Ethics & Values

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Ethics & Values

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I want to talk a bit about ethics and values and how they are intrinsically tied with morality. So let's share our values with each other and talk about why we have adopted those values. But first, a little bit of a run down of the differences between ethics and values:

Ethics is a branch of knowledge which deals with moral principles, they are something that is consistent, such as ethical medical practices for example or the universal ethic of not killing another human being. So we could argue that certain ethics are universally tied with a sense of objective morality. Something we all know is right or wrong with no middle ground etc.

Beneficence, nonmaleficence, autonomy, and justice constitute the four principles of ethics. The first two can be traced back to the time of Hippocrates “to help and do no harm,” while the latter 2 evolved later.

This is why I was so opposed to the vaccine being mandated and pushed onto everyone else. It was an infraction against personal autonomy, which is supposed to be one of the many fundamental principles of medicine. What do you think of this @Cornfed? This should be the only argument necessary to not take a vaccine. Aside from the fact it is poisonous and will kill you or make you a vax zombie.

Values differ from person to person and are usually adopted from the culture the individual grew up in. For example if you grow up in a Christian society, your values are likely to be Christian values or traditionalist values. In a Muslim country you'd likely adopt Islamic values etc. The point is that values vary and although some people might like it to be so, personal values do not necessarily correlate with objective moral behaviours.

I have noticed that some users in this forum have dogmatic personal values that they would like to impose onto everyone else. @Outcast9428 is a member that springs to mind in particular. This is a guy who conflates his own values of traditionalism with an objective standard of morality, even though those values imposed on everyone would impede upon the autonomy of others. And as I've already pointed out, autonomy is one of the principles of universal ethics.

It's important to make a distinction between subjective values and objective moral ethics, otherwise you make yourself look foolish.

My core values are:
Universal Freedom!
Uncompromising freedom where people are free to live their lives authentically according to their own personal values. This includes not pushing the trans agenda onto children and manipulating people to adopt certain philosophies or behaviours. It means letting people learn facts for themselves and carve their own path through life without having the values of someone else imposed upon them, which in my opinion is immoral. Respecting the autonomy of others and not imposing on the freedom of others is moral behaviour. Forcing people to live in accordance with your own values is immoral behaviour.

It's important to be loyal to your family, lover and friends. When people place their faith and trust into you it is important that you do not betray their trust by being disloyal. Cheating on your partner, sleeping with a friend's wife or stealing from family and friends etc are all objectively immoral behaviours! Most societies around the world hold these values.

Being true to one's self. Being honest and having strong moral principles and values. Not compromising for unreasonable edicts passed down from assholes who want to force their values onto you. Integrity comes from a position of strength! @Tsar is someone whom I think has integrity! He has his standards and will not compromise for anyone, including arbitrary laws set by enemies with values hostile to the well-being of regular citizens.

Things like martial arts are a discipline. It is a set of expectations for yourself and for others and the force used to enforce them. Self defence for example is a perfect way of looking at this. You have a standard and the discipline not to go out and attack random people, you expect that same behaviour from others, but there will always be nobheads out there who want to cause shit for no reason. In that case it is important to be able to defend yourself. @Lucas88 is someone who understands and most definitely shares this core value of mine.

A society which lacks passion and becomes solipsistic becomes a cold society void of love and loyalty. Compassion is not a weakness, it is a virtue. But even though some people would like to be more compassionate I do believe someone in a position of personal strength should know when to be compassionate and show sympathy and forgiveness, and when someone in a position of strength should say enough is enough so as not to be taken advantage of.

The acquisition of knowledge and wisdom and its dissemination is one of my core values. A society which enforces a system of strict conformity with facts being cancelled or censored is a hostile environment for free thinking individuals. Philosophy and various philosophical works serve as a basis for much enlightened thinking and wisdom. I have learned more about life from the study of philosophy than I ever did in the "education system" of the state.

Creativity and the freedom to express yourself however you choose is a core value of mine. I like to be creative and write my own stories and such. Some people like art, some people like music. Many people have their own creative outlets. This is something which adds to society and its development. I don't think my life would be very interesting at all without any creative interests.

Spirituality is one of my core values. This is the most important thing. Realising my own personal power and the fact that humanity are little gods who got lost somewhere along the line. Spirituality is personal to everyone and has no life denying doctrines one is obligated to follow in order to obtain immortality in the afterlife.

Through Spirituality we strive for excellence instead of servile weak values imposed upon us from dogmatic religions which always espouse an "us vs them" mentality. Spirituality is something someone can experience through the use of psychedelics and astral projection and even mediumship to a degree.

These are some of my core values! So what do you think? And what are your own personal core values?

Another thing I wanted to talk about was the nuances of morality. I've also noticed that a lot of users around here tend not to be very nuanced or even understand nuanced thinking. Let's dive in a little deeper and see how even objective moral behaviours can also have their nuances.

We'll go with the obvious one, most laws and religions espouse that it is wrong to kill. Religion and morals are often conflated. Arbitrary laws and objective morality are also conflated. And this is just because these things also include "thou shalt not kill" and things we all recognise as objective morality. So I'm sure if we are all honest we could say without much contention that murdering another human being without provocation or reason is objectively wrong.

This is where the nuanced thinking comes into play:

What about killing another human in self defence?
If someone attacks you or a loved one would you not fight to defend yourself and the ones you love? In my opinion it is immoral not to.

What about killing another human out of mercy?
My grandfather stubbornly clung to life for weeks before he expired. He was in a hospital bed with tubes sticking out of him not knowing where he was or anything as he slowly wasted away. I remember asking myself why we are keeping him alive? Wouldn't it be better for everyone if he just died, including himself? Of course it would! As a society our lack of nuanced thinking conflates not killing people with moral behaviours and as a result people are forced to continue living despite having no quality of life whatsoever.

If my own father is in this position I would put a bubble I one of those tubes and kill him myself, seeing it as the moral thing to do since his life is already effectively over anyway.

Killing humans is just an example. But there are always nuances in everything. It's just that sometimes people either can't see them as their brains are incapable of advanced consideration of possible nuances, or they just ignore such nuances because this does not support their own dogmatic way of viewing the world.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Outcast9428 »

The central focus of my system of ethics mostly comes down to the idea that actions which destroy things and create pain and suffering are immoral and actions which build things and create joy and pleasure are good. I take this concept very broadly though and it encompasses a lot of topics. Stripping people of their ability to be happy is almost as immoral in my ethics system as directly causing pain to them. So by my ethics, a man who sleeps with another man’s wife has stripped him of his happiness and thus committed a crime that is on par with breaking his arm so badly that it never recovers.

Another very important moral concept for me is justice though… Justice which expresses itself in a very karmic way. So a human being who has spent their life causing destruction and pain deserves to have it imposed on them. Someone who builds, creates joy and pleasure in others deserves to have it given to them as well.

I also agree that loyalty is the most important moral value. Loyalty to friends and loved ones should be prioritized. If I have to choose between hurting a loved one vs hurting a stranger I will always choose to hurt the stranger. Under the justice clause of my ethics system, your loved ones have provided you with the most happiness in life and therefore deserve your best efforts to make them happy as well. If you do not try to make them happy then you are not giving them back what they gave you. So if your parent for example is old and cannot take care of him or herself anymore…. I believe the child should let him or her live with them rather then put them in a nursing home. Your parent spent his or her entire life trying to make you happy when you couldn’t take care of yourself so you are obligated to help them out when it’s their turn and they can’t take care of themselves.

Justice is important to me in that I intentionally try not to be nice to assholes. But I try to be nice to people who are good and innocent. I actually believe being nice to assholes is immoral because you are rewarding their behavior by doing so. I believe women who have sex with thugs are immoral because of the justice tenant. They are giving pleasure and happiness to someone who has spent their entire life wrecking destruction and suffering upon others. Somebody who is simply neutral still deserves kindness. Neutral being someone who is balanced in the output they give to the world. A neutral person can be influenced towards good through the kindness of others… A bad person however will only take advantage.

