New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by PeterGrunbaum »

I agree very much.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Have any of you noticed something annoying about New Agers? Since they hate labels, they don't even like to call themselves New Agers. It's weird because everyone else doesn't mind being called by what they are. Christians are fine with being called Christian and Atheists are fine with being called Atheists. But New Agers are different and unusual. They hate labels and believe they transcend labels and limitation, so they don't even like to be called New Agers. Plus the term New Age has woo woo connotations too, and a stigma of being lovey dovey and delusional, so they try to detach from it. Yet in my book, if you have New Age beliefs and subscribe to them, then YES you are New Age! For example, if you believe in these New Age tenets:

1. We are all One consciousness. The self is an illusion.
2. We are unlimited consciousness. We are God dreaming but haven't realized it yet.
3. Nothing is impossible. There are no limits unless you believe that there are.
4. The Secret and Law of Attraction.
5. We create our own reality. (which is very vague and undefined and insinuates that we have godlike powers to control everything in our life)

Then YES, you are NEW AGE, even if you don't call yourself that. It's pisses me off how many people out there are espousing these tenets on YouTube as though they are great revelations and forms of higher truth, yet deny being "New Age". Yeah right. Then what are they then? They seem to prefer to call themselves "freespirits, spiritual but not religious, spiritual seekers, those seeking higher truth, those becoming awakened" etc. Whatever. If they believe in New Age tenets then they ARE NEW AGE in my book.

The thing they don't realize is that none of these are proven or logical. They are all beliefs. So they are not gospel truth, yet New Agers and many spiritual seekers consider them to be gospel truth, even though they can't prove it. Even if there is some truth to them or they are truth in a "higher dimension" they still cannot be proven in the real world. Plus they are impractical too. For example, if we are all one consciousness, and I'm just you in another form, then why won't you let me sleep with your wife? What does it matter since I am really you anyway? lol. Also, why doesn't the bank stop assigning account balances to names and just pool all money as "One" for everyone to share? lol. Because banks can't work that way of course. lol. So even if the tenet were true in some higher dimension, it cannot apply in the real world.

One obvious logic fallacy they make is that just because some things were considered impossible before, like airplanes, but later became possible, thus it means that EVERYTHING that it considered impossible can be possible. That is a huge logic fallacy that New Agers and self-help gurus are blind to. Just because a few things that were impossible became possible does NOT mean that EVERYTHING is possible. That is an obvious fallacy. I'm surprised no one sees it, including bright intelligent New Agers. They just accept it as gospel truth, like a mantra they chant because they want to believe it's true, even though there's no basis for it. Also, for every success story like the Wright Brothers inventing the airplane, there are many more that fail.

We do not have godlike powers. We cannot make things happen. They either happen naturally or they don't. We cannot walk through walls or fly without wings. So the notion that we are god and that we can "create our own reality" like Q from Star Trek, who can manifest anything by the power of thought, is obviously untrue. If we are God's creation, that means we are an aspect of God, like Spiderman is an aspect of Stan Lee, not Stan Lee himself. Duh.

Self-help could be legit if they just stuck with simple realistic wise teachings that are true and fit basic logic. For example, the Greek/Roman philosophy of Stoicism says:

1. Let go of that which you can't control. Focus on what you can control.
2. Be content with less. The less you desire, the less you will suffer.
3. Don't take life too seriously. Hard times will pass.
4. Have goals that are achievable, not unachievable. Recognize the difference between what is achievable and what is unachievable.
5. Do what you are good at and naturally talented at. All successful people have talent and skill in what they do. They don't do something they suck at. That gives you the best chance of succeeding, when you do something you are really good at and have a knack for. If you aren't good at anything, then you will have to learn new skills, either on your own or at a training/trade school, that can be useful somewhere, hopefully skills that match your interest.

Those are all simple, realistic and wise advice that I would agree with. If self-help just kept to real stuff and good common sense advice like that, it would be fine and legit. But no, that's not good enough for the self-help movement or for many Americans. They need to BS and try to go beyond that and claim that nothing is impossible and there are no limits and that we are God with unlimited power and potential, etc. That's where the problem lies. Once it deludes people, then people are confused and end up disappointed and disillusioned and then start blaming themselves, which can lead to insanity, depression and suicide. All because they were given false advice and delusions by the New Age/self-help industry, rather than realistic advice like from Stoicism.

For more on Stoicism, see the links I posted about it here: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=38408
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

starchild5 wrote:
May 21st, 2016, 6:57 pm
New age is White Man's attempt at being spiritual. :lol: :lol:

Its good for Winston as he has more spiritual knowledge and he get laid easily by New Age White Women :wink:

And top of that CIA infiltrated all New Age movement, subverted, diverted to be as much away from God as possible.

All a White Man can say is throw around some buzz Words like Quantum around and yeah "Consciousness" and he has few followers for sure. Indian's like Deepak Chopra milk white people further by fake spirituality.

White Race is so gullible when it comes to Spirituality and I admit, I scammed an American Women with my Indian Spirituality and got what I wanted :mrgreen: but It was against Dharma and I'm paying the price with Karma even today. :x :x
I've noticed that too. New Agers tend to be white. You don't see Asians or Black people in New Age or becoming Woodstock hippies. Sometimes East Indians are in the New Age too, since Hinduism and New Age overlap in some areas. Btw, I heard from Mr S that Hinduism is outdated and designed in a long gone era or aeon where mankind was completely different, such as during the Age of Saturn or Age of Atlantis, when everyone had ESP and communicated via telepathy. That's why it seems so out of touch with today's world.

