List of Freedoms in China that America Doesn't Have! What Western Media Never Tells You!

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List of Freedoms in China that America Doesn't Have! What Western Media Never Tells You!

Post by Winston »

36 Freedoms, Benefits and Advantages in China That America Doesn't Have

Groundbreaking comparisons you will NEVER hear in Western media!

As we all know, the US media has always portrayed China negatively because it refuses to let Western liberalism and media to come in and take over. According to the Western media, China is not a "free country" because it doesn't hold elections in a "democratic process" like the countries in the "free world" do. And also, China does not allow its people to speak out against their government. Hence, they claim China has "no free speech" and hence is not a "free country".

However, there are many other freedoms that are more important than voting or criticizing your government that the US media ignores and never takes into account. What you never hear is that: Despite its lack of political freedoms, China offers a lot of social and personal freedoms that America doesn't have. The following is a compilation of social, personal and miscellaneous freedoms and benefits you get in China that you don't get in America. They are based on my many months of traveling in China as well as insights from fellow expats there. Some of them may sound trivial, but they add up cumulatively. I will try to put the most important ones at the top and explain why they are far more important and relevant to personal freedom than being able to vote or mock one's government.

List of ways that China has more freedom than America

1. Freedom to be yourself and relax. Freedom from having to be something you're not. This is the most important freedom there is, far more significant than the freedom to vote. If you can't be yourself, you can never be free. This is assuming you are an authentic down to earth person though. You see, America is the fakest culture in the world. To fit in, you gotta become a fake person yourself. Thus if you are genuine and real, then you can't be yourself. Instead you will be alienated. America is also a soul destroying place, so you can't have a soul and fit in either. America is also a very toxic place, especially on the west coast. People are always judging you and telling you there's something wrong with you all the time. Thus you never feel accepted or liked or loved for you. You always feel pressure to try to be something you're not. This eventually undermines and destroys your self-esteem and confidence and makes you feel like crap and insecure all the time.

In contrast, China is a very authentic culture and it's people are very real, genuine and down to earth. So if you are like that too, you will feel much more FREE to be yourself there.

My Singaporean friend Ethan_sg put it best and spot on when he said:

"In a socially inclusive environment like China, I feel like I can simply relax and be myself to fit in to a group. In a socially exclusive environment like Singapore or the US, when I'm in a group I feel like I constantly have to prove myself and force myself to create a persona that's not really me in order to fit in. You have to act fake and phony and say the right things in order to be accepted. You constantly feel like you have to prove yourself. Conversation can feel more like a competition than communication. In China I feel like I can fit in by default just by relaxing and being myself. I don't have to prove anything. Ironically individualistic cultures do not enable individuals to be themselves. In fact the opposite is true."

2. Freedom to connect with others, especially women, and enjoy social connection. China has more social freedom than America, because you are allowed to talk to strangers and if you are a genuine down to earth person, it is easier and more natural to meet people and make friends and get dates with pretty girls. Humans need social connection to be happy and healthy. Even US studies claim this. China has a lot more social connection for sure. In contrast, the US is a very lonely and socially disconnected culture. People value privacy over connection and live in their own bubble. They are misanthropic, dislike others and want to be left alone. They don't talk to strangers unless it's business related. All they want to do is work, shop and go home and not be bothered. They don't like to meet new people or make new friends.

3. Freedom to be honest and genuine, not fake. In China, you don't have act fake. For instance, if someone asks "How are you?" you don't have to pretend to be "doing great" 24/7 like you would be in America. You are allowed to be honest about how you feel. China appreciates honesty and values it. America does not. America only values positivity, even if it's fake. You are even allowed to lie in America, as long as you keep it positive. American culture expects you to be perpetually optimistic and feeling great, even if you don't. In America, you have to fake it if you don't feel it. Thus you are not "free to be yourself" or "free to be honest" in the alleged "land of the free".

4. Freedom from political correctness, to speak freely about social issues and not cater to liberalism. In China, one can talk about gender differences or racial differences (which are very real, despite what liberals tell you) without feeling like they've violated the rules of political correctness. China is not politically correct about these kind of things. One is also free to criticize liberalism, feminism, multi-culturalism without being condemned. Mainland Chinese appreciate honesty and truth, whereas Americans do not. In America, truth must always be politically correct, and you are not allowed to criticize liberalism or you will be condemned and may even lose your job.

5. Freedom from an overly high cost of living. In America and other first world countries, cost of living is too high and inflation has skyrocketed. Housing prices have multiplied since the 1970's. You have to work more to earn less, and it now takes a lot longer to pay off your mortgage on your house. Having to work more and more, along with your spouse, means you have less and less freedom. But cost of living in China is a lot lower. You can live on a lot less and rent an apartment for less too. (except for Shanghai and Beijing of course, we are talking about most Chinese cities here) This means you have more freedom and free time to do what you want. Again, this is why the alleged "land of the free" is ironically LESS free than most other countries. America likes to work you to death and make you have no life. It assumes that you literally "live to work" rather than live to follow your bliss.

6. Freedom to sell goods on public streets as a vendor without a permit or license. In most public areas and streets of China, one can set up a stall or booth as a vendor and sell stuff without having to pay for an expensive permit or license. China sees the streets as belonging to the people, not privatized. Therefore, citizens can make their living as vendors and not worry about stupid laws like you would in America, where everything is controlled and regulated in the "land of the free". China is not as control freakish about such things as America is.

7. Freedom to drink beer while walking on the street. In China, you can walk on the street with a beer bottle in hand legally, just as you can in most countries. But in America that is illegal. China is not uptight about such normal things, and is not a control freak as America is about such trivial things.

