My Challenge to Rock!

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Re: My Challenge to Rock!

Post by Winston »

@Space Invaders
If you know the reason why Rock calls himself "Rock" then you must know him in person. If so, then you betrayed him by posting his video which he didn't want anyone to do.

Why don't you confess and come clean? Also, if you continue to bash and insult and mock and provide no value then you will be banned again, just like your last username Guhji was. Good people don't insult others all the time. At least I am good, but you are not, so why do you criticize me with mean insults, if you are less of a good person than me?

There's something I've never understood. You said that you saved Rock by convincing the girl that he was overly aggressive about trying to seduce, not to go to the police. So you did Rock a favor right? So why then does he have a grudge against you? That doesn't make sense. When he says your name, he acts as though you did something bad to him and betrayed him. Is there more to the story? Or does he just feel ashamed that you caught him doing something bad so he doesn't want to face you out of shame? If so then that's not good. A good person confesses their wrongdoing and apologizes and tries to make amends, not just avoids them. I don't respect that at all. It's low. Can you explain? Is there more to the story that would cause Rock to hold a grudge against you? Why isn't he thanking you instead of avoiding you? That's never been explained.

@Will N. Dowd and @galii you two had a falling out with Rock too. So that's three now. PD, Will N Dowd, and Gali. All three of you have had a falling out with Rock. Why does Rock have a falling out with so many people? There must be something toxic about him? Now he is ghosting me now too since he cannot address any of the points in this thread honestly. That is a bad sign.

Why did you two have a falling out with Rock? Gali, as I remember you and Rock met in Angeles City and after a few days something happened that made you and him avoid each other. What was that? Care to share? Can you be honest for once? I think Will N Dowd told his story earlier in this thread about a fight over some girl. Rock spread rumors about you so you got mad at him right Will?

Regardless how come you two didn't make amends with Rock? Is it out of male pride and ego? If so that's strange. I don't get why guys are so stubborn like that. Usually good people or good friends will make amends and apologize and make up. Just like they show on wholesome TV shows like "Little House on the Prairie" where friends and enemies make up at the end and everything is wrapped up neatly. Why can't you guys do that too? lol. I don't get your stubborn male ego that never apologizes and never makes amends. It's not wise or good. Good people don't do that. You guys are strange.

How do you tell the difference between a sociopath and a cold insensitive unfeeling guy with stubborn male pride? Is there a difference?
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Re: My Challenge to Rock!

Post by Winston »

galii wrote:
December 1st, 2023, 11:32 pm
Winston wrote:
December 1st, 2023, 11:09 pm
galii wrote:
December 1st, 2023, 11:03 pm
Winston wrote:
December 1st, 2023, 10:25 pm
galii wrote:
December 1st, 2023, 7:22 pm

Actually it is quite smart of him. You are 'frenemies'.
Why would it be smart of him? I am not a backstabber and I do not lie, cheat, or steal, so there is no reason not to trust me. Everyone knows I'm a good and kind person. Many people trust me with their secrets, even women do. Maybe because Rock lies and doesn't have a conscience, he assumes everyone else is the same, kind of like how women who cheat will accuse you of cheating too? It's a form of projection. There is no logical reason to distrust me. I don't break promises or do bad things or betray people. So your statement is not logical. Why would I be a friend and enemy at the same time? That's messed up. How come other men don't refuse to tell you their names, especially if they've known you for years? Even salesmen at the store will tell you their real name.

Why don't you try to make logical sense for a change?

Also why would I want someone who is a friend and enemy at the same time? Isn't that a contradiction and f***ed up and dysfunctional? Why can't I attract normal decent people instead of psychos? Whatever god runs this matrix must be a friggin psycho too.
Actually you do lie. I wrote that to you many times. You did not even bother to answer. It does not make you look good when you go around at say that everybody is a soulless NPC. All your bullshido science denialism comes on top of it.
When did I lie? You never said. Just because I don't agree with you, and for good reason, doesn't mean that I lie. Aren't you lying yourself when you say that I lie? You lying about me lying doesn't make me a liar. Plus it's dishonest and wrong too, and a form of slander. You will receive a warning on your account for calling me a liar without basis. You can't go around doing that. Plus you are wasting my time with garbage posts again. I told you many times, if you have nothing of value to say except garbage and lies, then don't bother posting at all. Anyone can lie and say something stupid. If you can't say anything intelligent, don't bother posting at all please. This is your first warning. Slander is not allowed here. Calling someone a liar who isn't is wrong. You making a false statement doesn't make it true just because you say so. Just like saying 2+2=5 doesn't make it true, even if you believe it. I am tired of wasting my time with you and arguing with someone who is dishonest or playing tricks and games on me. I have no tolerance for that. Sorry. I don't like dishonest people like that and don't waste my time with them. This is your first warning.

