Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

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Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Hey guys, what do you think of entheogens? Things like Ayahuasca, magic mushrooms, Salvia and DMT?

Do you think they should be legalised? Or are they dangerous drugs that are rightly outlawed? What about the supposed health benefits entheogens like magic mushrooms have on depression, or helping soldiers recover from PTSD?

Has anyone here ever tried any of the enthogens mentioned? What were your experiences like? Did you have a deep philosophical spiritual experience?
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 29th, 2022, 3:57 am
Hey guys, what do you think of entheogens? Things like Ayahuasca, magic mushrooms, Salvia and DMT?

Do you think they should be legalised? Or are they dangerous drugs that are rightly outlawed? What about the supposed health benefits entheogens like magic mushrooms have on depression, or helping soldiers recover from PTSD?

Has anyone here ever tried any of the enthogens mentioned? What were your experiences like? Did you have a deep philosophical spiritual experience?
I've taken entheogens on four separate occasions for the purpose of mystical exploration of reality. I took psilocybin mushrooms three times at home and Ayahuasca once at a spiritual retreat with a shaman in Spain.

Each time I took these substances I had deep and vivid visions which shed light on things such as the nature of reality and the divine, the nature of the soul and other deep philosophical topics. In the most intense of these visions I came face to face with Brahman or the Transcendental Absolute which was a primordial universal consciousness and saw that everything that exists is a densification of this same fundamental spiritual reality and that our individual souls are also fragments of Brahman which experience his created worlds. The vision of God which is saw was very "Eastern" in nature. In other visions I was taught about some of the fundamental principles of reality such as everything being informed by vibrations and frequencies as well as being dualistic polarities of a single value. Some of the concepts that I experienced were identical to some of the seven Hermetic Principals. I still hadn't read anything on Hermeticism at that point but later came across the Kybalion at a bookstore in Spain and was surprised to discover the similarities between my own psychonautic learnings and the teachings of the book.

I don't know how real my visions under the influence of entheogens were. I think that it is possible that those substances could act as a gateway which allows us to access hidden realms of consciousness and thereby "download" information. Indeed during one of my experiences I was told that the reason why I am able to have these kinds of visions is because my own consciousness is already operating at that level and the substances simply facilitate access to higher realms of perception.

Entheogens can induce deep mystical visions and promote feelings of wellbeing, empathy and interconnectedness in people who take them responsibly. They can also heal depression, anxiety and other psychological ailments.

However, these substances can also be dangerous. I know of cases of people who have developed psychotic symptoms or messed up their body's energetic system after taking them. Taking them is really no joke!

I'm now into Traditional Chinese Medicine and the workings of Qi Gong and from what I've read entheogens like many other drugs may have a negative effect on the body's qi production. In fact my Chinese doctor told me that many drugs alter the body's qi or overstimulate it and then in the long run it makes it more difficult for the body to replenish the qi. This of course leads to health problems. In light of this I believe that entheogens are substances that should be taken very sparingly.

After I took Ayahuasca in the summer of 2018 I felt that I had seen what I needed to see and no longer needed to take entheogens at all. I haven't taken anything since.

Do I think that entheogens should be legal? You already know how I feel about the law. The law for the most part is more about controlling people rather than keeping us safe.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Lucas88 wrote:
June 29th, 2022, 5:14 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
June 29th, 2022, 3:57 am
Hey guys, what do you think of entheogens? Things like Ayahuasca, magic mushrooms, Salvia and DMT?

Do you think they should be legalised? Or are they dangerous drugs that are rightly outlawed? What about the supposed health benefits entheogens like magic mushrooms have on depression, or helping soldiers recover from PTSD?

Has anyone here ever tried any of the enthogens mentioned? What were your experiences like? Did you have a deep philosophical spiritual experience?
I've taken entheogens on four separate occasions for the purpose of mystical exploration of reality. I took psilocybin mushrooms three times at home and Ayahuasca once at a spiritual retreat with a shaman in Spain.

Each time I took these substances I had deep and vivid visions which shed light on things such as the nature of reality and the divine, the nature of the soul and other deep philosophical topics. In the most intense of these visions I came face to face with Brahman or the Transcendental Absolute which was a primordial universal consciousness and saw that everything that exists is a densification of this same fundamental spiritual reality and that our individual souls are also fragments of Brahman which experience his created worlds. The vision of God which is saw was very "Eastern" in nature. In other visions I was taught about some of the fundamental principles of reality such as everything being informed by vibrations and frequencies as well as being dualistic polarities of a single value. Some of the concepts that I experienced were identical to some of the seven Hermetic Principals. I still hadn't read anything on Hermeticism at that point but later came across the Kybalion at a bookstore in Spain and was surprised to discover the similarities between my own psychonautic learnings and the teachings of the book.

I don't know how real my visions under the influence of entheogens were. I think that it is possible that those substances could act as a gateway which allows us to access hidden realms of consciousness and thereby "download" information. Indeed during one of my experiences I was told that the reason why I am able to have these kinds of visions is because my own consciousness is already operating at that level and the substances simply facilitate access to higher realms of perception.

Entheogens can induce deep mystical visions and promote feelings of wellbeing, empathy and interconnectedness in people who take them responsibly. They can also heal depression, anxiety and other psychological ailments.

However, these substances can also be dangerous. I know of cases of people who have developed psychotic symptoms or messed up their body's energetic system after taking them. Taking them is really no joke!

I'm now into Traditional Chinese Medicine and the workings of Qi Gong and from what I've read entheogens like many other drugs may have a negative effect on the body's qi production. In fact my Chinese doctor told me that many drugs alter the body's qi or overstimulate it and then in the long run it makes it more difficult for the body to replenish the qi. This of course leads to health problems. In light of this I believe that entheogens are substances that should be taken very sparingly.

After I took Ayahuasca in the summer of 2018 I felt that I had seen what I needed to see and no longer needed to take entheogens at all. I haven't taken anything since.

