Is Our Matrix a Soul Trap Farm that Feeds Off Our Suffering and Recycles Our Souls?

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Re: Is Our Matrix a Soul Trap Farm that Feeds Off Our Suffering and Recycles Our Souls?

Post by Winston »

I mentioned to Matt about the Star Trek episode "Day of the Dove" which is a major truth drop about our matrix and how the Archons feed off our loosh here (life force energy). He mentioned it and my name in his latest video below at 23:50:

If you wanna see the Star Trek episode I sent him, here's the link to it on my Google Drive: ... sp=sharing
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Re: Is Our Matrix a Soul Trap Farm that Feeds Off Our Suffering and Recycles Our Souls?

Post by Winston »

Eric Dubay talks about the reincarnation soul trap and the fallacy of assuming that our Creator must be perfect when the world is not perfect, which doesn't make sense.

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Re: Is Our Matrix a Soul Trap Farm that Feeds Off Our Suffering and Recycles Our Souls?

Post by Winston »

This contemplation is interesting. He says that the way out of the matrix is to transcend duality and polarity and refuse to participate. That way you don't feed the system or allow it to use you as an energy source. It's very difficult though because if you don't pick a side of the polarity, both sides will hate you and ostracize you for not choosing a side. So it's the most difficult path. This is similar to what Buddhism, Hinduism and Gnosticism teaches.

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Re: Is Our Matrix a Soul Trap Farm that Feeds Off Our Suffering and Recycles Our Souls?

Post by Winston »

Wow check out this Pac Man quote under Matt McKinley's latest video, from the Black Mirror episode "Bandersnatch"! I never realized this about the Pac Man video game!

Free Thinker
5 hours ago
Great quote from Black Mirror Bandersnatch: "There's messages in every game. Like Pac-Man. Do you know what PAC stands for? P-A-C: "program and control." He's Program and Control Man the whole things a metaphor, he thinks he's got free will but really he's trapped in a maze, in a system, all he can do is consume, he's pursued by demons that are probably just in his own head, and even if he does manage to escape by slipping out one side of the maze, what happens? He comes right back in the other side. People think it's a happy game, it's not a happy game, it's a f***ing nightmare world and the worst thing is it's real and we live in it. It's all code. If you listen closely, you can hear the numbers. There's a cosmic flowchart that dictates where you can and where you can't go. I've given you the knowledge. I've set you free. Do you understand?"

Happier Abroad - Expat Living and Dating Overseas
1 second ago
Wow. Matt should do a podcast about that Pac Man analogy!
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Re: Is Our Matrix a Soul Trap Farm that Feeds Off Our Suffering and Recycles Our Souls?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

I watched Bandersnatch and I thought that section about P.A.C man was one of the most interesting parts. Also the Netflix storyline was fricking hilarious hahaha. But yeah, the soul trap. I'm sure gnostics were aware of such a phenomenon and spoke about an evil god who masquerades as the creator of everything, but only serves to keep us all trapped here in their little farm.

People close to death sometimes claim to see deceased family members or angels etc and my theory is that these evil extraterrestrials, who are also interdimentional, pretend to be lost family and friends or disguise themselves as angels or beings from whatever suits your theological beliefs in order to deceive you into willingly entering their soup trap for your soul to be recycled back into this prison of a planet.
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Re: Our Luciferian Prison Matrix, Soul Trap, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by Lucas88 »

Winston wrote:
June 26th, 2018, 3:11 am
Check out this interview with Robert Stanley below about the prison matrix we live in created by Enki-Lucifer. He claims that some people don't have souls but are programs in the matrix. Especially if they have no interest in spirituality. It sounds crazy but I think this makes sense. After all, if one has a real soul, then why wouldn't they be interested in spirituality or things of the soul? Why would they deny their soul? It doesn't make sense. Stanley says its because either their souls are asleep or they don't have a soul and are just programs in the matrix, designed to serve it and never wake up.

If you have a soul though your life will be difficult especially because the matrix will target you and try extra hard to keep you asleep and put many obstacles in your path, such as Murphy's law does with me. Its programmed to go after those with real souls. Because they can disrupt the matrix the most. What do you think?

Stanley also claims to have received a visitation from Enki hinself, one of the gods of the Sumerians. Enki claimed to be the father of the matrix but hes not the father of all creation, according to Stanley. So there are different levels of creators and deities. He's also one of the new truthers who claim that we live in a soul trap farm where NDEs are a trick used by the system to lure you into the light so your soul can be recycled and brought back to earth to be used as a battery again, and told that you "need to work on your karma" which it wants you to do forever. This theory sort of makes sense though because why would you reincarnate to learn lessons if you can't even remember your past lives so you can learn from them? John Lear, the acclaimed aviator, on Art Bell first proposed this theory. Since then it has gained a small following in the truth movement.

