which race is the worst??

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which race is the worst??

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Fellas I read a conversation between @Lucas88 and @MarcosZeitola and @Outcast9428 and think @WanderingProtagonist was in there 2!!
But which race do you think is the worst thru history???
All their atrocitys and things like that
Keep in mind 3 things when you decide and show your working out :lol: :lol:
1 their methods of torture :twisted:
2 genocides they commited :x
3 their values and doctrines

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Re: which race is the worst??

Post by Lucas88 »

CaptainSkelebob wrote:
November 14th, 2022, 12:17 pm
Fellas I read a conversation between @Lucas88 and @MarcosZeitola and @Outcast9428 and think @WanderingProtagonist was in there 2!!
But which race do you think is the worst thru history???
All their atrocitys and things like that
Keep in mind 3 things when you decide and show your working out :lol: :lol:
1 their methods of torture :twisted:
2 genocides they commited :x
3 their values and doctrines
This is a tough question, mainly because my knowledge of the history of each race is limited and incomplete and also because those three variables are difficult to quantify.

As far as methods of torture go, both Europeans and Asians developed some pretty sadistic and disturbing methods. In the Greek world a certain Perilaus invented a torture and execution device called the Brazen Bull which consisted of a hollow bull-shaped chamber in which victims would be locked and set alight until they burned to death. That sounds horrific. I went to a museum of the Inquisition in Lima, Peru and saw some of the torture devices which were used by the Church against infidels and heretics. Some of them included spikes which were used to tear open the victim's anus. All pretty harrowing. In East Asia they used some equally sadistic forms of torture. One of those is lingchi 凌遲 which consisted of slowly slicing the victim's flesh and removing portions of the body and inflicting horrendous pain and suffering until they died. Some instances of lingchi are said to have lasted up to three days.

As for genocides committed, again both Europeans and Asians have done a lot. Europeans conquered vast territories in the Americas, Africa and parts of Asia and slaughtered and subjugated large numbers of natives. They were able to conquer and colonize on a much greater scale than anyone else due to their superior military technology. This resulted in greater capacity for destruction than conquered peoples such as Africans and pre-Columbian Indians were unable to match. Asia had the expansion of the Mongols which caused unprecedented levels of bloodshed and destruction throughout the continent. The original Turks were also an Asian people from a region in the north of China who swept through Central Asia and conquered many lands. Then, in modern times, Asian countries witnessed another wave of bloodshed and destruction under the violent communist regimes.

When it comes to values and doctrines, the Jews are definitely the most perverse group of people. From the Torah to the Talmud and the Kabbalah, the Jewish religion teaches that the Jews are chosen by Yahweh to subjugate and rule over all of the Gentile nations in the age of the Messiah. Only Jews are regarded as divine beings born out of the light of god. Meanwhile All Gentile souls are regarded as husks of darkness (Qliphoth in the Kabbalah) born out of the chaos of the dark side (Sitra Achra) and must therefore be either destroyed or enslaved. This doctrine of Jewish supremacy and extreme anti-Gentilism serves as a justification for our destruction and enslavement and indeed inspires the Jewish elite to conspire against us and orchestrate all kinds of unforgivable atrocities. Judaism is the sickest and most psychopathic ideology that has ever existed. It really must be destroyed.
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Re: which race is the worst??

Post by Outcast9428 »

Blacks are the worst race, I'm sorry but its true. They are dreadful to work with because so many of them cannot or will not do their jobs, they commit an astonishing level of serious crime, and their cultural values are horrible. You cannot work in an environment that is full of them and truly feel safe because they are volatile and get extremely angry at the most basic of work expectations. They come to work with entitled attitudes, are incredibly demanding and treat their jobs like contract work instead of an expectation that yes, you will show up to work every day and you will show up on time. They feel unbelievably comfortable with simply not showing up to work, showing up late, or showing up and simply deciding they don't want to do their job anymore and leaving. Every time I've heard of a co-worker being assaulted or beaten up it was by a Black person. Yes the genocides committed by Whites, Jews, and Asians is well documented but Black people have committed countless mini-genocides in Africa that simply never got documented because nobody knew how to read or write in Africa. And the tribes/nations they created were never large enough to commit a genocide on the level of Cambodia, the Mongols, or the Red Terror. You're wondering now if I'm just pulling all of this out of my ass? Read this book...

https://archive.org/details/negroesinne ... 7/mode/2up
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Re: which race is the worst??

