Invasion of Europe

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Re: Invasion of Europe

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

NPCslammer wrote:
November 2nd, 2023, 5:59 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 2nd, 2023, 5:11 pm
NPCslammer wrote:
November 2nd, 2023, 4:21 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 2nd, 2023, 2:47 pm
Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 2nd, 2023, 1:14 pm

It was necessary to create this topic. I didn't want my thread on empathy to be derailed any further. I want it to stay on topic. At the same time I don't want to delete anything you guys have been talking about. Even if you're all arguing. That's why the thread was necessary.

I'm happy to discuss this topic, but I don't think you'll like my opinion on it. I don't have a problem with foreigners coming to the UK. As bad as you and NPCSlammer might think it sounds it just isn't something I give a f**k about.

I think the real issue here is the global elite. They are displacing thousands, if not millions of people around the world with their bullshit. Take the Iraq war, and all the other wars created by America and the UK. Where should all the displaced citizens go? Should they just die? If you lived in these countries you would want a better life for you and your family as well, would you not?

Besides, a lot of foreigners do come over here and take up good professions like doctors and such. I think most British people are just too dumb and lazy to study hard for a real profession. They'd rather get drunk and roll around in their own vomit. What does @Lucas88 think to this?

Should freedom of travel be a universal right? What do you guys think?

Clearly I don't think any country should have a large influx of these people living in them, changing the demographics. Look how Italy currently looks right now with all those f***ing Africans over there, it's awful that place no longer even looks like Italy despite they are only in that one little town.
Plus you have enough homeless people in Europe and America both. Why are you so concerned about all these other people and not for your own? Only liberals think like that.

What's the point in me traveling to any of these countries if they are going to just transform them into where all these people come from? The problem is white people don't give a shit about losing their countries because they've been conditioned all their lives to believe that it's "racist" if they simply say "We want our own nation to remain how it is." But other people don't have this problem because they don't give a damn about being called names. African leaders said it themselves "We hate faggots, we don't want gays in Africa, we kill and throw them in prison!" They think a lot like the Muslims do on this sort of stuff.

You think they care if someone calls them "Homophobic?" They don't give a shit, Africa is their land, and they are allowed to keep it how they want it. If they say they don't want certain people there, then they have the right to keep it how they want it to be. Same applies to everyone else.
Asians also don't want to see their countries transformed either. The fact is they are pushing all these people into these other countries because they hope the people will race mix and wipe out all these races so people have no identity. For most people who do the whole interracial date thing, of course that would be of no concern to them anyway. But I feel that destroying sovereign nations is insulting.
I for one am sick of all the multiculturism shit. I lived around all these different people since the 90s, and I didn't like it then. While I had no issues with Russians and we barely ever had any Asians since Asian people generally prefer to remain in their own country. I have no desire to be surrounded by Muslims, Africans, Hispanics, etc.

These people also don't give a flying f**k about me either. If they did, why is it that when they start a business they only employ their own people? And all of these people aren't looking for "a better life" they want to take over and be the dominant group of the country they invade. Look how blacks constantly whine about racism when they go to someone else's country instead of trying to help Africans make Africa better. Instead they act entitled to white people's stuff. You are in THEIR country so if they don't want to accept you, they shouldn't be forced to do so. Just like no one can go to Africa and force Africans to be tolerant of LBGTQ people, they never will unless someone kills off their current leaders who hates it and put a puppet African leader there that's pro-LBGTQ. Then I'm sure most Africans would be pissed off and might retaliate with violence since they aren't the type of people that like seeing their country taken over by others and don't tolerate the idea of being colonized.

You mention a better life, but I disagree with you. Look at Sweden right now. It's so bad over there they had to get the military involved because the Turkish are f***ing that place up, followed by hordes of African men raping the shit out of the women even young under age girls aren't spared from the sex violence. You should be more concerned about your own people and less concerned about all these outsiders who are going to take advantage of you who are just looking for the perfect opportunity to conquer and colonize the UK just like they will everywhere else that allows them to. Japanese society has remained one of the safest societies in the world for quite sometime despite some of the few issues they have, but one thing for certain they don't have a migrant crises problem, and they don't have hordes of women being raped and their law enforcement unable to go into certain neighborhoods to deal with crime, they don't have a bunch of homeless people and their own people sleeping on the street like what we have in mostly every single damn American city. And they aren't wasting resources taking care of a bunch of outsiders changing the way their country looks. They said it themselves "we rather use robots to fill in the jobs no one wants to do than to become America."

That's why so many of these invaders already feel that once they arrive in these countries, they are coming to conquer and colonize. There are loads of videos of them on youtube even admitting that's what they intend to do once they have enough of their people there. I even saw a video where this Muslim girl was saying she can't wait for Shahira Law to be the law of Europe. You really want this hell of a belief system to be Europes future?

I don't want to see a bunch of women walking around with hijabs because Muslim males took over due to the local men acting too afraid to defend their turf.
Plus you aren't getting a bunch of people who give a shit about being a doctor. You're getting a lot of people who are flooding into these countries because your leaders are all submissive. Here in America we have all kinds of people coming here ILLEGALLY and they are all useless. They aren't here for a "better life" they are here for the free shit they were promised by Democrats that think they'll vote for them, that's why they want White people to be a minority in America because they know white people (non-liberal ones) are the only people capable of overthrowing them, same thing in Europe. Some of these people also f***ed up their own countries just like what we are seeing here in America. A bunch of foreign and domestic f**k ups.

