New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

I don't understand something. We do not have control over most things in life as we all know, so how can we be "creating our own reality" as New Agers always claim? Isn't that an obvious contradiction? Ancient people always said that our fate is up to the gods, not us, so this "we create our own reality" concept is a modern new age concept, it's not part of ancient wisdom. That's what New Agers never tell you. The ancients believed in seeking inner peace and endurance and gaining the favor of the gods, they never said that you can create your own reality with your thoughts. That's a modern invention and myth. All New Agers have bought into it, even though they call themselves freethinkers. Go figure.

Here's an example of what I mean. Below New Age speaker Dolores Cannon talks about how we create our own reality and that there are no limitations except for the limitations you put on yourself. Why do Americans and New Agers accept this uncritically?

Excuse me. What's the evidence that there are no limitations? Belief isn't going to let you walk through walls or fly off a building. We all know that. So this makes no sense and doesn't fit what we see and experience in common sense reality. Just because a few people have beaten the odds doesn't mean that anything is possible and that most people can accomplish the impossible. The truth is most people will never achieve their dreams or become rich or find their soulmate, so they have to settle. As the saying goes "You get what you need, not what you want." This is the case with most people, only a small percentage of people become rich or achieve their dreams or find their soulmate. This is the stark reality that New Agers always try to hide from you. All we can do is find inner peace and let go of our attachments and lower our expectations and live a more simple minimalist lifestyle. The good news that no one is telling you (except me) is that we can move to a better country abroad where we can have more freedom, a lower cost of living, healthier lifestyle and social connection. (e.g. Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, SE Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe) Leaving America will make your life a lot better, freer, healthier and more authentic. This is the REAL achievable solution that all New Agers are hiding from you and won't even touch for some unknown reason.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Email I sent to Matt regarding the Observer Effect that New Age quantum physics and metaphysics always mentions:

Hey Matt,
I been meaning to ask you something major. You mentioned the "tree falling in the forest with no one hearing it fall" analogy a number of times in your videos. I think you are referring to the "Observer Effect" in quantum physics and New Age metaphysics, where reality doesn't exist unless being perceived. Right? It's always cited as being proven by the double slit photon experiment in New Age/metaphysical videos. It seems to say that matter collapses into nothing but a quantum soup unless there is an observer. Like a video game, unless it's on the screen, it doesn't exist.

However, I have an obvious question about that that none of the New Agers have addressed or even asked. I don't get why, because it's SUPER OBVIOUS! Again, this makes me wonder if everyone is an NPC but me? Here's the obvious question: If nothing exists unless perceived, then how come:

1. If you step on a banana peel, you will still slip on it even if you don't see it?
2. If you walk backwards in a room without looking behind you, you will still HIT the solid WALL behind you and not pass through it? Just because you don't perceive the wall, doesn't mean it's not there right? If that were so, you could easily pass through the wall in your room by simply walking backwards and not looking at the wall behind you.
3. If you turn your back toward an avalanche, the avalanche will still hit you and bury you even though you don't see it.
4. If I stood behind you and threw a ball at your back, with my eyes closed, the ball will still hit you even though neither of us are looking at it. Likewise, if I shoot you from behind with my eyes closed, the bullet will still hit you even though neither of us are looking at it, assuming I aimed properly of course.

Do you get what I mean? Why haven't any quantum physicists or New Agers addressed such obvious simple questions? And how come podcast hosts who talk to New Agers NEVER ask them these simple obvious questions?! Why is everyone so blind?! It's annoying when podcast interviewers never ask the obvious questions. Even Art Bell and George Noory never ask these obvious questions. Very annoying.

Have you ever thought about this or noticed this? Isn't this the most obvious thing? If so, how come none of the top New Age quantum physicists addresses it? Because it debunks their observer effect claim?

Do you have any videos addressing this question? I been wondering about it for years. But no one has addressed it. Makes me wonder if everyone is a bot. How else can you explain it?!


PS - Sorry if I sound a bit intense. I'm kind of passionate and hot blooded, like Russians and Ukrainians are, that's why I fit in and vibed so naturally in those countries, unlike America and Taiwan which are now cold blooded and reptilian and incompatible with me.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

@Pixel--Dude and @Lucas88

Wow check out this British expat explain why he's happier abroad. He would fit right here with us in the forum. I sent him an email already. Below he talks about the new age deception with Chad of Open Your Reality Podcast. At about 7:00 he starts talking about why he left the UK for a happier life abroad. Then at 43:00 he explains why location matters a lot.

