Reasons Men Should Leave America

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Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by Tsar »

A month ago this news article came out. I was just curious to see what it would take if I actually wanted to live in the United States. ... y-us-state

Most people will never earn more than $30,000 a year in the United States and that is gross income. People need to have at the minimum a girlfriend or boyfriend or a roommate. Sometimes they need both, and in some cases if they live in a place like New York City or Los Angeles, they might need themselves and three other people. They need to both earn at least $30,000 each to get by in most places in the United States.

Great for people who have friends. Not so great for the majority of single guys.

I have no intention of living in the United States because it offers me nothing I truly need in life and out of life.

I am not into consumerism to just accumulate a pile of things. I value quality over quantity and prefer to buy things that will last. It seems like most people prefer the opposite. Also, portion sizes are relatively large when it comes to food which would be okay if it were healthy, quality food, but it usually isn't.

Here are ten reasons men in their mid-30s and younger should leave America:

1. You won't actually build a life there. $30,000 won't build a life in America and let's face it, if almost all Americans are one paycheck away from poverty or homelessness, then it is a problem with the system, not the people.

2. The lack of quality girls. Thin, B+ cup, young women willing to be feminine, date men they don't know, and actually like being feminine are not common. Most girls anywhere will be sluts in 2021, but at least a guy could enjoy female companionship with a nice slut. In America (but same goes for Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and any significant White Western Nation), whether a girl is a slut or a feminist, she will be a bitch. In addition, most of the females in America range from "average being overweight" and "curvy being a landwhale" and "obesity is actually morbid obesity" and "morbid obesity is body positive." Come on, don't be a loser and go after simping after dirty Sows!

3. The lack of healthy food. In the EU, the food is quality. A lack of artificial colors, no additivities, less or no preservatives, and the standard for food is to be non-GMO. Harmful chemicals are not allowed into the food supply like they are in America. In America, they deny people basic human rights to actually eat healthy, afford quality food, and have time to cook meals. People can prolong their life by just going abroad, walking, and eating healthy. If they get a female companion, they will also see their mood improve and their stress levels go down even more.

4. Police that aren't trigger happy or violent. Maybe they might be corrupt in some areas of the world but not violent. Typically, if they are corrupt, they would probably target drivers since that's the really only way they could get money without doing excessive work in the hopes a foreigner pays them. In America, most people would happily pay a cop $50 to avoid a speeding ticket but America is excessive about rules, regulations, and obeying everything. Cops will not pull out their gun and shoot innocent people or even a person that is a criminal without a very good reason, and especially not a fatal wound. In America, being in the presence of any cop is intimidating for any civilian. Men should especially be afraid of being near cops. Unless you're clearly in your 70s with wrinkles and white hair, and have light skin (White or Asian), if you're a male in America, the police could decide to shoot you while you are walking on a sidewalk.

5. Angry, stressed, and sad people. Think about it. America has many unhealthy foods, forced solitude creating many male incels, a lack of jobs, an even greater lack of quality or livable jobs, most people working but always one paycheck away from poverty, expensive healthcare, insurance that is lousy, and a tax system that favors the wealthiest. The news in America spreads fear, ferments hate, and seeks to divide people. How can a place with angry, stressed, and sad people, who are overworked, have declining opportunities and living standards and life expectancies, with the highest prison population in the world, that makes enemies out of nations and peoples that aren't actually enemies, be a great place?

To answer that question, maybe the rich people and the celebrities, the people who live in mansions and gated communities, or who have enough money and sex they will never feel stressed because their money and sex guarantees them happiness (until all the lack of quality food, lack of medical care, bad society, and inability to buy Viagra or afford it makes them unhappy).

6. Male Incel is a Government Mandate. If it wasn't, girls doing escorts and P4P would be legal.

America doesn't want straight men to be happy or even be in a relationship. Men are only in America to work, pay taxes, fight in nonsense wars, serve women, and add to the profits of corporations. That's why American men, especially my Millennial generation and younger, have a terrible deal in the United States.