Do I think that entheogens should be legal? You already know how I feel about the law. The law for the most part is more about controlling people rather than keeping us safe.
I've had several experiences with psilocybin mushrooms. I've been quite resourceful and always succeeded in circumventing the law on this issue. I think they should be embraced for their medicinal value, as well as their sacred esoteric insights. When taken responsibly and in a safe environment there is little danger of psychosis. I mean, I take them all the time and look how sane and stable I am :lol: in all seriousness though, I've suffered with really bad depression in the past and every time I have taken psilocybin mushrooms it has felt like a negative energy detox.

I've had several deep and philosophical experiences with psilocybin mushrooms. I remember @WilliamSmith posting a thread on Chi energy etc. I've only experienced the rising of the kundalini once and that was when I took psilocybin mushrooms. It felt like a fire rising up my spine until my third eye opened and I saw the mystical world of pure spirit. At that time I felt disconnected from my physical body.

One particular experience I had was about our purpose here on Earth and how to obtain godhood. I was shown that we exist multidimensionally across several dimensions of reality all stacked on top of each other like paper. Our astral selves are all vibrating at different frequencies and our goal is supposed to be about the alignment of these subtle bodies to achieve the ultimate harmony of vibration and frequency. The method to achieve this goal is meditation and yoga. Interestingly, when I shared this experience with @Lucas88 he told me the etymology behind the word "yoga" comes from an ancient sanskrit word which means "union". Coincidence?

I've also encountered gods and goddesses in my psychedelic dreams and journeys into the world of spirit. Shiva and Isis are two prominent figures I recall. Along with Ninhursag from the ancient sumerian pantheon. Ninhursag embraced me and I felt overwhelmed by feelings of love and warmth. This goddess also told me that suffering is not conducive to growth as New Agers would have people believe.

Shiva is my favourite god. I've received messages from Shiva about my own life. Advice on how to deal with my ex and the grief of living so far away from my daughter who I miss terribly. These deep moments of introspection and the advice from Shiva, really helped me to cope better with the circumstances of my life. I was advised to be like nature, to keep growing and flowing like the trees and the rivers. When a river encounters a boulder in its path, it flows around it, it always finds a way. Be like water, and never let anything stop you from getting where you need to be. Such wise advice which is way above my level of wisdom lol.

I've had lots of these kinds of experiences. I've seen Yahweh and heard him gloating of all the civilisations he came and conquered! I've seen the cosmic war and how Shiva will return to earth and tear down the veils of illusion which keep us imprisoned. And I've seen human beings as pillars of light, the most brilliant and noble shining brightly like stars among a dimly lit ocean of low quality vibrating souls. Everything is vibration and frequency.

I asked Shiva to help Lucas88 with his kundalini crisis in one of my latest experiences and the next day he received an email from a spiritual teacher who advised him to seek acupuncture. A few days later and Lucas88 had a dream that he had to see a specific acupuncturist who has basically saved his life! Is all this coincidence as well? Lol

To conclude I think psychedelics are a gift from nature, the divine creators way of showing us the nature of reality and showing us we are too divine and not just random insignificant specs floating in space. Psychedelics help with depression and anxiety and PTSD, but the elite will always try to keep them illegal because they don't want people to have deep philosophical experiences. Also these big pharmaceutical corporations would rather people bought their drugs. Their shitty anti depressants and such. We should be asking a lot of questions about the way in which we have to live if anti depressants are even necessary! Proof that we are not living in alignment with nature!

Tribal culture embrace the use of psychedelics such as Ayahuasca and they enjoy a life more in alignment with nature. They have a better sense of community than we do, especially in the west. And also things like depression and mental illness in these tribes are pretty much unheard of. Not to say they are more advanced than us. I don't thing progress is all encompassing. For example these tribal societies are not advanced technologically, and their lives can be difficult, but I think in terms of community and family they are ahead of us. Western societies have actually regressed socially.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by gsjackson »

Never have, though I come from the '60s and it was always tempting after reading something like Huxley's 'Doors of Perception' or the Castaneda Don Juan books. And less esoteric testimony, like Cary Grant saying in Life Magazine in the '50s that LSD had helped him with his marriage. My favorite writer on religion, Huston Smith, used and endorsed entheogens. Huxley seemed to think it was especially well suited for intellectuals, people who spend their time classifying things, and through entheogens are able to see the inter-connectedness of all things.

But I've always prioritized health -- I think to my benefit, especially when observing the human wreckage that is most of my contemporaries, the ones who are still alive -- and it's not clear what the health price of strong drugs is. With alcohol the price is obvious -- hung over the next day, fat and bloated. addictive if you do it enough, etc., etc. For a more intense high -- weed -- the price is less obvious, and presumably even less so for the stronger drugs. I'm not willing to pay an unknown price. Also, having left anything resembling depression behind in my 20s, my mental furnishings are such as to keep me relatively content all the time, and I don't want to blow the place up and have the furniture rearranged, with unpredictable results.

But I encourage others to take the trips and report their findings, especially any insights on the shape of the Earth, Pixel--Dude. What would the theory behind that possibility be -- a Platonic/Blakean notion that we hold all truth inside of us and have merely to cleanse the doors of perception to see it, or the visitation of some omniscient entity who can provide the answers? Would such an entity be trustworthy? In any event, please debrief in this forum upon return from any trips.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Pixel--Dude »

gsjackson wrote:
June 29th, 2022, 5:58 am
Never have, though I come from the '60s and it was always tempting after reading something like Huxley's 'Doors of Perception' or the Castaneda Don Juan books. And less esoteric testimony, like Cary Grant saying in Life Magazine in the '50s that LSD had helped him with his marriage. My favorite writer on religion, Huston Smith, used and endorsed entheogens. Huxley seemed to think it was especially well suited for intellectuals, people who spend their time classifying things, and through entheogens are able to see the inter-connectedness of all things.