Next time you disagree, make some valid points please. Otherwise don't bother if all you have are insults. You are polluting the thread and wasting everyone's f***ing time.
I can find it if you like. You said to me 1 month or so ago that I am always using ChatGPT without mentioning that I use it. I said to you that you are lying. I always write that I use GPT before the textt. If I did not do it where is the proof? You made baseless accusation yourself. After that you did not bother to reply.

Saying that others are NPCs disrespectfull. You NPC.

Btw. You are the one who does not respect others time. I had to block you multiple times on whats up because of your marketing spamming. You would not stop even I said it to you multiple times.
Well you did copy and paste from ChatGPT for a while last year or so remember? I had to issue you a warning about it because you were copying and pasting it as if it were your own post without crediting it to A.I. It was obvious because the post was written like an encyclopedia, not a human post. Even if I am wrong, that is just a mistake, not a deliberate lie. Do you know the difference? Just because you sound retarded doesn't mean that you are right. You seem blind to your own faults.

Sure you may attribute your posts to ChatGPT now, and if so that is better, great. However, last year you were posting stuff from A.I. or Google or ChatGPT without the attribution. That's why I issued you a warning about it, remember? Because that is plaigarism if you copy and paste like that without attributing it. This is common sense.

Well you act like an NPC for sure. You don't act like a real soul or freethinker. Just calling a spade a spade. Just because something is disrespectful doesn't mean it's false. If it fits your behavior, then it fits. Simple.

Respect others' time? I forward stuff to my friends on Whatsapp all the time. All you have to do is tell me to stop. We don't even talk on Whatsapp anymore, so this is a nonissue. I no longer send you anything there. At least I don't lie or break promises, and if someone tells me a secret, I keep it 100 percent of the time.
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Re: My Challenge to Rock!

Post by Winston »

SaudiArabia wrote:
December 1st, 2023, 11:18 pm
Winston wrote:
December 1st, 2023, 10:25 pm
galii wrote:
December 1st, 2023, 7:22 pm
Winston wrote:
December 1st, 2023, 7:05 pm

Yeah it's smart to keep a low profile in dangerous third world countries. However it's not normal to never give out your name when meeting people or hiding your name from your own friends and going by a pseudonym only. I've known him since 2010 or 2011 and after a year or two he should have said "ok Winston I've known you for a while now. I'll tell you my real name now." Even after a decade he doesn't say that. I know his name now but I found it by accident, not because he told me. You can't deny PD that that's unusual. I don't know anyone who does that. Do you? It's overly secretive and cautious. Brave confident men like John Wayne or Clint Eastwood or Chuck Norris don't do that. Lol. Do you see what I mean?
Actually it is quite smart of him. You are 'frenemies'.
Why would it be smart of him? I am not a backstabber and I do not lie, cheat, or steal, so there is no reason not to trust me. Everyone knows I'm a good and kind person. Many people trust me with their secrets, even women do. Maybe because Rock lies and doesn't have a conscience, he assumes everyone else is the same, kind of like how women who cheat will accuse you of cheating too? It's a form of projection. There is no logical reason to distrust me. I don't break promises or do bad things or betray people. So your statement is not logical. Why would I be a friend and enemy at the same time? That's messed up. How come other men don't refuse to tell you their names, especially if they've known you for years? Even salesmen at the store will tell you their real name.

Why don't you try to make logical sense for a change?