Once there is nothing left, then what are they going to do? Work for crap wages their whole life and still not have a better life in the new country they invaded? I'm not concerned with all these people, I'm concerned with myself, and my family. Blacks in general don't support any type of immigration period, that's why you don't see them running around promoting open borders, not even if it means to get more blacks into the U.S. They already hate their own as it is enough to kill them, why do they want more of them here? They don't.

It's really a white person problem, they are the only people who have this "I must love everyone" complex to prove they aren't racist. Then they get their asses kicked, beaten, and raped by the very people they are far to nice too. I mean it's so bad that White women are the only ethnicity of women that promote racist pornography against their own men. Black women don't do that, Asian girls don't do it, Latino girls don't do it, but white women humiliate their own men because they truly have no respect for men who aren't even trying to protect their nation from being invaded.

I don't think like a white liberal, they are the only people who are all about "OPEN BORDERS!" So they can feel morally self righteous. No sense of alliance to their own people like other races have and are the only people who don't seem to care if they seize to exist one day. Come here to America and you'll see how Asians live, they don't give a shit if you are a starving negro in the street. Hell a Hindu beat a black thief until he was crying and begging for him to stop and he still beat the man. A white guy would have stood there and let him rob the place because attacking him in his mindset would have been "racist" even if it meant defending his property since he can't even defend his own country unless a Jew tell him to.

In 2020 when the riots happened they warned Hispanics had warned BLM protestors that if they came into their neighborhood protesting they were wiping the floor with them, not a single Latino was out bending their knees for George Floyd but they mocked and laughed at all the white people who were doing it. How many Mexicans marched alongside of BLM? NONE! It was mostly just self hating white people who were marching with them due to their white guilt complex, but now that they got the police defunded in most Democrat states. Look who's taking full blown advantage of white ignorance? Blacks And Hispanic thugs terrorizing suburban neighborhoods, robbing houses even wealthy homes are being hit now.
One of the many reasons I liked talking about this topic on RooshV religious site despite he was an asshole that often randomly banned you is because 99% of the people there were against this open border stuff or just seeing sovereign nations disappear so even though I'm not religious I related more to what they were saying about the situation. This site is a bit too lenient about topics like this which is why I feel so out of place on here. So I doubt anyone who replies to this thread other than @NPCSLammer would have any problem with seeing the world become America the very country so many people shit on. If none of you don't mind or care about all these people coming into your country or wherever you live. It's whatever, I don't mind being called a Racist just like Cornfed didn't care that he was called one. I actually feel better hating certain people vs pretending that I give a f**k about them. The way I feel about it, some people hate gays and trannies. @Marcos Zeitola definately despises them. But he probably has no issue with certain other people.
You see it the way I see it as well as millions of others out there. It’s common sense to me. And deporting all of this third world trash is actually quite easy if every one was on board. Imagine if France was 95% strongly against the migrant invasion. They would elect a bunch of far right leaders and work round the clock deporting all of the invaders. They’d make giant portions of wall, loaded with concertina wire and what not and shoot people on spot trying to break in. Migrants would just give up. France would be nice and white again and go back to making creme brûlée and eating wine cheese in peace without having some aloha snackbar dindu having a shootout in front of their cafe, pissing in the street and trying to rob them on the way home.

But it’s not even close to 95%. Take into account all of the libtards and apathetic people, and the ones that want to do something about it are simply outnumbered. Of course as people deal with all of the crime, rapes and destruction eventually right wing policies become more popular, but it’s still not enough. So honestly, screw em. I used to be really pissed off about all of this, but the more I see from the nations these people pretty much deserve it all. And remember now, most Westerners are simply degenerate scum. Teaching their little boys to be girls so they can chemically castrate themselves later, a population loaded with druggies, people that are generally incredibly selfish, greedy, backstabbing, untrustworthy etc.. etc.. the list goes on and on. That in combination with the fact that these people voted for all of this or simply don’t care is why I don’t you think you need to be overly concerned about all of this. I’m personally gonna enjoy watching karma bite them ass.

Look at Eric Adams, the hypocritical pedocrat mayor in New York. He’s saying the migrants now are going to destroy New York, and he’s right. But does New York deserve it? Of course they do. The average libtard is not having a good time right now. A hundred thousand dollars in debt with a worthless college degree, rent prices doubling, inflation through the roof, deals with violent mentally ill druggies on the way to work, a government that takes a bunch of their tax money and just gives it to the illegal beaners or Nazis in Ukraine, decaying infrastructure, a girlfriend that’s a whore,(if they can even get one) and they probably have mental health problems from all of this and take antidepressants like crazy. Good, let them suffer the consequences of what they voted for.

Don’t lose sleep over people that are getting what they deserve. I’m trying to enjoy my life, I’m not going to fret over people that don’t even give a damn themselves, voted for it or won’t even bother to leave these places. Like the farmers in S Africa getting murdered by communist dindus. Well, why are you dumbasses still living there? And I’m sure some deal with asylum and immigration issues, but clearly a bunch of them are trying to stay put. Kinda like some of the dumbasses that were warned they now live near an active volcano and are about to die still just stay put anyway. Well, suit yourself. I got one life to live, and am not gonna fret over people that won’t even help themselves. So bust out the popcorn and enjoy watching it all burn.
Liberals and Apathetic people don't get hurt enough, I think what needs to happen is they need to just LOSE EVERYTHING. Especially the people who aren't use to losing everything. We both know that the wealthy apathetic people don't live near any of these problems so their chances of being assaulted or victims of their own policies is very minimal. But I strongly agree with what you said, all of this shit really is the fault of weak people and the way the culture itself is in the Western world. I'm sure the people of Venezuela regret who they voted for, I remember a guy from Ecuador telling me they tried to muscle in on their country but they kicked most of them out because they weren't about to let them take over like that. The West is just a shitty place, look at California... and then cities like Detroit, chicago, etc these places have been hell for decades and never fixed their problems.

