R/Hapas drama about Winston & Cornfed, LOL!

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R/Hapas drama about Winston & Cornfed, LOL!

Post by WilliamSmith »

I posted this in Jokes/Humor/Comic Relief but if you think it should be in "Racial Issues" or something a mod can move it, LOL.

Actually some of these "hapas" made some good points about the more degenerate class of "Western" sexpats exploiting women in impoverished 3rd world countries, and I definitely agreed with some of those points about how that's some despicable lowlife shit whenever men prey on vulnerable women in such a way, but for the most part the majority of these guys on Reddit basically seem like a bunch of whining weak SJW counterparts to the endless self-pitying whining of the comparatively rightwing men's rights / manginosphere betas bitching about how "women have too much power in Western society" etc etc. :roll: :lol:

But there's at least some mildly entertaining stuff about Winston and Cornfed, even though I'm pretty sure I found more drama about Cornfed a few years ago that I believe has been deleted.

Like I told @Cornfed in another off-topic thread:
Unfortunately I think some of the squealing I'd enjoyed reading before got deleted (which is probably no surprise since "Redditors" are constantly deleting anything jews, faggots, trannies or pedophiles don't want anyone to be allowed to say, not to mention users deleting their own comments or entire accounts).
But I did at least find something amusing that mentioned you, and moreso Winston.
(Fortunately for the sake of finding this material, everyone truckling to the jews on most platforms means that anything bashing "white men" is usually allowed to stay online, so there was some good stuff about you and Winston. I will post it today.)
OK, FYI @Winston :
Here's one thread that still exists:
Winston Wu: the greatest Judas to the Asian race in the 21th century?
https://www.reddit.com/r/hapas/comments ... sian_race/
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Not bothering to quote most of the usernames due to copy/paste laziness, but here's some good selections for posterity:
Winston Wu is an internet conspiracy theorist, PUA and founder of the "HappierAbroad" movement. He runs a website, blog and forum as well as a Facebook group that he uses to promote his material, and makes passive income from.

Born in Taiwan in 1973, he has been convincing Western men, primarily white losers, to go to Asia, Russia and Latin America to find love, sex and affection with poor local women. Most of his userbase consists of white losers, society's dregs, who go to Asian countries as mongers, but pretend to be "moral righteous men".

Thousands of men have been convinced by this fraud to go to China, the Philippines and Thailand but also to lesser known countries such as Malaysia and Vietnam. Many of these men ended up marrying Asian women. I estimate that because of Winston Wu's preachings, hundreds of Hapas have been born, and a handful of Blasians and other mixes.
Unfortunately this was the best I could find about you, @Cornfed, though it is still pretty funny and corroborates what I mentioned about them freaking over the concept of you theoretically nailing Koren women:
Winston Wu has inspired so many loser white males to go abroad and seek out foreign women, that he probably created a legion of new posters for this board in the future. A lot of the white members of Happier Abroad are very, very racist. Of those, 99% seems to be into Asian women primarily. Surprise, surprise...

Here's HappierAbroad's KKK-membership card carrying Cornfed's latest installment of extreme racial hatred:

http://www.happierabroad.com/forum/view ... 35&t=31596

Please note, this man is into Korean women and has lived in Korea before

Imagine the type of Hapas this crowd will produce...
:o :o :o
Heh. His forum is home to all kinds of bottom of the barrel degenerate sexpats, damn. At first I thought it wasn't this bad because I didn't even bother to take a look at the other topics.
On this one I personally actually agree with this guy on the point about the more degenerate crowd going to countries full of poverty:
Oh it's bad alright. Real f***ing bad. These are men who should never be parents in the first place, let alone be someone's boyfriend or husband. All of them are either degenerate, autistic, socially awkward, on benefits, racist, low IQ, or all of the above... and Winston tells them to go to the broker parts of Asia so they can be like kids in a candy shop full of desperate poor girls and f**k up their lives for a dollar.

It's downright evil.
I actually understand where that last guy is coming from when it comes to the greasier side of the sexpats, he's not really wrong there at all! @Outcast9428 and I have been in agreement on that when I flamed some asshole showing up on here asking about where you can impregnate a girl and get out of paying child support, and I roasted him to smithereens while @Yohan was actually trying to defend him based on his "men's rights" proclivities... Oh, and of course @MarcosZeitola with his "Faux Traditionalists and why they're going nowhere" thread makes some of the same overall points, even though he himself seems to have confessed to having more than a few baby mommas, so not sure what the story is there...

