What toxic masculinity really is

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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by MrMan »

Outcast9428 wrote:
October 3rd, 2022, 6:30 pm
MrMan wrote:
October 3rd, 2022, 3:16 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
October 2nd, 2022, 7:48 pm
Pretty much everyone I’ve asked say they think I’m a 7. That sounds about right to me. I can only tell based on stuff like that though, I can’t instinctively determine masculine attractiveness.
So you can't see a man and tell if he is good-looking either? I would not have known Brad PItt was supposed to be good-looking if I hadn't heard or read it somewhere, and the fact that he was a lead in movies. Same with Tom Cruise.
No I can’t tell. I didn’t know Brad Pitt was good looking either until I heard lots of people saying it online.
I'm younger, so I knew Tom Cruise was good-looking because girls at school talked about it. And people talked about Brad Pitt being good-looking. Guys on this forum said square jaws are good-looking. I can look at features like that, if I wanted to try to figure out if a guy is good-looking. It's not a skill I really need in life, so I don't do that.

With my kids, I can perceive a level of attractiveness for the girls. With my son, I don't have a clue. One very hefty middle aged lady at the doctor's office told my son he was good looking. Someone else did. I've got no clue. I told him as much. I asked him how he liked being told he was good-looking. He liked it. I asked him how he liked it from a hefty middle aged black lady. :) I don't think that part did much for him, at least not the hefty, middle-aged woman. I think he prefers white women's looks to Asians, and that's all I know about his racial preferences.

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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

WTF are you fags doing talking about which guys are good looking???
This is a thread about what toxic masculinity is!! We are not sticking to the topic!
If you want to make a thread about which guys you all think are hot and which of them you wanna blow off then ur all welcome to talk about that gay shit in ur own threads!
The topic is what is toxic masculinity???
Alpha males who bang women for fun and do what is natural?
Or beta males who are subserviant little vagina fledglings and hate what real masculinity is all about??
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Outcast9428 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
October 5th, 2022, 7:25 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
October 2nd, 2022, 4:37 pm
That’s the percentages of girls who have any masochistic fantasies at all. Not necessarily that they are hardcore into it. For that, it appears to be more around 25%-35% of non-Asian girls and 12% of Asian girls who have serious degradation fetishes.

I hope you understand why I am so paranoid about any sign of masochism in a woman now. Also, these statistics have doubled from 30 years ago. Girls of other races in the 90s were more like modern Asian girls and Asian girls back then had virtually no masochistic fantasies of any kind much less serious ones. I believe the porn industry is responsible for making these fetishes a lot more common then they used to be. 56% of people doing this stuff claim to be at least somewhat influenced by porn while 25% claim to have been influenced a lot by porn.

The Asian men also reported being half as likely to have fantasies of hurting someone during sex. Sadistic fantasies are not as common among anyone as masochistic ones are. Asian men were also just as likely as Asian girls to say love was needed in order to have sex, both of whom agreed with this at 64% compared to 32% of White men and 50% of White women.
Crazy world we live in, brother. My goodness I'm kinda scared raising daughters in this day and age. Like my goodness. Even the 'memes' nowadays are kinda hinting at this shit. It's pretty much everywhere lol.

I agree, what I would say is be very proactive about protecting them from violent porn. That’s the vector for most of this. There are apps and extensions you can put on household computers that block against those websites. As they get older be sure to vet every guy they are dating. I think one can get a pretty good sense for if a guy is a degenerate or not.

I think it’s important to prevent sons from developing an interest in that stuff too. That kind of stuff never shows up in ecchi anime. Ecchi anime is literally designed to be “safe porn for teenage boys” lol. Most of those shows are rated 15+ or even 12+ in Japan because they just show girls in short skirts, panty shots, make out scenes, and nudity for the 15+ ones. Hentai is obviously a different matter. I’ve seen some hentais that people told me were very mild but that’s pretty much it. I have to be careful what I watch because if any porn I watch starts venturing into the wrong territory I get lightheaded and feel like I’m gonna be sick. Going from horny to lightheaded/sick feels like a really terrible transition but I consider it to be God’s amulet of protection.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Cornfed »

Mercer wrote:
October 5th, 2022, 9:18 am
You're a f***ing boomer loser who had to go to a third world country to try to get p***y because you couldn't get any in the west and pretend to be an alpha. If @Cornfed was redpilled then he wouldn't need your faggot ass defending him this thread because real redpillers can do it themselves. You should hang out with your other "alpha" friend on here who literally makes threads about men becoming ladyboys and wearing dresses. You know, the same faggot that made this thread.
It sounds like you are going off the rails. Perhaps some covaids vaccine boosters would make you feel better about things.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Mercer is such a queen
I dont know why he has to be so triggered just because real men exist out there....
This is what I was talking about fellas!!
Isnt Mercer showing us what toxic masculinity is right here???
Its jealousy and bitterness and not to mention its pathetic
Just interacting with that faggot can make ur cock smaller
Thats how much of a feminine little vagina fledging he is....
Alpha masculinity is natural and healthy and leaves guys full of confidence!
Look at me fellas!!!
Im alpha and im confident and successful!!!
Ladys want me and little beta fags secretly want to be me :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Outcast9428 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
October 5th, 2022, 9:09 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
October 5th, 2022, 8:40 am
I agree, what I would say is be very proactive about protecting them from violent porn. That’s the vector for most of this. There are apps and extensions you can put on household computers that block against those websites. As they get older be sure to vet every guy they are dating. I think one can get a pretty good sense for if a guy is a degenerate or not.
It's kinda hard to tell sometimes. I knew a guy who I felt looked very milquetoast, nerdy, non-threatening... he even talked like he was a fifty-year-old accountant, although he was merely in his twenties. Always conservatively dressed, too, and had a fairly conservative world view as well. But it turns out he was into some sick and extreme shit and literally wanted to "face f**k" girls until they puked and stuff like that. :shock:

