What toxic masculinity really is

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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by WilliamSmith »

MrMan wrote:
October 1st, 2022, 10:36 pm
But I wouldn't be surprised if my wife and I had more sex than some of the young fornicators on the forum.
You're right @MrMan , LOL! My Happier Abroad marathons lately have always taken place (naturally) when no girlfriend or FB is available, hence I'm alone on those nights on a day I was making plans, but not only that, I have also been drinking like a f***ing pirate each time I don't have a woman on hand to get my arms around. Hodlers in a monogamous marriage like yourself, on the other hand, pretty much always have a woman on hand. :)

I like the way I live (except I have to tweak the part about drinking like a pirate when alone) but I honestly wish I could be a monogamist and actually be happy: I'd marry a pretty emotional big-assed black woman with a dominant extroverted personality and great sense of humor and then take her fine ass off to South East and East Asia surrounded by 5 and a half foot tall Asians who make the best food on earth, maybe even in a place like Japan for example there probably wouldn't even be as many pirates who'd try to rob your boat like there are in parts of the Caribbean, Latin America, parts of Africa, etc.

But anyway, there's no way to argue if you constantly have the same woman on hand and are happy that way you can have a higher number of couplings, so to speak. :D
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by WilliamSmith »

MrMan wrote:
October 1st, 2022, 10:30 pm
So I asked on this forum, and people accuse me of being gay. It makes no sense at all.
For what it's worth, as one nuclear-strength homophobe to another, I put a word in for you on a recent exchange saying I didn't think you were actually gay even though I made fun of you a bit when I was annoyed at you a few months ago or something. I quoted @Shemp talking about you being a closet homosexual the first time and posted some clips of Mitch Blood Green talking about how Mike Tyson was a homo, but I was just joking.
MrMan wrote:
October 1st, 2022, 10:30 pm
When I was young, I didn't know I was good-looking. My mom told me I was about as good-looking as Courtney Cox off of Friends. This was late 20's or early 30's Courtney Cox, not when she was older and her character married Chandler.
:shock: :shock:
Hey wait a minute, now what the hell's this??!?!
You're just trying to mess with my head like when @Lucas88 started f***ing with my head saying he thought Nikki Minaj was a transformer after I admired her big ass in a pic with a shotgun and translated the traditional Chinese characters on her tattoo....
So are you trying to say your Mom thought you were a transformer who looks like Courtney Cox?? You realize Courtney Cox is a karen cast on that show created by a female jew, right, and not a man? :?

All right, I've had enough of these gender bender mind games you weirdos are playing here, I have to leave for awhile but meanwhile you can read some stories I posted when I was jumping up and down cheering on the Africans for Uganda's "Kill the Gays Bill" and Ghana making moves in that direction as well:
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) : https://www.unz.com/page/american-pravda-series/
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Agreed, they're not perfect. And they can be flawed. For instance if I wanted to make a survey about "what percentage of a country's girls are into messed up fetishes" I may like to downplay it, or do the opposite, depending on where I stand on the issue. You'd never really know unless you're with a significant number of girls from said country and do some 'field work'. And even then, it remains a guess. You estimate, you guess, you assume, and end up believing what you want to believe. Somehow, this matters a lot to some people.

Personally, I find that a lot of Asian girls are... flexible. Some like what they like and are clear about it, others will simply mold themselves to the preferences of whoever they're with. Some guys make them want to go crazy, some guys make them want to be sweet and romantic, different men bring out different sides of girls. And there's quite a degree of variety.
Exactly, statistical data can easily be manipulated to reflect a biased view point. I suppose it depends on the source of the data and their impartiality about the subject matter and also their credibility as a source.