8. Freedom to bring your own snacks into movie theaters. In China, they allow you to bring your own snacks into cinemas. They aren't anal about stuff like that. In the US, they don't allow that because they want you to pay high prices for their expensive snacks at the concession stands. America has more rules on trivial things like this than China does, so how can America be the land of the free?

9. Freedom to go out and talk to girls and start conversations with strangers. In China you can talk to attractive girls and women in public and start conversations with them without feeling like a creep. They aren't as paranoid or anti-male as in America. If you tried to do that in America you'd be considered a creep and predator. America is negative and paranoid about guys who like girls and try to meet them. Interactions with girls in China feels a lot more positive, natural and healthy.

10. Freedom from gun violence, street violence and mugging. In China, one cannot buy guns or firearms, not even on the black market. So there is no danger of gun violence. (The pro-gun crowd in the US should take note of this, as they falsely assume that gun control = government tyranny and the loss of freedom) In fact, physical fights in China are rare. People argue by yelling at each other. But it usually doesn't get physical or violent. And muggings and hold ups are virtually non-existent. In contrast, the US has the highest homicide by handguns rate in the industrialized world. All stats reveal this. It also has a high violence rate since Americans are more violence-prone by nature, and the US military is as well. America has been in more wars than any other country, which speaks volumes. It also has the biggest prison population too, with 2 million currently incarcerated.

11. Freedom to eat healthier food for cheap. Food in China tends to be healthier and cheaper than America. It doesn't allow GMO food from Monsanto, a chemical weapons company that controls America's food, which is insane. There is no msg in Chinese food in China like there is in the Chinese food in America, which is Americanized. Many restaurants in China also serve bigger portions, in my experience, than in America even, so they are more generous. There are also stalls for street food which are dirt cheap. Also you don't need to leave any tips in China like in America. Just look at the people on the streets of China and you will see that almost everyone is thin, not fat or overweight. Obesity is rare, and most people are height/weight proportionate, or thin. This speaks volumes about the food being healthier, even if some of it is cooked with unhealthy oils.

12. Freedom from incredibly expensive healthcare that could bankrupt you. Going to the doctor or hospital in China is very cheap, almost free, and treatment is also very inexpensive. Even surgery is a fraction of what it is in the US. I've seen doctors in China for only a few dollars. In contrast, the US has the most expensive healthcare in the world, as we all know, and in fact, medical bankruptcies are the number one cause of bankruptcy in America. Healthcare costs are insane in America. Furthermore, in China one can choose from traditional Chinese herbal medicine or acupuncture, or modern Western style treatment with pharmaceutical drugs. Chinese hospitals provide both styles of treatment, and wise people say that you should combine the two for maximum effectiveness. But in America, you often don't get a choice. You did in 1800's America though, when allopathic remedies were offered by doctors. But in the 1900's, big pharma totally took over US healthcare and monopolized into a pure profit industry that placed profit over life and health, as we all know.

13. Freedom from police bullying and brutality. In China, police and security guards tend to be polite and non-confrontational. They don't get a power trip from bullying and harassing people like US cops do, who seem to be itching for a fight. In fact, one time i saw policemen in China spending an hour to help a drunk man who passed out on the sidewalk. In the US, the cops wouldn't have had the patience for that. Ironically, the alleged "land of the free" has some of the most meanest cops.

14. Freedom to check out of hotels later than 11am or 12pm. Many hotels in China will let you check out at 2pm, which is very generous compared to the US, where most hotels in most states make you check out at 11am, which is way too early, especially if you are on vacation and need to sleep in. Even California hotels have a strict 12pm check out time. Again, the US is too strict about little rules and thus is less free than most countries.

15. Freedom from unfair divorce laws against men. In China, the divorce laws generally favor men, not women. A man's wife can't just divorce him for any reason and steal his house like she can in America, which is clearly an abuse of the system and downright theft too. In China, when a couple divorces, the man usually keeps the house and children, especially if he is the breadwinner and making more money than his wife. This is as it should be, because it keeps the wife loyal and good, since she cannot get rich by divorcing her husband. So overall it keeps the family together. This is an example of wisdom in China that the US doesn't have. Plus, pro-male laws are wiser, because men are builders, creators, doers, hunters, and warriors. Men build societies, nations, civilizations, buildings, ships, etc. They invent everything too, in fact all modern technologies are invented by men. So if you don't put men's needs first, society collapses, just as it has in the US and just as it did in ancient Greece and Rome when feminism and liberalism took over. This is ancient wisdom that liberal America has lost.

16. Freedom to talk to strangers without feeling transgressive. It's easier and more natural to talk to strangers in China. People are not paranoid of others and are very upfront and down to earth. But in America, as we all know, people don't talk to strangers unless it's business related. Otherwise, it's inappropriate and those who do are seen as creeps. America wasn't always that antisocial though. In the 1970's and prior, people were friendlier with strangers, but increasingly became paranoid and socially disconnected during the late 1980's. Even US government and media stats show that today, one third of Americans have no close friends to confide in, so they have to pay therapists to hear their problems. This is well documented, not some rant by a loser.

17. Freedom to flirt with girls and get dates without conventional connections. You don't have to have a conventional clique to meet and date girls. You can meet them online or through meet me chat apps, or meet them in public places. Not all the time of course, but often you can. At least more than in America, where girls are very closed off toward strangers and antisocial.

18. Freedom from expensive home repair labor costs. In Asia, you can hire people to fix your house without having to pay an arm and a leg for labor costs, unlike America where, as we all know, labor is outrageously expensive and out of proportion. Workers in the US also have the biggest entitlement mentality and demand the most for their time. It's no wonder that so many US corporations have outsourced their labor.

