The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Winston »

The big problems with the Atheist paradigm and model of reality and why you can't adopt it:

1. Atheism provides NO ANSWERS to any big questions about the mysteries of the universe or the creation of it, or our place in it. All it offers is DENIAL. Hence it has no value and is the WEAKEST of all the paradigms.

2. Atheists tend to be DISHONEST. If you ask an atheist why he believes there's no God, he will say "Because there's no proof." But then when you show him proof from the intelligent design argument, complex organized structure of life and cells and DNA, the anthropic principle and fine tuning of the universe argument, the watchmaker argument, etc. he will deny them using whatever excuse he can find. Then when you dig deeper and push them to find out their true motivations, you find that the Atheist will ADMIT that he: a) hates and despises God and finds the concept of one to be repugnant, 2) does not want to be accountable to any higher power or have any deity watching him all the time, 3) blames God for something bad that happened in his life and holds a grudge against him for it, etc.

So when you put their back against the wall and confront them with the question "Do you want there to be a God?" they will admit that they do not and find the concept repugnant. They will admit their BIASES and HATRED for God and religion as their real motivation. Thus they have strong EMOTIONAL reasons and biases for being an Atheist, that are not grounded in some form of neutral objective Spockian logic after all. In short, they are heavily biased and emotional, not neutral or objective at all, and will admit it if you dig deeper into their motives. However, they will not admit that at first, and instead pretend that it's all about the evidence and proof and logic, which is a LIE and DECEPTION, because those aren't the real reasons. Hence in that sense, they are DECEPTIVE about their motives and try to hide them.

3. The Atheist paradigm does NOT ACCOUNT for many things in reality and a wide variety of evidence and phenomena. Their model of reality - of a Godless universe with no spiritual or metaphysical dimension - does not take into account a wide plethora of data and phenomena that do not fit into it. Some examples:

- It cannot explain how consciousness came about or evolved, nor how the sudden onset of human intelligence is possible, without some type of creator or intervention in our evolution. That is a big mystery that has always baffled science and neurologists. They want to find an atheistic naturalistic explanation that doesn't involve God or a Creator of course, but they can never find one.

- It cannot explain the complex, organized, elaborate and highly structured DESIGN inherent in all biological life - organisms, cells, bacteria, DNA, etc. The level of sophistication of which is far beyond anything that humans can create or design. In fact, Bill Gates said that the code in human DNA is far beyond anything that Microsoft can produce. And Francis Cricke, one of the discoverers of DNA, said that there's no way DNA could have evolved naturally on Earth, so it must have come from elsewhere, beyond our world. Also, our DNA and cells, contain ERROR CORRECTING CODES, which only exist in computer programs written by programmers, as we all know. Thus they can only be explained by intelligent design. Not by evolution or Darwinian mechanisms. Atheism also cannot explain where the first living cell capable of reproducing came from, aka abiogenesis.

- It cannot explain a whole host of paranormal phenomena, such as ghosts, hauntings, poltergeists, ESP, telepathy, psychics, etc, all of which are well documented and proven by science in controlled double blind studies and experiments, as well as firsthand accounts from countless people and testimonies from credible sources.

- It cannot explain how psychics, mediums and astrologers can score hits that are way above chance, or get specific hits that cannot be obtained from cold reading or guessing. Hits that are highly specific and personal, not general or that can apply to anyone (as pseudoskeptics James Randi and Michael Shermer FALSELY and WRONGLY claimed). Nor can they explain other phenomena that chance and probability statistics cannot account for.

- It cannot explain the many compelling cases of reincarnation and past lives - which both Christians and Atheists cannot explain away and are a thorn in their side. Such as the documented cases studied and published by Dr. Ian Stevenson and others, of past lives which cannot be explained by any other hypothesis other than reincarnation. There are many documented cases, including recent ones that went viral, such as the case of James Linberg and Jenny Cockell, which were featured on the mainstream news as well and astounded the public. No skeptic, Atheist or dogmatic Christian, has ever been able to explain such cases away. So they have been a thorn in their side since they do not fit into their narrow paradigm.