Post by Pixel--Dude »

@CaptainSkelebob this is an interesting thread, I've looked into a few medieval methods of torture in the past. It was research I was doing for a medieval fantasy novel I started writing a while ago. Very dark and reflective of how barbaric people can be. As for the question posed, it's very difficult to pinpoint the highest level of barbarism to one race in particular, as its kind of like Yin and Yang in the respect that each race has shown examples of kindness and positive traits and also negative barbaric traits. But let's dive in and see if we can work out if there is objectively any one race which stands out above the others in terms of being the most barbaric and inhumane.

The Persians had some pretty brutal torture techniques. Anyone ever heard of Scaphism? They'd put you inside a boat with holes for your arms and legs, then nail another boat on top. They'd force feed you milk and honey and push the boat out to the middle of a lake and leave you there all day. Then they'd pull you in and force feed you more milk and honey and push you back out. Rinse and repeat. Eventually you'd get diarrhoea from all the milk and honey, shit yourself and the boats would be full of little critters enjoying the feast within. Your flesh would be boiled in the sun and covered in mosquito bites. Inside the boats worms and other insects would eventually start eating you. It looked like this:


@Lucas88 the inquisition used some brutally terrible ways to torture people they considered heretics. Most of these torture methods were incrementally perfected by Europeans throughout the time the inquisition, possibly making Europeans the worst in terms of torture methods...

The Judas Cradle

https://historycollection.com/snap-crac ... quisition/
Here is an article about various torture methods used during the Spanish Inquisition. Absolutely barbaric and a reflection of how dangerous a theocracy can be for those who don't believe the same dogmatic doctrines and edicts enforced by the church.

@Outcast9428 Asians have dished out their fair share of torture as well. I don't know how much of the history @Yohan is familiar with, but I've read that apparently the Japanese used brutal forms of torture during the second World War, where they tied dude's to steaks and had bamboo grow into them and through them.

China have their famous water torture techniques as well as the death by a thousand cuts. Is that what you were talking about, @Lucas88?

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Re: which race is the worst??

Post by Tsar »

Jews! Even trying to give a mediocre reply would be too long for most people to read.
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Re: which race is the worst??

Post by Tsar »

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Re: which race is the worst??

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Lucas88 wrote:
November 14th, 2022, 3:06 pm
CaptainSkelebob wrote:
November 14th, 2022, 12:17 pm
Fellas I read a conversation between @Lucas88 and @MarcosZeitola and @Outcast9428 and think @WanderingProtagonist was in there 2!!
But which race do you think is the worst thru history???
All their atrocitys and things like that
Keep in mind 3 things when you decide and show your working out :lol: :lol:
1 their methods of torture :twisted:
2 genocides they commited :x
3 their values and doctrines
This is a tough question, mainly because my knowledge of the history of each race is limited and incomplete and also because those three variables are difficult to quantify.

As far as methods of torture go, both Europeans and Asians developed some pretty sadistic and disturbing methods. In the Greek world a certain Perilaus invented a torture and execution device called the Brazen Bull which consisted of a hollow bull-shaped chamber in which victims would be locked and set alight until they burned to death. That sounds horrific. I went to a museum of the Inquisition in Lima, Peru and saw some of the torture devices which were used by the Church against infidels and heretics. Some of them included spikes which were used to tear open the victim's anus. All pretty harrowing. In East Asia they used some equally sadistic forms of torture. One of those is lingchi 凌遲 which consisted of slowly slicing the victim's flesh and removing portions of the body and inflicting horrendous pain and suffering until they died. Some instances of lingchi are said to have lasted up to three days.