Btw, what do you consider true spiritual teaching and false? How do you know? What are tenets of true spiritual teaching? Isn't this very subjective?
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Btw even David Icke is a New Ager who claims to disassociate himself from New Age if you think about it. In his mega lectures, he disses New Age as being cult like with a leader and hierarchy. However, that's very misleading, because most New Agers are not involved in a cult nor do they have a leader. They are general truth seekers with no organized movement and no leader, only authors and teachers that they are fans of. But the main thing is, in his lectures, David Icke ALWAYS preaches New Age ideas, like the ones above. Especially this one:

"We are all One consciousness experiencing itself in various forms. We are infinite consciousness. The self and ego is an illusion." Etc. Etc.

That is definitely New Age. It fits some branches of Hinduism too. Hence Icke is definitely New Age even if it doesn't call himself New Age. After all, if one preaches New Age tenets like that, then one is New Age regardless of what he calls himself.

So this could be how Icke misleads people, if he is controlled opposition as some suspect, by leading them into useless delusional New Age solutions that don't accomplish anything and only pacify people and don't change the status quo. Even the Happier Abroad solution is better because the HA solution is realistic, achievable and verifiable. One really can have a better social life, dating life, and mental health abroad, and more freedom as well. Many have lived it and one can go abroad to verify that it's true too. Unlike these New Age solutions which aren't even proven to be true.

This should be made public in the alternative media and on David Icke's forum. It should be made open for discussion. Yet the alternative media still won't talk about the HA solution and assumes that it doesn't exist and that one cannot leave America and that one should never even think about it because HA doesn't exist to them. That's wrong and needs to be changed.
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Post by Ogie »

starchild5 wrote:
May 8th, 2014, 11:17 am

To put it simply

Tony Robbins > Deepak Chopra > Michai Kaku > Steven Hawkins > Einstein > Newton > Tech > TV > Science > Religion > New age> East & West Philosophy > Taking Humanity to Darkness >> most of them are freemasons and members of secret society

Conspiracy > Deep Thinking > Questioning > Not accepting slavery > Knowing who you really are > Why you were created > Going Beyond the Known Universe, achieving your true destiny.

I realize this is an old post but this simple breakdown NAILED IT!!!
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Don't you guys hate hearing this BS that's commonly said in the New Age and Self-Help movements and industries?

"If you believe in yourself, you can accomplish anything!
Nothing is impossible. There are no limits except those you impose on yourself!
Anyone can accomplish anything!
We create our own reality so we can become anything we wish to be!"

Don't you hate hearing such nonsense all the time? It's all BS of course, and obviously untrue. Anyone can debunk this with basic logic and basic common sense. It would only take a minute to debunk it. You don't even have to be smart. Any average person could if they wanted to. Yet then why does everyone in the New Age and Self-Help movement gobble up these false mantras like Pac Man? lol. Why do so many buy it? The only logical explanation is that people WANT to believe in such cliches, not that they are true or make sense. People, especially those feeling powerless, want to believe that they have unlimited potential because it sounds positive and empowering, even though in reality, it's a useless statement that accomplishes nothing.

It's like a drug, you gotta keep chanting it to yourself to feel motivated, but ultimately accomplishes nothing. Isn't that stupid or what? Aren't people so dumb? Why do New Agers never question anything in their movement? They believe everything they hear it seems, yet ironically they see themselves are "progressive freethinkers and freespirits seeking higher consciousness" when in reality they are just as gullible as churchgoers and fundamentalist Christians and the hateful Atheists and Scientism/Materialism dogmatists they claim to be above and to have transcended.

Here is a great video about the scam of the Self-Help industry, and how they make fake promises to get you to consume more and more material, which only makes you feel motivated temporarily, but ultimately accomplishes nothing for you. So you're always "getting there" but never there. In the meantime, the Self-Help authors and speakers make money from gullible followers and fans.

Of course, the con men who promote this fake New Age claptrap can cite examples of successful people in history and present day, who started out with nothing and became successful, rich and famous. But this is a logical fallacy - insinuating that just because a small percentage of people succeeded at something that it means ANYONE can too! (e.g. "If I can do it, then anyone can too!") For every success story, there are thousands more failure stories. So wouldn't it be more logical for me to cite the failure stories, which are the majority, as proof of the opposite - that most people cannot succeed? LOL. Of course I could, but it would make me hated and unpopular to the masses, because that's NOT what they want to hear of course. LOL

Likewise, another similar logic fallacy is the assumption that because some things that were thought to be impossible - such as flying machines or airplanes - later became possible, means that everything considered impossible is actually possible if someone makes them possible. That again is an obvious fallacy, because most things that are considered impossible still are impossible today. Just because a few impossibilities became possible doesn't mean every impossible thing is possible. There's no evidence or basis for that. Yet New Age and motivational materials continue to promote this fallacy, because that's what people wanna hear.

Take Hollywood for example. Most aspiring actors there never make it, or they only get two bit gigs in extra work or commercials. But most never make it big as a star. Only a small percentage do. Now, just because a few do, does that mean anyone can, or everyone can? No of course not. Just because Bill Gates can found Microsoft or Steve Jobs can found Apple, or Thomas Edison can invent things, doesn't mean anyone and everyone can. That's a totally false assumption. There are a long list of factors that determine whether someone succeeds or not, some of it is tangible and some of it is intangible. Most of the factors are NOT in our control, especially the intangible factors. There may even be destiny and karma and the "will of the gods" involved too. Who knows. Either way, most external factors in life are not controllable by us, especially if other people are involved and larger forces. The way these self-help/New Age materials deceive you is that they trick you into thinking that everything or most things are controllable and that if you tweak this or that, x or y, or follow some "secret method/formula of success", then you can get the results you want and achieve your dreams, especially if "you persist and believe in yourself and never give up" blah blah, when in reality most things are not under our control.

