Why does God allow evil, suffering, injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering & injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Neo »

Mercury wrote:
September 12th, 2020, 1:58 am
Neo wrote:
September 6th, 2020, 2:59 pm
Mercury wrote:
September 3rd, 2020, 6:31 pm

Sadly, Adam and Eve succumbed to temptation and ate of the exact tree that God told them not to eat from, the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And how easy it was for Eve to have said to that serpent; "Actually, the fruit of that tree over there looks just as ripe and delicious as the fruit of this tree, so I think I will go try the fruit of that tree over there." And equally easy for her to have gone and eaten possibly of the Tree of Life even. But no. They just had to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and destroy it all for us.

God allows evil, suffering, and injustice to exist on the Earth because it's part of man's penalty for eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And now the world is practically about on the verge of a global dictatorship and a war so violent and out of control that only Jesus will be capable of halting it before it causes the complete, total extinction of the entire human race.
Now each person gets to prove who he or she is to God by his or her own works, whether the person is good or evil, and their eternal reward will be according to that.
In the Garden of Eden, there was but one commandment to obey. No eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. No thanks to Adam and Eve, we have close to 1,700 commandments and rules that have to be perfectly followed, and the only people who will make it into Heaven either at their death or at the Rapture are those who have not sinned since the last time all of their sins were forgiven. And with close to 1,700 rules and commandments, you don't even know if you sinned or not! Almost nobody can memorize all 1,667 individual rules, even the 613 commands that were in the Mosaic law.
Sorry to say, my friend, but you've forgotten the whole purpose of Jesus Christ. Work salvation people deny Jesus, by saying their eternal salvation is by them keeping the commandments. They make themselves their own saviors (and their own God) through their works, meaning they trust in themselves and have rejected Christ by doing so.

The whole reason why Jesus came to earth was to save people from their sins, because God foreknew that nobody can keep the entirely of the commandments in perfection, except for Himself. That's why He came.

There's a twofold purpose (there's more but two concerning salvation) of Jesus Christ on earth:

1. Was to keep the commandments in perfection from birth until death. He did that for us. Meaning He was perfect for us and kept the commandments for us.
2. He died for the sins we actually commit.

All a person has to do is believe in Jesus, and God will ascribe (or account) the righteousness of Christ onto that person for the purpose of eternal salvation.

That was the purpose of the Messiah: to save humanity from their sins.

Anyone who believes that they can save themselves by keeping the commandments is mistaken.

You need to absorb the verses that say that salvation is by belief/faith alone. Also read Acts 10 until it sinks in.

Also Read 1 John and Jesus in the NT. The commandments can be summed up by loving God with all your heart, and by loving your neighbor as yourself.

For those who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, their sins are covered past, present and future. Read the first few verses of Romans 4 where it says that sins will not be imputed.
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering & injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
April 21st, 2011, 1:43 am
Now, we all know that there are billions of people suffering in the world, most of whom are innocent, both now and throughout history. And we all know that evil sociopaths often go unpunished and attain positions of power more often than good people do (since power attracts evil rather than good). Therefore, it is logically impossible for there to be a God who is both all-powerful and all-good, as the Christians claim, and yet allows all this to be so. Logically, such a deity would not allow the suffering of billions of innocent people throughout history, nor allow evil sociopaths to constantly attain the majority of positions of power and go unpunished (while the good die young). There is no escape from this dilemma.
A philosopher said that a good God can allow evil if He has a good reason (not an exact quote from van Inwagen). In the Bible, Joseph's brothers are envious of him and throw him in a pit and sell him off as a slave. Through a series of events, he becomes second in command in Egypt. Later, when he reveals himself to his brothers who have gone to Egypt to buy grain, he tells them what they meant for evil, God meant for good to bring about a great deliverance. Some people may not like that, but it does show that the problem of evil is not some kind of logical problem with Christianity...or Judaism for that manner.

Christianity also teaches that God grows and develops people through suffering and difficulties.

Also, thinking of God as a set of 'omnis' and using logical syllogisms is also problematic. I have even encountered the idea that God does not have emotions. This is based on folk etymology about the etymology of 'emotions', possibly combined with some Platonic thought, but it is not in line with the Bible's teachings. God has intelligence and a will. He is not a set of logical propositions.