I've known about the archon soul trap theory since early 2013 through my research on Gnosticism in both its ancient and modern forms and I find the scenario both horrific and plausible. This world of misery and suffering is absurd. Before I had a spiritual awakening and began to research these kinds of things I was involved in organized religion and then dabbled in the New Age for a while after I lost my faith in the former. During my short-lived stint with New Age philosophy I read books and other materials about reincarnation (I always intuited this to be true) and also karma. The materials always explained that we must reincarnate into this world often under negative conditions in order to pay back our debts or otherwise learn life lessons which require various degrees of suffering. As you can probably imagine, I didn't find this explanation convincing at all and to this day I find it insane that a soul would choose to incarnate in a world like ours ruled by psychopaths, full of myriad religions and ideologies of cruelty, and under the control of the nefarious New World Order. A sane soul would only come here if it was forced.

The New Age tells us to go into the light after bodily death. It teaches us that the souls of the departed are judged by "lords of karma" and then made to reincarnate under the karmic conditions that they decree as part of their next life plan. We are told that this is done out of love and for our own spiritual evolution. Concurrently many people who suffer a near-death experience report that they encountered angelic beings on the other side and sometimes religious figures such as Jesus and Buddha. They are told that they have still not fulfilled their purpose and must come back here despite the suffering. I read about one NDE in which a guy who was miraculously cured of a bad disease encountered two angels who then decided to give him another one for him to live with after his return to life. From time to time I come across NDE testimonies that make me think that those so-called angels are in reality demonic. The idea that they are demonic impostors would make sense in the context of the archon soul trap theory.

I've researched this stuff since 2013 and I see that there is a tendency among some modern Gnostic commentators to attribute the soul trap matrix to Enki or "Lucifer". I myself feel that such an attribution is baseless and possibly even a deliberate attempt at disinformation. All of my research into religion and ancient mythologies has shown me that it is Yahweh who is the evil impostor and overlord of the soul trap matrix. Enki on the other hand is our true liberator who was viciously slandered by the impostor god's deceptive religions.

Let's ask ourselves some questions:

Who did the Gnostics identify as the demiurge or lord of the archons? Yahweh. The Gnostics considered the bloodthirsty and psychotic god of the Bible the lord of darkness and referred to him as Yaldabaoth.

Who lusts after the burned flesh of holocausts and orders all kinds of massacres and other atrocities in the Bible? Yahweh again. Just reading the Old Testament is enough to know that that "god" and his religion are completely twisted and demonic.

Who institutes a religious ritual of simulated human sacrifice and cannibalism and vampirism? Yahweh, this time in his New Testament form of "God the Father". Christians seem to think that Yahweh suddenly decided to give up his evil ways and become a good guy but once a bloodthirsty psychopath always a bloodthirsty psychopath as evidenced by the nature of this same ritual.

Who teaches his followers to love their enemies, turn the other cheek and obey their masters as slaves? Jesus, Yahweh's only begotten son and purported Messiah. The Jesus program is also one of deception and enslavement for the Gentiles. I don't understand why the Jesus of the Gospels is regarded as such a great teacher when he only taught submission and self-abnegation.

Now, what did the Gnostics say about the Serpent in the Garden of Eden? The earliest Gnostic sects such as the Ophites regarded the Serpent as a benevolent giver of divine wisdom or Gnosis who liberated Adam and Eve from the darkness and spiritual obscurantism of the world of Yaldabaoth.

Who was the Serpent in the Garden of Eden? The truth is that the biblical account of the Serpent and Adam has an earlier precursor in the Sumerian religion: 'Adapa and the South Wind'. According to the original account, Enki, the god of wisdom and builder of civilization known also as Ushumgal or "great serpent", teaches his protégé Adapa the "Design of Heaven and Earth" - in other words, divine knowledge of the universe which elevates him to the level of the gods.

Yahweh saw humanity merely as slaves but Enki wanted us to be free and gave us advanced spiritual knowledge for our own ascension to godhood. This included Yogic and occult knowledge and especially knowledge of the Kundalini, hence the serpent symbolism in Genesis.

Yahweh and his "angels" are the true enslavers of humanity. They have us trapped here on Earth since they expelled and banished Enki and our original gods (see myths concerning the banishment of the Watchers/rebels allied with the Serpent to the abyss), have conspired to demonize and suppress the true occult knowledge given by Enki, have created all of the perverse religions that enslave us and result in our psychological torture, and continue to oppress us in this twisted world through the Jew World Order ruled by Yahweh's "Chosen People".