And that's the scary part... the "never really knowing". Like the kindly grandfather who died, everyone on Facebook crying about it, looked like a fine fellow and later on I hear he had an inappropriate relationship with three of his own daughters. Scary world out there.
Outcast9428 wrote:
October 5th, 2022, 8:40 am
I think it’s important to prevent sons from developing an interest in that stuff too. That kind of stuff never shows up in ecchi anime. Ecchi anime is literally designed to be “safe porn for teenage boys” lol. Most of those shows are rated 15+ or even 12+ in Japan because they just show girls in short skirts, panty shots, make out scenes, and nudity for the 15+ ones.
I have no clue how I'd prevent my sons from having certain preferences, sexually, or my daughters for that matter. It seems the best one can do is just try and monitor their watching habits and say a little prayer... a lot of this is luck of the draw, I suppose.
Outcast9428 wrote:
October 5th, 2022, 8:40 am
I have to be careful what I watch because if any porn I watch starts venturing into the wrong territory I get lightheaded and feel like I’m gonna be sick. Going from horny to lightheaded/sick feels like a really terrible transition but I consider it to be God’s amulet of protection.
My goodness, brother, that's just gorgeous. You're really a next level wholesome dude. Never change that haha. God's Amulet of Protection cracked me up, but in a good way lol. :lol:
Yeah I get it, looks can be deceiving. One thing I would say is people’s energy vibe can tell you a lot. In my experience, good people just exude warmth. It’s like you can see it in their eyes. It’s not so much about the outward behavior or appearance but some people, you can just tell. If somebody gives me a neutral energy reading I’m more suspicious. It doesn’t mean they’re a bad person but in my experience, a lot of bad people who know how to hide it give off neutral energy readings. I’m not saying a neutral energy reading means they are a bad person just that it’s much harder to tell.

I can’t say if it would work for everyone but I know that for me, my parents have a philosophy of having traditional views on sex but not being prudes about it either. They did talk to me about it and tried to set boundaries of what they believed was acceptable and not acceptable. My mom told me when I was 14 that people need to masturbate because excessive repression leads to deviance and perversion. I think people should use their imagination most of the time and use visual images as a treat. I had a rule going from 15 years of age forward that I had to use my imagination 3/4 times. You don’t have to be that specific :lol: but you can say “don’t rely on visual images, if you are dependent on them then that is bad.”

I believe that a traditionalist should consider sexuality to be like a river. You don’t want the river to flood your city so you don’t want to say “c’mon guys it’s just water” and build a city right in the path of the river and let it flood your streets but trying to block the flow of the river entirely will also flood your streets. It should be directed and controlled so it flows through the land in a way that’s beneficial.

Rather then never talking about sex or saying it’s evil. I think the healthiest approach is to make sure they know it can be a wonderful and powerful expression of love and affection when done right. A sexual relationship done right will provide you more joy then anything else in the world. But that having sex where there is no love, no affection, no respect, no connection… Sex done for the purposes of deviance, power, or pride, or any other desires… It is like holding hands with gloves on. It is empty, meaningless, and will probably make you feel worse after having done it then you felt before because of frustration.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Outcast9428 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
October 9th, 2022, 4:30 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
October 5th, 2022, 2:37 pm

Rather then never talking about sex or saying it’s evil. I think the healthiest approach is to make sure they know it can be a wonderful and powerful expression of love and affection when done right. A sexual relationship done right will provide you more joy then anything else in the world. But that having sex where there is no love, no affection, no respect, no connection… Sex done for the purposes of deviance, power, or pride, or any other desires… It is like holding hands with gloves on. It is empty, meaningless, and will probably make you feel worse after having done it then you felt before because of frustration.
This is all quite fascinating to me because I've done both these things... I have had sex that was meaningful, and sex devoid of meaning. And in all honesty, some of the most amazing and fascinating sexual encounters I have had, have been in the more casual context. Now granted I've had amazing sex within committed relationships as well. But for me, after a certain number of encounters, a certain number of years, the joy sort of gets taken out of things. Am I alone in this, am I somehow fundamentally broken for feeling this way? I do not know. But I do know that many other men feel the same way. Like I love sex, within marriage, within a stable relationship. But sooner or later, the excitement dies down a little. For me, that is.

I've noticed that, for instance, if I would sleep with a new partner again at the beginning of a new fling or relationship, the first times we do it I'm rock-hard, and I can do it again, and again, round after round, not to brag or be vulgar but after a few weeks, or months, I'm not in that state of mind anymore. Things become a little boring. I'm still happy with the girl, we're fine, but I've seen her body many times and I'm a bit, bored?

A lot of men want more sex, with more girls, because perhaps we're programmed to spread our seed and this is, for some men, a viable reproductive strategy. I believe it was @Cornfed who once said that there are two "types" of men; those who marry one woman, stick with her and raise a conservative family, and those who f**k around and impregnate random girls, then ditch them and go on to the next, pumping and dumping their way through life. The degenerate approach would likely land a man with more descendants, as his equally degenerate sons, some raised by single moms after daddy dearest skipped town, will likely follow in his nasty footsteps. Whereas a perfectly decent one-woman-for-life salaryman may raise two incel sons and a frigid repressed daughter for all we know and have only a few or zero grandchildren.

So there's different ways of men reproducing, viewing sex, family, and all of it. Some of this is dictated by nature, dictated perhaps by a man's impulse control, or his levels of testosterone or what-have-you. There are times, my friend, where I feel that I'm essentially fighting against my very nature just to stay with one woman for life. I badly want to do it, be faithful and stay with her. But it's not easy. And I cannot be the only man who feels this way, @Lucas88 or @Pixel--Dude may understand this point, and even @Tsar confided in me once that "one woman may not cut it for him". @WilliamSmith probably gets this too. This... desire. Instinct, if you will, that just calls us.