Also why would I want someone who is a friend and enemy at the same time? Isn't that a contradiction and f***ed up and dysfunctional? Why can't I attract normal decent people instead of psychos? Whatever god runs this matrix must be a friggin psycho too.
The individual in question, publicduende, is referring to you divulging his personal information, such as his name and social club, in the past and subsequently refusing to remove this personal information on the grounds that you believed it would not cause any harm. Individuals with autism may experience challenges in comprehending the notions of physical space, personal boundaries, privacy, and confidentiality. They will simply expose all of your personal information to the public. So you would want to limit your exposure to such people. Furthermore, individuals with autism struggle to comprehend the cognitive processes employed by neurotypical individuals. Due to the lack of social ties and empathy among autistic individuals, they may engage in conversations with individuals who exhibit racist, rapist, pedophilic, or other behaviors deemed undesirable by normal people without experiencing a sense of wrongdoing. Ordinary individuals perceive your association with individuals of low moral character and conclude that you too possess similar undesirable qualities. Therefore, the average individual would not desire to be associated with the content presented on this platform.

I hope that helps

Stop copying and pasting from other sites or ChatGPT and pretending it's your own. That's against the rules. None of that applies to me. I may be overly honest and outspoken sometimes, but I never break a promise or lie. Every time someone asks me to keep a secret, I keep it always. I am good at controlling that. If I were a Freemason or part of a secret society, I would keep all the secrets if I promise to do so. I have always been good at keeping promises. So none of that applies to me. Unlike you I am a man of honor and morals and virtues and principles. Even if you don't like me, at least that is true. A man's character and integrity are what matters most, not his money.

But you are totally soulless PAG and all about money and showing off. 99 percent of the guys here dislike you for a reason. I even sent your videos and photos to some black guys I know, and even other black guys don't like you. So even guys of your own race don't find you appealing.

Furthermore, everyone says that you must have some mental issues because you have to show off on a forum like this instead of just living your life. It's as if you need some validation from others to exist. And you can't do that on other forums because other forums would ban you. So you take advantage of the free speech here. That speaks volumes about your issues and inferiority complex. Every smart person has said that about you.
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Re: My Challenge to Rock!

Post by Winston »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
November 21st, 2023, 2:39 pm
Winston wrote:
November 21st, 2023, 2:16 pm
Btw @MarcosZeitola and @Pixel--Dude and @Lucas88:

My theory on Rock is that since he had childhood and teenage trauma too, due to being socially ostracized, he has deep inner wounds in his psyche too, like many of us do. However, since he doesn't have a spiritual side and his upper 3 chakras don't work, he cannot use spirituality or nature to replenish himself. Instead, he has to use drugs and painkillers such as Tramadol and related stuff in order to feel good and get his high. The thing is, drugs and alcohol are portals that open oneself up to spirit possession or entity possession. So he could very well be possessed by something that feeds on negativity in order to get sustenance. And that's why he's always negative and poo poos everything, like a debbie downer, and also why he gaslights people, including me, and even using deliberate LIES to try to win debates, which is wrong and immoral of course. He knows it's wrong but he does it anyway, so he probably can't help it and is possessed by something. He definitely does not seem like a pure clean soul, that's for sure. There's a reason why alcohol is called "spirits" because it opens up portals to spirit possession.
Yes, some people are like that. Incapable of experiencing true joy, the "little things in life" that make most people happy mean nothing to such an individual. I've known a few such people, and they're unpleasant and nasty to be around. They suck all the energy out of a room, and out of a person just for associating with them. You can only really handle being with such an individual every once in a while, after which you need a "break" to recharge your energies away from them. :lol:

A lot of times this is the sort of person who is married to his or her job, doesn't like pets, children, sweet or cute things, doesn't have "sentimental side", doesn't get emotional, ever, and isn't really moved by anything in any way. Basically a sociopath. Life is a big game, a joke, to such a person and they're just in it to kill time, have some fun, mess with people. They do not believe in love, see sex as a conquest, bed partners as trophies, not people. They kind of hate themselves, so it's only natural for such a person to hate everyone around him, too. And since such people have no respect for themselves, they have no respect for others, either. Sure, such a person will show basic decency sometimes, and have enough decorum to fit into society... but it's a facade, really. Because the person doesn't care. About anything. He or she is just a passerby, more animal than human, because all the little weird habits that make someone human, are alien to them. You never see the person, truly. You just see a persona, carefully crafted.