I also believe strongly in conserving cultural traditions and believe the destruction of them is almost as bad as an act of genocide. I see culture as a living, breathing organism in of itself that is created to provide joy to the people living in it. If a group of people do something, like say, try to replace July 4th with a bullshit holiday like “Juneteenth” then I consider them hideously immoral for attempting to destroy a treasured national tradition that provides so many people with joy.

To me, traditions are important because they carry a nostalgia bonus. The people who enjoy them really enjoy them because of the memories they have surrounding those traditions… Therefore people should try their best to uphold cultural tradition, even if they do not like it. Even if you do not like Halloween for example, you should still buy candy and give it to the children who come to your house because it’s a cultural tradition that carries a lot of joy and importance to a lot of people.

I also do not believe that war for the sake of changing another country’s system is justified unless that country is determined to impose its own system on everybody else. If you have an aggressive imperialistic empire then war against them is justified to protect your own culture. Going in and attacking a country to impose your system is never justified though even if their system is objectively terrible. The reason being that it’s too easy to abuse and many times countries get things wrong and end up destroying cultures that are good. I do believe in objectively superior and inferior societies. But I don’t think it’s justified, for example, for Japan to invade Somalia and impose Japan’s cultural rules on them.

I also believe it is immoral to ask somebody to f**k up their own karma. If you ask somebody who is a good person to commit immoral acts then you are screwing up their spiritual karma. It’s a big reason why I hate masochistic girls so much. They basically are telling guys they will not reward them with the happiness of a romantic relationship unless he f***s up his karma by committing immoral, painful acts with her. Threatening to withhold happiness from somebody unless they f**k up their karma is an incredibly evil act. Someone should attempt to improve their loved ones karma not destroy it.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Outcast9428 »

As for why my ethics system often violates individual freedom… It is because I often find that freedom is used as an excuse to commit immoral acts… Particularly acts which strip other people of happiness. For example, men are expected in today’s sick society to tolerate other men trying to sleep with his girlfriend because “she doesn’t belong to you!” And “if she wants to sleep with me because you couldn’t satisfy her then she deserves that freedom.”

No she doesn’t, and the seducer doesn’t deserve that freedom either. Freedom is not a substantive measure for what creates happiness. It is arbitrary and really just means living life without restrictions, responsibilities, or obligations. To me that sounds pretty immoral because refusing to obey restrictions, refusing to fulfill duties, responsibilities, and obligations is bound to create destruction and suffering and it refuses to create anything good. A wife who marries a man has made a commitment to his happiness, she should be trying her damndest to keep that marriage together. She should not be able to just walk out whenever she feels like it. And for another man to incentivize a woman to destroy her marriage, or even just another person’s premarital relationship, under the excuse of freedom, is incredibly evil.

It’s why I hate the Florida men so much… They believe in freedom at all costs and if you point out they are stripping other people of their happiness they’d basically argue that it’s your fault for not adequately fighting for your happiness or being able to find it rather then realizing that their own behavior makes finding happiness impossible in their state because whatever happiness you find there can be lost at any minute. You won’t be happy if you have to fight off threats to your happiness all the f***ing time. Whatever happiness you find in Florida will instantly come under siege from people who feel completely entitled to take whatever they can. Therefore no happiness you find in Florida will be complete because you will always have the threat/stress of knowing it can and probably will be lost hanging over your head.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Outcast9428 wrote:
November 26th, 2022, 8:44 am
The central focus of my system of ethics mostly comes down to the idea that actions which destroy things and create pain and suffering are immoral and actions which build things and create joy and pleasure are good. I take this concept very broadly though and it encompasses a lot of topics. Stripping people of their ability to be happy is almost as immoral in my ethics system as directly causing pain to them. So by my ethics, a man who sleeps with another man’s wife has stripped him of his happiness and thus committed a crime that is on par with breaking his arm so badly that it never recovers.

Another very important moral concept for me is justice though… Justice which expresses itself in a very karmic way. So a human being who has spent their life causing destruction and pain deserves to have it imposed on them. Someone who builds, creates joy and pleasure in others deserves to have it given to them as well.

I also agree that loyalty is the most important moral value. Loyalty to friends and loved ones should be prioritized. If I have to choose between hurting a loved one vs hurting a stranger I will always choose to hurt the stranger. Under the justice clause of my ethics system, your loved ones have provided you with the most happiness in life and therefore deserve your best efforts to make them happy as well. If you do not try to make them happy then you are not giving them back what they gave you. So if your parent for example is old and cannot take care of him or herself anymore…. I believe the child should let him or her live with them rather then put them in a nursing home. Your parent spent his or her entire life trying to make you happy when you couldn’t take care of yourself so you are obligated to help them out when it’s their turn and they can’t take care of themselves.

Justice is important to me in that I intentionally try not to be nice to assholes. But I try to be nice to people who are good and innocent. I actually believe being nice to assholes is immoral because you are rewarding their behavior by doing so. I believe women who have sex with thugs are immoral because of the justice tenant. They are giving pleasure and happiness to someone who has spent their entire life wrecking destruction and suffering upon others. Somebody who is simply neutral still deserves kindness. Neutral being someone who is balanced in the output they give to the world. A neutral person can be influenced towards good through the kindness of others… A bad person however will only take advantage.

I also believe strongly in conserving cultural traditions and believe the destruction of them is almost as bad as an act of genocide. I see culture as a living, breathing organism in of itself that is created to provide joy to the people living in it. If a group of people do something, like say, try to replace July 4th with a bullshit holiday like “Juneteenth” then I consider them hideously immoral for attempting to destroy a treasured national tradition that provides so many people with joy.

To me, traditions are important because they carry a nostalgia bonus. The people who enjoy them really enjoy them because of the memories they have surrounding those traditions… Therefore people should try their best to uphold cultural tradition, even if they do not like it. Even if you do not like Halloween for example, you should still buy candy and give it to the children who come to your house because it’s a cultural tradition that carries a lot of joy and importance to a lot of people.

I also do not believe that war for the sake of changing another country’s system is justified unless that country is determined to impose its own system on everybody else. If you have an aggressive imperialistic empire then war against them is justified to protect your own culture. Going in and attacking a country to impose your system is never justified though even if their system is objectively terrible. The reason being that it’s too easy to abuse and many times countries get things wrong and end up destroying cultures that are good. I do believe in objectively superior and inferior societies. But I don’t think it’s justified, for example, for Japan to invade Somalia and impose Japan’s cultural rules on them.

I also believe it is immoral to ask somebody to f**k up their own karma. If you ask somebody who is a good person to commit immoral acts then you are screwing up their spiritual karma. It’s a big reason why I hate masochistic girls so much. They basically are telling guys they will not reward them with the happiness of a romantic relationship unless he f***s up his karma by committing immoral, painful acts with her. Threatening to withhold happiness from somebody unless they f**k up their karma is an incredibly evil act. Someone should attempt to improve their loved ones karma not destroy it.
Japan would never invade Somalia, but maybe Somalia will invade Japan. After seeing some of these retarded gay f***s from Japan making cuckoldry art and porn featuring black men f***ing their women and cucking them. That's proof enough you have some people over there that would love nothing more than to f**k up their own country if given the chance to do it.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Outcast9428 »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 26th, 2022, 5:36 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
November 26th, 2022, 8:44 am
The central focus of my system of ethics mostly comes down to the idea that actions which destroy things and create pain and suffering are immoral and actions which build things and create joy and pleasure are good. I take this concept very broadly though and it encompasses a lot of topics. Stripping people of their ability to be happy is almost as immoral in my ethics system as directly causing pain to them. So by my ethics, a man who sleeps with another man’s wife has stripped him of his happiness and thus committed a crime that is on par with breaking his arm so badly that it never recovers.

