Isn't it better to worship LUCIFER if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

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Isn't it better to worship LUCIFER if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Winston »

Hey Christians,

I got a taboo and disturbing question about Lucifer vs Jesus. If Lucifer or Satan is the God of this world, then doesn't it make more sense to worship him or serve him, than Jesus or Jehovah? Wouldn't serving Lucifer/Satan get you more tangible rewards and benefits since he owns and runs this world? Think about it. The basic logic makes sense. After all, it does seem that all actors, politicians, CEOs, industry giants, athletes, musicians, and entertainers are worshipping Lucifer/Satan nowadays, and they are rich and famous. So it seems that if you want your dreams, desires, and ambitions to come true, you have to worship Lucifer, the God of this world, right? For mountains of proof, check out this video series by Altiyan Childs, a former Freemason. He shows you hundreds of photos, videos, and quotes for 5 hours, that all public figures worship Lucifer/Satan. Here's the playlist of his whole series on Freemasonry and Lucifer/Satan: ... 9kN3gOHEbx

In contrast, what do you get for worshipping Jesus, who is not the God of this unjust and oppressive world and obviously not running it (or else Hollywood would be pro-Jesus)? As a genuine follower of Jesus, you get suffering and poverty, and you have to remain chaste and celibate unless you are married. And you may end up dying as a martyr, like many Biblical prophets and many of Jesus' disciples did. You don't get fulfillment of your dreams or desires. You don't get what you want and instead you get punished with suffering. So what's the point right? Think about it.

Even if following Jesus gets you into the Christian heaven in the afterlife, you could just spend an eternity playing a harp on a cloud or in a meadow, worshipping and singing praises to God, and not getting your desires, dreams, and wishes fulfilled either. Is that what you want? Wouldn't that bore you to death for all eternity? You would be there worshipping God all day 24/7, kissing his butt, and being his slave and servant. You would be serving someone else in other words, and not getting your desires fulfilled. Just like in the Star Trek Voyager episode "Coda" where Captain Janeway almost gets tricked into a false heaven matrix where she would be used to nourish and serve another entity. There's no guarantee that going to the Christian heaven will get you what you want. There's no evidence that the Christian God even cares about your dreams and desires, only in you being SUBSERVIENT to his will, NOT yours. So you may end up just being a servant and slave there in the Christian heaven, with no freedom to do whatever you want or freethought to think whatever you want. Would that really be what you wanted? So if you think about it, it doesn't seem like a good deal does it?

It's no wonder then why the rich and famous prefer to worship Lucifer rather than Jesus. You can't blame them right? Because Lucifer gives them tangible benefits, and the fame, fortune, and power they want. But Jesus gives them nothing but suffering, poverty, chastity, and maybe a martyr's death without making any of their dreams and wishes come true. And there's no guarantee what the afterlife with Jesus will be like. It could be a total slave existence for all eternity with no freedom or freethought, and none of your dreams and desires fulfilled. So isn't it far more profitable and rewarding to worship/serve Lucifer rather than Jesus?

I know all this is taboo and blasphemous to think about it like this. But you gotta wonder right? Isn't this a logical and valid question?
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Re: Christians, Isn't it more sensible/beneficial to worship Lucifer if he's the God of this world than Jesu

Post by Winston »

Another disturbing but honest question for you. If Satan/Lucifer is the God of this world, then that means he could easily deceive you and pose as Jesus or the Christian God too right? It's HIS matrix after all, so he can easily pose as anyone - a beautiful woman, a priest, an angel, a movie, money, material desires, toxic people, even Jesus himself. Right? If so then you are screwed right? Because whoever you pray to, the devil can hear and reply to you and pose as your God, even if you're praying to Jesus. It's HIS world and matrix, so he can do it right?

The thing is, if you study history, it seems that Lucifer or the devil ALWAYS WINS. The evil powers that be and their corrupt power structure always wins and gets their way. Christians NEVER WIN and NEVER get their way in this world. History shows this again and again and again ad nauseum. For example, see the history series by Oliver Stone called "The Untold History of the United States". All the episodes are free to watch on YouTube. Also see Howard Zinn's book "A People's History of the United States". You will be appalled and horrified at how much evil, injustice, oppression, and deception has occurred in the 20th Century. It's worse than you think. When you see the truth about the last 200 years of world history, you will see that time and time again that EVIL/SATAN ALWAYS WINS! I'm sure Christians prayed to prevent WWI and WWII and the Vietnam War and the Bolshevik Holocaust in Russia, to no avail. So the bad guys ALWAYS WIN and Christians ALWAYS LOSE. That's the fact. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but this is the fact of history. Study it and you will see.