As for genocides committed, again both Europeans and Asians have done a lot. Europeans conquered vast territories in the Americas, Africa and parts of Asia and slaughtered and subjugated large numbers of natives. They were able to conquer and colonize on a much greater scale than anyone else due to their superior military technology. This resulted in greater capacity for destruction than conquered peoples such as Africans and pre-Columbian Indians were unable to match. Asia had the expansion of the Mongols which caused unprecedented levels of bloodshed and destruction throughout the continent. The original Turks were also an Asian people from a region in the north of China who swept through Central Asia and conquered many lands. Then, in modern times, Asian countries witnessed another wave of bloodshed and destruction under the violent communist regimes.

When it comes to values and doctrines, the Jews are definitely the most perverse group of people. From the Torah to the Talmud and the Kabbalah, the Jewish religion teaches that the Jews are chosen by Yahweh to subjugate and rule over all of the Gentile nations in the age of the Messiah. Only Jews are regarded as divine beings born out of the light of god. Meanwhile All Gentile souls are regarded as husks of darkness (Qliphoth in the Kabbalah) born out of the chaos of the dark side (Sitra Achra) and must therefore be either destroyed or enslaved. This doctrine of Jewish supremacy and extreme anti-Gentilism serves as a justification for our destruction and enslavement and indeed inspires the Jewish elite to conspire against us and orchestrate all kinds of unforgivable atrocities. Judaism is the sickest and most psychopathic ideology that has ever existed. It really must be destroyed.
Some people would enjoy the spikes fella :lol:
But that bull sounds nasty :shock:
Thats what my face would be like
Not sure bout europeans tho
We did a lot of good for different countrys with colonialism
We brought a lot of these places democracy and medicine and new technology
They were chasing each other with sticks and howling at the moon before colonists arrived and made these ppl civilized!!!
We turned their tents in the middle of nowhere into thriving towns and citys.
I agree with @MarcosZeitola coz the chinks are pretty bad :x
I think even now we should be keeping a very close eye on china....
Again with the jews???
:roll: If you insist
In most cases ppl are just jealous of the jews coz they tend to be more successful and thrive in some places
Theres also a lot of poor jews as well tho
I do think jews are weird coz what exactly is a jew???
A race or a religion???
Sayin that tho I do think Israel should bulldoze palestain into the sea along with all the gihadi ragheads living there
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Re: which race is the worst??

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 15th, 2022, 2:52 am
@CaptainSkelebob this is an interesting thread, I've looked into a few medieval methods of torture in the past. It was research I was doing for a medieval fantasy novel I started writing a while ago. Very dark and reflective of how barbaric people can be. As for the question posed, it's very difficult to pinpoint the highest level of barbarism to one race in particular, as its kind of like Yin and Yang in the respect that each race has shown examples of kindness and positive traits and also negative barbaric traits. But let's dive in and see if we can work out if there is objectively any one race which stands out above the others in terms of being the most barbaric and inhumane.

The Persians had some pretty brutal torture techniques. Anyone ever heard of Scaphism? They'd put you inside a boat with holes for your arms and legs, then nail another boat on top. They'd force feed you milk and honey and push the boat out to the middle of a lake and leave you there all day. Then they'd pull you in and force feed you more milk and honey and push you back out. Rinse and repeat. Eventually you'd get diarrhoea from all the milk and honey, shit yourself and the boats would be full of little critters enjoying the feast within. Your flesh would be boiled in the sun and covered in mosquito bites. Inside the boats worms and other insects would eventually start eating you. It looked like this:


@Lucas88 the inquisition used some brutally terrible ways to torture people they considered heretics. Most of these torture methods were incrementally perfected by Europeans throughout the time the inquisition, possibly making Europeans the worst in terms of torture methods...