Europeans are just a lost cause to me at this point, I really wanted to live there someday in Europe but can't stand being around that many pettiful ass weaklings nor do i want to live someplace that don't even look or feels like the place I wanted to move to which is another reason to be against mass migration.

This is what happens when you forget who you are, where you come from, and what you use to be like. Germans are so ashamed of Hitler that they have allowed that one moment in history guilt trip them into being abused all these years so they won't even fight back....It amazes me how guilt works so well on white people but fails against everyone else. How many Africans feel bad about their own people cutting off the arms and legs of black kids they maimed after forcing them to become child soldiers?

How many Africans feel guilty for selling blacks into slavery? White people are weak, plain and simple, their emotions control them so easily and thats why it's getting used against them by people from dominant cultures. You have ones feeling bad about shit they weren't even responsible for doing. White women selling white genocide fetishes and porn and white males jacking off to it like gay self defeating losers because they can't cope any other way with their white guilt issues.

I'm not too sure about Asians because generally they tend to copy what ever they see Caucasian people doing to themselves. So if it's trendy to create chaos, and make your own nation look unrecognizable by flooding it full of people who don't look like you, or reflect your culture. They'll start copying the trend and then wondering why their country is no longer special or unique anymore when it'll just be the Asian version of failed America and West Europe. Me personally I lived in multicultural communist most of my life. I hated walking to school because everywhere I went I was dodging gang violence. America is the only country in the world where we have gangs representing every single ethnicity known to man.
Don’t worry; they’re all gonna suffer a LOT more.
Well that's the entire plan, cause problems that will effect everyone, make more people poorer, angrier and desperate. I'm done trying to convince myself there's somewhere in the world I can find happiness. Maybe if I were still in my teens or 20s I would believe this...But I don't anymore...Whole world is changing, it's like everywhere is becoming the exact same way with some places like Poland, Hungary, even Czech Republic trying to do what they can to save themselves. My guess is when it gets really bad, people will try to buy their way out of the countries they f***ed up and sneak into the ones that refuse to give up their sovereignty. It's like how people keep voting for shitty Democrat policies in Democrat states, then when it gets to the point where they can't take it anymore they'll run off to a state that hasn't been f***ed by shit policies, then realize they hate those policies and vote for the same POS scum that wrecked their own state. Thats why Texas is struggling right now, you have idiots from CA up there trying to turn it blue. And people say, once Texas falls? That's it, its over for America completely. Sometimes even I feel like walking up on some of these people smashing them in the face but not just because I can get away with it, but because I hate their inability to stop purposely being ignorant and making life hard for the rest of us.
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on November 2nd, 2023, 8:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Invasion of Europe

Post by yick »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 2nd, 2023, 1:14 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 2nd, 2023, 1:01 pm
kangarunner wrote:
November 2nd, 2023, 5:48 am
Arguing back and forth on an obscure internet forum. No one even knows anyone here. This is truly the height of civilization.
Well, we weren't arguing, just talking. Yick got involved and then it turned into an argument.
Still I don't think starting this thread was needed, I've run out of things to say about the topic unless NPCSlammer or someone else
add to it, and even then the war itself on top of these BS invasions is just another drag, and distraction from what the assholes are really up to since we are so close to 2030.
I was talking about it a lot more in private with @Lucas88 because he had so much to say and just kept me
hooked on listening to what he was saying. I don't have much of a damn life...I'm bored, tired, bitter, most days I
feel suicidal as hell. I am willing to bet a vast majority of people feel like this right now. I try not to explode on people
like I usually do around here if I get mad enough at them. But sometimes, the force comes out when I can hear Sideous in my ear saying
It was necessary to create this topic. I didn't want my thread on empathy to be derailed any further. I want it to stay on topic. At the same time I don't want to delete anything you guys have been talking about. Even if you're all arguing. That's why the thread was necessary.

I'm happy to discuss this topic, but I don't think you'll like my opinion on it. I don't have a problem with foreigners coming to the UK. As bad as you and NPCSlammer might think it sounds it just isn't something I give a f**k about.

I think the real issue here is the global elite. They are displacing thousands, if not millions of people around the world with their bullshit. Take the Iraq war, and all the other wars created by America and the UK. Where should all the displaced citizens go? Should they just die? If you lived in these countries you would want a better life for you and your family as well, would you not?

Besides, a lot of foreigners do come over here and take up good professions like doctors and such. I think most British people are just too dumb and lazy to study hard for a real profession. They'd rather get drunk and roll around in their own vomit. What does @Lucas88 think to this?

Should freedom of travel be a universal right? What do you guys think?

My opinion is that these days it is easier than ever for anyone in the first world to go anywhere they want, thirty years ago, there were such things as a 'trip of a lifetime' but nowadays anyone who works in the UK can save and go anywhere they want - back in the 80's Australia and America were trips of a lifetime but now most people can save and go there if they want and plenty of people are able to choose between Spain and Orlando Florida for their two weeks in the sun, that would have been unthinkable when I was in my early 20's in the beginning of the 1990's.

The world is becoming more and more integrated, Brexit was meant to stop the UK integrating more with Europe but long term it won't - there are trading blocs that are now becoming political blocs - freedom of movement is a cornerstone for more or less every single one of them - obviously, nobody wants criminals and fuckwits coming to their country and I am the same, I don't want them in the UK either but I think freedom of movement within certain boundaries is a good thing - a Spaniard or a Pole coming to a job - I don't see what's wrong with it seeing as we can go to their countries and do the same.
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Re: Invasion of Europe

Post by mahayana »

The whiners in this thread need to take Mike Rowe's S.W.E.A.T pledge - Skills & Work Ethic Aren't Taboo:

1. I believe that I have won the greatest lottery of all time. I am alive. I walk the Earth. I live in America. Above all things, I am grateful.

