Reasons Men Should Leave America

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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by publicduende »

Yohan wrote:
December 31st, 2021, 7:32 pm
publicduende wrote:
December 30th, 2021, 8:15 pm the Philippines, Covid cases were virtually all reported in the big cities, among those who spend their days in a neon-lit office. Outside urban areas, where boys and men practically live barechested and under the sun, Covid is unheard of.
Who knows? In Philippines in rural areas and on small islands people often do not have a birth certificate and no address and of course also no health insurance and not to talk about all these millions of homeless living somewhere in a cemetery or under the bridge or in impoverished Muslim areas in Southern Philippines which can hardly be controlled by the government.

No Philippine authority is even able to count them all and nobody cares anyway about these people except some charities sometimes, but still Philippines reports approx. 3 times more covid-19 deaths than Japan.
According to the WHO and other fearmongering scientific (?) think tanks in the West, any country that didn't implement strict lockdown and mass vaccinations would have been counting their dead by the millions. It didn't happen in the Philippines, where most of the population is living in the kind of rural, no-infrastructure areas you are referriung to. It didn't happen in India, either.

Maybe, in those areas, a large number of old people with prior health issues died with Covid, or from Covid, in the same manner they could have died with dengue or seasonal flu. The Philippine government failed to report a significant spike in overall numbers of deaths, both in 2020 and 2021.
Last edited by publicduende on January 2nd, 2022, 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by Mercury »

Tsar wrote:
April 17th, 2021, 6:14 am

Here are ten reasons men in their mid-30s and younger should leave America:

1. You won't actually build a life there. $30,000 won't build a life in America and let's face it, if almost all Americans are one paycheck away from poverty or homelessness, then it is a problem with the system, not the people.
You're absolutely right on that one; today, you have to be a movie star or famous Hollywood celebrity making at least ten times what you describe here.
2. The lack of quality girls. Thin, B+ cup, young women willing to be feminine, date men they don't know, and actually like being feminine are not common. Most girls anywhere will be sluts in 2021, but at least a guy could enjoy female companionship with a nice slut. In America (but same goes for Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and any significant White Western Nation), whether a girl is a slut or a feminist, she will be a bitch. In addition, most of the females in America range from "average being overweight" and "curvy being a landwhale" and "obesity is actually morbid obesity" and "morbid obesity is body positive." Come on, don't be a loser and go after simping after dirty Sows!
The lack of quality women is no joke. And especially with single men outnumbering single women by as much as 4,000+ to 1, every quality woman that's single, she's easily got as many as half a million single guys hitting on her! And more often than not, even the moderately to severely overweight women are taken, and the only women that are not taken are the supermorbidly obese! You're talking women that are 400, even 600 pounds and bigger. No neck at all, their double chin slopes almost straight down at up to a 70 degree angle, enormous overhanging belly and deep abdominal folds, even has massive glandular problems or even worse, an obesity-triggering disability such as Prader-Willi Syndrome.
3. The lack of healthy food. In the EU, the food is quality. A lack of artificial colors, no additivities, less or no preservatives, and the standard for food is to be non-GMO. Harmful chemicals are not allowed into the food supply like they are in America. In America, they deny people basic human rights to actually eat healthy, afford quality food, and have time to cook meals. People can prolong their life by just going abroad, walking, and eating healthy. If they get a female companion, they will also see their mood improve and their stress levels go down even more.
American food is toxic, and so is American tap water! High fructose corn syrup practically is better used as engine lubricants or to refine jet fuel. Tap water in America is laced with chlorine and fluoride, both of which are toxic if ingested. If it can kill a Venus Flytrap, it can destroy your health!
4. Police that aren't trigger happy or violent. Maybe they might be corrupt in some areas of the world but not violent. Typically, if they are corrupt, they would probably target drivers since that's the really only way they could get money without doing excessive work in the hopes a foreigner pays them. In America, most people would happily pay a cop $50 to avoid a speeding ticket but America is excessive about rules, regulations, and obeying everything. Cops will not pull out their gun and shoot innocent people or even a person that is a criminal without a very good reason, and especially not a fatal wound. In America, being in the presence of any cop is intimidating for any civilian. Men should especially be afraid of being near cops. Unless you're clearly in your 70s with wrinkles and white hair, and have light skin (White or Asian), if you're a male in America, the police could decide to shoot you while you are walking on a sidewalk.
American police are no joke, either. Congress has recently made approaching a woman a capital felony under Federal law, investigated by the FBI and Homeland Security and punishable by three hundred (300) years to life in prison and/or the death penalty. Statutory stalking, as it is called. That means even if she welcomes it, it's still a capital felony, and if American law enforcement sees you approach a woman, they will slam you to the ground, slap the cuffs on, and haul you to prison like you even just planted a bomb at a nearby business and were carrying the remote detonator.
5. Angry, stressed, and sad people. Think about it. America has many unhealthy foods, forced solitude creating many male incels, a lack of jobs, an even greater lack of quality or livable jobs, most people working but always one paycheck away from poverty, expensive healthcare, insurance that is lousy, and a tax system that favors the wealthiest. The news in America spreads fear, ferments hate, and seeks to divide people. How can a place with angry, stressed, and sad people, who are overworked, have declining opportunities and living standards and life expectancies, with the highest prison population in the world, that makes enemies out of nations and peoples that aren't actually enemies, be a great place?
It's no wonder we are seeing all these massacres! It's illegal already under Federal law in the United States for men to interact with women unless it's business-related. But instead of making Americans look at themselves and their own culture, pretty soon it'll be a capital felony under Federal law to leave your residence except for business. Next thing you know, all persons will be required to be escorted to and from their business by armed military convoys and platoons, there will be no more bars, restaurants, or nightclubs anymore, classrooms will be a thing of the past, and every single business will be required by Federal law to be fully divided to where nobody ever catches a glimpse of another person at all while at work. No visitors allowed at all, either.
To answer that question, maybe the rich people and the celebrities, the people who live in mansions and gated communities, or who have enough money and sex they will never feel stressed because their money and sex guarantees them happiness (until all the lack of quality food, lack of medical care, bad society, and inability to buy Viagra or afford it makes them unhappy).
You ain't kidding!
6. Male Incel is a Government Mandate. If it wasn't, girls doing escorts and P4P would be legal.