- It cannot explain why those who have a Near Death Experience (NDE) are able to have full blown experiences during an EEG flatline of their brain, such as in the case of Pam Reynolds, which should be neurologically impossible. Or how NDErs are able to view things while out of body that they could not possibly see, and later verify to be accurate. In fact, many elements of the NDE cannot be explained by the Atheistic model of a brain being deprived by oxygen.

- It cannot explain the countless cases of miracles and answered prayers, which there are so many authentic stories of and cannot be explained by coincidence or luck. Sure atheists can deny them, but that doesn't make them untrue. The stories are very uplifting, inspiring and yes true and well documented. Just because they don't fit into your model of reality, or you cannot explain them, doesn't mean they are untrue. Even I have examples of miracles and answered prayers in my life that are meaningful and significant and cannot be attributed to chance or coincidence.

4. The Atheist paradigm is self-defeating and contradictory. Atheists claim for example that the God of the Old Testament committed a lot of atrocities and killed a lot of people, which is immoral and evil. But in order to claim some sort of objective morality they need to have a God or all powerful authority to create such standards. Otherwise there is no true evil or immorality and everything is relative and a matter of one opinion vs another. There would be no good or bad. Hitler and Mother Theresa would be on the same moral footing. So would a saint and a mass murderer. Etc. The Christian Evangelist author Dr. Frank Turek makes this point and others in his book "Stealing From God: Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case".

Also its presumptuous for Atheists to admit that they dont know how the universe and life began, but somehow they just KNOW that it cant be God, they just know that God is never an option because they've already decided that God is unnecessary and doesn't exist. So they've already ruled him out a priori. This reflects their bias and prejudice of course. Not objectivity. They've already made up their mind and are not open to information that contradicts it, no matter how valid. That's not the hallmark of an honest truth seeker.

So you see, the Atheist paradigm and model of reality has too many problems, flaws and shortcomings for us to adopt. The Atheistic paradigm provides NO answers to any big questions, is DISHONEST about its motives, and does NOT take into account a whole plethora of evidence and data that do NOT fit into its model of reality. In addition, it provides no hope, no meaning of life, no purpose to life, no positive message, no consolation or emotional solace, no inspiration, no answers to life's mysteries, no guidance, does not uplift or help people in any way, does not save lives or prevent suicide, etc. Nothing.

Hence it has NO VALUE and is the WEAKEST of all paradigms you can choose from. Even the Christian paradigm is better, despite its narrow mindedness. At least the Christian faith and gospel has helped people, given people hope and meaning, changed people for the better, uplifted people, and prevented a fair number of suicides (testimonials of which are abundant), an even reformed convicts in prison and ex-mafia members (e.g. Michael Franzese, ex mob boss turned Christian). Atheism has done NONE of that, and is hence the weakest, the most dismal and most valueless paradigm that offers nothing and has no value. All it offers is hatred and denial.

@Aron what do you think?
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Winston »

@Aron is this your YouTube channel?

What are the odds that another guy named Aron on YouTube is making videos defending evolution, and that an Aron is here in this forum defending evolution too? lol. What are the odds? lol
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Winston »

flowerthief00 wrote:
August 24th, 2018, 8:56 pm
If a teacher asked you to critique an article or presentation and your critique was simply "Watch this rebuttal video. You'll be convinced for sure"'d fail the assignment.

I challenge you guys not to link to anyone or anything whose arguments you could have, should have made in your own words. If you have to link to hard evidence, tho, that's fine.
You're not being realistic. If an explanation takes a long time to write or explain, it's better to just post a link or video. It's more time efficient. If I had to spend hours replying to every question on a complex subject like this, I wouldn't even have time to sleep or shower. Come on get real. You obviously don't know anything about efficiency or time management. When you go to a company's FAQ page it tries to answer your question so you don't need to write it and have someone write the answer back. The FAQ cuts down on time wasted answering the same questions over and over again. When you call customer service, the machine or automated system tries to take care of your needs, so a person doesn't have to, to save time and money. It's more efficient that way. Even customer service reps will often email a link to you to answer your question, if the link contains the answer.