For example the death figures surrounding the covid thing were grossly exaggerated and misrepresented to push a certain narrative forwards. Even though some of those deaths recorded as covid were actually suicides, accidents or some unrelated illness. Refusal to give people treatment they needed for things like cancer and other illnesses obviously had an affect which caused rise to the global death toll. But it was all manipulated information. So, if you can't trust those guys does any source have 100% credibility as a source?
Exactly, its about degrees. I mean some guys face-f**k a girl brutally until she drools and gags or even pukes and I find that rather disgusting and wouldn't engage in such things. I wouldn't strangle a girl either or slap her face or anything extreme like that, and I kinda side-eye guys who do that stuff. :roll: But I dunno, if a girl wants me to hold her neck a little while we do it, pull her hair, smack her butt, is that a bad thing? Am I a bad guy for liking it, is she a bad girl for enjoying it? What about a girl who likes to be tied up a bit... maybe restrain her arms using a belt? I mean, some girls get off on the vulnerability. Again, I'm not super into it, I'm fairly casual as far as preferences go but, I don't also think a girl is necessarily twisted beyond repair for liking such a thing.

The girl I dated that I mentioned to @Outcast9428 before, she's not a bad girl. She's sweet and shy in person, soft-spoken. But yeah she was into certain kinky things and I wouldn't dismiss her as a person for it, you know? Seems kinda mean. This was a girl, every bit the "demure Asian" stereotype if you'd encounter her in a flowery blue dress with long hair, but behind closed doors, she just wanted... a little more. Hell outcast even put the BDSM on the same level as scat, pedophilia, bestiality... yeah, sorry, no, that's a bit much. Sex that's a little rougher or more extreme than regular vanilla encounters doesn't mean someone is mentally ill.

I don't like dismissing girls completely, wholesale, like they're terribly broken and damaged beyond all repair just for enjoying the sensation of being dominated. I'd still agree its fairly rare to find a girl who's super into that, but yeah, some just have that edge and vanilla sex won't do it for them. That's life. You could find an otherwise perfect girl who happens to be Asian and find that she's just wired that way, she may be every bit as faithful and traditional otherwise. Like this girl I was talking about; she was very kind to kids and animals, she once brought a home cooked meal to my place and she'd always tidy things up wherever she went. She was wholesome, as a person. And kinky as f**k in the sheets. The two things aren't mutually exclusive. You can't tell that much about a person's suitability for long term relationships based on things like that.
Yeah, I've given all of my ex girlfriends a good spanking before and they absolutely loved it. I would only do it if I knew them well enough first. I wouldn't have a one night stand with a girl and spank her ass without her giving the green light first, society has become too much of a minefield for that these days!

Outcast9428 considers some playful spanking to be in the same league as pedophilia or bestiality? :roll: there is a big difference between spanking and those things. They aren't even remotely the same! pedophilia and bestiality involve sexual acts with children or animals which can't give consent to sex with an adult. Playful spanking is a bit of consensual fun between two people who are attracted to one another and fancy a good time.

You're absolutely right about what you said about a woman having good values but then being kinky in bed. Just because she wants her ass smacked every now and again while her boyfriend pounds her from behind it doesn't mean she's a degenerate harpy. The two things are not mutually exclusive, as you said.

I think the issue here is people lacking a grasp on nuanced thinking. Everything is polarised as either good or bad and there is no consideration given to all the stuff in between. No thought about when hot becomes cold etc.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Outcast9428 »


This is the study I read, I don’t know why I can’t read the whole thing anymore but the preview gives you a good idea of what they did.


Asian students were significantly more conservative on basically every measure of behavior they could find regardless of how long they had been in Canada. The only “exceptions” so to speak was that Asian students masturbated more often then the other students and were more likely to have private sexual fantasies in general.

Asian men had 1/3 the number of sexual partners that other students did while Asian girls had 1/2 the number they did. Asian guys and girls were also half as likely to say they fantasized about, or had taken part in, causing or receiving pain during sex as other students were. Asian girls were even half as likely to claim fantasies about things that seem mild but have bad implications. For example, 64% of other girls fantasized about “running away with a forbidden lover.” With Asian girls this drops to 32%.

I don’t think researchers have any interest in falsifying these statistics. If anything I’d think they’d want their research to conclude that stereotypes about Asians being sexually conservative were unfounded.