America doesn't want straight men to be happy or even be in a relationship. Men are only in America to work, pay taxes, fight in nonsense wars, serve women, and add to the profits of corporations. That's why American men, especially my Millennial generation and younger, have a terrible deal in the United States.

It would also get opposition from feminists who would be upset because men would be "exploiting females" (because they probably believe whores are victims, but when they be sluts, they are engaging in female empowerment). Many American women would also oppose it because men could and would only go for college girls and girls in their 20s for a Girlfriend Experience. It would actually create Female Incels, while any male would pay a whore and whores would need to reduce their rate to reflect the legality and the increased supply relative to the demand.

Girls would need to take care of their appearance, exercise, eat right, and not think being a fat Sow is enough because at least one desperate guy will be there to accept them because he wants sex with any female. But American women are lazy at everything except when it comes to their career. Most don't prioritize marriage or relationships, and when they have either, it is more of an accessory to show to their friends or to just have that experience.
Because America is already a gay/lesbian country as mandated by Federal law as of 2020. And in America, everyone is expected to eat the culture foods! It's actually illegal under Federal law to grow your own food in the United States. With the way things are going on Capitol Hill, soon the FBI will be able to arrest you and throw you in prison for decades for having an apple tree in your backyard!
7. If you want a family, best to do it on a foreign nation. Foreign nations educate their people better and their schools are less cliquish. Also, if you ever get married, many nations are better if you happened to get divorced.

8. What does America offer that other countries can't? I won't answer this question because it is a question people need to answer for themselves. Everything in life can be weighed on a scale.
There is lots you can do in other countries that's actually illegal to do in America.
9. Heterosexual Male sexuality is not allowed in America. America only allows female sexuality and homosexual male sexuality. Why else would the free "adult entertainment" websites be deleting all their content? #MeToo, feminism, and other movements all destroy things for men in America.
Hetrosexuality is already a capital felony under Federal law in the United States. 300 to life in prison and/or the death penalty.
10. Americans have to deal with excessive taxation, excessive fees, hidden fees, and hidden surcharges. Tipping is mandatory. People are expected to become debtors because corporations want increasingly profits to distribute to executives and Wall Street, and the government needs increasing taxes. The price people see in America is never that low. Combine that with low wages and mass unemployment, we can easily see why Americans are some of the poorest people in the world, middle class life is an illusion of debt, and to actually be anything more than working poor in America needs great luck.

America is a greedy Communist country, no doubts. Property taxes aren't even taxes at all. They're rents of land that are used for public purposes, straight from Karl Marx. That house you just finished paying a mortgage for 30 years on, you don't own that house. You're renting it from the city and county government. American prisons are commercialized as a huge source of income for state and Federal governments. The more people get locked up, the more money the government makes. Inflation continues to drive the cost of living skyward while paychecks begin to slide downwards!
Men in America have the worst deal compared to anywhere else. Don't waste the best years of your life in a country that is violent, denies people many human rights, is unsafe, and has terrible women. Besides, 25% of American women have genital herpes and 50% have at least one STD. Have some courage, self-respect, and pride as a man and go abroad.