If we assume God created some beings with free will (a proposition Christians are not all in agreement on) then it stands to reason that some beings could will to do things opposed to God's will. Opposing what God has decreed is sin. Sin is evil. If we accept the idea that there is free will, we should accept the idea that evil can exist. There is no logical reason to think that God could not wait for a period of time before eliminating those who do evil if He has a good reason for doing so.
To put this in perspective:

1) Billions of innocent people are suffering in the world, both now and throughout history.
The Bible says that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There are billions of guilty people on the earth suffering in various ways.
2) Evil is allowed to exist, run rampant, and attain positions of power in the majority of cases, more often than good virtuous people do.
3) God is all-powerful and all-good, yet allows #1 and #2 to exist, both now and throughout history.
God has appointed a day at which He will judge all men by the Man that He has chosen.
All three of the
5) God is nothing like what you think he is, or is something beyond your comprehension.
6) God lets suffering and evil exist for reasons beyond your comprehension, and/or does not have the same morals that you do. Thus he does not do what you would do if you were him.
If 'you' means the person raising these objections, then 6 is obviously true. The idea that God is beyond our comprehension is also a good point. The Bible asks Who has known the mind of the Lord that He may instruct Him?
7) God needs to allow both good and evil to exist for the universe to exist, because all things are defined by their opposite and cannot exist without it, as depicted in the Chinese ying yang symbol.
No, and that explanation does not seem to have a root in Biblical thought.
The standard Christian explanation for the above makes no sense at all and is a ridiculous cop-out:

"God allows evil and suffering to exist in the world because Man chose to Sin in the Garden of Eden. God gave Man freewill, and Mankind chose Sin. Hence death, pain, decay and evil entered into the world. God is 100 percent just and righteous, so all this is Mankind's fault, not God's. It says so in the Bible."
If you get your 'standard Christian response' from some posters on the Internet, maybe that is what you get. But you will likely find different arguments by people who have studied who have thought these issues through.

The Bible also shows that God prepares the church through suffering. A lot of this stuff that is going on is so that God can prepare the church, the body of believers, for the future. He is preparing a bride for His Son made up of those who are redeemed through faith in the Son. The sufferings of this world prepare the saints for the coming age. Through the church, God also demonstrates His wisdom to principalities and powers, which I take to mean non-human intelligent entities, popularly known as angels. Some of them may have been a bit rebellious and could possibly have been worshipped as gods in past ages, (or all those may be exclusively be shedim/demon spirits).
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering & injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Mercury »

Neo wrote:
September 12th, 2020, 4:54 am
Mercury wrote:
September 12th, 2020, 1:58 am
Neo wrote:
September 6th, 2020, 2:59 pm
Mercury wrote:
September 3rd, 2020, 6:31 pm

Sadly, Adam and Eve succumbed to temptation and ate of the exact tree that God told them not to eat from, the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And how easy it was for Eve to have said to that serpent; "Actually, the fruit of that tree over there looks just as ripe and delicious as the fruit of this tree, so I think I will go try the fruit of that tree over there." And equally easy for her to have gone and eaten possibly of the Tree of Life even. But no. They just had to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and destroy it all for us.

God allows evil, suffering, and injustice to exist on the Earth because it's part of man's penalty for eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And now the world is practically about on the verge of a global dictatorship and a war so violent and out of control that only Jesus will be capable of halting it before it causes the complete, total extinction of the entire human race.
Now each person gets to prove who he or she is to God by his or her own works, whether the person is good or evil, and their eternal reward will be according to that.
In the Garden of Eden, there was but one commandment to obey. No eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. No thanks to Adam and Eve, we have close to 1,700 commandments and rules that have to be perfectly followed, and the only people who will make it into Heaven either at their death or at the Rapture are those who have not sinned since the last time all of their sins were forgiven. And with close to 1,700 rules and commandments, you don't even know if you sinned or not! Almost nobody can memorize all 1,667 individual rules, even the 613 commands that were in the Mosaic law.
Sorry to say, my friend, but you've forgotten the whole purpose of Jesus Christ. Work salvation people deny Jesus, by saying their eternal salvation is by them keeping the commandments. They make themselves their own saviors (and their own God) through their works, meaning they trust in themselves and have rejected Christ by doing so.

The whole reason why Jesus came to earth was to save people from their sins, because God foreknew that nobody can keep the entirely of the commandments in perfection, except for Himself. That's why He came.

There's a twofold purpose (there's more but two concerning salvation) of Jesus Christ on earth:

1. Was to keep the commandments in perfection from birth until death. He did that for us. Meaning He was perfect for us and kept the commandments for us.
2. He died for the sins we actually commit.