One spank is not on the same level as molesting a child but done over and over and over again, on dozens of different occasions, it can create a similarly traumatized psychology that needs pain to get off. Regardless of whether she consents to it or not her psychological wiring is going to permanently become f***ed up.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Outcast9428 »

By the way @Lucas88 I’m gonna have to disagree that Latin America is the most sexually liberal region on Earth… Definitely not more so then the UK is. Although hookups are acceptable in Latin America, they do not dominate the culture the way it does in the UK. There’s still a decent number of people there living conservative lifestyles. Nor can I imagine people being actively persecuted for living conservatively. Abortion on demand is also illegal in most of Latin America. I also feel like the sadomasochism problem is a lot worse in the UK.

I’ve also noticed that British people are extremely committed to sexual liberalism. Almost like the French and the Germans. I almost never meet a British person who opposes it.

Britain strikes me as the kind of country where it’s all one night stand culture until you are like 30 years old and then people “might” want to settle down. Sexual liberalism in Britain is so dominant you can’t even have monogamous relationships because people will act like it’s pathetic. Countries like Britain, Sweden, Iceland. They remind me of my college except that entire nations have been turned into a college campus.

I doubt you would have recommended Peru to Tsar if you thought Peru was as sexually liberal as Britain is. Trying to find a virgin girl in Britain is a fool’s errand.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Lucas88 wrote:
October 1st, 2022, 7:25 pm
CaptainSkelebob wrote:
October 1st, 2022, 4:16 pm
What gives lucas?!!!?
Why didnt you include me when you talked about red blooded masculine males!!
Oh, I'm sorry, man! I didn't realize that you were so particular about the recognition of your own red-blooded alpha male status! Okay, you seem to like women a lot and I read in one of your other posts that you do a bit of boxing, so I guess you're a pretty masculine dude! :lol:
CaptainSkelebob wrote:
October 1st, 2022, 4:16 pm
Why do you hate uk???
There are worst places than that
You could be living in some hut made out of shit in Africa so try and be greatful for the luxurys you get to enjoy in an advanced country!!
It's just not really for me. I grew up in the UK but never liked it and always much preferred Mediterranean/Latin culture. I even feel like a Mediterranean soul on the inside.

The UK might be better than some war-torn African or Islamic shithole, but I don't think that it's the best European country by a long shot. There are plenty of other far nicer advanced countries in Europe, especially in the South. Some Latin American cities are also pretty nice too. And the women are much hotter and more feminine than those from the UK! :P
CaptainSkelebob wrote:
October 1st, 2022, 4:16 pm
These feminist succubbuses should be seen as something that needs slaying with a sword
A meat sword
They are only good for pounding
I find modern Western feminist women so vile that I think dating one would probably drive me to seek out ladyboys instead! :lol:
Ur damn right I want recognition for my badass alpha masculinity!!!
Ive been saying it since I joined I love banging women
Im a badass boxer fella!!
I imagine the punching bag is a womans clit and my fist is my tongue flicking it to orgasm!
Sometimes I even get a boner at training thinking about all the hot bitches im gonna nail!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
UK is better than these sand baby countrys!
Even there women are ugly and stink of BO
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Cornfed »

CaptainSkelebob wrote:
October 2nd, 2022, 11:29 am
I imagine the punching bag is a womans clit and my fist is my tongue flicking it to orgasm!
It sounds like you primarily enjoy the feminine role of pleasing your partner. In that case maybe you should take your own advice and become a gay "bottom". This would be closer to the natural order of things and your partners would probably be more appreciative of the subordinate role you choose to take.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Cornfed wrote:
October 2nd, 2022, 11:41 am
CaptainSkelebob wrote:
October 2nd, 2022, 11:29 am
I imagine the punching bag is a womans clit and my fist is my tongue flicking it to orgasm!
It sounds like you primarily enjoy the feminine role of pleasing your partner. In that case maybe you should take your own advice and become a gay "bottom". This would be closer to the natural order of things and your partners would probably be more appreciative of the subordinate role you chose to take.
Put ur handbag away Cornfed!!!
Tho it is nice to see one of the beta queens finally grow a pair of balls :lol: :lol: :lol:
I love licking p***y! Why wouldnt I???
You prefer sucking cock??? Eh???
Im an alpha who loves banging women!
Not a little beta faggot!
Dont project ur beta bottom fantasy onto me fella!!
Stick to unintelligable rants about ppl taking their vaccines...
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by MrMan »