In addition, for you to succeed at something, you gotta be GOOD at it or have a strong talent/aptitude for it. You can't succeed at something you suck at. All successful people have one common element, and that is that they did something they were GOOD at, not something they suck at. So it's not true that you don't need talent or skill, and that only persistence matters. No way. Even acclaimed self-help authors like Robert Greene have LIED about this and claimed that talent doesn't matter or is only a small factor. He's WRONG of course and dishonest. Shame on him. I used to respect him, but when he said that in his interviews, he's clearly a CON MAN. He should know better, but he wants to sell books and tell people what they wanna hear of course. So he's not honest or truthful.

Do you think Bill Gates could have founded Microsoft if he sucked at computers? Of course not. Do you think Thomas Edison could have invented anything if he had no technical aptitude and was not good at what he did, but only had persistence and confidence? Of course not. Do you think Gary Kasparov would have won all those world chess championships if he sucked at chess and had no talent, regardless of how hard he worked and how much he believed in himself? Of course not. You get the point. Every professional sports coach will tell you that if the athlete doesn't have any natural aptitude or talent in his sport, he won't bother to coach him, because it will be pointless, because without natural aptitude or talent, the athlete will not make it, no matter how hard he or she works or how much he or she "believes in himself/herself" or persists. Because sports coaches live in the real world, not in New Age fantasies and lies.

Ask yourself this: Do you know anyone who really became a success or turned their life around from Self-Help or New Age books, courses or seminars? I don't know anyone. Do you? It seems everyone involved in it has nothing to show for it. If you ask them, they always say they are "working on it and getting there" but never do. They aren't even able to make themselves happier or more fulfilled from self-help material. In truth, if you reduce your desires and expectations, and live more simply, you will be more content, for less disappointment = less pain. But of course, they don't wanna do that. They wanna accomplish their dreams and fulfill their desires, even if they aren't realistic or achievable.

It's not true that "nothing is impossible and there are no limits". Everyone should know that, but some people wanna believe it so badly that they delude themselves. In reality and in life, some things are achievable and some things are not. You gotta know the difference to be wise. Stoicism - the Ancient Greek and Roman philosophy of self-improvement - teaches this, because it is a realistic philosophy that is practical and applicable, unlike the New Age claptrap. The Ancient Greeks and Romans never taught that "nothing was impossible" or "there are no limits". They weren't stupid like modern Americans or New Agers. For example, if I wanted to live in Rome, Italy, that is achievable and realistic, because there are practical steps I could take to make that happen. But if I wanted to be the President of the United States or Madonna or an NBA star, that is unachievable for me and out of my reach. So I don't waste time on it.

Finally, I don't get why everyone loves the belief that "You create your own reality"? Huh? WTF? Everyone chants it like its the most popular belief and revelation. But excuse me, I just have one little question. If I can "create" my own reality like God or Q from Star Trek, then why aren't I in my perfect fantasy world where I have everything I want and nothing ever goes wrong? Why do disappointments exist? That's an obvious question, but no one in the New Age or truth seeking or high consciousness movement ever asks it. I don't know why. How can everyone be so dumb and blind? Makes me feel like an intellectual giant sometimes, not to brag.

Of course, if you were to bring up this obvious question and not be a New Age zombie, they would reply something like "Well we've been suppressed and told we are animals and an accident on a speck of dust (Earth) when in reality we are infinite consciousness having an experience." Even David Icke likes to say this all the time in his lectures. They also say that our thoughts influence our reality and if we could realize and awaken our "infinite potential" and realize that we are all "Gods or God having an experience in different forms" then our thoughts and consciousness would be more powerful and have infinite potential. Perhaps, if David Icke is a shill, then that could be the game plan, to mislead people into thinking they are gods and all powerful, with no proof of course. Whatever.

Now, consciousness is a mystery, as we all know, and I don't claim to have all the answers. But one thing I do know though: No one has God like powers here on Earth. No one can do what Q does on Star Trek and instantly manifest whatever he thinks or wants into material form. Now I've studied a lot of parapsychology and I do know that telekinesis has been proven to exist in scientific studies, such as Princeton's PEAR experiments involving random number generators. Or the effects of mass prayer on healing studies. Or the paper wheel telekinesis demos, which anyone can try and prove to themselves, by spinning a paper wheel left or right while balanced on a pin or toothpick, which have been talked about and demoed extensively by authors like Lloyd Auerbach and Darryl Sloan and other psychic researchers.

However, all these proven effects of telekinesis, aka psychokinesis or PK, are MICROSCOPIC effects, meaning very MINISCULE, NOT all powerful as New Agers claim. That's the key point that all New Agers miss and don't want to admit. Because of course, it doesn't sell. No one wants to believe that their mind and thoughts only have miniscule effect on reality. That won't sell of course, but that's all science can prove at the moment. Until someone proves otherwise, well that's all we've got. The New Age/Self-Help industry is DISHONEST to hide this from you though, and insinuate that thoughts are all powerful and God like.