Meanwhile through the influence of the religions all of this iniquity is deceptively blamed on "Satan" or "Lucifer" - an invented boogeyman from Yahweh's Bible.

In short, Yahweh alone is the god of this twisted world and the one responsible for all of this insanity, not some scapegoat named Satan, and not Enki either.

I was once a Christian and believed in the Jesus program and the official narrative with regard to the cosmic conflict between good and evil. That was when I didn't know any better. However, as a freethinker and truth seeker, I decided to look at things from the other side after my departure from Christianity and came to the conclusion that the truth has been inverted, that Yahweh, Jesus, his angels and his religions are the evil side, that Enki and his gods and goddesses are the good guys, and that Enki and his gods and goddesses have been unjustly slandered by Yahweh and his people. The matrix's deception goes way beyond the simple "God vs. Satan".
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Re: Is Our Matrix a Soul Trap Farm that Feeds Off Our Suffering and Recycles Our Souls?

Post by Winston »

@Lucas88 and @Pixel--Dude

Wow check out this hippie guy who looks like Jesus. He looks so spiritual and awakened and enlightened, like Jesus. lol. You will love him.

Here he talks about how we were created to be a slave species by an alien technology. Very interesting. This is up your alley. You will love it. It's very gnostic. It makes sense and would explain a lot. Charles Fort said in the 1920s that we must be some kind of alien experiment too.

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Re: Is Our Matrix a Soul Trap Farm that Feeds Off Our Suffering and Recycles Our Souls?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Winston wrote:
June 2nd, 2022, 8:08 am
@Lucas88 and @Pixel--Dude

Wow check out this hippie guy who looks like Jesus. He looks so spiritual and awakened and enlightened, like Jesus. lol. You will love him.

Here he talks about how we were created to be a slave species by an alien technology. Very interesting. This is up your alley. You will love it. It's very gnostic. It makes sense and would explain a lot. Charles Fort said in the 1920s that we must be some kind of alien experiment too.

Hi Winston. I will watch these videos when I get time. I have my daughter for the weekend and she keeps me constantly busy. I don't believe we were created by alien experimentation, but I believe benevolent aliens gave us a quantum leap in our evolution by using their own DNA (the missing link?) And DNA of primitive hominids which already occupied the planet when aliens arrived.

I think now that evil aliens have taken over the planet and have made us part of their little zoo where they seek to drive us back to a primitive state of humanity or destroy us entirely with their programs of social engineering.
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Re: Is Our Matrix a Soul Trap Farm that Feeds Off Our Suffering and Recycles Our Souls?

Post by Lucas88 »

Winston wrote:
June 2nd, 2022, 8:08 am
Wow check out this hippie guy who looks like Jesus. He looks so spiritual and awakened and enlightened, like Jesus. lol. You will love him.

Here he talks about how we were created to be a slave species by an alien technology. Very interesting. This is up your alley. You will love it. It's very gnostic. It makes sense and would explain a lot. Charles Fort said in the 1920s that we must be some kind of alien experiment too.
There is a lot of talk online about how the Anunnaki genetically engineered us to be a slave race and this notion certainly was heavily popularized by Zecharia Sitchin in the late 20th century but at the same time I feel that many researchers overlook another important and rarely talked-about aspect of the Sumerian creation story, namely the role of Enki and his desire to create a divine model of man against the wishes of Yahweh.

People cite the Epic of Atrahasis and talk about how the Sumerian gods formed the first humans as a semi-intelligent worker race to replace the Igigi following their revolt and refusal to work. This has some degree of truth. Enki did create the earliest and most primitive version of Homo Sapiens which served as an obedient source of labor as the text itself recounts. But this wasn't the only branch of the human race which Enki created. In addition to that more basic pre-Adamic man Enki also engendered another branch of the human race beginning with Adapa (i.e., Adamic man) upon which he conferred divine characteristics and to which he taught the "Design of Heaven and Earth" as one can see in the Sumerian text 'Adapa and the South Wind'. This second model of man and human soul group would possess a fully operational Kundalini and the potential to achieve complete godhood through spiritual practice and the alchemical Opus Magnum.

But authors like Zecharia Sitchin only seem to focus upon the pre-Adamic slave race aspect. They don't pay much attention to Enki's divine Adamic branch of the human race which descends from Adapa. The Sumerian religion likewise seems to give more importance to the former narrative of humanity as a slave race of the gods. But one must understand that even as early as Sumerian times many of the priesthoods were corrupt theocracies which sought to justify slavery for the benefit of the elite and preferred to minimize or deny the divine potential of the human race. It is fitting that Sitchin was a Jew and follower of Yahweh. Sitchin through his works pushed the narrative that humans (Gentiles) were created to toil as slaves and only existed to mine gold for some divine elite. That sounds like such a Jewish thing to say! Sitchin makes no mention of a divine subset of humans created by Enki and who have the ability to achieve godhood despite this less-known motif in the Sumerian literature. Rather he seeks to lump all humans together into the slave race category.