Welcome to the real world of efficiency bud.
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Aron »

Winston wrote:
September 3rd, 2018, 10:17 pm
@Aron is this your YouTube channel?

What are the odds that another guy named Aron on YouTube is making videos defending evolution, and that an Aron is here in this forum defending evolution too? lol. What are the odds? lol
Lol. You think I'm that guy? No definitely not. Also you are not understanding something important, he is a materialist atheist and i have disagreed with this idea in many threads. His idea of Evolution is also the standard Neo-Darwinian version which ignores a lot of important mechanisms to evolution and assumes it is entirely unconscious in its mechanics. AKA, that it is just the accumulation of random mutations. But radiation experiments on fruit flies have proven for over 50 years that random mutations are almost NEVER beneficial and the best exposing animals to radiation like that does is make them resistant to radiation. Which actually shows a surprising capability of DNA called Transposition, organisms can do more than just turn genes on and off via Epigenetics to activate traits, they can even re-arrange the codons in the DNA to code for entirely new traits they didn't have before at all. Which is great evidence that Evolution is possible as otherwise the argument that evolution cannot create new information might seem valid. Random mutations do not, but many other evolutionary mechanisms can and do.

As for your bigger post I agree with some points but disagree a lot with the Christianity in there.
Winston wrote: 1. Atheism provides NO ANSWERS to any big questions about the mysteries of the universe or the creation of it, or our place in it. All it offers is DENIAL. Hence it has no value and is the WEAKEST of all the paradigms.

2. Atheists tend to be DISHONEST. If you ask an atheist why he believes there's no God, he will say "Because there's no proof." But then when you show him proof from the intelligent design argument, complex organized structure of life and cells and DNA, the anthropic principle and fine tuning of the universe argument, the watchmaker argument, etc. he will deny them using whatever excuse he can find. Then when you dig deeper and push them to find out their true motivations, you find that the Atheist will ADMIT that he: a) hates and despises God and finds the concept of one to be repugnant, 2) does not want to be accountable to any higher power or have any deity watching him all the time, 3) blames God for something bad that happened in his life and holds a grudge against him for it, etc
Atheists try to answer the origin of the universe, it is not like they are dishonest when they say they believe it is all random passive interactions of matter with no meaning behind it, if you ask atheists they will usually tell you they don't want their version of events to be true but it is what honestly seems true to them.

Atheists are not really dishonest, there is not really proof of God. The sad thing is due to Christians and others, atheists tend to mix up certain true arguments about flaws in their model of evolution with Christianity. The watchmaker argument is wrong. Also if you've seen Rupert Sheldrake's Ted Talk, "The Science Delusion", you should know there's good evidence the fundamental laws of the universe have not been eternally constant at the same exact values. So the idea that the universe had a tiny chance of being hospitable for life at the start has a flaw since for all we know it might have previously been otherwise and changed over time. Perhaps for a few trillion years before now, if space time was not created by a Big Bang, the universe was totally inhospitable to life and it wasn't even possible for life to ever emerge. Does it make total sense that the universe is hospitable to life through only random processes? Perhaps not, perhaps consciousness is somehow involved in this, but it's certainly no evidence that there must be an omnipotent omniscient creator. Who could have just created it perfect from the beginning.