So aren't you delusional and vain and wrong when you keep claiming that Jesus is stronger than Lucifer and that he will come back and win, when he never does? People have said that for over 2000 years but it NEVER happens. And even if a second coming of Jesus did happen, since this is Lucifer's matrix, as many truthers admit, then the second coming of Jesus would just be Lucifer in disguise. Because Jesus isn't the God of the material world, Lucifer is, so if any messiah or savior returns to rule the world, it would be Lucifer disguised as Jesus right?

The Divine Secret Garden book series even admits this. See here: The second book and audiobook goes into detail about this. It makes sense since Lucifer owns the material world, not Jesus, so Jesus cannot come back to establish a 1000 year millenial reign. Only Lucifer and his NWO can establish a thousand year reign like that. So everything is the REVERSE of what you Christians think, and the Illuminati/Freemasons are laughing at how dumb and foolish and deceived you are behind your back. They know that YOU are the one who got played into the fool, yet you assume that they are the ones who will be defeated by Jesus in the end, when the truth is the exact opposite it seems.

Look at the elites and at the rich and famous celebrities. They seem to worship Lucifer and put 666s, horned god hand signs, and the all seeing eye in their music videos, posters, movies, concerts, etc. In the playlist above, there are hundreds of examples, mountains of proof. So worshipping Lucifer seems to reward them with money, fame, status, success, etc. In contrast, what do you get for worshipping Jesus? You get FALSE HOPE, suffering, poverty, chastity (no sex outside of marriage, or very little sex at least), and you may be martyred too, like many of the Bible prophets and early Christians were in Rome.

When I say FALSE HOPE, I mean that the Christian religion appears to have been created to placate the oppressed masses (such as black slaves in 19th Century America) and keep them meek and pacifist so that they can endure their oppression for another week until next Sunday when church gives them false hope again. It seems very useful in that way. It is false hope because no matter how many centuries go by, Jesus never comes to liberate anyone who is oppressed from the elite. Nothing ever changes. The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer and the politicians spin the same BS and make false promises and nothing ever changes. That's the grim reality. Christianity and Jesus never changes that. Deep down you know that but you keep denying and telling yourself that "Jesus will come back someday and liberate everyone and establish paradise on Earth" but that's lying to yourself and is giving yourself false hope and you know it.

Think about this: If you were the power elite and you needed to manage the oppressed slaves and masses and keep them in line, wouldn't you use religion to give them FALSE HOPE and placate them so they can endure their oppression another day? Of course you would. That would be the logical move. So don't you think the elites and controllers do just that? You would do it if you were them too, after all. Admit it. Come on. Get real. As Karl Marx said: "Religion is the opiate of the masses."

So the bottom line is that if you worship Lucifer or whoever the God of this world is (It certainly doesn't seem to be Jesus or any good God, that's for sure), you have a chance to get rewarded with the things you desire, such as riches, fame, success, power, status, etc. Just like celebrities and politicians and entertainers get. But if you worship Jesus you get suffering, poverty, FALSE HOPE, and maybe even martyrdom. Isn't it a no brainer which is better? How can you continue on in your vain beliefs and delusions then? Have you thought about this? I'm not trying to rain on your parade or condone evil, but this is the truth and bare facts right?

However, the good news is that nothing is 100 percent good or evil, as Christians wrongly assume. Even if Lucifer rules this world, he must have a good and bad side. Everything in the physical world is a duality of opposites and a balance must be maintained, just like in the Chinese Ying Yang symbol. So Lucifer or the devil must have a good side too. It's kind of like the Roman Empire, which was cruel, brutal, and violent, but could be kind and generous to you if you were obedient and useful to it. And could be lenient sometimes too if you begged for forgiveness and agree to turn from your rebellious ways. The God of the Old Testament was similar to the Roman Empire too, he could be good and kind, but also evil and brutal and violent. So even the God in the OT Bible was both good and bad, far from perfect.

So if you think about it, God and Satan aren't as different as you think they are. In the book of Job, God and Satan were a tag team, and in the Garden of Eden, God and Satan seemed to work together to set up Adam and Eve for the fall. So they don't seem to be that different. The Divine Secret Garden book series makes a good case for that too. Because the God of this world -- whether he's Lucifer or Satan or an Alien or just an A.I. system that runs the matrix or simulation we are in -- can play both sides and be both God and Satan, whatever he needs to be. Just like the power elite can be Democrat or Republican, whatever it needs to be.