@Pixel--Dude and I have had discussions on the pre-Adamic race of man created to replace the Igigi as workers vs. the Adamic race of man created by Enki and given occult knowledge. We speculate that the pre-Adamic race might be the prototype for today's NPCs/organic portals while those of us who descend from Enki via Adapa are the souled humans. That might explain why NPCs only care about work and material prosperity (i.e., what Sitchin terms as "gold") and simple mundane things while we souled humans have a natural affinity for more transcendental spiritual matters and the occult and activities that are related to our soul evolution.
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Re: Is Our Matrix a Soul Trap Farm that Feeds Off Our Suffering and Recycles Our Souls?

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Lucas88 wrote:
June 3rd, 2022, 11:15 am
Winston wrote:
June 2nd, 2022, 8:08 am
Wow check out this hippie guy who looks like Jesus. He looks so spiritual and awakened and enlightened, like Jesus. lol. You will love him.

Here he talks about how we were created to be a slave species by an alien technology. Very interesting. This is up your alley. You will love it. It's very gnostic. It makes sense and would explain a lot. Charles Fort said in the 1920s that we must be some kind of alien experiment too.
There is a lot of talk online about how the Anunnaki genetically engineered us to be a slave race and this notion certainly was heavily popularized by Zecharia Sitchin in the late 20th century but at the same time I feel that many researchers overlook another important and rarely talked-about aspect of the Sumerian creation story, namely the role of Enki and his desire to create a divine model of man against the wishes of Yahweh.

People cite the Epic of Atrahasis and talk about how the Sumerian gods formed the first humans as a semi-intelligent worker race to replace the Igigi following their revolt and refusal to work. This has some degree of truth. Enki did create the earliest and most primitive version of Homo Sapiens which served as an obedient source of labor as the text itself recounts. But this wasn't the only branch of the human race which Enki created. In addition to that more basic pre-Adamic man Enki also engendered another branch of the human race beginning with Adapa (i.e., Adamic man) upon which he conferred divine characteristics and to which he taught the "Design of Heaven and Earth" as one can see in the Sumerian text 'Adapa and the South Wind'. This second model of man and human soul group would possess a fully operational Kundalini and the potential to achieve complete godhood through spiritual practice and the alchemical Opus Magnum.

But authors like Zecharia Sitchin only seem to focus upon the pre-Adamic slave race aspect. They don't pay much attention to Enki's divine Adamic branch of the human race which descends from Adapa. The Sumerian religion likewise seems to give more importance to the former narrative of humanity as a slave race of the gods. But one must understand that even as early as Sumerian times many of the priesthoods were corrupt theocracies which sought to justify slavery for the benefit of the elite and preferred to minimize or deny the divine potential of the human race. It is fitting that Sitchin was a Jew and follower of Yahweh. Sitchin through his works pushed the narrative that humans (Gentiles) were created to toil as slaves and only existed to mine gold for some divine elite. That sounds like such a Jewish thing to say! Sitchin makes no mention of a divine subset of humans created by Enki and who have the ability to achieve godhood despite this less-known motif in the Sumerian literature. Rather he seeks to lump all humans together into the slave race category.

@Pixel--Dude and I have had discussions on the pre-Adamic race of man created to replace the Igigi as workers vs. the Adamic race of man created by Enki and given occult knowledge. We speculate that the pre-Adamic race might be the prototype for today's NPCs/organic portals while those of us who descend from Enki via Adapa are the souled humans. That might explain why NPCs only care about work and material prosperity (i.e., what Sitchin terms as "gold") and simple mundane things while we souled humans have a natural affinity for more transcendental spiritual matters and the occult and activities that are related to our soul evolution.
I think Lucas88 articulates it better than I ever could. But basically we have both researched this together through the years and we share thoughts and new ideas on a regular basis.

