Are New Age Western Women any better? Why don't they date me if we're on the same wavelength?

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Re: Are New Age Western Women Any Better?

Post by Nell »

I'm part of the New Age/Spiritualist/Pagan group, & let me tell you that all of these New Age females are nothing more than egotistical little girls in women's bodies. I find them to be very shallow & just plain dumb overall. Their education is based on the memes that they read on Facebook, while following articles that are often written by Teal Swan (who's a fraud btw), Infinite Waters (Ralph Smart, who's also a New Age fraud) & from websites like Collective Evolution & Spirit Science. They may not be bitter, but they're STILL FEMINISTS at heart. Most of these New Age women are all about this Divine Feminine bullcrap, but don't realize that the New Age movement is just basic western occultism mixed w/ Hindusim & Buddhism philosophies & petty teachings. The primary aims of the New Age movement are to heavily promote moral relativism (as the "tolerance" part of the New Age movement is to help break down societal moral & ethical norms) & to instill Monism, the belief that there are no distinctions in reality whatsoever. All is one, one is all is what these New Age nutcases think. New Age women are the brainless hippies of this generation. They've rejected common sense & critical thinking in favor of having a "feel-good" belief system. Again, this is my summary of the New Age group of women based on my own personal experiences & observations.
Even the most feminine woman from any western nation is equal to the most androgynous woman an any non-western country.

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Re: Are New Age Western Women Any Better?

Post by Winston »

This is true Nell. New age is also about the belief that man can become God and create their own reality. Which is very luciferian. Christians like Adama sharply rebuke it. Thats why their popular mantra is "you create your own reality".

It does sort of promote moral relativism. But it also promotes karma so it preaches that doing bad things will reap bad consequences. Karma is part of Buddhism and Hinduism. So new age tells you not to harm others of course.

But Nell, why are you a part of new age then? It must have some value or truth. Every religion contains some truth or else it wouldn't attract people to it. Its just that it distorts this truth and mixes it with BS.

I think new age spirituality is good for inner peace, reducing stress and controlling your anger and negativity. It can help with self control too and all that. But the BS part is when it comes to The Secret and law of attraction, which claims that you can manifest wealth and anything you want just by visualizing it and commanding the universe to do your bidding. That makes no sense.

Plus its easy to debunk by asking one question: name anyone who became successful by using the law of attraction. Just one. They cant name anyone. If you study the biography of any successful person you find multiple factors in their success, and some of the factors are out of our control and not something the average person has. Thats reality. You are not in control of everything. Most things are out of our control. Not just in the external world, but internal as well. For instance one cannot simply choose to be a genius and talented like thomas edison was. Its something you are born with. Or choose to be a Mozart or Einstein. Thats not under our control. You dont choose who you are.

That being said, i am a spiritual person and believe in spirituality. But not the way its packaged in the new age movement.

I also hate how new agers always say that the solution and answer to all the worlds problems is to "love yourself and love each other". Solutions are never that simple. Its become a cliche to say that. But such a mantra is useless and accomplishes nothing. Yet people love to hear that for some reason. They love to hear "love each other" as if its the final answer to everything. Kind of stupid and useless. Yet people will pay just to hear that. Its weird.

In reality one cannot love everyone, or even like everyone. We all love some and do not love others. We all like some and dislike others. Its human nature. Even God likes some and dislikes others. There are plenty of Bible stories to show that. No one loves everyone, even if they say they do. Its not realistic at all. Nor is it human nature. And anything that goes against human nature ultimately fails. Thats what liberals dont understand. So the mantra "love each other" doesnt do anything. We all love our loved ones and family already. Im sure its important for families to love each other. Sure, that is human nature to love your family. But one cannot love the whole world as if the world is our family. Thats BS and unnatural and unrealistic. Yet new agers believe its possible. But the problem is that belief does not create reality. So they keep failing again and again, and claiming that their belief is just not yet strong enough to manifest the reality. Lol.
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Re: Are New Age Western Women Any Better?

Post by Winston »

Btw Nell, i agree that teal swan and ralph smart are full of BS. But what about the big new age gurus like deepak chopra? If you listen to some of his stuff, it is good. He has a deep understanding of buddhism and hinduism. And he doesnt preach fake stuff like the law of attraction. So hes not like western new age gurus. He has some good spiritual teachings. But its mostly just rehashed buddhism and hinduism, which you can get in good books too.

But gurus like wayne dyer are another thing. They take a lot of quotes out of context during their lectures. And use a hodge podge of different quotes to try to prove new age cliches.

For instance they take the quote by buddha that "you become what you think" as proof that we create our own reality. Buddha never taught that we can create abundance by visualizing it. His goal was to get us to detach from desire to reduce suffering. Chopra acknowledges that but other western new age gurus dont. However Buddha, like Jesus, never wrote anything down himself so we dont know what he really said. And we cannot know for sure that he even really existed.