So contrary to Christian doctrine and mythology, Lucifer cannot be 100 percent evil or bad. He must have a good side too, just like everyone else. Even Hitler had a good side, so it's naive to think that anything or anyone is 100 percent evil. I guess that's the only good news here that you can take from this.

Now, not everyone agrees that Lucifer is an entity or being. Some say that Lucifer is a principle of selfishness and materialism, aka "the left hand path". Some say that the devil is simply the dark side of our collective unconscious combined, like a giant tulpa created by the dark side of human consciousness. Others say that Lucifer is the entire matrix simulation we live in, which exists to deceive us, parasite off us, enslave us, oppress us, and extract loosh energy off us. So Lucifer is like an A.I. system that runs this matrix, kind of like the central computer at the end of the third Matrix movie. I don't know which of these theories is the truth. However, either way, Lucifer must contain good and bad, to maintain a balance between opposites in a dualistic matrix. So he cannot be all bad, contrary to what Christians think.

What do you guys think?
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Re: Christians, Isn't it more sensible/beneficial to worship Lucifer if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Winston »

@MrMan can you address the disturbing questions above? lol

Check out this film "Lucifer Rising" from 1972 by Kenneth Anger. It's about Egyptian Gods summoning Lucifer to usher in a new occult age. It's supposed to be very artistic and esoteric. Here's the full film on YouTube. It's only 30 min. So is Lucifer coming to rule the New Age or NWO? If so, how come you all aren't worshipping him or conforming to his NWO? lol

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Re: Christians, Isn't it more sensible/beneficial to worship Lucifer if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Cornfed »

Obviously lots of people agree with the premise of this thread, as evidenced by the fact that they sold their souls, such as they were, by getting the covaids injection, asking only that they be able to continue with their pointless, shitty lives as they were in return.

The obvious reasons for not doing so are that the Devil is not going to give you a square deal and you are trading your potentially immortal soul for fleeting crap. The reason life is not all beer and skittles for the saints is that this is like boot camp for the soul as well as an opportunity to participate with God as a partner in creation, and you are not going to be able to improve or contribute anything of value if you are not challenged in any way.
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Re: Christians, Isn't it more sensible/beneficial to worship Lucifer if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by gsjackson »

Cornfed wrote:
November 5th, 2021, 10:08 pm
Obviously lots of people agree with the premise of this thread, as evidenced by the fact that they sold their souls, such as they were, by getting the covaids injection, asking only that they be able to continue with their pointless, shitty lives as they were in return.

The obvious reasons for not doing so are that the Devil is not going to give you a square deal and you are trading your potentially immortal soul for fleeting crap. The reason life is not all beer and skittles for the saints is that this is like boot camp for the soul as well as an opportunity to participate with God as a partner in creation, and you are not going to be able to improve or contribute anything of value if you are not challenged in any way.
Good answer, Corn. Good to see you left your lolbertarian cynicism in the past. Though getting the jab is usually a matter of stupidity rather than a conscious deal with the devil, the inability to see the devil at work today and have your guard up constitutes stupidity likely to the point of self abnegation.
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Re: Christians, Isn't it more sensible/beneficial to worship Lucifer if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by TruthSeeker »

Matthew 4
8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

The devil is a liar anyway. I don't think he could have provided all these things. I've heard of Rock Stars who make a deal with the devil and they get it for a while but after they usually get strung out on drugs and die of an overdose or are brought to financial ruin. I think there have been a few actors like that too.
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Re: Christians, Isn't it more sensible/beneficial to worship Lucifer if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Cornfed »

TruthSeeker wrote:
November 6th, 2021, 7:22 am
The devil is a liar anyway. I don't think he could have provided all these things. I've heard of Rock Stars who make a deal with the devil and they get it for a while but after they usually get strung out on drugs and die of an overdose or are brought to financial ruin. I think there have been a few actors like that too.
Or look at Joe Biden. He sold his soul to the Devil in order to be POTUS and technically the Devil delivered, only Joe is not still around to see it. His earthly shell is now being ritually humiliated while his soul is probably already being tormented in Hell. Literally everyone hates sell-outs and traitors, including the Devil and his minions posing as law enforcement.
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Re: Christians, Isn't it more sensible/beneficial to worship Lucifer if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by gsjackson »