Another very important moral concept for me is justice though… Justice which expresses itself in a very karmic way. So a human being who has spent their life causing destruction and pain deserves to have it imposed on them. Someone who builds, creates joy and pleasure in others deserves to have it given to them as well.

I also agree that loyalty is the most important moral value. Loyalty to friends and loved ones should be prioritized. If I have to choose between hurting a loved one vs hurting a stranger I will always choose to hurt the stranger. Under the justice clause of my ethics system, your loved ones have provided you with the most happiness in life and therefore deserve your best efforts to make them happy as well. If you do not try to make them happy then you are not giving them back what they gave you. So if your parent for example is old and cannot take care of him or herself anymore…. I believe the child should let him or her live with them rather then put them in a nursing home. Your parent spent his or her entire life trying to make you happy when you couldn’t take care of yourself so you are obligated to help them out when it’s their turn and they can’t take care of themselves.

Justice is important to me in that I intentionally try not to be nice to assholes. But I try to be nice to people who are good and innocent. I actually believe being nice to assholes is immoral because you are rewarding their behavior by doing so. I believe women who have sex with thugs are immoral because of the justice tenant. They are giving pleasure and happiness to someone who has spent their entire life wrecking destruction and suffering upon others. Somebody who is simply neutral still deserves kindness. Neutral being someone who is balanced in the output they give to the world. A neutral person can be influenced towards good through the kindness of others… A bad person however will only take advantage.

I also believe strongly in conserving cultural traditions and believe the destruction of them is almost as bad as an act of genocide. I see culture as a living, breathing organism in of itself that is created to provide joy to the people living in it. If a group of people do something, like say, try to replace July 4th with a bullshit holiday like “Juneteenth” then I consider them hideously immoral for attempting to destroy a treasured national tradition that provides so many people with joy.

To me, traditions are important because they carry a nostalgia bonus. The people who enjoy them really enjoy them because of the memories they have surrounding those traditions… Therefore people should try their best to uphold cultural tradition, even if they do not like it. Even if you do not like Halloween for example, you should still buy candy and give it to the children who come to your house because it’s a cultural tradition that carries a lot of joy and importance to a lot of people.

I also do not believe that war for the sake of changing another country’s system is justified unless that country is determined to impose its own system on everybody else. If you have an aggressive imperialistic empire then war against them is justified to protect your own culture. Going in and attacking a country to impose your system is never justified though even if their system is objectively terrible. The reason being that it’s too easy to abuse and many times countries get things wrong and end up destroying cultures that are good. I do believe in objectively superior and inferior societies. But I don’t think it’s justified, for example, for Japan to invade Somalia and impose Japan’s cultural rules on them.

I also believe it is immoral to ask somebody to f**k up their own karma. If you ask somebody who is a good person to commit immoral acts then you are screwing up their spiritual karma. It’s a big reason why I hate masochistic girls so much. They basically are telling guys they will not reward them with the happiness of a romantic relationship unless he f***s up his karma by committing immoral, painful acts with her. Threatening to withhold happiness from somebody unless they f**k up their karma is an incredibly evil act. Someone should attempt to improve their loved ones karma not destroy it.
Japan would never invade Somalia, but maybe Somalia will invade Japan. After seeing some of these retarded gay f***s from Japan making cuckoldry art and porn featuring black men f***ing their women and cucking them. That's proof enough you have some people over there that would love nothing more than to f**k up their own country if given the chance to do it.
I wasn’t describing a scenario I thought would actually happen lol.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Outcast9428 wrote:
November 26th, 2022, 8:35 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 26th, 2022, 5:36 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
November 26th, 2022, 8:44 am
The central focus of my system of ethics mostly comes down to the idea that actions which destroy things and create pain and suffering are immoral and actions which build things and create joy and pleasure are good. I take this concept very broadly though and it encompasses a lot of topics. Stripping people of their ability to be happy is almost as immoral in my ethics system as directly causing pain to them. So by my ethics, a man who sleeps with another man’s wife has stripped him of his happiness and thus committed a crime that is on par with breaking his arm so badly that it never recovers.

Another very important moral concept for me is justice though… Justice which expresses itself in a very karmic way. So a human being who has spent their life causing destruction and pain deserves to have it imposed on them. Someone who builds, creates joy and pleasure in others deserves to have it given to them as well.

I also agree that loyalty is the most important moral value. Loyalty to friends and loved ones should be prioritized. If I have to choose between hurting a loved one vs hurting a stranger I will always choose to hurt the stranger. Under the justice clause of my ethics system, your loved ones have provided you with the most happiness in life and therefore deserve your best efforts to make them happy as well. If you do not try to make them happy then you are not giving them back what they gave you. So if your parent for example is old and cannot take care of him or herself anymore…. I believe the child should let him or her live with them rather then put them in a nursing home. Your parent spent his or her entire life trying to make you happy when you couldn’t take care of yourself so you are obligated to help them out when it’s their turn and they can’t take care of themselves.

Justice is important to me in that I intentionally try not to be nice to assholes. But I try to be nice to people who are good and innocent. I actually believe being nice to assholes is immoral because you are rewarding their behavior by doing so. I believe women who have sex with thugs are immoral because of the justice tenant. They are giving pleasure and happiness to someone who has spent their entire life wrecking destruction and suffering upon others. Somebody who is simply neutral still deserves kindness. Neutral being someone who is balanced in the output they give to the world. A neutral person can be influenced towards good through the kindness of others… A bad person however will only take advantage.

I also believe strongly in conserving cultural traditions and believe the destruction of them is almost as bad as an act of genocide. I see culture as a living, breathing organism in of itself that is created to provide joy to the people living in it. If a group of people do something, like say, try to replace July 4th with a bullshit holiday like “Juneteenth” then I consider them hideously immoral for attempting to destroy a treasured national tradition that provides so many people with joy.

To me, traditions are important because they carry a nostalgia bonus. The people who enjoy them really enjoy them because of the memories they have surrounding those traditions… Therefore people should try their best to uphold cultural tradition, even if they do not like it. Even if you do not like Halloween for example, you should still buy candy and give it to the children who come to your house because it’s a cultural tradition that carries a lot of joy and importance to a lot of people.

I also do not believe that war for the sake of changing another country’s system is justified unless that country is determined to impose its own system on everybody else. If you have an aggressive imperialistic empire then war against them is justified to protect your own culture. Going in and attacking a country to impose your system is never justified though even if their system is objectively terrible. The reason being that it’s too easy to abuse and many times countries get things wrong and end up destroying cultures that are good. I do believe in objectively superior and inferior societies. But I don’t think it’s justified, for example, for Japan to invade Somalia and impose Japan’s cultural rules on them.

I also believe it is immoral to ask somebody to f**k up their own karma. If you ask somebody who is a good person to commit immoral acts then you are screwing up their spiritual karma. It’s a big reason why I hate masochistic girls so much. They basically are telling guys they will not reward them with the happiness of a romantic relationship unless he f***s up his karma by committing immoral, painful acts with her. Threatening to withhold happiness from somebody unless they f**k up their karma is an incredibly evil act. Someone should attempt to improve their loved ones karma not destroy it.
Japan would never invade Somalia, but maybe Somalia will invade Japan. After seeing some of these retarded gay f***s from Japan making cuckoldry art and porn featuring black men f***ing their women and cucking them. That's proof enough you have some people over there that would love nothing more than to f**k up their own country if given the chance to do it.
I wasn’t describing a scenario I thought would actually happen lol.
Well then forgive me, I often make these mistakes. I'm a hostile mood tonight.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by fschmidt »

This is all modern thinking, lacking in depth. Is ethics really like taste in food, as in I like chocolate cake so it is good? Or I like this ethic, and that is that? Or is there some source of ethics. Because this question isn't being asked here, we get a set conventional ethics that were mindlessly absorbed by the posters, one modern and one Christian.