For instance the very act of not looking at other girls when committed to one? Hard as hell. Not to desire other girls? At times almost impossible. Yes, I can "keep it in my pants" but it's not always something that is easy or even something that feels right. And making love to the same woman for years and years ond end does not satisfy, sexually, all men. I'm sorry to say this but I don't just believe in that. Perhaps at some point, after a certain number of bed partners, a man is ruined the way a woman who sleeps with many men would be ruined. Perhaps that is the case. Or perhaps this is inate in certain men. I do not know. But I spend a lot of time thinking about it, every now and then.
That’s strange, I can’t imagine ever feeling like “the first night” was better then anything that came after it. The first night for me is always the least pleasurable. It’s typically awkward, kind of fumbly, you don’t really understand each other’s bodies yet.

To be quite frank, I’m not very good on the first night :lol:. I was told by my ex that the first time we did it was a 5/10, months afterward on the other hand, I had improved to an 8.5/10.

The same thing happens for me though. The first night my orgasm is incredibly weak and feels forced. Six months into the relationship, however, and they become insanely powerful. To the point where it actually frightened me a few times because I didn’t know they could even get that powerful. I know she didn’t do anything differently from before. But what did change was that my feelings of love and affection for her were stronger.

Oxytocin is directly linked to orgasmic strength and sex drive as well. Oxytocin is also the bonding hormone and helps males and females bond to one another.

After my ex broke up with me it took months before I could fantasize about anyone else during my alone time. Any girl I conjured up in my imagination felt inadequate. Using porn was the only way I could separate myself from her psychologically.

Personally I don’t think Tsar is very traditional in the Christian sense. I’ve had about a half a dozen friends from the Middle East and somehow Tsar is more Arab in personality then all of them. He is traditionally Islamic, not traditionally Christian.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Tsar »

Outcast9428 wrote:
October 9th, 2022, 6:37 am
MarcosZeitola wrote:
October 9th, 2022, 4:30 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
October 5th, 2022, 2:37 pm

Rather then never talking about sex or saying it’s evil. I think the healthiest approach is to make sure they know it can be a wonderful and powerful expression of love and affection when done right. A sexual relationship done right will provide you more joy then anything else in the world. But that having sex where there is no love, no affection, no respect, no connection… Sex done for the purposes of deviance, power, or pride, or any other desires… It is like holding hands with gloves on. It is empty, meaningless, and will probably make you feel worse after having done it then you felt before because of frustration.
This is all quite fascinating to me because I've done both these things... I have had sex that was meaningful, and sex devoid of meaning. And in all honesty, some of the most amazing and fascinating sexual encounters I have had, have been in the more casual context. Now granted I've had amazing sex within committed relationships as well. But for me, after a certain number of encounters, a certain number of years, the joy sort of gets taken out of things. Am I alone in this, am I somehow fundamentally broken for feeling this way? I do not know. But I do know that many other men feel the same way. Like I love sex, within marriage, within a stable relationship. But sooner or later, the excitement dies down a little. For me, that is.

I've noticed that, for instance, if I would sleep with a new partner again at the beginning of a new fling or relationship, the first times we do it I'm rock-hard, and I can do it again, and again, round after round, not to brag or be vulgar but after a few weeks, or months, I'm not in that state of mind anymore. Things become a little boring. I'm still happy with the girl, we're fine, but I've seen her body many times and I'm a bit, bored?

A lot of men want more sex, with more girls, because perhaps we're programmed to spread our seed and this is, for some men, a viable reproductive strategy. I believe it was @Cornfed who once said that there are two "types" of men; those who marry one woman, stick with her and raise a conservative family, and those who f**k around and impregnate random girls, then ditch them and go on to the next, pumping and dumping their way through life. The degenerate approach would likely land a man with more descendants, as his equally degenerate sons, some raised by single moms after daddy dearest skipped town, will likely follow in his nasty footsteps. Whereas a perfectly decent one-woman-for-life salaryman may raise two incel sons and a frigid repressed daughter for all we know and have only a few or zero grandchildren.

So there's different ways of men reproducing, viewing sex, family, and all of it. Some of this is dictated by nature, dictated perhaps by a man's impulse control, or his levels of testosterone or what-have-you. There are times, my friend, where I feel that I'm essentially fighting against my very nature just to stay with one woman for life. I badly want to do it, be faithful and stay with her. But it's not easy. And I cannot be the only man who feels this way, @Lucas88 or @Pixel--Dude may understand this point, and even @Tsar confided in me once that "one woman may not cut it for him". @WilliamSmith probably gets this too. This... desire. Instinct, if you will, that just calls us.

For instance the very act of not looking at other girls when committed to one? Hard as hell. Not to desire other girls? At times almost impossible. Yes, I can "keep it in my pants" but it's not always something that is easy or even something that feels right. And making love to the same woman for years and years ond end does not satisfy, sexually, all men. I'm sorry to say this but I don't just believe in that. Perhaps at some point, after a certain number of bed partners, a man is ruined the way a woman who sleeps with many men would be ruined. Perhaps that is the case. Or perhaps this is inate in certain men. I do not know. But I spend a lot of time thinking about it, every now and then.
That’s strange, I can’t imagine ever feeling like “the first night” was better then anything that came after it. The first night for me is always the least pleasurable. It’s typically awkward, kind of fumbly, you don’t really understand each other’s bodies yet.

To be quite frank, I’m not very good on the first night :lol:. I was told by my ex that the first time we did it was a 5/10, months afterward on the other hand, I had improved to an 8.5/10.

The same thing happens for me though. The first night my orgasm is incredibly weak and feels forced. Six months into the relationship, however, and they become insanely powerful. To the point where it actually frightened me a few times because I didn’t know they could even get that powerful. I know she didn’t do anything differently from before. But what did change was that my feelings of love and affection for her were stronger.

Oxytocin is directly linked to orgasmic strength and sex drive as well. Oxytocin is also the bonding hormone and helps males and females bond to one another.

After my ex broke up with me it took months before I could fantasize about anyone else during my alone time. Any girl I conjured up in my imagination felt inadequate. Using porn was the only way I could separate myself from her psychologically.