Question I posted to Tony:

But Tony. The term "new age" is almost a straw man now, because EVERYONE claims they are not new age, but then they go around and make new age statements like "we are all powerful, we create our own reality, we are gods" etc. It's almost like a scam. So when you say "new age" who do you mean, since everyone denies being new age themselves. lol

Tony, isn't the term "we are immensely powerful" a new age statement? The average person cannot even move a toothpick with their mind, so how can we be all powerful like Q from Star Trek: The Next Generation? Even academic psychic studies like Princeton's PEAR experiments conclude that the mind only has a MICROSCOPIC ability to influence reality, not all powerful ability like the Jedi in Star Wars. And even those with genuine telekinesis can only move small objects and paper psi wheels, not large objects like the Jedi do in Star Wars. So how can we be "immensely powerful" or "all powerful" like new agers claim? isn't that just new age claptrap to pander to the narcissistic American ego? What do you think Tony? How is it that those who claim not to be new age still make new age statements nonetheless?
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Kalinago »

@winston I have used subliminals successfully to attract women,gain confidence and changed my body without surgery.

Hooponopono also gave me results when I used it but most Americans are not on the energetic shabda vibration of a pure soul not because it's perfect but has benevolence and sincerity.

They thus will always clash with you because your energetic and shabdic aural frequency is out of place and your light blinds them because they're in a spiritual prison.

Amulets also work for sure even from enemy entities like kurukulla tibetan ones, kabbalah ones and Sufi ones for attraction from women.

I have used all of them and there is a huge difference.

Some people's aura also just attract good things,it's not thoughts but aura and shabda energy emanating from it and your subconscious does effect your aura.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Kalinago »

Some advanced siddhas and yogis have chit Shakti or manifestation ability to make reality exactely as they want.

But I don't know how to do this

@Lucas88 do you have any idea?

And how to make your aura attract love and good things?
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Lucas88 »

Kalinago wrote:
January 14th, 2023, 10:38 pm
Some advanced siddhas and yogis have chit Shakti or manifestation ability to make reality exactely as they want.

But I don't know how to do this

@Lucas88 do you have any idea?

And how to make your aura attract love and good things?
In order to be able to manifest desirable things in our lives we must develop our spiritual power. That involves strengthening our aura and opening our chakras. Most people have weak and dirtied auras and their chakras closed and barely functioning. This is because we have been robbed of all our true occult knowledge for so long and subjected to all kinds of harmful programs which weaken the aura or attack the chakras in the form of the deceptive religions and modern society in general. As a result most people have very little spiritual power. But if we do regular meditation with golden energy for the cleansing and strengthening of the aura and unblock and reopen all of the chakras through specific mantras (these are all taught on, we can restore our subtle anatomy to its original state and vastly increase our spiritual power. This of course requires months or years of consistent occult work. Often we suffer from dysfunctions in our material and emotional life because certain chakras are closed and malfunctioning. This can prevent us from manifesting what we need and desire. But once we open and restore the natural function of those affected chakras, our lives usually get better and we are more able to manifest our needs and desires.


Contrary to the BS taught by the New Age, most people have very little spiritual power and are disabled to some degree at the level of the occult anatomy. This is because they don't do any real occult practice. If a person doesn't meditate correctly or work to strengthen their aura and open their chakras, then no matter how spiritual they claim to be they'll never increase their spiritual power.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

I found this great channel called The Sanity Machine that is run by a very authentic freethinker who exposes all the BS in the new age and truther movements and targets specific truther channels too that are giving out too much BS. Like me, he mentions how most truthers just parrot BS and have a hive mind and are not freethinkers at all, but cult members.

His playlist of videos that parody Matt McKinley of Quantum of Conscience. Friggin hilarious. ... nzCM8U5Ask

Theme song of the truther sheep. lol

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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by josephty2 »

Winston wrote:
May 7th, 2014, 9:02 am
Have you noticed that gurus of the New Age/Personal Transformation movement such as Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Anthony Robbins, Bruce Lipton, etc. hold fallacious assumptions, such as:

1. People are the same everywhere. Location doesn't matter. Cultural differences are trivial and insignificant. Only your thoughts matter. If you change your thoughts, you will change your life and experiences. Thoughts create reality. (This is aka "The Law of Attraction" which has some truth to it but is greatly exaggerated by New Agers.)
2. No one is a victim. Your experiences are the result of your thoughts, attitude and choices. External factors are not to blame because they only mirror your own thoughts. You create your own reality. You draw and expand whatever you think about. Thus whatever happens to you is a result of what you create with your own mind and attitude.
3. Changing your location or environment will not solve your problems or change your experiences. The solution is to change yourself, work on yourself, and improve yourself. If you do, everything else will fall into place and align with your improved self.