For the religious, the source of ethics is their religion, primarily coming from their scripture. I find this perfectly acceptable, and deeper than the modern thinking found here. At least they are going back to a text that has survived the test of time as their source, and not just accepting what is currently fashionable. And this forces them to study the history of their own religion which forces them to see how ethics have changed over time.

Even though I am religious, I was raised atheist and my source of ethics remains based on science. My purpose in life, as with every other living creature, is to maximize the success of my genes. Everything else follows from this, including my following the Old Testament which is essentially a guide to genetic success.

Humans are tribal and the reason that we evolved to have morals is to strengthen our tribe which in turn increases our genetic success. Modern liberal culture is basically atheistic Christianity, and Christianity extends the idea of the tribe to all of humanity. Most religions and cultures don't do this, and I certainly don't. I believe that one should have great loyalty to one's family and tribe, some loyalty to other good tribes, and no loyalty the rest of humanity. This makes genetic sense. If evil tribes leave you alone, then there is no reason to interact with them. But if evil tribes do you harm, kill them if you can.

My ethics within a tribe are pretty much those of the Old Testament. Loyalty, honesty, justice, wisdom, etc. Spirituality is another modern concept that I detest. I believe in religion, not spirituality. Religion is a set of rules and practices designed to strengthen the community. One value not often discussed that I hold strongly is simplicity. I think simplicity is good and complexity is bad, so I always try to make things as simple as possible. For all my values, I can offer an explanation of why they are in my genetic interest, but I won't do this here unless asked.

On the issue freedom, I support the freedom to do things that don't harm others. So no victimless crimes and no pointless regulations. Seducing someone else's girlfriend has the boyfriend as the victim. Even seducing a random single woman has her future husband as the victim. So these are not victimless crimes. But if someone wants to do drugs or have gay sex or kill themselves, that's fine with me, even in my own tribe. And that is consistent with my understanding of the Old Testament.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Pixel--Dude »

fschmidt wrote:
November 26th, 2022, 10:16 pm
This is all modern thinking, lacking in depth. Is ethics really like taste in food, as in I like chocolate cake so it is good? Or I like this ethic, and that is that? Or is there some source of ethics. Because this question isn't being asked here, we get a set conventional ethics that were mindlessly absorbed by the posters, one modern and one Christian.
I think there is a source of ethics. Universal principles which are objectively morally correct. I kind of alluded to something similar in a thread I made about aesthetics and objective standards of beauty, though with aesthetics there is some subjectivity as to what looks good and this does not undermine the premise that some cases of beauty are objective and cannot be denied.

The same applies here with the subject of ethics. There is a universal objective morality. Actions which are considered good and moral. Actions which are universally evil and have consequence. Protecting animals and the environment is an objectively good thing to do as we have a direct link to our environment and the interest of its preservation. Dumping shit in the ocean and massive deforestation and the slaughter of animals and their habitats is evil because of the damaging effects it has etc.

There are ethics in medical practice (or supposed to be) which are agreed upon. A lot of these went out the window with the covid pandemic. Standards of public behaviour and all the rest of it. So it isn't as simple as saying ethics are based on whatever the flavour of the month is.

The issue is that some people have certain values which are subjectively held as moral practice and conflate these values with objectively morality.
For the religious, the source of ethics is their religion, primarily coming from their scripture. I find this perfectly acceptable, and deeper than the modern thinking found here. At least they are going back to a text that has survived the test of time as their source, and not just accepting what is currently fashionable. And this forces them to study the history of their own religion which forces them to see how ethics have changed over time.
I disagree. I don't find the Bible to be anything other than a series of facile accounts which lack any sincerity or depth. It is in no way comparable to philosophy, which promotes deeper thinking into different areas such as epistemology, ethics and even metaphysics and ontology. From these in depth understandings of the different branches of philosophy one can determine which behaviours are moral and which are immoral without projecting biases based on personal values onto the whole of humanity.

The Bible is a load of claptrap dogmatic edicts written by Jews to promote their own enslaving ideologies onto Gentile nations. The Bible mixes in objective moral behaviours such as not killing other humans with obsolete edicts which have no moral basis at all and because people only think in black and white terms their mind legitimises all of the atrocities committed by God in the Bible as justified moral actions. It's a religion which promotes weakness and servile values that weaken the constitution of a nation. It promotes nothing of personal growth or empowerment and has people praying on deaf ears for their problems to be solved, instead of taking a practical approach to life and becoming strong. Strength is a virtue!
Even though I am religious, I was raised atheist and my source of ethics remains based on science. My purpose in life, as with every other living creature, is to maximize the success of my genes. Everything else follows from this, including my following the Old Testament which is essentially a guide to genetic success.
Everyone determines their own purpose in life. The universal and fundamental nature of our purpose in the physical world is to grow and flourish alongside nature. The success of genetics and continuing the lineage of one's own genes is a subjective purpose. A lot of people don't care about the continuation of their own genes, even though reproduction is a biological imperative among all life on earth. Does this really equate with our fundamental and individual purpose for being though? What you suggest is an atheistic attitude where only the continuation of the species is important and the individual is irrelevant.
Humans are tribal and the reason that we evolved to have morals is to strengthen our tribe which in turn increases our genetic success. Modern liberal culture is basically atheistic Christianity, and Christianity extends the idea of the tribe to all of humanity. Most religions and cultures don't do this, and I certainly don't. I believe that one should have great loyalty to one's family and tribe, some loyalty to other good tribes, and no loyalty the rest of humanity. This makes genetic sense. If evil tribes leave you alone, then there is no reason to interact with them. But if evil tribes do you harm, kill them if you can.
Here I have an ambivalent attitude towards this paragraph. On one hand I don't agree that the only reason we evolved is for tribalistic reasons. I think it's in human nature to cooperate. This is why people who aren't necessarily immediate family gravitate towards one another because as a species we need each other to survive. At the same time nature is like a competition so resources are competed for, at least if we're talking about primitive tribal communities. But with our advanced technology and automation there is an abundance of resources that are hoarded by corporate entities. The movie Platform is a brilliant metaphor for this.

I do agree that killing and warfare are necessary to prevent ideological enemies from imposing their values onto society to prevent hostile values of others infringing on your freedom. Freedom should absolutely be fought for. Peaceful protests never saved anyone from slaughter. You only survive if you have the warrior spirit and the strength to fight oppressive regimes. I also agree with the basic premise that if a neighbouring tribe minds their own business and leaves me alone I will return the favour.
My ethics within a tribe are pretty much those of the Old Testament. Loyalty, honesty, justice, wisdom, etc. Spirituality is another modern concept that I detest. I believe in religion, not spirituality. Religion is a set of rules and practices designed to strengthen the community. One value not often discussed that I hold strongly is simplicity. I think simplicity is good and complexity is bad, so I always try to make things as simple as possible. For all my values, I can offer an explanation of why they are in my genetic interest, but I won't do this here unless asked.
Loyalty, honesty, justice and wisdom are all good values to have. None of them are virtues taught in the Bible. Subservience to authority, weakness and cowardice are promoted by the Bible. "Turn the other cheek" and all the rest of it. Topics related to the aforementioned virtues are covered by philosophers throughout history, including from civilisations which existed pre-christianity. The Bible simply takes some basic moral ideas like not killing another human and uses those few commandments, which people generally tend to agree with regardless of their faith, and then throw in a few extra dictatorial edicts which are obsolete. Like do you think if a being as complex as a creator God exists it really gives a f**k who is f***ing who or whether you eat animals that chew the cud and all that shit? :lol:

What is detestable about spirituality? Spirituality instills wellbeing and discipline. It encourages personal growth and importance of the individual. Instead of espousing the idea that we are all insignificant specks in space or some unwanted offspring of a cruel and tyrannical god. Through Spirituality the individual is encouraged to seek knowledge and physical development. Noble pursuits. Not demands that you pitifully grovel to an omnipresent oppressor :roll:

Besides which, spirituality does not need a book written by man to substantiate itself as a fundamental reality. Spirituality is something experienced by countless people all over the world. Christianity and other religions are dependent on a rule book or missionaries to spread the word of the "good book" how can this be rationalised? It's obvious to anyone with discernment that the Bible is not a guide to living a life in alignment with objective morality, but just the fanatical and dogmatic personal values of a certain group wanting to impose their values on everyone else.