WilliamSmith wrote:
October 1st, 2022, 11:41 pm
MrMan wrote:
October 1st, 2022, 10:30 pm
So I asked on this forum, and people accuse me of being gay. It makes no sense at all.
For what it's worth, as one nuclear-strength homophobe to another, I put a word in for you on a recent exchange saying I didn't think you were actually gay even though I made fun of you a bit when I was annoyed at you a few months ago or something. I quoted @Shemp talking about you being a closet homosexual the first time and posted some clips of Mitch Blood Green talking about how Mike Tyson was a homo, but I was just joking.
I cant remember who said what, except Shemp, because it was a three stooges name typing smack about me.

I think 'homophobe' is empty rhetoric the gays came up with to try to shut down anyone who disagrees with them about their lifestyle. I came across an academic article that said the author knew of no actual evidence that 'homophobia' existed as a real phobia. It's kind of like Orwellian Newspeak-- language designed to push a political/social agenda.

But the genuine, natural healthy revulsion at the idea of individuals of the same sex being sexually affectionate or performing sexual acts gets labeled as 'homophobia' by the LGBT folks as well. We should encourage this revulsion and nurture it. But left-wing politicians, people in education, and media folks try to suppress this in society and in young people especially to further the sexually dystopian aims for social engineering.

So I don't accept 'homophobic' as a label because I think it furthers the LGBT agenda.
MrMan wrote:
October 1st, 2022, 10:30 pm
When I was young, I didn't know I was good-looking. My mom told me I was about as good-looking as Courtney Cox off of Friends. This was late 20's or early 30's Courtney Cox, not when she was older and her character married Chandler.
:shock: :shock:
Hey wait a minute, now what the hell's this??!?!
You're just trying to mess with my head like when @Lucas88 started f***ing with my head saying he thought Nikki Minaj was a transformer after I admired her big ass in a pic with a shotgun and translated the traditional Chinese characters on her tattoo....
So are you trying to say your Mom thought you were a transformer who looks like Courtney Cox?? You realize Courtney Cox is a karen cast on that show created by a female jew, right, and not a man? :? [/quote]

It took me a second to figure out what you were saying. But let me clarify my post a bit.

No my mom was not saying I looked like a girl. I was saying I couldn't tell if I was good-looking. I couldn't tell if men were good-looking. I did not realize this was unusual at the time, but that was kind of implied in this conversation with my mom. She could tell if men and women are good-looking, and so she said for a man, I looked about as good-looking as Courtney Cox.

This was back when Courtney Cox was good-looking. I hope she doesn't read this, but she was just sort of okay-looking by the end of that show, but she was really pretty at the beginning of it, and also when she played Alex Keaton's girlfriend (the girlfriend of the character played by Michael J. Fox's) on Family Ties. So I knew she was good-looking. So my mom told me I was that good-looking... as a man... not that I looked female.... man that would be messed up. That wasn't the conversation, though. We are talking level of looks. I'd say she was 9+.

But, this was my mom telling me I was good-looking, and she is prejudiced. I would say my mom was 9+ for looks when she was young and thin. I remember her asking me when I was a kid, don't I think my dad is good-looking. Seriously, I had no clue. I knew my mom was pretty. It has always been that way for me. If I had to guess, I would guess my dad punched above his weight class in marrying my mom. But it's just a guess. I haven't asked people if my dad was good-looking as a young man. Much. I think my wife has said he is good-looking in some pictures, maybe not others. She doesn't have the same taste in looks as everyone, probably, since she considers some American leading men not to be good-looking.

I also have difficulty telling what Black women are good-looking to Black men, honestly. There was a woman on that Gotham show I consider to be better looking than most white actresses on TV, and Dr. Who had a really pretty black assistant, but otherwise I've got just a slight sense of it, but I am nowhere near as deficient as I am at telling what men are attractive.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by MrMan »

Cornfed wrote:
October 2nd, 2022, 11:41 am
CaptainSkelebob wrote:
October 2nd, 2022, 11:29 am
I imagine the punching bag is a womans clit and my fist is my tongue flicking it to orgasm!
It sounds like you primarily enjoy the feminine role of pleasing your partner. In that case maybe you should take your own advice and become a gay "bottom". This would be closer to the natural order of things and your partners would probably be more appreciative of the subordinate role you choose to take.
Are you still single? I think you were years ago, and I don't remember your mentioning otherwise.