Anyway, after that less enjoyable burst of sincerity, let's get back to the good comedy from the other redditors:
Winston Wu and his forum members are a collection of various mentally ill individuals with health issues. After studying Winston Wu work for an extended amount of time, I've concluded that he is somewhere on the autism scale inching toward schizophrenia. He's paranoid. Delusional. Serious social anxiety. He's the textbook definition of narcissistic personality disorder. That would be: an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. Someone who talks ultra-confident but has fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism. Someone who is generally unhappy and disappointed when not given the special favors or admiration they believe they deserve. Someone others don't enjoy being around and who finds his relationships unfulfilling.
He suffers from chronic inflammation caused by his body’s efforts to remove debilitating bacteria viruses, fungi and parasites that he's contracted over the years from sleeping with both male and female prostitutes. He skin is a very unhealthy color and you can see microscopic parasites/larvae in his eyes (discoloration) when you look his pictures closely. His physical coordination and motor skills are completely off, indicating serious heath deterioration and full on schizophrenia shouldn't be far off. The long term impact of how the viruses alter the brain can be huge, i.e. sensory level delusional activation due to regional overactivation and none coherent patterns across the cerebral cortex, which show up when too many different regions of the brain activation simultaneously. He's also passed this on to his kid which is why he can't stand him. All these sickly white men going to Asia are basically spending their bad biochemistry https://news.virginia.edu/content/shock ... teractions This HA site should be shut down and all the members taken to a biologist for treatment.
Hmmm, here's an alternative perspective from a deleted user. (I don't agree with this about Asian men being "pathetic ass cucks," by the way, but... it's still kind of funny. :mrgreen: )
Asian men are truly f***ing pathetic ass cucks. No other race of men would even dare allow the evil trash neckbeards to f**k, let alone even BEFRIEND their Women. Why cant these cuckold Asian males learn from the Arabs?
People like him encourage me to just go back to China with my friend and hunt for these sexpats and beat their asses. That would sound like a good vacation while exploring my homeland China, and beat the shit out of these cumskins. Lol
white worshipping Asian women get lots of flack (which they totally deserve) but there seems to be less focus on white worshipping Asian men. They also need to be called out -good job on this post. This guy's self-hatred of his Asian self and white worship is shocking. His 'life story' consists of kissing white people's asses and showing off about how many white women he has been with. No different to our Asian moms. Good job.
Ahh, I see this is old news to @Winston who weighed in with the following sensible remarks:
By the way you guys, this is Winston again. Why do you assume that most of my forum members are fans are white guys? Our community is about one third white, one third asian and one third black. We are helping asian guys like you too, to find a better life and love overseas. Not only will your dating life improve, but your mental health and self esteem will too, because you will feel BETTER about yourself. You will also feel freer too, so you will have more freedoms abroad too.

I just wrote a new blog article for frustrated Asian men who are upset that they can't date white women, but their Asian sisters can date White guys. Please read it. It contains suggestions, solutions and good news for your dilemma. And it has great graphics too. See it below. I spent a lot of time on this to help you all.

http://blog.happierabroad.com/2016/08/w ... tible.html

Hope it helps SOLVE your problems. Also, we are discussing your little hapa group on Reddit in my HA forum. Check our what my forum members think of you guys here:

http://www.happierabroad.com/forum/view ... =1&t=23998

Enjoy, Winston
Well, here (below) is this allegedly "Masculine Hapa" again calling his alleged masculinity into question this time, since if these guys are trying to do a flex about their "masculinity" but then feel they can't even post on the forum because they're afraid of what the white racist posters might say about them. :roll:
Good thing for @Natural_Born_Cynic that he's an Asian man who can actually call himself "masculine" with a straight face if he wanted to, unlike the snowflakes on Reddit whining that they can't get their own circle jerk going unless cancel culture bans all the racist white men like @Cornfed and @Shemp.
There are quite a few asian forum members on your site it appears but most of them have been discouraged from posting. The black members and asian members face tremendous racism on the discussions with the black members being compared to monkeys and apes regularly and their behavior compared to that of chimpanzees. You never did anything about this KKK mentality, making you come across as some sort of fat yellow Grand Wizard.
Here he is again after Winston replied to some defamations (you can check the link):
You are a sick degenerate who is encouraging sexpats and mongers to go to Asia to f**k around with local women. You are selling out your fellow Asian women to be the white man's bed wench for advertisement money and views. You are a filthy colonalist and the white man's tool in enforcing white colonalist supremacy abroad by means of your website and forum.
@Lucas88 you see here, when you see the drama these weak betas create on these forums, that's one of the reasons I decided to stop banging Asian women, ROFLMAO! I know there's plenty of actual MEN in Asia, but if the crying these shemale drama queens are doing on Reddit is at all indicative of a large part of "hapas" subculture, I do not want any son of mine growing up with these f***ing weak crybabies as their "peers." And if my daughters ever actually brought back in one of these self-pitying wimps, I'd squish him like one of those "goombas" from Super Mario Brothers and tell her if she can't get a real man then we'll have to get her a cyborg instead, LOL. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Also, this and legions of these other p***y-ass crybabies whining about how white betas are always scoring with Asian broads because of "colonialism" is completely full of shit, because if the white men were colonialists then they'd only breed with white women and just conquer these whining wimps, but in reality obviously most of the whites going to Asia are soyboys, not "colonialists"/"imperialists," etc.