I believe in simplicity when it comes to our way of life. I don't want for much and see the countless production of shit nobody needs as something pointless and immoral. Making junk and polluting the environment for profit. As for philosophy and wisdom they could never be simple. There are so many complexities and nuances which must be analysed by a critical mind to determine the truth. Most people don't understand nuances or are incapable of nuanced thinking. It makes them uncomfortable. We like to be organised and have everything in its place, that's why some people gravitate to dogmatic religions with black and white doctrines so no thinking is required on behalf of the "truth seeker".
On the issue freedom, I support the freedom to do things that don't harm others. So no victimless crimes and no pointless regulations. Seducing someone else's girlfriend has the boyfriend as the victim. Even seducing a random single woman has her future husband as the victim. So these are not victimless crimes. But if someone wants to do drugs or have gay sex or kill themselves, that's fine with me, even in my own tribe. And that is consistent with my understanding of the Old Testament.
I agree. So long as you aren't doing something that harms others you should be left to do whatever you want. No human is above you or deserves the right to dictate what you can and cannot do. Victimless crimes like smoking a joint and all that crap are abhorrent. They only impose on the freedom of others and serve no moral good. But brainwashed serfs always conflate arbitrary law with morality.

I agree that you shouldn't seduce someone else's wife, or cheat on a spouse or anything like that. I hold loyalty as a high value and so this kind of behaviour is immoral in my opinion. But seducing a single woman? How does that hypothetically ruin her future marriage? What if not seducing that single woman ruined your own chance of marriage with someone who could've been your ideal mate? Seems like flawed logic.

I find it interesting that you support freedom and oppose arbitrary laws because people should have freedom. Freedom is something we can consider in alignment with morality. But then in another thread you said you would've quite happily shot up a shopping mall and the only thing preventing you from doing it was the law :lol:

Unless you see the preservation of life something which is also arbitrary? :P
You are free to make any decision you desire, but you are not free from the consequences of those decisions.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Lucas88 »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 8:15 am
What is detestable about spirituality? Spirituality instills wellbeing and discipline. It encourages personal growth and importance of the individual. Instead of espousing the idea that we are all insignificant specks in space or some unwanted offspring of a cruel and tyrannical god. Through Spirituality the individual is encouraged to seek knowledge and physical development. Noble pursuits. Not demands that you pitifully grovel to an omnipresent oppressor :roll:

Besides which, spirituality does not need a book written by man to substantiate itself as a fundamental reality. Spirituality is something experienced by countless people all over the world. Christianity and other religions are dependent on a rule book or missionaries to spread the word of the "good book" how can this be rationalised? It's obvious to anyone with discernment that the Bible is not a guide to living a life in alignment with objective morality, but just the fanatical and dogmatic personal values of a certain group wanting to impose their values on everyone else.
Since you've read the Bible yourself, you'll already know that it contains absolutely nothing in terms of actual spiritual knowledge despite being enshrined as a religious text. The Old Testament, all of its prophecy books and their ideal of Messianism are merely a blueprint for Jewish world domination while the New Testament consists of little more than a slave morality set out for unsuspecting Gentiles. You may have also noticed that most Abrahamists and also the religious tradcons here on this forum have no concept of spirituality or seem to be utterly incapable of conceiving anything remotely spiritual and instead only understand religion as slavishly groveling to some purported celestial tyrant or subjecting oneself to strict laws and forms of groupthink imposed by religious authorities. I'd even go as far as saying that many of the supposed religious are nothing more than crude materialists hiding behind a thin pious veneer.

True spirituality isn't a modern phenomenon as some clueless unspiritual Abrahamists like to claim. Nor is it the same as theosophy or the "New Age". True spiritual knowledge goes back to the ancient pre-Christian world and can still be found partially preserved in the multimillennial traditions of the East such as the Yoga and Siddanta of India and the Qi Kung and esoteric Inner Alchemy of China. True spirituality is all about opening the chakras and nadis (energy channels) through Yoga and meditation, cultivating the qi/prana energy, unlocking one's psychic and clairvoyant faculties, raising the Kundalini (for advanced practitioners), and eventually transforming our body and soul into a divine state through a series of advanced spiritual techniques known as the Opus Magnum. Its goal is the progressive evolution of the soul of the initiate and ultimately our ascension to godhood. But Abrahamists don't understand anything about the body and soul's deeper energetic and subtle workings nor do they have any interest in this stuff. Indeed, their so-called holy books prohibit and condemn any kind of true spiritual practice. The slaves and serfs aren't supposed to know anything about that.

I suspect that the majority of Abrahamists are what we colloquially call NPC souls and what others call "Organic Portals" or "soulless humans" - or at least humans who lack an authentic divine soul. That would explain why they have absolutely no interest in true spirituality and no genuine concept of spiritual evolution. They are simply lower animalistic forms of incarnate consciousness with no higher spiritual faculties of their own and therefore no real use for any kind of true spiritual practice. I suspect that the majority of Abrahamists, like their atheist counterparts, are nothing more than empty shells and counterfeit souls created and incarnated by the evil demiurge Yahweh and probably don't even have a real Kundalini and certainly no possibility of evolving in body and soul towards a divine state. They are the true Qliphoth of the Kabbalah - the Kabbalah, like most things Jewish or Abrahamic, is an inversion of the truth - and constitute a totally alien soul species to true Gentile souls.

Demiurgic Abrahamist souls are unable to conceive any kind of true spiritual evolution. Their only conception of "spirituality" is blind obedience to their own tyrannical god and uncompromising adherence to strict religious statutes (as well as intransigent opposition to any form of dissent).
Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 8:15 am
I find it interesting that you support freedom and oppose arbitrary laws because people should have freedom. Freedom is something we can consider in alignment with morality. But then in another thread you said you would've quite happily shot up a shopping mall and the only thing preventing you from doing it was the law :lol:

Unless you see the preservation of life something which is also arbitrary? :P
Jews are ethnic supremacists. They tend to believe that justice should only be applied to members of their own tribe while it is okay for Jews to scam, deceive, harm and kill non-Jews. All of this is communicated in the Talmud and is now common knowledge to Gentiles who are redpilled on the JQ.

The Jews are therefore an enemy tribe. If our Western nations were actually sane and weren't completely cucked out on Jewdeo-Christian and neo-Marxist slave values, we would have already expelled those vile parasitic invaders by now.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Lucas88 wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 10:53 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 8:15 am
What is detestable about spirituality? Spirituality instills wellbeing and discipline. It encourages personal growth and importance of the individual. Instead of espousing the idea that we are all insignificant specks in space or some unwanted offspring of a cruel and tyrannical god. Through Spirituality the individual is encouraged to seek knowledge and physical development. Noble pursuits. Not demands that you pitifully grovel to an omnipresent oppressor :roll:

Besides which, spirituality does not need a book written by man to substantiate itself as a fundamental reality. Spirituality is something experienced by countless people all over the world. Christianity and other religions are dependent on a rule book or missionaries to spread the word of the "good book" how can this be rationalised? It's obvious to anyone with discernment that the Bible is not a guide to living a life in alignment with objective morality, but just the fanatical and dogmatic personal values of a certain group wanting to impose their values on everyone else.
Since you've read the Bible yourself, you'll already know that it contains absolutely nothing in terms of actual spiritual knowledge despite being enshrined as a religious text. The Old Testament, all of its prophecy books and their ideal of Messianism are merely a blueprint for Jewish world domination while the New Testament consists of little more than a slave morality set out for unsuspecting Gentiles. You may have also noticed that most Abrahamists and also the religious tradcons here on this forum have no concept of spirituality or seem to be utterly incapable of conceiving anything remotely spiritual and instead only understand religion as slavishly groveling to some purported celestial tyrant or subjecting oneself to strict laws and forms of groupthink imposed by religious authorities. I'd even go as far as saying that many of the supposed religious are nothing more than crude materialists hiding behind a thin pious veneer.