This type of person is typically intelligent. Has a high IQ, and decent EQ, enough social skills to read others, mimick socially appropriate behavior when necessary. They can come across friendly enough, cordial even, but it's fake and anyone who spends enough time with them will, sooner or later, figure it out. Figure out something fundamental is lacking. Making this type of individual deeply disturbing to be around too much. Those who only had one or two brief interactions with the person, however, will often not notice anything "off", as the sociopath is a master at hiding his true form when meeting strangers he wants to impress or be respected by.
Wow so you've met your fair share of sociopaths too? Were they expats or regular people in Holland? What you describe above could fit Rock, but it's hard to say, because he would never admit it of course. But gut instinct says that he could be all that you describe above, but hides it of course. Because he does act unfeeling like he doesn't care and doesn't have feeling or remorse for anything he says or does. I dislike that of course, but a lot of modern people are like that unfortunately.

I was wondering though, is there a difference between a sociopath and a stubborn guy who is cold and insensitive and has an a-hole personality and doesn't have any real feelings or empathy? Is there a fine line? It's hard to say.

But one thing for sure. Many people who have met Rock have said that there was something "off" about him. But it's hard to put a finger on exactly what.

When you said he looks unsettling, does that mean there is something creepy or inhuman about his face and demeanor? It's not just because he has ghostly pale skin or slanted eyes right? Is it just because he looks Slavic or is there something more? He says his ancestry is Finnish or Norwegian or Scandinavian I think. Is that why he looks Slavic?
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Re: My Challenge to Rock!

Post by gsjackson »

Hmmm, something very incongruous here. When I met Rock in Thailand in 2014 he spoke highly of you, Winston. Called you a "straight shooter." Is there some reason you're turning on a friend and libeling him on the internet?
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Re: My Challenge to Rock!

Post by kangarunner »

All the above are all speculatory accusations with no evidence. As far as his appearance and mannerisms, just because they are different to you does not mean that he is a bad person. You're talking about someone who not only was accepted to business school but also graduated and then went on to be hired in professional banking. Not only that, he earned his money and now owns and operates private rental units.

Individuals with a high intellect may appear to be awkward or "off" to those who do not have a high intellect.

Also, he's an older man. Do you really think someone who is 50+ would waste time making some fake account or paying someone to make a fake account to shitpost and troll a forum? Why would someone with the aforementioned background (advanced education, professional work experience, financially successful) would waste time doing that when there's other more productive things he could be doing with his time?

All the above accusations are unfounded and have no evidence. This is clearly a point the finger at someone thread that needs to be stopped.
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Re: My Challenge to Rock!

Post by Winston »

gsjackson wrote:
December 2nd, 2023, 8:41 pm
Hmmm, something very incongruous here. When I met Rock in Thailand in 2014 he spoke highly of you, Winston. Called you a "straight shooter." Is there some reason you're turning on a friend and libeling him on the internet?
Well I am a straight shooter, that's why I'm telling it like it is. I never lie remember? I'm not turning on him, just complaining about his faults and behavior, especially since there is some smoking gun proof that he's been trolling this forum under troll accounts for years. Didn't you see all the evidence and smoking guns earlier in this thread? Plus he has gaslighted me for years and put me down and even used obvious lies to try to win debates, which is immoral. Hence his dark side is darker than I thought. And I am baffled as to why he never tries to correct his dark side, nor does he show any inner struggle between a good soul and bad soul but seems unified, which is a bad sign, like perfect possession, as exorcists say.

Also what I said is not libel. Libel is not the same as saying something negative. Libel means you spread LIES and damage someone's reputation with those lies. Telling the truth is not libel. This is common knowledge. Didn't you know that? This is basic legal definition. Why are you guys so error-prone?
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Re: My Challenge to Rock!

Post by Winston »

kangarunner wrote:
December 2nd, 2023, 9:03 pm
All the above are all speculatory accusations with no evidence. As far as his appearance and mannerisms, just because they are different to you does not mean that he is a bad person. You're talking about someone who not only was accepted to business school but also graduated and then went on to be hired in professional banking. Not only that, he earned his money and now owns and operates private rental units.

Individuals with a high intellect may appear to be awkward or "off" to those who do not have a high intellect.

Also, he's an older man. Do you really think someone who is 50+ would waste time making some fake account or paying someone to make a fake account to shitpost and troll a forum? Why would someone with the aforementioned background (advanced education, professional work experience, financially successful) would waste time doing that when there's other more productive things he could be doing with his time?

