Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »

It is fascinating that the flat earthers could not produce an accurate map. They just take the available map but that one is not accurate. It should be super easy to produce such a map. Additionally like in the video a measure taken on the small globe earth should not work in reality. That should be easy to prove for flat earthers.
Do we finally have an accurate Flat Earth Map?
Dave McKeegan
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

galii wrote:
June 12th, 2023, 11:19 am
It is fascinating that the flat earthers could not produce an accurate map. They just take the available map but that one is not accurate. It should be super easy to produce such a map. Additionally like in the video a measure taken on the small globe earth should not work in reality. That should be easy to prove for flat earthers.
Do we finally have an accurate Flat Earth Map?
Dave McKeegan
The current flat earth map is simply a representation of what flat earthers believe the earth looks like. There are some counter arguments I could pose here about your own "map" for starters I think you will find that ALL maps are wrong! And this isn't even something pro flat earth or pro globe. It is a fact. Plus cartography is prone to biases, for example one cartographer might see one country more important and make it larger or place it at the centre. How many people do you know that have travelled the "globe" who could provide testimony to its shape?

​Maps and globes, like speeches or paintings, are authored by humans and are subject to distortions. These distortions can occur through alterations to scale, symbols, projection, simplification, and choices around the map's content.

During the 1920s, a map of Germany known as the ‘Deutschen Volks- und Kulturbodens’ was published. It demarcated Germany’s borders based on an ideological belief that certain land was its birthright, essentially marking territory as ‘German’. The problem with the map was, it didn’t represent Germany’s actual borders.

After the signing of the Treaty of Versailles where Germany made multiple territorial concessions, a number of prominent German scholars and geographers sought to reframe what Germany looked like and reinvigorate the public’s belief that certain land belonged to them. Much of this supposed German land actually cut into countries like Switzerland and then Czechoslovakia. Albrecht Penck came up with the ingenious idea to convey this through a map. With the help of cartographer Arnold Hillen Ziegfeld, Penck redrew Germany’s borders and in turn its identity. The map would later become a cornerstone of geographic education in Germany under the Weimar Republic and persuasive cartography became one of the chief tactics for advancing German geopolitik.

This is just one example of how maps and cartography can be subject to biases.

A Portuguese map depicting the country’s colonies suggests Portugal’s outsized influence vs its European counterparts by overlaying countries like Angola and Mozambique onto the size of European nations. While the map presented European geography, the purpose was to communicate Portugal’s power. Equally, Britain’s ‘Imperial Federation Map of the World’ by Walter Crane, serves as a showcase of embellishment, where Victorian motifs present a lavish picture of British rule and reach. It’s a colourful and fantastical portrayal of colonial rule, cramming statistics and caricatures into one map. While it's an illustrated picture of the earth, the map is less about showing Britain's place in the world and rather everyone else’s place in Britain’s world.

As Mark Monmonier writes in A History of Cartography, maps have always been a symbol of power and nationhood, and so they make for the perfect tool in advancing political agendas, especially during wartime. Maps can prefigure assumptions and grounds for invasion because they are most often thought of as a source of truth. General themes are the reduction or enlargement of parts of the world, the relocation of areas or a part centrally located on the map. A good example of how influential maps can be is the motivations for US involvement in World War II, inspired in part by a cartographic account of the ultimate consequences of German expansion even for the then distant Americans.

Today, maps are manipulated in ways we don’t always immediately recognise. Real-time access to so-called satellite imagery allows us snapshots of the earth previously unseen, but data manipulation and technology still distort our view. Europe or the U.S. still lies at the centre of default earth views as Western perspectives skew to the dominant. Remembering the history of persuasive cartography compels us to regard these perspectives with a critical eye. The past has taught us there's always more to every image than what we see at first glance.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »


I read the Flat Earthers had a map till 4 years ago but they gave it up because it makes not sense even for them.

You say every map is wrong. I don't agree. When you want to figure out how far your village is away from your neighbor village it is 'good enough'.

On a bigger scale every map is wrong because it is 2D. Only if you have a toy globe the measures are accurate.

The examples you gave do not fit. We are not tallking about political categories. We are talking about measurment of distances.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

gsjackson wrote:
June 12th, 2023, 4:25 am
CaptainSkelebob wrote:
June 11th, 2023, 4:41 pm
Cornfed wrote:
June 11th, 2023, 4:35 am
First_Class wrote:
June 10th, 2023, 9:57 pm
The sun appears as a sphere as does the moon.
They appear like discs to me.
Why would the Earth be the odd one out
The lights on my ceiling appear globular. Why would my floor be the odd one out?