Personally I don’t think Tsar is very traditional in the Christian sense. I’ve had about a half a dozen friends from the Middle East and somehow Tsar is more Arab in personality then all of them. He is traditionally Islamic, not traditionally Christian.
@Lucas88 @Pixel--Dude

I actually consider myself Pagan and spiritual, but not the New Age or Neo-Paganism stuff.

I view a girl as being most valuable when she's at her very best and part of that means virginity. There's a deep spiritual and metaphysical aspect of getting a virgin.

Most men can overlook it but someone as spiritual as I am cannot do so in most circumstances.

I would say that my outlook is much more Christian but really ancient versions, but you're right, I am not traditionally Christian religious if you consider the 1900s onward. I don't see anything Islamic about my version of traditionalism.

I am more like a traditional Pagan with large amounts of universal noble ideals like family (if I had one), honor, valuing virginity, power, strength, beauty, pride, and loyalty.

Nature is also a guide to life in some situations.

I don't identify with Abrahamic religions or any religion. I do think they have value on some level but I don't believe in them.

But yes, I would ideally have a few girls. Especially because I really would like to have threesomes and watch my girls do stuff. That's definitely something that Roman Emperors would enjoy watching or doing. Polygyny, one man (me) and multiple girls, in a monogamous relationship. Monogamous polygyny. It's also a good way to keep the girls in line because they'll have healthy competition and they can leave, but they'll know that I have other girls. If they know a guy has other options, it makes them try harder and not want to leave.

I can say that if a girl has too many options, my desire to try to win her over and compete for her completely disappears. I don't want to compete for a girl.

I want to slowly get a girl and them once I have power over her, she gives me love, and I eventually get to control her. She will need me even if she doesn't desire me or her desire lessens.

I have talked to girls who said they're open to being in relationships based on pragmatism. One was a Ukrainian girl.

One of my greatest mistakes in my youth was believing and focusing on love. It's power that determines everything. With enough power, almost anything is possible. People who are powerful or have some level of noticeable power are always able to easily get love. The truth is that the Hollywood version of love doesn't exist on reality and neither does "fairy tale" love.

Having multiple girls also ensures more genetic variety and survival of genes.

Love can eventually form with time but the most people can hope for in a relationship partner is a good friendship and mutual interests in a long-term relationship. Love eventually forms even in arranged marriages and that's because love as portrayed in fictional media doesn't actually exist or happen.
I'm a visionary and a philosopher king 👑
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Lucas88 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
October 9th, 2022, 4:30 am
This is all quite fascinating to me because I've done both these things... I have had sex that was meaningful, and sex devoid of meaning. And in all honesty, some of the most amazing and fascinating sexual encounters I have had, have been in the more casual context. Now granted I've had amazing sex within committed relationships as well. But for me, after a certain number of encounters, a certain number of years, the joy sort of gets taken out of things. Am I alone in this, am I somehow fundamentally broken for feeling this way? I do not know. But I do know that many other men feel the same way. Like I love sex, within marriage, within a stable relationship. But sooner or later, the excitement dies down a little. For me, that is.

I've noticed that, for instance, if I would sleep with a new partner again at the beginning of a new fling or relationship, the first times we do it I'm rock-hard, and I can do it again, and again, round after round, not to brag or be vulgar but after a few weeks, or months, I'm not in that state of mind anymore. Things become a little boring. I'm still happy with the girl, we're fine, but I've seen her body many times and I'm a bit, bored?

A lot of men want more sex, with more girls, because perhaps we're programmed to spread our seed and this is, for some men, a viable reproductive strategy. I believe it was @Cornfed who once said that there are two "types" of men; those who marry one woman, stick with her and raise a conservative family, and those who f**k around and impregnate random girls, then ditch them and go on to the next, pumping and dumping their way through life. The degenerate approach would likely land a man with more descendants, as his equally degenerate sons, some raised by single moms after daddy dearest skipped town, will likely follow in his nasty footsteps. Whereas a perfectly decent one-woman-for-life salaryman may raise two incel sons and a frigid repressed daughter for all we know and have only a few or zero grandchildren.

So there's different ways of men reproducing, viewing sex, family, and all of it. Some of this is dictated by nature, dictated perhaps by a man's impulse control, or his levels of testosterone or what-have-you. There are times, my friend, where I feel that I'm essentially fighting against my very nature just to stay with one woman for life. I badly want to do it, be faithful and stay with her. But it's not easy. And I cannot be the only man who feels this way, @Lucas88 or @Pixel--Dude may understand this point, and even @Tsar confided in me once that "one woman may not cut it for him". @WilliamSmith probably gets this too. This... desire. Instinct, if you will, that just calls us.

For instance the very act of not looking at other girls when committed to one? Hard as hell. Not to desire other girls? At times almost impossible. Yes, I can "keep it in my pants" but it's not always something that is easy or even something that feels right. And making love to the same woman for years and years ond end does not satisfy, sexually, all men. I'm sorry to say this but I don't just believe in that. Perhaps at some point, after a certain number of bed partners, a man is ruined the way a woman who sleeps with many men would be ruined. Perhaps that is the case. Or perhaps this is inate in certain men. I do not know. But I spend a lot of time thinking about it, every now and then.
I completely understand. I too feel in the depths of my being a strong instinct to fcuk many different women while strict monogamy just doesn't feel right at all. I'm naturally wild and full of Dionysian sexual passion. I have an uncontrollable urge to animalistically ravage sexy, brown-skinned, big-butt Latinas. I especially love to aggressively hold them down and sexually dominate them. This is why I love wild, passionate Latin American women and hot Mulatas with jungle genetics. They are the best match for me and turn me on the most. Monogamous sentiments on the other hand feel really effeminate to me. Whenever I've had them I've always felt mentally weaker and less connected to my true masculine nature.

Like you, I also believe that some of my most satisfying sexual encounters have occurred in a non-committed context. I don't need love to find satisfaction in sexual encounters. I only need that extreme fiery passion that is just so ecstatic and addictive. Some guys say that sex without love only has the undesired effect of leaving them feeling even more empty than before, but I've never felt empty after any kind of non-committed sex. I think that those guys just have a different psychological profile or some kind of attachment issues. But I don't have that anymore. I outgrew it. Now I have a much more secure attachment type and don't need love from other people in order to be happy.