And guys like me, @Lucas88, and @Pixel--dude aren't f-ing "colonialists" either even if we end up in places like the Caribbean, Jamaica, Latin America, etc because of our girlfriends/wives or "preference," LOL! I'm not even a "sexpat": The only thing I'm doing by being down there is taking a black American woman out of the jewnited states with me and going down there to enjoy being in the islands and spending all my $$$ into the island peoples' local economies, while also making my own statistical life expectancy significantly shortened by being surrounded in black men who are about 100x more likely to murder me on my boat than most of these whining Asian and "hapa" incels who never stop bitching on the net but usually don't do anything even when white betas in t-shirts and billed caps show up being arrogant and bonking their chicks, ROFLMAO.

Anyway, I don't know what the f**k so many of either the SJW and/or manginosphere men are thinking when they never stop bitching and moaning about how conquered and powerless they are. Not only these Asian crybabies do this, but actually some black men even do this too (I've seen it!), even though they usually act more masculine (or at least pugilistic, LOL) on the streets:

If any manginosphere betas are reading that and know this describes you, do yourselves a fuckin' favor and ask yourselves this question: WHAT KIND OF f***ing "MASCULINE" BEHAVIOR IS THAT TO NEVER STOP BITCHING ABOUT HOW POWERLESS AND CONQUERED YOU THINK YOU SUPPOSEDLY ARE?!?!?!?
I know a lot of Asian and black men who are actual MEN and don't do this bullshit and never would, but still:
Look at those of us of Germanic or Celtic heritage who can actually call ourselves "men" with a straight face: In days of yore we were constantly being brutally conquered by the knuckle-dragging whop sodomite faggot Romans who always came up and attacked us and dragged our women and children off to be assfucked and abused in their evil brothels (or kept as household slaves), but we still kept fighting and that's why we survived until the jews subverted all the whites' sorry-ass nations and made them into the disasters they are today.

TL;DR: Grow an f-ing pair and stop bitching you f***ing pussies, LOL. :lol: :lol: :lol:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: R/Hapas drama about Winston & Cornfed, LOL!

Post by WilliamSmith »

Damn! Look at that "wall of text!" :lol: :lol: :lol:
That was a f***ing RANT!
Like Han Solo said, "sometimes I amaze even myself!" :mrgreen:
WilliamSmith wrote:
July 22nd, 2023, 4:10 pm
@Lucas88 you see here, when you see the drama these weak betas create on these forums, that's one of the reasons I decided to stop banging Asian women, ROFLMAO! I know there's plenty of actual MEN in Asia, but if the crying these shemale drama queens are doing on Reddit is at all indicative of a large part of "hapas" subculture, I do not want any son of mine growing up with these f***ing weak crybabies as their "peers." And if my daughters ever actually brought back in one of these self-pitying wimps, I'd squish him like one of those "goombas" from Super Mario Brothers and tell her if she can't get a real man then we'll have to get her a cyborg instead, LOL. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Also, this and legions of these other p***y-ass crybabies whining about how white betas are always scoring with Asian broads because of "colonialism" is completely full of shit, because if the white men were colonialists then they'd only breed with white women and just conquer these whining wimps, but in reality obviously most of the whites going to Asia are soyboys, not "colonialists"/"imperialists," etc.

And guys like me, @Lucas88, and @Pixel--dude aren't f-ing "colonialists" either even if we end up in places like the Caribbean, Jamaica, Latin America, etc because of our girlfriends/wives or "preference," LOL! I'm not even a "sexpat": The only thing I'm doing by being down there is taking a black American woman out of the jewnited states with me and going down there to enjoy being in the islands and spending all my $$$ into the island peoples' local economies, while also making my own statistical life expectancy significantly shortened by being surrounded in black men who are about 100x more likely to murder me on my boat than most of these whining Asian and "hapa" incels who never stop bitching on the net but usually don't do anything even when white betas in t-shirts and billed caps show up being arrogant and bonking their chicks, ROFLMAO.