2. I believe that I am entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Nothing more. I also understand that “happiness” and the “pursuit of happiness” are not the same thing.

3. I believe there is no such thing as a “bad job.” I believe that all jobs are opportunities, and it’s up to me to make the best of them.

4. I do not “follow my passion.” I bring it with me. I believe that any job can be done with passion and enthusiasm.

5. I deplore debt, and do all I can to avoid it. I would rather live in a tent and eat beans than borrow money to pay for a lifestyle I can’t afford.

6. I believe that my safety is my responsibility. I understand that being in “compliance” does not necessarily mean I’m out of danger.

7. I believe the best way to distinguish myself at work is to show up early, stay late, and cheerfully volunteer for every crappy task there is.

8. I believe the most annoying sounds in the world are whining and complaining. I will never make them. If I am unhappy in my work, I will either find a new job, or find a way to be happy.

9. I believe that my education is my responsibility, and absolutely critical to my success. I am resolved to learn as much as I can from whatever source is available to me. I will never stop learning, and understand that library cards are free.

10. I believe that I am a product of my choices – not my circumstances. I will never blame anyone for my shortcomings or the challenges I face. And I will never accept the credit for something I didn’t do.

11. I understand the world is not fair, and I’m OK with that. I do not resent the success of others.

12. I believe that all people are created equal. I also believe that all people make choices. Some choose to be lazy. Some choose to sleep in. I choose to work my butt off.

Honestly, with such a shitty attitude some of you would just be miserable abroad anyway so don't leave your basement in America.
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Re: Invasion of Europe

Post by Pixel--Dude »


This might interest you guys. Have you heard of the latest riots in Ireland? I was just watching a video by Russell Brand and he was talking about how America and Britain are deliberately destabilising Middle Eastern and African countries and pilfering all their resources which is causing these droves of immigrants to flood into Europe. They are allowing immigrants to come into Europe to further destabilise our own countries and give them further means of controlling the population.

For example in Ireland New legislation is being passed to stop hate speech and cause more censorship on online platforms. This is the same as what's happening in Canada, which I told you about @publicduende with Canada being an absolute dystopia. It's the only thing that helmet Mew6ix ever said that was right :lol:

I think people who are blaming immigrants for this influx are misplacing their anger and hatred. It's the f***ing government's of the west that are causing a lot of this immigration. They are utter cunts. I wonder if their legislation could ever effect this site and force @Winston to restrict free speech to a degree :( I certainly f***ing hope not! We should always endeavour to resist tyranny!

Anyway here is the video:

Let me know your thoughts.
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Re: Invasion of Europe

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 11:22 am

This might interest you guys. Have you heard of the latest riots in Ireland? I was just watching a video by Russell Brand and he was talking about how America and Britain are deliberately destabilising Middle Eastern and African countries and pilfering all their resources which is causing these droves of immigrants to flood into Europe. They are allowing immigrants to come into Europe to further destabilise our own countries and give them further means of controlling the population.

For example in Ireland New legislation is being passed to stop hate speech and cause more censorship on online platforms. This is the same as what's happening in Canada, which I told you about @publicduende with Canada being an absolute dystopia. It's the only thing that helmet Mew6ix ever said that was right :lol:

I think people who are blaming immigrants for this influx are misplacing their anger and hatred. It's the f***ing government's of the west that are causing a lot of this immigration. They are utter cunts. I wonder if their legislation could ever effect this site and force @Winston to restrict free speech to a degree :( I certainly f***ing hope not! We should always endeavour to resist tyranny!

Anyway here is the video:

Let me know your thoughts.
I never understood why Western Countries would bring in horde of hostile, parasitic, illegal immigrants into their own countries and would work hard to undermine their own countries that their ancestors have built in the past.

They call it "liberalism", "Progressivism", "Enlightened Thinking", but I see it as sophisticated form of madness with self destruction and self extinction of White people themselves.

Asian countries don't bring in horde of Illegal immigrants and let those immigrants lay waste like that. Although they are suffering from a whole different set of problems such as very low birthrates, elderly poverty, declining quality of living, etc.

I'm not a white supremacist, I'm just telling you the truth. No wonder most white males are lost, emasculated, and confused because their own society no longer support them and help them out. Instead, the aid is reallocated to illegals, women, criminals, homosexuals, and other kind of human scum.

Best thing to do is kick all those useless parasites out, kick out all the Jews from the government, media, legal, finance, and
kick out most women from the work force. Make women bear children and put most men back into the work force.
A woman have to bear 2.1 children to sustain the population level. That's what I do suggest.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Invasion of Europe

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 11:45 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 11:22 am

This might interest you guys. Have you heard of the latest riots in Ireland? I was just watching a video by Russell Brand and he was talking about how America and Britain are deliberately destabilising Middle Eastern and African countries and pilfering all their resources which is causing these droves of immigrants to flood into Europe. They are allowing immigrants to come into Europe to further destabilise our own countries and give them further means of controlling the population.

For example in Ireland New legislation is being passed to stop hate speech and cause more censorship on online platforms. This is the same as what's happening in Canada, which I told you about @publicduende with Canada being an absolute dystopia. It's the only thing that helmet Mew6ix ever said that was right :lol:

I think people who are blaming immigrants for this influx are misplacing their anger and hatred. It's the f***ing government's of the west that are causing a lot of this immigration. They are utter cunts. I wonder if their legislation could ever effect this site and force @Winston to restrict free speech to a degree :( I certainly f***ing hope not! We should always endeavour to resist tyranny!