Atheists are often honest in saying they despise the idea of God since it is unjust in a lot of ways. "Not wanting to be accountable to a higher power" translates to not wanting to be oppressed by an omnipotent celestial dictator who wants to send you to torture for eternity if you don't like him. Some of those Atheists might be Christians who broke out of their indoctrination by the way so it makes sense that some of them could say they blame god for an event in their life that went horribly wrong, while some will just say that god couldn't exist giving an example of some horrible thing in their life they would never let happen if they had that power.
Winston wrote: So when you put their back against the wall and confront them with the question "Do you want there to be a God?" they will admit that they do not and find the concept repugnant. They will admit their BIASES and HATRED for God and religion as their real motivation. Thus they have strong EMOTIONAL reasons and biases for being an Atheist, that are not grounded in some form of neutral objective Spockian logic after all. In short, they are heavily biased and emotional, not neutral or objective at all, and will admit it if you dig deeper into their motives. However, they will not admit that at first, and instead pretend that it's all about the evidence and proof and logic, which is a LIE and DECEPTION, because those aren't the real reasons. Hence in that sense, they are DECEPTIVE about their motives and try to hide them.
You're equating some different things as the same. Admitting you have an emotional bias against the idea of a celestial dictator God who lets people starve to death for no reason is only human, everyone has emotions, that does not mean they don't have reasons to not believe in God. They can have both. A lot of times they will fit hand in hand. I admit atheists often try to argue with only logic and mention emotion later which makes it seem like emotion is the real reason. A more accurate analysis would be that some atheists are mentally handicapped by their beliefs which tell them that emotion and intuition have no basis in truth and are therefore 100% invalid in making arguments. Otherwise they would mention these issues right away and it wouldn't seem dishonest.
Winston wrote:3. The Atheist paradigm does NOT ACCOUNT for many things in reality and a wide variety of evidence and phenomena. Their model of reality - of a Godless universe with no spiritual or metaphysical dimension - does not take into account a wide plethora of data and phenomena that do not fit into it. Some examples:

- It cannot explain how consciousness came about or evolved, nor how the sudden onset of human intelligence is possible, without some type of creator or intervention in our evolution. That is a big mystery that has always baffled science and neurologists. They want to find an atheistic naturalistic explanation that doesn't involve God or a Creator of course, but they can never find one.
It does have an explanation of how evolution is supposed to have happened, it just doesn't fit all of the data. The big issue with consciousness is that their experiences of being conscious and making decisions are direct contradictory evidence that disproves their idea that it is an illusion created by passive forces in the brain. If you think God intervened in evolution to make humans become intelligent quickly, what's your answer for the method God used for doing so? Everything done in existence has a method and mechanism through which it's done. Atheists are honest about trying to find a mechanism but the trouble is they ignore the many mechanisms of evolution that can't be explained well as only Natural Selection+Time. I don't have an obvious answer for how humans got intelligence at the rate they did but that doesn't mean that yours is automatically true just because it is an idea of how it could happen.
Winston wrote:It cannot explain the complex, organized, elaborate and highly structured DESIGN inherent in all biological life - organisms, cells, bacteria, DNA, etc. The level of sophistication of which is far beyond anything that humans can create or design. In fact, Bill Gates said that the code in human DNA is far beyond anything that Microsoft can produce. And Francis Cricke, one of the discoverers of DNA, said that there's no way DNA could have evolved naturally on Earth, so it must have come from elsewhere, beyond our world. Also, our DNA and cells, contain ERROR CORRECTING CODES, which only exist in computer programs written by programmers, as we all know. Thus they can only be explained by intelligent design. Not by evolution or Darwinian mechanisms. Atheism also cannot explain where the first living cell capable of reproducing came from, aka abiogenesis.
Yes the error correcting codes show it's not just random mutations being passed on via natural selection that cause evolution, random mutations are usually removed when they occur. But why do you go from there to assuming it must be God? Just because DNA has structure and its mechanics are adapted to the survival of the organism, and behavior of cells shows clear ordered activity directed at the purpose of survival, not 'random chemicals reacting', that does not mean it was designed by an omniscient God. If it was it would have been created perfectly at the beginning and we all know Evolution doesn't work that way. Error correcting codes could have just developed naturally as more primitive organisms needed to develop them in order to survive. Nobody knows right now how the first cells and first DNA came about but that does not mean you should just assume it's God. Maybe consciousness was required for life to emerge, but that doesn't mean it was necessarily complicated or intelligent. It could have developed a much simpler form of molecule compared to DNA earlier on.
Winston wrote: It cannot explain a whole host of paranormal phenomena, such as ghosts, hauntings, poltergeists, ESP, telepathy, psychics, etc, all of which are well documented and proven by science in controlled double blind studies and experiments, as well as firsthand accounts from countless people and testimonies from credible sources.