Cornfed wrote:
November 6th, 2021, 8:41 am
TruthSeeker wrote:
November 6th, 2021, 7:22 am
The devil is a liar anyway. I don't think he could have provided all these things. I've heard of Rock Stars who make a deal with the devil and they get it for a while but after they usually get strung out on drugs and die of an overdose or are brought to financial ruin. I think there have been a few actors like that too.
Or look at Joe Biden. He sold his soul to the Devil in order to be POTUS and technically the Devil delivered, only Joe is not still around to see it. His earthly shell is now being ritually humiliated while his soul is probably already being tormented in Hell. Literally everyone hates sell-outs and traitors, including the Devil and his minions posing as law enforcement.
On the other hand, look at Dick Cheney. He's performed yeoman service for the devil over the decades, and appears to have struck a strong bargain from a longevity standpoint. Even a few years ago he was the only American still living who had a heart attack in the '70s, and he had several more after the first one. Of course, he has to live as a reptile with ruined health. With luck, he, Kissinger and Soros will head down for their long-merited reward soon.
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Re: Christians, Isn't it more sensible/beneficial to worship Lucifer if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Winston »

Cornfed wrote:
November 5th, 2021, 10:08 pm
Obviously lots of people agree with the premise of this thread, as evidenced by the fact that they sold their souls, such as they were, by getting the covaids injection, asking only that they be able to continue with their pointless, shitty lives as they were in return.

The obvious reasons for not doing so are that the Devil is not going to give you a square deal and you are trading your potentially immortal soul for fleeting crap. The reason life is not all beer and skittles for the saints is that this is like boot camp for the soul as well as an opportunity to participate with God as a partner in creation, and you are not going to be able to improve or contribute anything of value if you are not challenged in any way.
But those who get the jab are doing it because they think it's the safe choice. It's not a decision to sell their soul or follow Lucifer.

Even with celebrities, I'm not sure all of them sell their soul directly. It could be metaphorical. Very few people, if any, would make a literal pact with the devil. But Katy Perry did say once in an interview that her pact with the devil was literal, not metaphorical. Not sure if she was serious.

But not all celebrities and rock stars and actors die young of drug overdose or mysterious circumstances. Some live long and happy lives, such as George Burns or Kirk Douglas or Christopher Plummer, which were very lovable characters of course. Some live to be 90 or 100 years old. Maybe they didn't make any pact with the dark side? Can't some celebrities be clean and good?

Also, some celebrities have no drug issues. Tom Cruise has always been anti-drug and never had a drug abuse problem. How do you explain that? Is it because he is more useful to the entertainment industry, while others who abused drugs and died such as Michael Jackson or Elvis Presley, tried to rebel and reneg on their contract, so they paid the penalty? Why aren't they all the same? Is it because the compliant ones get treated better?

You are also assuming that eventually in the end, God or Jesus will come back and end Satan's reign and then all the good people will live happily ever after. But what if that's a false hope and delusion? What if there is no God higher than Lucifer/Satan? That's a disturbing question. But you can't really know, can you? What if Lucifer is the highest God and gives you false hope that he will be defeated someday, but it's just a necessary delusion to pacify the slaves? I know that's a terrible thought but how do you know it's not true? What if it is? If this is Lucifer's world, he can play any role, even pose as God or Jesus right? We can't know for sure that there is some good God that is above Lucifer. We all like to think that, but we cannot know if that's true or not right? Did you ever consider that?

Plus Lucifer is not necessarily the devil or Satan. Lucifer just means "bringer of light". In the Bible, Jesus is also called "bringer of light". So Lucifer could be playing the role of good and bad, both sides of the matrix, just like the power elite in America play Democrat and Republican, right? That's why there is a lot of debate about whether Lucifer is Satan or not and why it's so unclear and oonfusing, because perhaps Lucifer has multiple meanings and plays multiple roles. Some call Lucifer a principle or the material world or the matrix itself.