It would also get opposition from feminists who would be upset because men would be "exploiting females" (because they probably believe whores are victims, but when they be sluts, they are engaging in female empowerment). Many American women would also oppose it because men could and would only go for college girls and girls in their 20s for a Girlfriend Experience. It would actually create Female Incels, while any male would pay a whore and whores would need to reduce their rate to reflect the legality and the increased supply relative to the demand.

Girls would need to take care of their appearance, exercise, eat right, and not think being a fat Sow is enough because at least one desperate guy will be there to accept them because he wants sex with any female. But American women are lazy at everything except when it comes to their career. Most don't prioritize marriage or relationships, and when they have either, it is more of an accessory to show to their friends or to just have that experience.

7. If you want a family, best to do it on a foreign nation. Foreign nations educate their people better and their schools are less cliquish. Also, if you ever get married, many nations are better if you happened to get divorced.

8. What does America offer that other countries can't? I won't answer this question because it is a question people need to answer for themselves. Everything in life can be weighed on a scale.

9. Heterosexual Male sexuality is not allowed in America. America only allows female sexuality and homosexual male sexuality. Why else would the free "adult entertainment" websites be deleting all their content? #MeToo, feminism, and other movements all destroy things for men in America.

10. Americans have to deal with excessive taxation, excessive fees, hidden fees, and hidden surcharges. Tipping is mandatory. People are expected to become debtors because corporations want increasingly profits to distribute to executives and Wall Street, and the government needs increasing taxes. The price people see in America is never that low. Combine that with low wages and mass unemployment, we can easily see why Americans are some of the poorest people in the world, middle class life is an illusion of debt, and to actually be anything more than working poor in America needs great luck.

Men in America have the worst deal compared to anywhere else. Don't waste the best years of your life in a country that is violent, denies people many human rights, is unsafe, and has terrible women. Besides, 25% of American women have genital herpes and 50% have at least one STD. Have some courage, self-respect, and pride as a man and go abroad.

Real men go abroad. Greater men stay abroad. Quality girls whether they're virgins or sluts can be found abroad. And if you're going to get a slut, which is really the only option since girls won't be virgins in 2021, go for a slut abroad. Don't be miserable, unhappy, stressed, angry, and depressed because you're in America. Go abroad and live a better life with better food, better females, and more time for leisure.
I'm a visionary and a philosopher king 👑

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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by OTB »

"Real men go abroad. Greater men stay abroad." I like that Tsar. I'm still here and wanting to leave asap. But with covid restrictions in most countries I'm limited to a few countries that have no restrictions which are in Latin America; Mexico/Costa Rica.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by publicduende »

OTB wrote:
December 26th, 2021, 7:21 pm
"Real men go abroad. Greater men stay abroad." I like that Tsar. I'm still here and wanting to leave asap. But with covid restrictions in most countries I'm limited to a few countries that have no restrictions which are in Latin America; Mexico/Costa Rica.
Covid restrictions and travel bans have not only almost destroyed the tourism and airline industries of the affected countries but - most tragically - one of the few outlets permitted to the middle class. I guess whoever masterminded this knew that sheeple is more sheeple is is forced to stay at home, in an incessant routine of work, junk food and Netflix.

If this kind of lifestyle changes are not detrimental to their immune system, I don't know what it is.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by gsjackson »

publicduende wrote:
December 26th, 2021, 8:29 pm
OTB wrote:
December 26th, 2021, 7:21 pm
"Real men go abroad. Greater men stay abroad." I like that Tsar. I'm still here and wanting to leave asap. But with covid restrictions in most countries I'm limited to a few countries that have no restrictions which are in Latin America; Mexico/Costa Rica.
Covid restrictions and travel bans have not only almost destroyed the tourism and airline industries of the affected countries but - most tragically - one of the few outlets permitted to the middle class. I guess whoever masterminded this knew that sheeple is more sheeple is is forced to stay at home, in an incessant routine of work, junk food and Netflix.