All the above accusations are unfounded and have no evidence. This is clearly a point the finger at someone thread that needs to be stopped.
What are the speculatory accusations? People saying that Rock looks off or unsettling is just their opinion. Many who have met Rock have said that, so it's nothing new and is a common opinion of him. It is not a lie, just an opinion. What kind of accusations are you referring to? About him trolling the forum? Well I agree with you, Rock doesn't have a motive to do that and is unlikely to do that. That was said many times already earlier in the thread. However, there is some smoking gun proof that @Pixel--Dude found to prove that he did, so we have to follow the evidence like any good detective. A truth seeker follows the data remember? It's also a bad sign that Rock has no reply or comment to any of the smoking guns that Pixel Dude brought up. A truly innocent man would be outraged at being falsely accused and try his best to clear his name, not just go silent and say nothing. That's a red flag. Think about it.

So it is not true that there is no evidence. Pixel Dude posted some very strong HARD evidence and smoking guns, remember? Did you forget? If so, look at the posts earlier in this thread, or start from the first page of the thread if your memory has been erased. You don't seem to be taking all data into account and you seem to have forgotten the trail of evidence earlier in the thread.

So what we all concluded was that Rock must have some dark side that is darker than we thought, if he was indeed trolling the forum under Mercer and Recover and Wufan, etc. It was the only logical conclusion. @MarcosZeitola explains why in many long posts earlier. Did you even read them?

I agree with you that an older successful man like Rock would not waste his time trolling a forum. However, keep in mind that Rock does and says many things that are not logical at all, and lives in a bizarro world where up is down and down is up, and admits that he is different from everyone in that regard too. He told me so. His words, not mine. I have seen countless examples of this since 2010 or 2011 when I first met him. Keep in mind that you have never met Rock, whereas I have. So I am a first hand source, whereas it is YOU who are speculating, right?

Regardless, since Rock is not logical at all, but often uses upside down logic, and even lies to try to win a debate sometimes, you cannot use logic to say what Rock would or would not do. Do you see what I mean? Hence the logical motivation argument doesn't work in this case. If we were talking about Mr. Spock from Star Trek, then yes logic would mean something, but in this case it doesn't. lol. You see my point?

Also we do not know where his money comes from or if he was ever a banker. We only have his word for it. None of it has been verified. So we do not know for sure. Most people are not 100 percent honest and western men are known to lie. Even many guys here are known to lie. Very few are totally honest like I am. It's always possible that his story is a cover story. We just don't know. You can't assume everyone is honest about everything. And plus I've caught Rock lying a few times before, so he is definitely not above lying. I would swear on the Bible to that.

To give you another example: One time Rock said he grew up in Taipei at an American school. Another time he said he grew up in Illinois. Well one of those statements has to be false. They can't both be true. Do you see what I mean? Can't you see the obvious? Obviously what this means is that if Rock lies, he is not calculating and does not have a good memory to try to keep his lies consistent. We all know that to be a good liar, you have to have a good memory because you have to keep inventing lies to be consistent with other lies. Otherwise, if you forget then you will be caught contradicting yourself and lose credibility. You see what I mean?

Can you please read all of this and take it into account? I don't like it when I have to type all this out and then the next day you forget and go back to the same statements again. That's annoying. Please take ALL THE DATA into account please.
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Re: My Challenge to Rock!

Post by Winston »

Also @kangarunner have you ever seen that sitcom Seinfeld? There is a famous episode in it where George does everything the opposite of common sense wisdom and got amazing results. It was a funny and memorable episode. Here is a clip of that episode below.

The point is, Rock freely admitted to me that he follows such a philosophy too, of doing everything the opposite of what you are supposed to do. Hence nothing he does can be measured by basic logic, and he is proud of that. He is a contrarian by nature, and loves to argue, even when he knows he is wrong, like when he tried to argue that the parks in Taiwan were just as big as in China, which anyone can verify is totally ridiculous. But he gets off on that.

Also, Rock has said to me many times that if he were doing a public speech, he would not dress up in professional attire like everyone else does. He would wear t-shirt and jeans or pajamas even, just to be different and not follow the norm. Obviously that would be a sign of disrespect toward the audience, but he doesn't care, he just wants to shock people and doesn't feel any shame about it. Do you see how people like that don't live in the real world and don't care to either?

