strong points together compactly on only a single page!

Have a look. Please download it and feel free to distribute it to anyone you know who might be interested in the Happier Abroad message. You can email it to others or print it out, as it's only one page.


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Post by Winston »

Hi all,
I finally got around to creating Pamphlet version 3 like I've been meaning to. This one has comparison photos of life in the US vs. Abroad, whereas the first two only had text. Check it out:


What do you think?

The other two are at:



Feel free to distribute them to your family and friends, or someone in need, whichever version you like best.

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by Winston »

I made some changes to the three point comparison in the pamphlets and on my home page, to make them sound less absolute and more about comparative degrees.

For instance, instead of "There is no sense of human connection", I put "There is little sense of human connection". And instead of "Dating and relationships are a nightmare for men" I put "for many men". And in the other section, I put "there is more natural connectedness" instead of "there is natural connectedness".

Sound better?
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by Winston »

Hi all,
Check out this new pamphlet I created called "The Biggest Dating Secret For Men".


Feel free to download and distribute it, either by email or print out.

To see the other pamphlets available, see this index:

Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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Post by Winston »

Guess what guys?

Today at a Mexican restaurant, I had Dianne hand my Happier Abroad Pamphlet (the one with the three point comparison on it) to some Expats sitting around us, to gauge their reaction. I had her ask them, "Excuse me, are these three points true about America?" as an experiment.

The first guy, a white South African guy, looked intrigued and told Dianne that there was a lot of truth in it, though it wasn't absolute, based on what he knew about American culture. He said he would check out this site sometime (not sure if he really will though)

But the second guy, an older American guy, said my three point comparison was "full of shit", and remarked that "America is a paradise compared to this shithole (Philippines)". If he thinks that though, why is he here dating a Filipina? Weird. When I tried to debate him, he got up and went to the restroom to avoid me. lol

These reactions to taboo truths suddenly handed to them are funny and interesting. Usually if a stranger hands you something, it's either a 1) request for donation, 2) Religious gospel tract, 3) advertising brochure/flyer, or 4) attempt to recruit you into MLM. It's not everyday though that someone hands you a pamphlet full of intellectual taboo truths. lol. Imagine the shock on their face. lol

I'm not sure if we should do this kind of thing very often though. Although most expats would probably agree, there might be some patriotic ones that would get offended or enraged upon reading it.

As an experiment, you guys should try it to and see what happens. Hand out the Pamphlets at http://www.happierabroad.com/Pamphlets.htm to expats around you randomly to get their take on it and see what they say, and watch their faces. lol. It's not everyday that you get handed a thing like that.

What I do is put two of my pamphlets on both sides of a page and mass copy them. Then I fold them and put several copies in my camera bag, to distribute when I meet other expats or other Filipinos that might be interested in it. I use these two versions on each side of the page:

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New and improved three point comparison!

Post by Winston »

Hi all,
Check out the new version of the three point comparison on the home page and pamphlet. I've changed most of the words. Doesn't it look even better now?


The truth is, America is a lonely miserable hell for many men, for the following reasons:

1) The lifestyle and environment are devoid of human connection. Every man is an island. There is an "ice barrier" between strangers. Communication is mostly business-related and greetings are superficial. People tend to be segregated, paranoid, closed and mistrustful. They meet for convenience and go their own way. Groups are cliquish and non-inclusive. Most don't know their neighbors. One feels alone in crowded places. Trying to meet people feels awkward. All that matters is working and making money.

2) Dating and relationships are a no-win nightmare for many men. Women are unapproachable, paranoid and defensive. They look down on men as fools, creeps and predators. The positive qualities of the feminine are absent in them. They hate femininity, do not need men, and harbor an inner resistance toward relationships. Flirting is offensive and creepy to them. They are angry and self-centered with an off-chart sense of entitlement. Having too many choices, they become super picky and reject 99 percent of their admirers. Men do not feel wanted or needed, and their niceness counts for nothing. Single men outnumber single women. There are more dateless males than in any other country. Every decent girl says she's taken.

3) The cultural environment tears down your self-esteem and mental health. It makes you feel insecure, inadequate, uneasy, fragmented and alone. A default state of worthlessness is instilled in you that you constantly struggle against, feeling like you always have to "prove yourself". With all that pressure, you can't just relax and "be yourself". Many develop inferiority complexes, brag and act phony to compensate.

These conditions combined make America one of the WORST (if not the worst) cultures for Dating, Social Connection and Mental Health - a psychological hell for many men - and explain why it has the HIGHEST rates of mental illness and loneliness in the world (see these stats). As Jiddu Krishnamurti stated, "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." However, these truths are TABOO to mention (especially #2), lest you be seen as a "loser", for our culture only allows you to 1) pretend that everything is great, or 2) blame or improve yourself (neither of which really does any good).

But the truth is, the real problem lies with the location and environment, evidenced by the fact that the victims of the above do NOT experience such conditions once they are in different cultures (see these testimonials as proof) where the above are REVERSED:

1) Human and social connection flow more freely. The social environment is more open and inclusive. It is easier and more natural to meet and connect with others. There is more of a kinship, camaraderie and instant familiarity between strangers. People are more authentic and down-to-earth. Friendships are truer.