I also believe that strict monogamy is flawed as a reproductive strategy. You could beget two kids with your conservative wife following a purely k-selected strategy and then, 20 something years later, both of your kids could be tragically killed in an unforeseen accident, a violent assault, or an animal attack and you would end up without any genetic legacy. Or alternatively your kids could turn out to be homos or become ladyboys and the end result would be the same. But if you bang a few other women on the side and combine with your marriage a secondary r-selected strategy, then you have more insurance for the survival of your genetic legacy. The world is undoubtedly as hazardous place. Even the relatively safer modern world is full of lethal hazards that could potentially decimate a whole family. It seems that in light of this some level of promiscuity has been selected for. That might explain why even many men in monogamous relationships still retain some polygamous instincts.

My passion is knocking the back out of hot Latinas and fulfilling their fantasy of having their pvssies pounded by a masculine, athletic Caucasian man. I also have a love for seeing to sexually frustrated Latina milfs and making them feel desired. This is one of the reasons for which I am obsessed with being in shape and feel depressed if ever I get out of shape.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by MrMan »

Outcast9428 wrote:
October 5th, 2022, 8:40 am
I’ve seen some hentais that people told me were very mild but that’s pretty much it. I have to be careful what I watch because if any porn I watch starts venturing into the wrong territory I get lightheaded and feel like I’m gonna be sick. Going from horny to lightheaded/sick feels like a really terrible transition but I consider it to be God’s amulet of protection.
Jesus said that if a man looks on a woman to lust after her, he has committed adultery with her already in his heart. Do you think God wants you to look at the non-nauseating porn?
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
October 9th, 2022, 4:30 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
October 5th, 2022, 2:37 pm

Rather then never talking about sex or saying it’s evil. I think the healthiest approach is to make sure they know it can be a wonderful and powerful expression of love and affection when done right. A sexual relationship done right will provide you more joy then anything else in the world. But that having sex where there is no love, no affection, no respect, no connection… Sex done for the purposes of deviance, power, or pride, or any other desires… It is like holding hands with gloves on. It is empty, meaningless, and will probably make you feel worse after having done it then you felt before because of frustration.
This is all quite fascinating to me because I've done both these things... I have had sex that was meaningful, and sex devoid of meaning. And in all honesty, some of the most amazing and fascinating sexual encounters I have had, have been in the more casual context. Now granted I've had amazing sex within committed relationships as well. But for me, after a certain number of encounters, a certain number of years, the joy sort of gets taken out of things. Am I alone in this, am I somehow fundamentally broken for feeling this way? I do not know. But I do know that many other men feel the same way. Like I love sex, within marriage, within a stable relationship. But sooner or later, the excitement dies down a little. For me, that is.

I've noticed that, for instance, if I would sleep with a new partner again at the beginning of a new fling or relationship, the first times we do it I'm rock-hard, and I can do it again, and again, round after round, not to brag or be vulgar but after a few weeks, or months, I'm not in that state of mind anymore. Things become a little boring. I'm still happy with the girl, we're fine, but I've seen her body many times and I'm a bit, bored?

A lot of men want more sex, with more girls, because perhaps we're programmed to spread our seed and this is, for some men, a viable reproductive strategy. I believe it was @Cornfed who once said that there are two "types" of men; those who marry one woman, stick with her and raise a conservative family, and those who f**k around and impregnate random girls, then ditch them and go on to the next, pumping and dumping their way through life. The degenerate approach would likely land a man with more descendants, as his equally degenerate sons, some raised by single moms after daddy dearest skipped town, will likely follow in his nasty footsteps. Whereas a perfectly decent one-woman-for-life salaryman may raise two incel sons and a frigid repressed daughter for all we know and have only a few or zero grandchildren.

So there's different ways of men reproducing, viewing sex, family, and all of it. Some of this is dictated by nature, dictated perhaps by a man's impulse control, or his levels of testosterone or what-have-you. There are times, my friend, where I feel that I'm essentially fighting against my very nature just to stay with one woman for life. I badly want to do it, be faithful and stay with her. But it's not easy. And I cannot be the only man who feels this way, @Lucas88 or @Pixel--Dude may understand this point, and even @Tsar confided in me once that "one woman may not cut it for him". @WilliamSmith probably gets this too. This... desire. Instinct, if you will, that just calls us.

For instance the very act of not looking at other girls when committed to one? Hard as hell. Not to desire other girls? At times almost impossible. Yes, I can "keep it in my pants" but it's not always something that is easy or even something that feels right. And making love to the same woman for years and years ond end does not satisfy, sexually, all men. I'm sorry to say this but I don't just believe in that. Perhaps at some point, after a certain number of bed partners, a man is ruined the way a woman who sleeps with many men would be ruined. Perhaps that is the case. Or perhaps this is inate in certain men. I do not know. But I spend a lot of time thinking about it, every now and then.
I don't understand why someone can't be monogamous and still check out hot women at the same time. I've been in long term relationships with women, been loyal to them for years, but still checked out women I thought were hot. Natural biological compulsions to sleep with hot women are indeed natural. Just because you're in a long term relationship or even marriage doesn't mean you have to repress your nature.

If you are monogamous and happy within your relationship then I think staying faithful to your partner is easy. Particularly if you are content within the relationship. I think it's when problems arise in the relationship that people tend to go astray.

On the flip side though I don't see anyone who wants to sleep around as a degenerate. I just see them as people who don't want to settle down and who are happy doing their own thing and keeping their interaction with women casual and fun without the seriousness and obligation and pressure to conform.

I actually consider myself Pagan and spiritual, but not the New Age or Neo-Paganism stuff.

I view a girl as being most valuable when she's at her very best and part of that means virginity. There's a deep spiritual and metaphysical aspect of getting a virgin.

Most men can overlook it but someone as spiritual as I am cannot do so in most circumstances.