Do you see what I mean? Does that help you understand him better now? He lives in a bizarro world and is proud of it and gets off on it, almost like the Joker in Batman. lol. No joke. That's what he is and he admits it. Hence you can't apply logic or common sense to judge his motivations. Do you understand now?
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Re: My Challenge to Rock!

Post by MarcosZeitola »

Winston wrote:
December 2nd, 2023, 7:20 pm

Wow so you've met your fair share of sociopaths too? Were they expats or regular people in Holland? What you describe above could fit Rock, but it's hard to say, because he would never admit it of course. But gut instinct says that he could be all that you describe above, but hides it of course. Because he does act unfeeling like he doesn't care and doesn't have feeling or remorse for anything he says or does. I dislike that of course, but a lot of modern people are like that unfortunately.

I was wondering though, is there a difference between a sociopath and a stubborn guy who is cold and insensitive and has an a-hole personality and doesn't have any real feelings or empathy? Is there a fine line? It's hard to say.

But one thing for sure. Many people who have met Rock have said that there was something "off" about him. But it's hard to put a finger on exactly what.

When you said he looks unsettling, does that mean there is something creepy or inhuman about his face and demeanor? It's not just because he has ghostly pale skin or slanted eyes right? Is it just because he looks Slavic or is there something more? He says his ancestry is Finnish or Norwegian or Scandinavian I think. Is that why he looks Slavic?
It's hard to go through life and never meet such types, @Winston because sadly they do exist. I do think lifestyle choices tells you a lot about a man. Rock is not a poor man, he seems rather well-off. And yet there's never a girlfriend, let alone a wife. There's never any longer term relationship. Or even any relationship. All his contacts seem fleeting. All his friendships inevitably fall apart. The fact that no one seems to be able to truly get to know the man on a deeper level, and still stand the sight of him, seems rather telling.

There are people who have a bad aura. Cats dislike them. Dogs dislikes them. Children aren't drawn to them, women aren't attracted to them and other men are repelled by them instinctively after meeting a few times and digging a little deeper only to find out there is no "deeper", or perhaps the deeper parts are things you rather wouldn't have known. Some fundamental flaw, something missing. I don't want to make the guy out to be Hannibal Lecter, Winston, but seriously in a country like the Philippines to live the way Rock does is... unusual, to say the least. It's hard to live there and NOT get into a relationship eventually, or make friendships even of the shallow kind. You have to actively repel people to be in the Philippines for extended periods of time, for years and counting, and never make any connections that aren't fleeting.
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Re: My Challenge to Rock!

Post by gsjackson »

Winston wrote:
December 2nd, 2023, 9:31 pm
gsjackson wrote:
December 2nd, 2023, 8:41 pm
Hmmm, something very incongruous here. When I met Rock in Thailand in 2014 he spoke highly of you, Winston. Called you a "straight shooter." Is there some reason you're turning on a friend and libeling him on the internet?
Well I am a straight shooter, that's why I'm telling it like it is. I never lie remember? I'm not turning on him, just complaining about his faults and behavior, especially since there is some smoking gun proof that he's been trolling this forum under troll accounts for years. Didn't you see all the evidence and smoking guns earlier in this thread? Plus he has gaslighted me for years and put me down and even used obvious lies to try to win debates, which is immoral. Hence his dark side is darker than I thought. And I am baffled as to why he never tries to correct his dark side, nor does he show any inner struggle between a good soul and bad soul but seems unified, which is a bad sign, like perfect possession, as exorcists say.

Also what I said is not libel. Libel is not the same as saying something negative. Libel means you spread LIES and damage someone's reputation with those lies. Telling the truth is not libel. This is common knowledge. Didn't you know that? This is basic legal definition. Why are you guys so error-prone?
The definition of defamation (of which libel is the written version) has changed over the decades and is not clear-cut. Where once clearly suggesting that someone is a homosexual would have been defamatory on its face, that is no longer the case. In the current climate of opinion suggesting that someone is a sociopath is about as injurious to reputation as it gets. Whether or not what you say is truthful would be litigated if Rock brought a legal action against you, and presumably professionally-trained psychologists would be brought into court to testify. Your motion for summary judgment -- arguing that your opinion is clearly the truth and the case should be dismissed summarily -- would not succeed, and the case would go to the trier of fact. Your opinion is not obviously the truth.