How do you know what's really true? These are all just educated guesses and speculation right? I'm not trying to condone evil, just asking honest questions and pondering the possibilities.
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Re: Christians, Isn't it more sensible/beneficial to worship Lucifer if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Winston »

Dude, no one is gonna click on videos without any title or description. Would you? Next time please post titles or descriptions of the videos you link. No one likes links with no description or title. Thanks.
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Re: Christians, Isn't it more beneficial to worship Lucifer if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Winston »

TruthSeeker wrote:
November 6th, 2021, 7:22 am
Matthew 4
8 Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

The devil is a liar anyway. I don't think he could have provided all these things. I've heard of Rock Stars who make a deal with the devil and they get it for a while but after they usually get strung out on drugs and die of an overdose or are brought to financial ruin. I think there have been a few actors like that too.
Doesn't that work against your claim? Had Jesus listened to the devil, he would not have ended up being crucified right? Who wants that? Isn't that a bad example? Had he listened to the devil, he might have lived a good comfortable life with many pleasures and riches, right? Doesn't this work against your claim?

Sure some rock stars die young of drugs, suicide, or mysterious circumstances, like Kurt Cobain. But not all. Paul McCartney didn't and has lived a long healthy life. Barbra Streisand is fine too. How do you explain that? Some actors also live long happy lives too, like George Burns, Christopher Plummer, Kirk Douglas, etc. How do you explain that? And even the hated Bill Gates has a rich and comfortable life. He hasn't suffered anything for serving the dark side right?

Either way, isn't it better than being poor, suffering, and martyred like Jesus and some of his disciples were?

Even if you got to go to Jesus' heaven, you could be very bored there. There's no mention or promise of sex, or even getting your dreams and wishes fulfilled there. You may be there as a slave in heaven with no freedom. It might be as boring as living in a monastery, even if it is peaceful. After a while, you may ask God to let you leave and return you to Earth since heaven isn't what you thought it was. Unlike the Muslim heaven, the Christian heaven does not promise you 72 virgins or even any sex at all. So you may not even like heaven after a while. You may not even have any freedom in heaven, or be allowed to think for yourself. As Milton said: "Better to reign in hell, than serve in heaven."

Can you imagine singing praises to God on a harp for all eternity? Wouldn't you eventually get tired of that and want to go back to Earth? Wouldn't you go up to God and say: "Look I appreciate being here and all, it's very nice, but I'm bored to death. Can I return to Earth? Can you incarnate me back on Earth? At least there I have some freedom, and things happen, not like here. And I can have sex again. Would that be alright?"

Have any of you considered that? lol. Who knows, maybe that's what does happen, those in heaven eventually get bored with no growth and nothing happening and no experiences and no sex, so they eventually incarnate back on Earth? lol. If so, we are trapped in a neverending cycle of the grass being greener on the other side right? lol. Hinduism and Buddhism even says that's what happens in our cycles of existence, and that even those that go to heaven, come back down again and get reborn into the cycle again, because even heaven or paradise gets stale after a while and you have no opportunity to grow. Sucks doesn't it? We all imagine that what we want is to "live happily ever after" but what if there's no such thing?
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Re: Christians, Isn't it more sensible/beneficial to worship Lucifer if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Cornfed »

Winston wrote:
November 6th, 2021, 2:34 pm
But those who get the jab are doing it because they think it's the safe choice. It's not a decision to sell their soul or follow Lucifer.
If true then since such people are obviously too stupid to make basic life decisions for themselves, it is a matter of whose council they choose. Most of them had ample opportunities to take Godly advice from people calling out the scamdemic hoax but instead they sided with the Satanists, although their premature departure back to the Hell that spawned them would seem to be in the interests of all concerned.
But not all celebrities and rock stars and actors die young of drug overdose or mysterious circumstances. Some live long and happy lives, such as George Burns or Kirk Douglas or Christopher Plummer, which were very lovable characters of course. Some live to be 90 or 100 years old.
It may be that with most things some people just happen to negotiate a better deal with the devil than others. On the one end you have your feeble covaids lemmings who only ask that they keep their crappy jobs or whatever and won't even get that, while on the other you have the likes of David Rockefeller, who went through six new hearts and lived for over a century before having his debt called in.
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Re: Isn't it more beneficial to worship Lucifer if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Winston »

Did you guys know that Lucifer worship and homage is all over our culture and movies? It's hidden in plain sight. Let me show you some examples that will blow your mind:

- The movie "Lucy" from 2014 starring Scarlet Johansson where she plays a woman who develops omnipotent God-like powers is clearly an homage to Lucifer, since Lucy is a variation of Lucifer. This might seem like a coincidence, but when you see how common Lucy and Luke are in movies, you will think again.