The Judas Cradle

https://historycollection.com/snap-crac ... quisition/
Here is an article about various torture methods used during the Spanish Inquisition. Absolutely barbaric and a reflection of how dangerous a theocracy can be for those who don't believe the same dogmatic doctrines and edicts enforced by the church.

@Outcast9428 Asians have dished out their fair share of torture as well. I don't know how much of the history @Yohan is familiar with, but I've read that apparently the Japanese used brutal forms of torture during the second World War, where they tied dude's to steaks and had bamboo grow into them and through them.

China have their famous water torture techniques as well as the death by a thousand cuts. Is that what you were talking about, @Lucas88?

https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.scmp.c ... ow-extreme
Some of these sound terrible
f**k to having a pyramid up me arse :lol:
The inquisition were basketcases
World really would be a better place without religion at all!!
It actually makes me mad that I cant have a holiday to mars in my lifetime coz these dimwits with imaginary friends held us back thousands of f***ing years!!!
Mind boggles fella
Mind boggles fella
Yeah the japs were brutal in WWII
But america showed them who is boss
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Re: which race is the worst??

Post by Lucas88 »

CaptainSkelebob wrote:
November 17th, 2022, 4:02 pm
Again with the jews???
:roll: If you insist
In most cases ppl are just jealous of the jews coz they tend to be more successful and thrive in some places
Theres also a lot of poor jews as well tho
I do think jews are weird coz what exactly is a jew???
A race or a religion???
Jews are an ethnic group and Judaism is their tribal religion. Some Jews are religious while others are secular.

My comments about the Jews aren't motivated by racial hatred. Nor are they motivated by jealousy either. If you look into things, it becomes clear that within Jewry there is a tribal mafia with control over world banking and connections to political Zionism which seeks to dominate the world and enslave all of the Gentile nations. The Jewish tribal mafia is motivated by a rather peculiar and disturbing quasi-religious ideology which has its origins in the Torah, Talmud and Kabbalah and teaches that the Jews are Yahweh's chosen people and have been given the right to subjugate and enslave all non-Jews and their nations. This is the real reason why some of us are opposed to Judaism and Zionism.

I even made a thread about the religious doctrines behind the Jewish conspiracy with links to various videos. Check them out, Captain!

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Re: which race is the worst??

Post by Tsar »

Tsar wrote:
November 15th, 2022, 6:13 am
Here's part of a speech by Goebbels.

I always try to find this but I never added any words to the post. This will make it searchable.
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Re: which race is the worst??

Post by Natural_Born_Cynic »

It's the Jews and the Chinese.
The Jews have been kicked out 87 times in the course of history for their Jewish insidious trickery and subversion.
However they are pulling the Puppet strings in America and Western Europe now..using the holocaust narrative to extract more "geld" from the Goyims.

The Chinese are just as misery as the Jews but they are also dirty and barbaric people with no human compassion. Talking to them feels like
being hit with a sledgehammer. The Chinese has no regard to human lives. They put lot of poisonous stuff in the food and ship it out for short term profit. The chinese are also cheap a$$holes and tend to cut corners on many things. Look at "Tofu Dreg" projects. Their building falls apart as fast as they build them.
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Re: which race is the worst??

Post by WilliamSmith »

I think blacks are the best and most beautiful race!

Outcast9428 is mistaken in saying:
Outcast9428 wrote:
November 14th, 2022, 9:17 pm
Blacks are the worst race, I'm sorry but its true.
Why do I know blacks are the best, and not the worst?

Because... I love my black American girlfriends with a passion (and I care about various family members of theirs who are like members of my own family at this point), and..... I'm racist and tribalistic as !@#$, LOL.
I'm so f-ing racist/tribalistic, I even got upset watching my old 90s favorite "Marked for Death" because "Screwface" looks just like my girlfriend's brother, so I didn't want to see him get !@#$ed up by Steven Seagal at the end of that movie. (It was a good movie though. Awesome title theme by Jimmy Cliff.)