It cannot explain how psychics, mediums and astrologers can score hits that are way above chance, or get specific hits that cannot be obtained from cold reading or guessing. Hits that are highly specific and personal, not general or that can apply to anyone (as pseudoskeptics James Randi and Michael Shermer FALSELY and WRONGLY claimed). Nor can they explain other phenomena that chance and probability statistics cannot account for.

- It cannot explain the many compelling cases of reincarnation and past lives - which both Christians and Atheists cannot explain away and are a thorn in their side. Such as the documented cases studied and published by Dr. Ian Stevenson and others, of past lives which cannot be explained by any other hypothesis other than reincarnation. There are many documented cases, including recent ones that went viral, such as the case of James Linberg and Jenny Cockell, which were featured on the mainstream news as well and astounded the public. No skeptic, Atheist or dogmatic Christian, has ever been able to explain such cases away. So they have been a thorn in their side since they do not fit into their narrow paradigm.

- It cannot explain why those who have a Near Death Experience (NDE) are able to have full blown experiences during an EEG flatline of their brain, such as in the case of Pam Reynolds, which should be neurologically impossible. Or how NDErs are able to view things while out of body that they could not possibly see, and later verify to be accurate. In fact, many elements of the NDE cannot be explained by the Atheistic model of a brain being deprived by oxygen.
The thing is what will happen here is most Atheists will not look at the evidence so they will assume it's all the same as bad evidence they've seen for ESP and other paranormal phenomenon out there. Of which there is plenty of. Also, many Atheists are former Christians so they don't want to be hoodwinked yet another time, and assume it is false automatically. Meanwhile, the longer an atheist asserts his/her position as true and is known for his/her beliefs, the more social pressure builds up and the more awkward it would be to admit to no longer being an Atheist anymore, the famous atheists in academia like Michael Shermer would also find it possibly dangerous to them keeping their job. Making it literally impossible for them to have their mind changed since it is their job to not believe in you or to debunk you. So lying is mandatory for them to keep their credibility and maintain their income, even if they became fully convinced they were incorrect and knew it 100%.
Winston wrote:It cannot explain the countless cases of miracles and answered prayers, which there are so many authentic stories of and cannot be explained by coincidence or luck. Sure atheists can deny them, but that doesn't make them untrue. The stories are very uplifting, inspiring and yes true and well documented. Just because they don't fit into your model of reality, or you cannot explain them, doesn't mean they are untrue. Even I have examples of miracles and answered prayers in my life that are meaningful and significant and cannot be attributed to chance or coincidence.
You have come to this realization before but a supernatural event=/God did it. Even the ones that would seem to have religious implications like an answered prayer.
Winston wrote:he Atheist paradigm is self-defeating and contradictory. Atheists claim for example that the God of the Old Testament committed a lot of atrocities and killed a lot of people, which is immoral and evil. But in order to claim some sort of objective morality they need to have a God or all powerful authority to create such standards. Otherwise there is no true evil or immorality and everything is relative and a matter of one opinion vs another. There would be no good or bad. Hitler and Mother Theresa would be on the same moral footing. So would a saint and a mass murderer. Etc. The Christian Evangelist author Dr. Frank Turek makes this point and others in his book "Stealing From God: Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case".
OK, no. Just no. There is a HUGE problem with this idea you have been told. This has been addressed by philosophy for a long time, it's Euthyphro's Dilemma. Basically if something is right or wrong just because God says so, that means it is actually subjective since he wasn't referring to any truth when he said what is right and wrong, he just made it up. Now if it is objectively right or wrong, and God then tells you it is, the most God can be is a messenger telling you about a truth that already exists independently of him. An omniscient God could be a perfect messenger, but that doesn't mean that God could decide what is right and wrong and make that objective. Truth doesn't depend on power, if something is true you don't need to be all powerful to realize that. For example if some psycho suddenly was all powerful that would not make him right. In history there are plenty example where people who are obviously evil simply win, but that doesn't mean power made them right. Power is independent from truth and at best can just be used to achieve whatever is objectively right/wrong in a perfect way.