If hungry zombies cracked open your head in search of brains, they wouldn't find enough to cover a small water biscuit.
You cant say anything about lack of brains when ur skull is a solid block of lego
The flat earth thing is ridiculous and stupid
It goes against everything we have ever been taught in science
Science is something I have taught for many years and nothing about ur flat earth theory even makes sense remotely
We figured this shite out years ago when ppl sailed around the fuckin globe ffs
There is so much about this that makes absolutely no sense at all
It just confirms my theory that ur a complete crackhead
When I finally looked at this thread for the first time in 2017 I asked the obvious question of how people can go around the world on a flat earth model, because we know many millions have. Voyager1 explained it to me -- a very simple answer that is not obviously wrong.

You want to know something that really is "ridiculous and stupid?" The sun is 93 million miles away and our spinning ball takes an entire year to go around it, traveling at 67,000 mph. That is utterly preposterous, an absolute inversion of common sense, and it's part of what you condescenders believe, though you almost certainly didn't know it or any other of the essential assertions of the heliocentric theory. It's part of the official story that you swallow unquestioningly, and then call anyone who does question it stupid. Just like the vax lemmings.
Why is it preposterous fella???
It only seems preposterous to you coz you don't have a very good understanding of physics
All this scientifically illiterate flat earth garbage shows a lack of comprehensive knowledge of science and physics
When ur stood on a fast moving vehicle you dont fly to the back of it do you???
If ur part of a large object ur part of its mass
Ppl discovered that the heliocentric model is the correct one decades ago
You can criticise me as much as you want fella
As a vax lemming eh
But let me tell you the difference between you and me
My opinions are derived from academic science on this topic fella
Ur opinion comes from some dickhead on YouTube
Do you even question the nobheads you watch on youtube fella???
Or these dickheads like eric dubay???
Why should we trust these cunts over years
Of astronomers
All these ppl would have to be wrong or in on the conspiracy
Thats why I think its stupid fella
Coz it is fuckin stupid
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by gsjackson »

The argument from authority is a classic logical fallacy. You're not even arguing a particular point -- as globetards never do -- you're simply saying that credentialed "experts" are always right. And by the way, it's been centuries since this spinning ball hoax was first perpetrated -- a more apt unit of measurement than decades.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

gsjackson wrote:
June 15th, 2023, 7:24 pm
The argument from authority is a classic logical fallacy. You're not even arguing a particular point -- as globetards never do -- you're simply saying that credentialed "experts" are always right. And by the way, it's been centuries since this spinning ball hoax was first perpetrated -- a more apt unit of measurement than decades.
Did you even read my answer to you???
Eh fella??
I did argue a point fella
The point fella that the conspiracy side of it all is BS
Anyone with half a brain cell knows this cant be true fella
Even preschool toddlers know this shite :roll:
Crenditialed experts have more credibility than some mentally challenged retard on youtube talking shit about the sun being a giant disc in the sky....
So ur only argument is some semantic BS about units of time???
I would find some reputable sources of information....
Just coz you saw someone had spraypainted the earth was flat on a cubicle somewhere dont make it so
The earth is round fella
Ask the thousands of ppl that sailed or flew round it
Oppose to the zero ppl who fell of the edge
The discussion of whether flat earth is even a possibility is the online equivalent of licking windows
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by gsjackson »

You're right, it's round, but it's not a spinning ball. Apparently you still don't have the slightest curiosity about how people can go around the world on the flat earth model. They can and they obviously do -- traveling east and west -- but what has never happened is someone going around the world north and south, because that isn't possible.

The point about this hoax being centuries old is that once it got established as the conventional view you couldn't challenge it without being called stupid by the lemmings who accept everything they're told, and you CANNOT become a credentialed "expert" without accepting the basic paradigm. Einstein and Hawkings both admitted that the geocentric model and heliocentric model both corresponded to observable data. Hawkings said he preferred heliocentric because it was easier to make the math work out, even if he has to accept absurd numbers like the sun being 93 million miles away, and Einstein saw a chance to pull the heliocentric model's chestnuts out of the fire by coming up with some incomprehensible hocus pocus about why we can't perceive motion of the earth (which experiments in the 19th century had failed to demonstrate). For which the ((satanic establishment)) crowned him the greatest genius of all time.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »


Why do you consider 93 million miles to be an absurd number? Is it because it’s a large number or for some other reason? The weight of an electron is 9.109×10−31 kilograms, which is a very small number. Do you find that absurd as well? It seems that you may have difficulty understanding mathematical concepts. Is that the case?