But I've always prioritized health -- I think to my benefit, especially when observing the human wreckage that is most of my contemporaries, the ones who are still alive -- and it's not clear what the health price of strong drugs is. With alcohol the price is obvious -- hung over the next day, fat and bloated. addictive if you do it enough, etc., etc. For a more intense high -- weed -- the price is less obvious, and presumably even less so for the stronger drugs. I'm not willing to pay an unknown price. Also, having left anything resembling depression behind in my 20s, my mental furnishings are such as to keep me relatively content all the time, and I don't want to blow the place up and have the furniture rearranged, with unpredictable results.

But I encourage others to take the trips and report their findings, especially any insights on the shape of the Earth, Pixel--Dude. What would the theory behind that possibility be -- a Platonic/Blakean notion that we hold all truth inside of us and have merely to cleanse the doors of perception to see it, or the visitation of some omniscient entity who can provide the answers? Would such an entity be trustworthy? In any event, please debrief in this forum upon return from any trips.
It's interesting that you should say this, because I was talking to Lucas88 the other day about a possible future trip. I would ask the substance to reveal to me the nature of the world in which we live. After watching the flat earth documentary, which I am sharing with Lucas88, I'm interested in seeing if psilocybin can provide any definitive answers regarding this topic. It would be interesting to see what revelations are revealed.

Can an entity be trusted? Possibly, the entities I've encountered in such visions have always been benevolent. And it isn't just what they say, it's something much deeper than that. An energetic frequency perhaps which makes their true nature impossible to mask. I've seen humanity as beings of light, the more enlightened and noble, the brighter the light. The beings I've encountered are always beautiful and radiant and emit light because of their divinity and noble souls. I've seen darker beings. The ones who enjoy our torment and see this world as their little zoo. Energetic parasites which are shrouded in darkness and who feed from negative energy. That is why they use their human puppets to sow so much misery and pain upon earth.

I have experienced a connection with other human beings. But I've never experienced what New Agers call ego death. I've never seen us all as one. I've always seen myself as an individual, yet connected to other people and the world around me. I've experienced seeing Sofia, the soul of earth itself. She is a beautiful goddess in pain.

People might say I'm a nutter for talking like this. And I say to hell with those people. I know what I've seen and what I've experienced for myself. Whether these are deep otherworldly insights imparted upon me by mystical beings or just figments of an overactive imagination, I'd be a liar if I claimed to know. But I am leaning more heavily towards the mystical side of things. As several people who take these shrooms always recount similar experiences about the nature of reality or some benevolent being helping them with their life.

Have you heard of the Akashic Records before? "In the religion of theosophy and the philosophical school called anthroposophy, the Akashic records are a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just human. They are believed by theosophists to be encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the mental plane. There are anecdotal accounts but there is no scientific evidence for the existence of the Akashic records." - quoted from Wikipedia in the interest of saving time. This is where all ideas and knowledge is collectively stored and people can supposedly tap into this field at any time without even realising. I heard that the television was invented at the exact same time by two different people living in different countries. One bet the other to the patent office marginally. What do you think of this?
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Pixel--Dude »

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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Tsar »

Lucas88 wrote:
June 29th, 2022, 5:14 am
I don't know how real my visions under the influence of entheogens were. I think that it is possible that those substances could act as a gateway which allows us to access hidden realms of consciousness and thereby "download" information. Indeed during one of my experiences I was told that the reason why I am able to have these kinds of visions is because my own consciousness is already operating at that level and the substances simply facilitate access to higher realms of perception.

Entheogens can induce deep mystical visions and promote feelings of wellbeing, empathy and interconnectedness in people who take them responsibly. They can also heal depression, anxiety and other psychological ailments.

However, these substances can also be dangerous. I know of cases of people who have developed psychotic symptoms or messed up their body's energetic system after taking them. Taking them is really no joke!
What types of psychotic symptoms did they develop?

Many people who take them for a spiritual experience probably have a good reaction but the people who take them for fun might be getting punished?
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Tsar »

I had my first experience with shrooms today. I feel like it removed the depression that was deep at my core. I feel like I have been energized because the depression in my subconscious from my lifetime of being alone was taken away. I think that shrooms are definitely nature's antidepressant and also give a unique spiritual experience.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Tsar wrote:
December 9th, 2022, 8:53 am
I had my first experience with shrooms today. I feel like it removed the depression that was deep at my core. I feel like I have been energized because the depression in my subconscious from my lifetime of being alone was taken away. I think that shrooms are definitely nature's antidepressant and also give a unique spiritual experience.
I agree completely! And what's more I'm glad you had a good time. I think psilocybin and other entheogens are definitely gifts from nature. They cleanse our aura and it feels like a total negativity detox for the soul. I think this is why they are illegal. Society doesn't want people curing depression with shrooms when they can push antidepressants and other pharmaceutical shit onto everyone.

Psilocybin also offer many deep and philosophical and introspective insights, but I think this is solely something souled humans can experience. NPC souls could never experience the divinity of higher realms. I know other people who I consider as NPCs who have tried mushrooms and never experience anything other than some bright colours.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Lucas88 »

Tsar wrote:
December 9th, 2022, 8:48 am
What types of psychotic symptoms did they develop?

Many people who take them for a spiritual experience probably have a good reaction but the people who take them for fun might be getting punished?
I know of a few cases of people who became psychotic after taking Ayahuasca.

One guy, who was a patient of the energetic healer who I saw in late 2020, had messed up his body's qi energy after his fourth Ayahuasca ceremony and was constantly suffering from hallucinations as a result. The healer rerouted and stabilized the guy's qi energy and the psychotic symptoms disappeared. You could say that the guy abused Ayahuasca. His first experience with the entheogen was extremely deep and mystical but the next two were rather mediocre. Wanting to replicate his first deep and mystical experience, he decided to take Ayahuasca for a fourth time and unfortunately that time it threw his body's energetic state into chaos and he lost his mind.

