Why do many American women EXPLODE over nothing and have TOXIC HOT tempers?! 8 Things I've Noticed

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Why do many American women EXPLODE over nothing and have TOXIC HOT tempers?! 8 Things I've Noticed

Post by Winston »

I talked to Falcon about this last night on the phone, so I thought I'd bring it up here. Like me, Falcon just came here from Asia too, and we both noted that the first thing we noticed about many American women (and Americanized foreign women of other ethnicities) upon returning to America is: (not all though, but a very large percentage are like this)

1. They have this permanent scowl look on their faces, and this vicious angry look as if they are ready to lash out or explode at someone for any little thing they don't like. You can see it on their face, vibe, body language, etc. It's very toxic and uncomfortable to be around, like walking on eggshells, because you get the sense that any little thing that you say or do wrong, and they will lash out at you with an angry rage bottled up inside them. It's like being near a time bomb that could go off at any minute.

Women in Asia aren't like this at all, so it's a shocking contrast to see again if you aren't used to it. It's a huge contrast to the sweet, modest, relaxed, cheerful look of SE Asian women.

2. You also get the sense that if they don't get their way, they will explode or blow up. It's like "everything must go their way, or else". Geez, how spoiled is that? What this means is that if you are her partner, then it's YOUR DUTY to make sure nothing goes wrong in her life. Otherwise, she could explode at you, chew you out and blame you for it! Now that's A LOT of pressure that a lot of American husbands must go through! Geez. You gotta pity them!

3. They look highly irritable, like they are used to getting everything they want and will not tolerate anything not going their way. (I guess daddy giving them everything they want as a little girl wasn't a good idea after all.) This means if you are around them, they are the boss and you have no say in things. Everything must be OKed with her. It's like you are there to serve her. It's so unfair isn't it?

Any of you notice these things? The worst thing is that you don't know WHEN she will blow her fuse and blow up at you. It could come at any minute for any little thing. It's like being near a time bomb and you don't know when it will go off.

I understand now why Rock told me that white women scare him. Many of them have this fiery fiesty temper that looks like it wants to lash out at any minute. The thing is, women in Asia generally don't have this. They are far more modest, humble and sweet in comparison. So when you are in Asia long term and get used to that, it becomes an intimidating culture shock to come back and see the fiery temper of American females again.

Any of you notice this too?

On a side note, I've also noticed that women with an angry toxic vibe also tend to disrupt computers, electronics and machines. They always complain about their car breaking down, computer malfunctioning, or electronic items breaking. It's like their toxic vibe causes machines, computers and electronics to fail as well. They don't physically break them, something in their energy field does. Any of you ever known people like that?

Here's a few more:

4. They have this arrogant uppity look on their face, like they are too good for any guy, deserve the best of everything, should always get their way, and are too good for you to approach of course. This makes them unapproachable of course, as well as near impossible to connect with, since after all, they don't want to connect with you and don't need you or want you. (Heck and American women claim that we have no right to complain about them and ought to look at ourselves instead? Go figure.)

5. They have a cold, standoffish, all business demeanor. The older women act more genuine, but not the ones in their 20's and 30's. This makes it so that it does not feel comfortable to try to chat them up or hold a conversation with them.

6. Many have a rotten look on their face, as though they have been deformed by toxic lethal radiation or nuclear waste that damaged their cells, which makes them look ghetto and degenerate (in addition to being overweight or chubby).

7. When they talk and tell you things, you get this feeling from them that "You'd better agree with everything I say or else I'll be pissed off." Hence, you feel obligated to nod and agree with everything they say so they won't get pissed off, because you don't want them to get mad and cause a scene. In other words, you aren't allowed to disagree with them.

Also, when they argue with you, you get this feeling that you are obligated to let them win because they are women? It's like they expect you to let them win just because they are women. Have you noticed that? Why is that? Why must women win every argument? What's the logical basis of this?