Anyway, I don't know what the f**k so many of either the SJW and/or manginosphere men are thinking when they never stop bitching and moaning about how conquered and powerless they are. Not only these Asian crybabies do this, but actually some black men even do this too (I've seen it!), even though they usually act more masculine (or at least pugilistic, LOL) on the streets:

If any manginosphere betas are reading that and know this describes you, do yourselves a fuckin' favor and ask yourselves this question: WHAT KIND OF f***ing "MASCULINE" BEHAVIOR IS THAT TO NEVER STOP BITCHING ABOUT HOW POWERLESS AND CONQUERED YOU THINK YOU SUPPOSEDLY ARE?!?!?!?
I know a lot of Asian and black men who are actual MEN and don't do this bullshit and never would, but still:
Look at those of us of Germanic or Celtic heritage who can actually call ourselves "men" with a straight face: In days of yore we were constantly being brutally conquered by the knuckle-dragging whop sodomite faggot Romans who always came up and attacked us and dragged our women and children off to be assfucked and abused in their evil brothels (or kept as household slaves), but we still kept fighting and that's why we survived until the jews subverted all the whites' sorry-ass nations and made them into the disasters they are today.

TL;DR: Grow an f-ing pair and stop bitching you f***ing pussies, LOL. :lol: :lol: :lol:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: R/Hapas drama about Winston & Cornfed, LOL!

Post by WilliamSmith »

WilliamSmith wrote:
July 22nd, 2023, 4:46 pm
...whining Asian and "hapa" incels who never stop bitching on the net but usually don't do anything even when white betas in t-shirts and billed caps show up being arrogant and bonking their chicks, ROFLMAO.
I have to add yet another addendum point here, which is that black women have made me aware of something called the "Passport Bros" movement and the so-called "SYSBM" ("Save Yourselves Black Man" LOL) kangz who are now going to Asia in quantity and basically doing all the bad things they always did to black women here in the jewnited states for decades. Including turning large and growing numbers of Asian women into "baby mommas" of fatherless "Blasians." And tons of Asian men are vociferously complaining about this, which I've seen.
So while I do realize there are lots of good black men out there too, just pointing out to the whining hapas that their cucking to jewish narratives of blaming everything on white betas and "colonialism" is getting awfully awkward for you at this point, since black men are bonking your chicks nearly as much as this point as white betas, from what I've heard. :lol: :lol: :lol:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: R/Hapas drama about Winston & Cornfed, LOL!

Post by 69ixine »

You hate the fact Hapas are racist to their white side and rebel against white supremacy,but then go back and call romans,the ones that civilized nordics from utter savagery despite not being perfect,as 'whops'.

This is why I personally don't care much about white genocide,as my phenotype will always survive in the indian subcontinent,likely latin america,Tajikistan and central asia (Afghanistan,pakistan,Iran)or among the Romani populations(who were genocided by 'nordics'during medieval history and ww2).

All White male/Ethnic female relationships are usually based on white worship from the wife,due to US/EU dominance over the globe(currently being challenged by BRICS).White guys know this,but don't care or try to downplay it.

otherwise the woman would pick her own race over adapting a culture she isn't part of.and also cuz It's also healthy to want kids that aproximate your looks most.

white worship doesn't just mean worshipping white looks,but also believing hollywood narratives that western culture is 'equal'and 'noble' to women.

Like the rich,the Jews etc white people will not give up their privelages without a fight and maybe a killin.I commend these hapa brothers for standing up for their male race and interests.
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.

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Re: R/Hapas drama about Winston & Cornfed, LOL!

Post by WilliamSmith »

69ixine wrote:
July 22nd, 2023, 5:20 pm
You hate the fact Hapas are racist to their white side and rebel against white supremacy,but then go back and call romans,the ones that civilized nordics from utter savagery despite not being perfect,as 'whops'.
Not true at all, I just said the reason wimpy white guys score with Asian women so easy has nothing to do with "white supremacy" or "colonialism" since the wussy white guys who go there have no power or authority of any kind, but I don't care at all whether those hapas are racist to their white side or not, just that I wouldn't want to be anywhere near those turkeys since both the left and righwing varieties of these incel or men's rights types are a bunch of f***ing whining pansy-ass crybabies who no woman of any color in her right mind would want to breed with if the things these kind of guys say actually reflects their actual mentality.