I wonder if the Greys and their abductions and experiments are an attempt to either remove the divine spark which gives humanity access to potential godhood, or whether they wish to try and understand how to give themselves the divine spark so they might achieve the same. For all their intelligence and scientific curiosity, we can't ignore the fact that these are malevolent beings. Look at cattle mutilation and in some rare cases, human mutilation as well. I will post some videos recounting some pretty disturbing abduction stories here. @Lucas88 you may have seen these before.
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Re: Our Luciferian Prison Matrix, Soul Trap, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by Winston »

Lucas88 wrote:
May 5th, 2022, 4:36 pm
Winston wrote:
June 26th, 2018, 3:11 am
Check out this interview with Robert Stanley below about the prison matrix we live in created by Enki-Lucifer. He claims that some people don't have souls but are programs in the matrix. Especially if they have no interest in spirituality. It sounds crazy but I think this makes sense. After all, if one has a real soul, then why wouldn't they be interested in spirituality or things of the soul? Why would they deny their soul? It doesn't make sense. Stanley says its because either their souls are asleep or they don't have a soul and are just programs in the matrix, designed to serve it and never wake up.

If you have a soul though your life will be difficult especially because the matrix will target you and try extra hard to keep you asleep and put many obstacles in your path, such as Murphy's law does with me. Its programmed to go after those with real souls. Because they can disrupt the matrix the most. What do you think?

Stanley also claims to have received a visitation from Enki hinself, one of the gods of the Sumerians. Enki claimed to be the father of the matrix but hes not the father of all creation, according to Stanley. So there are different levels of creators and deities. He's also one of the new truthers who claim that we live in a soul trap farm where NDEs are a trick used by the system to lure you into the light so your soul can be recycled and brought back to earth to be used as a battery again, and told that you "need to work on your karma" which it wants you to do forever. This theory sort of makes sense though because why would you reincarnate to learn lessons if you can't even remember your past lives so you can learn from them? John Lear, the acclaimed aviator, on Art Bell first proposed this theory. Since then it has gained a small following in the truth movement.

I've known about the archon soul trap theory since early 2013 through my research on Gnosticism in both its ancient and modern forms and I find the scenario both horrific and plausible. This world of misery and suffering is absurd. Before I had a spiritual awakening and began to research these kinds of things I was involved in organized religion and then dabbled in the New Age for a while after I lost my faith in the former. During my short-lived stint with New Age philosophy I read books and other materials about reincarnation (I always intuited this to be true) and also karma. The materials always explained that we must reincarnate into this world often under negative conditions in order to pay back our debts or otherwise learn life lessons which require various degrees of suffering. As you can probably imagine, I didn't find this explanation convincing at all and to this day I find it insane that a soul would choose to incarnate in a world like ours ruled by psychopaths, full of myriad religions and ideologies of cruelty, and under the control of the nefarious New World Order. A sane soul would only come here if it was forced.

The New Age tells us to go into the light after bodily death. It teaches us that the souls of the departed are judged by "lords of karma" and then made to reincarnate under the karmic conditions that they decree as part of their next life plan. We are told that this is done out of love and for our own spiritual evolution. Concurrently many people who suffer a near-death experience report that they encountered angelic beings on the other side and sometimes religious figures such as Jesus and Buddha. They are told that they have still not fulfilled their purpose and must come back here despite the suffering. I read about one NDE in which a guy who was miraculously cured of a bad disease encountered two angels who then decided to give him another one for him to live with after his return to life. From time to time I come across NDE testimonies that make me think that those so-called angels are in reality demonic. The idea that they are demonic impostors would make sense in the context of the archon soul trap theory.

I've researched this stuff since 2013 and I see that there is a tendency among some modern Gnostic commentators to attribute the soul trap matrix to Enki or "Lucifer". I myself feel that such an attribution is baseless and possibly even a deliberate attempt at disinformation. All of my research into religion and ancient mythologies has shown me that it is Yahweh who is the evil impostor and overlord of the soul trap matrix. Enki on the other hand is our true liberator who was viciously slandered by the impostor god's deceptive religions.

Let's ask ourselves some questions:

Who did the Gnostics identify as the demiurge or lord of the archons? Yahweh. The Gnostics considered the bloodthirsty and psychotic god of the Bible the lord of darkness and referred to him as Yaldabaoth.

Who lusts after the burned flesh of holocausts and orders all kinds of massacres and other atrocities in the Bible? Yahweh again. Just reading the Old Testament is enough to know that that "god" and his religion are completely twisted and demonic.

Who institutes a religious ritual of simulated human sacrifice and cannibalism and vampirism? Yahweh, this time in his New Testament form of "God the Father". Christians seem to think that Yahweh suddenly decided to give up his evil ways and become a good guy but once a bloodthirsty psychopath always a bloodthirsty psychopath as evidenced by the nature of this same ritual.

Who teaches his followers to love their enemies, turn the other cheek and obey their masters as slaves? Jesus, Yahweh's only begotten son and purported Messiah. The Jesus program is also one of deception and enslavement for the Gentiles. I don't understand why the Jesus of the Gospels is regarded as such a great teacher when he only taught submission and self-abnegation.