I just thought of a #8 to add to the list:

8. American women seem to be itching for drama, like addicted drama queens. It's like they need it for some reason, in the same way that men need food and sex. So they will randomly start it by arguing over some trivial useless shit, and then blame you for it. In doing so, they don't mind that they've disturbed the peace or embarrassed you in public by making a scene. If you argue back with them, they use it as an excuse to dump you and villainize you.

The thing is, this puts you in a LOSE-LOSE situation, because if you react, they can use it as an excuse to dump you. But if you don't react to it, then you may be seen as a boring nice guy type, in which case she will dump you anyway. Nothing could be more dysfunctional or insane. How are you supposed to get out of such a lose-lose situation?

Any of you notice this too? Not all do this of course, but most of them do it to some degree, especially the younger ones.

Even though all of this is obvious to anyone, it's a total taboo to talk about of course. It's so weird when obvious truths are taboo to mention.
Last edited by Winston on March 16th, 2014, 2:30 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Why do American women look toxic and ready to EXPLODE?!

Post by jamesbond »

Winston wrote:I talked to Falcon about this last night on the phone, so I thought I'd bring it up here. Like me, Falcon just came here from Asia too, and we both noted that the first thing we noticed about many American women (and Americanized foreign women of other ethnicities) upon returning to America is: (not all though, but a very large percentage are like this)

They have this arrogant uppity look on their face, like they are too good for any guy, deserve the best of everything, should always get their way, and are too good for you to approach of course. This makes them unapproachable of course, as well as near impossible to connect with, since after all, they don't want to connect with you and don't need you or want you. (Heck and American women claim that we have no right to complain about them and ought to look at ourselves instead? Go figure.)

They have a cold, standoffish, all business demeanor. The older women act more genuine, but not the ones in their 20's and 30's. This makes it so that it does not feel comfortable to try to chat them up or hold a conversation with them.

Many have a rotten look on their face, as though they have been damaged by toxic lethal radiation or nuclear waste, which makes them look ghetto and degenerate (in addition to being overweight or chubby).

Even though all of this is obvious to anyone, it's a total taboo to talk about of course.
Yes, American women must be the most standoffish women in the history of the human race! I love how these "pickup artists" say, "just start approaching women" and "don't let rejection get to you."

How can you approach women, when they have that unapproachable look on their face? Pickup artists say meeting women is a numbers game. Yeah, it's a numbers game all right, if you approach 20 or 25 women, you might get a date with one of them. :shock:

Talk about horrible odds, I would rather play at the casinos in Vegas, you would have better odds of winning some money! :D
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Post by Guyver »

I agree with number 1, 4, 5 and 6 100%. The others are subjective. Every single time I go out into public, I encounter all this nonsense in the younger single women. The only ones that don't look at me and treat me like I'm a terrorist are the older mature women, or the younger ones that are already with a man. You can just forget about the rest. As another example, I went to a restaurant after work yesterday to get some dinner. My AW server was probably in her early 20's, but had the look of a cold, harsh zombie. I could see it in her eyes every time she looked at me. She was subconsciously communicating to me that she didn't like me because I'm a man. She fit the description in number 5 and 6 perfectly. She was all business as with every American woman server I get when I go to a restaurant who is within her age. I try my best to maintain courtesy and respect, but sometimes I really reach the end of my rope with these women.
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Re: Why do American women look toxic and ready to EXPLODE?!

Post by Adama »

jamesbond wrote:
Winston wrote:I talked to Falcon about this last night on the phone, so I thought I'd bring it up here. Like me, Falcon just came here from Asia too, and we both noted that the first thing we noticed about many American women (and Americanized foreign women of other ethnicities) upon returning to America is: (not all though, but a very large percentage are like this)

They have this arrogant uppity look on their face, like they are too good for any guy, deserve the best of everything, should always get their way, and are too good for you to approach of course. This makes them unapproachable of course, as well as near impossible to connect with, since after all, they don't want to connect with you and don't need you or want you. (Heck and American women claim that we have no right to complain about them and ought to look at ourselves instead? Go figure.)