Let me ask you this simple question. If New Age authors and spokespersons like Dr. Bruce Lipton can claim that thoughts are powerful and can even alter DNA, and that these are "amazing groundbreaking revelations" (oh wow!) then why can't Dr. Lipton use his own thoughts to regrow his own hair, reverse his gray hair, or reverse his aging to look younger again? Obviously he can't, because he's full of shit. (No offense to him, he seems like a nice man) I know Dr. Lipton doesn't come out and say literally that "thoughts are all powerful" but if you listen to his lectures and interviews and read his books, he certainly implies or insinuates that thoughts are all powerful, certainly more powerful than we assume. He gives that impression so that's his fault if we misinterpret him. Sure Dr. Lipton can quote scientific research to back him up, but the questions to him above are still unanswered and speak volumes. His fans never dare question what he says or ask my critical questions.

Why don't any New Agers ever ask Dr. Lipton my questions above? Because of course, such questions are rude and negative and dissenting, and would make the questioner unpopular in the New Age community. No one questions the beliefs of their group, no matter how absurd the beliefs are. People are wired for groupthink and conformity, including New Agers who think they have a "higher consciousness" and have transcended orthodox religion and science. That's why they never question anything in their own movement, only in the beliefs of the opposing camps. Go figure. So much for their "higher consciousness" which contains no critical thinking or ability to question one's own beliefs, which should be the hallmark of any skeptic with higher thought.

Now there are amazing true stories of healing miracles of course which defy explanation. There are well documented accounts of miraculous healing at the water pools of Lourdes, France for instance. And inspiring true stories of terminal patients on the verge of death who were prayed for and became healed against all odds. Movies have been made about these cases such as "Miracles From Heaven" and "Breakthrough". However, believers about them, including New Agers and Chrisitans, keep forgetting one thing. And that is, that there is a LIMIT to what miracles can do. For example, no miracle has ever regrown a limb or brought back the dead (who were long dead beyond resuscitation). In fact, there is not even one documented case that someone could reverse gray hair with the power of thought. So there seems to be LIMITS in what miracles can do, regardless of who or what is behind them. (e.g. God, angels, healing power of collective minds, etc) So again, this is not "unlimited power or infinite potential" as New Agers like to portray.

One more puzzling question. In New Age and quantum physics research, it is often said that the "Observer Effect" and double slit experiment with quantum particles and electrons, prove that reality is an illusion and doesn't really exist. They claim that the act of observation or measurement by a conscious being like us creates solid matter, and that when not observed, matter ceases to be and collapses into a wave form. In other words, things only exist when you see them, but not when you don't look at them. New Agers spout that this means that matter is an illusion and therefore, you can alter your reality to whatever you want it to be. Sounds nice. I don't mean to spoil your party, but one little question though: If that's so then how come if I step on a banana peel, I will still slip on it, even if I don't see it? Another question: How come if I walk backwards in a room, while looking forward, eventually I will hit the SOLID wall behind me, even if I don't see it? How come a rolling rock behind me will still hit me, even if I don't turn to look at it? If I turn my back to an avalanche of snow, will it still hit me, even if I don't perceive it?

Again, these are obvious questions, but again, no New Ager seems to ever ask them. So you gotta wonder, is everyone dumb nowadays? Am I the only thinker left who can think? Am I some intellectual giant? Not to brag of course, but you gotta wonder. Has everyone turned into a zombie or video game character NPC (non player character) that cannot think or ask obvious questions? Including these New Agers that have "transcended orthodox religion and science" into higher consciousness? How can those of "higher conscousness" not see the obvious or ask logical questions like I do? You shouldn't even have to be smart to ask logical questions like this. So what gives? Am I the only living soul or true thinker left? You gotta wonder. It's baffling how everyone misses the most obvious questions. These are just a few examples. I have many more.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

The problem with New Age self-help is that it is full of BS and delusions, such as:

1. You create your own reality, implying you are God with godlike powers and can do anything with the power of your mind and beliefs.
2. There are no limits. Nothing is impossible. You can accomplish anything if you persist and believe in yourself.

These delusions make people go crazy. They have no evidence or basis and yet people accept them without questioning them, like low IQ savages with no critical thinking. Everyone accepts the tenets of their group, including New Agers and self-help crowds, without questioning it. Even if the tenets are ridiculous and make no sense and contradict basic logic and common sense. It's weird how low IQ people are and unwilling to think or question anything. No one questions their own beliefs these days, no matter how absurd they are. That goes for Christians, Atheists, New Agers and Truthers too. The ironic thing is that New Agers and Truthers consider themselves to be above the other two, to be progressive freethinkers who have higher truth. lol.

Another annoying thing about New Agers is that they hate labels so they won't even call themselves New Agers. It's weird because everyone else doesn't mind being called by what they are. Christians are fine with being called Christian and Atheists are fine with being called Atheists. But New Agers are different and unusual. They hate labels and believe they transcend labels and limitation, so they don't even like to be called New Agers. Plus the term New Age has woo woo connotations too, and a stigma of being lovey dovey and delusional, so they try to detach from it. Yet in my book, if you have New Age beliefs and subscribe to them, then YES you are New Age! For example, if you believe in these New Age tenets:

1. We are all One consciousness. The self is an illusion.
2. We are unlimited consciousness. We are God dreaming but haven't realized it yet.
3. Nothing is impossible. There are no limits unless you believe that there are.
4. The Secret and Law of Attraction.
5. We create our own reality. (which is very vague and undefined and insinuates that we have godlike powers to control everything in our life)

Then YES, you are NEW AGE, even if you don't call yourself that. It's pisses me off how many people out there are espousing these tenets on YouTube as though they are great revelations and forms of higher truth, yet deny being "New Age". Yeah right. Then what are they then? They seem to prefer to call themselves "freespirits, spiritual but not religious, spiritual seekers, those seeking higher truth, those becoming awakened" etc. Whatever. If they believe in New Age tenets then they ARE NEW AGE in my book.

