Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by Yohan » ... 02-153268/

I still cannot understand why the earth should be flat....

Why can we know years in advance that an asteroid is coming near to earth if the earth is not moving and is not a globe?

Flat earthers maybe think asteroids are under the earth and we are on the earth and we cannot see them?
Full text see link above
NASA Probe to Observe Near-Earth Asteroid’s 2029 Close Encounter

December 2, 2023

About 5½ years from now, astronomers calculate, an asteroid about as wide as the Empire State Building will streak through space within 32,000 kilometers of Earth, the closest any celestial object of that size will have come to our planet in modern history.

When it does, a spacecraft launched by NASA in 2016 is expected to be in position to provide a detailed examination of this rare close encounter.

The mission, directed by University of Arizona scientists, is expected to yield insights into planetary formation and knowledge that could inform efforts to build a defense system against possible doomsday asteroid collisions with Earth.

At the time of its 2004 discovery, the asteroid Apophis, named for a demon serpent embodying evil and chaos in ancient Egyptian mythology, appeared to pose a dire impact threat to Earth, with scientists forecasting a potential collision in 2029. Refined observations have since ruled out any impact risk for at least another century.

Still, its approach in 2029 will bring the asteroid within a cosmic cat’s whisker of Earth — less than one-tenth the moon’s distance from us and well within the orbits of geosynchronous Earth satellites.
The NASA spacecraft OSIRIS-APEX travels away from Earth in a still image from a NASA artist’s video rendering.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

gsjackson wrote:
December 10th, 2023, 11:42 am

The late Rob Skiba put a telescope to the Chicago skyline a few years ago and brought everything into view. Probably others too.

Unfortunately for me a lot of these discussions depend on complex (complex to me anyway :lol:) mathematical formulas which only bamboozle me. I confess that math is not my strong suit at all. I'm sure there are mathematicians who can make sense of the formula offered. I can't, however. As I said I think @Yohan made some interesting contributions based on perception and angles or some such buried among the comments in this thread.

I wonder though, why does the Chicago skyline and other things such as ships viewed sailing across the horizon disappear from the bottom up rather than gradually get smaller? Telescopes do not help you see farther, they just bring things farther away back into focus. But the same question still applies. Why does only the bottom of the city skyline disappear?

I've read that refraction and light can play a part in what you're talking about. To demonstrate this point take these photographs of the Chicago skyline and the differing sizes which can only be refraction at work.

upload images

This is a photo of Sears Tower highlighted in red on the Chicago skyline. we can tell there is some serious refraction going on by looking at the Sears Tower inside the red outlined area. What do you suppose that building looks like? Does it have a tall thin section below the spires on top? No, it doesn’t. So we’re seeing the top of the building Stretched by differences in the refractive index along each sight-line.

This is unequivocal evidence for the refraction.

upload images

And where do you suppose the ENTIRE bottom of the city went exactly besides hiding behind the curvature of the Earth?

upload images

These are side by side images of the skyline with all the tops of the buildings being stretched by refraction.

How do you explain this?
I saw Skiba's, but it has been purged from the internet by Youtube, like 99 percent of the flat earth videos, which were abundant six or seven years ago. You'd think putting their little warning that flat earth is an archaic and scientifically disproven theory on each FE video would be sufficient, but I guess anything that jumps out as clear proof has to be removed. Youtube are, of course, dutiful censors on behalf of establishment narratives, including covid shots and alternative treatments, the 2020 elections, and "hate speech" (aka criticism of Jews). Ever vigilant to suppress speech that contradicts "science," don't you know. Science as the official narratives define it.
I don't disagree with what you're saying about YouTube. They are indeed dutiful censors on behalf of the establishment. Censorship and the attack on free speech has only been ramped up in recent years. I don't understand why flat earth videos on YouTube should be censored. If the earth is 100% a globe why would they care if someone challenges their assertion that the earth is a globe? That is indeed strange.

There are some considerations we have to make with the regard of censorship and science. Firstly, when it comes to censorship we have to consider that just because it is censored doesn't mean it is censored because it's the truth. For example a racist right wing extremist might make videos about how it's right to beat and burn ethnic minorities to death and be censored, would that mean his position is the truth? This example is extreme when compared to flat earth theory. But the logic still applies. Just because it is censored (justly or no) doesn't make it the truth.

Also with science we could apply nuanced thinking too. I do not accept all scientific establishment narratives as absolute truths. I do my own research and formulate my own opinions based on what resonates with me. I don't accept the Big Bang Theory. I think the evidence is flimsy and based purely on guesswork. How can they possibly know how the universe started? They don't have nearly enough evidence. When it came to the covid vaccinations several people, including a portion of the medical community, were skeptical and silenced by the mainstream. That is suspicious. Plus we could see a similarity with what happened with Purdue Pharma and the revolving door between Big Pharma and the FDA etc. The corruption and lies are prolific! So obviously we are in agreement with things like that!