True spirituality isn't a modern phenomenon as some clueless unspiritual Abrahamists like to claim. Nor is it the same as theosophy or the "New Age". True spiritual knowledge goes back to the ancient pre-Christian world and can still be found partially preserved in the multimillennial traditions of the East such as the Yoga and Siddanta of India and the Qi Kung and esoteric Inner Alchemy of China. True spirituality is all about opening the chakras and nadis (energy channels) through Yoga and meditation, cultivating the qi/prana energy, unlocking one's psychic and clairvoyant faculties, raising the Kundalini (for advanced practitioners), and eventually transforming our body and soul into a divine state through a series of advanced spiritual techniques known as the Opus Magnum. Its goal is the progressive evolution of the soul of the initiate and ultimately our ascension to godhood. But Abrahamists don't understand anything about the body and soul's deeper energetic and subtle workings nor do they have any interest in this stuff. Indeed, their so-called holy books prohibit and condemn any kind of true spiritual practice. The slaves and serfs aren't supposed to know anything about that.

I suspect that the majority of Abrahamists are what we colloquially call NPC souls and what others call "Organic Portals" or "soulless humans" - or at least humans who lack an authentic divine soul. That would explain why they have absolutely no interest in true spirituality and no genuine concept of spiritual evolution. They are simply lower animalistic forms of incarnate consciousness with no higher spiritual faculties of their own and therefore no real use for any kind of true spiritual practice. I suspect that the majority of Abrahamists, like their atheist counterparts, are nothing more than empty shells and counterfeit souls created and incarnated by the evil demiurge Yahweh and probably don't even have a real Kundalini and certainly no possibility of evolving in body and soul towards a divine state. They are the true Qliphoth of the Kabbalah - the Kabbalah, like most things Jewish or Abrahamic, is an inversion of the truth - and constitute a totally alien soul species to true Gentile souls.

Demiurgic Abrahamist souls are unable to conceive any kind of true spiritual evolution. Their only conception of "spirituality" is blind obedience to their own tyrannical god and uncompromising adherence to strict religious statutes (as well as intransigent opposition to any form of dissent).
Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 8:15 am
I find it interesting that you support freedom and oppose arbitrary laws because people should have freedom. Freedom is something we can consider in alignment with morality. But then in another thread you said you would've quite happily shot up a shopping mall and the only thing preventing you from doing it was the law :lol:

Unless you see the preservation of life something which is also arbitrary? :P
Jews are ethnic supremacists. They tend to believe that justice should only be applied to members of their own tribe while it is okay for Jews to scam, deceive, harm and kill non-Jews. All of this is communicated in the Talmud and is now common knowledge to Gentiles who are redpilled on the JQ.

The Jews are therefore an enemy tribe. If our Western nations were actually sane and weren't completely cucked out on Jewdeo-Christian and neo-Marxist slave values, we would have already expelled those vile parasitic invaders by now.
Lucas you always seem to be real smart and knowledgable about the Jews just like Williams. But whenever I go on American why is it that they kiss the asses of Jews and say shit like Steven,
"I think that an older much deeper reason is that the Europeans are cultural
Jew Haters & will support anyone who will kill Jews.
Goes back to their right to rule based upon Replacement Theology dressed up n modern clothes.
The Anglo Saxon's are at the top of his group!"

I swear the people on that site are always defending Jews and saying it's the Europeans who are the ones trying to conquer. Its one of the main reasons why I absolutely hate that goddamn site. They support the Jews, and call out anyone that talks shit about them. Not to mention they are also the biggest Trump dick riders I've ever seen. But they love to throw the word Anti-Seminite around and shit whenever people hate on the Jews. I mean for a bunch of Conservative people they sure are f***ing stupid as hell, and to think they love to judge the left but they're the ones cucking for Jews and then whining about how bad the U.S. is getting when it's the Jewish Elite behind most of that shit going on. Just f***ing dumb beyond belief, this is why I laugh at both leftist and Conservatives, especially cuck acting Conservatives because they're equally ignorant. They support the very same people who want to wreck and destroy their nations including nations of other people.
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on November 27th, 2022, 3:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by fschmidt »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 8:15 am
I find it interesting that you support freedom and oppose arbitrary laws because people should have freedom. Freedom is something we can consider in alignment with morality. But then in another thread you said you would've quite happily shot up a shopping mall and the only thing preventing you from doing it was the law :lol:
I won't argue the other topics, see my argument against arguments. But I would like to clarify my view of freedom. Freedom is a moral idea, so it applies to members of my tribe. Modern culture is a purely evil tribe/group that tries to impose its evil on the entire world. Therefore all members of modern culture should be exterminated. Hopefully this clarifies my position.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Lucas88 »

WanderingProtagonist wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 3:33 pm
Lucas you always seem to be real smart and knowledgable about the Jews just like Williams. But whenever I go on American why is it that they kiss the asses of Jews and say shit like Steven,
"I think that an older much deeper reason is that the Europeans are cultural
Jew Haters & will support anyone who will kill Jews.
Goes back to their right to rule based upon Replacement Theology dressed up n modern clothes.
The Anglo Saxon's are at the top of his group!"

I swear the people on that site are always defending Jews and saying it's the Europeans who are the ones trying to conquer. Its one of the main reasons why I absolutely hate that goddamn site. They support the Jews, and call out anyone that talks shit about them. Not to mention they are also the biggest Trump dick riders I've ever seen. But they love to throw the word Anti-Seminite around and shit whenever people hate on the Jews. I mean for a bunch of Conservative people they sure are f***ing stupid as hell, and to think they love to judge the left but they're the ones cucking for Jews and then whining about how bad the U.S. is getting when it's the Jewish Elite behind most of that shit going on. Just f***ing dumb beyond belief, this is why I laugh at both leftist and Conservatives, especially cuck acting Conservatives because they're equally ignorant. They support the very same people who want to wreck and destroy their nations including nations of other people.
Absolutely! +1

Most conservatives in countries like the US are contemptible fools who have cucked out to the Jews, defend them and even enthusiastically promote their agenda. They're just another kosher joke just like the left yet think that they are so much better just because they have the "balls" to criticize some ridiculous woke agenda while cowardly allowing their countries to be destroyed by the Jewish elite. Some conservatives - especially the religious cuck types - will accept Jews as long as they claim to support conservatism and Christian values. All Jews have to do to get support from the right in America is throw out a few conservative talking points and talk about the West's "Judeo-Christian moral tradition" and millions of rightwing christcucks will unquestioningly pledge their support for Israel and the Jewish people. Those conservative idiots don't understand that the tribe is not our friend. The tribe is the mortal enemy of all Gentile nations and once you buy into their deceptions and let them in it's all over! They'll stab you in the back and take your nation to the edge of ruin!

The case which you cited from the American Thinker is a good example of US cuckservatives cucking out to the Jews and doing their work. The argument blames European hostility towards Jews on Christian "Replacement Theology" and thereby perpetuates the myth of irrational religious hysteria as the root of antisemitism (e.g., "The Jews killed Jesus") when in reality the root of antisemitism is the Jewish supremacism and vicious anti-Gentilism inherent to the Jewish religion as well as the crimes of the Jews against Europeans. Those cuckservatives are defending the Jews and placing the blame on Gentiles and especially Anglo-Saxons! They're blatantly promoting collective guilt just like leftists do!