The thing they don't realize is that none of these are proven or logical. They are all beliefs. So they are not gospel truth, yet New Agers and many spiritual seekers consider them to be gospel truth, even though they can't prove it. Even if there is some truth to them or they are truth in a "higher dimension" they still cannot be proven in the real world. Plus they are impractical too. For example, if we are all one consciousness, and I'm just you in another form, then why won't you let me sleep with your wife? What does it matter since I am really you anyway? lol. Also, why doesn't the bank stop assigning account balances to names and just pool all money as "One" for everyone to share? lol. Because banks can't work that way of course. lol. So even if the tenet were true in some higher dimension, it cannot apply in the real world.

One obvious logic fallacy they make is that just because some things were considered impossible before, like airplanes, but later became possible, thus it means that EVERYTHING that it considered impossible can be possible. That is a huge logic fallacy that New Agers and self-help gurus are blind to. Just because a few things that were impossible became possible does NOT mean that EVERYTHING is possible. That is an obvious fallacy. I'm surprised no one sees it, including bright intelligent New Agers. They just accept it as gospel truth, like a mantra they chant because they want to believe it's true, even though there's no basis for it. Also, for every success story like the Wright Brothers inventing the airplane, there are many more that fail.

We do not have godlike powers. We cannot make things happen. They either happen naturally or they don't. We cannot walk through walls or fly without wings. So the notion that we are god and that we can "create our own reality" like Q from Star Trek, who can manifest anything by the power of thought, is obviously untrue. If we are God's creation, that means we are an aspect of God, like Spiderman is an aspect of Stan Lee, not Stan Lee himself. Duh.

Self-help could be legit if they just stuck with simple realistic wise teachings that are true and fit basic logic. For example, the Greek/Roman philosophy of Stoicism says:

1. Let go of that which you can't control. Focus on what you can control.
2. Be content with less. The less you desire, the less you will suffer.
3. Don't take life too seriously. Hard times will pass.
4. Have goals that are achievable, not unachievable. Recognize the difference between what is achievable and what is unachievable.
5. Do what you are good at and naturally talented at. All successful people have talent and skill in what they do. They don't do something they suck at. That gives you the best chance of succeeding, when you do something you are really good at and have a knack for. If you aren't good at anything, then you will have to learn new skills, either on your own or at a training/trade school, that can be useful somewhere, hopefully skills that match your interest.

Those are all simple, realistic and wise advice that I would agree with. If self-help just kept to real stuff and good common sense advice like that, it would be fine and legit. But no, that's not good enough for the self-help movement or for many Americans. They need to BS and try to go beyond that and claim that nothing is impossible and there are no limits and that we are God with unlimited power and potential, etc. That's where the problem lies. Once it deludes people, then people are confused and end up disappointed and disillusioned and then start blaming themselves, which can lead to insanity, depression and suicide. All because they were given false advice and delusions by the New Age/self-help industry, rather than realistic advice like from Stoicism.

For more on Stoicism, see the links I posted about it here: viewtopic.php?f=40&t=38408
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Post by WorldTraveler »

Winston wrote:
September 4th, 2014, 3:38 pm
Here are some quotes from Dr. Wayne Dyer that demonstrate what I mean about New Age bullshit. He claims that you can fix all your problems by filling your head with positive thoughts, and that if you change your thoughts you will change your reality. Blah blah blah. Even on the cover of one of his books, as you can see below, he says this. Yeah right. Positive thoughts are not going to fix your problems or change your life. If it was that easy, then there would be no problems. Duh.

How can anyone buy this shit? And why does PBS praise him so much? Can't they see that he's full of it? Isn't PBS supposed to be about genuine quality programming?

I guess Happier Abroad is not necessary then, since according to the famous Dr. Wayne Dyer, all your problems in America will be fixed if you "change your thoughts". lol



Dr. Wayne Dyer's CD cover:


His book cover:

Wayne Dyer started off great and then each book got worse. "Your Erroneous Zones" was fabulous. It told you how you could change your life. He said it was hard but gave you the methods to to it. It was about changing your thoughts, so that you weren't unhappy about useless emotions. His next book "Pulling You Own Strings" was about how to deal with difficult people. After that each book got more and more New Age. Why did he switch to this New Age trash? It's because some people didn't like his no nonsense approach of "Your Erroneous Zones" because it actually took hard work to achieve your goals. It made them feel bad. So he got on the New Age bandwagon and said your thoughts are everything, and all you have to do is Believe and You will Achieve. People ate up this New Age bullshit. The Law of Attraction. You think about money and money will come into your life. Yeah, I think what I want all the time. I want to be an NBA basketball player so I believe I can, therefore I'll get to play in the NBA. NO WRONG . I can believe this bullshit until I die, but I'm not tall and I'm not a good basketball player, so I'll never be in the NBA. I want to be a rock star and I really believe in myself. The only one problem is that I'm not musically talented, thus I can believe to the day I die and I'm still not going to write a top 10 hit and won't tour the country in famous rock band. Just ain't happening.

