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Post by Robert77 »

1. AMERICAN WOMEN: spoiled, bitchy, mostly fat, lazy, lack motherly skills, to them marriage is like changing jobs or shoes; VERY INTERESTED IN MONEY, sleep around A LOT!!! by the time they hit 30's most have been divorced at least once, been with tons of men, are gaining weight at a very fast pace, and have had STD's at least once and perhaps an abortion.

2. ANGLO-CANADIAN WOMEN: See American women, though less. (quebecois are different)

3. UK WOMEN: a country where women are fatter, manlier and more drunk than the men..... plus very prone to want to emulate American women.

4. AUSTRALIAN WOMEN: see Americans (more anglo psycho women)

5. GERMAN OR DUTCH WOMEN: yeah i know, So you saw pictures of hot skinny feminine blonde dutch women so you think holland is paradise, but the reality is the women in this part of the world are very tall, at times very broad, they look a bit manly and by the age of 30 is hard to find one that doesnt look like a man, they love cutting their hair short, wearing huge leather boots, leather jackets that doesnt suit them and with the tall and broad factor they end up looking very manly..... big smokers and very independent.... strong personalities and quite cold..... German women especially age terribly!!! and one thing to never ignore, AMONG THE EUROPEANS WOMEN FROM THESE NATIONALITIES ARE PERHAPS THE MOST FEMINIST OF ALL..... Dutch women especially can be a nightmare when it comes to the feminism crap!
World traveler, questions about women from a certain country? Ask!!! I can help
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Post by ***JP*** »

I would move British women to the top followed by american women cause british women are the worst scum on earth. They cheat, play games and are a bunch of drug addicts and drunks. But that's just my opinion. Great post though :)
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Post by publicduende »

***JP*** wrote:I would move British women to the top followed by american women cause british women are the worst scum on earth. They cheat, play games and are a bunch of drug addicts and drunks. But that's just my opinion. Great post though :)
Britain is a very culturally diverse country and I don't think we can generalise like that. Yes lots of the white woman type play games once married, especially if they don't have a job and spent an inordinate amount of time bored at home. I read the divorce rate for the 18-30 age bracket is now a stunning 40/45%. Yet, there are still plenty of women from cultural backgrounds where strong bonding is encouraged and cheating is not acceptable, like those of Indian, Middle Eastern and Easter European descent. As usual, it's all about meeting as many women as possible and raising the flag when a decent one is found. She can be found, no doubt about that. And failing that, there's always foreign girls who come here to learn English, or study for a university course. I have a couple of friends who married supercute Chinese girls from rich families, whom they met on college dos, and are now living the life of Riley, as they have a faithful woman with a budding career, a family status and good looks too!
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Post by designer »

publicduende wrote:
***JP*** wrote:I would move British women to the top followed by american women cause british women are the worst scum on earth. They cheat, play games and are a bunch of drug addicts and drunks. But that's just my opinion. Great post though :)
Britain is a very culturally diverse country and I don't think we can generalise like that. Yes lots of the white woman type play games once married, especially if they don't have a job and spent an inordinate amount of time bored at home. I read the divorce rate for the 18-30 age bracket is now a stunning 40/45%. Yet, there are still plenty of women from cultural backgrounds where strong bonding is encouraged and cheating is not acceptable, like those of Indian, Middle Eastern and Easter European descent. As usual, it's all about meeting as many women as possible and raising the flag when a decent one is found. She can be found, no doubt about that. And failing that, there's always foreign girls who come here to learn English, or study for a university course. I have a couple of friends who married supercute Chinese girls from rich families, whom they met on college dos, and are now living the life of Riley, as they have a faithful woman with a budding career, a family status and good looks too!

The good Samaritan strikes again. Britiain is a policestate and cesspool of radical feminists. Though there are of course some women who do not fit the mould carved out by their system of conditioning. The majority of British women do. I to this day have never met a proper British woman. Every single one I met was ignorant, arrogant, shallow, hated men and materialistic. Also I fail to see how "living the good life" equals happiness. But again in the west $$ is perceived to be happiness. Also elitism comes into play as well as when one factors someone's 'education' as being the method from which you should select a mate. It is almost as ass backwards as most women's views about men. Thus if 'he' doesnt have a 'good' job or degree then he is a failure or not worth the time. Indeed, then a great number of men all over the world are 'worthless' if judged by this standard. It is this form of Very British racism/elitism/classism/imperialism that sickens me and why I hate the Uk and all of its worthless people. The UK is so gone, so dead. Yet it still believes itself to be relevant in the world in some fundamental way. Britain is the mother of all of this shite that we deal with. Their anti-human perspective on life has caused so much carnage and destruction across the globe. Never look to that dump for anything, muchless advice on anything. They are the Mother of America and all of these anglophile shitholes. Let then leave the eu, erect a wall around their pathetic little island and eat each other. They can keep all of their crappy women too that universally have been acknowledged as the worst in the world for everything. How many guys pop out and say that they want a British women? I am so tired of the nay sayers. If you say that cats like cheese there is always that one person who thinks that he is so clever to suggest that 2 cats like rat poison. Its like some liberal arts college shite I dealt with like 25 years ago. People generalize often, WOMEN DO IT ALL OF THE TIME. I am not of the western liberal mindset so I dont give a shite. Its all old hat mate. The whole can't say this can't say that PC bullshite. I can say whatever I want. I can generalize about whatever I want. Yes Britain is a policestate and its women suck. Britain is a racist shithole just like the usa. Now go watch your CCTV
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Post by DevilsAdvocate »