They have a cold, standoffish, all business demeanor. The older women act more genuine, but not the ones in their 20's and 30's. This makes it so that it does not feel comfortable to try to chat them up or hold a conversation with them.

Many have a rotten look on their face, as though they have been damaged by toxic lethal radiation or nuclear waste, which makes them look ghetto and degenerate (in addition to being overweight or chubby).

Even though all of this is obvious to anyone, it's a total taboo to talk about of course.
Yes, American women must be the most standoffish women in the history of the human race! I love how these "pickup artists" say, "just start approaching women" and "don't let rejection get to you."

How can you approach women, when they have that unapproachable look on their face? Pickup artists say meeting women is a numbers game. Yeah, it's a numbers game all right, if you approach 20 or 25 women, you might get a date with one of them. :shock:

Talk about horrible odds, I would rather play at the casinos in Vegas, you would have better odds of winning some money! :D
If you are average, you would only get one date out of 500 or so approaches. 1 in 25 is very optimistic and possible if you just hold your breath the other 24 times.
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Re: Why do American women look toxic and ready to EXPLODE?!

Post by Adama »

Winston wrote:I talked to Falcon about this last night on the phone, so I thought I'd bring it up here. Like me, Falcon just came here from Asia too, and we both noted that the first thing we noticed about many American women (and Americanized foreign women of other ethnicities) upon returning to America is: (not all though, but a very large percentage are like this)

1. They carry this vicious mean look their face that looks like they are ready to lash out or blow up at someone for any little thing. There's this angry toxic vibe and demeanor about them that looks ready to explode. You can see it on their face, vibe, body language, etc. It's very uncomfortable to be around, like walking on eggshells, because you get the sense that any little thing that you say or do wrong, and they will lash out at you with a mean angry energy bottled up inside them and ready to be unleashed. It's like being near a time bomb that could go off at any minute.

Women in Asia aren't like this at all, so it's a shocking contrast to see again if you aren't used to it.

2. You also get the sense that if they don't get their way, Americanized women will explode or blow up. It's like "everything must go their way, or else". Geez, how spoiled is that? What this means is that if you are her partner, then it's YOUR DUTY to make sure nothing goes wrong in her life. Otherwise, she could explode at you, chew you out and blame you for it! Now that's A LOT of pressure that a lot of American husbands must go through! Geez. You gotta pity them!

3. They look highly irritable, like they are used to getting everything they want and will not tolerate anything not going their way. (I guess daddy giving them everything they want as a little girl wasn't a good idea after all.) This means if you are around them, they are the boss and you have no say in things. Everything must be OKed with her. It's like you are there to serve her. It's so unfair isn't it?

Any of you notice these things? The worst thing is that you don't know WHEN she will blow her fuse and blow up at you. It could come at any minute for any little thing. It's like being near a time bomb and you don't know when it will go off.

I understand now why Rock told me that white women scare him. Many of them have this fiery fiesty temper that looks like it wants to lash out at any minute. The thing is, women in Asia generally don't have this. They are far more modest, humble and sweet in comparison. So when you are in Asia long term and get used to that, it becomes an intimidating culture shock to come back and see the fiery temper of American females again.

Any of you notice this too?

On a side note, I've also noticed that women with an angry toxic vibe also tend to disrupt computers, electronics and machines. They always complain about their car breaking down, computer malfunctioning, or electronic items breaking. It's like their toxic vibe causes machines, computers and electronics to fail as well. They don't physically break them, something in their energy field does. Any of you ever known people like that?

Here's a few more:

4. They have this arrogant uppity look on their face, like they are too good for any guy, deserve the best of everything, should always get their way, and are too good for you to approach of course. This makes them unapproachable of course, as well as near impossible to connect with, since after all, they don't want to connect with you and don't need you or want you. (Heck and American women claim that we have no right to complain about them and ought to look at ourselves instead? Go figure.)