I would encourage you to take faith seriously when it comes to marriage, instead of promoting prostitution and such or indulging in fornication.

But if you do get married, you should really try to please your woman in bed. They are easier to get along with if you do. Probably maybe five times since a week or so into marriage my wife left the bed unfulfilled-- she just called it off if she were in a weird mood or whatever, and I wanted her to keep going. But it messes with their moods. Letting them finish, at least once, usually more, makes them calmer and easier to get a long with. So even if you are just selfish, it's in your best interest. If you aren't into the oral stuff, okay, I respect and understand that. But a good husband should try to be a diligent lover. It is one of the most enjoyable parts of the role.

It's also fun to give the wife a good time, for me at least. I don't enjoy playing a lot of games as an adult, but playing with my woman is fun. Think of it as a grown-up video game. The experience is more fun for me if it lasts a long time, physically on so many levels, not just the obvious sensations, but also the tactile and visual part. Stretching it out is worthwhile.

Then on the less selfish side of things, if you actually care about a woman, if you love her, then you are motivated to satisfy her and give her some enjoyment. I am wondering if you are single. Do you date? If you do, do you give off a vibe that you just care about whatever enjoyment you can extract out of a woman without caring about her at all? I also wonder if you talk about wanting Blacks dead and some of the hateful-sounding stuff you spew in hear. If I were a woman, and I were on a first date with you, and I picked up on any of those things, and if any young man were interested in courting my daughters and expressed these attitudes, they would face some serious opposition from me. I wouldn't want a man with hateful attitudes towards other races around my kids. I wouldn't want a man who didn't care about women in his life around my kids, either. A man wanting to be a good lover (someday) is a positive thing, though I wouldn't want some guy wanting to date my daughters to talk to me about that kind of junk.

(As a married man, I might advise a sexually moral man who is dating a sexually moral woman to make sure that the woman was willing to please and satisfy her husband, but the idea of some guy talking to my daughters about that is unsettling to me, so there is a bit of a contradiction between mores, instinct, or whatever it is on an emotional level that bothers me about that when it is my own daughters.)
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Cornfed »

MrMan wrote:
October 2nd, 2022, 1:25 pm
But if you do get married, you should really try to please your woman in bed. They are easier to get along with if you do.
Trying to please a woman by acting like a woman is like that South Park episode satirizing the show Queer Eye For the Straight Guy, where the men all follow the latest fashion and become effeminate and gay, obsess over their appearance and such . The women like it at first and then become revolted by it.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by MrMan »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
October 1st, 2022, 11:23 pm
You know what? I was out of line, man. I should not have insinuated things like that about you and that was a nasty and totally uncalled for thing of me to do. My apologies, @MrMan. Just because I have a skeptical nature does not make it alright for me to cast such nasty aspersions.

I accept your apology.

Honestly, part of what bothered me about all that is people basically calling me a liar. I am pretty sure I have never even been dishonest in the least on this forum for all the years I've been on here. As a Christian, I try not to lie, even just trying to get my facts straight. I don't want to misrepresent people, but I am sure I have unintentionally made mistakes. I think I got some fact mixed up about contrarian when he was on about her, thinking he went to prostitutes when he was just talking about his opinion on prostitution early on. Of course, later, he was talking about having sugar babies, which he probably got into later in his time on this forum. He probably didn't come right out and say he slept with them, though. He posted about using testosterone to be able to have sex whenever he wanted, but wasn't that explicit. I didn't intentionally lie about him, if I got a fact mixed up a time or two.