All a person has to do is believe in Jesus, and God will ascribe (or account) the righteousness of Christ onto that person for the purpose of eternal salvation.

That was the purpose of the Messiah: to save humanity from their sins.

Anyone who believes that they can save themselves by keeping the commandments is mistaken.

You need to absorb the verses that say that salvation is by belief/faith alone. Also read Acts 10 until it sinks in.

Also Read 1 John and Jesus in the NT. The commandments can be summed up by loving God with all your heart, and by loving your neighbor as yourself.

For those who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, their sins are covered past, present and future. Read the first few verses of Romans 4 where it says that sins will not be imputed.
Then why are there people and preachers that say that in order to enter Heaven and stay out of Hell, a person has to believe in Jesus AND perfectly keep all 1,667 commandments? There are even street preachers with huge signs and bullhorns that tell you that in order to stay out of Hell, you need to believe Jesus died for your sins AND you need to perfectly keep all 1,667 commandments (Matthew 5:48). They say that even demons believe in Jesus and they know Jesus exists, but yet they will never get out of Hell. Same with people already in there.

And even Jesus said to go down the narrow path and that the path to Hell is broad and wide and many are on it.
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering & injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Neo »

Mercury wrote:
September 15th, 2020, 7:32 pm
Neo wrote:
September 12th, 2020, 4:54 am
Mercury wrote:
September 12th, 2020, 1:58 am
Neo wrote:
September 6th, 2020, 2:59 pm
Mercury wrote:
September 3rd, 2020, 6:31 pm

Sadly, Adam and Eve succumbed to temptation and ate of the exact tree that God told them not to eat from, the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And how easy it was for Eve to have said to that serpent; "Actually, the fruit of that tree over there looks just as ripe and delicious as the fruit of this tree, so I think I will go try the fruit of that tree over there." And equally easy for her to have gone and eaten possibly of the Tree of Life even. But no. They just had to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and destroy it all for us.

God allows evil, suffering, and injustice to exist on the Earth because it's part of man's penalty for eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. And now the world is practically about on the verge of a global dictatorship and a war so violent and out of control that only Jesus will be capable of halting it before it causes the complete, total extinction of the entire human race.
Now each person gets to prove who he or she is to God by his or her own works, whether the person is good or evil, and their eternal reward will be according to that.
In the Garden of Eden, there was but one commandment to obey. No eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. No thanks to Adam and Eve, we have close to 1,700 commandments and rules that have to be perfectly followed, and the only people who will make it into Heaven either at their death or at the Rapture are those who have not sinned since the last time all of their sins were forgiven. And with close to 1,700 rules and commandments, you don't even know if you sinned or not! Almost nobody can memorize all 1,667 individual rules, even the 613 commands that were in the Mosaic law.
Sorry to say, my friend, but you've forgotten the whole purpose of Jesus Christ. Work salvation people deny Jesus, by saying their eternal salvation is by them keeping the commandments. They make themselves their own saviors (and their own God) through their works, meaning they trust in themselves and have rejected Christ by doing so.

The whole reason why Jesus came to earth was to save people from their sins, because God foreknew that nobody can keep the entirely of the commandments in perfection, except for Himself. That's why He came.

There's a twofold purpose (there's more but two concerning salvation) of Jesus Christ on earth:

1. Was to keep the commandments in perfection from birth until death. He did that for us. Meaning He was perfect for us and kept the commandments for us.
2. He died for the sins we actually commit.

All a person has to do is believe in Jesus, and God will ascribe (or account) the righteousness of Christ onto that person for the purpose of eternal salvation.

That was the purpose of the Messiah: to save humanity from their sins.

Anyone who believes that they can save themselves by keeping the commandments is mistaken.

You need to absorb the verses that say that salvation is by belief/faith alone. Also read Acts 10 until it sinks in.

Also Read 1 John and Jesus in the NT. The commandments can be summed up by loving God with all your heart, and by loving your neighbor as yourself.

For those who believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, their sins are covered past, present and future. Read the first few verses of Romans 4 where it says that sins will not be imputed.
Then why are there people and preachers that say that in order to enter Heaven and stay out of Hell, a person has to believe in Jesus AND perfectly keep all 1,667 commandments? There are even street preachers with huge signs and bullhorns that tell you that in order to stay out of Hell, you need to believe Jesus died for your sins AND you need to perfectly keep all 1,667 commandments (Matthew 5:48). They say that even demons believe in Jesus and they know Jesus exists, but yet they will never get out of Hell. Same with people already in there.