Regarding the flat earth model, it is no longer widely accepted. Many people who once believed in it have since changed their minds and now consider themselves to be globe skeptics. Only a small minority still believe in the flat earth model.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by gsjackson »

galii wrote:
June 16th, 2023, 8:58 am

Why do you consider 93 million miles to be an absurd number? Is it because it’s a large number or for some other reason? The weight of an electron is 9.109×10−31 kilograms, which is a very small number. Do you find that absurd as well? It seems that you may have difficulty understanding mathematical concepts. Is that the case?

Regarding the flat earth model, it is no longer widely accepted. Many people who once believed in it have since changed their minds and now consider themselves to be globe skeptics. Only a small minority still believe in the flat earth model.
Because it appears to be about 100 miles away. What mathematical concept do I seem to have trouble with? You just throw buzz words around, striking always a pose of superiority as the emissary of SCIENCE, but never make anything like an argument. It's quite tiresome, really no different substantively from Captain Nitwit's blatherings (no offense, PAG, but you've created a character completely incapable of saying anything intelligent). If you ever want to do something like answer the question of why it takes roughly the same time for an airplane to fly to the east and to the west, when it is traveling with the earth's rotation of several hundred mph in one case and flying against it in the other, please feel free. But I know you won't.

Yes, I'm a globe skeptic. I have no idea what a correct map of the earth looks like, but I'm quite sure it's not a spinning ball.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »

gsjackson wrote:
June 16th, 2023, 11:24 am
galii wrote:
June 16th, 2023, 8:58 am

Why do you consider 93 million miles to be an absurd number? Is it because it’s a large number or for some other reason? The weight of an electron is 9.109×10−31 kilograms, which is a very small number. Do you find that absurd as well? It seems that you may have difficulty understanding mathematical concepts. Is that the case?

Regarding the flat earth model, it is no longer widely accepted. Many people who once believed in it have since changed their minds and now consider themselves to be globe skeptics. Only a small minority still believe in the flat earth model.
Because it appears to be about 100 miles away. What mathematical concept do I seem to have trouble with? You just throw buzz words around, striking always a pose of superiority as the emissary of SCIENCE, but never make anything like an argument. It's quite tiresome, really no different substantively from Captain Nitwit's blatherings (no offense, PAG, but you've created a character completely incapable of saying anything intelligent). If you ever want to do something like answer the question of why it takes roughly the same time for an airplane to fly to the east and to the west, when it is traveling with the earth's rotation of several hundred mph in one case and flying against it in the other, please feel free. But I know you won't.

Yes, I'm a globe skeptic. I have no idea what a correct map of the earth looks like, but I'm quite sure it's not a spinning ball.
Dude, it seems like you believe you've stumbled upon a groundbreaking question that nobody else has ever asked before. Why do you insist on hearing it again and again? And even when you receive an answer, you remain silent as if it didn't matter. Take, for example, your previous inquiry about curvature. Once it was answered, you fell silent. Perhaps you should make an effort to comprehend the model instead of blindly accepting or rejecting it. By doing so, you could ask more intelligent questions. Understanding the concept of curvature isn't as difficult as you make it out to be, but it seems like you're hesitant to engage your own critical thinking.

Now, let's consider an example about a car traveling at 100 miles per hour and a fly moving from the backseat to the front seat. It should take the same amount of time for the fly to return to the backseat, regardless of the car's movement. The car's speed doesn't affect the fly's internal motion. Can you at least comprehend this example, even if you don't believe it applies to the Earth?

What does that mean that it looks 100 miles away? There is no way to figure out just by looking how far away it is. It is like looking through a microscope and telling how small a thing is. If you do not get the information from your machine you can not figure it out. If it is dark and a laserbeam comes how the f**k can you figure out from how far it comes. A laserbeam can travel almost indefinately.