Real men go abroad. Greater men stay abroad. Quality girls whether they're virgins or sluts can be found abroad. And if you're going to get a slut, which is really the only option since girls won't be virgins in 2021, go for a slut abroad. Don't be miserable, unhappy, stressed, angry, and depressed because you're in America. Go abroad and live a better life with better food, better females, and more time for leisure.
America is a violent country. Rap has become the new mainstream music at American bars and nightclubs. More than 90% of American millennials and post-millennials are in gangs. Crime is spreading into rural areas as gangs split up into more gangs, like what happens when you try to get rid of quack grass by pulling it out of the ground, and as new gangs form in rural areas. America is going the way of Venezuela, Afghanistan even.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by Czar »

gsjackson wrote:
December 26th, 2021, 8:45 pm
publicduende wrote:
December 26th, 2021, 8:29 pm
OTB wrote:
December 26th, 2021, 7:21 pm
"Real men go abroad. Greater men stay abroad." I like that Tsar. I'm still here and wanting to leave asap. But with covid restrictions in most countries I'm limited to a few countries that have no restrictions which are in Latin America; Mexico/Costa Rica.
Covid restrictions and travel bans have not only almost destroyed the tourism and airline industries of the affected countries but - most tragically - one of the few outlets permitted to the middle class. I guess whoever masterminded this knew that sheeple is more sheeple is is forced to stay at home, in an incessant routine of work, junk food and Netflix.

If this kind of lifestyle changes are not detrimental to their immune system, I don't know what it is.
Oh, there's no question that one of the objectives of the scamdemic has been to put an end to international travel by proles like me. To end the happierabroad lifestyle. And it's worked with me. I'm not flying again unless all these ridiculous hoops that have been put in place are ended.
This. I'm trapped here in a loveless, community-less, hellhole - America. If God wouldn't have brought me to Florida, it would be that much worse. I am finally ready to go abroad, and they've blocked me.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by tommytan_li21 »

Tsar wrote:
April 17th, 2021, 6:14 am
A month ago this news article came out. I was just curious to see what it would take if I actually wanted to live in the United States. ... y-us-state

Most people will never earn more than $30,000 a year in the United States and that is gross income. People need to have at the minimum a girlfriend or boyfriend or a roommate. Sometimes they need both, and in some cases if they live in a place like New York City or Los Angeles, they might need themselves and three other people. They need to both earn at least $30,000 each to get by in most places in the United States.

Great for people who have friends. Not so great for the majority of single guys.

I have no intention of living in the United States because it offers me nothing I truly need in life and out of life.

I am not into consumerism to just accumulate a pile of things. I value quality over quantity and prefer to buy things that will last. It seems like most people prefer the opposite. Also, portion sizes are relatively large when it comes to food which would be okay if it were healthy, quality food, but it usually isn't.

Here are ten reasons men in their mid-30s and younger should leave America:

1. You won't actually build a life there. $30,000 won't build a life in America and let's face it, if almost all Americans are one paycheck away from poverty or homelessness, then it is a problem with the system, not the people.

2. The lack of quality girls. Thin, B+ cup, young women willing to be feminine, date men they don't know, and actually like being feminine are not common. Most girls anywhere will be sluts in 2021, but at least a guy could enjoy female companionship with a nice slut. In America (but same goes for Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and any significant White Western Nation), whether a girl is a slut or a feminist, she will be a bitch. In addition, most of the females in America range from "average being overweight" and "curvy being a landwhale" and "obesity is actually morbid obesity" and "morbid obesity is body positive." Come on, don't be a loser and go after simping after dirty Sows!

3. The lack of healthy food. In the EU, the food is quality. A lack of artificial colors, no additivities, less or no preservatives, and the standard for food is to be non-GMO. Harmful chemicals are not allowed into the food supply like they are in America. In America, they deny people basic human rights to actually eat healthy, afford quality food, and have time to cook meals. People can prolong their life by just going abroad, walking, and eating healthy. If they get a female companion, they will also see their mood improve and their stress levels go down even more.

4. Police that aren't trigger happy or violent. Maybe they might be corrupt in some areas of the world but not violent. Typically, if they are corrupt, they would probably target drivers since that's the really only way they could get money without doing excessive work in the hopes a foreigner pays them. In America, most people would happily pay a cop $50 to avoid a speeding ticket but America is excessive about rules, regulations, and obeying everything. Cops will not pull out their gun and shoot innocent people or even a person that is a criminal without a very good reason, and especially not a fatal wound. In America, being in the presence of any cop is intimidating for any civilian. Men should especially be afraid of being near cops. Unless you're clearly in your 70s with wrinkles and white hair, and have light skin (White or Asian), if you're a male in America, the police could decide to shoot you while you are walking on a sidewalk.