publicduende wrote:
***JP*** wrote:I would move British women to the top followed by american women cause british women are the worst scum on earth. They cheat, play games and are a bunch of drug addicts and drunks. But that's just my opinion. Great post though :)
Britain is a very culturally diverse country and I don't think we can generalise like that. Yes lots of the white woman type play games once married, especially if they don't have a job and spent an inordinate amount of time bored at home. I read the divorce rate for the 18-30 age bracket is now a stunning 40/45%. Yet, there are still plenty of women from cultural backgrounds where strong bonding is encouraged and cheating is not acceptable, like those of Indian, Middle Eastern and Easter European descent. As usual, it's all about meeting as many women as possible and raising the flag when a decent one is found. She can be found, no doubt about that. And failing that, there's always foreign girls who come here to learn English, or study for a university course. I have a couple of friends who married supercute Chinese girls from rich families, whom they met on college dos, and are now living the life of Riley, as they have a faithful woman with a budding career, a family status and good looks too!

f***ing Mangina piece of shit mother f***er, I wish I could meet you in person just so I can kick your ass, I think I'm going to travel to the UK so just I can maybe meet some f***ing Manginas like you out there, England seems to be filled with them, it's like all of you are faggots and Jews and butch women. No wonder the Muslims cannot stand you.....
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Post by All_That_Is_Man »

I'm gonna revise your list just a little bit...





"Manginas grovel. Men travel." - me (04/17/2012)

"I used to be one of those men who believed that men are better than women at everything. Then I stood corrected!
Women are better than men at... getting fat." - me (02/24/2013)

Black women suck at life.
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Post by publicduende »

designer wrote:
publicduende wrote:
***JP*** wrote:I would move British women to the top followed by american women cause british women are the worst scum on earth. They cheat, play games and are a bunch of drug addicts and drunks. But that's just my opinion. Great post though :)
Britain is a very culturally diverse country and I don't think we can generalise like that. Yes lots of the white woman type play games once married, especially if they don't have a job and spent an inordinate amount of time bored at home. I read the divorce rate for the 18-30 age bracket is now a stunning 40/45%. Yet, there are still plenty of women from cultural backgrounds where strong bonding is encouraged and cheating is not acceptable, like those of Indian, Middle Eastern and Easter European descent. As usual, it's all about meeting as many women as possible and raising the flag when a decent one is found. She can be found, no doubt about that. And failing that, there's always foreign girls who come here to learn English, or study for a university course. I have a couple of friends who married supercute Chinese girls from rich families, whom they met on college dos, and are now living the life of Riley, as they have a faithful woman with a budding career, a family status and good looks too!
The good Samaritan strikes again. Britiain is a policestate and cesspool of radical feminists. Though there are of course some women who do not fit the mould carved out by their system of conditioning. The majority of British women do. I to this day have never met a proper British woman. Every single one I met was ignorant, arrogant, shallow, hated men and materialistic. Also I fail to see how "living the good life" equals happiness. But again in the west $$ is perceived to be happiness. Also elitism comes into play as well as when one factors someone's 'education' as being the method from which you should select a mate. It is almost as ass backwards as most women's views about men. Thus if 'he' doesnt have a 'good' job or degree then he is a failure or not worth the time. Indeed, then a great number of men all over the world are 'worthless' if judged by this standard. It is this form of Very British racism/elitism/classism/imperialism that sickens me and why I hate the Uk and all of its worthless people. The UK is so gone, so dead. Yet it still believes itself to be relevant in the world in some fundamental way. Britain is the mother of all of this shite that we deal with. Their anti-human perspective on life has caused so much carnage and destruction across the globe. Never look to that dump for anything, muchless advice on anything. They are the Mother of America and all of these anglophile shitholes. Let then leave the eu, erect a wall around their pathetic little island and eat each other. They can keep all of their crappy women too that universally have been acknowledged as the worst in the world for everything. How many guys pop out and say that they want a British women? I am so tired of the nay sayers. If you say that cats like cheese there is always that one person who thinks that he is so clever to suggest that 2 cats like rat poison. Its like some liberal arts college shite I dealt with like 25 years ago. People generalize often, WOMEN DO IT ALL OF THE TIME. I am not of the western liberal mindset so I dont give a shite. Its all old hat mate. The whole can't say this can't say that PC bullshite. I can say whatever I want. I can generalize about whatever I want. Yes Britain is a policestate and its women suck. Britain is a racist shithole just like the usa. Now go watch your CCTV
Touch their dogmas, and for some of you the happier abroad song turns spins backwards and spells the "lonely and bitter at home" lyrics. I may well understand your premises: I am myself highly critical towards the police state that US or UK have become. I know enough about the state of the world to have an opinion, and it's not an optimistic opinion. I could even tell you I agree with 50% of what you say. What is upsetting me is the extreme ease with which some of you guys can point fingers to a specific slice of society - women, in this case - and blame them as if they were the root cause of all evils, or all there is rotten and dysfunctional in our society.