19. Freedom from school bullying. In the US, school bullying is an epidemic. It causes psychological damage and trauma, sometimes for life. But in Asia and China, children are more humble and modest. They don't bully others. It's not in their nature to seek confrontation or violence. If you don't believe me, try this: Google "School bullying in America" and then try "School bullying in China" and see how many hits come up. There's no comparison.

20. Freedom to admit that you need women and love. In China, you are allowed to be honest about needing others and needing love from women. You are allowed to admit that you are lonely. After all, humans are not meant to be alone. Even the Bible says so. So needing others is natural and normal. But America treats needing women or being lonely like a defect or weakness to overcome, which is unnatural and not understanding at all. America tries to deny human nature, but China is saner and does not. As soon as you tell people in America that you need women to be happy, you will be criticized for it and told you that you have a weakness.

21. Freedom to discriminate and not have to pretend to be color blind. In China, you can talk about racial differences and have racial preferences. You don't have to pretend that color doesn't matter. You are allowed to say white skin is more beautiful than black skin, since in Asia that is the standard after all. And if you are an employer, you are allowed to have racial preferences in who you want to hire. The government does not tell you otherwise. But in America, one is forced to PRETEND to be colorblind and claim that race and color don't matter and are all equal, to comply with the law of political correctness. Employers are not allow to discriminate based on race, gender or age either, so they discriminate discreetly, since it's human nature to discriminate and have preferences after all. No law can change that.

22. Freedom from affirmative action laws. Furthermore, in America some states have affirmative action laws and so employers must hire a certain percentage of workers all races if they have a large pool of employees. But you have no such absurd thing in China, which is more real and allows employers to hire who they want without unnatural interference.

23. Freedom to be human with real emotions. In the US and Taiwan, people act like zombies. They are supposed to be repressed, reserved and not show much emotion. Even on a plane when turbulence rocks the plane, everyone acts as if nothing happened, with me being the only one reacting to it. But in China, authenticity still reigns. You are allowed to show emotion and express yourself (as long as you don't bash the government of course).

24. Freedom from loneliness and isolation. In America if you are single, you are FORCED to be lonely in most cases. Because people don't talk to strangers, and when they do it's for business only or very superficial. No one wants to be your real friend or lover. No one wants to hang out and have a good time. The social culture is very antisocial and negative. People are misanthropic and tense around others. They just want to keep to themselves and shut others out. Even Oprah Winfrey admitted on her show that Americans are closed minded and like to lock themselves in a room and shut others out. (see her interview with John Mack and alien abductees) But in China, social interaction is much more smooth, natural and harmonious. They view social harmony and friendships as a part of life, something needed and natural, not something to avoid or shun. Thus it is much easier to make friends and get dates in China.

25. Freedom from high taxes and the IRS. Taxes in the US are unusually high due to socialism and excessive government spending, as well as bad government policies. Under the progressive tax rate, even those at the lowest income level still have to pay 20 percent of their income in taxes. And the more you make, the more taxes you pay. In contrast, in Asia taxes are lower, usually at 10 percent. The governments in Asia do not overspend or try to do too much or create too many agencies to police everyone and spy on everyone. They are not control freaks or tyrants like in America.

Also in the US, the IRS acts like a police force that harasses and bullies people, despite the fact that the income tax in America is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and was illegally ratified via a conspiracy as an amendment. The Founding Fathers of America only allowed for sales taxes and import taxes, but not income taxes. That's because government under the US constitution was never meant to tax people or provide benefits, but only act as a protector of people's freedom and safety. But of course, corrupt bankers and groups with their own agenda don't care about the Constitution.

26. Freedom to date women more attractive than you. In China, one of the first things you notice is that in most couples, the woman is more attractive than the man. Everywhere you go you see nerdy or even ugly guys with attractive females, which you'd never see in the US. In the US, you see the REVERSE. You see average females with men who are more attractive than them, as if average women can afford to be picky and get more than they deserve. After all, women have too much power in America, because America is pro-women and anti-male, which is unfair of course but you aren't allowed to question it or complain about it. So if you like attractive feminine women who are thin and cute, China is definitely the place to go, because they are far more attainable there, whereas in the US, even average women are hard to get. One reason for this is that in Asia, women aren't as picky about looks as American women are.

27. Freedom from the negative/paranoid/uptight vibe and energy of America. In America, people are on edge and frustrated. Life is stressful and there is no social connection to make you happy, or even meaning. Life is a treadmill where you must always produce and be productive and where no one cares about you, so you feel lonely and unloved and used, as if your worth is determined by your contribution to profit only. Yet you must accept all this. The energy feels toxic in American cities and the West Coast. The social vibe is paranoid and antisocial. You can't relax or be yourself, because everyone is constantly judging you. It's a vibe that brings out the worst in you and makes you go crazy if you let it. That's why there are so many psychos and random violence in the US.

But in China and most other countries, you are free from that. The vibe is more natural and down to earth. You don't have to feel crazy or on edge. There is social connection and you can be yourself. The vibe feels much more natural and healthy. Everything feels more real, especially the people. Thus the energy and aura of the environment FEELS a lot more free and authentic, which allows you to relax and be yourself. And as you know, feelings are very important and always trump logic when it comes to humans.

28. Freedom to eat alone at restaurants and not be judged negatively. If you eat at a restaurant alone in the US, you will stick out like a sore thumb and look like a loser. People only go to restaurants with their friends and family or with a date. It might be ok to eat alone in NYC but not in the US suburbs. There it's all about groups and families. No one goes out alone. That's why you never see single people eating alone in restaurants. They go to subway and take out food. But in China and most other countries, no one judges you on little stuff like that. You can eat alone and not feel like a loser or look abnormal. People who are down to earth don't judge others that way.