5. Angry, stressed, and sad people. Think about it. America has many unhealthy foods, forced solitude creating many male incels, a lack of jobs, an even greater lack of quality or livable jobs, most people working but always one paycheck away from poverty, expensive healthcare, insurance that is lousy, and a tax system that favors the wealthiest. The news in America spreads fear, ferments hate, and seeks to divide people. How can a place with angry, stressed, and sad people, who are overworked, have declining opportunities and living standards and life expectancies, with the highest prison population in the world, that makes enemies out of nations and peoples that aren't actually enemies, be a great place?

To answer that question, maybe the rich people and the celebrities, the people who live in mansions and gated communities, or who have enough money and sex they will never feel stressed because their money and sex guarantees them happiness (until all the lack of quality food, lack of medical care, bad society, and inability to buy Viagra or afford it makes them unhappy).

6. Male Incel is a Government Mandate. If it wasn't, girls doing escorts and P4P would be legal.

America doesn't want straight men to be happy or even be in a relationship. Men are only in America to work, pay taxes, fight in nonsense wars, serve women, and add to the profits of corporations. That's why American men, especially my Millennial generation and younger, have a terrible deal in the United States.

It would also get opposition from feminists who would be upset because men would be "exploiting females" (because they probably believe whores are victims, but when they be sluts, they are engaging in female empowerment). Many American women would also oppose it because men could and would only go for college girls and girls in their 20s for a Girlfriend Experience. It would actually create Female Incels, while any male would pay a whore and whores would need to reduce their rate to reflect the legality and the increased supply relative to the demand.

Girls would need to take care of their appearance, exercise, eat right, and not think being a fat Sow is enough because at least one desperate guy will be there to accept them because he wants sex with any female. But American women are lazy at everything except when it comes to their career. Most don't prioritize marriage or relationships, and when they have either, it is more of an accessory to show to their friends or to just have that experience.

7. If you want a family, best to do it on a foreign nation. Foreign nations educate their people better and their schools are less cliquish. Also, if you ever get married, many nations are better if you happened to get divorced.

8. What does America offer that other countries can't? I won't answer this question because it is a question people need to answer for themselves. Everything in life can be weighed on a scale.

9. Heterosexual Male sexuality is not allowed in America. America only allows female sexuality and homosexual male sexuality. Why else would the free "adult entertainment" websites be deleting all their content? #MeToo, feminism, and other movements all destroy things for men in America.

10. Americans have to deal with excessive taxation, excessive fees, hidden fees, and hidden surcharges. Tipping is mandatory. People are expected to become debtors because corporations want increasingly profits to distribute to executives and Wall Street, and the government needs increasing taxes. The price people see in America is never that low. Combine that with low wages and mass unemployment, we can easily see why Americans are some of the poorest people in the world, middle class life is an illusion of debt, and to actually be anything more than working poor in America needs great luck.

Men in America have the worst deal compared to anywhere else. Don't waste the best years of your life in a country that is violent, denies people many human rights, is unsafe, and has terrible women. Besides, 25% of American women have genital herpes and 50% have at least one STD. Have some courage, self-respect, and pride as a man and go abroad.

Real men go abroad. Greater men stay abroad. Quality girls whether they're virgins or sluts can be found abroad. And if you're going to get a slut, which is really the only option since girls won't be virgins in 2021, go for a slut abroad. Don't be miserable, unhappy, stressed, angry, and depressed because you're in America. Go abroad and live a better life with better food, better females, and more time for leisure.
wow! i love this article you wrote. i dont even make much money to enable to live here less than 20k a year which is damn sad :-( and i dont have much good quality girls to get and date easlisy living here fooking sucks....
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by Mew6ix »

The same can be said for Toronto.

Feminists are actively trying to shut down Asian massage parlours: The only recourse incels can obtain sex.

I find it suspicious that an "incel" murdered a spa worker in Toronto though. It seems to me like a false flag to shut down the massage parlours.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by Yohan » ... 01765.html

Interesting are the follow-up comments. Many are very positive about moving abroad when you retire and have a regular allowance.
Much cheaper life, more friendly people...
Of course there are also some disadvantages, but in general get out of the US is not a bad idea.
I'm a US vet who decided to retire in the Philippines. The political divide in the US became too much for me.

December 25, 2023

Steven Johnson, a veteran and retiree, moved to the Philippines five years ago.

Johnson holds a special visa that allows former servicemen to live in the country indefinitely.

Johnson said living in the Philippines is far from perfect, but still a better fit for him than the US.

