Oikoglossophobia and hatred of own accent

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Oikoglossophobia and hatred of own accent

Post by Lucas88 »

Here is part of @69ixine's reply in my thread on languages that we love and hate:
69ixine wrote:
May 4th, 2023, 12:57 pm
I like american accents for english though,it sounds nice.

I have a good accent,I speak middle class ohio english which is the standard accent for media in america,or used to be.

I thought that I should quote it here because it makes for a good point of entry into this topic.

Some people speak a variety of a language that is widely recognized as good or desirable. This can be due to its social prestige, its proximity to the language's standard form, clear pronunciation that for most people is easy to understand, or certain aesthetic qualities that many regard as pleasing to the senses or otherwise "cool". In 69ixine's case, he's a native speaker of middle-class Ohio English which for a long time was a standard accent for American media and is easily understood by practically all Americans as well as most other Anglophones.

Then there's the opposite phenomenon. Others speak a variety of a language that is widely be considered low prestige, substandard, difficult to understand, uneducated or bumpkinish, uncool or ugly, or undesirable in some other way.

I myself really don't like the variety of English that I speak. I speak a substandard form of Northern English and quite badly due to certain speech difficulties but, to be honest, I don't even like standard British English either. I feel a peculiar aversion towards the language. In fact, I never wanted to be born in the UK. I dislike its culture immensely and feel no connection to the place. My aversion towards British English adds to this feeling.

Speaking a variety of a language that one doesn't like is a burden. It can diminish enthusiasm for communication and therefore serve as a muzzle of sorts. I for one aren't very verbally expressive in my native language. I'm usually quite taciturn and inhibited. I never make speeches or YouTube videos or anything like that. Instead I only write, and quite prolifically. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that I feel held back by being saddled with a bumpkin dialect that I dislike and which I don't feel comfortable speaking. How could I ever therefore be loquacious?

If it were possible, I'd much rather speak a better form of English like a nice standard North American variety that is smooth and easy to understand, or better yet, another native language that suits me more since I don't feel suited to Anglo culture anyway. I'm quite envious of Americans and Canadians who express themselves so clearly and fluently in their better forms of English. And also of people who speak normal languages natively. My own variety of British English on the other hand sounds low-quality and just even plain retarded and I'd rather not speak it at all if I can help it.

Fortunately, I speak Spanish which I began learning at age 17 and spend substantial periods of time in Spain and Latin America. Whenever I'm in those regions, I cut all contact with the Anglophone world outside of the occasional telephone conversation with family and friends and speak nothing but Spanish for months on end. Spanish is a normal language. It has a pure phonology and a good flow. It is also well-designed and expressive. Speaking Spanish instead of English feels liberating. I no longer speak like an uncultured bumpkin.

Also, whenever I'm in Spain and Latin America, I avoid Anglophone expats, tourists or speakers of English as a second language. Such unsavory people are simply a nuisance because they might pressure me to speak that substandard bumpkin crap. I don't want to have to speak my native dialect. It only makes me feel uncomfortable, especially when I already have a Ferrari of a language that is Spanish. I'm an aristocratic soul, not a peasant; I love quality.

Some people hate their own accent, dialect or language. I even made up a word for this. I call it "oikoglossophobia". But such a condition can be quite burdensome and restrictive. It can hold you back in other areas of life.

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Re: Oikoglossophobia and hatred of own accent

Post by 69ixine »

I sound like an educated white american guy,and I actually love hearing american accents on women.I knew a brit back in 2006 who was in our dutch language class,when I had moved back to amsterdam from Cleveland,Ohio.He thought my sister's accent was sexy .I also find white american women's accents 'sexy'if they come from middle class backrounds and are educated.

it's kind of a turn on.I used to love hearing american tourists speak in amsterdam,middle class women,because obviousely you're not going to get sexual stimulation from your female relatives.

The american accent is feminine,to put it the best way.The British accent is crude,arrogant,almost retarded sounding and masculine with an air of crass authority to me,whereas the middle class standard white american accent has sophistication in a gentle and truly prestigious way,in my humble opinion.

I do not like to hear british women speak.

there are unsightly american accents.

@Lucas88 I am sorry you feel that way,wish you the best with your dream of naturalization and assimilation into Latin american culture.

I also speak dutch with a native dutch accent,with a tinge of american in there.Women love it there lol my american accent can make any language sound good,because of the smoothness,and dutch women who hear me when I am not thinking and on autopilot and revert to a american accent in dutch,they go crazy in a good way!lol

foreign women love it when I speak in english to them,coupled with my naturally 'feminine'voice.It does turn foreign women on.