Now, what did the Gnostics say about the Serpent in the Garden of Eden? The earliest Gnostic sects such as the Ophites regarded the Serpent as a benevolent giver of divine wisdom or Gnosis who liberated Adam and Eve from the darkness and spiritual obscurantism of the world of Yaldabaoth.

Who was the Serpent in the Garden of Eden? The truth is that the biblical account of the Serpent and Adam has an earlier precursor in the Sumerian religion: 'Adapa and the South Wind'. According to the original account, Enki, the god of wisdom and builder of civilization known also as Ushumgal or "great serpent", teaches his protégé Adapa the "Design of Heaven and Earth" - in other words, divine knowledge of the universe which elevates him to the level of the gods.

Yahweh saw humanity merely as slaves but Enki wanted us to be free and gave us advanced spiritual knowledge for our own ascension to godhood. This included Yogic and occult knowledge and especially knowledge of the Kundalini, hence the serpent symbolism in Genesis.

Yahweh and his "angels" are the true enslavers of humanity. They have us trapped here on Earth since they expelled and banished Enki and our original gods (see myths concerning the banishment of the Watchers/rebels allied with the Serpent to the abyss), have conspired to demonize and suppress the true occult knowledge given by Enki, have created all of the perverse religions that enslave us and result in our psychological torture, and continue to oppress us in this twisted world through the Jew World Order ruled by Yahweh's "Chosen People".

Meanwhile through the influence of the religions all of this iniquity is deceptively blamed on "Satan" or "Lucifer" - an invented boogeyman from Yahweh's Bible.

In short, Yahweh alone is the god of this twisted world and the one responsible for all of this insanity, not some scapegoat named Satan, and not Enki either.

I was once a Christian and believed in the Jesus program and the official narrative with regard to the cosmic conflict between good and evil. That was when I didn't know any better. However, as a freethinker and truth seeker, I decided to look at things from the other side after my departure from Christianity and came to the conclusion that the truth has been inverted, that Yahweh, Jesus, his angels and his religions are the evil side, that Enki and his gods and goddesses are the good guys, and that Enki and his gods and goddesses have been unjustly slandered by Yahweh and his people. The matrix's deception goes way beyond the simple "God vs. Satan".
But @Lucas88. I don't understand something. If Lucifer is the good guy then why do the Freemasons and Illuminati worship him? And Hollywood does too, they even have a TV series about him. And variations of Lucifer such as Lucy and Luke are used in countless movies and TV shows, even in Star Wars. The Sun and God of Light are worshipped in countless movies, corporate logos, churches, etc. Do you see what I mean? Isn't that a red flag? Many former Freemasons and insiders also claim that the Masons worship Lucifer too. They even named the alleged missing link in Evolution as "Lucy". And Scarlett Johannson played an all powerful woman named "Lucy" in the movie "Lucy". So Lucifer is clearly venerated by the elite cabal.

Also, if Lucifer was the enemy of Jehovah then why would Jehovah or Yahweh allow him into the Garden of Eden, unless they both collaborated together, as explained in the second book of Divine Secret Garden? No God allows an enemy to come onto their property. Couldn't Yahweh just be Lucifer in disguise, as the Divine Secret Garden audiobooks say?

Isn't the God vs Satan thing a false dichotomy, like Democrats vs Republicans? It seems so, for many reasons. They both seem to work together and Satan is never destroyed, subdued or banished, only humans are. So Satan must work for God right? It would make sense if he did. If God created everything, then he created both good and evil and everything in between. In the book of Isaiah it even says that the Lord creates evil. And in the book of Job, God and Satan talk to each other like they work together on the same team. God was the one who first brought attention to Job. Satan did not bring attention to him first. So it seems that it was God who wanted to test Job, not Satan. They were both hoping Job would fail the test, and when he didn't, they had to pay him off with a bribe by giving him double of what he had lost.

If you spend time to go through the Divine Secret Garden audiobooks I sent you, they make a lot of sense and they go in detail, more than I can in a forum post.

Btw keep in mind that Jesus isn't one person. The DSG says there is a good Christ and a false Christ, such as the one in Revelation, which is Lucifer. And some say that Jesus is an amalgam of multiple people put together. So it's more complicated than just to say "Who was Jesus?" Because there's more than one Jesus and Jesus could be an amalgam of several people and stories. Everything is corrupted, so a Christ would have a false Christ too, to deceive the masses, because the Demiurge or Lucifer corrupts everything in this world right? It would explain a lot.
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Re: Our Luciferian Prison Matrix, Soul Trap, and How to Escape it (Esoteric Gnostic Teachings)

Post by Lucas88 »

Winston wrote:
December 4th, 2022, 8:54 pm
But @Lucas88. I don't understand something. If Lucifer is the good guy then why do the Freemasons and Illuminati worship him? And Hollywood does too, they even have a TV series about him. And variations of Lucifer such as Lucy and Luke are used in countless movies and TV shows, even in Star Wars. The Sun and God of Light are worshipped in countless movies, corporate logos, churches, etc. Do you see what I mean? Isn't that a red flag? Many former Freemasons and insiders also claim that the Masons worship Lucifer too. They even named the alleged missing link in Evolution as "Lucy". And Scarlett Johannson played an all powerful woman named "Lucy" in the movie "Lucy". So Lucifer is clearly venerated by the elite cabal.