I also don't think it is unChristian to talk about married sex. This forum is full of men, and a lot of them want to fornicate. Sex typically appeals to young men. It sure did to me. And that doesn't go away for most of us when we start to get a bit older. The Bible says, "Marriage is holy in all, and the bed undefiled." The Bible actually has a lot to say about sex in marriage, and against sex outside of marriage. Pointing out that the sexual need can be satisfied in marriage, and even better than what a lot of men on the forum are pursuing is a positive thing. That was my reasoning behind the sex a thousand times post, or whatever the numbers were I estimated at the time.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Outcast9428 »

I wouldn't want a man who didn't care about women in his life around my kids, either. A man wanting to be a good lover (someday) is a positive thing, though I wouldn't want some guy wanting to date my daughters to talk to me about that kind of junk.
This is what I tried to explain to Cornfed when he tried to claim that people in Medieval Europe would have been okay with him wanting to choke girls in bed and cheat on his wife with prostitutes. What parent in an ultra conservative society would want their daughter to marry a guy who’s gone around his village saying to people that it’s alright to choke girls during sex or cheat on your wife with prostitutes?
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Outcast9428 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
October 2nd, 2022, 4:05 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
September 30th, 2022, 10:25 pm
Its impossible to say for the Philippines because they have not done any surveys there, but among American Asian girls, it appears to be around 33% who have some kind of masochistic fantasies. The sad truth is, amongst the other women, it is around 65%-70%. With my own personal experiences, I think both of those stats are true. In high school and college, I was seriously disturbed by how many women were into this stuff. Not only how many of them are into it, but how many of them are really aggressive about it. They will demand you hit them, or spank them and then call you a p***y if you refuse to do it. I know two girls who's lives have been completely ruined by sadomasochism dependency (basically, can't enjoy sex at all without pain).

Surveys done 30-40 years ago found that half the number of women back then had these kind of fantasies. It is obviously the porn industry's fault this is happening, 88% of porn videos apparently contain some form of violence in them. Around half of people engaging in this behavior self-admit that they were influenced at least somewhat by pornography to do it. 25% said they were influenced "a lot" by porn.

I'd still rather a girl actually have sex with someone else then have masochistic fantasies... Because having masochistic fantasies is cheating on me. It is moral adultery. A female companion of mine must share my values and my mission, and by having masochistic fantasies, she is committing emotional/moral adultery. She has basically tricked me into defiling my soul and my genetic legacy by sleeping with and possibly having a child with a woman who harbors abominable fetishes. Are my kids going to stricken with this sickness because I had a child with her? The thought is unbearable.
Honestly that's crazy, man... I had no clue the statistics were THAT high. Wow. :shock:

And if 33% of Asian girls in America are admitting in a survey to be into that, that's STILL crazy high, by the way. This survey is among students, not regular population, I think I saw you say? I think some Asian men are incredibly freaky and oversexed, in terms of stuff they're into and sex drive. Not necessarily students, but some working class men. Like you give a Filipino dude a high salary in Saudi Arabia and you'll be shocked and appalled by the amount of alcohol he may consume, mistresses he may keep and whores he'll bang... and yes, I have seen and heard quite a lot of Filipino male promiscuity over the years, some wear their depravity as a badge of honors and openly and shamelessly brag about second or third families, secret of out wedlock kids they fathered or mistresses they have.

By contrast, I'll give you this, the women seem to behave a lot better. Those that do get wild, they hide it a lot more. They're not usually sexually aggressive unless they're dirt poor and they think you have the money to uplift them, somehow. These wouldn't be the women that you want, anyway, and I'd say the ones who are overt about it aren't the ones a sane man would want, anyway.

As for Asian fetishes, or fetishes in general... I would have guessed around, I don't know, ten to twenty percent of girls to be major into being dominagted? Like across the board? I never would have guessed ONE IN THREE Asian girls are into it big time and TWO OUT OF THREE when it comes to other races, that's honestly insane to me. We're talking like full-on degrading stuff here or what? No, seriously, that's crazy to men, man. I mean usually "sex is sex" for me, and things don't go to those levels. It's quite rare for me to find a girl who really, really wants to "go there". To hear your stories of girls literally calling dudes "pussies" for not slapping their faces, spitting on them and f***ing them into a raw bleeding puddle... that's sick, dude. I agree with you there. Definitely not a healthy or good thing at all.
That’s the percentages of girls who have any masochistic fantasies at all. Not necessarily that they are hardcore into it. For that, it appears to be more around 25%-35% of non-Asian girls and 12% of Asian girls who have serious degradation fetishes.