If this kind of lifestyle changes are not detrimental to their immune system, I don't know what it is.
Oh, there's no question that one of the objectives of the scamdemic has been to put an end to international travel by proles like me. To end the happierabroad lifestyle. And it's worked with me. I'm not flying again unless all these ridiculous hoops that have been put in place are ended.

Putting the commercial airlines out of business altogether may be an objective as well. Don't know whether it's true, but I heard recently on some podcast that the largest fleet of airplanes is now owned by Warren Buffett and his NetJet company, used by the high and mighty. You know they have no intention of making their "carbon footprints" any smaller.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by publicduende »

gsjackson wrote:
December 26th, 2021, 8:45 pm
Oh, there's no question that one of the objectives of the scamdemic has been to put an end to international travel by proles like me. To end the happierabroad lifestyle. And it's worked with me. I'm not flying again unless all these ridiculous hoops that have been put in place are ended.

Putting the commercial airlines out of business altogether may be an objective as well. Don't know whether it's true, but I heard recently on some podcast that the largest fleet of airplanes is now owned by Warren Buffett and his NetJet company, used by the high and mighty. You know they have no intention of making their "carbon footprints" any smaller.
The way I see it, low cost airlines have allowed millions of young and not-so-financially-endowed people to travel the world, visiting multiple destinations in Europe, Asia, and the Americas within the space of weeks or months. TPTB must have believed that this is an undue privilege that should only be afforded to the wealthy.

The irony is that, for middle and upper middle class like me and perhaps you, the pandemic has meant more work from home and even higher pay. Many of us have more cash than ever to spend on the beautiful human experience that is travel, and yet they are not allowed to.

Let's add that the status of unvaccinated is fast becoming akin to having an uncommunicable disease, which triggers all sorts of practical and psychological barriers.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by flowerthief00 »

Well some governments are using it as an opportunity to remodel their society in such a way that the populations won't complain. I don't know why they would care who is or isn't flying unless it affected their remodeling goals. For instance, the government of Thailand doesn't like the backpacker image, they only want high-end tourism. So they are using covid as an excuse to that end. "Because of covid we can't allow this." "Because of covid we can't allow that", etc. Obvious bullshit to anyone who has kept up on the data on how impractical it actually is to stop covid's spread, but it's all too easy to get everyone to go along with it. At least in the West there's 30% (or whatever it is) who aren't covidiots.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by flowerthief00 »

publicduende wrote:
December 26th, 2021, 8:29 pm
Covid restrictions and travel bans have not only almost destroyed the tourism and airline industries of the affected countries but - most tragically - one of the few outlets permitted to the middle class. I guess whoever masterminded this knew that sheeple is more sheeple is is forced to stay at home, in an incessant routine of work, junk food and Netflix.

If this kind of lifestyle changes are not detrimental to their immune system, I don't know what it is.
Also, the evidence is strong that Vitamin D protects against covid. Travel bans, lockdowns, and, yes, mask-wearing all work against that protection. Inexcusable that we're crippling the developing immune systems of children.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by gsjackson »

Not just the immune systems of children are being cashiered, but the very process of individuation, of developing a sense of self. For 100 years it's been generally accepted that this process takes place primarily by seeing yourself reacted to in the faces of others, ideally loving parents and others of good will. Now what do children see in the half-masked faces of adults? Fear. Again and again and again the message to fear other people is being hammered home. I can't even imagine what it must be like to be growing up in this dark time. Everything once considered healthy is being trashed.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by publicduende »

flowerthief00 wrote:
December 30th, 2021, 2:14 pm
Also, the evidence is strong that Vitamin D protects against covid. Travel bans, lockdowns, and, yes, mask-wearing all work against that protection. Inexcusable that we're crippling the developing immune systems of children.
Absolutely. Which is why, in the Philippines, Covid cases were virtually all reported in the big cities, among those who spend their days in a neon-lit office. Outside urban areas, where boys and men practically live barechested and under the sun, Covid is unheard of.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by Yohan » ... eid=yhoof2

I never expected to retire to Panama — but we are living ‘very comfortably’ on $1,200 a month
Kris Cunningham never expected to be living in Panama. When her husband, Joel, started talking about retiring to Central America, “I thought he had lost his mind.” She didn’t have a passport and had never been abroad.