Anyway here is the video:

Let me know your thoughts.
I never understood why Western Countries would bring in horde of hostile, parasitic, illegal immigrants into their own countries and would work hard to undermine their own countries that their ancestors have built in the past.

They call it "liberalism", "Progressivism", "Enlightened Thinking", but I see it as sophisticated form of madness with self destruction and self extinction of White people themselves.

Asian countries don't bring in horde of Illegal immigrants and let those immigrants lay waste like that. Although they are suffering from a whole different set of problems such as very low birthrates, elderly poverty, declining quality of living, etc.

I'm not a white supremacist, I'm just telling you the truth. No wonder most white males are lost, emasculated, and confused because their own society no longer support them and help them out. Instead, the aid is reallocated to illegals, women, criminals, homosexuals, and other kind of human scum.

Best thing to do is kick all those useless parasites out, kick out all the Jews from the government, media, legal, finance, and
kick out most women from the work force. Make women bear children and put most men back into the work force.
A woman have to bear 2.1 children to sustain the population level. That's what I do suggest.
I really hate videos like this because it always makes me extremely angry when I see them. Plus I generally avoid reading the comments because white people are too afraid to admit that this shit pisses them off.....Europe use to be one of the most beautiful places in the world until all of this shit happened. I'm not a supremacist either but I do support people's right to keep their own country Sovereign nations, I also don't like the idea of Africans or Muslims in these countries. Just like Africans feel that a bunch of white people don't belong in Africa.

The only choice left is for the people themselves to overthrow these Governments. If they won't or can't do that because they fear imprisonment then they'll keep having to accept and tolerate this whole replacement theory shit. The U.S. right now already regrets backstabbing it's own White male military population and begged those soldiers to come back after they left when they were told to get vaccinated and chose not to way back in 2020 and 2021. On top of that they got sick of all the LBGTQ shit too which is another reason they walked out on the military. Now the US is desperate because they want to help Israel kill more people but can't do it with their "Diversity" soldiers.

Instead they want their straight white men soldiers to do the killing and get killed themselves on Israel's behalf. Fact is it's these liberal assholes doing this....Voting in Far Right leaders won't change or fix this either unless they do like Trump said he's going to do and actually start deporting these people. Of course I don't even believe Trump is all that serious. Point is Liberals will defend these people to flood into their country UNTIL it starts to extremely affect them. I really have no desire to ever move to Europe anymore....Instead I'm just going to remain in America and watch as the same shit happening to Europe happens here.

European leaders don't even care about their country let alone their people anymore.
I'm surprised people just don't revolt at this point and drag these leaders out for treason and force them to resign. People like JK and Abraham Lincoln were all assassinated because they did shit to piss someone off. Today you have leaders doing a lot worse and no one ever puts a bullet in their head. In Japan one person got upset with their previous Prime Minister and actually made a gun himself and shot the guy. I don't know why he did it, but some say he was pissed at him for trying to transform Japan.

And @Pixel--Dude These aren't immigrants these are invaders. Even legal immigration is bad to a certain point, once you have enough of these people and they began changing the culture, how these countries look from the inside and out, etc Then those nations are no longer what they use to be anymore. Maybe it's not important to you, but it's important to people who love their country, their culture, and they dont' want to see all that shit disappear because of illegal or legal immigration. I would never move to a new country and then expect the world to follow me there by transforming a place. That just defeats the whole purpose of even going. I'm not living in Romania to look at negros and Muslims infest every neighborhood. I'm there for the Romanians and their culture. When the whole world is trying to become America, I have a serious problem with this.

Once these countries are no longer livable anymore and Liberals have to deal with the fact that their nation is going to end up just like the countries these people are coming from. Then they can spend the rest of their lives wallowing in their own self hatred. America and Europe are intentionally being destroyed all because of these f**k face Zealots and their ability to own all these Governments. Europe even paid off some of the Arab nations to stand by and watch as Palestinians get destroyed. That's how much power these mfers have when Arabs won't even help their own because of money. The fact is, they won.....Europe and America are both gone forever. As long as you have shitty white liberals in charge, and Jew serving Conservatives.... This stuff is going to continue. You can't put any faith in any politician, NONE. Trump just wants to be elected again for money reasons, yet he's got everyone convinced that only he can "save" America.
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on November 30th, 2023, 5:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Invasion of Europe

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 11:45 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 11:22 am

This might interest you guys. Have you heard of the latest riots in Ireland? I was just watching a video by Russell Brand and he was talking about how America and Britain are deliberately destabilising Middle Eastern and African countries and pilfering all their resources which is causing these droves of immigrants to flood into Europe. They are allowing immigrants to come into Europe to further destabilise our own countries and give them further means of controlling the population.

For example in Ireland New legislation is being passed to stop hate speech and cause more censorship on online platforms. This is the same as what's happening in Canada, which I told you about @publicduende with Canada being an absolute dystopia. It's the only thing that helmet Mew6ix ever said that was right :lol:

I think people who are blaming immigrants for this influx are misplacing their anger and hatred. It's the f***ing government's of the west that are causing a lot of this immigration. They are utter cunts. I wonder if their legislation could ever effect this site and force @Winston to restrict free speech to a degree :( I certainly f***ing hope not! We should always endeavour to resist tyranny!

Anyway here is the video:

Let me know your thoughts.
I never understood why Western Countries would bring in horde of hostile, parasitic, illegal immigrants into their own countries and would work hard to undermine their own countries that their ancestors have built in the past.