5. They have a cold, standoffish, all business demeanor. The older women act more genuine, but not the ones in their 20's and 30's. This makes it so that it does not feel comfortable to try to chat them up or hold a conversation with them.

6. Many have a rotten look on their face, as though they have been damaged by toxic lethal radiation or nuclear waste, which makes them look ghetto and degenerate (in addition to being overweight or chubby).

Even though all of this is obvious to anyone, it's a total taboo to talk about of course.
You used 6 points when all you really needed was one. The rest are redundant. American women are bitches: bossy, unfeminine, unwilling to reciprocate, selfish and man-hating.
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Post by Teal Lantern »

Q: "Why do American women look toxic and ready to EXPLODE?!"

A: Because there's no shortage of thirsty-@$$ simps falling over themselves to give women whatever attention, cash, favors, etc. they demand.
The sour, "strictly business" look is a defense mechanism to ward off the simps she doesn't want/need at the moment.
When you're trying to be "strictly business", then they fvcking get friendly. :roll:

Winston, you've dated & traveled in how many countries?
By now, the ONLY thing you should ever be "approaching" an AW for is so that she can ring up your purchases, etc. 8)
не поглеждай назад. 8)

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Post by Repatriate »

America is an ultra competitive hypergamous society where various "bad" traits have become ingrained as high value and stable provider family type men are viewed as weak. So there's a constant alpha male arms race to see who can be the toughest or most masculine jackass to win over increasingly aloof spoiled women. It's all out of whack because the dull suburban upbringing and easy middle class roots combined with lack of tangible culture has created these monsters. Just realize that the reason why Kim Kardashian and other nasty trollops are so popular is that young and middle aged American women idolize beasts like this. They represent everything they secretly want in life..excess, superficial fame, status, many boytoys, no responsibility, etc..

Since being back I think the women are a complete non factor. I'm here to get a job done so i've been largely busy but I have noticed extremely skewed gender ratios in social environments. Just going out for a walk in a popular and safe park nearby seems to be made up of 80% young men out and about playing basketball, socializing, and having fun. The rest are either older women or very young children. I see this out in restaurants sometimes too..a lot of man groupings whereas in SE Asia you'd see mixed groups socializing or many more large groups of females out and about everywhere. It's kind of pathetic really.

In fact i see so few young attractive women out (including at malls) now it feels even more female desolate than even 7 years ago.
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Post by xiongmao »

Everdred and I were out walking on Khao San road at the weekend and this AW type rudely barged past us because it was ultra important that she walked in front of us.

That was the great thing about China, AW were exceedingly rare there.
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Post by Winston »

I just added one more for #7:

7. When they talk and tell you things, you get this feeling from them that "You'd better agree with everything I say or else I'll be pissed off." Hence, you feel obligated to nod and agree with everything they say so they won't get pissed off, because you don't want them to get mad and cause a scene. In other words, you aren't allowed to disagree with them.

Btw, Falcon is here with me in Las Vegas now. He's probably the first freethinking Asian I've ever met in person.

Today when we went out to eat at a Hawaiian BBQ, we felt like the only normal people in the place. Everyone else had tattoos, piercings, baseball caps turned backward, and that rapster badboy look. We were the only ones that looked "normal". lol. It's funny how the US is inverted in that normal is abnormal and abnormal is normal. lol

When I told Falcon that it's odd that American streets look clean and orderly yet the people look ghetto and degenerate, he remarked: "Well in China, things are inversed. The streets are dirty and filthy, but the people look clean, innocent and normal."

I guess that's another inverse about America vs. Abroad that I can add to my ebook. lol
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Post by Falcon »

Winston wrote:Btw, Falcon is here with me in Las Vegas now. He's probably the first freethinking Asian I've ever met in person.