29. Freedom to go to prostitutes and brothels. Although officially, prostitution is illegal in China to save face, in reality it is offered in every Chinese city - inside massage parlors, hotels, KTV's, and through freelancers. Prostitution is necessary because some guys need sex but don't have a girlfriend or wife available to them. So they need a release or outlet. That's why ancient societies said that "prostitution was like a sewer, dirty but necessary". Studies show that when prostitution is legalized, crime and violence go down. But the US is the only industrialized country where prostitution is illegal. Because the US is the least understanding of men's needs and is very anti-male and unwise.

30. Freedom from forced celibacy. In America, if you are not in a relationship, you are pretty much forced to be celibate. Sex is incredibly hard to get and you are not allowed to pursue it, lest you be seen as a "sexual predator". You have to wait til some girl magically "falls in love with you" or "falls for you" before you can have sex. That is a long shot and for many guys, it takes years to find, or never happens. Thus you are out of luck. Especially if you are Asian or not considered a hot guy in America, because American girls are very big on looks.

And if you try to hire a prostitute or escort, it feels creepy and illegal, and you may get in trouble with the law because it's illegal in America. It also costs 200 dollars too, and even if you do it, you run the risk of getting an unattractive female with a bad attitude who treats you like crap, and who has greedy vibes that turn you off. Overall, it's a bad vibe and bad p4p (pay for pleasure) experience. Much better to go to Thailand, Philippines or Germany where prostitution is normal and part of the culture so you will be treated right. If you go to Nevada, where there is legalized prostitution in brothels, you will be ripped off, because as of 2013, they now charge about 800 - 1000 dollars for sex there, which is a total ripoff. (used to be 200 dollars) In Germany, you can have sex as many times as you want in one night in a brothel for 100 dollars. And in Philippines, you can get it for 25 dollars and it will often be GFE (girlfriend experience) and it can lead to more if the chemistry is right, such a relationship.

But in China, it's much easier to find a girlfriend and get into a relationship, so you can have regular sex. But if you can't, there are many massage places that offer sex, and some KTV's too, as well as freelancers. So you aren't as forced to be celibate. If that doesn't work, there is always Philippines and Thailand, which are sexual paradises for men, particularly in Angeles City, Bangkok and Pattaya.

31. Freedom from having to give stupid tips and gratuity customs. In America, you are forced to tip every service worker, and not only that, but you are supposed to tip generously and happily, as if you are glad to participate in such a nonsensical custom that is unnecessary in most other countries. The tipping custom is stupid if you think about it, after all, why should you give someone extra money just for doing their job? Especially if they do nothing special and do not go out of their way in any way? What's the logic behind it? Even if the service was nothing special, you are still supposed to tip. Thus it's forced, not from the heart. Even if it's just a guy driving a taxi cab, you are still supposed to tip him, even though driving is an ordinary thing. A tip should come from the heart, such as if the service man or woman has gone out of their way for you in some way, not be a forced thing that you have to give. Otherwise, it's just a scam to get extra money from you.

But in China, service staff do not expect tips. There is no tipping custom. So you are free from that nonsense and bullshit. The service staff are humble and not spoiled or entitled in expecting tips. American workers are too spoiled and entitled. No wonder so many US corporations outsource their jobs. You can't blame them. In spite of this, restaurant prices in China are lower than in America, generally, and they sometimes give you bigger portions too, surprisingly. So this American excuse that "prices would be higher if there were no tipping" doesn't hold water and only fools Americans who haven't been overseas.

32. Freedom from having to bullshit your way through life. In America, you have to BS and pretend to be "cool" and tough and confident and always optimistic, even when there's no reason to be. In other words, you gotta be phony and fake to fit in. You can't be yourself. Having to act fake all the time leads to mental illness, because it causes an inner split within yourself, separating your true self from your fake mask, resulting in an inner fragmentation. That, I think, it one of the main reasons why America has the highest rate of mental illness in the world. You also have to be very politically correct about social issues, to the point of lying and saying what you don't really believe.

But in China, the culture and people are more down to earth, thus you can be yourself. You don't need to act fake or project an artificial mask of confidence. Sure it helps to dress well, but you don't have to have a fake personality. You can be kind and down to earth and that is enough to be liked and appreciated. You also don't need to be politically correct. China gives you more leeway to be honest. Thus there is more freedom to be authentic, and be yourself, which is the highest form of freedom there is, as mentioned before.

33. Freedom from a negative media that keeps you living in fear and paranoia. As we all know, the mainstream media in America is highly negative and tries to keep you paranoid and fearful of "bad things" out there that are out to get you. Fear is useful to the elites which control the US media, and lowers the spiritual energy of the masses so they are more controllable and will consume more to compensate for their lack of power. But in China, Europe and most countries, the media isn't as negative and fear mongering. It's more balanced and positive, giving equal coverage to good stories not just bad ones. And it doesn't try to scare you either. America is clearly the biggest perpetrator of mind control, because in order for it to provide political freedoms, it must also increase mass mind control in order to maintain control, as Noam Chomsky has noted in his books and lectures. Furthermore, the US media is also very anti-male, whereas media in other countries is not.