You mention doing liberal arts college 25 years ago, so I assume you must be a pretty big guy by now. So why acting so immaturely? If you want to protest against the police state that UK has become then do what I've been doing for a good 2 or 3 years: join public debates about social freedoms, join protest marches, sign petitions to get your voice heard! And even then, much of what you're complaining about is NOT the women's faults. And if you're simply bitter because the women you'd love to have sex with either don't exist, or are unreachable to you, then it's not my problem, nor society's problem.

OK now I assume you're from the UK. How come I have met bucketloads of perfectly decent women in the UK, as well as bitches, and you didn't? Different environments? Social circles? Sheer luck? I can accept all of that, yet I am not generalising like you are doing. Saying that UK is a racist society is pure heresy and demonstrates you've never been anywhere else in the world. Go to South Africa, or even places where mass immigration is still a relatively fresh phenomenon like Italy, and then tell me. Then yes, UK is a classist society and always has been. But it's also a society where people can grow and promote themselves based on their efforts, based on merit. In Italy you will never be shit unless you are the son/daughter of a politician or industrialist, or you're very very close to one. Earning a decent living equates to doing stuff that's bordering illegal, and surely unethical.

Here in the UK, bright children from poor backgrounds can go to good unis and get the intellectual and social profile they want, one that will allow them to access more of the kinds of women who are smart, have healthy principles and don't get drunk and shag around. It so happens that most of these women are from the middle and upper middle class. And so what? Dig a little harder and you'll find some of those anywhere else in the social spectrum. And then there are not just white British ladies to choose from. Many of the better women I have met are from Asian or Middle Eastern families, which tend to give their kids stricter moral values. Many UK cities are cosmopolitan enough to give you a sample of the world. My wife is Colombian and I didn't have to go to Medellin to meet her, I met her here, in Cambridge. A have a few friends who are engaged or married with Polish women, Russian women, Afro-caribbean women, all met here. Opportunities to find good women are there, and they're plentiful if you ask me. I can't discount somebody who's not a teenager and whining about not finding the kind of woman that pleases his ego, and then blaming the Jews or the CCTV state or whatever.

And ultimately, can you tell me what's wrong for a woman to desire a man with a good career and/or social background? Do you want to have them back on a list and be called when they're 20 to marry a random man picked from another list? Women have been crushed under their childbearing, homebound roles for centuries. Too long, if you ask me. They have recently joined our ranks in politics, in science, in industry, and they have shined as much, if not more, than us men. That's a fact. They deserve to be empowered because they're dignified individuals like we are. Of course there are bitches and witches, but those are personality traits that apply to everybody, males and females alike. Like it or not, women are empowered to choose who they want, I think that's progress, not some Zionist conspiracy. And if some of them have turned themselves into nymphomaniacs or bitches, well they have followed the same path that some men choose, when they choose to be players, cheaters, criminals, pervs, and worse. It's called free will, and it's not a conspiracy.
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Post by DevilsAdvocate »