- Luke in Star Wars is a variation of Lucifer, the light bringer, since Luke represents the light side of the Force. Skywalker also refers to the Sun God that the elite worship too, since the Sun walks in the sky. The creator of Star Wars, George Lucas, was a student of Joseph Campbell and knew a lot of esoteric mythology. He didn't choose the names in Star Wars by chance, like conspiracy deniers would assume. And of course, George Lucas' last name also sounds like Lucifer. Is that a coincidence too? I think not.

- Jean Claude Van Damme's character in the Universal Soldier movies is also named "Luc". Watch the movies and you will see.

- The classic comedy show "I Love Lucy" with Lucille Ball is also obvious. By watching the show, you are saying that you love Lucifer, which the elite want of course.

- The modern detective show "Lucifer" is also obvious. Not surprisingly it's popular and well loved, since the masses love Lucifer.

- The famous missing link bones that have been passed off as the missing link between man and primates was also named "Lucy" if you remember. It was proven a fraud of course. But this just goes to show that the doctrine of Evolution is Luciferian. Do you think those missing link bones were named "Lucy" by pure chance, as if drawn out of a lot? I don't think so.

- In the movie "Tron Legacy" the villain is also named CLU, which is an anagram for LUC. LUC is a variation of Lucifer of course. In fact the villain plays the role of Lucifer in betraying the Creator and becoming fallen and rebellious and a tyrant. Coincidence? I think not. Not when taken in conjunction with all the above.

- The major trust fund of the United Nations is Lucis Trust. It says so on their website and is a fact. Lucis Trust was created by the Theosophy Society long ago, which honors Lucifer as the light bringer. This is well documented. Not a conspiracy theory. Again it's an obvious homage to Lucifer whom the elites worship and revere and is NOT coincidence or drawing names out of a lot by chance.

- Most movies, or a high percentage of them, begin and end with a sunrise or sunset. If you think about it, you will notice this. One example is "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" which begins and ends with a sunset/sunrise. That's no coincidence. Sun worship is a form of Lucifer worship, because Lucifer is the God of Light. Lucifer has many names though, he is also the Egyptian God Amen Ra, Aton/Aten, and the Christian God Yahweh and Jehovah as well. He is also called the Demiurge or Yaldabaoth to the Gnostics. So the connection goes deeper than you realize, if you do the research.

Yes this means that the Illuminati, Freemasons and Christians all worship the same God, the God of Light. The Illuminati and Freemasons know this, but the ignorant narrow minded Christians do not, so the joke is on them. Michael Tsarion notes this too in his lectures/interviews, and refers to the God of Light as the "Cult of Aton", which is the original root of the Illuminati and Christianity. Christianity is surely Sun worship. Not only is Jesus the Son/Sun of God, and Christians worship on SUNday the day of the Sun, but Christian churches often contain the Sunrise image in their logo. And in fact Christian art and architecture often show Jesus with the rising Sun, and have for centuries. If you watch Jordan Maxwell's presentations, he shows you thousands of examples of this. So it cannot be denied. The connection is well established and provable, hidden in plain sight. In fact, Jesus is also referred to in the Bible as "the bringer of light" so he has the same title as Lucifer does. Very disturbing.

So basically, the elite worship both the God of Light and the God of Darkness (Satan/Set). That's how they rule the world, by worshiping both polarities of everything, good and evil. That's why they sponsor both sides of every conflict and every war. That's why the US government sponsors the drug cartels, mafia, and terrorists too, because without them, the government is out of a job. Kind of like how a movie director has to create both Batman and the Joker in Batman movies, otherwise both characters are out of a job and the movie will have no meaning or purpose. So both sides are controlled by the same hand, not just by the ruling elites and bankers, but by Lucifer and the Demiurge, the God of this world, as well. That's how this crazy world works, and why everything is upside down and nothing makes sense. That's why everything in this world is a mix of good and bad, truth and lies, including the Bible and even all of us humans too. The ruling elite are the agents of Lucifer or the Demiurge, which owns this matrix we are in, and they do his bidding. The God of this world supports and funds good and evil, BOTH, not just good as the Christians claim. And that's why the ruling elite do just that, in accordance with the Demiurge's will, order, and command. The purpose of all this is to keep us TRAPPED in the matrix, between polarities such as good and evil, in a neverending cycle of illusion. It's the "game of black and white" as Alan Watts called it. This is why nearly every movie contains the theme of a battle of good vs evil, good guys vs bad guys, especially religions like Christianity, so we are trapped in the polarity of the matrix, which is built on polarity opposites that trap us on both sides.