34. Freedom from mental illness and low self-esteem. America has the highest rate of mental illness in the world. Even the World Health Organization says so. If you live in America, you have nearly a 50 percent chance of developing a mental disorder in your lifetime. Having to see a therapist or psychiatrist is all too common in America but not in the rest of the world. At least a third of Americans use antidepressants too. This is no surprise, since America's social environment is toxic and brings out the worst in you. It tries to tear you down and make you feel insecure and worthless, as if you have no intrinsic value so you have to work forever to prove your worth. It's terrible and wrong to do that to human beings, especially children. No one likes you for you - that's the feeling you get in the US. As a result, you feel low self-esteem and low self-confidence. So you have to artificially manufacture your own pseudo self-esteem and fake confidence to compensate, since society does not give it to you. That's partly why Americans seem so artificial and have to develop big egos, and have to brag and act arrogant, in order to project pseudo confidence and toughness.

But in China, you are liberated from all this. You are free from feeling like crap about yourself and hating yourself. The healthy social connection and authentic vibe that allows you to be yourself, gives you natural self-esteem and good mental health, so you don't need any therapists or shrinks or antidepressants. China's work culture is also not as stressful, but more laid back. They let you go at your own pace and don't try to overwork you like work does in Taiwan and America. Simply put, when you're out of America, self-esteem is really no longer an issue, whereas in the US it's a constant issue you have to grapple with, which is unnatural and wrong.

35. Freedom from needing a car to get around. In China and other countries, public transportation is very extensive and comprehensive. Especially in cities. You don't need to own a car to get around. There are buses, subways, cheap taxis, standard trains and high speed bullet trains to get you around anywhere you need. Even if you go around by taxis all day, they are fairly cheap, not a ripoff like in the US, and you don't even have to tip the driver. As you know, having to buy a car is a major expense. Most people have to get a loan to get a car, and afterward, there are gas expenses, insurance expenses, maintenance expenses, etc. Plus there's the risk of getting into an accident if you drive everyday, which is a risk to your life, since many thousands of people in the US die every year from auto fatalities. So in China and many other countries, you are free from the burden and expenses of needing a car.

* The following was submitted by Matt Hanson:
36. Freedom to date good quality women. Another thing a man notices when he steps off the plane in China is that a vast majority of the women are high quality. First of all, the society isn't promiscuous, except in first tier cities, and children being born out of wedlock is a rarity. It is a pro-male culture, thus, the women are kept in check most of the time. In other words, many Chinese girls are virgins, which is good news for marriage-minded men. And China doesn't have alimony or child support. Secondly, there is a much higher percentage of women in China who are thin or height-weight proportionate because it doesn't have the obesity levels that the U.S. has.

In contrast, America is a promiscuous society in addition to being pro-female. Most girls lose their virginity early like around age 14 and either practice serial monogamy or slut around. Out of wedlock births are at an all-time high right now. And the guys that girls sleep around with are usually jocks or thugs/bad boys. And the obesity epidemic is out of control that fat girls are ubiquitous. So a normal decent guy is either forced to settle for used-up single mom ex-carouselers and/or fat ugly chicks, or remain celibate. Even worse, if a guy settles for a woman with bastard kids, he can very well be on the hook for child support for kids that aren't his because American women can get away with abusing the system.


So as you can see from all the many examples above, though China may lack some political freedoms that the US has, it definitely has more social and personal freedoms, at least for men. And while America offers higher salaries in jobs, China offers more authenticity, social connection and opportunities to date beautiful women you could never have in America. In addition, China is more sane and free from many toxic elements of America listed above, as well as overly strict rules.

These are good reasons why many Asian Americans and overseas Chinese nowadays are now moving back to China. Once they discover all this, they realize that their love life, social life and self-esteem will be better and healthier back in China. But alas, most Asian Americans and Chinese Americans do not know all this. It's not talked about publicly, and even those that know about it have a hard time finding the words and the courage to express it. So that's why I wrote this compilation. It needs to get out there. So please spread it around. The mainstream media will never dare touch this. So it's in your hands and our hands to get such truths out.

Please also listen to this podcast by me and my friends about the social and personal freedoms in China that you don't have in the West. We elaborate on many examples in it. ... eedoms.mp3

If any of you have any more freedoms in China to add to the list, please post them below. Thanks.
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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E Irizarry R&B Singer
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Re: 30+ Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must Se

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

No. 6 is so very important. Even here in South America, you can come in as foreigner and set up "shop" to become a "vendedor de calle" (or vendedor na rua if you are in Brasil) WITH NO PERMIT. Be warned, don't sell veneno (poison) that immediately kills people or else the policia miltar will make sure you are thrown under the jail. As fu.cked up as the USA is, South American jails are 10x's worse when it comes to hygiene and privileges. If you a large male, they won't mess with you unless you are in Salvador, Bahia (Brasil) or Venezuela, w hich are the hardcore places of South America - they might size you up and try you!). But as long as you are selling street product (not drugs) that the public likes, you will be fine and probably more than likely be able to live off of 3.5 weeks work every month (hence why street vendedores work 6 days a week for like 5-8 hours or longer if they have different people and shifts because some vendedores are 24/7).
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Re: 30+ Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must Se

Post by E Irizarry R&B Singer »

...and street food is awesome! Much cheaper than sitting in a restaurant. When I was in BKK (Thailand), all I ate was street food, and it's some of the best street food in the planet bar-none. I became very intrigued by the sight of an ant-insect-roach street vender dipping them in chocolate. Hey they are all protein; all jokes aside.
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Re: 35 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by starchild5 »

Wow...One of the best articles, post I have ever read...So Comprehensive and True...

Sophia Stewart, the creator of Matrix, Terminator - The black women was right..The saviors of humanity will be indeed Non-White :lol: ..All White Super Hero Movie are FAKE by Design..There are no White Super Hero's..The real Super Hero's would be blacks, Asians etc...Neo was supposed to be black, John Conner was supposed to be black..but the Jews hijacked her script and made the main lead white 8) 8)

Winston is the real hero here and he is Asian... :)

I bet the most opposition you will get on your articles would be from white retards not from Chinese/Asians/Black...