Don't you get that a flat earth map should be very easy to make? Why do you think it does not work? I mean just basic things like how far a city is from another. There is no explanation for it from a flat earth believe system.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by CaptainSkelebob »

@galii the reason the fly doesnt splat against the back window of the car is because inside the fly is part of the cars mass
In the same way we dont get thrown off the planet when its spinning at 32000 miles per hour
We are part of its mass
@gsjackson I think you and other flat earthers dont understand the premise
How can I walk on a train travelling at fast speeds fella???
It aint that I can walk hundreds of miles per hour fella...
Flat earthers dont understand basic scientific concepts
Fair enough they might be theories
But they best explain the world around is and how it works
Scientifically illiterate baboons who believe in flat earth are an insult to humanity
Gravitational force and theory of relativity isnt some BS made up by an evil cabal of satan worshippers or anything
This is widely accepted among the scientific and academic comminitys for the reason that they are the most sensible theory's we have thus far
Until you can provide an accredited source Wacko Jacko
And not some basement dwelling idiot from youtube then ur flat earth shite has no credibility whatsoever :lol:
Ok ok OK
Lets humour this fool for a second
Wacko Jacko we all know how the heliocentric model is supposed to work in alignment with mainstream acedemia
But why dont you tell us how flat earth works
Why is every other planet and star round???
How can a conspiracy so large be contained when we saw how incompetent world leaders were containing a f***ing germ ffs
Why are you so quick to accept delusion and fantasy over reality??
There are so many fields of science which would be revealed to be complete shite if flat earth would be revealed to be true
Its too ludicrous to even consider
You have failed to provide even a slither of compelling evidence to support ur case fella
Galii got you
And I got you
Ppl like you just want the geocentric model to be true coz ur all little narcs who want to believe everything revolves around then
Is it that you fear reason???
Is it that you fear logic???
Or is it that the only thing flat earthers fear is sphere itself
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »


Thanks for clarifying what I meant. I used GTP to get rid of my swearing but it changed some stuff.


In all seriousness were you ok with geometry back in school? Because of my job I learned some basics of physics and math so later I went to school again. I had a friend there who spoke very good English I had quite a bit respect for that. Anyway we did homework together. When it came to physics oh lord. I spend the whole day to explain to him what decrease of accelaration means. I could not believe how difficult it was.

I myself had difficulties with 3D imagination and many other stuff otherwise I might have studied stem stuff. So sometimes there are some missing abilities or nobody explained it such that is understandable for ones specific brain.

Btw I think Winston is smart enough to understand it but I think he is just bad faith.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by gsjackson »

@CaptainSkelebob All these matters have been addressed in this thread through the years, including Cornfed's recent sardonic dismissal of the ludicrous "argument" of 'if A and B are spheres then C must be too. Another logical fallacy,

@Galii I knew you wouldn't answer the question. You can't. The advent of flying should have put an end to the spinning ball nonsense, but the lemmings just kept right on walking over the cliff.
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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by galii »

gsjackson wrote:
June 16th, 2023, 8:29 pm
@CaptainSkelebob All these matters have been addressed in this thread through the years, including Cornfed's recent sardonic dismissal of the ludicrous "argument" of 'if A and B are spheres then C must be too. Another logical fallacy,

@Galii I knew you wouldn't answer the question. You can't. The advent of flying should have put an end to the spinning ball nonsense, but the lemmings just kept right on walking over the cliff.
Dude you are talking nonsense. You do not engage with any basic physics. What you are saying is like saying metal is heavy so it can not fly. So at least assume it can fly which conditions could be reasons to make it fly. Engage with any physics or math. How are you explaining the things in your life without physics at all?

I gave you curvature scale examples to think about but you did not engage same with Cornfeld.


What do you think? Have you problems visualizing the curvature and spinning globe? Why do you think these guys do not engage regarding any physics and math?

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Re: Is Our Earth FLAT and Motionless, Not a Spinning Globe?

Post by Huddo »

I went for a walk this morning by the Southern ocean and port. I wasn’t blown away by the constant cyclonic winds sail boats need to achieve the current time it takes to travel between South Africa, Australia and South America, if the flat earth map was based in reality. At the port ships were waiting to travel to Antarctica or the ice wall 🤦🏼‍♂️ after winter. They will be loaded with new and current trades people and scientists (It’s easy to get a job on the ice wall). Other boats will take private explorers and adventure seekers who might be on an all out mission to the South Pole, wingsuiting for the adrenaline rush or even ice cave diving. I’ve said it before but Metallica even held a concert there. There’s also a company that will also take you to camp on the continent and enjoy its beauty as a private citizen. In a few months I’ll be flying the opposite direction to Doha. It’s astonishing that I’ll cross the Indian Ocean and bottom of India during this journey because on a flat earth map the direct route takes me thousands of Km’s to the North from this path and I’d be flying across Indonesia, Vietnam, China, Tibet and Iran.

Clearly it’s Lemmings who live north of the equator who believe this flat earth BS, because the further you go south the more ridiculous this theory becomes. Believe the Covid hoax or fake moon landing all you like, but you have to be a special type of retard to believe flat earth theory.
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