Another person took Ayahuasca at a retreat in South America and developed symptoms of schizophrenia immediately thereafter. But the shamans didn't know how to help and the person remained messed up for a long time.

Psychedelics can indeed be dangerous. It is best to use them sparingly.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by gsjackson »

Glad you had a good trip, Tsar. That might mean you've got things together a bit more than you may have thought. Pay close attention to the advice of Lucas88 and Pixel-Dude on this. They seem like very wise and responsible fellow travelers.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I agree with @Lucas88 that psychedelics should be taken responsibly and the substance should be treated with respect. I've heard stories of people taking them just to "Get high" and then they'll go out drinking around town. I don't think they are supposed to be used as a party drug and it's of little surprise that people have a bad time when psychedelics are used in this context.

I think entheogenic plants such as psilocybin mushrooms and ayahuasca are gifts from nature and should be respected. They offer deep philosophical and introspective insights to the user, if the user is spiritually inclined and genuinely seeking answers to the questions about the nature of our reality.

I had some questions pertaining to entheogens and spirituality.


1. Do you think only human souls can have spiritual experiences? Can NPCs have some kind of spiritual experience as well? Though more rudimentary? I have a theory about "spiritual" NPCs who mostly subscribe to organised spirituality like the New Age for example.

I think that they can have spiritual experiences, but the reason they talk about feeling this "oneness" and things like "ego death" is because they actually are NPCs operating from a hive mind consciousness. Which is why when they tap into (somewhat) higher levels of consciousness all they are accessing is the hive mind NPC consciousness.

I'm a spiritual person, I've had several experiences with psychedelics and never once have I ever perceived that I am not myself. I've always had a strong sense of individuality, albeit a kind of feeling that I'm connected to everything at large. Like I'm a small drop in an ocean or a leaf that is part of the tree. I'm not the entire ocean or the entire tree and they aren't me, I still have my sense of individuality and identity.

So I wondered why the discrepancy? Why do some users lose all sense of self in these experiences? The answer must surely be that such people are NPC souls, right? Either they have the loss of identity and feel like they have no individuality or they see nothing remotely spiritual or philosophical and just see bright colours. What do you guys think?

2. Is the nature of the spiritual experience dependent on thought forms and different egregores?

For some clarification, egregores are thought forms which can be created by large numbers of people believing in a certain thing. The egregores can be created intentionally or unintentionally and can become so powerful that they can brainwash those who are connected to it and control them.

As an example, Islam could be an egregore. When it becomes too powerful it brainwashes those who are connected to it and this is when blind fanaticism begins to surface. The mind creates the egregores, or rather the power of several minds, and then the egregore can enslave such minds.

Everything in the mental realm is metaphysical and given life by those who are connected to that particular ideal or thought form. They become living metaphysical things. I even wrote a thread about this way back when viewtopic.php?style=11&f=32&t=45503

I kind of see the mental realm as a kind of WiFi kind of thing where each individuated units of consciousness can connect to various thought forms or egregores depending on their resonance and the vibration of such thought forms. The more units of consciousness connect to an egregore the more powerful it becomes. And so the physical world becomes a battleground of these egregores which all compete for power and use us as their tools (if they are powerful enough to have mastery over certain minds) I envision them similar to corals which compete for growth and diminish competing corals. In the same sense certain egregores which are hostile towards each other will try and outcompete their metaphysical rivals.

So now that I've explained that, can these egregores and thought forms dictate what kind of experiences people have with entheogens? For example a Christian soul will be connected to the egregore of Christianity and see things in accordance with those beliefs such as Jesus or angels?

When keeping this question in mind, it is important to note that I have seen various gods and goddesses from Hindu culture and mythology, despite not being a proponent of the faith or ever having previous interest in it. So maybe if the answer to the question posed is "yes" maybe some souls can transcend these mental realms and obtain access to higher spiritual dimensions, or perhaps exist in all of these realms at the same time. In one of my experiences I perceived myself as existing multi dimensionally as my physical self, mental consciousness and higher spiritual consciousness.

3. Can other beings interact with us during these experiences? I've experienced reality as various layers like sheets of paper all stacked on top of one another. Our consciousness acting like a radio fixed on a certain frequency. When we take entheogens our pineal gland produces enough DMT to "change the radio station" and access other levels of reality. That's how I perceive it. This is something we should be able to do naturally, as our brain naturally produces the same DMT. It's because of shit chemicals in food, water and the air that our pineal gland calcifies and is unable to naturally produce these chemicals.

I imagine higher spiritual beings are the same as us. Gods such as Yahweh and Shiva have just become so advanced they can willingly change between different states of consciousness or even exist across all of them simultaneously. This will be because their lives are probably in alignment with Brahman’s will and they used occultic practice to raise their Kundalini and achieve the Opus Magnum. They have now unlocked God mode in this game of life.

Beings that fail to reach this Opus Magnum will simply expire and have to reincarnate to make another attempt. This is all part of the natural evolution of the soul. First comes basic survival, then civilisation along with more nuanced and complex moral issues. Then enlightenment and eventually the Opus Magnum.

My question is: can these beings directly contact you in these experiences do you think? What about evil gods from lower realms of reality? I've perceived that I've interacted with gods and goddesses such as Enki and Ninhursag. They've really helped me with a lot of things and a lot of problems I have had. I've also had interactions with evil beings. I could tell the two types of gods apart by their aura. Enki and Ninhursag radiated feelings of benevolence and love towards me. The evil beings had a dark aura that was like tar, it was sticky and clung to my soul. It causes negativity. Negativity is what these evil gods nourish themselves on. Our negative emotions. This is why it is important to try and stay positive, so as not to become a free meal for these evil imposter gods.