But with science, and everything else really, there has to be a nuanced outlook. It isn't one things bullshit so everything is bullshit! When it comes to science I think the heliocentric model explains everything we can observe in the physical world a lot better than the geocentric model can. Unlike the scandal with covid, we don't have portions of the scientific community condemning the heliocentric model as a hoax. We don't have any whistle-blowers. We only have people who seem to struggle grasping concepts such as abstract "up" and "down".

So yes, when it comes to the theory of relativity, gravity and all the rest of it I generally accept these theories as the best explanation we have for the observable phenomenon around us. Flat Earth and the theories offered by its proponents just do not do an adequate job of explaining this phenomena to my satisfaction and as such I view the theory to be mainly guess work based on misunderstandings and "observations" and guesswork. Mind you, I am someone who accepts that the theories laid out in the heliocentric model could be entirely wrong. Our entire understanding of physics could be wrong. We are only human after all, and I believe even the smartest among us have the capacity to make mistakes or be wrong.
"The plane is part of the planet's mass," you say. Interesting concept. One normally doesn't think of air as planetary mass. But leaving that aside. what happens to this spinning air "mass" when it comes into contact with the vacuum of space? Is there some barrier keeping the two entities separate? Austin Witsit has some thoughts on this. Galii has provided his Youtube channel info.
Of course air is part of the planets mass! Air isn't weightless, it has mass and weight. There is no barrier separating them from the vacuum of space and the fact the atmosphere doesn't go flying off into space is only testament to the theory of gravity, isn't it? Otherwise if space isn't real then how is there differing air pressure at higher altitudes? How does air pressure work on flat earth? How can there be lightning or even rain without air pressure?
Gee, If only Einstein had observed flushing toilets in both the North and South hemispheres he might not have said that the movement of the earth can never be proved. I take it this is the "observable proof" you're talking about. I'm guessing you yourself haven't observed large numbers of flushing toilets in both hemispheres, so who would be the expert witness who has done so? This source -- straight out of officialdom, no less -- refutes this contention about the Coriolis effect as a canard: ... uator.html
The direction of the toilet water might change determined by the manufacturer. I shrug my shoulders and say fair enough. Even if we discount the toilets entirely we still have natural phenomena which serve as proof as coriolis effect.

Coriolis force is an apparent force caused by the earth's rotation. The Coriolis force is responsible for deflecting winds towards the right in the northern hemisphere and towards the left in the southern hemisphere. It's evidence that the earth is rotating and moving. It is natural and cannot be attributed to manufacturers like the toilets.

Coriolis force can also explain why flight paths are curved and not linear like flat earthers like to argue. Coriolis effect cannot just be dismissed as nonsense as it accounts for weather patterns, ocean currents and even air travel. If you have evidence which supercedes coriolis effect as evidence for these phenomenon then please provide it.
They tried proving that the earth moves in the 19th century and it didn't work. That's why Einstein came up with all this relativity hocus pocus in order to pull the heliocentric model's chestnuts out of the fire. They tried proving the existence of gravity as the attraction between large masses but that came a cropper too, so Einstein came up with some hocus pocus about a warp in the time-space continuum. Roll out some bullshit in defense of false establishment narratives and you too can be called a genius. But it would help to be Jewish.
Well, so far I've challenged a lot of flat earth beliefs and received nothing which convinces me that the geocentric model and its theories hold more credence than the heliocentric model.

My analysis is that flat earth is based on some or all of the following concepts: 1. Mistrust in government and mainstream narrative (perfectly understandable) 2. Misunderstanding abstract concepts such as "up" and "down". And 3. Unable to comprehend vast distances and sizes. I don't get how these sizes and scales are so unbelievable? 4. Unable to accept that we are NOT the centre of everything.

So far I've asked about several observable phenomenon which are adequately explained by the scientific mainstream to my satisfaction. Unless you can explain these better with evidence and proof of experiments being invested into this study then I'm forced to make the claim that there is NO proof or scientific data which can empirically prove without a doubt that the earth is flat. Don't get me wrong, @gsjackson, I'm not one of these people who looks down on flat earth or thinks people who believe it are idiots. I don't think that at all. I watched the video shared by @Winston with an open mind, but it just failed to convince me of a flat earth.

Could you answer?

1. My question about refraction and things disappearing across the horizon bottom first? Like the Chicago skyline why can you clearly see the tops of buildings and not the bottom if the world is flat and curvature is not responsible for this? How do you explain the refraction I demonstrated in the photographs I shared? Are you going to try and dismiss them as part of the globalist conspiracy?