But after nine years of living in David, a city of 83,000 near the Pacific Ocean and close to the border with Costa Rica, “we are super happy here,” the 69-year-old says. “It’s worked out beyond my wildest expectations.”
I think to retire in Latin America is nowadays more attractive for people from USA, less for people from Europe. Personally I was never interested into that region.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by Yohan »

flowerthief00 wrote:
December 30th, 2021, 2:14 pm
Also, the evidence is strong that Vitamin D protects against covid. Travel bans, lockdowns, and, yes, mask-wearing all work against that protection.
Small amounts of additional Vitamin D have some positive effects, but if you take a huge amount of it like some anti-vaxxer idiots, you might end up with vitamin D poisoning in the hospital. An overdose of Vitamin D is causing nausea and vomiting, weakness, bone pain and kidney problems.
Instead of suffering of covid-19 you will need corticosteroids and bisphosphonates to recover.

I consider travel bans and lockdowns not as useless but they are an exaggerated reaction of some governments.
We never had a lockdown or travel ban within Japan.

Face masks, cleaning frequently your hands, distance from others, clean restrooms. good ventilation, not shaking hands or hugs for greetings, transparent partitions in restaurants or between cashier and customer in supermarkets and similar places are useful to reduce infection.

Also useful are some electronic devices, like some kind of air cleaners which can filter out and kill viruses.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by Yohan »

publicduende wrote:
December 30th, 2021, 8:15 pm the Philippines, Covid cases were virtually all reported in the big cities, among those who spend their days in a neon-lit office. Outside urban areas, where boys and men practically live barechested and under the sun, Covid is unheard of.
Who knows? In Philippines in rural areas and on small islands people often do not have a birth certificate and no address and of course also no health insurance and not to talk about all these millions of homeless living somewhere in a cemetery or under the bridge or in impoverished Muslim areas in Southern Philippines which can hardly be controlled by the government.

No Philippine authority is even able to count them all and nobody cares anyway about these people except some charities sometimes, but still Philippines reports approx. 3 times more covid-19 deaths than Japan.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by MrMan »

If you don't want a vaccine and you are a US citizen, staying in the US may allow you to not get a vaccine. Some states have taken a stand against Biden to some extent with the government overreach, IMO, with the vaccine mandates. I do not know what the SCOTUS would do, but federal vax mandates for non-federal employees seems to me to be a violation of the 10th amendment since federal vaccines is not a power given to the federal government according to the Constitution.

There are probably some countries one could get to that allow for personal medical freedom when it comes to vaccines, but it can be hard to fly to get there without a vaccine these days.

At some point, maybe the Covid strains will die out unless they keep calling every seasonal flu a dangerous Covid variant every year for a while to stretch it out. But at some point, that would become ridiculous.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by Yohan »

MrMan wrote:
January 1st, 2022, 6:22 pm
At some point, maybe the Covid strains will die out unless they keep calling every seasonal flu a dangerous Covid variant every year for a while to stretch it out. But at some point, that would become ridiculous.
Yes, true, covid-19 will also change to a harmless virus similar to the Spanish flu which is now the seasonal flu.
Likely there will be a combination of vaccine in one single shot for both in future, or maybe even oral vaccine in 1 to 2 years.
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Re: Reasons Men Should Leave America

Post by Yohan »

For sure you should leave USA quickly when you noticed your life might end up in a car park, Don't wait too long.... just leave to somewhere abroad, as long as you still have some money.

I am not from the States, so I cannot say if this documentary is true, exaggerated and not that bad or if USA is even worse as presented in this report, which was not produced by US-citizens, but from the European point of view.
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