What do you think?
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Re: Are New Age Western Women Any Better?

Post by Winston »

Holy mackerel! Check out these two hot brunette girls talking about conspiracies, aliens, metaphysics, etc. Wow. I thought hot girls werent into this stuff since they have no need to look deeper and are too busy having fun and partying and clubbing. Lol

Their names are jenny moonstone and heidi vandenberg. They each have websites and do astrology readings. Including vedic astrology. Wow. Look how hot they are!

More videos of them.

Doesnt jenny moonstone look hot in this video?

Wow wouldn't you love to date them? Lol. Doesnt the name jenny moonstone sound so new agey and hokey? Lol

Their websites:

Isnt it hard to get used to that western woman voice again when youre used to sweet humble filipino girls? Lol. So even spiritual western girls have that know it all spoiled attitude like they are entitled. Lol.

How come those girls arent out clubbing and getting off on the stares they get from guys? Lol.

Do you think those girls would give good psychic readings? Or would they just give you that old "you need to fill yourself with white light and learn to love yourself" crap? Lol

I checked out their website. They dont list any prices. I wonder why. i assume they will charge. Do you think they will give us good readings especially when they find out we are abroad cause of easy women? Lol

I noticed the one named heidi looks a bit cold. Shes the skinnier one. Jenny moonstone has a warmer face but her smile looks kinda fake. They probably get a lot of attention in the truth movement cause they are hot chicks. Lol. If u were a chick you could put yourself out there on YouTube and get tons of attention from horny guys too. Even from the truth movement. Lol
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Re: Are New Age Western Women Any Better?

Post by Winston »

Guys, check this out. Not all new age western women are bad. Here is a good one that is wholesome, positive and spiritual. It's just that I'm not lucky to find someone like this or it isn't in my cards. She is a vegan chef, very holistic, and looks wholesome and radiant too. Not materialistic or shallow at all. She and I would have a lot in common obviously. Her name is Christa Clark and she runs a vegan blog. See her photos and video below.

As you can see, she's not the "bitch type" that you guys whine about who would treat men badly or ass rape them in court or abuse her power or create any of the horror stories you guys are so fond of. lol. Nor is she psycho. She looks very stable, down to earth, consistent, reliable, kind and nice. An ideal gem. So not all western women are as you guys say obviously. She's an example and living proof. This just goes to show that not all western women are as bad as you guys think. It's just that it ain't in our cards or luck or path to have any of them.



In a perfect and fair world, I would have had a western woman like this back in the 1990's. So why won't the universe allow it? Why didn't God let me have someone like this? What's the problem? If I did,then none of this HA stuff would have existed.

And even if I meet women like this, as soon as I ask them out, one of the following happens:

1) She says she has a boyfriend or husband. So she's taken.
2) She says she only likes me as a friend. In other words, I'm not her type physically, even if we have enough in common to be soulmates.
3) She says she just got out of a relationship and isn't looking to date anyone.
4) She says she's too busy and has no time for me or interest in me.
5) Or once in a blue moon, I'll get lucky and she will date me and like me too (like what happened with Danielle). It may start off great and become a steamy passionate relationship. I will be on cloud 9 for a while and in blissful nirvana. But after a few weeks, or less, she will suddenly do a 180 for no reason and dump me for trivial reasons, often by starting an unnecessary argument and using it as an excuse to break up, without offering any solution or remedy. It's as if these women don't enjoy peace, love and passion, but thrive on conflict and drama, so if you don't give them any, they will create it by starting an unnecessary fight over something trivial and unimportant. And then use that as an excuse to break up with you, without leaving any possibility of resolution. She simply wants to break up, so there's nothing to fix or resolve. So you are powerless to do anything about it. Her reason will be very subjective and not something that can be fixed or patched. Seen this happen several times. So even when I win, I still lose. Hence a no win situation. Because even when I get lucky, it doesn't last.

How can you solve something so unwinnable and illogical? It's as if everything is against you. And you have no control over the outcome. Makes me wonder if it's all destiny and we have no choice or option. Like you can only choose what's in accord with your destiny but not what's against it.

I don't know. Perhaps some people just aren't meant to be in long term relationships. Perhaps some of us are too unique, freespirited, cursed or value our personal freedom and space too much to get tied down. However, if I had someone like the woman above, whom I vibed with well and had synergy and chemistry with, I could be happy and fulfilled. But it's just not to be and I have no choice in the matter.

Look at Christa's husband in the video above. He is nothing special. Just average. I've heard him on YouTube and his voice is very dull and makes you fall asleep. Yet he is lucky enough to have a gem like her. So it's not about looks or money. Even average men can get a gem in the US. It's just that we aren't lucky or blessed enough to, or it's not in our cards.