Also, if Lucifer was the enemy of Jehovah then why would Jehovah or Yahweh allow him into the Garden of Eden, unless they both collaborated together, as explained in the second book of Divine Secret Garden? No God allows an enemy to come onto their property. Couldn't Yahweh just be Lucifer in disguise, as the Divine Secret Garden audiobooks say?

Isn't the God vs Satan thing a false dichotomy, like Democrats vs Republicans? It seems so, for many reasons. They both seem to work together and Satan is never destroyed, subdued or banished, only humans are. So Satan must work for God right? It would make sense if he did. If God created everything, then he created both good and evil and everything in between. In the book of Isaiah it even says that the Lord creates evil. And in the book of Job, God and Satan talk to each other like they work together on the same team. God was the one who first brought attention to Job. Satan did not bring attention to him first. So it seems that it was God who wanted to test Job, not Satan. They were both hoping Job would fail the test, and when he didn't, they had to pay him off with a bribe by giving him double of what he had lost.

If you spend time to go through the Divine Secret Garden audiobooks I sent you, they make a lot of sense and they go in detail, more than I can in a forum post.

Btw keep in mind that Jesus isn't one person. The DSG says there is a good Christ and a false Christ, such as the one in Revelation, which is Lucifer. And some say that Jesus is an amalgam of multiple people put together. So it's more complicated than just to say "Who was Jesus?" Because there's more than one Jesus and Jesus could be an amalgam of several people and stories. Everything is corrupted, so a Christ would have a false Christ too, to deceive the masses, because the Demiurge or Lucifer corrupts everything in this world right? It would explain a lot.
The reason why you are caught up in all of this confusion about Yahweh and Lucifer is because you have (probably subconsciously) taken for granted the biblical version of events. That is what the Bible and Christian program are supposed to do: invert the original story and then confuse seekers with countless contrived theological notions.

For example, you ask why Yahweh would allow the Serpent into the Garden of Eden. You therefore implicitly assume that Yahweh really is the owner of the place as per the biblical worldview. However, if you read the original Sumerian version of which the biblical account is a simple plagiarism and distortion, it becomes clear that Enki is indeed the owner of Eridu - his own sacred city and precursor of the Garden of Eden - and it is there that he reveals to his human protégé Adapa (the Sumerian Adam) the "Design of Heaven and Earth" which gives Adapa divine abilities and makes him like the Anunnaki. Enki enlightens Adapa with divine knowledge in his own sanctuary but Anu disapproves and becomes irate with Enki for revealing the Design of Heaven and Earth to a "worthless human". Yahweh doesn't own the Garden of Eden nor is he "God". He's just an off-planet dictator who forbade humanity's enlightenment and spiritual evolution while Enki/the Serpent was the original lord of the Earth. But the Bible distorts all of this.

As I have mentioned in other threads, the real war is between the noble Enki/the Serpent and the ignoble Anu/Yahweh. Enki rebelled against Yahweh's tyranny and revealed to his human children the true knowledge of godhood but he and his faction were unfortunately banished from the Earth following their defeat in the most recent heavenly war.

Later Yahweh and his perverse clique concocted the Bible and the Abrahamic religions as a program of deception. They inverted the story of the Serpent and Adam (Enki and Adapa) making the Serpent out to be the bad guy and then came up with a fictitious devil "Satan" or "Lucifer" and dishonestly conflated him with the Serpent thus slandering our true benefactor. But this fictitious devil Satan/Lucifer has absolutely nothing to do with the true Enki who is presently in exile. The fictitious devil is just a character whom Yahweh may scapegoat for his own crimes and iniquities and behind whom Yahweh's elite may hide as they commit their own acts of evil. The idea of a "Luciferian" New World Order is just a smokescreen to cover up the Jewish and Jehovitic identity of the NWO. So-called "Luciferianism" is simply controlled opposition within the deceptive biblical paradigm.