And even Jesus said to go down the narrow path and that the path to Hell is broad and wide and many are on it.
Because they are simply mistaken. There are many delusions that can keep someone from being saved. Work salvation (same as faith + works) is one of them.

Either a person is saved by faith alone or by works, but not both. They cannot be combined for salvation. Work salvation is the person saying that he is his own Christ or Messiah, meaning that he himself is as righteous as God to keep the commandments in perfection. Anyone should be able to see, to keep the commandments with the perfection of Christ from birth to death is something that only God can do. All other people who cannot perform such a feat only need to believe in Jesus and His works.

Work salvation is like trying to build a ladder to heaven. It is simply impossible. This is the whole reason why Jesus had to be Savior. If a person could save himself by keeping the commandments, then there would have been no need for Christ to die for our sins. There'd be no reason for a Messiah at all. Each person would be his own messiah. (That is the Satanic doctrine by the way, that each person is his own redeemer.)

God made salvation very simple, because He wants everyone to be saved. There is simplicity in Christ. Believe and be saved, because those who don't believe are under wrath.

As for the angels believing, since when did Christ die for angels? Jesus died for humans, not for angels.

Also, once a person is dead and in hell, it's over for them. The chance to be saved is while the person is alive, not after death.

Works are not to be trusted in for salvation. Only trusting in Christ is what brings salvation. If you still can't see this, go to any thread in the religious section started by Adama or Neo and read there.

Read Romans 3 and 4. It's staring you right in the face.
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering & injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Neo »

Mercury wrote:
September 15th, 2020, 7:32 pm

Then why are there people and preachers that say that in order to enter Heaven and stay out of Hell, a person has to believe in Jesus AND perfectly keep all 1,667 commandments? There are even street preachers with huge signs and bullhorns that tell you that in order to stay out of Hell, you need to believe Jesus died for your sins AND you need to perfectly keep all 1,667 commandments (Matthew 5:48). They say that even demons believe in Jesus and they know Jesus exists, but yet they will never get out of Hell. Same with people already in there.

And even Jesus said to go down the narrow path and that the path to Hell is broad and wide and many are on it.
Romans 9
30 What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith.

31 But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness.

32 Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone;

Either by grace through faith alone, or by works, but not both:
Romans 11:6

6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

Romans 3:20-28
King James Version

20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.

21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:

23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.

27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.

28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

There are many salvation by faith alone verses. A person just needs to actually read them.
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering & injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Winston »

Why does God usually allow evil to win?

I think God is both good and evil. Like Hinduism says and pantheism. Its the only theory that makes sense and why he would allow Satan. Because Satan is just an alter ego of god. His dark side so to speak. He has to create another entity to take all the blame for the worlds evil and suffering. Otherwise people will not worship a God that they blame for everything and all their misfortune. It makes sense if u think about it. If we are all fragments of God as new age, hinduism, mysticism and pantheism say, then the evil people are just God's evil side or dark side playing out some sick twisted game and we are all fools for not seeing it. It makes sense if u think about it. The universe and life seems like its toying with us and playing mind games and enjoys ruining our expectations. That also explains murphys law which defies normal probability.
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering & injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Neo »

Winston wrote:
January 13th, 2021, 1:33 am
Why does God usually allow evil to win?

I think God is both good and evil. Like Hinduism says and pantheism. Its the only theory that makes sense and why he would allow Satan. Because Satan is just an alter ego of god. His dark side so to speak. He has to create another entity to take all the blame for the worlds evil and suffering. Otherwise people will not worship a God that they blame for everything and all their misfortune. It makes sense if u think about it. If we are all fragments of God as new age, hinduism, mysticism and pantheism say, then the evil people are just God's evil side or dark side playing out some sick twisted game and we are all fools for not seeing it. It makes sense if u think about it. The universe and life seems like its toying with us and playing mind games and enjoys ruining our expectations. That also explains murphys law which defies normal probability.
Nobody ever said that life was going to be all candy and roses, Winston. Remember, death has entered the world, and this world is no longer the final destination for humanity.

There is a war going on. That is a prolonged battle between good and evil. Everyone must choose which side they want to be on.

God's commandments prove that He is holy: Do not steal, murder, bear false witness; love thy neighbor as thyself. These demonstrate the righteousness and purity of God. Also, dying for the sins of sinners also proves how much He loves humanity. Also forgiveness of sins proves His love for humanity.

There will be much suffering in this life, however, even for the righteous and those who live godly lives. It is a part of the warfare between good and evil. Those people who choose evil will have their evil deeds witness against them when they are judged.