2) Dating and relationships are more natural and fulfilling. Females look and act feminine. They giggle and blush, are sweet and down-to-earth. Meeting them happens naturally with the flow. Women provide love, companionship and support to their man. They still harbor the positive qualities of the feminine, as God or nature intended. Men feel valued and appreciated; Their niceness counts and wins actual points.

3) You feel more accepted, whole and authentic. Due to #1 and #2, you feel naturally confident, secure and whole. Thus you can relax and be yourself. There is no need to develop inferiority complexes.
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Post by Winston »

Check out the new three point comparison on the pamphlet and the home page. I've revised it a lot and added more to it. Now it looks perfect and better than ever!


Could You Be

* Are you a single male who is fed up with the dating scene in America and has tried everything?
* Do you want more or better quality dates and are open to expanding your locality?
* Would you be glad to know that you are a BIG CATCH to millions of thin beautiful feminine approachable down-to-earth women all over the world who will treat you right - for REAL?

If so, I have Good News for you. The problem is NOT you and there is a Real Solution! I’m Winston Wu, founder of HappierAbroad.com, the most truthful, freethinking and intellectual Expat and International Dating site on the web. We offer a Proven Overseas Solution to the nationwide epidemic of loneliness and poor mental health in America, which is taboo to talk about but all too obvious based on the following dominant patterns in the US:

1) The lifestyle and environment are devoid of human connection. Every man is an island. There is an “ice barrier� between strangers. Communication is mostly business-related and greetings are superficial. People tend to be segregated, paranoid, closed and mistrustful. They meet for convenience and go their own way. Groups are cliquish and exclusive. Most people don't know their neighbors. One feels alone in crowded places. Trying to meet people feels awkward. All that matters is working and making money.
2) Dating and relationships are a no-win nightmare for many men. Women are corrupted by feminism and narcissism, making them hateful and unfeminine, with an off-chart sense of entitlement. They despise men and see them as fools, creeps and predators. As such, they are unapproachable, uptight, paranoid, and see flirting as creepy and offensive. They harbor an inner resistance toward relationships with men. Having too many choices, they become super picky and reject 99 percent of their admirers. Every attractive female is either taken, not looking, or has overly high standards. Men do not feel wanted, and niceness counts for nothing. Single men outnumber single women. There are more dateless males than in any other country.
3) The socio-cultural environment tears down your self-esteem and mental health. It makes you feel insecure, inadequate, uneasy, fragmented and alone in a highly toxic, stressful and lonely environment. A default state of worthlessness is instilled in you, making you always feel like you have to "prove yourself". Many develop inferiority complexes, brag and act phony to compensate. The social culture is a fake façade where you can't relax and "be yourself". The country boasts the highest rates of mental illness in the world, thus creating a mental health industry that does not exist in the rest of the world, which speaks volumes.

These conditions combined make America one of the WORST, if not the worst, cultures for Dating, Social Connection and Mental Health, and explain why it has the HIGHEST rates of mental illness and loneliness in the world (see the stats and studies on our site). As the great Indian sage Jiddu Krishnamurti stated, "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." However, these truths are TABOO to mention (especially #2), lest you be seen as a “loser�, for our culture only allows you to 1) act fake and pretend that everything is great, or 2) blame yourself (neither of which changes anything). But the truth is, the real problem lies with the location, culture and environment, evidenced by the fact that those who suffer do NOT experience the same conditions once they are in different cultures (see our site for abundant proof) where the above are REVERSED:

1) Human and social connection flow more naturally. The social atmosphere is more open, relaxed and inclusive. It is easier and more natural to meet and connect with others. There is more of a camaraderie and familiarity between strangers. People are more authentic and down-to-earth. Friendships are truer.
2) Women and relationships are more natural and complementary. Females look and act feminine. They are sweet, humble, authentic, down-to-earth and more approachable. Women admire and respect men, and provide love and support to their man. They are much more the way God or nature intended. Men feel valued and appreciated - their niceness counts and wins actual points. There is no loneliness epidemic.
3) You feel more accepted, whole and authentic. The genuine social environment allows you to relax and be yourself, without developing inferiority complexes or mental disorders. No one has to see a therapist.

Now which of these two social environments would YOU be happier in? Yet most Americans never hear about all this because it is so taboo and politically incorrect. So that's what we are here for, to disseminate these life-changing truths to those in need. We know that once you go abroad and experience all this, your life will change forever! We provide an abundance of Testimonials, Interviews, Photos, Videos, Articles, Ebooks, Research Studies, an Online Community and a Great Team that demonstrate and prove all this conclusively. Our site has changed lives and inspired many, providing hope, validation and Proven Overseas Solutions that have led people like you to Love, Fulfillment and an Authentic Saner Life overseas, becoming “Happier Abroad" :)

So let us open your eyes and show you a better life overseas! Visit http://www.HappierAbroad.com today!