If you wish to understand the true nature of the war between Enki and Yahweh, it is best to bypass the Bible in its entirety since the Bible is merely a Jewish program of deception from the beginning and go straight to earlier prebiblical sources. That way you can save yourself a lot of confusion (which is all by design as part of the program). The Sumerian texts describe how Enki gifted humanity the arts of civilization and granted Adapa the knowledge of godhood against the will of Anu. Likewise Greek mythology recounts how Prometheus bestowed upon his human children the gift of fire (an allegory for knowledge and enlightenment) only to be exiled and punished by the Olympian king. The Bible on the other hand is written from the perspective of the Jehovites. It attempts to slander the true hero Enki/Prometheus and justify the tyranny of the real villain Yahweh. It is nothing more than a theological propaganda document.
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Re: Is Our Matrix a Soul Trap Farm that Feeds Off Our Suffering and Recycles Our Souls?

Post by Winston »

This is so complicated. Like I said before, it's all labels. But the basic OUTLINE concept is all the same, that we are under a God that runs the prison matrix. Even if you look at Gnosticism vs mainstream Christianity, they have a similar theme, just with names switched around. The Gnostics see Yahweh/Jehovah as the Satan/Lucifer that Christians believe is the bad guy, and that there is a better more good God that is outside the matrix beyond the God of the Bible that sent Jesus. So you see, the names are just switched around, but the outline is the same, that the God of this world is bad and there is a better purer God outside of this matrix that we belong to, etc. You see what I mean?

The thing is, Divine Secret Garden explains a lot of puzzles that Christianity, the Bible and the Truth movement never could explain. It fills a lot of gaps. Even if it's not all accurate, some of it makes sense and resonates and explains a lot of discrepancies that others don't.

Also you didn't answer my question: Why do the Freemasons and Illuminati worship Lucifer if he's the good guy? I don't get it.

Even the History Channel on Ancient Aliens said that Lucifer or Prometheus could have been the good guy and liberator of mankind. Isn't that what Lucifer would want you to think? Doesn't the God of this world control the History Channel?

Anyhow, the DSG has something that speaks to your soul, as if it was a personal message from the the divine Father and Mother. If you listen to it for a while, you will see what I mean. It's not like other audiobooks. It speaks to your core soul. I mean the soul in you that makes you different from NPCs.
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Re: Is Our Matrix a Soul Trap Farm that Feeds Off Our Suffering and Recycles Our Souls?

Post by Lucas88 »

Winston wrote:
December 12th, 2022, 2:21 am
Also you didn't answer my question: Why do the Freemasons and Illuminati worship Lucifer if he's the good guy? I don't get it.
I touched upon this question in my previous post:
Later Yahweh and his perverse clique concocted the Bible and the Abrahamic religions as a program of deception. They inverted the story of the Serpent and Adam (Enki and Adapa) making the Serpent out to be the bad guy and then came up with a fictitious devil "Satan" or "Lucifer" and dishonestly conflated him with the Serpent thus slandering our true benefactor. But this fictitious devil Satan/Lucifer has absolutely nothing to do with the true Enki who is presently in exile. The fictitious devil is just a character whom Yahweh may scapegoat for his own crimes and iniquities and behind whom Yahweh's elite may hide as they commit their own acts of evil. The idea of a "Luciferian" New World Order is just a smokescreen to cover up the Jewish and Jehovitic identity of the NWO. So-called "Luciferianism" is simply controlled opposition within the deceptive biblical paradigm.
The Serpent/Enki is Gentile humanity's true father who revealed to us true divine knowledge.

Yahweh twisted this truth in his Bible and deceptively portrayed the Serpent/Enki as the bad guy.

Then, centuries later, Yahweh came up with the theological idea of a devil called "Satan" or "Lucifer" and even conflated it with the Serpent/Enki in the Christian collective consciousness in order to make him look even more diabolical (even though the real Enki is in exile and has nothing to do with this fictitious devil).

This same fictitious Satan or Lucifer as the biblical anti-god becomes controlled opposition within Yahweh's paradigm of control. Judaism/Abrahamism and Satanism/Luciferianism are simply two sides of the same coin. This is why some elite groups like the Illuminati worship "Lucifer". But this same Lucifer is nothing more than a sockpuppet of the evil Hebrew impostor god Yahweh.

This false duality between Abrahamic religion and Satanism/Luciferianism has been a great strategy for the enemy because it causes so much confusion.
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Re: Is Our Matrix a Soul Trap Farm that Feeds Off Our Suffering and Recycles Our Souls?

Post by Winston »

Playlist of interview series with Wayne Bush of about the reincarnation soul trap: ... 26l_ElRGOB_

Playlist of interview series with Dan of the Overwatch Channel about the reincarnation soul trap: ... 5IvlVoMzs2
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