Anthony Robbins is an updated version New Age. Believe and you can have Personal Power and anything else you want. All this bullshit makes people feel good. More recently Malcom Gladwell wrote "Outliers" where it's believe and practice and you'll have success. He stated that the reason the Beatles got famous is they practiced for 5000 hours before they got famous. He also used Bill Gates and said the reason he also got famous is because he practiced programming when nobody else was for 5000 hours, thus was able to create Microsoft. There are millions of musicians who have practiced 5000 hours and never written a hit. There are programmer who have programmed for 5000 hours and have never started any company.
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Re: Re:

Post by Winston »

WorldTraveler wrote:
July 11th, 2020, 1:03 am
Wayne Dyer started off great and then each book got worse. "Your Erroneous Zones" was fabulous. It told you how you could change your life. He said it was hard but gave you the methods to to it. It was about changing your thoughts, so that you weren't unhappy about useless emotions. His next book "Pulling You Own Strings" was about how to deal with difficult people. After that each book got more and more New Age. Why did he switch to this New Age trash? It's because some people didn't like his no nonsense approach of "Your Erroneous Zones" because it actually took hard work to achieve your goals. It made them feel bad. So he got on the New Age bandwagon and said your thoughts are everything, and all you have to do is Believe and You will Achieve. People ate up this New Age bullshit. The Law of Attraction. You think about money and money will come into your life. Yeah, I think what I want all the time. I want to be an NBA basketball player so I believe I can, therefore I'll get to play in the NBA. NO WRONG . I can believe this bullshit until I die, but I'm not tall and I'm not a good basketball player, so I'll never be in the NBA. I want to be a rock star and I really believe in myself. The only one problem is that I'm not musically talented, thus I can believe to the day I die and I'm still not going to write a top 10 hit and won't tour the country in famous rock band. Just ain't happening.

Anthony Robbins is an updated version New Age. Believe and you can have Personal Power and anything else you want. All this bullshit makes people feel good. More recently Malcom Gladwell wrote "Outliers" where it's believe and practice and you'll have success. He stated that the reason the Beatles got famous is they practiced for 5000 hours before they got famous. He also used Bill Gates and said the reason he also got famous is because he practiced programming when nobody else was for 5000 hours, thus was able to create Microsoft. There are millions of musicians who have practiced 5000 hours and never written a hit. There are programmer who have programmed for 5000 hours and have never started any company.
Great points WorldTraveler. Plus, if you think about it, no one who is successful or rich and famous got that way by reading some self-help book or following the advice of some guru. Now there are athletic stars like Andre Agassi, the tennis star, who follow Tony Robbins because some of his advice helps them improve their game and stay on top during tennis matches. But they were already pro tennis players before that and had amazing talent in their sport. So if you are already on top, some of the self help books or business strategy guides can help you stay on top. But not if you are a nobody and have no talent in the area you want to succeed in.

Bill Gates didn't just practice computer programming. He was good at it. And his success came when he bought a DOS operating system and sold it to IBM and improved on it and mass marketed it. Then he developed Windows. Men like that aren't soley responsible for their success. They get help from wealthy investors who either believe in them, or have teamed up with them, and maybe help from other people higher up that we weren't told too. The system doesn't let you become a billionaire, unless you are in the club and play by their rules and are controllable and go along with their agenda. Every independent person who goes up far enough eventually gets visited I heard, by the network and told what they must do in order to continue rising up the ladder. If they don't join the club they can't continue. I know this sounds like conspiracy theory, but many rock stars have admitted this to be true and admitted they sold their soul to the devil or something. Whether it was literal or metaphorical, I don't know. But there's probably some truth to it, even if its metaphorical.

Wayne Dyer seemed like a smart man. It's hard to believe he really believed his New Age BS stuff. He must have known it was false but preached it anyway. That's dishonest. He probably felt a lot of guilt over it. That's why he didn't look as happy in his latter years, and even lost his wife in a divorce too when she left him for another man. I wonder why Wayne Dyer's positive thoughts didn't keep her from leaving him. lol

Btw, one thing I should clarify though. New Age doesn't teach that you if you want something or think something, you will get it. That's a bit of a straw man. What they teach is that if you use affirmations and act as though you already have something and thank the universe for it with gratitude, then it is more likely to manifest, than if you simply want and pray for it. This does make some sense and fit classic spiritual teaching, in that if you are content and satisfied, the universe will give you more than if you are greedy and wanting something. The logic behind that is that the universe gives you what you affirm. So for example if you pray for something because you "want it" then in effect you are telling the universe, or affirming to it, that you are lacking and in want of it. So the universe will agree with you that you lack and want it, and leave it at that. It will leave you in a state of lack and want, without fulfilling your wish, because you already subconsciously told it that you are missing something, so it agrees and allows you to be lacking what you want. lol.

The trick, they say, is to affirm that you ALREADY have it and are content, and thank the universe with gratitude. Then you can use the law of attraction to manifest it. It does work sometimes, if your motive is pure and your request is in line with your destiny and karma. And it does not require the universe to upset the natural order of things too much to fulfill your wish.

Gregg Braden gives an interesting example of this. When he visited a Native American friend in New Mexico, he showed him how Indians pray for rain. He stepped into the circle and visualized the rain and gave thanks to it. A few hours later, a thunderstorm came out of nowhere and would not stop, causing the town to almost flood. The thing is, it hadn't rained for a long time. And the news did not forecast any rain that day. In fact, the weather map that day showed that the storm seemed to manuever around other towns in the area, as if the storm front specifically moved around other towns to target that town only, where the Indian boy prayed for rain. So the rainstorm seemed very specific, as if it had a mind of its own. The weatherman on the news that day said it was very unusual for that to happen. So it's likely not coincidence.