The first white logic would be..

Then why do so many Chinese wants to come to America...

--Because...American Media has brainwashed the world, so Chinese THINK..America is Hollywood but as Winston has said countless times...America is far from Hollywood and this is usually the first shock people get...which is also the reason..Many Chinese Americans are moving back...aka...Once you realize the CON which is Jew S A may take 1 day or 1 year or 1 generation...but eventually you will wake up and move back to China.

-- I can confirm....You are right about nerds/ugly guys getting super hot Chinese girls...I was in Bangkok few days back and saw countless Chinese men...with super hot women...I thought..I should have been in China than Thailand, if it was that easy :D

Indian women are picky....Chinese women are better and down to earth it seems now....they are not hung up on looks...

I can also confirm..China has more freedom than India..the so called largest democracy in the world....I was in Macau and Hong Kong not even mainland but I could feel difference...its not suppressed sexually as India, which is the major cause of rape epidemic and mental illness in India.

I will share this with my friends..who still are brainwashed on America...The land of the free.. :mrgreen:
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Re: 35 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by El_Caudillo »

I actually agree with a lot of what you say here. And love the fact in China you can go to a restaurant by yourself and not feel weird. However, China is not all a bed of roses - sure you can attack liberalism there, but you need to watch your step if you say anything against the government. Life is not much fun if for example:

1. You are a farmer and you want to protest against a local government official charging you too much tax.
2. You want to practice Falungong.
3. You live downtown Beijing in an old house of historical value, but they want to turn the area into a shopping mall and you plan to fight it.
4. You want to log into facebook or watch youtube.

People in the first three scenarios often wind up in jail.

I too felt quite free when I first moved to China. Basically I could drink beer when I wanted, even at lunch. Girls wanted to speak to me. If I wanted to see a movie I could just go down the road and buy the DVD for a cheap price. Even people without much money in China can get out and enjoy themselves at streets-side BBQs that go on all night. If I'm broke in the West I just have to stay at home.
Even Billy knows that, just ask Mr S!
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Re: 35 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Yohan »

Not all is true what I read here.
But it is not so easy to compare China and USA. I am not so sure which is the better place.

I would compare China more with Thailand or Japan, where I am living most of the time and for me China is worse.

What about by size, income and population to compare China with India or Brazil?

About real estate, Shanghai is one of the most expensive cities in this world. also Beijing is in the upper part of the most expensive cities of the world, despite pollution in this city and around is terrible.

It is a huge difference in pricing between international cities and elsewhere in China, and the income difference between poor and rich is getting worse.
Also in China poor people are getting poorer and rich people are getting richer.

It is also nowhere mentioned that even a Chinese citizen cannot own land. Foreign currency exchange is also to mention to be restricted, business related laws are changing all the time. Not every Chinese can so easily leave the country, even not move within China to a place he or she wants to stay and work.

About political freedom, it is much better now than in the past, however it is impossible for a Chinese to renounce Chinese citizenship.
Internet is considerably censored.

About being cheaper in general, also income is much less than in developed countries, compared to Japan about 3 times less.

China is now about on the same level as Thailand.

Imported articles are horribly expensive in China with huge custom tariffs collected and Chinese local goods are often of poor quality.


USA of course has also its problems, and as correctly mentioned, this 'tip' society is annoying, you do not pay only a price, but everybody serving you is expecting tips. The delivery man, the waiter, the taxi-driver...

Medical fees are overpriced, legally seen USA is a chaos.

Some places in USA are dangerous and truly below 3rd world standard.

It's nowhere the perfect life, except you are very rich, then you can live everywhere.
I agree, USA is a place for people who like to be alone - communication among people, especially between men and women is broken. Everybody feels threatened or insulted and wants to file lawsuits.

Not all is good in USA, but there are many countries worldwide which are by far worse.
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Re: 35 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by yick »

China does have a lot of freedoms in comparison to the west, it certainly is less of a police/nanny state than back home, if you want to ride a motorbike without a helmet and three people and two suitcases - good luck but don't go crying to anyone when you are jam on the floor. No-one will stop you - goes the same for eating or drinking in the street, selling stuff on the pavement etc.

Also, what there is that isn't in the west is the violence which can be triggered by micro aggressions such as car horn use - if you used your car horn in the west (or the UK or the states for sure) like the Chinese do, then you are likely to get beaten up before the day is out, how do Chinese people react to car horns, or line jumping or pushing and shoving - they don't care - how do westerners react to it? It's a duel and ten paces - or a smack in the mouth at least.

China takes a lot of getting used to and there are things that aren't so great, but there are lots of great things about this place and they do get a lot right and things that westerners can learn from.
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Re: 35 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by MattHanson1990 »

Much of what you said also applies to Mexico, but Mexico copies some things from the U.S. of Gay like tipping and gratuity customs. The only difference is that in Mexico, tips generally cost way less than in America. And it doesn't matter if you give service workers 1 peso or 50 centavos. Restaurant tips are generally 10 or 15 percent of the bill, but even then they're still way less expensive than in the U.S. of Gay.

New topic, there's one other freedom about China I'd like to mention.

Freedom to date good quality women
Another thing a man notices when he steps off the plane in China is that a vast majority of the women are high quality. First of all, the society isn't promiscuous, except in first tier cities, and children being born out of wedlock is a rarity. It is a pro-male culture, thus, the women are kept in check most of the time. In other words, many Chinese girls are virgins, which is good news for marriage-minded men. And China doesn't have alimony or child support. Secondly, there is a much higher percentage of women in China who are thin or height-weight proportionate because it doesn't have the obesity levels that the U.S. has.