I would say that my outlook is much more Christian but really ancient versions, but you're right, I am not traditionally Christian religious if you consider the 1900s onward. I don't see anything Islamic about my version of traditionalism.

I am more like a traditional Pagan with large amounts of universal noble ideals like family (if I had one), honor, valuing virginity, power, strength, beauty, pride, and loyalty.

Nature is also a guide to life in some situations.

I don't identify with Abrahamic religions or any religion. I do think they have value on some level but I don't believe in them.

But yes, I would ideally have a few girls. Especially because I really would like to have threesomes and watch my girls do stuff. That's definitely something that Roman Emperors would enjoy watching or doing. Polygyny, one man (me) and multiple girls, in a monogamous relationship. Monogamous polygyny. It's also a good way to keep the girls in line because they'll have healthy competition and they can leave, but they'll know that I have other girls. If they know a guy has other options, it makes them try harder and not want to leave.

I can say that if a girl has too many options, my desire to try to win her over and compete for her completely disappears. I don't want to compete for a girl.

I want to slowly get a girl and them once I have power over her, she gives me love, and I eventually get to control her. She will need me even if she doesn't desire me or her desire lessens.

I have talked to girls who said they're open to being in relationships based on pragmatism. One was a Ukrainian girl.

One of my greatest mistakes in my youth was believing and focusing on love. It's power that determines everything. With enough power, almost anything is possible. People who are powerful or have some level of noticeable power are always able to easily get love. The truth is that the Hollywood version of love doesn't exist on reality and neither does "fairy tale" love.

Having multiple girls also ensures more genetic variety and survival of genes.

Love can eventually form with time but the most people can hope for in a relationship partner is a good friendship and mutual interests in a long-term relationship. Love eventually forms even in arranged marriages and that's because love as portrayed in fictional media doesn't actually exist or happen.
I would say I'm also Pagan. I believe in the old gods that were here before. As talked about in ancient cultures all over the world. But unlike yourself, I see no value at all in the Abrahamic religions. I have no problem with people who believe in them, whatever helps people get through the monotonous bullshit of every day, right?

In terms of monogamy and marriage I have been to both traditional Christian weddings and a Pagan wedding. The Christian weddings were rigid and boring. The Pagan wedding seemed more natural and authentic. It took place in a forest and the groom took his bride off into the woods to consumate their marriage :lol: that's the type of wedding I would want.

I also wouldn't mind having multiple girlfriends so I could watch them lezzing off with one another haha! I've always thought there is nothing wrong with polyamorous relationships if that is what people want. I advocate a life of freedom where people can sleep with whoever they want.

Like you Tsar, I used to put high value on a loving relationship. I'm not very lucky with women or love and I used to beat myself up about it. Now I have realised that I have my own interests and goals independent of a loving relationship with a woman. Now I see relationships as a pain in the ass and a distraction from other things I enjoy doing.

@CaptainSkelebob As for the topic at hand with regard to toxic masculinity, I definitely wouldn't consider myself as an alpha or a beta. But I've seen the arguments for why people think the alphas are toxic and others arguing the betas are toxic. I don't think toxic traits are exclusive to either classification of males and I believe both alphas and betas both have toxic elements to their personalities (in some cases, not all) that put women off in general.

In general though, I don't think there is such thing as "toxic masculinity" this is something feminist advocates argue in order to erroneously accuse men of toxic masculinity when they don't agree with them. I think though there are toxic people rather than males being exclusively toxic and all women are somehow put on a pedestal. I hate feminism and see it as an obstacle standing in the way of healthy relationships between men and women.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Outcast9428 »

Lucas88 wrote:
October 9th, 2022, 2:25 pm
MarcosZeitola wrote:
October 9th, 2022, 4:30 am
This is all quite fascinating to me because I've done both these things... I have had sex that was meaningful, and sex devoid of meaning. And in all honesty, some of the most amazing and fascinating sexual encounters I have had, have been in the more casual context. Now granted I've had amazing sex within committed relationships as well. But for me, after a certain number of encounters, a certain number of years, the joy sort of gets taken out of things. Am I alone in this, am I somehow fundamentally broken for feeling this way? I do not know. But I do know that many other men feel the same way. Like I love sex, within marriage, within a stable relationship. But sooner or later, the excitement dies down a little. For me, that is.

I've noticed that, for instance, if I would sleep with a new partner again at the beginning of a new fling or relationship, the first times we do it I'm rock-hard, and I can do it again, and again, round after round, not to brag or be vulgar but after a few weeks, or months, I'm not in that state of mind anymore. Things become a little boring. I'm still happy with the girl, we're fine, but I've seen her body many times and I'm a bit, bored?

A lot of men want more sex, with more girls, because perhaps we're programmed to spread our seed and this is, for some men, a viable reproductive strategy. I believe it was @Cornfed who once said that there are two "types" of men; those who marry one woman, stick with her and raise a conservative family, and those who f**k around and impregnate random girls, then ditch them and go on to the next, pumping and dumping their way through life. The degenerate approach would likely land a man with more descendants, as his equally degenerate sons, some raised by single moms after daddy dearest skipped town, will likely follow in his nasty footsteps. Whereas a perfectly decent one-woman-for-life salaryman may raise two incel sons and a frigid repressed daughter for all we know and have only a few or zero grandchildren.

So there's different ways of men reproducing, viewing sex, family, and all of it. Some of this is dictated by nature, dictated perhaps by a man's impulse control, or his levels of testosterone or what-have-you. There are times, my friend, where I feel that I'm essentially fighting against my very nature just to stay with one woman for life. I badly want to do it, be faithful and stay with her. But it's not easy. And I cannot be the only man who feels this way, @Lucas88 or @Pixel--Dude may understand this point, and even @Tsar confided in me once that "one woman may not cut it for him". @WilliamSmith probably gets this too. This... desire. Instinct, if you will, that just calls us.