I thank God for that.I find english a beautiful language,the sanskrit of germanic languages when spoken by my type of americans.But that is just my humble opinion.others are free to their own opinion.
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Re: Oikoglossophobia and hatred of own accent

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because of the balanced soft and smooth nature of a natural educated american speaker,people have stopped me to ask me where I'm from in holland many times,because they found my american accent in dutch so endearing.

it used to be considered a sign of prestige to speak dutch with an american accent in the Randstad.

My accent is better than these two combined,but just notice how great this sounds compared to other english accents and even some entire languages.

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Re: Oikoglossophobia and hatred of own accent

Post by 69ixine »

I speak just like the lead singer,well a bit better actually.Thank God for my accent and language lol Mu'rica!

I also have a more feminine voice than the most feminine singer in this video,the backround singer.

my israeli gf used to love hearing me speak,it would turn her on so much,she'd get wet she used to say.
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Re: Oikoglossophobia and hatred of own accent

Post by 69ixine »

my beautiful educated midwestern white american accent should make american women drop their panties,coupled with my exotic latino goodlooks,but they don't appreciate shit!
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Re: Oikoglossophobia and hatred of own accent

Post by Lucas88 »

@Tsar recently stayed with us in the UK for a week just as we had planned. Just out of curiosity, I asked him how my own accent compares to other people's. His answer was interesting. He told me that my accent is totally unique, noticeably different from those of other people in my hometown and the nearby cities and much unlike any other Anglophone accent. Curious, I asked him if my accent sounds non-native, to which he responded that it doesn't sound non-native, only difficult to identify and atypical.

I now understand the reason why I was never able to fit into British society a little better: I have an atypical accent, mostly due to dysprosody, and so British people tend to perceive me as "weird" or "different from them". British people tend not to have too much tolerance for things that lie outside the norm. If you don't fit into a narrow mold of "normal" behavior, thinking, opinions and style of presentation, most British people will perceive you as too abnormal and subtly ostracize you. That's the way British society works.

Many people in the UK think that I'm weird because of my atypical accent. That's one of the reasons why I don't like speaking English and even feel aversion towards the language: my spoken English is just too weird due to dysprosody.

I don't have the same problem when I speak Spanish. I speak Spanish with a good accent and not like an Anglophone. Even if I do have some irregularities of intonation in the language due to dysprosody, I can just tell people that I'm not a native speaker and people will understand. They won't view the way I speak as weird.

I'm not held back by the way I speak in the Hispanosphere. I'm not ostracized as a "weirdo" because my accent is atypical. I'm able to make friends and date girls as a foreigner who speaks good Spanish rather than as a dysprosodic who can't speak his native language correctly.

I feel much happier in Spain and Latin America. I feel freer speaking Spanish.

The thing that I hate about being a dysprosodic native Anglophone speaker with an atypical accent is that sometimes I can bump into Anglophone tourists or L2 English speakers even abroad and be expected to speak English - even though I hate it. I wish that I wasn't an Anglophone.
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Re: Oikoglossophobia and hatred of own accent

Post by Lucas88 »

A little anecdote

I remember an encounter with a French "air security officer" (which is really just a less faggy way of saying "air host", lol!) on a flight with Air France with Peru as the destination. I was having a conversation in fluent Spanish with a Peruvian passenger when all of a sudden that same French air security officer addressed me in English after apologizing that he didn't know Spanish. Then, after us exchanging a few pleasantries, he asked me where I was from. When I told him "UK", he just laughed and shook his head in disbelief. I imagine that he didn't believe me and thought that I was lying due to my atypical accent.

The French air security officer on that flight pissed me off. That lowborn franchute peasant had the audacity to laugh at me for the way I speak. When it was he who insisted on speaking English on a flight to Peru and with most of the passengers being Peruvian! I admit that I would have loved to fight that guy in the cabin of that plane. He was a big tough-looking guy. I would have loved to hit him with a boxing combo in that tight little aisle or take him down with a blast double in the more spacious area near the exit and then drop a few punches and elbows into his fat dome head from the mount position (those exit doors can't really come open mid-flight and so fighting in the vicinity wouldn't be a problem 8) ).

Anyway, that French asshole pissed me off and the whole negative encounter highlights why I don't like being asked to speak English when I'm abroad either by Anglophone tourists or L2 English speakers.
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