publicduende wrote:
designer wrote:
publicduende wrote:
***JP*** wrote:I would move British women to the top followed by american women cause british women are the worst scum on earth. They cheat, play games and are a bunch of drug addicts and drunks. But that's just my opinion. Great post though :)
Britain is a very culturally diverse country and I don't think we can generalise like that. Yes lots of the white woman type play games once married, especially if they don't have a job and spent an inordinate amount of time bored at home. I read the divorce rate for the 18-30 age bracket is now a stunning 40/45%. Yet, there are still plenty of women from cultural backgrounds where strong bonding is encouraged and cheating is not acceptable, like those of Indian, Middle Eastern and Easter European descent. As usual, it's all about meeting as many women as possible and raising the flag when a decent one is found. She can be found, no doubt about that. And failing that, there's always foreign girls who come here to learn English, or study for a university course. I have a couple of friends who married supercute Chinese girls from rich families, whom they met on college dos, and are now living the life of Riley, as they have a faithful woman with a budding career, a family status and good looks too!
The good Samaritan strikes again. Britiain is a policestate and cesspool of radical feminists. Though there are of course some women who do not fit the mould carved out by their system of conditioning. The majority of British women do. I to this day have never met a proper British woman. Every single one I met was ignorant, arrogant, shallow, hated men and materialistic. Also I fail to see how "living the good life" equals happiness. But again in the west $$ is perceived to be happiness. Also elitism comes into play as well as when one factors someone's 'education' as being the method from which you should select a mate. It is almost as ass backwards as most women's views about men. Thus if 'he' doesnt have a 'good' job or degree then he is a failure or not worth the time. Indeed, then a great number of men all over the world are 'worthless' if judged by this standard. It is this form of Very British racism/elitism/classism/imperialism that sickens me and why I hate the Uk and all of its worthless people. The UK is so gone, so dead. Yet it still believes itself to be relevant in the world in some fundamental way. Britain is the mother of all of this shite that we deal with. Their anti-human perspective on life has caused so much carnage and destruction across the globe. Never look to that dump for anything, muchless advice on anything. They are the Mother of America and all of these anglophile shitholes. Let then leave the eu, erect a wall around their pathetic little island and eat each other. They can keep all of their crappy women too that universally have been acknowledged as the worst in the world for everything. How many guys pop out and say that they want a British women? I am so tired of the nay sayers. If you say that cats like cheese there is always that one person who thinks that he is so clever to suggest that 2 cats like rat poison. Its like some liberal arts college shite I dealt with like 25 years ago. People generalize often, WOMEN DO IT ALL OF THE TIME. I am not of the western liberal mindset so I dont give a shite. Its all old hat mate. The whole can't say this can't say that PC bullshite. I can say whatever I want. I can generalize about whatever I want. Yes Britain is a policestate and its women suck. Britain is a racist shithole just like the usa. Now go watch your CCTV
Touch their dogmas, and for some of you the happier abroad song turns spins backwards and spells the "lonely and bitter at home" lyrics. I may well understand your premises: I am myself highly critical towards the police state that US or UK have become. I know enough about the state of the world to have an opinion, and it's not an optimistic opinion. I could even tell you I agree with 50% of what you say. What is upsetting me is the extreme ease with which some of you guys can point fingers to a specific slice of society - women, in this case - and blame them as if they were the root cause of all evils, or all there is rotten and dysfunctional in our society.

You mention doing liberal arts college 25 years ago, so I assume you must be a pretty big guy by now. So why acting so immaturely? If you want to protest against the police state that UK has become then do what I've been doing for a good 2 or 3 years: join public debates about social freedoms, join protest marches, sign petitions to get your voice heard! And even then, much of what you're complaining about is NOT the women's faults. And if you're simply bitter because the women you'd love to have sex with either don't exist, or are unreachable to you, then it's not my problem, nor society's problem.

OK now I assume you're from the UK. How come I have met bucketloads of perfectly decent women in the UK, as well as bitches, and you didn't? Different environments? Social circles? Sheer luck? I can accept all of that, yet I am not generalising like you are doing. Saying that UK is a racist society is pure heresy and demonstrates you've never been anywhere else in the world. Go to South Africa, or even places where mass immigration is still a relatively fresh phenomenon like Italy, and then tell me. Then yes, UK is a classist society and always has been. But it's also a society where people can grow and promote themselves based on their efforts, based on merit. In Italy you will never be shit unless you are the son/daughter of a politician or industrialist, or you're very very close to one. Earning a decent living equates to doing stuff that's bordering illegal, and surely unethical.

Here in the UK, bright children from poor backgrounds can go to good unis and get the intellectual and social profile they want, one that will allow them to access more of the kinds of women who are smart, have healthy principles and don't get drunk and shag around. It so happens that most of these women are from the middle and upper middle class. And so what? Dig a little harder and you'll find some of those anywhere else in the social spectrum. And then there are not just white British ladies to choose from. Many of the better women I have met are from Asian or Middle Eastern families, which tend to give their kids stricter moral values. Many UK cities are cosmopolitan enough to give you a sample of the world. My wife is Colombian and I didn't have to go to Medellin to meet her, I met her here, in Cambridge. A have a few friends who are engaged or married with Polish women, Russian women, Afro-caribbean women, all met here. Opportunities to find good women are there, and they're plentiful if you ask me. I can't discount somebody who's not a teenager and whining about not finding the kind of woman that pleases his ego, and then blaming the Jews or the CCTV state or whatever.