In reality, the matter is not about fake ideologies (both the left and the right are ZOG-controlled groups); it is about nations/people groups vs. the tribe. The nations must realize that the Jews are an enemy nation regardless of their political affiliation by virtue of being part of the Jewish tribe and that we must form our own national governments in opposition to that same enemy nation. That is the only way that we can save ourselves from Jewish subversion.

Unlike the mainstream conservatives and christcucks who will join forces with Jews in light of perceived ideological commonalities, Pixel--Dude, Tsar and I are Pagans as well as thoroughly anti-Jewish and anti-Abrahamic (yes, we despise the Christian slave religion too) and are absolutely militantly opposed to everything Jewish and Abrahamic. We are therefore not willing to compromise with Jews ever and will oppose Judaism and everything Jewish to the very end. From what I've read of your posts, it sounds like you are fed up with the ideological bullshit too and know what the deal is!
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Outcast9428 »


I have great respect for the Bible and the conclusions I arrive to would be biblically supported almost 100%. So there is very heavy overlap. However, I can’t say that the source of my morality and ethics come exclusively from the Bible. I fear that makes me sound like a bad Christian but my sense of morals never actually conflicts with the Bible. It’s just a bit more in-depth I would say. I’m not perfect but if God really hated the life I was living I don’t think he would have blessed me as much as he has. Before I accepted God’s way he did not bless me, and for good reason. Some moral causes I care a lot about are not mentioned in the Bible, like animal rights for example. I believe very strongly in not eating meat. I also am opposed to corporal punishment of children, something not covered by the Bible. The Bible may not cover these topics but I think God would be happy to see people applying ethical reasoning to other situations. I think the main risk comes from people wanting to ignore the rules in the Bible.

@Pixel--Dude @Lucas88 Y’all keep calling God a tyrant for making us follow rules but the reality is you just don’t want to accept that there is a logical basis for the rules God imposes on us. He didn’t create them just to be childish and petty. He created them because they help us live better lives and get along with one another better. Accepting God’s rules and way of life improved my life immeasurably. And I have no doubt that God sent my girlfriend to me. What are the odds that a cute, sweet, needy, lonely, super romantic and traditional, teenage Asian girl would just happen to move right next door to me? If that’s not an act of God I don’t know what is. If he was such a tyrant he wouldn’t have done that.

As much as I wish mainstream conservatives would talk about the JQ I can understand why they don’t. Look at what happened to Kanye and Nick Fuentes? A lot of people just don’t have that courage and mainstream, day to day conservatives simply don’t know what the Jews have done. Can’t be mad at them for what they don’t know. Especially since anybody who speaks about it gets their life destroyed.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 7:56 pm
@Pixel--Dude @Lucas88 Its funny how y’all keep calling God a tyrant for making us follow rules when the reality is you just don’t want to accept that there is a logical basis for the rules God imposes on us. He didn’t create them just to be childish and petty. He created them because they help us live better lives and get along with one another better. Accepting God’s rules and way of life improved my life immeasurably. And I have no doubt that God sent my girlfriend to me. What are the odds that a cute, sweet, needy, lonely, super romantic and traditional, teenage Asian girl would just happen to move right next door to me? If that’s not an act of God I don’t know what is. If he was such a tyrant he wouldn’t have done that…
I don't think that you've really understood mine and Pixel--Dude's position with regard to the Judeo-Christian god.

When Pixel--Dude and I say that Yahweh (i.e., the god of the Bible) is a tyrant, we don't believe that he is simply an unfair creator who has created harsh and petty laws for his children. Rather we believe that Yahweh is not even God at all, that he never created anything, that he is simply a malevolent impostor who masquerades as God (i.e., the source of all), that the whole Bible is complete bunk and nothing more than a program of deception. It's not that we simply don't want to accept Yahweh's rules. Rather it is that we don't believe that Yahweh's rules could ever be valid because we don't believe that Yahweh's claim to cosmic creator status itself is even valid. For the sake of reiteration, Pixel--Dude and I don't even recognize the god of Judaism, Christianity and Islam as God. That idea is simply something that people raised in Judeo-Christian cultures take for granted without question or any philosophical reflection but Pixel--Dude and I no longer buy into it.

Pixel--Dude and I were Christians in the early 2010s and have both studied the Bible. I especially did a lot of Bible study with a pastor and two theology graduates when I was in Japan. However, Pixel--Dude and I left Christianity when we began to study the Bible in more depth and discovered that the Old Testament is chock-full of sadistic and abhorrent acts attributed to Yahweh and committed by the Israelites at Yahweh's behest, things like ruthless massacres of women and children and barbaric demands for animal sacrifice and many other horrible things. Then we found that the New Testament isn't really much better either. That too is a sickening religion with its imitation of human sacrifice together with ritualized cannibalism and vampirism and all of the perverse Jew talk about bloodshed being necessary for the remission of sins preached by hook-nosed sociopaths like Paul/Saul. Not to mention the weak slave morality of "turn the other cheek". Then, shortly thereafter, Pixel--Dude and I learned about the JQ, the Jewish plan to subjugate and enslave the Gentile nations, and its origin in the Abrahamic religions going all the way back to the Torah. We realized that we had fallen for a perverse Jewish death cult and got out of dodge.

Pixel--Dude and I don't reject Christianity because we are immoral. That is just what brainwashed Christians assume due to their own conditioning. In reality Pixel--Dude and I reject Christianity because we have a much stronger moral compass than most Christians and see through the absolute immorality and falseness of that religion as well as its Hebrew predecessor and all later sectarian offshoots. We believe that it is Abrahamists who are immoral and degenerate for slavishly following and making excuses for such a vile and immoral religion and psychopathic god - a god whom Pixel--Dude and I, just to reiterate, view as a demonic impostor.

That said, Pixel--Dude and I are neither atheists nor materialists. We are certainly not "modern" either. We believe that there exists a fundamental divine intelligence behind everything that exists (akin to the Hindu concept of Brahman as the Transcendental Absolute) and that every true human soul is imbued with its divine essence. We recognize that same fundamental divine intelligence as the true creative force behind the cosmos, not the Hebrew tribal deity Yahweh. Pixel--Dude and I also believe that the purpose of incarnation is to grow and evolve through experiences and the pursuit of wisdom and our own edification, not to slavishly bow down to purported deities or to seek salvation from any supposed divine punishment. We are not hysterical Abrahamists nor do we believe in artificial religions of fear and guilt. Pixel--Dude and I believe in natural spirituality. We recognize the importance of authentic spiritual practice such as chakra opening and qi/prana cultivation through meditation, Yoga and other so-called "Eastern" spiritual techniques. We also observe that Abrahamic religions are completely devoid of any of this authentic spiritual practice.

Pixel--Dude and I have always been fervent truth seekers. We were never content to accept anything unquestioningly. We were always driven to look further than what is conventionally accepted.

If just finding a nice girlfriend is enough to make you unquestioningly believe in the Bible and Christian god, then I'm afraid to say that you're not really truth seeker or a philosophical thinker of any depth or rigor. I'm not trying to sound mean or offensive but it's the truth. If you were to ask me, I would say that your own soul - which is an evolved fragment of the Transcendental Absolute - attracted your new girlfriend to you through its own will. I myself don't even believe in the Christian god or any of that Jewish biblical stuff (I'm openly opposed to those things) and I've been guided through visions given to me in my dreams. My current hypothesis is that I was being guided by my own oversoul.
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Re: Ethics & Values

Post by Outcast9428 »

Lucas88 wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 9:55 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
November 27th, 2022, 7:56 pm
@Pixel--Dude @Lucas88 Its funny how y’all keep calling God a tyrant for making us follow rules when the reality is you just don’t want to accept that there is a logical basis for the rules God imposes on us. He didn’t create them just to be childish and petty. He created them because they help us live better lives and get along with one another better. Accepting God’s rules and way of life improved my life immeasurably. And I have no doubt that God sent my girlfriend to me. What are the odds that a cute, sweet, needy, lonely, super romantic and traditional, teenage Asian girl would just happen to move right next door to me? If that’s not an act of God I don’t know what is. If he was such a tyrant he wouldn’t have done that…
I don't think that you've really understood mine and Pixel--Dude's position with regard to the Judeo-Christian god.