This is one of the main secrets of the secret societies and ruling elites. If you become a 33rd degree Freemason, you will know such secrets. This may be odd to the average person, but to initiates of mystery schools and to the Illuminati, this is standard doctrine. Not for the profane masses though. If you want to see thousands of examples of the elite, media, and Hollywood worshipping both Lucifer and Satan, which represent two polarities of light and darkness, see the 5 hour video series by Altiyan Childs: ... 9kN3gOHEbx

What do you guys think? Isn't all this very disturbing and mind blowing? This is definitely Lucifer's matrix that we live in. The elite don't worship him for nothing. The masses worship him too, through religions like Christianity and Catholicism. If you research this deeply you will see all this. It's very disturbing isn't it? Who is on our side then? Is there any higher God than Lucifer? If so, how do we know? What if Lucifer is behind everything, since he controls both good and bad polarities, and Satan is his lapdog or another side of him? Then aren't we all screwed and imprisoned in the matrix forever? Scary thought huh?

If this is true, then doesn't it make it hard for you to sleep at night? It may not be what you wanna hear, but all this FITS the world we see. Sherlock Holmes would tell you that the best theory is the one that FITS the data, not the theory you like. So logically we have to go with the theory that best fits the data, even if it's disturbing and not the "positivity cult message" that Americans like to hear. Regardless this explanation explains a lot of mysteries and puzzles that religion, New Age, and atheism cannot explain. Because none of them can explain why God allows evil, suffering, injustice and corruption to exist in this world, and why he does nothing about it. But this theory does.

What do you all think?

@publicduende did you know all this? What's your take on why the elite worship Lucifer so much? Do you agree with my points and examples above?
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Re: Isn't it more beneficial to worship Lucifer if he's the God of this world than Jesus?

Post by Winston »

If anyone here is a brave truth seeker and willing to stomach disturbing red pill truths, and wants to understand how and why Lucifer controls this matrix and plays the role of both God and Satan in this world, controlling both sides, how and why he created this matrix, how the matrix reality is run, how we got there, why we are here and why we suffer, I recommend the Divine Secret Garden audiobook series by John V. Panella. It was recommended by a guy I listen to named Robert Stanley. His website is I got the DSG audiobooks from which hosted all the content for free, however the site is down, so I put them up for you all on my Google Drive at the link below. This is like a modern Gnostic Bible that is very extensive and detailed and covers a lot of ground. ... sp=sharing

This is very long though. There are 8 audiobooks that are 7 to 8 hours each, totaling around 60 hours. So this is very long but well worth it if you are a serious truth seeker. I recommend downloading the mp3 files I put up above to your phone or computer so you can listen to it throughout the day while you are doing other stuff. The voice is computerized but easy to understand and not as bad as most computerized voices, so it's tolerable. I converted the audio files to 32 kpbs bit rate so they are the minimal in size with fair audio quality. Each audiobook is around 100 MB and altogether the whole collection is about 900 MB just so you know, so that's how much space on your phone this will take if you wanna download the whole thing. You can also listen to the whole series on YouTube at this playlist: ... fps3bTdtgw

Be warned though: This is NOT New Age positivity and love claptrap at all. These are DARK and DISTURBING truths that are frightening and may make you feel sick and cause you to lose sleep at night. So this is not for the faint at heart. After all, red pill truths are not usually consequence free. I am not claiming that every detail in this series is true or accurate, but the gist of the thesis of the DSG is one of the few that make sense and explains a lot of mysteries. It FITS what we see in this world, unlike other beliefs and paradigms. It explains many mysteries and unanswerable questions that Christianity, New Age, and religions in general have never been able to explain. Hence it is worth hearing out if you are serious truth seeker wanting to know the truth about why this matrix exists, why we are here, and why we suffer, etc. However, if you don't like disturbing and scary truths, then don't listen to this lest you may regret it later.

I've always felt that if the truth about this world were truly known, it would be very disturbing and not what we like at all. If DSG is true, then I was right all along.

There is a lot of content and truth bombshells in the DSG that are mind blowing and make sense, but disturbing. It is nearly 60 hours long so I cannot explain all of it. But I will try to explain the gist of it in a nutshell and highlight some main points from it later in another post. If you do not like disturbing truths though, then don't read it. Just skip over it.
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"It takes far less effort to find and move to the society that has what you want than it does to try to reconstruct an existing society to match your standards." - Harry Browne
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