And ultimately, can you tell me what's wrong for a woman to desire a man with a good career and/or social background? Do you want to have them back on a list and be called when they're 20 to marry a random man picked from another list? Women have been crushed under their childbearing, homebound roles for centuries. Too long, if you ask me. They have recently joined our ranks in politics, in science, in industry, and they have shined as much, if not more, than us men. That's a fact. They deserve to be empowered because they're dignified individuals like we are. Of course there are bitches and witches, but those are personality traits that apply to everybody, males and females alike. Like it or not, women are empowered to choose who they want, I think that's progress, not some Zionist conspiracy. And if some of them have turned themselves into nymphomaniacs or bitches, well they have followed the same path that some men choose, when they choose to be players, cheaters, criminals, pervs, and worse. It's called free will, and it's not a conspiracy.

Just remember everyone, this guy is a Jew, he is here to disrupt this entire forum and to brainwash people into thinking there is nothing wrong with women today, and that if you feel jaded you should go waste your time and protest in the streets......

The Jews are going to destroy the entire world, and indeed have already done so.

When the shit hits the fan, just remember, the enemy is the Jew.....

If they say they are for Christ leave them alone....


Devils Advocate
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Post by DevilsAdvocate »

publicduende wrote:
designer wrote:
publicduende wrote:
***JP*** wrote:I would move British women to the top followed by american women cause british women are the worst scum on earth. They cheat, play games and are a bunch of drug addicts and drunks. But that's just my opinion. Great post though :)
Britain is a very culturally diverse country and I don't think we can generalise like that. Yes lots of the white woman type play games once married, especially if they don't have a job and spent an inordinate amount of time bored at home. I read the divorce rate for the 18-30 age bracket is now a stunning 40/45%. Yet, there are still plenty of women from cultural backgrounds where strong bonding is encouraged and cheating is not acceptable, like those of Indian, Middle Eastern and Easter European descent. As usual, it's all about meeting as many women as possible and raising the flag when a decent one is found. She can be found, no doubt about that. And failing that, there's always foreign girls who come here to learn English, or study for a university course. I have a couple of friends who married supercute Chinese girls from rich families, whom they met on college dos, and are now living the life of Riley, as they have a faithful woman with a budding career, a family status and good looks too!
The good Samaritan strikes again. Britiain is a policestate and cesspool of radical feminists. Though there are of course some women who do not fit the mould carved out by their system of conditioning. The majority of British women do. I to this day have never met a proper British woman. Every single one I met was ignorant, arrogant, shallow, hated men and materialistic. Also I fail to see how "living the good life" equals happiness. But again in the west $$ is perceived to be happiness. Also elitism comes into play as well as when one factors someone's 'education' as being the method from which you should select a mate. It is almost as ass backwards as most women's views about men. Thus if 'he' doesnt have a 'good' job or degree then he is a failure or not worth the time. Indeed, then a great number of men all over the world are 'worthless' if judged by this standard. It is this form of Very British racism/elitism/classism/imperialism that sickens me and why I hate the Uk and all of its worthless people. The UK is so gone, so dead. Yet it still believes itself to be relevant in the world in some fundamental way. Britain is the mother of all of this shite that we deal with. Their anti-human perspective on life has caused so much carnage and destruction across the globe. Never look to that dump for anything, muchless advice on anything. They are the Mother of America and all of these anglophile shitholes. Let then leave the eu, erect a wall around their pathetic little island and eat each other. They can keep all of their crappy women too that universally have been acknowledged as the worst in the world for everything. How many guys pop out and say that they want a British women? I am so tired of the nay sayers. If you say that cats like cheese there is always that one person who thinks that he is so clever to suggest that 2 cats like rat poison. Its like some liberal arts college shite I dealt with like 25 years ago. People generalize often, WOMEN DO IT ALL OF THE TIME. I am not of the western liberal mindset so I dont give a shite. Its all old hat mate. The whole can't say this can't say that PC bullshite. I can say whatever I want. I can generalize about whatever I want. Yes Britain is a policestate and its women suck. Britain is a racist shithole just like the usa. Now go watch your CCTV
Touch their dogmas, and for some of you the happier abroad song turns spins backwards and spells the "lonely and bitter at home" lyrics. I may well understand your premises: I am myself highly critical towards the police state that US or UK have become. I know enough about the state of the world to have an opinion, and it's not an optimistic opinion. I could even tell you I agree with 50% of what you say. What is upsetting me is the extreme ease with which some of you guys can point fingers to a specific slice of society - women, in this case - and blame them as if they were the root cause of all evils, or all there is rotten and dysfunctional in our society.