What do you think to these musings?
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Lucas88 »

As a somewhat experienced psychonaut, I'll try to answer your questions.
Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 12th, 2022, 4:56 am
1. Do you think only human souls can have spiritual experiences? Can NPCs have some kind of spiritual experience as well? Though more rudimentary? I have a theory about "spiritual" NPCs who mostly subscribe to organised spirituality like the New Age for example.

I think that they can have spiritual experiences, but the reason they talk about feeling this "oneness" and things like "ego death" is because they actually are NPCs operating from a hive mind consciousness. Which is why when they tap into (somewhat) higher levels of consciousness all they are accessing is the hive mind NPC consciousness.

I'm a spiritual person, I've had several experiences with psychedelics and never once have I ever perceived that I am not myself. I've always had a strong sense of individuality, albeit a kind of feeling that I'm connected to everything at large. Like I'm a small drop in an ocean or a leaf that is part of the tree. I'm not the entire ocean or the entire tree and they aren't me, I still have my sense of individuality and identity.

So I wondered why the discrepancy? Why do some users lose all sense of self in these experiences? The answer must surely be that such people are NPC souls, right? Either they have the loss of identity and feel like they have no individuality or they see nothing remotely spiritual or philosophical and just see bright colours. What do you guys think?
I think that the psychonautic experiences of NPC souls vary to some extent depending on their own particular level of NPC consciousness. Remember than I don't really view NPCs as totally unindividuated programs of a hivemind like NPC characters in a videogame but rather as rather basic individuated souls fabricated by the impostor god/demiurge Yahweh and incarnated with rudimentary consciousness but without higher spiritual faculties or divine soul qualities. As such, what we colloquially call NPCs (somewhat of a misnomer) include variance in terms of their consciousness makeup and are therefore able to have different levels of psychonautic experiences, although probably never as deep as our own. Some of the lower NPC souls might only see flashing lights and geometric patterns and nothing much deeper than that (like your friends with whom you took psilocybin) while more advanced NPC souls might perceive more New Age types of us all being "one" since they all proceed from the manufactured consciousness of the impostor god's matrix and therefore have no capacity for higher spiritual evolution.

True souled humans such as you, I and @Tsar however are capable of seeing much more and don't experience the "we are all one" thing because we are truly independent units of consciousness following a real course of spiritual evolution outside of the fabricated matrix soul group. I believe that @Winston would also experience something similar to what we have experienced if he were to take psilocybin, Ayahuasca or some other entheogen.
Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 12th, 2022, 4:56 am
2. Is the nature of the spiritual experience dependent on thought forms and different egregores?

For some clarification, egregores are thought forms which can be created by large numbers of people believing in a certain thing. The egregores can be created intentionally or unintentionally and can become so powerful that they can brainwash those who are connected to it and control them.

As an example, Islam could be an egregore. When it becomes too powerful it brainwashes those who are connected to it and this is when blind fanaticism begins to surface. The mind creates the egregores, or rather the power of several minds, and then the egregore can enslave such minds.

Everything in the mental realm is metaphysical and given life by those who are connected to that particular ideal or thought form. They become living metaphysical things. I even wrote a thread about this way back when viewtopic.php?style=11&f=32&t=45503

I kind of see the mental realm as a kind of WiFi kind of thing where each individuated units of consciousness can connect to various thought forms or egregores depending on their resonance and the vibration of such thought forms. The more units of consciousness connect to an egregore the more powerful it becomes. And so the physical world becomes a battleground of these egregores which all compete for power and use us as their tools (if they are powerful enough to have mastery over certain minds) I envision them similar to corals which compete for growth and diminish competing corals. In the same sense certain egregores which are hostile towards each other will try and outcompete their metaphysical rivals.

So now that I've explained that, can these egregores and thought forms dictate what kind of experiences people have with entheogens? For example a Christian soul will be connected to the egregore of Christianity and see things in accordance with those beliefs such as Jesus or angels?

When keeping this question in mind, it is important to note that I have seen various gods and goddesses from Hindu culture and mythology, despite not being a proponent of the faith or ever having previous interest in it. So maybe if the answer to the question posed is "yes" maybe some souls can transcend these mental realms and obtain access to higher spiritual dimensions, or perhaps exist in all of these realms at the same time. In one of my experiences I perceived myself as existing multi dimensionally as my physical self, mental consciousness and higher spiritual consciousness.
This is a real possibility and something which I have thought about since I have been into the occult concept of egregores for a long time. It could be that people who belong to a particular religion or philosophy connect to their own respective egregore and then unconsciously download information from it. Like Christians for example will see images of Jesus, angels and other biblical motifs while New Agers will encounter Pleiadeans, ascended masters and such. In that case it would be important to distinguish between the illusory egregores of the Earth's lower astral and more factual information from higher realms without distortion.

It is also possible that advanced souls are able to access information from our own oversoul or higher self - information which the soul already knows at the higher spiritual level and can relay to our earthly conscious mind during a psychonautic experience with its accompanying state of relative openness. I myself have received valuable guidance through dreams which I believe has come from my own oversoul. Maybe psychonautic experiences work the same way for true souled humans who are sensitive and deeply intuitive.
Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 12th, 2022, 4:56 am
3. Can other beings interact with us during these experiences? I've experienced reality as various layers like sheets of paper all stacked on top of one another. Our consciousness acting like a radio fixed on a certain frequency. When we take entheogens our pineal gland produces enough DMT to "change the radio station" and access other levels of reality. That's how I perceive it. This is something we should be able to do naturally, as our brain naturally produces the same DMT. It's because of shit chemicals in food, water and the air that our pineal gland calcifies and is unable to naturally produce these chemicals.
It is certainly possible. I think that real beings such as the gods and goddesses of antiquity are able to contact us and interact with us through their own astral bodies while we are in a receptive state induced by entheogens. If you form a close bond with a god or goddess through meditation, rituals and other occult practices, the god or goddess might want to communicate with us through their astral body but we might simply be unable to hear their message due to our own lack of clairvoyance and psychic sensitivity (these occult abilities require the rehabilitation of the pineal gland as well as the opening of certain major and minor chakras and energy channels). But when you enter a state of pure consciousness through entheogens, you might be able to hear the message of a familiar god or goddess for a limited amount of time. In that case the god or goddess might take advantage of the opportunity to visit his/her human son or daughter and impart valuable information. However, the ideal thing is to develop our own clairvoyance and psychic sensitivity through meditation. That's the best way.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Pixel--Dude »