These New Age teachings are greatly exaggerated and inaccurate in many ways. They defy common sense too. I can give many real life examples that do not fit into the precepts above. And I have in my article at:

What's more, none of these New Age principles can account for all the proof on my website of the MANY differences between America and most other countries described above. All the evidence I've collected over the years proves that LOCATION does matter, and that as in real estate, it's all about "location, location, location!" Thus this proves that these New Age precepts do not apply to many situations.

Of course, thoughts and attitudes do matter and have influence. But they do not have the unlimited God-like power that New Agers ascribe to them. And they do not control all the many factors in your external reality. In reality, some things are controllable and some things aren't. That's life. Everything is situational.

Also, it is not true that there are no victims. There are real victims in life who did not attract the bad things that happened to them with negative thoughts. For example, the passengers on the Titanic or on TWA Flight 800 did not die because of their negative thoughts or bad choices. They were simply unlucky. Many ships and planes operate everyday, and people cannot know when an accident like that would occurr.

The Native Americans were real victims as well. They lost their land to the Americans and their people were nearly wiped out, not because of their negative thoughts or beliefs, but because they were VICTIMS of more powerful aggressors, such as the US cavalry and their guns. Before the American colonization, these Native Americans were mostly living in harmony with nature and respected the land as sacred. Isn't that a good thing? If so, then how do New Agers explain what happened to them? They can't, so they don't even try.

So you see, there are real victims in life. I don't understand why New Agers deny this, as their ridiculous philosophies do not match with reality. Perhaps they are delusional and refuse to believe in an unjust universe, so they assign blame to the victims of misfortune. In doing so, they are very cruel.

These New Agers ought to read the Book of Job in the Old Testament Hebrew Bible. In the story, when Job lost everything, his peers used "New Age" victim-blaming logic and told Job that he must have sinned or done something wrong to deserve what happened to him, because God is a just God. It turned out they were wrong in the end, just as New Agers are wrong today to blame victims and claim that there are no victims.

New Agers also claim that if women reject you, then you must have low self-esteem, low confidence, or a negative attitude. Female New Agers are especially prone to do this. But this is ridiculous and doesn't make sense. In reality, women reject men who are not THEIR TYPE. But if you are her type and she is attracted to you, then you can be an asshole, dickhead, and be as negative as you want, yet she will still cling to you and come to you. If you are not her type, you can have many wonderful qualities, and she will still reject you, or she will "friend zone" you. That's how it works.

Confidence or self-esteem has very little to do with it. Confidence alone does not create attractiveness to women. It only enhances attractiveness if she already perceives you as desirable. If you are "her type" then your confidence will validate her attraction to you. This is basic psychology. Only if she likes you, will your confidence be seen as an attractive attribute to her. Otherwise, if you're not her type, then it won't matter. An ugly guy who tries to act confident will still be perceived as a creep. That's how it works.

Looks are everything in America. The dating culture is very shallow. People are not judged by their inner qualities in the dating scene. We all know that.

Thus, for a woman to reject a man claiming that "he lacks confidence" is a mere shaming tactic, to hide the fact that she isn't attracted to him physically, because she does not want to appear shallow. I've seen American women do this countless times. It's very dishonest and cruel.

The truth is, confidence is a by-product of success. It has to be validated by some kind of actual worth or value for it to matter. Being confident for no reason does not create real value. For example, if I don't know anything about fixing cars and I tell you that "I'm confident that I can fix your car", it will not help or make it true. Such confidence would be baseless. But if I know a lot about fixing computers (which I do) then my confidence in being able to fix your computer will have a real basis. In other words, if I'm really good at something, then I have a right to be confident about it. But if I suck at something, I have no right to act confident about it. Fake confidence does not help and has no value, even in a fake culture like America.

I don't understand why New Agers can't accept that. It's like they have a need to believe that everything is controllable, including looks, attraction and other people. They can't seem to accept that some things are not controllable. But we all know that you can't control what others think and feel. So why don't they accept that? It's very weird. They are obviously out of touch with reality and logic.

Now, New Age teachings do contain great wisdom and spiritual truths, but the problem is that they greatly overgeneralize, exaggerate, and oversimplify everything, like pretty much any belief system does. They also insinuate that there is a simple easy solution to everything. Not true. In reality, real problems do not have simple solutions. If they did, they would not be real problems. Duh.

In real life -- as opposed to the New Age fantasy world -- there are simple problems with simple solutions, complex problems with complex solutions, difficult problems that require out of the box solutions, and unsolvable problems that are meant to be endured, or that can only be remedied with time. That's life. Again, everything is situational. There is no such thing as a simple fix-it-all solution to everything, as New Age authors try to sell.