For instance the very act of not looking at other girls when committed to one? Hard as hell. Not to desire other girls? At times almost impossible. Yes, I can "keep it in my pants" but it's not always something that is easy or even something that feels right. And making love to the same woman for years and years ond end does not satisfy, sexually, all men. I'm sorry to say this but I don't just believe in that. Perhaps at some point, after a certain number of bed partners, a man is ruined the way a woman who sleeps with many men would be ruined. Perhaps that is the case. Or perhaps this is inate in certain men. I do not know. But I spend a lot of time thinking about it, every now and then.
I completely understand. I too feel in the depths of my being a strong instinct to fcuk many different women while strict monogamy just doesn't feel right at all. I'm naturally wild and full of Dionysian sexual passion. I have an uncontrollable urge to animalistically ravage sexy, brown-skinned, big-butt Latinas. I especially love to aggressively hold them down and sexually dominate them. This is why I love wild, passionate Latin American women and hot Mulatas with jungle genetics. They are the best match for me and turn me on the most. Monogamous sentiments on the other hand feel really effeminate to me. Whenever I've had them I've always felt mentally weaker and less connected to my true masculine nature.

Like you, I also believe that some of my most satisfying sexual encounters have occurred in a non-committed context. I don't need love to find satisfaction in sexual encounters. I only need that extreme fiery passion that is just so ecstatic and addictive. Some guys say that sex without love only has the undesired effect of leaving them feeling even more empty than before, but I've never felt empty after any kind of non-committed sex. I think that those guys just have a different psychological profile or some kind of attachment issues. But I don't have that anymore. I outgrew it. Now I have a much more secure attachment type and don't need love from other people in order to be happy.

I also believe that strict monogamy is flawed as a reproductive strategy. You could beget two kids with your conservative wife following a purely k-selected strategy and then, 20 something years later, both of your kids could be tragically killed in an unforeseen accident, a violent assault, or an animal attack and you would end up without any genetic legacy. Or alternatively your kids could turn out to be homos or become ladyboys and the end result would be the same. But if you bang a few other women on the side and combine with your marriage a secondary r-selected strategy, then you have more insurance for the survival of your genetic legacy. The world is undoubtedly as hazardous place. Even the relatively safer modern world is full of lethal hazards that could potentially decimate a whole family. It seems that in light of this some level of promiscuity has been selected for. That might explain why even many men in monogamous relationships still retain some polygamous instincts.

My passion is knocking the back out of hot Latinas and fulfilling their fantasy of having their pvssies pounded by a masculine, athletic Caucasian man. I also have a love for seeing to sexually frustrated Latina milfs and making them feel desired. This is one of the reasons for which I am obsessed with being in shape and feel depressed if ever I get out of shape.
See you say you’re not advocating for frat boy/hood nigga masculinity but this sounds exactly like the frat boy/hood nigga interpretation of masculinity.

Obsession with the idea of aggression and dominance being what makes you a man - check
Disdain for the idea that men need love and relationships - check
Seeming to believe that men’s value to the world comes from how well they can seduce women - check
Knocking up women who aren’t your wife - turbo nigga

You seem to believe that a man must be the direct opposite of everything a woman is. That’s not true. There are some behaviors that it is good for both men and women to follow. Having different roles in life in life is different from trying to act like the opposite of them in every way.

I’m sorry but Latin America is proof of the dangers of adopting the primal masculinity model. Their countries are absolutely filled with gangs and violent crime because they don’t crack down on r-selected sexual strategies which overwhelmingly benefit criminals and thugs. This is not coming from the traditional side of Latin American culture it is coming from the liberal side just like it does in America.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Outcast9428 »

MrMan wrote:
October 9th, 2022, 2:48 pm
Outcast9428 wrote:
October 5th, 2022, 8:40 am
I’ve seen some hentais that people told me were very mild but that’s pretty much it. I have to be careful what I watch because if any porn I watch starts venturing into the wrong territory I get lightheaded and feel like I’m gonna be sick. Going from horny to lightheaded/sick feels like a really terrible transition but I consider it to be God’s amulet of protection.
Jesus said that if a man looks on a woman to lust after her, he has committed adultery with her already in his heart. Do you think God wants you to look at the non-nauseating porn?
When I have forged an exclusive bond with a girl I will quit porn entirely… You can count on that because I already did that when I was dating my ex. I didn’t even check out other women. Believe me I take loyalty and exclusivity extremely seriously.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by Outcast9428 »

MarcosZeitola wrote:
October 10th, 2022, 9:26 am
Outcast9428 wrote:
October 9th, 2022, 6:37 am

That’s strange, I can’t imagine ever feeling like “the first night” was better then anything that came after it. The first night for me is always the least pleasurable. It’s typically awkward, kind of fumbly, you don’t really understand each other’s bodies yet.

To be quite frank, I’m not very good on the first night :lol:. I was told by my ex that the first time we did it was a 5/10, months afterward on the other hand, I had improved to an 8.5/10.

The same thing happens for me though. The first night my orgasm is incredibly weak and feels forced. Six months into the relationship, however, and they become insanely powerful. To the point where it actually frightened me a few times because I didn’t know they could even get that powerful. I know she didn’t do anything differently from before. But what did change was that my feelings of love and affection for her were stronger.

Oxytocin is directly linked to orgasmic strength and sex drive as well. Oxytocin is also the bonding hormone and helps males and females bond to one another.

After my ex broke up with me it took months before I could fantasize about anyone else during my alone time. Any girl I conjured up in my imagination felt inadequate. Using porn was the only way I could separate myself from her psychologically.

Personally I don’t think Tsar is very traditional in the Christian sense. I’ve had about a half a dozen friends from the Middle East and somehow Tsar is more Arab in personality then all of them. He is traditionally Islamic, not traditionally Christian.
@Outcast9428 & @Lucas88

I suppose I am an odd creature. Or perhaps this is the way many other men feel and we just do not typically talk about it. I'm in this odd conundrum because on the one hand, I absolutely WANT to be with one woman. I feel happy being in a relationship, as a person. Like I feel at peace, and fulfilled. I hate coming home to an empty house and I need to surround myself with a wife, with children. This is a strong desire I have always had and I'm only really at peace in a sort of family setting. At the same time... sexually speaking, I get that "itch" ater a while. Always do. There's never been a woman who fulfilled me so much that I felt "I could make love to her for a lifetime and never tire of it".