1. Can NPCs have spiritual experiences?

I think that the psychonautic experiences of NPC souls vary to some extent depending on their own particular level of NPC consciousness. Remember than I don't really view NPCs as totally unindividuated programs of a hivemind like NPC characters in a videogame but rather as rather basic individuated souls fabricated by the impostor god/demiurge Yahweh and incarnated with rudimentary consciousness but without higher spiritual faculties or divine soul qualities. As such, what we colloquially call NPCs (somewhat of a misnomer) include variance in terms of their consciousness makeup and are therefore able to have different levels of psychonautic experiences, although probably never as deep as our own. Some of the lower NPC souls might only see flashing lights and geometric patterns and nothing much deeper than that (like your friends with whom you took psilocybin) while more advanced NPC souls might perceive more New Age types of us all being "one" since they all proceed from the manufactured consciousness of the impostor god's matrix and therefore have no capacity for higher spiritual evolution.

True souled humans such as you, I and @Tsar however are capable of seeing much more and don't experience the "we are all one" thing because we are truly independent units of consciousness following a real course of spiritual evolution outside of the fabricated matrix soul group. I believe that @Winston would also experience something similar to what we have experienced if he were to take psilocybin, Ayahuasca or some other entheogen.
Yes, I understand what you're saying about NPC souls having varying degrees of consciousness. I've even said before that I think NPCs and their Hive Mind consciousness are just replicas of Brahman and individuated units of consciousness. NPCs and their Hive Mind consciousness are a cheap imitation of the real system created by Brahman.

With this in mind, we could assume that NPCs are both individuated units of lesser, slave soul consciousness which derive from the artificial imitation of the true creator Brahman; The Hive Mind (which I call the Tabetha Head). So they are both individuated units of varying degrees of consciousness, but are still artificial souls that derive from the same source.

Since they all come from the same source, the artificial version of Brahman, they are all incapable of experiencing divinity and that is what makes them stand out as NPCs. They may have some rudimentary experiences where they perceive they are all one and all the rest of it, because its true. They are. Perhaps psychedelics are the only real way of knowing who is truly a human soul and who is an NPC based on the testimony of their psychedelic experiences.

2. Do Egregores affect spiritual experiences?

This is a real possibility and something which I have thought about since I have been into the occult concept of egregores for a long time. It could be that people who belong to a particular religion or philosophy connect to their own respective egregore and then unconsciously download information from it. Like Christians for example will see images of Jesus, angels and other biblical motifs while New Agers will encounter Pleiadeans, ascended masters and such. In that case it would be important to distinguish between the illusory egregores of the Earth's lower astral and more factual information from higher realms without distortion.

It is also possible that advanced souls are able to access information from our own oversoul or higher self - information which the soul already knows at the higher spiritual level and can relay to our earthly conscious mind during a psychonautic experience with its accompanying state of relative openness. I myself have received valuable guidance through dreams which I believe has come from my own oversoul. Maybe psychonautic experiences work the same way for true souled humans who are sensitive and deeply intuitive.
Yes, I agree. I imagine them as real metaphysical entities that have a mind of their own. Like corals occupying the mental layer of reality where all such thought forms exist and develop a life of their own. Given life by those who follow the particular doctrine in question. These egregores grow according to the number of followers they have and so for these egregores the battle is a numbers game.

Do you think if these egregores or thought forms are real that they are conscious metaphysical entities and self aware? I think I asked this before in another thread about egregores and thought forms being actual living metaphysical beings in a battle which manifests on earth, which is just an ideological battleground anyway. Here is the link to a thread about egregores being actual living entities: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=32&t=45503

The idea of egregores becoming so powerful they can actually possess people makes me think of capitalism. Ideologies are created from the collective consciousness of large groups and then grow and possess those people, in the same way that capitalism was created by the people and now controls and enslaves them... interesting.
3. Can Spiritual Beings interact with us during these experiences?

It is certainly possible. I think that real beings such as the gods and goddesses of antiquity are able to contact us and interact with us through their own astral bodies while we are in a receptive state induced by entheogens. If you form a close bond with a god or goddess through meditation, rituals and other occult practices, the god or goddess might want to communicate with us through their astral body but we might simply be unable to hear their message due to our own lack of clairvoyance and psychic sensitivity (these occult abilities require the rehabilitation of the pineal gland as well as the opening of certain major and minor chakras and energy channels). But when you enter a state of pure consciousness through entheogens, you might be able to hear the message of a familiar god or goddess for a limited amount of time. In that case the god or goddess might take advantage of the opportunity to visit his/her human son or daughter and impart valuable information. However, the ideal thing is to develop our own clairvoyance and psychic sensitivity through meditation. That's the best way.
I've seen a few gods and goddesses during deep psychedelic experiences. They've always made me feel truly loved and imparted wisdom and advice about my personal life circumstances etc. Here are a few I've seen:

Shiva has appeared in a few of my psychedelic experiences. Most notably, he gave me advice on how to deal with my life circumstances which were making me feel very depressed and trapped in my own life.

I remember concerning my daughter he told me that my influence would always be a part of her life and she will always love me. Like how lessons taught by the gods and goddesses in antiquity have stuck with souled humans, despite the fact the gods have been exiled from this planet for thousands of years. He advised me to focus on myself, whilst still being there for my child when I could be, depression isn't the answer.