In the final analysis, New Age teachings and books -- as well as organized religion, spiritual practices, professional therapy, and even meditation -- can only help you in the following ways: They can help you cope with your problems, manage stress, deal with painful memories, feel better, give you some purpose, and achieve peace of mind and mental clarity. Yes, they can do all these things for you. But they CANNOT solve all your problems, at least not the real ones. Even good advice cannot solve all your problems, especially the difficult ones. All they can do is to help you cope with them. Even therapists are taught that their objective is not to solve their client's problems (which they cannot), but to provide them with coping skills.

(In spite of this, many spiritual teachers are right when they say that many of our problems are either created by our minds or greatly exaggerated by our thoughts. Thus one should not take life too seriously in general. After all, what stresses you out today will not even be remembered one week from now, so the sages teach. See "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle and "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" by Dan Millman.)

Even more absurd is the New Age idea that according to quantum physics, solid matter and physical realities do not really exist and are illusions created by our perception. They argue that if a solid object is unobserved by a conscious observer, it collapses into a wave field of probability. In other words, if you aren't looking at something, it vanishes out of existence and has no solidity! Wtf?

They call this "the observer effect". They even have this weird theorem called "Schroedinger's Cat" which claims that if you put a cat in a box with a cyanide gas pellet that has a 50/50 chance of going off, then until you open the box and look inside, the cat is both alive and dead at the same time! How crazy and unproven! They have no proof of that at all. What are these New Agers smoking?!

(There's this guy named Anthony Peake that rails about it as if it were the most amazing discovery. Look him up. You can listen to his podcasts and interviews on YouTube. He has also written many books. And he has other bizarre beliefs too.)

This "physical matter disappears when unobserved" idea is totally delusional and out of touch with reality. It defies basic common sense. Even simple examples debunk it. For example, if you step over a banana peel or on a slippery floor, you will slip even if you don't see it. Or, if you step on a landmine and do not see it, it will still blow you up! Not seeing it will not change that. Let's suppose I stood behind you and fired a bullet at your back while closing my eyes. Even though neither of us are looking at the bullet, it will still hit you if you are on its path of trajectory. Care to test this? lol. Just kidding.

Ok here's a safer test: Go into a room and start walking backwards without looking behind you. Eventually you will hit a wall behind you, even if you don't see the wall! lol. Try it. lol. Now geez, how can that be, since according to this amazing New Age "discovery" the wall behind you does not exist in any solid matter form unless you look at it? LOLOLOL.

Man I can't believe how dumb this theory is! The fact that so many New Age intellectuals buy into such an outlandish theory does not reflect well on their credibility and rationality at all.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Check out this guy called the Sanity Machine ripping apart Alan Watts. He makes some valid points about how the reason he's still so popular long after he's dead is because people LOVE easy answers to all of life's questions. And Alan Watts has simple answers to all of life's problems and he makes people feel good too. That definitely appeals especially to Americans, and that's why new age gurus are so popular even though all they do is spout useless cliches with no real solutions. Americans love easy answers that make them feel good, that's for sure. However, this guy's obsession with suffering is kind of morbid and demented. If you listen to him, you will see this. This guy must have suffered more than we did. Geez. You can really sense it in his tone and attitude. He's far more negative and jaded than even we are. I didn't know anyone could be worse than us. Lol

Some comments I left below his video:

Stephen, you are right about Alan Watts having no solutions. However why do you harbor such disdain for anyone who isn't suffering all the time like you are? You can't expect everyone to be like you. Some people are happy and have a good life. Why can't you admit that? Why do you harbor disdain for anyone who isn't suffering and unhappy like you are? That's not mentally or spiritually healthy and lowers your vibration. Don't you know that?

Stephen, you make valid points about Alan Watts and how people love easy answers in life. Very true. Same with other new age gurus like Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra. However, to be honest your obsession with suffering seems kind of morbid and macabre. It's not good for your mental health or spiritual health to be that fixated on suffering. Sure suffering is part of life but you don't need to be obsessed with it. Extremes are never good. The ancient Greeks and Chinese said that everything should be in moderation, not in extremes. Even too much love is no good. So hence too much fixation on suffering is definitely not good for sure. Just being honest. It's something for you to consider.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Check out this video by the Sanity Machine channel debunking this soft New Age ginger lady point by point. It's hilarious how fake and out of touch with reality she is. New Agers seem to all read from the same script like a hive mind, especially when they talk about the "victim mentality". Hilarious.

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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Interesting video by a spiritual teacher who during an astral projection visited a New Age school in the astral world and found out why New Agers teach false pseudo-spirituality. The reason is because by flooding people's minds with SIMPLICITY and COMFORT, it stifles their progress and growth so they don't have to do anything. That makes sense and is in fact what New Age teachings and even Buddhism does. By making truth simple and comfortable, it pacifies people and makes them inert and useless. So true and sad. Isn't that so true @Lucas88?

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