Also, I don't hate the Romans because they developed more advanced metallurgy, military tactics, and adapted "Western" institutions they took off the Greeks, I hate them because they were a bunch of dirty sodomite pieces of shit who were always enslaving and raping everyone, and buggery and pedophilia was also rampant amongst them for ages (vs our barbarian tribes who tended to burn sodomites and pedophiles alive or throw them into peat bogs and so forth).
However, unlike these Reddit hapas and other types I mentioned, I have also never been wasting a bunch of time whining about how our more palatable cultures from days of yore were conquered by Romans anymore than I've been whining about how that was also the case with the Barbary types or Mongol hordes, etc (unlike like these guys were doing on there by getting on the jewish "whining minorities" bandwagon). :wink:

Also, the myth that our Germanic/Nordic/Celtic oldtime cultures were all "utter savagery" until being "civilized" by the faggot whops from Rome is total bullshit: We barbarian people actually had a lot of freer cultures in many cases, and tons of culture and traditions that were so difficult for the whops to get rid of that they had to subversively adapt them by glossing a phony veneer of Middle Easternism over our oldtime traditions.
The Romans just spread those kind of lies that we were in utter savagery because they wanted to conquer us, but they were also overtly obsessed with having sex with us as well and assimilating us into their "Empire" since I read their texts where they overtly said we were betting looking than they were with healthier genes, but even though they conquered a lot of us (probably where guys like Fabio comes from, LOL), those Roman sacks of shit did that with so many other types of people they'd conquered that they ended up going into total terminal decline in their own depravity and decadence until comparatively robust and healthy "barbarians" sacked their ass multiple times until Rome was in ruins. :wink:
69ixine wrote:
July 22nd, 2023, 5:20 pm
This is why I personally don't care much about white genocide,as my phenotype will always survive in the indian subcontinent,likely latin america,Tajikistan and central asia (Afghanistan,pakistan,Iran)or among the Romani populations(who were genocided by 'nordics'during medieval history and ww2).
I have no idea about those places for the most part, but good luck to you young man! :D
69ixine wrote:
July 22nd, 2023, 5:20 pm
All White male/Ethnic female relationships are usually based on white worship from the wife,due to US/EU dominance over the globe(currently being challenged by BRICS).White guys know this,but don't care or try to downplay it.

otherwise the woman would pick her own race over adapting a culture she isn't part of.and also cuz It's also healthy to want kids that aproximate your looks most.
LOL, you can't be serious?! That's so totally untrue, especially of black American women who go for white guys, holy !@#$???
I'm sure there's exceptions to every rule, but "All White male/Ethnic female relationships are usually based on white worship??"
The woman I'm living with now never even liked white guys before because she doesn't hate them, but said they seemed too effeminate, LOL.
I've personally never seen "white worship" directed at white men from black women at all. (I'm not saying it doesn't exist anywhere, but I certainly never saw it, since they usually have a philosophy of black women uber alles even if they "date out," so to speak.)
Admittedly there seems to be a somewhat higher admiration of white men amongst Asian women and Latinas, but even there I don't think most of them are "white worship."
Edit: I can't say about the Latinas really, I didn't detect any "white worship" from the ones I've known in the states, but ask @Lucas88.
But most Chinese women also usually tend to consider their own culture and history totally superior to those of the West, even if they like or even "prefer" white guys, so that's not "white worship" either.

Edit #2: I have actually heard a few strange stories that I didn't see personally though, where some Chinese women mentioned they were being practically brutally harangued by other Chinese officials saying they had to make a perfect impression on "Western" foreign dignitaries who came to China. But none of the women I've ever scored with had either those experiences or that kind of mentality at all, so no way are all white man + "ethnic" woman relationships based on "white worship." :wink:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: R/Hapas drama about Winston & Cornfed, LOL!

Post by 69ixine »

@WilliamSmith ,I didn't know that about Roman sexual culture,and had to look it up myself and you were right.What a Travesty,
https://www.challies.com/articles/3-awf ... -morality/

I think the only thing noble about it is their patriarchal laws regarding women.

As for Black women,in africa and latin america,it IS white worship.Black americans are unique in that they look down on whites,and are Black supremacists.

Of course,White worship goes back millenia in East and south asia and cannot be attributed entirely to europeans,however the Japanese did consider all caucasians ugly at one point in time refering to them as bird-like creatures and ogres/trolls or Oni monsters and Tengu monsters.
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Re: R/Hapas drama about Winston & Cornfed, LOL!

Post by 69ixine »

@WilliamSmith the greeks considered nordics sickly/weak looking,and saw honey skin and darker eyes and hair as ideal.I don't know about the romans.Greek philosophers also saw Blacks as Beautiful in their writings.

Not all of us'whops'are self-hating.in traditionalist india blonde guys are considered effeminate and unattractive,besides a minority of women into westerners or who are westernized.

naturally Blonde Iranian women also prefer brown iranian men I've heard from iranians.
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.

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Re: R/Hapas drama about Winston & Cornfed, LOL!

Post by 69ixine »

@WilliamSmith and Eastern european blondes/nordics,the women all prefer Whops.except for russia.
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.