In these evil days, black Africans are also heroically taking the gold in taking action to stop the evil global plague of homosexuality:
(The video I posted is from Obama days, but trust me, a whole lot of Africans are still heavily opposed to allowing the evil of homosexuality to spread into Africa and destroy their family, and therefore their nation! I hope the Caribbean will hold out too. But either way: I love blacks.)

Note: Don't misunderstand me though! I was not saying you guys should love blacks as much as me.
Please, jewdeo christians, whop dago greaseball faggots openly admitting to getting blowjobs from ladyboy pinoys, etc, stay the !@#$ away! Reassure yourselves you're in the right place out in sodomite Asia, EU, etc! "Expand the pallet of your sexual options" with ladyboys, get AIDs, get your clotshots, get !@#$ing AIDs, monkeypox, and die, etc. Please go right ahead! :D
Last edited by WilliamSmith on February 11th, 2023, 6:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: which race is the worst??

Post by WilliamSmith »

Natural_Born_Cynic wrote:
February 1st, 2023, 7:38 am
It's the Jews and the Chinese.
The Jews have been kicked out 87 times in the course of history for their Jewish insidious trickery and subversion.
However they are pulling the Puppet strings in America and Western Europe now..using the holocaust narrative to extract more "geld" from the Goyims.

The Chinese are just as misery as the Jews but they are also dirty and barbaric people with no human compassion. Talking to them feels like
being hit with a sledgehammer. The Chinese has no regard to human lives. They put lot of poisonous stuff in the food and ship it out for short term profit. The chinese are also cheap a$$holes and tend to cut corners on many things. Look at "Tofu Dreg" projects. Their building falls apart as fast as they build them.
There's absolutely nothing in this world worse than jews, I agree.

Personally, though, I feel the Chinese are sadly misunderstood, even though I realize there's a lot of problems resulting from the national disasters that have brought China down since they bollocksed things up in the Qing dynasty, and then got subverted by evil jews (e.g. Sassoon and Kaifeng cryptojews who opened the gates to more of them).

I love the Cantonese more than anyone, other than blacks, LOL.

(And I won't be back until around a month because of business stuff, but will defend all my positions with vim and vigor when the time comes.) :D
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: which race is the worst??

Post by WilliamSmith »

Mercer wrote:
February 11th, 2023, 10:55 am
@Cornfed, what do you think about this @WilliamSmith cracker whiteknighting for blacks and females? If this white boy went to Detroit, St. Louis, Oakland, or any other majority black city he would be hated just for being white.
I'm already well aware of this fact! I'm from America. :D

Even in PDX, Seattle, and Los Angeles, I've experienced completely open hostility on the streets or public transit or wherever when I'd absolutely done nothing. (But I also love black American women and misc friends / family members who accepted me.) *shrugs*
Mercer wrote:
February 11th, 2023, 10:55 am
He also refuses to call out modern females for any of their shitty behavior ...
Not if they're promoting the abomination of homosexuality or trangenderism, cucking for the jews, etc! But it's not predominantly women doing that, mostly faggots and male/female/nonbinary jews. :wink:
The manginosphere's anti-women bullshit is still a total load of BS. But Mercer already knows that since he doesn't even mean anything he says, and is just a mildly amusing jewish troll.
Mercer wrote:
February 11th, 2023, 10:55 am
...and blames everything on the Jews and believes that other groups of people are not responsible for their own behavior. He sounds like a feminist betacuck to me.
I never said other people weren't responsible for their own behavior.
Especially not these two groups of people: jews and faggots!
Believe me, I'm 100% in favor of holding those 2 groups responsible for their behavior and taking the gloves completely off to punish them with severity for what they've done, and make sure they never again get away with anything like it in any healthy nation ever again. :wink:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: which race is the worst??

Post by Kalinago »

Blacks are the worst race,imo.I much rathr live with israelis than any black.
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