In contrast, America is a promiscuous society in addition to being pro-female. Most girls lose their virginity early like around age 14 and either practice serial monogamy or slut around. Out of wedlock births are at an all-time high right now. And the guys that girls sleep around with are usually jocks or thugs/bad boys. And the obesity epidemic is out of control that fat girls are ubiquitous. So a normal decent guy is either forced to settle for used-up single mom ex-carouselers and/or fat ugly chicks, or remain celibate. Even worse, if a guy settles for a woman with bastard kids, he can very well be on the hook for child support for kids that aren't his because American women can get away with abusing the system.
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Re: 35 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Winston »

El_Caudillo wrote:I actually agree with a lot of what you say here. And love the fact in China you can go to a restaurant by yourself and not feel weird. However, China is not all a bed of roses - sure you can attack liberalism there, but you need to watch your step if you say anything against the government. Life is not much fun if for example:

1. You are a farmer and you want to protest against a local government official charging you too much tax.
2. You want to practice Falungong.
3. You live downtown Beijing in an old house of historical value, but they want to turn the area into a shopping mall and you plan to fight it.
4. You want to log into facebook or watch youtube.

People in the first three scenarios often wind up in jail.

I too felt quite free when I first moved to China. Basically I could drink beer when I wanted, even at lunch. Girls wanted to speak to me. If I wanted to see a movie I could just go down the road and buy the DVD for a cheap price. Even people without much money in China can get out and enjoy themselves at streets-side BBQs that go on all night. If I'm broke in the West I just have to stay at home.
Do you mean if the Chinese government wanted to take away your home, they could for any reason? What about your property rights? If you own the home, then how can they tear it down to build a shopping mall? Usually the government has to work within the law too right? I heard about something similar in the Philippines. If the government wants your land, they will relocate you and give you another house to live in, but it will probably be crap quality.

As to the internet, yeah it is slow and annoying in China. But you can use a VPN to access Facebook and YouTube. It's legal.

I don't think you will go to jail just for complaining to the government. Anyone can complain to the government. It's whe you hold a mass rally or demonstration against the government that you get jailed. Or you make a big publicity out of it. But there's nothing wrong with going to a government office and complaining. Aren't there Chinese lawyers that can help?
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Re: 35 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Winston »

Yohan wrote: About real estate, Shanghai is one of the most expensive cities in this world. also Beijing is in the upper part of the most expensive cities of the world, despite pollution in this city and around is terrible.
Ok I will revise it and note that lower cost of living doesn't apply to Shanghai or Beijing. But it does apply to most Chinese cities, like Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Chengdu, Chongqing, etc. Shenzhen is new and modern and user friendly, despite what Rock says, at least compared to other Chinese cities. So it's very convenient. But of course, since it covers a vast area of land, you can get lost there if you don't know where you are going. But the subway system there is very extensive and easy to navigate.
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Re: 35 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by Winston »

MattHanson1990 wrote:Much of what you said also applies to Mexico, but Mexico copies some things from the U.S. of Gay like tipping and gratuity customs. The only difference is that in Mexico, tips generally cost way less than in America. And it doesn't matter if you give service workers 1 peso or 50 centavos. Restaurant tips are generally 10 or 15 percent of the bill, but even then they're still way less expensive than in the U.S. of Gay.

New topic, there's one other freedom about China I'd like to mention.

Freedom to date good quality women
Another thing a man notices when he steps off the plane in China is that a vast majority of the women are high quality. First of all, the society isn't promiscuous, except in first tier cities, and children being born out of wedlock is a rarity. It is a pro-male culture, thus, the women are kept in check most of the time. In other words, many Chinese girls are virgins, which is good news for marriage-minded men. And China doesn't have alimony or child support. Secondly, there is a much higher percentage of women in China who are thin or height-weight proportionate because it doesn't have the obesity levels that the U.S. has.

In contrast, America is a promiscuous society in addition to being pro-female. Most girls lose their virginity early like around age 14 and either practice serial monogamy or slut around. Out of wedlock births are at an all-time high right now. And the guys that girls sleep around with are usually jocks or thugs/bad boys. And the obesity epidemic is out of control that fat girls are ubiquitous. So a normal decent guy is either forced to settle for used-up single mom ex-carouselers and/or fat ugly chicks, or remain celibate. Even worse, if a guy settles for a woman with bastard kids, he can very well be on the hook for child support for kids that aren't his because American women can get away with abusing the system.
That's a good one Matt. I'll add it to the list at the bottom and accredit it to you. How do you know anything about China though? I thought you've only been to Mexico. If Europe doesn't work out, you can try China too someday or consider it. It has the most feminine women in the world that are also down to earth as well, the ideal combination.
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Re: 35 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by MattHanson1990 »

Winston wrote:
MattHanson1990 wrote:Much of what you said also applies to Mexico, but Mexico copies some things from the U.S. of Gay like tipping and gratuity customs. The only difference is that in Mexico, tips generally cost way less than in America. And it doesn't matter if you give service workers 1 peso or 50 centavos. Restaurant tips are generally 10 or 15 percent of the bill, but even then they're still way less expensive than in the U.S. of Gay.

New topic, there's one other freedom about China I'd like to mention.

Freedom to date good quality women
Another thing a man notices when he steps off the plane in China is that a vast majority of the women are high quality. First of all, the society isn't promiscuous, except in first tier cities, and children being born out of wedlock is a rarity. It is a pro-male culture, thus, the women are kept in check most of the time. In other words, many Chinese girls are virgins, which is good news for marriage-minded men. And China doesn't have alimony or child support. Secondly, there is a much higher percentage of women in China who are thin or height-weight proportionate because it doesn't have the obesity levels that the U.S. has.