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Re: R/Hapas drama about Winston & Cornfed, LOL!

Post by 69ixine »

@Williamsmith,funny thing is is that almost all black women worldwide prefer whops over nordics.including in the states.all things equal.even black women in america that hate white guys would date a puerto rican or italian whop if he looks good.
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.

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Re: R/Hapas drama about Winston & Cornfed, LOL!

Post by WilliamSmith »

69ixine wrote:
July 22nd, 2023, 6:11 pm
@WilliamSmith ,I didn't know that about Roman sexual culture,and had to look it up myself and you were right.What a Travesty,
https://www.challies.com/articles/3-awf ... -morality/
Yeah, the worst of those Romans were absolutely horrible and depraved!
It's NBD what anyone thinks about me (everyone can think what they want to think about internet randos like me on some forum, LOL), but I also will take the liberty of pointing out that my unfavorable view of those evil depraved perverted Roman bastards for those specific reasons is not some kind of "white fragility" or something (or I guess it would be "Barbarian Tribe fragility" in my case, since the original Romans were also white), and I feel that's demonstrated by the fact I love and admire ancient Chinese culture and civilization so much and don't have the same negative view about them as I do the Romans. (From a humanitarian perspective I don't approve of the ancient Han Chinese imperial violent conquests of peoples like the Vietnamese either --- and neither do the Vietnamese, I might add --- but just pointing out I'm really not being either a "white supremacist" from calling the non-white SJWs on their incel BS, nor lacking in gratitude to the Romans for "civilizing" us, since their brutality, sexual perversion, and abusive colonialism while spreading the lies that we had no culture of our own is BS, similar to the European colonialists who claimed that Africans supposedly had no indigenous culture and functional institutions, which they most certainly did have.)
69ixine wrote:
July 22nd, 2023, 6:11 pm
As for Black women,in africa and latin america,it IS white worship.Black americans are unique in that they look down on whites,and are Black supremacists.
I didn't realize that was the case about Africa (and Latin American black people, you mean "Afro-Latinas??").
I am not asking out of horny-boy curiosity by the way so I can run down there and try to poach women, just expressing surprise, because as you said: I know good black Americans but have yet to see instances of "white worship" amongst them, since many of them may be tolerant of whites/etc if they're nice, but both the black American men and the women often seem to view the majority of white men as effeminate dorks and to also have a significant amount of instinctual distrust, even if they're kindly natured or polite enough not to say that to their face.

That surprises me a bit about overseas though. (For all I knew in the 2020s no one respects white men except Asian women, LOL!) But it was actually you who posted some articles about Kenyan women wanting to get an "mzungu." (I didn't necessarily read that as "white worship" as opposed to just "seeking their own bliss," so to speak, when they were not satisfied with their own options where women aren't always treated with much decorum or consideration. But I guess you know more about that situation than me.)
By the way: In that other thread I had, I was asking about the best countries to get out of dodge and get away from the jewnited states taking a black American woman with me, not where to go to chase black women overseas.
Of course, for those of us who aren't strictly monogamous, it is a little helpful to know which areas the natives hate you the least for being white and being seen with their women just in case you need to find new romances if old relationships come to an end for whatever reason, but I'm still expecting to be with a black American woman at this point, not to be running around chasing tail. :mrgreen:
(As I tried to point out before FBO any lurkers going on tilt, I'm NOT a "sexpat" trying to exploit anyone. An alcoholic womanizer, yes, but not a "sexpat," and you'll never see me anywhere near brothels or "p4p" anywhere.) :wink:
69ixine wrote:
July 22nd, 2023, 6:11 pm
Of course,White worship goes back millenia in East and south asia and cannot be attributed entirely to europeans,however the Japanese did consider all caucasians ugly at one point in time refering to them as bird-like creatures and ogres/trolls or Oni monsters and Tengu monsters.
LOL, yeah, true on both counts: Their obsession with colorism is not based on "white supremacism" stemming from us, because even if that's muddied the waters from intrusive abusive colonialism by some European empires, the Asians have been at that aesthetic colorism fixation for millennia in multiple Asian cultures. And the Chinese have an even longer history of considering our Nordic/Germanic folk a bunch of uncouth hairy barbarians than the Japanese have, LOL, and have expressed somewhat visceral revolution over both our biology and our coarse ways for a long time, considering us and our cultures wholly inferior to the Chinese. :lol:
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Re: R/Hapas drama about Winston & Cornfed, LOL!

Post by WilliamSmith »

69ixine wrote:
July 22nd, 2023, 6:26 pm
@WilliamSmith the greeks considered nordics sickly/weak looking,and saw honey skin and darker eyes and hair as ideal.I don't know about the romans.Greek philosophers also saw Blacks as Beautiful in their writings.