This as-told-to story is based on a conversation with Steven Johnson, a 60-year-old American retiree and content creator living in the Philippines since 2018. It's been edited for length and clarity.

Five years ago, I decided to retire and move abroad.

I'm from a small city in Massachusetts and worked as a therapeutic mentor and school safety officer for 18 years. Before that, I had a career in the military as a cook in the US Navy, where I worked on two submarines in the '80s.

As I got older, I realized the culture and politics in the US was evolving. Living there was no longer a fit for me, so I set my sights on the Philippines. My ex-wife was a Filipina, and I had visited the country before, so I knew what to expect. I moved to the Philippines in March 2018 and settled down with Susan, my 55-year-old girlfriend.

I applied for the Special Resident Retiree's Visa Expanded Courtesy. This non-immigrant visa is specifically for people with prior service in the military. I found the application process cheap and easy — it cost me $1,400 to apply for the visa from the Philippine Retirement Authority.

There were several requirements to get this visa — I had to make a security deposit of $1,500, be over 50 years old, be honorably discharged, and have served at least two years in the military.

The visa allows me to stay in the Philippines indefinitely, and I can still travel out of the country whenever I want. This privilege also extends to two dependents — and more, for $15,000 each — which means I could have other family members join me here down the road. My daughter is 33 and lives back in Massachusetts. We keep in touch over the phone, but she's not interested in moving.

I started a YouTube account, The Philippine Info Channel, to share with other expats what it's like to retire here and have 28,000 subscribers. Many of them hold a Special Resident Retiree Visa too, but through other means, like investing in property. In total, over 73,800 foreigners are holding this special visa.

Life here is much more affordable.
I decided to retire in the Philippines as the cost of living here is much lower than in the US. I live in Trece Martines in Cavite, a province some 30 miles from Manila, the capital.

The exceptionally low rent is a plus point. For example, Numbeo, a comparison website that provides crowdsourced summaries of the cost of living in major cities worldwide, lists renting a three-bedroom house in Cavite as costing 9,000 Philippine pesos per month, or $218. In comparison, renting a similar house in Boston would cost some $3,450, per Zillow.

Traveling around the country is affordable too. A flight from Manila to Boracay — one of the most popular tourist spots in the Visayas islands — costs 1,636 Philippine pesos on Philippine Airlines, or $30, on average. Overall, it's a great place for expats on a budget.

I also have access to a US Veterans Administration Clinic. They help me with my back condition, and I'm much better taken care of here than in the US. The Filipinos working at the clinic take their jobs very seriously and are loved by most veterans here.

No plans on returning to the US
Despite small drawbacks, I would never return to the US after living in the Philippines for over five years. I have fond memories there, but the skyrocketing prices and the toxic culture between the two major political parties have deterred me from returning. I've found workplaces to be cutthroat if you are not in the same party as those with influence there. The way people treat each other can be very disheartening and sad.

On the other hand, as a foreigner here, I don't have to get involved in local politics. I've made my home here in the Philippines and am here to stay. It's not without its issues, of course, but the key is to have some patience and find an area that best fits your lifestyle and budget.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by yick »

That is an interesting story and I never knew such a visa existed for Americans (I take it is for former US GI's only...) his money goes further, he has access to the VA clinic and if he has his health and accepts where he is isn't America and it might not have the good things he misses about America and accepts it then he is further along the road than most.

I think the biggest bugbear for retirement overseas as you stated @Yohan is that constant income not everyone has and is something I am working on for my own retirement in 17 years from now but the biggest bugbear seems to be the security of long term legality with a good visa - the Thai visa needs to be renewed every year which isn't a great bargain for me as when they upped the requirements, they didn't grandfather current holders so they had to make plans to leave, I don't know if they actually did - same with Malaysia where they skyrocketed the minimum monthly income by five or six times that amount and they expected current holders to leave if they couldn't make that minimum - that's probably the worst abuse of that I have ever heard anywhere - I don't know what came of it but Steven Johnson has found a good, solid, long term visa he can plan his future around and with his pensions - he can live the life of Riley without a worry. Good on him!
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Good for Steve Johnson. He is a true patriot(sarcasm). I guess he gets his benefits because he have served in the ZOG military.
A cook in the Navy is a sweet gig. He doesn't have any Hajji(slang for Arab in Iraq) firing RPG rounds and planting IEDs on his ass.
At least the Veterans Administration is taking care of him instead of thousands of other wounded PTSD infantrymen who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, who took multiple shrapnels on their ass, fighting a fruitless ZOG Fortune 500, Bush family's war. :lol:
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by Yohan »