Also for the saved who suffer, God is able to reward them many times more in eternity for it.

I thought you had been a Christian before.
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering, injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Winston »

Why bad things happen to good people, according to Kemetic Science, or Ancient African Spirituality.

Why did bad things happen to good people was a huge question I used to wonder as a Christian. We were taught that God would show us favor if we lived a righteous life. But it didn't work out that way for anyone that I knew. So it made me question. I researched for years to finally come up with an answer to this question that lies with ancient Kemetic science.

Comment I posted:

Bro this doesn't make sense. If I was an actor I'd only pick interesting roles with interesting lives. I would not choose a role where you die young of malnutrition in a third world country. Like many do in the Philippines. No one in the world would choose that. Would you? Also, most people's lives are very mundane and uninteresting and consists of the routine of work only. Especially in Asia. Nothing dramatic like in the movies. Who would want that? No one would choose that. That's why no movie shows mundane lives only with nothing happening. No one would watch a movie where nothing happens.
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering, injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Winston »

Very simple question:

Isn't the creator responsible for both good and evil in his creation? That's what Hinduism says. It makes sense. Kind of like how an author or movie director creates good and bad characters, heros and villains, in their story to make the drama interesting. This makes much more sense than the Christian model that claims God did nothing wrong and blames everything on Satan and the Fall in the Garden of Eden, which makes no sense. Eating a forbidden fruit is trivial, like getting a parking ticket. It doesn't explain why the world is messed up. That's like saying the world is messed up because I stubbed my toe or got a parking ticket. It makes no sense. Saying that we have to repent for what Adam and Eve did is like saying that we should repent to Bill Gates and ask him to save us when he is the one who made all the flaws in Windows software. It's totally absurd and makes no sense. Everyone knows the Creator is responsible for everything in creation, just like Bill Gates is responsible for everything good and bad in Microsoft software, just like an author is responsible for everything in their book, and a playwright is responsible for everything in their play. This is very simple logic, but Christians never get this.
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering, injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Winston »

Eric Dubay on the existence of evil.

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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering, injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Winston »

If anyone wants to hear the Christian perspective about why God allows evil and bad things to happen, here is a video by Kirk Cameron (star of Growing Pains) where he explains how the book of Genesis answers this question. He is a brainwashed fundamentalist who assumes Christianity is absolute truth. Download link below.

The death of his 15-year-old friend sparks Kirk Cameron to address the question of why bad things happen to good people. Through storytelling and dramatizations, Cameron goes back to the Book of Genesis to uncover the origins of evil and sin.


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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering, injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Winston »

@Lucas88 and @Pixel--Dude what's your take on this thread?

The thing is, if you think about it, God probably isn't all that powerful like Christians imagine. The reason is simple: If a God needs people to write his books for him and cannot write the Bible himself, then he cannot be that powerful. He only wants you to THINK he is so you will obey him and serve him and let him use you. If he needs PEOPLE to do his work for him, then he is dependent on people, like a parasite dependent on hosts to do their bidding and spread its religion. After all, why would an all powerful God without limits NEED people to believe in him and convert to his religion, like a virus needs new hosts? It doesn't make sense if you think about it.

If you look up the science of memes and memetics, it says that beliefs and ideas are like viruses. Once they infect people, they try to spread like viruses do. That's why people feel a need to spread their beliefs and convert others, especially Christians. They think they are trying to "save souls" but in reality they are trying to spread their memes because they are like viruses that have infected them and need to infect more hosts, because that's what viruses do. However, those of eastern religions like Buddhists or Hindus do not seem to have the need to convert others, so perhaps their religions are more holistic and natural, so they are not like memes or viruses that seek to spread?

Same with the "Law of One" New Age books. If 6th dimensional spiritual ascended masters cannot write books themselves without asking people to write it for them via "channeling", then these spiritual masters cannot be all powerful and need people to do their work for them. Or at least they have limits in what they can do. They are not like Q in Star Trek: The Next Generation who can manifest anything at any time out of nothing. So deities in real life appear to have severe limits. Unlike the powerful characters in Star Trek and other fiction shows.

In fact, the Christian God cannot even seem to violate the laws of physics, only bend them. Because even in the case of documented miracles or answered prayers, there are limits. For example, God may reverse cancer or heal broken bones or eliminate a disease, but he cannot regrow a limb or do something drastic that involves changing the structure of matter like powerful beings do in sci fi or fantasy shows, such as the Firestorm character in the Superfriends cartoons. So even divine miracles appear to have severe limits. Not all powerful as Christians assume. This means that it's not true that "God can do anything" as Christians claim.