Winston wrote:Also its presumptuous for Atheists to admit that they dont know how the universe and life began, but somehow they just KNOW that it cant be God, they just know that God is never an option because they've already decided that God is unnecessary and doesn't exist. So they've already ruled him out a priori. This reflects their bias and prejudice of course. Not objectivity. They've already made up their mind and are not open to information that contradicts it, no matter how valid. That's not the hallmark of an honest truth seeker.
I personally just have no reason to believe the Christian God idea exists. The explanation that Judaism was made up as a tool of social control makes a lot of sense to me. As you have said before Judaism also stole the idea of God from Zoroastrianism. Christianity then took its ideas from Judaism and so did Islam. Historically Monotheism has served the function of getting people to submit to their rulers and this seems like a viable explanation for why it was created, to convince people they must obey you and be rewarded after death for eternity or be punished after death for eternity. Rewards and punishments are powerful tools for manipulating people.
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Pinayhunter »

I wouldn’t trust an atheist to babysit my children. Without accountability to a higher power, all bets are off. You can see it in the comments section of any pro-atheist YouTube video.

These people be very surprised when they die and transition to the other side. You can bet there will be plenty of gnashing and wailing. :lol:
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

Pinayhunter wrote:
September 13th, 2018, 8:09 am
I wouldn’t trust an atheist to babysit my children.
I can't see how religious faith would be relevant to your children's safety.

I'm sure there are pediphiles of both the atheist and religious persuasion. Just ask the child victims of sexually predatory Catholic priests!
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Yohan »

Pinayhunter wrote:
September 13th, 2018, 8:09 am
I wouldn’t trust an atheist to babysit my children. Without accountability to a higher power, all bets are off.
This is the most stupid argument I ever heard from a religious bigot.

Atheism is a fast growing movement in this world challenging any form of religion.

On the other side, many religions are declining and people worshipping them are doing this not because they are believers but taking part out of tradition.
Last edited by Yohan on September 14th, 2018, 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Yohan »

Winston wrote:
September 3rd, 2018, 9:48 pm
The big problems with the Atheist paradigm and model of reality and why you can't adopt it:

1. Atheism provides NO ANSWERS to any big questions about the mysteries of the universe or the creation of it, or our place in it. All it offers is DENIAL. Hence it has no value and is the WEAKEST of all the paradigms.
I do not think, atheism is the weakest of all paradigms. It is at least equal - no religion can prove in any way that a God and afterlife exist.

Atheism - unlike any religion - is into research of the universe.
Religious idiotic bigots tried to silence intelligent people when they started to claim that the earth is not the center of the universe, that the earth is moving around the sun etc. Check out history...

Religion is against research, claiming anything is made by a 'God'. What a cheap excuse is this, it's about being lazy and ignorant, just to push away what might be a not so comfortable truth...

Religion is rather dishonest, if you ask questions, there is no answer, they will tell you something like you don't believe it anyway, why shall I explain it?
A while ago I was asking 'Adama' about the afterlife and was asking him, if the soul has any form of awareness or consciousness and this above is the reply I received.

No religion proves any answer about the universe, just claiming it was 'created'...

Whatever, even if there is a God existing, how is this a proof for any afterlife after the death of a human?

It should be noticed that not all religions point directly to the existence of a God - for example Buddhism.
Many religions just disappeared over time, as humans of those ethnic groups merely died out - like the religions of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Inkas, etc.

To claim a single God is existing, this is not the case with all religions, I think only Jews, Christians and Muslims think in this way and this is because these religions were all created in about the same area - other religions which were created without any connection to that place came to totally different conclusions about what a 'God' could mean.

Interesting, what all religions have together is not really about the existence of a God, but about insisting that there is 'afterlife' after death - so far however there is no proof of any form of the existence of 'soul' and 'afterlife'.
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by fschmidt »

Congratulations Yohan, you managed to get everything wrong in your post, an achievement even in this crazy forum.

All scientific advances in history came out of religious cultures or recently religious cultures. Once a culture becomes secular, it stops caring about anything except base human desires, so science dies. Isaac Newton was very religious. Science in the West died sometime towards the end of the last century because of the loss of religion. We can see this in the lack of any significant advances in basic science in the last few decades.