yick wrote:
December 26th, 2023, 4:30 am

1 -
I think the biggest bugbear for retirement overseas as you stated @Yohan is that constant income not everyone has and is something I am working on for my own retirement in 17 years from now

but the biggest bugbear seems to be the security of long term legality with a good visa - the Thai visa needs to be renewed every year which isn't a great bargain for me as when they upped the requirements, they didn't grandfather current holders so they had to make plans to leave, I don't know if they actually did - same with Malaysia where they skyrocketed the minimum monthly income by five or six times that amount and they expected current holders to leave if they couldn't make that minimum - that's probably the worst abuse of that I have ever heard anywhere - I don't know what came of it but Steven Johnson has found a good, solid, long term visa he can plan his future around and with his pensions - he can live the life of Riley without a worry. Good on him!
This is a very good comment, very true. Simply said, check it out carefully, maybe create for yourself a list, like an excel file about pro and contra.
I have seen many foreigners in Thailand and also here in Japan who were forced to leave, back to their own country.

Constant income - Visa requirements - of course - but not less important is a good health insurance (and if you are 70+ the premium is getting very expensive).

Keep in mind that cheap countries often have no public health care consideration for foreigners, and poor locals too complain about 'pay cash or die early' - Philippines is a good example for that.

If you leave your own native richer country to settle down for retirement somewhere else in a cheaper place, you have to be aware, that you need a regular income, (for example a retirement allowance for life), which must be higher than what the average locals in that country receive.
As a foreigner you cannot get away so cheap as locals can do.

I do not recommend to consider to change citizenship (including US!), as another important point is an 'escape route' - many cheap countries are not so stable and you should be ready to leave anytime and all what you own there might be lost - therefore always keep a good part of your money in your own native country in case of emergency, might it politically, or related to crime, or accident/illness etc. Keep a banking account with int'l cash card in your own country or elsewhere, to get out money in case you need it after you find your banking account in your foreign country to be locked for what reason ever.

Most foreign countries are willing to allow tourism, no problem to stay a few months, but a long-term visa is not that easy.
Every country has different, sometimes complicated rules to grant a long-stay visa and working permits.
You cannot trust visa requirements, most countries change their rules almost every year.

THAILAND: I had before a Thailand Retirement Visa, but now not anymore, they changed the rules, the retirement visa does still exist, but requirement is now an additional private health insurance and this is getting very expensive if you are 70+.
I also had a multiple re-entry before, now there is only a single entry and additionally you have to apply and pay for a re-entry permit every time you leave Thailand. I go to Thailand to my second home now only with a 30-days visa-free stamp. After that I go back to Japan - flights are cheap between Thailand and Japan. I come and go about 3 to 4 times a year. (can do that, but not over 180 days per year in Thailand)

MALAYSIA: Most foreigners get a 3-months permit on arrival as tourists. Long-stay permit was easy before, but it was misused by many rich Arabs, Indians, also Chinese, who were showing up with a huge family of several wives, plenty of children, parents, drivers, servants etc.
Now almost impossible to fulfill these longstay visa requirements for a elderly average couple from Western countries. About buying your own rooms, only one first-class large house and large condominiums in a prime location are allowed. - Forget about it.

JAPAN: does not even have a retirement visa and it takes many years to qualify for a permanent residence permit (which is however for life and includes a working permit without restrictions, right to buy your own house incl. land, multiple re-entry, full health insurance cover etc.)

CAMBODIA, PHILIPPINES - it seems still good for long-stay - not really difficult

TAIWAN - also OK, but be ready to disappear immediately, nobody knows what might happen to this disputed island in future.

LAOS, MYANMAR - very difficult and not visa-friendly for long-stay at all.

VIETNAM - no personal experience, cannot comment.


About myself, I am holding Austrian (EU) citizenship and Japanese permanent residence status (independent from my Japanese wife) and I am not really rich, but financially in a fairly good position. With my citizenship and residence status and good retirement allowance for life I can travel for short-stay (up to 3 months) to almost everywhere visafree - I am secure, but I understand that not everybody will be in that position after retirement.

Spouse visa are problematic too. - I was never on a spouse visa. It's the last resort. If the relationship breaks up (divorce or death of the local spouse) you might find yourself in trouble. Also spouse visa often does not offer any working permit, does not offer any health insurance...

Buying your own home in a foreign country - keep in mind that countries like Thailand and Philippines only accept foreign ownership of condominium units - never accept any help from a local woman (I love only you etc.) to register 'your' house/land in her name (so-called horror stories).
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by Yohan » ... ys-4006451

Malaysia eases rules for retirement residency visa but piecemeal announcement has wealthy foreigners holding off

Malaysia’s Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture unveiled a revamped version of the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme on Dec 15, introducing a three-tiered structure along with updated financial requirements.