Also, here is the new Mission Statement:


Mission Statement
1) To bring exposure to the national epidemic of loneliness and mental illness in America due to it being one of the worst cultures for Dating, Social Connection and Mental Health.
2) To offer a Proven Overseas Solution to the above, based on the Dating, Social and Mental Health benefits overseas, which are very real but taboo to openly mention.
3) To provide Inspiration, Guidance and Proof of Results for this solution through an abundance of Testimonials, Interviews, Research Studies, Photos, Videos, Articles, Ebooks and an Online Community to participate in.

Sound great?

What I do is put several folded copies of my Pamphlet in my camera bag, and hand them out when the topic of my website or movement or why I'm overseas comes up. I use double sided pamphlets. On one side is this pamphlet: http://www.happierabroad.com/Pamphlet.pdf and on the other side is this one: http://www.happierabroad.com/TheBiggestDatingSecret.pdf

Many Filipinas are curious about it and interested in taking one. Many expats react positively to it too.
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by momopi »

If your target audience is men and your goal is to attract them to your web site, just do a brochure with a bikini girl on beach on one side and an office cubical on the other. "Would you rather be here (cubical)" "Or here (on beach in exotic location with beautiful girl in bikini)?" Then somewhere near the bottom (on the side of the bikini girl), print "Visit happierabroad.com to find out how".

You can list a few points on either side of the page, but make them as short as possible. For the beach and girl pic (or some other desirable scene, such as waterfall, beach cottage, girl in beach dress, etc), make sure it's obvious that it's foreign in some way. An attractive back profile shot is sometimes better than frontal. There are hundreds of thousands of photos avail for license (or even public domain use) out there, just look around for them.
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Post by Winston »

momopi wrote:If your target audience is men and your goal is to attract them to your web site, just do a brochure with a bikini girl on beach on one side and an office cubical on the other. "Would you rather be here (cubical)" "Or here (on beach in exotic location with beautiful girl in bikini)?" Then somewhere near the bottom (on the side of the bikini girl), print "Visit happierabroad.com to find out how".

You can list a few points on either side of the page, but make them as short as possible. For the beach and girl pic (or some other desirable scene, such as waterfall, beach cottage, girl in beach dress, etc), make sure it's obvious that it's foreign in some way. An attractive back profile shot is sometimes better than frontal. There are hundreds of thousands of photos avail for license (or even public domain use) out there, just look around for them.
That could work for some. However, remember that I'm trying to appeal to people's intellect and thirst for truth, not just to their senses. That's why we tend to attract intelligent freethinker types to this forum, cause I appealed to their intellect, not to the lowest common denominator.

And besides, anyone can put a picture of a hot girl on a pamphlet with a URL on it. You gotta give people a reason to visit a site. If someone gave me a pamphlet with a hot foreign girl on it and a URL but no reason to visit the site, I would not visit it. There has to be a GOOD REASON to make me visit a site. A hot pic isn't enough of a reason. I'm sure you understand.

The three point comparison that I have on the main pamphlet gives the reader some intelligent truthful observations that they do not normally read about, and provides a sample of my writing, arguments and points. If they are impressed, then it tells them that they will be impressed with this site. With the pamphlet, they can gauge whether Happier Abroad is for them or not. In that sense, I think it does its job.

I do have a pamphlet with some pics on them here: http://www.happierabroad.com/Pamphlet3.pdf
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by momopi »

Winston wrote: That could work for some. However, remember that I'm trying to appeal to people's intellect and thirst for truth, not just to their senses. That's why we tend to attract intelligent freethinker types to this forum, cause I appealed to their intellect, not to the lowest common denominator.
...you seem to have attracted some folks who lean toward antisemitism and white nationalism. ;p
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Post by Winston »

Hi all,
Here's a new pamphlet I just created about the Global Dating Solution. I made some key logical points in it that explain the importance and significance of our movement. I also added some images too. Check it out at:

Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by Winston »

I've had my main 3 point comparison pamphlet translated into Chinese:


If you know any Chinese people, feel free to share it with them.

Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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Post by Winston »

Hi all,
I decided to update my 3 point comparison pamphlet with some practical issues that I felt were important. So I created a fourth point. I figured the 3 point comparison on the home page and pamphlet was incomplete because it only covered social and psychological areas, but not practical ones. So I added 3 additional practical comparisons into the fourth point. I also revised many of the sentences in the original 3 points. Now it's more comprehensive than ever. I've already updated the home page with the new 4 point comparison.

Here is the new version below with 4 points of comparison. What do you think? Is it better than before with the addition of the fourth point? Feel free to print out the single page PDF file of the 4 point comparison at the link below to hand out to people in person.


I'm also working on new pamphlets for you all to print out that lists the benefits of living overseas and the downsides of living in America on both sides of a page so that more points can be made in them.
Check out my FUN video clips in Russia and SE Asia and Female Encounters of the Foreign Kind video series and Full Russia Trip Videos!

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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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