2. The Coriolis effect with regard to weather and ocean current affected by rotation and curvature of the Earth. If the earth is stationary then how does this effect exist? What other explanation can you offer?

3. Lunar eclipse... again.... The spherical object which eclipses the moon as the earth passes between the sun and the moon. What other absolutely huge celestial round object can cause this, yet we have no Knowledge or proof of its existence?

4. Atmospheric pressure. Without gravity how can the atmosphere of the earth be held in place unless there is a firmament separating the atmosphere from the vacuum of space? If there is a firmament or barrier then how does difference in air pressure exist? Why does higher altitudes have lower air pressure? What is your scientific explanation for this?

5. Why does NASA being corrupt, lazy and greedy prove the earth is flat? How does the government being corrupt and greedy prove this? Where are the whistle-blowers and what is the ultimate purpose of this lie? If its to hide God then why does the heliocentric model not have credence as a created universe when we consider the fine tuning? If its for monetary incentive NASA could fake trips to space regardless of what shape the planet is.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »

Why most flattards can't be argued with: Because they hate science because they don't have the brains to process it. So they love to say f**k you to SCIENCE.

Normal people have also not the brains for science but they are not sick narcissists so they don't take it personal.
Why People Think the World is Flat
Johnny Harris
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by Yohan »

Even Eratosthenes 276 BC-194 BC understood that the earth is a globe, it is easy to prove.


Al-Biruni made a similar calculation - he was using sticks of same size on a flat land - in various places in Iran, Afghanistan and India, some sticks were fixed in the earth vertical position, other sticks (nobody knows how high) were pointing to the sun and the length of the shadows of the vertical sticks and the angle of the sticks pointing to the sun were recorded at the same time (Al-Biruni understood the time difference when moving east-west) by him and the people he was in contact and later Al-Biruni was studying all these results.

Al-Biruni concluded that the earth must be a globe, it cannot be just a flat area - in case being flat, the shadows and angles of the sticks would be different.


Al-Biruni also made some research about the volume and weight of the earth and not only about the radius and circumference but he admitted, he cannot prove his conclusion is correct.

He was calculating 'somehow' the weight of the entire earth and considered its rotation as a globe (which consists of solid material + water + air) and said, something does not fit together.

Why? Because he knew only about the existence of Europe, Africa and Asia - and he concluded that something is missing (he constucted a globe model), there must be a huge solid land yet unknown - located east and west from the land area he knows so far.

He was right, but of course he did not know about the existence of the American Continent.

Biruni’s Telescopic-Shape Instrument for Observing the Lunar Crescent

He was also investigating the sky and made a list with data of about 200 stars abd collected data about sun, moon and planets
He constructed some instruments for that, but those data/drawings are lost, however there is some information about them in his writing how he did it.


... prepared a pole on the expected azimuth of the lunar crescent along the outer rim of the Indian Circle and observes from its center
....more accurate line of sight can be achieved with another pole in the center of the Indian Circle and observing over both poles.

An optical aid named barbakh that Abū al-Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī (973–1048 CE) proposes for facilitating the observation of the lunar crescent in his al-Qānūn al-Mas‘ūdī VIII.14. The device consists of a long tube mounted on a shaft erected at the centre of the Indian circle (a circle on a plane ground with marks indicating the four cardinal points), and can rotate around itself and also move in the vertical plane. The main function of this sighting tube is to provide an observer with a darkened environment in order to strengthen his eyesight and give him more focus for finding the narrow crescent near the western horizon about the beginning of a lunar month.
He was also watching the weather and found that sound has a certain speed, a difference between flash and thunder - and also got the idea that not only sound, but also light must have a certain - but extreme high speed.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »


Check this out. I thought something is fishy with the Eratosthenes story
Neil DeGrasse Tyson Destroys The Eratosthenes Story

I have to give an L to us globers and W to the flattards in this case. Sometimes they can teach us something.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by Yohan » ... 26-158083/
December 26, 2023

TOKYO (Jiji Press) — The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) said Monday that it has successfully put into the moon’s orbit a lunar lander launched by an H-2A rocket in September.

JAXA projects the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) to touch down Jan. 20 next year.

An engine operation for putting the lander into an elliptical orbit at an altitude of 600 to 4,000 kilometers to the moon was carried out Monday night as planned, according to JAXA.

SLIM is a small probe about 2.4 meters high and weighing about 200 kilograms excluding fuel.

If the landing ends in success, SLIM will be the first Japanese probe to touch down on the moon and make Japan the fifth county to do this, only after the former Soviet Union, the United States, China and India.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by Yohan »

galii wrote:
December 27th, 2023, 8:44 am

Check this out. I thought something is fishy with the Eratosthenes story
Not really, also read the follow-up comments of this video.