I would further posit that the reason why God can't simply heal every sick child (as asked in the movie "Miracles from Heaven") is the same reason why a casino cannot let everyone win the jackpot. The resources are limited and the casino would be broke if it allowed everyone to win. But it has to allow some people to win of course to keep the dream alive and make the system look real, othewise no one would believe in it. Likewise, religion has to produce some miracles to keep believers in the fold, so they can be parasited off since we are all batteries in a loosh farm anyway. If true, then this of course means the forces behind Christianity have limited resources and need us to provide energy to their egregore or system. It's all about control and manipulation. And of course every religion has to give you some spiritual truth, or else no one would be drawn in.

If you were lost in a forest for example, and asked the Christian God for help because you have pledged your loyalty and commitment to him, he may send some rescuer to find you and guide that person to you so you can be rescued. But he cannot simply teleport you to safety like the Star Trek transporters could do. That seems beyond his capability. Hence he cannot be all powerful as Christians presume.

So you see, it seems that God is merely a force in the universe, like electricity or energy, which is what Pantheists, Hindus and ancient esoteric Mystery Schools say. Even Einstein said that God was like a force in the universe, not a personable entity. Either way, even if God is an entity, he or she does not appear to be an all powerful deity or entity who can do anything like Christians imagine, like Q in Star Trek: The Next Generation. The real God or Gods seem to have to work within the natural laws of physics. They cannot do whatever they want. Hence, they are merely natural forces that can help you or influence people and events, but cannot do anything without limits, like religious people imagine. Perhaps they get off on making people like Christians think they are all powerful, in order to control them and feed off them, when in actuality they are not all powerful.

All this makes sense if you think about it for a while, and even becomes obvious if you apply basic logic. What do you all think?
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering, injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Lucas88 »

Winston wrote:
May 25th, 2022, 3:46 am
@Lucas88 and @Pixel--Dude what's your take on this thread?
My view of God is like the Hindu concept of Brahman - a transcendental supreme being of pure consciousness which creates material worlds and then partitions a part of itself into many individuated fragments so that it may experience dualistic reality and thereby evolve, always looking to push the limits of its own creativity. This supreme being is much more impersonal than the monotheistic concept of God. Rather than being a creator separate from his creation and able to intervene in its workings, the supreme being is both the creator and the creation itself and the world is part of its great body of life. As such it follows the rules of physics that it has put in place itself and cannot simply intervene abruptly. Despite this I believe that Brahman is benevolent because Brahman created the world for life and evolution of consciousness. Sometimes life is hard because of the duality of material reality and the concomitant pain and suffering but if it weren't for this dualistic creation of Brahman our souls wouldn't be able to experience life or evolve at all.

However, I'm not going to insult anybody's intelligence by asserting that the evil that we witness in the world today is a lesson for our soul's growth as the New Age does nor I'm I going to give you some lame talk about original sin or karma or humanity deserving to suffer. The level of suffering on Earth is just too extreme. There's something seriously wrong with this place.

I am of the view that "god" (in the biblical sense) allows all of this suffering and injustice to happen because he himself is a malevolent impostor and psychopath who engineered all of the suffering in the first place. Yahweh is not really God in the sense of Brahman or the Transcendental Absolute. He is simply one of many lesser beings who imposed his will on our planet after his victory in the war against Enki and the original gods of humanity (the Watchers of the Book of Enoch) and who now masquerades as the creator of the universe. But how did such a negative being come into being? I think that Yahweh and his faction in a distant eon long before humanity's birth strayed too far into the dark side of duality through greed and love for power and conquest and corrupted themselves as a result. They became like a virus of evil and infected our part of the cosmos once they managed to take over it. Now they lord over this planet from the shadows like feudal dictators and see this place as their playground. Not only have they remade the world in their own perverse image by turning life into a cold and heartless struggle for wealth and power but they have also created many different false religions and ideologies as well as warlike kingdoms which they pit against one another presumably for their own fun and entertainment. They do all of this at our expense. Our souls are the real victims of their perverse games.

The above is why I believe that the world is so messed up despite the existence of a benevolent divine source. It has been cut off from the true divinity by a demented and psychopathic impostor known as Yahweh.