Gregg Braden admits that he can't prove the prayer caused the rain, but he believes it to be so, based on other accounts of prayers being answered in this manner, and on spiritual and metaphysical principles that have worked for thousands of years, thus making it likely.

So what I'm saying is that there is some truth in New Age teachings yeah, but it's exaggerated big time. Just like with the Bible, there is some truth, but it is mixed with a lot of BS and politics and propaganda designed to control people too. Neither New Age or Christianity is totally true or totally false, it's a mix of both. Most of the truth is metaphorical though, not literal. Just like Star Wars contains metaphorical truth and allegorical truth too, even if its not a literal historically true event.

And with prayers, what I"ve noticed is that if the request is innocent and motivated not by greed or selfishness, and not too much trouble for the universe to grant, and will not require upsetting the natural order or balance of things, it will often be granted. I've experienced this first hand too. For example in school I had bullies sit near me and harass me everyday. When I asked God to get rid of them, the very next day the teacher would change everyone's seat around randomly for no reason and no explanation, and the bully would be moved far away from me. The very next day. Stuff like that happened several times in my youth. It was often too specific to be coincidence and happened without reason, as if an invisible hand was guiding it. So I believe those were answered prayers. However, if you ask the universe for a new Ferrari or a million bucks or to become a rock star, that's another matter and will often not be granted for free, especially if you didn't earn it or deserve it and it's not part of your path or destiny.

Another type of common answered prayer is it you get lost in the wilderness, but it's not your time to die yet. If that happens, and you pray for help, it will usually get answered. A plane or chopper or ground vehicle will usually find you, but not by luck. The pilot or driver will usually tell you that some unusual synchronicity led them to you, as if they were guided. Or some outside force put the thought in their head about where to find you, as if some angel told them where to look and guided them. Or you are found by "accident" by someone who did not plan on being there, but felt some force urging them to go there and did not know why, until they found you. Stuff like that defniitely indicates intervention of some kind by higher forces, or angels or whatever. Sometimes its too specific to be chance or coincidence. Such stories of answered prayer are common and believable, once they happen to you of course.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Do any of you also hate how New Agers are always saying that the solution to the world's problems is..... LOVE?! WTF does that mean? They seem to imply that we should love everyone as ourselves. Even some of Jesus' teachings in the Gospels mention something like this. How can you LOVE everyone though? Love isn't a light switch you can turn on and off at will. It doesn't work that way. Love is a deep emotional feeling. You either feel it or you don't. You can't force yourself to love someone you don't, even if you want to. You can't simply choose to love someone or everyone. You can't make someone love you that doesn't either. We've all tried to make women love us against their will, now how did that go? lol

So WTF is this BS about "loving everyone"? It also cheapens the concept of love, as if its some cheap candy you can give everyone. It ruins the SPECIALNESS of love, as if it's a free gift for all, like air. If everyone has it, then it's not special. Let me ask you this: Would you prefer that your wife or girlfriend love everyone and you too? Or only you? Obviously the latter feels more special. The former has no meaning. After all, as they say, if everyone is "special" then the word loses its meaning. Duh.

Who do you know that loves everyone? Do you know anyone that actually does that? I don't. I don't think anyone really does. So it's unnatural and unrealistic and impossible. So why does everyone love to hear those words "We need to love each other and everyone and leave no one out. Love is the solution for all world problems. We were put here on Earth to love each other." etc when that is impossible, unnatural and unrealistic? It'll never happen. No one can just love everyone as they do themselves, just like that (snap fingers), let alone the whole world doing it. It's some weird utopian fantasy that is not even achievable or natural and doesn't fit human nature either. We naturally are selective in who we love and have feelings for and care about. We like some and dislike others. That's natural. It's human nature. There is no way anyone can "love everyone". Yet everyone likes to hear that, especially New Agers and Christians, when it makes no sense and is illogical as well as impossible?

We've all met those New Age hippie girls who try to pretend they love everyone and Mother Earth and want to "save the planet" too. They will give free hugs to everyone, trying to show that they want to spread love around the world. They may be nice, but when they hug you after hugging everyone else randomly, how does that make you feel? Obviously not special. For her hug and "spreading of love" was cheap and free for all. So it had no meaning of course. It felt empty and contrived, like a cliche. I'm sure you know what I mean. Her hug was no more special than feeling the rain come down on you and everyone else in the area.

So why is this "love everyone and love each other" cliche so popular and in almost every New Age spiritual video? So weird. How can you love random strangers like that for no reason? If you don't feel it, you can't love them. Why preach something so unachievable and unnatural? Why not preach something more achievable and doable, such as respecting others, treating others fairly, having compassion for the less fortunate, etc? Those are traits one can cultivate perhaps. But not "love everyone in the world including random strangers". That's ridiculous, crazy and fake too. You gotta wonder what New Agers are smoking when they say that? Especially since they don't even practice what they preach. I don't know any New Ager who actually "loves everyone" even if they preach it and like to hear it. So stupid. I don't get it. It's not only fake but hypocritical too, because no one does that, not even New Agers.

I don't even think Jesus loved everyone either. He didn't seem to love those Pharisees that he condemned and got angry with. He didn't love the money changers at the temple when he overturned their tables. And he didn't love Satan when he met him in the wilderness either. So even for Jesus, this was an impossible standard.

I don't know man. It seems every group these days has gone insane or delusional, including New Agers who think they are of "higher consciousness" and free of orthodoxy in religion and science too. lol. Everyone seems crazy these days.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Winston »

Btw WorldTraveler,
Speaking of answered prayer, in this movie "Breakthrough", which is a true story, something amazing happened.