Eratosthenes was living about 1200 years before Al-Biruni,
and as I explained, Al-Biruni did a similar experiment, but direction was more to east-west and not north-south and he used a much longer distance, considering time difference...and he did not do it alone and observed shadow and angle over a long time.
But his result was therefore much more precisely calculated.
Also with Al-Biruni, he and his students wrote everything down, in all details, but maybe only about one quarter of his original writings do still exist.
But about Eratosthenes how much did really survive?


There were other astronoms who were living about same time as Al-Biruni in Syria (now this place is a part of Turkey)

check out Al-Battani

He came to the same conclusion independent from Al-Biruni and also some of his scripts survived, even in Latin Language.

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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »


I think you did not understand what I am talking about.

Did you watch the video? Did you agree or disagree with Neil?

In this case it is not about the size of the earth. It is about the shape. It is strictly and only about Eratosthenes. It is about how Carl Sagan was wrong about assuming a flat earth explanation would not be possible.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by Yohan »

galii wrote:
December 27th, 2023, 10:17 am

I think you did not understand what I am talking about.

Did you watch the video? Did you agree or disagree with Neil?

In this case it is not about the size of the earth. It is about the shape. It is strictly and only about Eratosthenes. It is about how Carl Sagan was wrong about assuming a flat earth explanation would not be possible.
Eratosthenes made various errors, and as I said in previous comments I do not think such findings of people who were living more than 2200 years ago are very accurate.

About arguments, I usually refer to Al-Biruni, 1200 years later than Eratosthenes. Al-Biruni (and some others too) is totally ignored in the Western world of education, obviously for the reason of Christianity to give preference to some people like Galileo ...

Errors: For example Eratosthenes was thinking the moon makes its own light and also considered the earth as the center of the universe etc.
Also his calculation about the distance earth to sun was not correct...

He got however the right idea about the earth is a globe, but what he did with the measure of shadows from sunlight is not a proof. Too superficial, not looking for other ways to prove his findings.

The distance he used is by far too short - if he did that between Egypt and South Africa the result of the shadows with 3 different places would be totally different and it might be seen as a proof that the earth is a globe, not a flat disk. (I said, it MIGHT BE seen...)

See the drawing and see the angle:

There are much better arguments about the earth as a globe, for example this video I would use as response:

Just watch the stars north and south of the equator of the earth, you see different stars...
Nowadays people can travel by airplane...and see yourself!

Destroying Flat Earth Without Using Science - Part 2: The Stars
galii: In this case it is not about the size of the earth. It is about the shape.
It is, just my opinion, about the size of the earth.

The measuring points were too near to see the difference clearly.

The same can be said about the curve of the earth, even in an airplane you cannot see the curvature of the earth, because you are not high enough....but this does not mean that the earth is flat...
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »


Check this out. Witles Witsit gets smacked by his fellow flattard. So I have to take it back. It is not a 100 percent echo chamber. So who is the king of the flattards? What do you guys think?

It starts by 2h 00 minutes.
British Flattard Nathan Oaklay abuses american flattard Witsit Getsit and friends
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by publicduende »

Why is this thread still ongoing? :)
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »

publicduende wrote:
December 28th, 2023, 3:20 am
Why is this thread still ongoing? :)
Because it is the best thread on HA.

Pixel Dude and Yohann already are members. Come join. Don't be shy. :lol:
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by Yohan »

publicduende wrote:
December 28th, 2023, 3:20 am
Why is this thread still ongoing? :)
Why not?

Alone the life of Al-Biruni, who is not so well-known in Western countries is worth a discussion.

Do you know that Al-Biruni was born in Usbekistan and an entire city where he was born is named after him?

The city underwent many name changes, including Fil and Shobboz.
In 1957, it was renamed Beruniy in honor of the scholar and polymath Abū Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī who was born and raised in the town.
Also a crater on the moon was named after him

And also '936 Al-Biruni', an asteroid, was named after him.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

@Yohan the video you shared does give a good argument against flat earth. The only problem is that I really hate that sanctimonious prick Professor Dave. The stars argument is a good one though. It would be interesting to see @gsjackson or @Winston attempt to refute it.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »

Yohan wrote:
December 28th, 2023, 4:11 am
publicduende wrote:
December 28th, 2023, 3:20 am
Why is this thread still ongoing? :)
Why not?

Alone the life of Al-Biruni, who is not so well-known in Western countries is worth a discussion.

Do you know that Al-Biruni was born in Usbekistan and an entire city where he was born is named after him?

The city underwent many name changes, including Fil and Shobboz.
In 1957, it was renamed Beruniy in honor of the scholar and polymath Abū Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī who was born and raised in the town.
Also a crater on the moon was named after him

And also '936 Al-Biruni', an asteroid, was named after him.
I love that stuff too. So much interesting things to learn. Life is not only about simping for
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