The Gnostics had a similar knowledge of this 2000 years ago. They understood that Yaldabaoth (Yahweh) was a demonic entity who had deceived the world and instead recognized a higher divine source above and beyond him. However, the Gnostics were wiped out by the Catholic Church in the 4th century.

Hindus also recognize a variety of gods in the polytheistic sense who are all created beings and therefore subordinate to Brahman in the hierarchy of being. They are roughly divided into Devas who have sided with good (e.g., Shiva) and Asuras who have sided with evil (e.g., Vritra). It is the Asuras who rule over the world of Kali Yuga. They have filled the world with their own darkness. Yahweh is simply an Asura. He is one of these lesser gods who have rebelled against the true cosmic order of Brahman and transformed our planet into his own perverse little dictatorship. He and his clique are the architects of Kali Yuga.

What is ironic is that Yahweh accused "Satan" of having rebelled against the divine order when in reality it is Yahweh who rebelled against the true Supreme Being.
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering, injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Winston wrote:
May 25th, 2022, 3:46 am
@Lucas88 and @Pixel--Dude what's your take on this thread?

The thing is, if you think about it, God probably isn't all that powerful like Christians imagine. The reason is simple: If a God needs people to write his books for him and cannot write the Bible himself, then he cannot be that powerful. He only wants you to THINK he is so you will obey him and serve him and let him use you. If he needs PEOPLE to do his work for him, then he is dependent on people, like a parasite dependent on hosts to do their bidding and spread its religion. After all, why would an all powerful God without limits NEED people to believe in him and convert to his religion, like a virus needs new hosts? It doesn't make sense if you think about it.

If you look up the science of memes and memetics, it says that beliefs and ideas are like viruses. Once they infect people, they try to spread like viruses do. That's why people feel a need to spread their beliefs and convert others, especially Christians. They think they are trying to "save souls" but in reality they are trying to spread their memes because they are like viruses that have infected them and need to infect more hosts, because that's what viruses do. However, those of eastern religions like Buddhists or Hindus do not seem to have the need to convert others, so perhaps their religions are more holistic and natural, so they are not like memes or viruses that seek to spread?

Same with the "Law of One" New Age books. If 6th dimensional spiritual ascended masters cannot write books themselves without asking people to write it for them via "channeling", then these spiritual masters cannot be all powerful and need people to do their work for them. Or at least they have limits in what they can do. They are not like Q in Star Trek: The Next Generation who can manifest anything at any time out of nothing. So deities in real life appear to have severe limits. Unlike the powerful characters in Star Trek and other fiction shows.

In fact, the Christian God cannot even seem to violate the laws of physics, only bend them. Because even in the case of documented miracles or answered prayers, there are limits. For example, God may reverse cancer or heal broken bones or eliminate a disease, but he cannot regrow a limb or do something drastic that involves changing the structure of matter like powerful beings do in sci fi or fantasy shows, such as the Firestorm character in the Superfriends cartoons. So even divine miracles appear to have severe limits. Not all powerful as Christians assume. This means that it's not true that "God can do anything" as Christians claim.

I would further posit that the reason why God can't simply heal every sick child (as asked in the movie "Miracles from Heaven") is the same reason why a casino cannot let everyone win the jackpot. The resources are limited and the casino would be broke if it allowed everyone to win. But it has to allow some people to win of course to keep the dream alive and make the system look real, othewise no one would believe in it. Likewise, religion has to produce some miracles to keep believers in the fold, so they can be parasited off since we are all batteries in a loosh farm anyway. If true, then this of course means the forces behind Christianity have limited resources and need us to provide energy to their egregore or system. It's all about control and manipulation. And of course every religion has to give you some spiritual truth, or else no one would be drawn in.

If you were lost in a forest for example, and asked the Christian God for help because you have pledged your loyalty and commitment to him, he may send some rescuer to find you and guide that person to you so you can be rescued. But he cannot simply teleport you to safety like the Star Trek transporters could do. That seems beyond his capability. Hence he cannot be all powerful as Christians presume.

So you see, it seems that God is merely a force in the universe, like electricity or energy, which is what Pantheists, Hindus and ancient esoteric Mystery Schools say. Even Einstein said that God was like a force in the universe, not a personable entity. Either way, even if God is an entity, he or she does not appear to be an all powerful deity or entity who can do anything like Christians imagine, like Q in Star Trek: The Next Generation. The real God or Gods seem to have to work within the natural laws of physics. They cannot do whatever they want. Hence, they are merely natural forces that can help you or influence people and events, but cannot do anything without limits, like religious people imagine. Perhaps they get off on making people like Christians think they are all powerful, in order to control them and feed off them, when in actuality they are not all powerful.