I hope you understand why I am so paranoid about any sign of masochism in a woman now. Also, these statistics have doubled from 30 years ago. Girls of other races in the 90s were more like modern Asian girls and Asian girls back then had virtually no masochistic fantasies of any kind much less serious ones. I believe the porn industry is responsible for making these fetishes a lot more common then they used to be. 56% of people doing this stuff claim to be at least somewhat influenced by porn while 25% claim to have been influenced a lot by porn.

The Asian men also reported being half as likely to have fantasies of hurting someone during sex. Sadistic fantasies are not as common among anyone as masochistic ones are. Asian men were also just as likely as Asian girls to say love was needed in order to have sex, both of whom agreed with this at 64% compared to 32% of White men and 50% of White women.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Lucas88 »

Outcast9428 wrote:
October 2nd, 2022, 11:06 am
By the way @Lucas88 I’m gonna have to disagree that Latin America is the most sexually liberal region on Earth… Definitely not more so then the UK is. Although hookups are acceptable in Latin America, they do not dominate the culture the way it does in the UK. There’s still a decent number of people there living conservative lifestyles. Nor can I imagine people being actively persecuted for living conservatively. Abortion on demand is also illegal in most of Latin America. I also feel like the sadomasochism problem is a lot worse in the UK.

I’ve also noticed that British people are extremely committed to sexual liberalism. Almost like the French and the Germans. I almost never meet a British person who opposes it.

Britain strikes me as the kind of country where it’s all one night stand culture until you are like 30 years old and then people “might” want to settle down. Sexual liberalism in Britain is so dominant you can’t even have monogamous relationships because people will act like it’s pathetic. Countries like Britain, Sweden, Iceland. They remind me of my college except that entire nations have been turned into a college campus.

I doubt you would have recommended Peru to Tsar if you thought Peru was as sexually liberal as Britain is. Trying to find a virgin girl in Britain is a fool’s errand.
I think that we have different opinions on which region is more sexually liberal than the other because our respective focuses differ with regard to the analysis of sexual liberalism. You focus on the prevalence of hookup culture whereas I include in my own analysis attitudes towards sex. The UK might have a higher prevalence of hookup culture and therefore be a sexually liberal culture in that regard but at the same time there is also a highly feministic leaning which aggressively promotes unlimited sexual freedom for women while condemning male sexuality and labelling undesirable men as "creeps" and "perverts". Because of this hypocrisy I don't regard Anglo culture to be consistently sexually liberal at all. It is rather a culture of sexual feminism. I've never encountered this demonization of male sexuality in Latin America. Latin America by and large recognizes sexual freedom for both men and women and is therefore for me more consistently sexually liberal.

The UK is not entirely as you make it out to be. While it's true that pub culture and club culture are really big in the UK and this leads to a lot of one-night stands after sessions of heavy alcohol consumption and ungodly levels of drunkenness (UK pub/club culture is really trashy and unpleasant, by the way), the UK is more of a mixed bag with some people getting heavily involved in clubbing and hookup culture once they leave school and others living more normal lives and settling down in long-term relationships in their 20s. Clubbing and hookup culture are not as universal as you seem to think they are. I know quite a few people from my hometown who settled down pretty early and had long-term relationships or got married. I even know some people who married their high school sweetheart. People aren't persecuted for living a conservative/monogamous lifestyle. I've never seen anybody get ridiculed for being in a monogamous relationship. I think that it's mostly just the hedonistic clubber crowd who act as though commitment is stupid.

The reason why I recommended Peru to @Tsar is because I know how easy it is for a White/Caucasian guy to attract girls due to our high level of desirability in that country as well as more relaxed views concerning age gaps. I researched the average age for loss of virginity in Peru (I looked at some Spanish-language research since I couldn't find any concrete data for Peru in English) and found that Peruvians in the capital of Lima tend to lose their virginity between the ages of 16 and 19 (other parts of the country had different trends). That means that Tsar could still realistically get an 18 year-old virgin. For comparison the average age for loss of virginity in the UK is 18. But in most Western European countries a 30 something year-old guy dating an 18 year-old girl would be heavily frowned upon.
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