He said I should be like nature and continue to grow and flow. Be like water. When a river encounters a rock in its path, does it stop flowing? Or does it divert its course, find another way, and continue to flow? Shiva also assured me that he understands the pain of missing one's own children. As we are his children and he lost custody of us to a complete psychopathic entity.

I remember seeing Ninhursag twice in a psychedelic experience. Once she was with Shiva and another time she was alone. I felt absolute love and benevolence radiating from this goddess. She was much taller than me because I perceived us in person, even though we weren't. She embraced me and I felt like my soul had just been totally detoxified of negativity.

Also known as Gaia or Mother Earth. I prefer to call this goddess Sophia. I'm actually going to make a more detailed thread about Gaia at a later time (I won't be making any new threads before my trip) and I'll explain in detail my thoughts about this goddess.

In my experiences though, I perceived again that she loves us. That, and there is some inexplicable connection between our souls and hers. I also perceived she is in pain. Sick and very sad. I think she is suffering at the hands of evil gods. The same as ourselves.

Yahweh & Saurians
These are our enemies. Yahweh is a tyrannical Warlord and the Saurians are kind of like mercenaries used to help him defeat our true benefactors.

In my psychedelic experiences if I ever ascended to higher realms and saw Yahweh he would not acknowledge me. Seeing me as infinitely inferior and not worthy of interaction. This god despises humanity and hides behind his monotheistic slave religion, portraying himself as the creator of the universe and also a benevolent and loving father. All lies!

The Saurians are beings I've encountered in lower vibrational layers of reality (I don't choose what I see or where I go. It's like being on a ride.) Their spiritual form is similar in appearance to their physical form (how you'd imagine a reptilian humanoid) but their spiritual energy is very dark. Their darkness is tangible. It can be felt and sticks to your aura like sticky tar. These beings are truly vile and disgusting. They spoke. But with deep guttural voices that sound typical of demons. They called me "meat" and referred to this planet as their "Little zoo" they are masters of deception and can pose as angels, cherubs, ascended masters or dead relatives to harvest souls upon death if you go with them into their soul trap.
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Re: Entheogens and Spiritual Experiences

Post by Kalinago »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
December 17th, 2022, 1:13 pm
1. Can NPCs have spiritual experiences?

I think that the psychonautic experiences of NPC souls vary to some extent depending on their own particular level of NPC consciousness. Remember than I don't really view NPCs as totally unindividuated programs of a hivemind like NPC characters in a videogame but rather as rather basic individuated souls fabricated by the impostor god/demiurge Yahweh and incarnated with rudimentary consciousness but without higher spiritual faculties or divine soul qualities. As such, what we colloquially call NPCs (somewhat of a misnomer) include variance in terms of their consciousness makeup and are therefore able to have different levels of psychonautic experiences, although probably never as deep as our own. Some of the lower NPC souls might only see flashing lights and geometric patterns and nothing much deeper than that (like your friends with whom you took psilocybin) while more advanced NPC souls might perceive more New Age types of us all being "one" since they all proceed from the manufactured consciousness of the impostor god's matrix and therefore have no capacity for higher spiritual evolution.

True souled humans such as you, I and @Tsar however are capable of seeing much more and don't experience the "we are all one" thing because we are truly independent units of consciousness following a real course of spiritual evolution outside of the fabricated matrix soul group. I believe that @Winston would also experience something similar to what we have experienced if he were to take psilocybin, Ayahuasca or some other entheogen.
Yes, I understand what you're saying about NPC souls having varying degrees of consciousness. I've even said before that I think NPCs and their Hive Mind consciousness are just replicas of Brahman and individuated units of consciousness. NPCs and their Hive Mind consciousness are a cheap imitation of the real system created by Brahman.

With this in mind, we could assume that NPCs are both individuated units of lesser, slave soul consciousness which derive from the artificial imitation of the true creator Brahman; The Hive Mind (which I call the Tabetha Head). So they are both individuated units of varying degrees of consciousness, but are still artificial souls that derive from the same source.

Since they all come from the same source, the artificial version of Brahman, they are all incapable of experiencing divinity and that is what makes them stand out as NPCs. They may have some rudimentary experiences where they perceive they are all one and all the rest of it, because its true. They are. Perhaps psychedelics are the only real way of knowing who is truly a human soul and who is an NPC based on the testimony of their psychedelic experiences.

2. Do Egregores affect spiritual experiences?

This is a real possibility and something which I have thought about since I have been into the occult concept of egregores for a long time. It could be that people who belong to a particular religion or philosophy connect to their own respective egregore and then unconsciously download information from it. Like Christians for example will see images of Jesus, angels and other biblical motifs while New Agers will encounter Pleiadeans, ascended masters and such. In that case it would be important to distinguish between the illusory egregores of the Earth's lower astral and more factual information from higher realms without distortion.

It is also possible that advanced souls are able to access information from our own oversoul or higher self - information which the soul already knows at the higher spiritual level and can relay to our earthly conscious mind during a psychonautic experience with its accompanying state of relative openness. I myself have received valuable guidance through dreams which I believe has come from my own oversoul. Maybe psychonautic experiences work the same way for true souled humans who are sensitive and deeply intuitive.
Yes, I agree. I imagine them as real metaphysical entities that have a mind of their own. Like corals occupying the mental layer of reality where all such thought forms exist and develop a life of their own. Given life by those who follow the particular doctrine in question. These egregores grow according to the number of followers they have and so for these egregores the battle is a numbers game.

Do you think if these egregores or thought forms are real that they are conscious metaphysical entities and self aware? I think I asked this before in another thread about egregores and thought forms being actual living metaphysical beings in a battle which manifests on earth, which is just an ideological battleground anyway. Here is the link to a thread about egregores being actual living entities: viewtopic.php?style=11&f=32&t=45503

The idea of egregores becoming so powerful they can actually possess people makes me think of capitalism. Ideologies are created from the collective consciousness of large groups and then grow and possess those people, in the same way that capitalism was created by the people and now controls and enslaves them... interesting.
3. Can Spiritual Beings interact with us during these experiences?