Malaysia eases rules for retirement residency visa but piecemeal announcement has wealthy foreigners holding off
23 Dec 2023 06:00AM
JOHOR BAHRU: Malaysia’s move to ease some requirements for its retirement residency visa programme in an effort to attract wealthy foreigners has generated interest from those now qualified for the scheme, but many said they are still holding off from making formal applications.

This, they said, is because the government has yet to announce the full list of requirements for the revamped Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) scheme.

They also question whether there will be any changes to key conditions - such as minimum offshore income and minimum liquid assets - which some say were the “biggest barriers” in the previous iteration of the MM2H scheme.

The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC) unveiled a revamped version of the MM2H programme on Dec 15, introducing a three-tiered structure along with updated financial requirements.

The revised guideline outlines several changes to the eligibility criteria, including the fixed deposit amount needed for the lowest-tier category as well as the minimum age of applicants, which experts say will significantly widen the scope of foreigners who qualify.

For reading the full very long article, click on the link above

FYI income of Malaysian Ringgit 40.000,- monthly is about USD 8700,- per MONTH - with this income I can live almost everywhere, I do not need Malaysia for that....
+ required RM 1.5 million liquid assets = USD 330.000 - it's ridiculous....
Many observers said that the conditions set then disqualified many middle-income foreigners, and would only qualify ultra-high-net worth individuals, with the government reporting a 90 per cent dip in the number of applicants.

Among the critics was Johor ruler Sultan Ibrahim Sultan Iskandar who said the ministry’s reluctance to review the criteria was “mind-boggling and outrageous”.
They want to change this now, as almost nobody applies....we will see...
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by yick »

The Malaysia MM2H changes have been quite interesting @Yohan thanks for the links as I have had a good read about them and it seems Sabah are going to start their own MM2H along Sarawak - personally, I would go for Malaysia as a retirement destination if there was a 'bronze' option :lol: I still think the silver option isn't good value for money for just a five year visa and like you said - you are limited to buying property of a minimum of $140000 - I like the Chinese cities of Penang and Ipoh - I liked Ipoh a lot, the weather was amazing - it was like Medellin - it's at some altitude and was absolutely amazing to be around and I was there in mid summer - but they're messing this up and who's going to trust the Malaysians after the stunt they pulled on the original MM2H and shifting the goalposts.

I think Sarawak is a good deal and you can apparently live anywhere in Malaysia with it but Kuching would be fine for me - it is pretty much a Chinese Malaysian city which would be an important consideration for me personally.

What about Indonesia, Yohan? I have heard nothing but good things about Indonesia.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by yick »

The one thing about the 'platinum' option with MM2H is - does the PR lead onto citizenship? If it does, I can see some folks going for that but if their PR status stops at just PR and no chance of a Malaysian passport then like you said - who is going to pump all that kind of money into the Malaysian economy when they can go and get a passport of an EU country for not even anywhere near that much money.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by Yohan »

yick wrote:
December 29th, 2023, 7:06 am
The Malaysia MM2H changes have been quite interesting @Yohan thanks for the links as I have had a good read about them and it seems Sabah are going to start their own MM2H along Sarawak - personally, I would go for Malaysia as a retirement destination if there was a 'bronze' option
I have been in Malaysia quite everywhere, was living in Kulim near Penang with a Chinese woman, but this is long time ago. Also Malay was my first Asian language.
I still have a Chinese friend in Kota Kinabalu in Sabah...I know the entire family there and we never lost contact since more than 20 years.

However long-stay is difficult - and times are changing and I moved later on to Japan, and openly said, I prefer Japan as my place of principal residence with a visa for life. EU citizenship and Japanese residence permit for life - I am very satisfied with that.
Otherwise in Asia, I still find Thailand the best choice, at last for me and my family.
What about Indonesia, Yohan? I have heard nothing but good things about Indonesia.
I cannot comment about Indonesia, member MrMan knows more...
I have no idea about visa and buying property etc.
All what I can say however for sure all these islands and people living there are very different from each other.
Places like Western Sumatra (Aceh) are not OK, places like Bali are OK)
Keep in mind despite it is not an Islamic State, Islam is the main religion there and minorities of Christians and Hindu etc. are relatively small.
In Malaysia in Western part along the coast you might say cities are OK for Western foreigners in Penang or Kedah, but check out rural places in Kelantan and Terengganu with its population of over 97 % Muslims. In cities even like in Kota Bahru you get the feeling it is worse than in Iran....
These people are not hostile towards you, not at all, but it is getting boring - very boring soon.
Believe me....

Sarawak/Sabah is better, but there are also disadvantages, without airplane you cannot get away from there and there are not so many flight to international destinations -


Totally different situation in Thailand, plenty of discount flights to everywhere.