All this makes sense if you think about it for a while, and even becomes obvious if you apply basic logic. What do you all think?
I think suffering is just the extreme of one end of the same value as its opposite. Like heat and cold or pleasure and pain. These things are all the same thing but just polar opposites. On a thermometer there is no point where hot becomes cold or vice versa. They are simply the same. Such duality has to exist so that we can experience these things and grow from them. We naturally seek pleasure and avoid pain. But that doesn't necessarily mean things like pain and suffering are evil. We think they are evil because we don't like them.

The natural world is a harsh place, nature is brutal and sometimes seemingly cruel. But at the same time nature provides us with everything we need to survive and thrive. Look at what cities we can build, what marvels we can create from resources provided to us by the great Lady Life. I personally believe this is why psychedelics exist so we can be shown the divine and the basis of all reality which is spirit. I have seen amazing things and experienced interesting insights through the use of entheogenic plants such as mushrooms. Such things are a gift.

One Such insight I experienced as I saw a being made from light which radiated benevolence and love was about suffering. She told me that people CAN grow from suffering, but it is not conducive. It is much more beneficial to grow from positive experiences rather than negative ones. So I do not believe an intelligent creator God/Goddess such as Lady Life/All/Brahman is completely indifferent to suffering, and I believe a process is being undertaken to correct the wrongs committed by Yahweh and his allies. This process may take several years as direct intervention could severely disrupt the creation and the laws of the physical world. Not to say she CAN'T or WON'T intervene, but rather there is a method in which to correct the anomaly which our planet has become. To us we perceive that a God or Goddess is absent and does not intervene because they are indifferent to our suffering, but we have to try to understand that our lives and the last thousand years of suffering are but a speck on the timeline of the existence of the cosmos.

Yahweh is different to the Life in the sense that he is a physical entity within the creation who directly interacts with people on Earth, has his angels retrieve people and bring them to his kingdom in the heavens (space). If he was truly the creator of everything as he claims he would literally be everywhere and everything as Lucas88 explained about Brahman in a previous post. Yahweh is our enemy. There can be no mistake. He takes credit for the works of Brahman and in my opinion i believe he wishes to usurp the Life, strangle her by preventing her evolution through the stultification of her lifeforms and their spirituality. I do not believe we are the only planet that is part of his matrix. I perceived in a psychedelic experience that there are others. And he gloated about how he came and conquered all of them!

Shiva will destroy Yahweh in time I believe. And tear down the veils of illusion. He will free our minds and correct the wrongs Yahweh has committed. I think the reptilians already turn on Yahweh as they are trying to remove the Abrahamic Religions which give praise and credit to Yahweh/Allah and replace them with things like Atheism or New Age philosophy where these reptilians can pose as Pleidians and "Ascended Masters".
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Re: Why does God allow evil, suffering, injustice to exist, and bad things to happen to good people?

Post by Winston »


I agree with you that Gnosticism makes the most sense and fits the data best. Whoever runs this world cannot be that great. Unless the collective consciousness of everyone here runs the world.

So the reason why Brahma or the highest God, doesn't come and rescue this world from evil, is that he cannot? That would explain a lot. There is no reason to believe that Brahma must be all powerful. He probably has to work within rules and principles too. It's not like he can just snap his fingers and fix everything. Maybe it's like one of your organs in your body is defective, but you can't just go in and destroy it because it's a part of you, so you have to work with it to try to heal it or treat it. But you can't fix it with the snap of your fingers, even if you are at the top of the pyramid? That's the only way to make sense of it.

Do you think Yahweh is an alien? If he has bad character then how did he evolve to become a deity? Don't you have to be good to evolve up into a deity? Or is he an immortal being with advanced ET technology, but not a deity? Does Yahweh rule India and China too? Or just the western world? Does he rule non-Christian countries too? So he is the Demiurge?

Who do you think sent Jesus? Did he exist? Was he sent by Brahma?

What about the Sophia myth in Gnosticism? Was Sophia a real goddess? What happened to her? Did she become the Earth itself? That's what John Lamb Lash said, but his interpretation of Gnosticism is way off and different from other Gnostics. I don't know how credible he is, but he sounds kinda arrogant in his podcasts. So I am wary of his views. What do you think? I've never understood how if Sophia is the mother of the Demiurge, why she can't discipline him like a mother disciplining her baby? The Gnostics don't address that.
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