Not all religions support an afterlife. I follow the Old Testament which explicitly denies afterlife in Ecclesiastes 3:19-22. The Old Testament promises societal and evolutionary success for moral people.
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Yohan »

fschmidt wrote:
September 14th, 2018, 10:38 am
Congratulations Yohan, you managed to get everything wrong in your post, an achievement even in this crazy forum.

All scientific advances in history came out of religious cultures or recently religious cultures. Once a culture becomes secular, it stops caring about anything except base human desires, so science dies. Isaac Newton was very religious. Science in the West died sometime towards the end of the last century because of the loss of religion. We can see this in the lack of any significant advances in basic science in the last few decades.

Not all religions support an afterlife. I follow the Old Testament which explicitly denies afterlife in Ecclesiastes 3:19-22. The Old Testament promises societal and evolutionary success for moral people.
You need only to read about
and you will see how religion is supportive to research...

About afterlife, everybody who believes in religion of any kind will tell you something differently.
Nobody knows what is true, just simple like that.
Clergymen are merely talking around like this guy.

Entire religions are coming and going. Some religions totally disappeared from the earth, some others are coming up all the time and you cannot deny that. Nowadays Buddhism seems to get weaker, some other Asian religions are on the brink to disappear, like Taoism and Confucianism - the formerly very powerful Roman Catholic Church has a hard time at this moment....

All religions have been created by humans. And about your Old Testament, it will also disappear....

You mention Isaac Newton, it is questionable if he really was religious - at that time he had no other choice. He was merely careful, otherwise he would be executed for heresy. To think like an atheist at that time meant to risk your life. Religion was forced into people with no way to think otherwise. ... aac_Newton
Although born into an Anglican family, by his thirties Newton held a Christian faith that, had it been made public, would not have been considered orthodox by mainstream Christianity;[8] in recent times he has been described as a heretic.[9]
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by fschmidt »

Not all religions are good, and the Catholic Church is a bad religion. That is why Galileo had problems. On the other hand, all secular cultures and all forms of Atheism are bad. Goodness only comes from good religions.

Yes most religions have an afterlife because this seems to be the most effective way to make stupid humans behave. But afterlife is not what religion is really about, as you claimed. Religion is a means of implementing a value system.

I am a relativist, so for me all truth is created by humans. This means that religion is no worse in this respect than any other belief. All human beliefs will disappear when humans disappear, but the older a belief is, the more likely it is to last, so the Old Testament will probably last a long time.

Saying that Isaac Newton was unorthodox in no way contradicts that he was religious. And if you read the full Wikipedia article that you linked to, you will see that I am right.
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Winston »

Questions for all atheists:

Why atheism? Because you guys hate God? Isn't atheism the worst and weakest and most illogical belief? It explains nothing and offers nothing. Science can't explain why we are here or what intelligence created us or how life began. At least religion offers some explanation. Science offers nothing but theories that are 100 percent impossible, such as life being spontaneously generated by accident. Deep down everyone knows that's untrue.

But the establishment is desperate to promote atheism so it makes up lies like that that no one truly believes. And also, the Communists promote it too, because atheism is required for Communist propaganda to flourish. How can you buy into that? Atheism is just a stepping stone for Communists to INVERT everything in America, turning everything upside down, good into bad and bad into good, etc. We all know that. So why you buy into such evilness?

Anyone who researches history will see that Communists/Marxists invented Atheism. It's not natural. No one before the 1800's would ever consider Atheist ideology because it's totally nonsensical and not even a valid belief system. It not only has ZERO value, but it has NEGATIVE value too, in the MINUS range. How can anyone be dumb enough or gullible enough to fall for something that's clearly a fraud and not even natural, but has to be artificially engineered by evil Communists to exist?

Isn't that totally stupid and illogical and destructive and evil? What were you thinking? What were you smoking? No offense, but seriously.

How do you explain intelligent design, fine tuning, anthropic principle, goldilocks principle, etc? Surely you know that randomness can never in a quadrillion years produce order, complexity, structure, design, patterns, information, LIFE, etc right? You know that right? So how can you choose the worst belief system in the world, Atheism, which is the product of Communism and Marxism?