Not all of us'whops'are self-hating.in traditionalist india blonde guys are considered effeminate and unattractive,besides a minority of women into westerners or who are westernized.

naturally Blonde Iranian women also prefer brown iranian men I've heard from iranians.
"Us whops," LOL, so you have an Italian father? Well congratulations since you guys are so popular, LOL! (Also I heard that same thing you mentioned in another post I'll reply to in a minute about Italian men being very popular with black American women who even go on "Romance Tours" trying to bag a "white" Italian man, LOL!!!)
But I didn't actually say either modern or the older-time Romans/whops were "self-hating" though, just that I read their writings on the frontlines of the attempted (often successful) imperial conquest of "Germania" and the Celtic areas where they wrote how we were taller and more strongly built and they said we'd make great slaves (for sexual purposes, hard labor in their mines and so on, serving in the Roman Legions, and also household slaves) if they conquered us.

I never knew that about the Greeks thinking Nordic phenotypes looked sickly or effeminate, LOL. I wonder what period of history you're talking about though, because what I read had the earlier Greeks as being very white up until they started racemixing later on to become darker...

I wonder if @Lucas88 knows anything about this stuff since he doesn't like being white (not due to cuckish "self-hatred" and jewish narratives though, apparently by his honest actual personal affinities where he tells us he doesn't resonate with either his native culture or other people, I guess other than @Pixel--dude) but he loves Southern European culture (I'd guess including whops, but not sure) over the whitest Nordic/Germanic/etc which he recently described as cold and "reptilian," LOL.

Re: The Romans, I remember reading about how in the latter phases when they'd become heavily mixed-race, there was actually a big booming industry for Nordic women in their homelands to grow and cut their hair to make wigs and export those to sell to Rome where lots of dark-skinned mixed race wanted to wear blond wigs to imitate natural blondes who had once been a lot more common (including amongst the earlier Roman ruling classes).

By the way, you guys who are into dago stuff bear with me here, because I'm running out of time (have to leave again early tomorrow) but I"ve been to a whole bunch of Italian cities including Rome and Florence and Venice, so I was going to post a bit about them in the "Beautiful Cities" thread. :lol:
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Re: R/Hapas drama about Winston & Cornfed, LOL!

Post by WilliamSmith »

69ixine wrote:
July 22nd, 2023, 6:48 pm
@Williamsmith,funny thing is is that almost all black women worldwide prefer whops over nordics.including in the states.all things equal.even black women in america that hate white guys would date a puerto rican or italian whop if he looks good.
LOL, yeah I just mentioned I'd heard about those "Romance Tours" where black American women go over to Italy to try to bag a passionate romantic Italian man, and some said they got some pretty gratifying success there. In fact, while I mentioned honestly that a lot of black American women think white men in the jewnited states aren't going to cut it, I remember some of the black American women saying white men never approached them at all (so otherwise they would've been interested in white American men if they had), but then they felt rather "swept off their feet" when they went overseas and sweet-talking Italian men would come up and start lavishing her with praise about how beautiful she was. So there's the female version of "Happier Abroad" right there. :lol:
(But unfortunately it's a mixed bag for the black women who want to bag an Italian mzungu, since the EU ZOG is causing all those EU nation-states to be deluged with literal hordes of sub-saharan African and Middle Eastern refugees and that is causing chaos, so the predictable backlash against this Soros-esque "Great Replacement" also causes drama like angry non-black Italians flinging bananas at black people in anger. Drama, drama, drama!)

So I need to move on to other topics but you reminded me of this Kenyan babe who was all over this dago for a period of time, ROFLMAO.
Thank God I live with my "preference" or I'd probably be on tilt looking at this A++ grade babe with this big-nosed vaguely jewy-looking whop, LOL.

My opinions on whops aside, I love the emotional almond-shaped eyes and beautiful full lips on these broads. (I may've mentioned that 1-1000 times before possibly. 😀)
Sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way and you find it's necessary to accuse me of "fetishism" just because I like the way black women are, but for what it's worth I promise to treat mine like gold. Sounds like @Pixel--dude is doing the same with his.
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Re: R/Hapas drama about Winston & Cornfed, LOL!