They call it "liberalism", "Progressivism", "Enlightened Thinking", but I see it as sophisticated form of madness with self destruction and self extinction of White people themselves.

Asian countries don't bring in horde of Illegal immigrants and let those immigrants lay waste like that. Although they are suffering from a whole different set of problems such as very low birthrates, elderly poverty, declining quality of living, etc.

I'm not a white supremacist, I'm just telling you the truth. No wonder most white males are lost, emasculated, and confused because their own society no longer support them and help them out. Instead, the aid is reallocated to illegals, women, criminals, homosexuals, and other kind of human scum.

Best thing to do is kick all those useless parasites out, kick out all the Jews from the government, media, legal, finance, and
kick out most women from the work force. Make women bear children and put most men back into the work force.
A woman have to bear 2.1 children to sustain the population level. That's what I do suggest.
The thing about Asia is that it's an easy fix. If their birthrates are low all they need to do is open their borders up but ONLY to other High IQ Asians. Meaning if Japan needs more younger people, then they can easily bring in Koreans, Chinese (although risky), Vietnamese, Or just overall any Asian group that's similar to their own. But when you start importing blacks, Muslims, etc to fix a birth rate problem in Asia or even Europe...That's just borderline asinine. Europe could easily have people from other European countries to move around. if French people settled in Italy, their language is almost similar. The French wouldn't transform Italy, even if they had a large French population Italy would still look like Italy. They just need to keep the stupid liberal ones out.
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Re: Invasion of Europe

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 5:24 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 11:45 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 11:22 am

This might interest you guys. Have you heard of the latest riots in Ireland? I was just watching a video by Russell Brand and he was talking about how America and Britain are deliberately destabilising Middle Eastern and African countries and pilfering all their resources which is causing these droves of immigrants to flood into Europe. They are allowing immigrants to come into Europe to further destabilise our own countries and give them further means of controlling the population.

For example in Ireland New legislation is being passed to stop hate speech and cause more censorship on online platforms. This is the same as what's happening in Canada, which I told you about @publicduende with Canada being an absolute dystopia. It's the only thing that helmet Mew6ix ever said that was right :lol:

I think people who are blaming immigrants for this influx are misplacing their anger and hatred. It's the f***ing government's of the west that are causing a lot of this immigration. They are utter cunts. I wonder if their legislation could ever effect this site and force @Winston to restrict free speech to a degree :( I certainly f***ing hope not! We should always endeavour to resist tyranny!

Anyway here is the video:

Let me know your thoughts.
I never understood why Western Countries would bring in horde of hostile, parasitic, illegal immigrants into their own countries and would work hard to undermine their own countries that their ancestors have built in the past.

They call it "liberalism", "Progressivism", "Enlightened Thinking", but I see it as sophisticated form of madness with self destruction and self extinction of White people themselves.

Asian countries don't bring in horde of Illegal immigrants and let those immigrants lay waste like that. Although they are suffering from a whole different set of problems such as very low birthrates, elderly poverty, declining quality of living, etc.

I'm not a white supremacist, I'm just telling you the truth. No wonder most white males are lost, emasculated, and confused because their own society no longer support them and help them out. Instead, the aid is reallocated to illegals, women, criminals, homosexuals, and other kind of human scum.

Best thing to do is kick all those useless parasites out, kick out all the Jews from the government, media, legal, finance, and
kick out most women from the work force. Make women bear children and put most men back into the work force.
A woman have to bear 2.1 children to sustain the population level. That's what I do suggest.
The thing about Asia is that it's an easy fix. If their birthrates are low all they need to do is open their borders up but ONLY to other High IQ Asians. Meaning if Japan needs more younger people, then they can easily bring in Koreans, Chinese (although risky), Vietnamese, Or just overall any Asian group that's similar to their own. But when you start importing blacks, Muslims, etc to fix a birth rate problem in Asia or even Europe...That's just borderline asinine. Europe could easily have people from other European countries to move around. if French people settled in Italy, their language is almost similar. The French wouldn't transform Italy, even if they had a large French population Italy would still look like Italy. They just need to keep the stupid liberal ones out.
Yep, I get your point. It's kind of possible in Europe. There are lot of unemployed Spaniards and Italians, why don't France just invite them in instead of bunch of African and Muslim migrants? Why don't Germans invite the Poles instead of bunch of Middle Easterners.

However the Problem for Asia is that they all hate each other. Koreans would never get along with Chinese and Japanese people and
Both Chinese and Japanese doesn't like Koreans and even hate each other. The Chinese particularly hate the Japanese for what they did in World War 2. It's complicated love and hate relationship. Plus, All three East Asian countries have been the production base for the Western ZOG elites over several decades and Western ZOG ideas such as Feminism, Gay rights, Hyper capitalism, consumerism, and all the other unholy social engineering crap has taken over.
Your friendly Neighborhood Cynic!
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Re: Invasion of Europe

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
December 1st, 2023, 6:39 am
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 5:24 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 11:45 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 11:22 am

This might interest you guys. Have you heard of the latest riots in Ireland? I was just watching a video by Russell Brand and he was talking about how America and Britain are deliberately destabilising Middle Eastern and African countries and pilfering all their resources which is causing these droves of immigrants to flood into Europe. They are allowing immigrants to come into Europe to further destabilise our own countries and give them further means of controlling the population.