You know that if you were in the desert and saw the words "I was here" written on a rock, you know that someone wrote that, and that it wasn't written by random chance right? Because information ALWAYS requires an intelligent agent. It NEVER comes from chance or randomness. NEVER EVER. Yet we are surrounded by informatione everywhere all around us, in the cosmos and on earth and in your body and DNA too. So how do atheists explain all that? They can't. It's impossible.

Have you ever opened a human anatomy or biology textbook? If so you can see how complex the human body and DNA is. Clearly it was designed. Cannot come from accident or blind chance. So how can you explain that? Isn't that a HUGE THORN in your side? How do you get it out?

Did you know the discoverer of DNA, Francis Cricke, said that DNA could not have evolved on Earth through evolution and must have come from somewhere else? He said that in his book that he published too.

So what's the justification of atheism? Simply because "religion has caused wars such as the Crusades and the Inquisition" and therefore, no creator or intelligent design or spiritual dimension is possible or necessary? WTF?! Isn't that dumber than dumb? If so, why are there so many atheists these days? Why do they seem to be a majority? Especially among men and even among educated men. Shouldn't it be the opposite? This is totally inexplicable. Can anyone explain logically?

If you hate religion, then why not go for New Age or non-religious forms of spirituality or theism? Why atheism, given all the above, as well as its fraudulent and artificial nature, as well as its propensity to make zero sense?

The above questions go for you too @Contrarian Expatriate. How do you explain all that?
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Winston »

Pinayhunter wrote:
September 13th, 2018, 8:09 am
I wouldn’t trust an atheist to babysit my children. Without accountability to a higher power, all bets are off. You can see it in the comments section of any pro-atheist YouTube video.

These people be very surprised when they die and transition to the other side. You can bet there will be plenty of gnashing and wailing. :lol:
Good point. But some people pretend to be religious or spiritual as a front. You gotta judge a person by their actions, not just what they claim to believe.

You do have a good point though. If I were on the borderline of doing something wrong or immoral, and believed that I would probably get away with it without legal consequences, a belief in God or divine punishment may be the deciding factor in whether I commit the crime or not. Otherwise, if I am sure I will get away with it and never be prosecuted, and no God or divine judgment exists to punish me, and no karma exists either, then what's to stop me from doing it? If I know I can get away with a crime, there's no reason not to do it if the end result is profitable. Think about it. What's the deterrent if one knows they will get away with it and no higher power will punish them and no higher self or angels exist to punish them?

How come most atheists I know like to get drunk and are empty and have nothing to live for except money, profit and sex? Those people have no inner joy and no conviction or principles.

It is also true that atheists are very hateful. Their comments about religion or God are always with disdain. Never logical or calm or rational or objective.

However, I am not sure that everyone has an afterlife. It could be that only some do. If I were God, I'd allow atheists to not have an afterlife since they don't want one and don't believe in one.

Another argument could be made that if we all have souls, then how could atheists believe that no soul exists, if they have one? Perhaps they don't have one, that's why they believe no soul exists? If that's so, then they will have no afterlife either.

Just possibilities to consider.
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Re: The Problems With Atheists and Atheism

Post by Winston »

Yohan wrote:
September 14th, 2018, 9:57 am
Pinayhunter wrote:
September 13th, 2018, 8:09 am
I wouldn’t trust an atheist to babysit my children. Without accountability to a higher power, all bets are off.
This is the most stupid argument I ever heard from a religious bigot.

Atheism is a fast growing movement in this world challenging any form of religion.

On the other side, many religions are declining and people worshipping them are doing this not because they are believers but taking part out of tradition.
Why is atheism growing? It seems almost every other guy today is an atheist. I don't get the appeal. It offers nothing. No hope, no meaning, no explantion, nothing. It seems to be a hate movement only, evident by the hateful attitude of those who call themselves atheists. It also cannot explain all the voluminous evidence and accounts of the supernatural and paranormal all over the world, past and present, some of which are well documented. So isn't it the most illogical belief system? How can you deny everything? Totally insane.
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