Post by Yohan »

WilliamSmith wrote:
July 22nd, 2023, 4:10 pm
I actually understand where that last guy is coming from when it comes to the greasier side of the sexpats, he's not really wrong there at all! @Outcast9428 and I have been in agreement on that when I flamed some asshole showing up on here asking about where you can impregnate a girl and get out of paying child support, and I roasted him to smithereens while @Yohan was actually trying to defend him based on his "men's rights" proclivities... Oh, and of course @MarcosZeitola with his "Faux Traditionalists and why they're going nowhere" thread makes some of the same overall points, even though he himself seems to have confessed to having more than a few baby mommas, so not sure what the story is there...
I have no idea why I am mentioned in this thread, any link please so I can read back what I said ...
Surely I do not defend a man who sleeps with a girl, get her pregnant and tries to get out of child support.

I think however men are not enough legally protected against unjustified claims coming from the mother in Western countries - for example being accused to be the father of a child by the mother the man should always have the right to insist on an immediate paternity test - too much fraud is going on.

There are horror-stories for example about a woman - typically USA - who is in jail and the child is living somewhere else and still the father has to pay child support to the mother who is using the entire money for herself.

Fathers should have the right to know what happened to the child support money he pays - now the woman can do with it whatever she wants. There is no obligation to use it for the child, she might buy alcohol, cigarettes, even illegal drugs and there is no law against that.

Visitation rights are also often denied, plenty of complaints...

Is this what you mean Yohan is defending 'his men's rights''?
Last edited by Yohan on July 22nd, 2023, 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: R/Hapas drama about Winston & Cornfed, LOL!

Post by WilliamSmith »

Yohan wrote:
July 22nd, 2023, 8:29 pm
WilliamSmith wrote:
July 22nd, 2023, 4:10 pm
I actually understand where that last guy is coming from when it comes to the greasier side of the sexpats, he's not really wrong there at all! @Outcast9428 and I have been in agreement on that when I flamed some asshole showing up on here asking about where you can impregnate a girl and get out of paying child support, and I roasted him to smithereens while @Yohan was actually trying to defend him based on his "men's rights" proclivities... Oh, and of course @MarcosZeitola with his "Faux Traditionalists and why they're going nowhere" thread makes some of the same overall points, even though he himself seems to have confessed to having more than a few baby mommas, so not sure what the story is there...
I have no idea why I am mentioned in this thread, any link please so I can read back what I said ...
Surely I do not defend a man who sleeps with a girl, get her pregnant and tries to get out of child support.

I think however men are not enough legally protected against unjustified claims coming from the mother in Western countries - for example being accused to be the father of a child by the mother the man should always the right to insist on an immediate paternity test - too much fraud is going on.

There are horror-stories for example about a woman - typically USA - who is in jail and the child is living somewhere else and still the father has to pay child support to the mother who is using the entire money for herself.

Fathers should have the right to know what happened to the child support money he pays - now the woman can do with it whatever she wants. There is no obligation to use it for the child, she might buy alcohol, cigarettes, even illegal drugs and there is no law against that.

Visitation rights are also often denied, plenty of complaints...

Is this what you mean Yohan is defending 'his men's rights''?
That was very possibly a fair correction @Yohan: I was not deliberately trying to misrepresent what you said in a defamatory way, but I may've been "triggered" back then by being angry at the little shit who was posting that thread saying he wanted to get out of paying child support in South East Asia, as though he were actually looking for an opportunity to "pump and dump" and get away with it, which is a pretty classical example of what the more reasonable of those guys on the R/Hapas thing were complaining about with degenerate sexpats.

I probably can find that thread and post the link to it (I'lll take a look), but the rest of what you said isn't unreasonable about the "horror stories," visitation rights for actual caring fathers, etc.
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Re: R/Hapas drama about Winston & Cornfed, LOL!

Post by 69ixine »

@WilliamSmith so you love black women,but read we wuz kangz white supremacist literature that's been debunked by Med supremacists(I used to follow this stuff as a teen)?

The romans were never white,the precursor of roman culture were brown curly haired indian looking etruscans with entirely anatolian farmer dna.

today,most original northern italians are dark haired,but pale but romans were central italians like Etrsucans,who were from Tuscany,where my italian ancestry is from.

All european civilization(especially greek) comes from Vedic civilization anyway,Alexander's conquests were solely to replicate Vedic culture.Homer was part of this Vedic golden age.

the light skin gene comes from northern india and afghanistan in all europeans and middle easterners 10k years ago.

Even sardinians who have no indo-european dna have natural light haired people among them,the original Yamnaya were darker than southern europeans,aryan northern europeans(all of them) come from Yamnaya whop daddies with mongoloidish nordic women(ANE,today's finno-ugric people) in northern europe.

in fact mongoloid finno-ugrics are still much blonder than germanics and celts.

only Andronovo were blonde,and they were descendant from whop yamnaya with Blonde ANE women.

your daddy is a whop!All true aryans were Whops!
scamming simps,and raking in the dough with my AI female version softcore adult pics to get HA to be a reality.

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