It is certainly possible. I think that real beings such as the gods and goddesses of antiquity are able to contact us and interact with us through their own astral bodies while we are in a receptive state induced by entheogens. If you form a close bond with a god or goddess through meditation, rituals and other occult practices, the god or goddess might want to communicate with us through their astral body but we might simply be unable to hear their message due to our own lack of clairvoyance and psychic sensitivity (these occult abilities require the rehabilitation of the pineal gland as well as the opening of certain major and minor chakras and energy channels). But when you enter a state of pure consciousness through entheogens, you might be able to hear the message of a familiar god or goddess for a limited amount of time. In that case the god or goddess might take advantage of the opportunity to visit his/her human son or daughter and impart valuable information. However, the ideal thing is to develop our own clairvoyance and psychic sensitivity through meditation. That's the best way.
I've seen a few gods and goddesses during deep psychedelic experiences. They've always made me feel truly loved and imparted wisdom and advice about my personal life circumstances etc. Here are a few I've seen:

Shiva has appeared in a few of my psychedelic experiences. Most notably, he gave me advice on how to deal with my life circumstances which were making me feel very depressed and trapped in my own life.

I remember concerning my daughter he told me that my influence would always be a part of her life and she will always love me. Like how lessons taught by the gods and goddesses in antiquity have stuck with souled humans, despite the fact the gods have been exiled from this planet for thousands of years. He advised me to focus on myself, whilst still being there for my child when I could be, depression isn't the answer.

He said I should be like nature and continue to grow and flow. Be like water. When a river encounters a rock in its path, does it stop flowing? Or does it divert its course, find another way, and continue to flow? Shiva also assured me that he understands the pain of missing one's own children. As we are his children and he lost custody of us to a complete psychopathic entity.

I remember seeing Ninhursag twice in a psychedelic experience. Once she was with Shiva and another time she was alone. I felt absolute love and benevolence radiating from this goddess. She was much taller than me because I perceived us in person, even though we weren't. She embraced me and I felt like my soul had just been totally detoxified of negativity.

Also known as Gaia or Mother Earth. I prefer to call this goddess Sophia. I'm actually going to make a more detailed thread about Gaia at a later time (I won't be making any new threads before my trip) and I'll explain in detail my thoughts about this goddess.

In my experiences though, I perceived again that she loves us. That, and there is some inexplicable connection between our souls and hers. I also perceived she is in pain. Sick and very sad. I think she is suffering at the hands of evil gods. The same as ourselves.

Yahweh & Saurians
These are our enemies. Yahweh is a tyrannical Warlord and the Saurians are kind of like mercenaries used to help him defeat our true benefactors.

In my psychedelic experiences if I ever ascended to higher realms and saw Yahweh he would not acknowledge me. Seeing me as infinitely inferior and not worthy of interaction. This god despises humanity and hides behind his monotheistic slave religion, portraying himself as the creator of the universe and also a benevolent and loving father. All lies!

The Saurians are beings I've encountered in lower vibrational layers of reality (I don't choose what I see or where I go. It's like being on a ride.) Their spiritual form is similar in appearance to their physical form (how you'd imagine a reptilian humanoid) but their spiritual energy is very dark. Their darkness is tangible. It can be felt and sticks to your aura like sticky tar. These beings are truly vile and disgusting. They spoke. But with deep guttural voices that sound typical of demons. They called me "meat" and referred to this planet as their "Little zoo" they are masters of deception and can pose as angels, cherubs, ascended masters or dead relatives to harvest souls upon death if you go with them into their soul trap.
Dear Brother,I have some questions for you,

1.How do you explain charismatic ex-satanist testimonies,that 'satan'and the 'demons'work to destroy christianity,want blood sacrifices,assasinate people,and cannot destroy belieiving christians,because they have a wall of fire around them,heaven and hell visits,seeing muhammed,buddha and other founders of religions in their hell,and that 'demons'are hindu(and african) goddesses and gods?

I have heard before from the JOS,that YHWH is a hivemind of reptilians(the metatron) connected to a powerful egregore which is empowered by the hebrew letters of the Torah as a mantra,and that Jesus is the leviathan,the chosen messiah ben david to the top judaic Rabbis of kabbalah,which maybe they control this particular Christ egregore.

they also allegedly created heaven as a soul harvesting center in the astral,and hell as a place in the astral for those that disobey them even on one point(unrepentant sin).

but the only thing stopping me from believing this and your parallel experience is these charismatic stories,the fact these demons have attacked me when I first left hinduism for christianity,and such things.

I also heard from JOS these demons,which are allegedly jewish thoughtforms and grey aliens,fallen nordic aliens etc mall working together impersonate the Gods of the gentiles.To give them a bad name.

I heard from a JOS poster that samael is a dark aspect of the YHWH thoughtform in kabbalah,maybe his demons are too,as good cop bad cop,but I need your clarification and hopefully experience in knowing this.

I want to live life freely,leave christianity,but I need full proof.

I know the illuminatti believe in christ as the head of their jewish lodge,and that there is some fishy things going on.

But I need proof that what I believe is a deception,and I also need to know how the bible is false.

I feel suffocated under christianity and abrahamic religion,but follow it out of fear.

during my truffles trip in amsterdam in 2016,I experienced brahman and found that kashmir shaivism is true and the great goddess is the brahman personified as shakti.

I also found the jewish soul to have a very negative evil dark aspect emanating from it similar to how you described saurians-repitlians just like the JOS says,when I debated some israelis on the street about free energy technology and cosmology,against relativity and einstein in favor of Tesla and walter russel during that mushroom trip.
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