For example in Ireland New legislation is being passed to stop hate speech and cause more censorship on online platforms. This is the same as what's happening in Canada, which I told you about @publicduende with Canada being an absolute dystopia. It's the only thing that helmet Mew6ix ever said that was right :lol:

I think people who are blaming immigrants for this influx are misplacing their anger and hatred. It's the f***ing government's of the west that are causing a lot of this immigration. They are utter cunts. I wonder if their legislation could ever effect this site and force @Winston to restrict free speech to a degree :( I certainly f***ing hope not! We should always endeavour to resist tyranny!

Anyway here is the video:

Let me know your thoughts.
I never understood why Western Countries would bring in horde of hostile, parasitic, illegal immigrants into their own countries and would work hard to undermine their own countries that their ancestors have built in the past.

They call it "liberalism", "Progressivism", "Enlightened Thinking", but I see it as sophisticated form of madness with self destruction and self extinction of White people themselves.

Asian countries don't bring in horde of Illegal immigrants and let those immigrants lay waste like that. Although they are suffering from a whole different set of problems such as very low birthrates, elderly poverty, declining quality of living, etc.

I'm not a white supremacist, I'm just telling you the truth. No wonder most white males are lost, emasculated, and confused because their own society no longer support them and help them out. Instead, the aid is reallocated to illegals, women, criminals, homosexuals, and other kind of human scum.

Best thing to do is kick all those useless parasites out, kick out all the Jews from the government, media, legal, finance, and
kick out most women from the work force. Make women bear children and put most men back into the work force.
A woman have to bear 2.1 children to sustain the population level. That's what I do suggest.
The thing about Asia is that it's an easy fix. If their birthrates are low all they need to do is open their borders up but ONLY to other High IQ Asians. Meaning if Japan needs more younger people, then they can easily bring in Koreans, Chinese (although risky), Vietnamese, Or just overall any Asian group that's similar to their own. But when you start importing blacks, Muslims, etc to fix a birth rate problem in Asia or even Europe...That's just borderline asinine. Europe could easily have people from other European countries to move around. if French people settled in Italy, their language is almost similar. The French wouldn't transform Italy, even if they had a large French population Italy would still look like Italy. They just need to keep the stupid liberal ones out.
Yep, I get your point. It's kind of possible in Europe. There are lot of unemployed Spaniards and Italians, why don't France just invite them in instead of bunch of African and Muslim migrants? Why don't Germans invite the Poles instead of bunch of Middle Easterners.

However the Problem for Asia is that they all hate each other. Koreans would never get along with Chinese and Japanese people and
Both Chinese and Japanese doesn't like Koreans and even hate each other. The Chinese particularly hate the Japanese for what they did in World War 2. It's complicated love and hate relationship. Plus, All three East Asian countries have been the production base for the Western ZOG elites over several decades and Western ZOG ideas such as Feminism, Gay rights, Hyper capitalism, consumerism, and all the other unholy social engineering crap has taken over.
Awhile ago I saw on RooshV site before he closed it down that the Chinese Gov was trying to make amends with
Japan and bury the hatchet for all that WWII stuff. I don't know anymore....I guess society just wants to be pissy all the time and live in these treacherous situations. Although the West already looks like it's becoming the enemy of some nations because of all that Israel shit they are involved with. That genocide image is making the West look extremely bad. But Arab nations are now compliant with what Israel is doing because they were bribed by some European leaders to not intervene and just let Israel wipe the Palestinians out. Therefore Arab is getting paid to let Israel do what Israel wants.

Then you have a lot of stuff involving the Elites getting exposed too involving black mail, dark money, etc. So there's no telling whats going to happen from here on out. The people of these countries will either have to do something or just continue to lose everything. Because voting is a dead end way to get shit done anymore.

etc. ... ng-detail/
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Re: Invasion of Europe

Post by NPCslammer »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 11:22 am

This might interest you guys. Have you heard of the latest riots in Ireland? I was just watching a video by Russell Brand and he was talking about how America and Britain are deliberately destabilising Middle Eastern and African countries and pilfering all their resources which is causing these droves of immigrants to flood into Europe. They are allowing immigrants to come into Europe to further destabilise our own countries and give them further means of controlling the population.

For example in Ireland New legislation is being passed to stop hate speech and cause more censorship on online platforms. This is the same as what's happening in Canada, which I told you about @publicduende with Canada being an absolute dystopia. It's the only thing that helmet Mew6ix ever said that was right :lol:

I think people who are blaming immigrants for this influx are misplacing their anger and hatred. It's the f***ing government's of the west that are causing a lot of this immigration. They are utter cunts. I wonder if their legislation could ever effect this site and force @Winston to restrict free speech to a degree :( I certainly f***ing hope not! We should always endeavour to resist tyranny!

Anyway here is the video:

Let me know your thoughts.
It is the governments allowing it, and there’s probably a degree of karma coming back after they pilfered resources and what not. But who elected these governments? Last time I checked liberal Presidents and Prime ministers are typically more popular in Western Europe. They are somewhat starting to elect more right wing leaders, but this is already after hordes of these people are living in these countries.

Fact of the matter is. White people will lose their countries. Muslims have an crazy high birthrate. Much of the White birthrate are below replacement levels. Couple that with hordes and hordes of these people coming in. It’s only a matter of time. I didn’t even know this but Indians are basically taking over Toronto Canada and many other places. A lot of whites say they don’t give a shit about these people coming in. Well, the fact of the matter is they will lose their countries. It’s just reality. The guys that are frustrated over it. Well, their own people sold them out, and nothing is gonna change it now unless they want to fight for it, which isn’t gonna happen. Perhaps there will be an influx of whites immigrating to Russia. A country that is still based, nationalist and actually fights for it’s own people. It is what it is.
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Re: Invasion of Europe

Post by NPCslammer »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 3:50 pm
Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 11:45 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 30th, 2023, 11:22 am

This might interest you guys. Have you heard of the latest riots in Ireland? I was just watching a video by Russell Brand and he was talking about how America and Britain are deliberately destabilising Middle Eastern and African countries and pilfering all their resources which is causing these droves of immigrants to flood into Europe. They are allowing immigrants to come into Europe to further destabilise our own countries and give them further means of controlling the population.