In contrast, America is a promiscuous society in addition to being pro-female. Most girls lose their virginity early like around age 14 and either practice serial monogamy or slut around. Out of wedlock births are at an all-time high right now. And the guys that girls sleep around with are usually jocks or thugs/bad boys. And the obesity epidemic is out of control that fat girls are ubiquitous. So a normal decent guy is either forced to settle for used-up single mom ex-carouselers and/or fat ugly chicks, or remain celibate. Even worse, if a guy settles for a woman with bastard kids, he can very well be on the hook for child support for kids that aren't his because American women can get away with abusing the system.
That's a good one Matt. I'll add it to the list at the bottom and accredit it to you. How do you know anything about China though? I thought you've only been to Mexico. If Europe doesn't work out, you can try China too someday or consider it. It has the most feminine women in the world that are also down to earth as well, the ideal combination.
I've only been to Mexico. So I only know China based on what people post. Ghost mentions over and over that China has mostly virgin girls.
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by yick »

Freedom to date good quality women
Another thing a man notices when he steps off the plane in China is that a vast majority of the women are high quality. First of all, the society isn't promiscuous, except in first tier cities, and children being born out of wedlock is a rarity. It is a pro-male culture, thus, the women are kept in check most of the time. In other words, many Chinese girls are virgins, which is good news for marriage-minded men. And China doesn't have alimony or child support. Secondly, there is a much higher percentage of women in China who are thin or height-weight proportionate because it doesn't have the obesity levels that the U.S. has.
There are literally tens of millions of high quality girls, but the vast majority of them wouldn't entertain a foreigner.

Women everywhere prefer their own men, the men who resemble them most physically. My female students love this guy.


If I showed that photo to a class full of 20 year old female British students (who were white) do you think they would think he was
hot? Some might but the vast majority wouldn't.

And it is the same for us, now if you are of Chinese ethnicity or of an ethnicity that resembles them physically - like Korean - then you also stand a great chance of pulling a nice looking woman.

That's not to say you can't pull a nice looking woman in China if you are white, there are a fair number who would entertain it, and a lot more who would entertain a white guy who ticked all their boxes or have the right chemistry with them.

I have to say this too - the nicest looking Chinese women who liked me couldn't speak two words of English. There are issues you have to overcome with this for sure,

Most young Chinese women dream about Zhang Jike or some Korean actor - Mr Perfect doesn't look like Tom Brady or Justin Bieber to a lot (the vast majority) of Chinese girls, if you get a Chinese woman interested in you it is despite your white skin and will to do with something else (height, the way you dress, your eyes/eyelashes, your smile... )
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by El_Caudillo »

Do you mean if the Chinese government wanted to take away your home, they could for any reason? What about your property rights? If you own the home, then how can they tear it down to build a shopping mall? Usually the government has to work within the law too right? I heard about something similar in the Philippines. If the government wants your land, they will relocate you and give you another house to live in, but it will probably be crap quality.

As to the internet, yeah it is slow and annoying in China. But you can use a VPN to access Facebook and YouTube. It's legal.

I don't think you will go to jail just for complaining to the government. Anyone can complain to the government. It's when you hold a mass rally or demonstration against the government that you get jailed. Or you make a big publicity out of it. But there's nothing wrong with going to a government office and complaining. Aren't there Chinese lawyers that can help?
Property rights are a bit different in China Winston. Here are some details from Wiki...

Forced eviction in the People's Republic of China refers to the practice of involuntary land requisitions from the citizenry, typically in order to make room for development projects. In many instances, government authorities working in collusion with private developers seize land from villagers, often with little to no compensation. Forced evictions are particularly common in rural areas, and are a major source of unrest and public protest. By some estimates, up to 65 percent of the 180,000 annual "mass incidents" in China stem from grievances over forced evictions. Citizens who resist or protest the evictions have reportedly been subjected to harassment, beatings, or detention.

The rate of forced evictions has grown significantly since the 1990s, as city and county-level governments have increasingly come to rely on land sales as an important source of revenue. In 2011, the Financial Times reported that 40 percent of local government revenue comes from land sales. Guan Qingyou, a professor at Tsinghua University, estimated that land sales accounted for 74 percent of local government income in 2010.

Legal framework

The practice of land requisitions and forced evictions is widespread in China as local governments make way for private real estate developers.
Under Chinese property law, there is no privately held land; “urban land” is owned by the state, which grants land rights for a set number of years. Rural, or “collectively owned land,” is leased by the state for periods of 30 years, and is theoretically reserved for agricultural purposes, housing and services for farmers.

And if you protest this can happen...

In August 2008, two elderly women in their 70s were sentenced to a year of reeducation-through-labor when they applied for a permit to protest in the government's approved "protest zone" during the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Wu Dianyuan, 79, and Wang Xiuying, 77, were evicted from their Beijing homes in 2001. They were promised compensation and resettlement, but it was never delivered.
Even Billy knows that, just ask Mr S!
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Re: 36 Freedoms in China That America Doesn't Have! Must See

Post by El_Caudillo »

In Wild Grass, Pulitzer Prize—winning journalist Ian Johnson tells the stories of three ordinary Chinese citizens moved to extraordinary acts of courage: a peasant legal clerk who filed a class-action suit on behalf of overtaxed farmers, a young architect who defended the rights of dispossessed homeowners, and a bereaved woman who tried to find out why her elderly mother had been beaten to death in police custody. Representing the first cracks in the otherwise seamless façade of Communist Party control, these small acts of resistance demonstrate the unconquerable power of the human conscience and prophesy an increasingly open political future for China.

Even Billy knows that, just ask Mr S!
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