You mention doing liberal arts college 25 years ago, so I assume you must be a pretty big guy by now. So why acting so immaturely? If you want to protest against the police state that UK has become then do what I've been doing for a good 2 or 3 years: join public debates about social freedoms, join protest marches, sign petitions to get your voice heard! And even then, much of what you're complaining about is NOT the women's faults. And if you're simply bitter because the women you'd love to have sex with either don't exist, or are unreachable to you, then it's not my problem, nor society's problem.

OK now I assume you're from the UK. How come I have met bucketloads of perfectly decent women in the UK, as well as bitches, and you didn't? Different environments? Social circles? Sheer luck? I can accept all of that, yet I am not generalising like you are doing. Saying that UK is a racist society is pure heresy and demonstrates you've never been anywhere else in the world. Go to South Africa, or even places where mass immigration is still a relatively fresh phenomenon like Italy, and then tell me. Then yes, UK is a classist society and always has been. But it's also a society where people can grow and promote themselves based on their efforts, based on merit. In Italy you will never be shit unless you are the son/daughter of a politician or industrialist, or you're very very close to one. Earning a decent living equates to doing stuff that's bordering illegal, and surely unethical.

Here in the UK, bright children from poor backgrounds can go to good unis and get the intellectual and social profile they want, one that will allow them to access more of the kinds of women who are smart, have healthy principles and don't get drunk and shag around. It so happens that most of these women are from the middle and upper middle class. And so what? Dig a little harder and you'll find some of those anywhere else in the social spectrum. And then there are not just white British ladies to choose from. Many of the better women I have met are from Asian or Middle Eastern families, which tend to give their kids stricter moral values. Many UK cities are cosmopolitan enough to give you a sample of the world. My wife is Colombian and I didn't have to go to Medellin to meet her, I met her here, in Cambridge. A have a few friends who are engaged or married with Polish women, Russian women, Afro-caribbean women, all met here. Opportunities to find good women are there, and they're plentiful if you ask me. I can't discount somebody who's not a teenager and whining about not finding the kind of woman that pleases his ego, and then blaming the Jews or the CCTV state or whatever.

And ultimately, can you tell me what's wrong for a woman to desire a man with a good career and/or social background? Do you want to have them back on a list and be called when they're 20 to marry a random man picked from another list? Women have been crushed under their childbearing, homebound roles for centuries. Too long, if you ask me. They have recently joined our ranks in politics, in science, in industry, and they have shined as much, if not more, than us men. That's a fact. They deserve to be empowered because they're dignified individuals like we are. Of course there are bitches and witches, but those are personality traits that apply to everybody, males and females alike. Like it or not, women are empowered to choose who they want, I think that's progress, not some Zionist conspiracy. And if some of them have turned themselves into nymphomaniacs or bitches, well they have followed the same path that some men choose, when they choose to be players, cheaters, criminals, pervs, and worse. It's called free will, and it's not a conspiracy.

Soon the Muslims are going to take you out and slaughter you to death....

Thank the living God for that....
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Post by ***JP*** »

publicduende wrote:
***JP*** wrote:I would move British women to the top followed by american women cause british women are the worst scum on earth. They cheat, play games and are a bunch of drug addicts and drunks. But that's just my opinion. Great post though :)
Britain is a very culturally diverse country and I don't think we can generalise like that. Yes lots of the white woman type play games once married, especially if they don't have a job and spent an inordinate amount of time bored at home. I read the divorce rate for the 18-30 age bracket is now a stunning 40/45%. Yet, there are still plenty of women from cultural backgrounds where strong bonding is encouraged and cheating is not acceptable, like those of Indian, Middle Eastern and Easter European descent. As usual, it's all about meeting as many women as possible and raising the flag when a decent one is found. She can be found, no doubt about that. And failing that, there's always foreign girls who come here to learn English, or study for a university course. I have a couple of friends who married supercute Chinese girls from rich families, whom they met on college dos, and are now living the life of Riley, as they have a faithful woman with a budding career, a family status and good looks too!