For example in Ireland New legislation is being passed to stop hate speech and cause more censorship on online platforms. This is the same as what's happening in Canada, which I told you about @publicduende with Canada being an absolute dystopia. It's the only thing that helmet Mew6ix ever said that was right :lol:

I think people who are blaming immigrants for this influx are misplacing their anger and hatred. It's the f***ing government's of the west that are causing a lot of this immigration. They are utter cunts. I wonder if their legislation could ever effect this site and force @Winston to restrict free speech to a degree :( I certainly f***ing hope not! We should always endeavour to resist tyranny!

Anyway here is the video:

Let me know your thoughts.
I never understood why Western Countries would bring in horde of hostile, parasitic, illegal immigrants into their own countries and would work hard to undermine their own countries that their ancestors have built in the past.

They call it "liberalism", "Progressivism", "Enlightened Thinking", but I see it as sophisticated form of madness with self destruction and self extinction of White people themselves.

Asian countries don't bring in horde of Illegal immigrants and let those immigrants lay waste like that. Although they are suffering from a whole different set of problems such as very low birthrates, elderly poverty, declining quality of living, etc.

I'm not a white supremacist, I'm just telling you the truth. No wonder most white males are lost, emasculated, and confused because their own society no longer support them and help them out. Instead, the aid is reallocated to illegals, women, criminals, homosexuals, and other kind of human scum.

Best thing to do is kick all those useless parasites out, kick out all the Jews from the government, media, legal, finance, and
kick out most women from the work force. Make women bear children and put most men back into the work force.
A woman have to bear 2.1 children to sustain the population level. That's what I do suggest.
I really hate videos like this because it always makes me extremely angry when I see them. Plus I generally avoid reading the comments because white people are too afraid to admit that this shit pisses them off.....Europe use to be one of the most beautiful places in the world until all of this shit happened. I'm not a supremacist either but I do support people's right to keep their own country Sovereign nations, I also don't like the idea of Africans or Muslims in these countries. Just like Africans feel that a bunch of white people don't belong in Africa.

The only choice left is for the people themselves to overthrow these Governments. If they won't or can't do that because they fear imprisonment then they'll keep having to accept and tolerate this whole replacement theory shit. The U.S. right now already regrets backstabbing it's own White male military population and begged those soldiers to come back after they left when they were told to get vaccinated and chose not to way back in 2020 and 2021. On top of that they got sick of all the LBGTQ shit too which is another reason they walked out on the military. Now the US is desperate because they want to help Israel kill more people but can't do it with their "Diversity" soldiers.

Instead they want their straight white men soldiers to do the killing and get killed themselves on Israel's behalf. Fact is it's these liberal assholes doing this....Voting in Far Right leaders won't change or fix this either unless they do like Trump said he's going to do and actually start deporting these people. Of course I don't even believe Trump is all that serious. Point is Liberals will defend these people to flood into their country UNTIL it starts to extremely affect them. I really have no desire to ever move to Europe anymore....Instead I'm just going to remain in America and watch as the same shit happening to Europe happens here.

European leaders don't even care about their country let alone their people anymore.
I'm surprised people just don't revolt at this point and drag these leaders out for treason and force them to resign. People like JK and Abraham Lincoln were all assassinated because they did shit to piss someone off. Today you have leaders doing a lot worse and no one ever puts a bullet in their head. In Japan one person got upset with their previous Prime Minister and actually made a gun himself and shot the guy. I don't know why he did it, but some say he was pissed at him for trying to transform Japan.

And @Pixel--Dude These aren't immigrants these are invaders. Even legal immigration is bad to a certain point, once you have enough of these people and they began changing the culture, how these countries look from the inside and out, etc Then those nations are no longer what they use to be anymore. Maybe it's not important to you, but it's important to people who love their country, their culture, and they dont' want to see all that shit disappear because of illegal or legal immigration. I would never move to a new country and then expect the world to follow me there by transforming a place. That just defeats the whole purpose of even going. I'm not living in Romania to look at negros and Muslims infest every neighborhood. I'm there for the Romanians and their culture. When the whole world is trying to become America, I have a serious problem with this.

Once these countries are no longer livable anymore and Liberals have to deal with the fact that their nation is going to end up just like the countries these people are coming from. Then they can spend the rest of their lives wallowing in their own self hatred. America and Europe are intentionally being destroyed all because of these f**k face Zealots and their ability to own all these Governments. Europe even paid off some of the Arab nations to stand by and watch as Palestinians get destroyed. That's how much power these mfers have when Arabs won't even help their own because of money. The fact is, they won.....Europe and America are both gone forever. As long as you have shitty white liberals in charge, and Jew serving Conservatives.... This stuff is going to continue. You can't put any faith in any politician, NONE. Trump just wants to be elected again for money reasons, yet he's got everyone convinced that only he can "save" America.
The only white country that seems to still have its balls in tact is Russia. And because of the meh economy, extreme weather I don’t see any based whites organize some kind of mass immigration there to start over or something, not for a long time anyway. The woketards pretty much run most of the institutions, so they won’t stop mass migration any time soon. And whites are really good at weakening themselves with copious amounts of dope, whoring themselves but not reproducing and still being apathetic to everything going on around them. It is what it is. It’s the age of the dindu and muzzie.
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