When Pixel--Dude and I say that Yahweh (i.e., the god of the Bible) is a tyrant, we don't believe that he is simply an unfair creator who has created harsh and petty laws for his children. Rather we believe that Yahweh is not even God at all, that he never created anything, that he is simply a malevolent impostor who masquerades as God (i.e., the source of all), that the whole Bible is complete bunk and nothing more than a program of deception. It's not that we simply don't want to accept Yahweh's rules. Rather it is that we don't believe that Yahweh's rules could ever be valid because we don't believe that Yahweh's claim to cosmic creator status itself is even valid. For the sake of reiteration, Pixel--Dude and I don't even recognize the god of Judaism, Christianity and Islam as God. That idea is simply something that people raised in Judeo-Christian cultures take for granted without question or any philosophical reflection but Pixel--Dude and I no longer buy into it.

Pixel--Dude and I were Christians in the early 2010s and have both studied the Bible. I especially did a lot of Bible study with a pastor and two theology graduates when I was in Japan. However, Pixel--Dude and I left Christianity when we began to study the Bible in more depth and discovered that the Old Testament is chock-full of sadistic and abhorrent acts attributed to Yahweh and committed by the Israelites at Yahweh's behest, things like ruthless massacres of women and children and barbaric demands for animal sacrifice and many other horrible things. Then we found that the New Testament isn't really much better either. That too is a sickening religion with its imitation of human sacrifice together with ritualized cannibalism and vampirism and all of the perverse Jew talk about bloodshed being necessary for the remission of sins preached by hook-nosed sociopaths like Paul/Saul. Not to mention the weak slave morality of "turn the other cheek". Then, shortly thereafter, Pixel--Dude and I learned about the JQ, the Jewish plan to subjugate and enslave the Gentile nations, and its origin in the Abrahamic religions going all the way back to the Torah. We realized that we had fallen for a perverse Jewish death cult and got out of dodge.

Pixel--Dude and I don't reject Christianity because we are immoral. That is just what brainwashed Christians assume due to their own conditioning. In reality Pixel--Dude and I reject Christianity because we have a much stronger moral compass than most Christians and see through the absolute immorality and falseness of that religion as well as its Hebrew predecessor and all later sectarian offshoots. We believe that it is Abrahamists who are immoral and degenerate for slavishly following and making excuses for such a vile and immoral religion and psychopathic god - a god whom Pixel--Dude and I, just to reiterate, view as a demonic impostor.

That said, Pixel--Dude and I are neither atheists nor materialists. We are certainly not "modern" either. We believe that there exists a fundamental divine intelligence behind everything that exists (akin to the Hindu concept of Brahman as the Transcendental Absolute) and that every true human soul is imbued with its divine essence. We recognize that same fundamental divine intelligence as the true creative force behind the cosmos, not the Hebrew tribal deity Yahweh. Pixel--Dude and I also believe that the purpose of incarnation is to grow and evolve through experiences and the pursuit of wisdom and our own edification, not to slavishly bow down to purported deities or to seek salvation from any supposed divine punishment. We are not hysterical Abrahamists nor do we believe in artificial religions of fear and guilt. Pixel--Dude and I believe in natural spirituality. We recognize the importance of authentic spiritual practice such as chakra opening and qi/prana cultivation through meditation, Yoga and other so-called "Eastern" spiritual techniques. We also observe that Abrahamic religions are completely devoid of any of this authentic spiritual practice.

Pixel--Dude and I have always been fervent truth seekers. We were never content to accept anything unquestioningly. We were always driven to look further than what is conventionally accepted.

If just finding a nice girlfriend is enough to make you unquestioningly believe in the Bible and Christian god, then I'm afraid to say that you're not really truth seeker or a philosophical thinker of any depth or rigor. I'm not trying to sound mean or offensive but it's the truth. If you were to ask me, I would say that your own soul - which is an evolved fragment of the Transcendental Absolute - attracted your new girlfriend to you through its own will. I myself don't even believe in the Christian god or any of that Jewish biblical stuff (I'm openly opposed to those things) and I've been guided through visions given to me in my dreams. My current hypothesis is that I was being guided by my own oversoul.
I don't consider the Old Testament to really be much of a source for moral guidance. The Old Testament is more of a historical document explaining where humanity came from. The Jews understanding of God is definitely perverse, which is why Jesus came to Earth. A major part of why he came was literally to tell everybody "what the Jews are telling you about God is bullshit." There's a reason why Islam has some respect for Christianity despite viewing it as a different religion. Islamic Caliphates had Christians as second class citizens who had to pay a special tax but they didn't slaughter us the way they slaughtered polytheists who they regarded as an abomination. Christianity views itself as an update on Judaism, while Islam views itself as an update on Christianity. So Muslims believe in Jesus Christ and have deep respect for him, but they believe he was an important prophet rather then the son of God. Islam is extremely strict about its monotheism. They regard any mention of holy spirits aside from God himself as being unforgivably blasphemous. They seem to give Christians a bit of a pass for basically saying that the holy trinity still only represents one diety, but polytheists, historically, were just exterminated. Either way, modern day American Christians seem to think for some reason that Islam is our biggest enemy even though Islam has some respect for us, Rabbinical Judaism on the other hand, absolutely hates Christianity with a raging passion. If Christianity is really part of a grand conspiracy on the part of the Jews to take over the world, then why do the Jews hate Christianity so much? Why are they doing everything in their power to eliminate it?

Jews are more aggressive then Atheists are about trying to remove every reference to God and Christianity in our society. They were the ones who pushed for saying "happy holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." They were the ones who pushed to get rid of school prayer. They were the ones constantly saying that any reference to the Christian was "offensive" to them. The media they produce has done everything it can to undermine Christianity in America, trying to portray it as a backwards, outdated religion and on top of that push people to behave in very non-Christian ways. The most extreme examples of their hostility to Christianity are not from their control over the United States though. Its from their control over the Soviet Union. The Jewish plan to take over the world is not being done through Christianity, its being done through Communism/Marxism. When they took control of the Soviet Union, they imposed atheism by force. Priests were tortured and murdered with sickening cruelty. Churches were burned to the ground, and people could be executed to having a bible at home. Between 1937, and 1941, 106,000 clergymen were killed by the Soviet authorities.

There are no "Judeo-Christian values." Saying "Judeo-Christian values" has about as much worth as saying Islamic-Christian values. There may be some similarities but each one operates on a very different moral and spiritual framework. Judaism believes that the Jews/Israelites are a race of people, chosen by God, to rule the world. They believe they are entitled to the land of Israel, and that the rest of the world should bow before them. And they are using the United States government and its military power to be their enforcement arm. Funny how Israel doesn't want to fight any of its own wars... They'd rather drag young American boys into conflicts for them so they can fight and die on Israel's behalf.

The idea that there's some alliance between Christians and Jews is a very modern phenomenon. Even 100 years ago, the term "Judeo-Christian values" would've sounded silly to people. A big reason for why secular Jews resent Christianity to this day is because of how much Jews were persecuted by Medieval European theocracies (some of which, even I will admit went too far).

But the idea that there's an alliance between Christians and Jews tends to be pushed by two groups... One is foolish Evangelical Christians who've been brainwashed into this bizarre kind of subservience to the Jews. To the point where they almost act as if the Jews are superior to us. This is the result of Jewish subversion, not something implicit in Christianity itself. The second group of people who tend to push this idea that there's an alliance between Christians and Jews are people who hate both Judaism and Christianity, but their reasons for hating each religion are very different from one another. They want to kind of tie their dislike of each group together, but there is no common reason for why they dislike those groups. Their reasons are completely different.
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