It may be culturally diverse but doesn't change the fact that British women are unfaithful, drug addicts and a bunch of drunks. Their feminism is to an extreme and to be honest I want nothing to do with British women at all. They are just not worth it. Yes you point out women from Asia and Eastern Europe but here's one fact. Once they are living in the west wether is the US, Canada or any westernized country they turn into horrible monsters even worst than the White british ones. It's just a fact that happens every single time a girl from other countries assimilate in the west they become horrible monsters.
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Post by publicduende »

***JP*** wrote:
publicduende wrote:
***JP*** wrote:I would move British women to the top followed by american women cause british women are the worst scum on earth. They cheat, play games and are a bunch of drug addicts and drunks. But that's just my opinion. Great post though :)
Britain is a very culturally diverse country and I don't think we can generalise like that. Yes lots of the white woman type play games once married, especially if they don't have a job and spent an inordinate amount of time bored at home. I read the divorce rate for the 18-30 age bracket is now a stunning 40/45%. Yet, there are still plenty of women from cultural backgrounds where strong bonding is encouraged and cheating is not acceptable, like those of Indian, Middle Eastern and Easter European descent. As usual, it's all about meeting as many women as possible and raising the flag when a decent one is found. She can be found, no doubt about that. And failing that, there's always foreign girls who come here to learn English, or study for a university course. I have a couple of friends who married supercute Chinese girls from rich families, whom they met on college dos, and are now living the life of Riley, as they have a faithful woman with a budding career, a family status and good looks too!
It may be culturally diverse but doesn't change the fact that British women are unfaithful, drug addicts and a bunch of drunks. Their feminism is to an extreme and to be honest I want nothing to do with British women at all. They are just not worth it. Yes you point out women from Asia and Eastern Europe but here's one fact. Once they are living in the west wether is the US, Canada or any westernized country they turn into horrible monsters even worst than the White british ones. It's just a fact that happens every single time a girl from other countries assimilate in the west they become horrible monsters.
I'm only talking by personal experience here. Perhaps I have been lucky enough to meet a sample of British women that are not horrible monsters, and have too much brains and dignity to behave like one. Of course I know the types you are describing do exist. I'm just unsure about the proportion. And even if they were, say, 50% of women, it would still be unfair to generalise. I'm not aware of the fact that whenever a foreign girls get assimilated turns into a supreme evil bitch. I was actually talking about Indian, Middle Eastern, Chinese girls born here from foreign parents. Many Asian and Middle Easter families are still strict enough to being them up reasonably well.
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Post by DevilsAdvocate »

publicduende wrote:
***JP*** wrote:
publicduende wrote:
***JP*** wrote:I would move British women to the top followed by american women cause british women are the worst scum on earth. They cheat, play games and are a bunch of drug addicts and drunks. But that's just my opinion. Great post though :)
Britain is a very culturally diverse country and I don't think we can generalise like that. Yes lots of the white woman type play games once married, especially if they don't have a job and spent an inordinate amount of time bored at home. I read the divorce rate for the 18-30 age bracket is now a stunning 40/45%. Yet, there are still plenty of women from cultural backgrounds where strong bonding is encouraged and cheating is not acceptable, like those of Indian, Middle Eastern and Easter European descent. As usual, it's all about meeting as many women as possible and raising the flag when a decent one is found. She can be found, no doubt about that. And failing that, there's always foreign girls who come here to learn English, or study for a university course. I have a couple of friends who married supercute Chinese girls from rich families, whom they met on college dos, and are now living the life of Riley, as they have a faithful woman with a budding career, a family status and good looks too!
It may be culturally diverse but doesn't change the fact that British women are unfaithful, drug addicts and a bunch of drunks. Their feminism is to an extreme and to be honest I want nothing to do with British women at all. They are just not worth it. Yes you point out women from Asia and Eastern Europe but here's one fact. Once they are living in the west wether is the US, Canada or any westernized country they turn into horrible monsters even worst than the White british ones. It's just a fact that happens every single time a girl from other countries assimilate in the west they become horrible monsters.
I'm only talking by personal experience here. Perhaps I have been lucky enough to meet a sample of British women that are not horrible monsters, and have too much brains and dignity to behave like one. Of course I know the types you are describing do exist. I'm just unsure about the proportion. And even if they were, say, 50% of women, it would still be unfair to generalise. I'm not aware of the fact that whenever a foreign girls get assimilated turns into a supreme evil bitch. I was actually talking about Indian, Middle Eastern, Chinese girls born here from foreign parents. Many Asian and Middle Easter families are still strict enough to being them up reasonably well.

You are nothing but a liar. We are suppose to believe that all the girls you know are just fine, and that you somehow were just lucky in knowing these girls. But you don't see anything wrong with the other girls, because you think what's going on within society is a good thing, not a bad thing, you agree with the Zionist Jews, you like what they are doing and see nothing wrong with society.