Also real estate, keep in mind in Thailand ONLY condominium possible, there is no restriction, even a tourist can buy a room with foreign name in the land title - and it is far cheaper than in Malaysia... and in case of visa issues, just move over to Cambodia, or get a 3 month stamp into Malaysia, by bus, train, or airplane...


About the MM2H, there is nothing what can be done just now - just waiting. But honestly, I do not expect a big change.
It will be something like the Thai Elite Visa, which is similar and fits indeed only rich people.

Further I can only advice every foreigner, keep your foreign passport, keep always an escape route in mind and never bring all your money to Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines etc.
Be ready to move on to another country immediately in case of troubles.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by Yohan »

yick wrote:
December 29th, 2023, 7:08 am
The one thing about the 'platinum' option with MM2H is - does the PR lead onto citizenship? If it does, I can see some folks going for that but if their PR status stops at just PR and no chance of a Malaysian passport then like you said - who is going to pump all that kind of money into the Malaysian economy when they can go and get a passport of an EU country for not even anywhere near that much money.
By my knowledge it does not lead into citizenship, but for what do you need it?

Anyway, the requirement of a fixed deposit of RM 5 million is nothing but a sick joke + add at least RM 1.5 million as liquid assets...
If you have this money, you can live everywhere without requirement of a fixed deposit of such a huge sum.

RM 6.5 million is approx. USD 1.4 million USD...and additionally you should prove an income monthly of RM 40.000- ??? Which is around USD 9000?

This is ridiculous, and there are also other requirements not mentioned, for example to pay for a private health insurance, which is very expensive if you are 70+.

Such visa might be great for a really rich Chinese, Arab or Indian big family as a safe heaven if something is going wrong in their own country and you need asylum as you can bring various family members with you in case you are on the run - but for a Western single or couple such a visa offer for permanent residence in Malaysia is totally unacceptable.

If you are holding any Western citizenship (USA, Canada, EU, Australia etc.) and really have this huge money of USD 1.4 million in your account and additionally have an income of USD 9000,- monthly - you can live almost everywhere worldwide.

THAILAND is also not cheap for such kind of special visa...
Check out ... a-packages

Thailand is still by far cheaper than Malaysia, but keep in mind this is only for 5 to 20 years... and this money you pay is lost. It is a fee, no refund.
However Thailand has no other requirements, you can live wherever you want, buy property whatever you like as long as it is in the condominium law....etc. However I will never pay such an amount, for what?

Solution/Conclusion - Such countries are not interested to welcome ordinary foreigners with average income for long-stay.
Best is you stay as a tourist for 1 month (Thailand) and sometimes 3 months (Malaysia) and not longer per visit, and be careful not over 180 days in one year.

Easy for me, as living in Japan - it's a cheap and short trip, about 5 hours....but airfare is not always cheap for long flights to the US or to Europe.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by yick »

I don't think the upper end MM2H are catered towards westerners at all - more likely like you say, rich Indians and Chinese who have shit passports and who might want a better passport which the Malaysian one is - I had a look at it and it is one of the world's best passport - 170 countries visa free - if you are a rich Chinese, Indian, Iranian - I don't know - then it makes sense to live in a country where the culture and people are similar to you - I mean, the selling residency/retirement visas is a very very competitive market with a lot of countries selling them to entice rich people to go and live in them - Malaysia up until now have offered very little in the way of why you would put millions of dollars into their economy - this is a step up - when you have billions of Chinese and Indians with a percentage of them rich enough to afford it (compared to other nations of course...) if I was Indian or Chinese - Malaysia would be a better fit for me than say Portugal, Malta or Colombia.

A youtuber named AV Daniel Violin made an astute comment that as an Asian (he is Chinese and a naturalised Norwegian..) he feels more comfortable in Thailand than he would in Croatia or Turkey or Spain - he was looking at those countries for retirement but he plumped for Thailand in the end. Sure, lots of Europeans retire in Asia and they're fine but for Chinese and Indian people - I wouldn't see their attraction to somewhere like Portugal or Argentina and somewhere like the UK or Canada - there might be a few places where they would feel comfortable with a lot of their countrymen miling about but that's a few places with the most expensive property - and the weather is shit. European type people in Asia are attracted to the weather, the good food and the usually peaceful non-confrontational cultures of these societies.

If the Malaysians offer eventual citizenship with the PR - that could be a winner - their previous attempts were woeful which is why nobody took them up on it.

I would never live in a majority Muslim city in Malaysia, there are very few cities in Malaysia I would actually live in but they would have to be Chinese majority cities or have near enough half of the population for me to consider it.
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