Today when we went out to eat at a Hawaiian BBQ, we felt like the only normal people in the place. Everyone else had tattoos, piercings, baseball caps turned backward, and that rapster badboy look. We were the only ones that looked "normal". lol. It's funny how the US is inverted in that normal is abnormal and abnormal is normal. lol

When I told Falcon that it's odd that American streets look clean and orderly yet the people look ghetto and degenerate, he remarked: "Well in China, things are inversed. The streets are dirty and filthy, but the people look clean, innocent and normal."

I guess that's another inverse about America vs. Abroad that I can add to my ebook. lol
Yeah, I told Winston how those cliques of young people in their hipster and gangster clothing remind me of high school and college kids hanging out after class.

Well if you want clean streets AND clean, innocent-looking people, then Thailand is the place to be.
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Post by AnonymousAmerican »


The thing is you also have to consider is that yes, american women have those nasty looks but have you also considered how immature american men are? American women have those nasty looks but american men act like immature assholes (think high school mentality) because they try to woo AW like that, since the AW dig those traits. just think why PUA scenes are so big in the US.
A bartender told me this while I was in Guadalajara Mexico:

"If you aren't careful here with the women, you will be married in a week."


how I live my life.

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Post by Rock »

Falcon wrote:
Well if you want clean streets AND clean, innocent-looking people, then Thailand is the place to be.
Hmm, I don't think so. Thai streets in larger cities are filthy and infested with garbage eating rats and grimy looking soi dogs.

Anyway, you sure do get around. Now you guys will need to do a Winston and Falcon thread lol.
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Post by Falcon »

Rock wrote:Hmm, I don't think so. Thai streets in larger cities are filthy and infested with garbage eating rats and grimy looking soi dogs.

Anyway, you sure do get around. Now you guys will need to do a Winston and Falcon thread lol.
True, we did see rats, dogs, and plastic wrappings lying around, but it's still much cleaner compared to China, especially some of the county-level cities that are horribly messy. Compared to the US, it's not as clean.

Again, it's all relative.

Meeting Winston is tons of fun. We went hiking around Mt. Charleston because the Las Vegas Strip seemed "soulless" to us. :) Also, since Winston has a thing for buffets, we enjoyed pigging out too. :D
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Post by Repatriate »

AnonymousAmerican wrote:@Winston.

The thing is you also have to consider is that yes, american women have those nasty looks but have you also considered how immature american men are? American women have those nasty looks but american men act like immature assholes (think high school mentality) because they try to woo AW like that, since the AW dig those traits. just think why PUA scenes are so big in the US.
I talked about this earlier. There is an alpha male arms race in the U.S. because there are many more quality single guys than decent attractive single women in the U.S. So guys are always in fierce competition with each other to pick over the few non obese available American women. Since most American women were raised in a life of relative comfort and middle class prosperity they are bored and attach themselves to guys which "excite" them. When guys act like immature douchebags they are just emulating behavior that American women find attractive. The bad boys, etc.. would all be considered scumbags in countries that value stable providers and well adjusted men. However in the U.S. the provider type men are a dime a dozen and bored suburban American women know this.
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Post by jamesbond »

Repatriate wrote:There is an alpha male arms race in the U.S. because there are many more quality single guys than decent attractive single women in the U.S. So guys are always in fierce competition with each other to pick over the few non obese available American women.

Since most American women were raised in a life of relative comfort and middle class prosperity they are bored and attach themselves to guys which "excite" them. When guys act like immature douchebags they are just emulating behavior that American women find attractive. The bad boys, etc.. would all be considered scumbags in countries that value stable providers and well adjusted men.

However in the U.S. the provider type men are a dime a dozen and bored suburban American women know this.
Yes, in America, there are 4 million more single men than single women between the ages of 21 and 49. You throw in the fact that 50% of women in America are overweight and the fact that only a small percentage of women in the US have attractive faces and you then see how one sided the dating scene is in America.

When in comes to dating, women in the US hold all the cards, so the men in America must jump through hoops in hopes of getting one women in America who is not fat or ulgy. :shock:

Your right about women in America loving "bad boys" and "douchebags." The video below sums up what types of guys single women in the USA are looking for! :P

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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