When in reality this Philosopher is here to tell you, the end of the age is here, we are witnessing right in front of everyone's eyes which most people are far too stupid to see that we are at the end of a civilization, what comes next is worldwide destruction and WW3.....

And that is only because Christ is going to open the first Seal and start the destruction, and 1/3 of the world will be killed, and that's just for the beginning, after that is when the real show starts....

And of course you're too stupid to see these things, you think society is just going to continue on like it is, ROTFLOL......

Mind boggling f***ing retards it's not even funny.....


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Post by designer »

Like it or not, women are empowered to choose who they want, I think that's progress,
Sums it all up. Same old liberal arts bullshit. I guess you also say "more power to them" too? Following comments about female assertiveness. Well I am "empowered" too to know that women who select men on superficial and fantasy notions of economic 'security' are ill. Passion and love are what life is about not this economic nightmare called capitalism. Any Man or woman who selects mates on the basis of money or status is a shack of shit as far as I am concerned. There is nothing 'empowering' about being a whore for money. Security is a fantasy as it has been proven quite easily that what is here today can be gone tomorrow. I as a human being am worth more that a Job, a car or some piece of paper, a certificate. There are certain traits and values within my being that define me beyond being a human brand or walking wallet. But that is what it is really all about isnt it? It's about Men or humanity being defined purely in terms of money. Codifying life itself. Thus a man's worth only comes down to money. So great is the pressure for a man to define himself through the accumulation of things that so many go into debt, crime, drugs and worse all to please women. For many men, women are the prime motivators of their negative behaivor. Because without $$ a man feels as if he has no self worth or value. It's the 'things' that give him meaning, not his mind or his compassion and love. The genius is worthless until he makes his first million right? indeed by your logic that is the case. And I am supposed to feel that "Like it or not, women are empowered"? Empowered to do what? Even in your statement you devalue men. As if its all a one way street. You are so clearly conditioned sir. I have spent much time around the Royal Academy, Goldsmiths and various other colleges and universities in the usa and europe. The liberal arts bullshit has come to an end. I saw all of this stuff, the whole language that is now mainstream. I saw all of it during its development. I spent loads of time around losers like Bell Hooks. A mentally ill pervert who preaches male hate through an manifesto of suedo communist, black nationalist, racist propaganda. The bitch needs to be sectioned. Seriously but these people were allowed to have much influence and I see how the ideology of their illness has spread. I was trained in marketing in a very famous school and I see how the language of marketing has been applied now to society. They got everyone talking in the language of the market. In the language of radical feminism. They took men and turned them against themselves and made center not the value of their well being. But the well being or women. Men are more concerned about protecting the concerns of women even at the cost of their existence. This my friend is conditioning. I studied it and know it well. All of it. It is a science. If I saw that I do not like chocolate ice cream your response automatically is to come to the defense of the chocolate flovor. To convince me that not all chocolate ice cream is bad. never can it be left alone that perhaps I simply reject chocolate icecream of all types and that it is my prorogative to not like it. I must be 'educated' by - You and then explained to that those who like chocolate icecream are 'empowered' and that there isnt anything I can do about. As if I am in some way projecting my personal choice onto others, or OPPRESSING them in some form. You cant see that in using certain language you participate in a system that does not promote free expression, opinion or free thought. The true oppressive act is to be found in the language of liberal arts. Because it projects the ideology of socio political conflict onto others throug ha system of selective language. Kind of like being PC, thus if I say that I dont like black gangsta people. The the pre-package label is then applied to suggest and absolute that I must dislike All black people. Though I never said that I did. An assumption about another becomes a political motive or objective. Contained within the language of liberal arts is a mechanism to prevent objective discussion. Its a skillful system of intellectual warfare. It has it founding in the communist paradigm. There is nothing selective or original about any of this. These are hard old true vices used to manipulate and modify collectively a society. There is no conspiracy about this, it is fact and it is a science. I have worked in marketing and I can tell you the systems that are used in place to make people more suggestive. Words like "empowered" are very much used to sum up a number of very clever marketing and political processes. The problem today in the west is that there is no dialog. The language used itself creates further conflict.
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Post by Robert77 »

be all empowered you want... dont bitch when you end up lonely and bitter though
World traveler, questions about women from a certain country? Ask!!! I can help
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Post by publicduende »

Robert77 wrote:be all empowered you want... dont bitch when you end up lonely and bitter though
Robert. I already feel empowered, to be who I am and to love the women of my life. I am probably one of the least lonely men you could ever meet, and the only bitter I do is a pint at the pub.
It feels good. In fact so good, I would love women to feel the same. Nothing wrong with that, huh?
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