When the firefighters were in the frozen lake and unable to find the drowned boy under the ice, they were about to give up and get out of the frozen lake. Then suddenly one of them hears the words in his ear "Go back and try again". So he does and miraculously finds the boy by sheer luck, and pulls him up, saving his life. But the thing is, all the other firefighters said they did NOT speak those words in his ear. So it was unexplainable. Yet he swears he heard those words loud and clear. They all had to conclude that it was God or some angel who said those words in his ear. Because there was no other explanation.

That's a very inspiring true story. Stuff like that really does inspire you to believe in a higher power or guardian angel, that's for sure. You all should really see the movie "Breakthrough". It's inspiring and touching. The link is above.
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Re: New Age Bullshit Beliefs Debunked

Post by Moretorque »

Last edited by Moretorque on July 12th, 2020, 4:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Re:

Post by WorldTraveler »

Winston wrote:
July 11th, 2020, 8:02 am
Bill Gates didn't just practice computer programming. He was good at it. And his success came when he bought a DOS operating system and sold it to IBM and improved on it and mass marketed it. Then he developed Windows. Men like that aren't soley responsible for their success. They get help from wealthy investors who either believe in them, or have teamed up with them, and maybe help from other people higher up that we weren't told too. The system doesn't let you become a billionaire, unless you are in the club and play by their rules and are controllable and go along with their agenda. Every independent person who goes up far enough eventually gets visited I heard, by the network and told what they must do in order to continue rising up the ladder. If they don't join the club they can't continue. I know this sounds like conspiracy theory, but many rock stars have admitted this to be true and admitted they sold their soul to the devil or something. Whether it was literal or metaphorical, I don't know. But there's probably some truth to it, even if its metaphorical.
One thing about Bill Gates that you fail to mention is how smart he is. The same goes for Jeff Bezos. These really men created their industries out of thin air. They didn't get where they are by making a deal with the Illuminati or new world order. Sorry there is no conspiracy.
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Re: Re:

Post by Winston »

WorldTraveler wrote:
July 11th, 2020, 9:05 pm
Winston wrote:
July 11th, 2020, 8:02 am
Bill Gates didn't just practice computer programming. He was good at it. And his success came when he bought a DOS operating system and sold it to IBM and improved on it and mass marketed it. Then he developed Windows. Men like that aren't soley responsible for their success. They get help from wealthy investors who either believe in them, or have teamed up with them, and maybe help from other people higher up that we weren't told too. The system doesn't let you become a billionaire, unless you are in the club and play by their rules and are controllable and go along with their agenda. Every independent person who goes up far enough eventually gets visited I heard, by the network and told what they must do in order to continue rising up the ladder. If they don't join the club they can't continue. I know this sounds like conspiracy theory, but many rock stars have admitted this to be true and admitted they sold their soul to the devil or something. Whether it was literal or metaphorical, I don't know. But there's probably some truth to it, even if its metaphorical.
One thing about Bill Gates that you fail to mention is how smart he is. The same goes for Jeff Bezos. These really men created their industries out of thin air. They didn't get where they are by making a deal with the Illuminati or new world order. Sorry there is no conspiracy.
Well you don't know that for sure. Do you? A secret is something that you wouldn't know about. But many stars and former stars in Hollywood would beg to differ. They've seen and experienced things that suggest that people at the top do have to make a deal with the devil, either literally or metaphorically. Just because you aren't well read on this doesn't mean it doesn't exist. That's like saying that because I didn't study French, that French doesn't exist. That's bogus and you know it.

People have been killed or founded mysteriously dead or suicided for not complying with the network or fulfilling their part of the bargain, like Heath Ledger for instance. Many other examples exist. Just because you didn't look into it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This is real. There is good reason and evidence and dot connecting to support all this, as well as ominous signs and predictive programming too.

I agree Bill Gates is high IQ though and without that, you can't succeed no matter how persistent or confident you are. That's what New Age and self-help books never tell you, because it doesn't sell. People cannot control their IQ so it's not controllable and people don't like to hear that their success is out of their control, so self help books have to LIE and tell everyone that it's all within their control and they don't need to be smart, etc.
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Re: Re:

Post by Moretorque »

WorldTraveler wrote:
July 11th, 2020, 9:05 pm
Winston wrote:
July 11th, 2020, 8:02 am
Bill Gates didn't just practice computer programming. He was good at it. And his success came when he bought a DOS operating system and sold it to IBM and improved on it and mass marketed it. Then he developed Windows. Men like that aren't soley responsible for their success. They get help from wealthy investors who either believe in them, or have teamed up with them, and maybe help from other people higher up that we weren't told too. The system doesn't let you become a billionaire, unless you are in the club and play by their rules and are controllable and go along with their agenda. Every independent person who goes up far enough eventually gets visited I heard, by the network and told what they must do in order to continue rising up the ladder. If they don't join the club they can't continue. I know this sounds like conspiracy theory, but many rock stars have admitted this to be true and admitted they sold their soul to the devil or something. Whether it was literal or metaphorical, I don't know. But there's probably some truth to it, even if its metaphorical.
One thing about Bill Gates that you fail to mention is how smart he is. The same goes for Jeff Bezos. These really men created their industries out of thin air. They didn't get where they are by making a deal with the Illuminati or new world order. Sorry there is no conspiracy.
There are some good videos about how Bill really made his money and how he was connected to the ruling class who really run the world....
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