Because, I would...

I'd still love her. I would want to be married to her, and grow old together. But I would also desire to be with other women. A new face. A fresh body. Exploring someone else. I fantasize about discovering what her body looks like. Intimiate details. All her parts, their shape, color, how perky she is... it drives me insane, really.

But I can't also live like a bachelor, hopping from girl to girl. I'm the committed type, I want a woman who sleeps with me and with me only. But for myself, I sometimes desire a little more variety. That doesn't mean I want to stray, want to cheat on her. That would be awful. It just means that the desire to cheat remains. That desire to do things I really shouldn't be doing.

So yeah, that's my little conundrum here. My dilemma. I'm wired to seek out different girls, to desire a certain level of variety, a diversity of ladies. And I'm also wired, at the same time, to be a family man. No empty houses and minimalist living for me. I'm not a modern Westerner. I'd like to be traditional but being traditional isn't easy. It doesn't come natural to all men. And that's a bit of a problem. Like I know what I should be doing, and I strive to do it. But at the same time, I'm painfully aware of how all we have is but one life, and it's all over in the blink of an eye. We're nothing but a drop in the ocean of eternity and this eats me up alive sometimes, this knowledge of how short it all is, and how soon it will all be over. So what to do? I have a lot of kids now. I have a serious girlfriend who I love to bits, who is sexy as hell, beautiful, a stunner... she's sweet too.

And yet part of me knows, even now, that regardless of how perfect a girl may be, sooner or later things become a routine and that excitement of the chase and the conquest I once felt will die down. And deep inside me this fire screams for more, more, more. Perhaps at my core I am a degenerate. But that does not mean that I give in to my every desire, that I will hurt my girl, hurt my family. It doesn't mean I lack self-control. It just means that this isn't easy. Traditionalism seems like the most logical way to go, and yet it's also difficult. To live a life of sex and debauchery seems meaningless to me in the long run, but to completely shut myself off from some of those early delights seems like a painful compromise in and of itself.
I think you are mixed between k-selected and r-selected. Most people are some kind of mix. White people in particular I think tend to be a mix because very few white people want to live like most black people do. White people also don’t usually have the hardcore biological monogamy that Asians do though. Don’t get wrong there are definitely plenty of whites who do, just not most.

My hopes of course are to either sustain my k-selected genes or intensify them. They’re already pretty k-selected so I suppose it isn’t necessary to find a girl more k-selected then me.

I think if somebody who is mixed marries a more k-selected girl you can still improve your kid’s prospects if you have a lot of them.

Hardcore r-selectionists are nearly always criminals who break the law in many ways. In high school I was more liberal and believed that promiscuous people could be good people but in my personal life, since starting college, I have never met a true r-selectionist who was a good person. Every single one of them was an asshole. It’s not just the promiscuity, it goes along with a lot of other traits and behaviors.

If I hadn’t met so many true r-selectionists I probably would have become a liberal conservative type who supports traditional values but not in a forceful way. In Virginia, you never see truly r-selected people in white suburban neighborhoods. They are entirely relegated to the ghettos. In college was where I actually met people who sleep with many dozens of women and whom I truly think are incapable of monogamy.

I feel really bad for K-selected blacks because they really really struggle in their communities, they get bullied and are seen as weak losers by their peers. In my experience nobody seems to hate mainstream black culture more then truly k-selected blacks.

I realized though that there’s a reason why people judge R-selected people harshly. I also used to believe people were secretly jealous of them but meeting them in person, they are terrible people. They are the types who think pushing their friend down the stairs is funny, who beat other people up for fun, they make excuses for sexual assault and blurring the lines between sex and rape, they believe that might makes right and hate the civilized world because it restrains their ability to follow their animalistic instincts.

People may say they can’t help it because it’s in their genetics. That might be true but we still can’t let people behave the way these people do.

Personally I think Lucas is exaggerating his r-selected tendencies. Nobody who is autistic or was an incel at any point in life, and intelligent on top of that is r-selected. It’s genetically impossible. He is a mix at the least, possibly even leaning on k-selected without even realizing it. I think he is putting on the persona he believes will make him sexually successful but I seriously doubt that’s what he really is. High functioning autism is practically the result of very k-selected genes. There are studies showing that autistic males form insanely powerful attachments/infatuations with women they like. An autistic male will feel the same way about a female three years into the relationship that a normie would feel about her 3 months into the relationship.

On a subconscious level Lucas probably thinks it’s his only option. He is committed to the persona because he fears that not being that type of man will make him unattractive to Latina women. His fear is not without merit. I doubt that all Latina women are really like that though. It may be the majority of them but I doubt they are all like that.
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Re: What toxic masculinity really is

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

Mercer wrote:
October 5th, 2022, 5:25 pm
CaptainSkelebob wrote:
October 5th, 2022, 2:24 pm
Mercer is such a queen
I dont know why he has to be so triggered just because real men exist out there....
This is what I was talking about fellas!!
Isnt Mercer showing us what toxic masculinity is right here???
Its jealousy and bitterness and not to mention its pathetic
Just interacting with that faggot can make ur cock smaller
Thats how much of a feminine little vagina fledging he is....
Alpha masculinity is natural and healthy and leaves guys full of confidence!
Look at me fellas!!!
Im alpha and im confident and successful!!!
Ladys want me and little beta fags secretly want to be me :lol: :lol: :lol:
You have threads about men becoming ladyboys and feminist bullshit like "toxic masculinity". You're a cunt.
Men do become ladyboys
Ur probly another sissy comment away from becoming a ladyboy urself
Everything you say just screams little beta vagina fledgling
Ur calling me a cunt because you dont like that I am a true alpha wolf and ur just a little weak homo
If you cant handle getting it back then you should leave discussions about masculinity to the men and go back to painting ur nails
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