Such a suit would probably not be successful because you didn't unequivocally state that Rock is a sociopath; you just appeared to be mulling the matter over. But it's certainly defamatory in spirit, if not the letter of the law.

And "smoking gun" proof that Rock is trolling the forum? I've read it, and I wouldn't say it rises to the level of smoking gun. And so what if someone is trolling the forum? It keeps the place alive.
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Re: My Challenge to Rock!

Post by Pixel--Dude »


It seems some of the users here have cognitive dissonance about Rock and whether or not him being the puppet master behind various Mercer sockpuppets is within the realms of possibility. Primarily the main defenders in this case seem to be @kangarunner and @gsjackson.

Firstly, there whenever a user is banned the admin responsible for issuing the ban can send the user a reason for the ban with a message when the banned user tries to log into the forum. When I banned Recover I sent such a message informing this user that I believed he was Mercer and therefore removed from the forum. Shortly after Rock sent Winston a message complaining about me as a moderator and complained that I'd banned a new account he made and accused him of being Mercer. Only the admin would know that by checking the admin logs and only the author of the Recover/Mercer account would've received that message. So please explain to me how Rock could've known that was the case. Also explain why he couldn't provide a name of an existing account that he made and I had banned as a Mercer troll? No such account existed. If it did he would be able to name it and he'd also be able to provide Winston proof of the verification email sent by the site as a screenshot. The fact that he couldn't do any of this, plus couldn't even offer an explanation to refute it makes him look guilty as hell.

Secondly, to refute kangarunner's argument. As we've already seen with PAG, financial success doesn't mean anything at all when it comes to personal character! @publicduende, @Yohan and @MarcosZeitola can all attest to PAG's relentlessness when it comes to trolling and abuse. I don't doubt PAG or Rock are financially successful, but this doesn't necessarily bring happiness or exonerate them from suspicion as trolls.

It's not like I made all this up or got it from nowhere! I don't know Rock personally and the compilation of evidence I have presented is comprehensive and compelling, all of which you have both chosen to dismiss or ignore based on some one or two hour encounter or based on how much money he has. :roll:
And "smoking gun" proof that Rock is trolling the forum? I've read it, and I wouldn't say it rises to the level of smoking gun. And so what if someone is trolling the forum? It keeps the place alive.
I am really disappointed with you in particular @gsjackson as someone I respected as one of the more level headed and intelligent members of the forum. For you to say that trolls like Mercer who mock @Jester and @davewe dying and say horrible things about how little kids should rope themselves keep the place alive?! I'm genuinely repulsed by that sentiment.
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Re: My Challenge to Rock!

Post by gsjackson »

It's not like I made all this up or got it from nowhere! I don't know Rock personally and the compilation of evidence I have presented is comprehensive and compelling, all of which you have both chosen to dismiss or ignore based on some one or two hour encounter or based on how much money he has. :roll:
And "smoking gun" proof that Rock is trolling the forum? I've read it, and I wouldn't say it rises to the level of smoking gun. And so what if someone is trolling the forum? It keeps the place alive.
I am really disappointed with you in particular @gsjackson as someone I respected as one of the more level headed and intelligent members of the forum. For you to say that trolls like Mercer who mock @Jester and @davewe dying and say horrible things about how little kids should rope themselves keep the place alive?! I'm genuinely repulsed by that sentiment.
I've never read one of Mercer's posts. If I were a moderator and obliged to read everything posted here maybe I would feel differently, but I read only a small handful of posters. As for the case against Rock -- it's evidence, and maybe it has identified the perp; I just said it falls short of "smoking gun." It's not conclusive, in my opinion.
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Re: My Challenge to Rock!

Post by publicduende »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 3rd, 2023, 3:58 am
I don't doubt PAG or Rock are financially successful, but this doesn't necessarily bring happiness or exonerate them from suspicion as trolls.
I don't think PAG is financially successful. He is just a little poseur who struggles to find a couple of people - whether offline or online - who will give him a crumb of attention.
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Re: My Challenge to Rock!

Post by kangarunner »

@Winston Stand down from this matter sir. You have written many thought provoking articles, great videos, interviews, etc. Wouldn't your energy and efforts be better invested in continuing that good work? Instead of this trivial matter?
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