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Re: Are New Age Western Women Any Better?

Post by Winston »

@Mr S I don't understand something. Why did you tell me that new age western women will only date you if you have a good income? That's not my experience at all. They usually date guys with similar interests and spiritual focus as them. Here's an example. This spiritual hippie guy I listen to on YouTube sometimes, just made a video with his new girlfriend, who is a sexy new age western woman type. I have seen some of his videos and he claims to be living in a van now, so he can travel and not worry about paying rent. Obviously he is a freespirited hippie type that doesn't conform to corporate America, like we are. And he looks like Jesus too and has very spiritual eyes. A total bohemian. He's definitely not high income and shuns wage slavery in his videos. So he's obviously on a budget. He doesn't have any more money than you do. Here are videos of them below. How do you explain this?

Now, of course, since they are both freespirited hippie types, this relationship probably won't last long. But you get the point. So you see, there are plenty of new age western women that don't care about a guy's money and are not materialistic. Like the one above. And some of them are sexy and attractive too. It's just not in our cards to get them for some reason. Why is that? And why did you claim that you had to have money and a good job to get them?
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Re: Are New Age Western Women Any Better?

Post by Winston »

Wow why can't I get a cute new age girl like her?

A girl like that would be on my wavelength and have stuff in common with me. So why not?

Btw how come only white girls are into aliens? Like linda moulton howe? Asian girls never are. Thats obvious. So why do @Contrarian Expatriate and @Yohan debate me on that when everyone can see I'm right?????
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Re: Are New Age Western Women Any Better?

Post by jamesbond »

Winston wrote:
December 3rd, 2017, 4:32 pm
Holy mackerel! Check out these two hot brunette girls talking about conspiracies, aliens, metaphysics, etc. Wow. I thought hot girls werent into this stuff since they have no need to look deeper and are too busy having fun and partying and clubbing. Lol

Their names are jenny moonstone and heidi vandenberg. They each have websites and do astrology readings. Including vedic astrology. Wow. Look how hot they are!

Hey Winston, those two girls are pretty hot! :D
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Re: Are New Age Western Women Any Better? Why won't they date me if we're on the same wavelength?

Post by Winston »

Wow look at this hot blonde aryan looking Pagan girl making videos about Paganism. She looks so ideal and has a nice voice too. Would be perfect ideal partner for me. lol. A dream girl. Why doesn't the universe let me have someone like this? lol. We would have a lot in common.

Check out her sexy shoulders below. Yum yum. Wouldn't you love to lick them? lol

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Re: Are New Age Western Women any better? Why don't they date me if we're on the same wavelength?

Post by Winston »

Wow check out this British New Age woman talking about the insights in the New Age bestseller "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield. Doesn't she look so wholesome, glowing and holistic? lol. Why can't I date someone like her? She should be non-materialistic and not shallow and focused on energetic connection right? lol

"Hi everyone

My name's Laura. I live in Portugal with my dog and I am an intuitive oracle and tarot card reader and channeler. My readings encourage a positive mindset and self- connection for a more loving world in flow with nature. I am working to bridge the gap between our current state society and spirituality (deep self -connection).

The insights:
1. Becoming aware of synchronicities and coincidences
2. Putting our current awareness into a longer historical perspective
3. Everything is energy
4. Competition for energy
5. Attaining energy from source
6. Control dramas-clearing the past
7. Using intuition, life questions and coincidences
8. Relating to others
9. Conscious evolution

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Re: Are New Age Western Women any better? Why don't they date me if we're on the same wavelength?

Post by MrMan »

Winston wrote:
December 18th, 2014, 1:50 pm
Have any of you dated any new age type western women? If so are they any better or less shallow and materialistic?

You would think that if they're into spirituality, psychics, astrology, tarot cards, vegetarianism, holistic health, yoga, and meditation, that they would be more open minded and less materialistic right? Is it true?

The problem is, most new age type women are older and unattractive. That's why they've turned inward, since they can't have as much fun anymore because they aren't desirable anymore.

The few that are young and single usually say that they aren't looking for a relationship and are "working on themselves", whatever that means. They will say that even if I just ask them to hang out. Sheesh. It's so impossible.

Any of you have experiences with new age women in America or western countries?

As you know, I am a middle aged married guy. But if I were single and looking, New Age women would definitely be out of my consideration set. Part of it is because they do not share my faith. These types of divination activities you describe are forbidden and can lead to communion with demons. I have a relative, and we were hanging around talking to a group of other people when we are young. One of them was a really pretty young woman, but she started talking about the demonic experiences she had in dreams. Suddenly, she went out of the category of my mind of 'Pretty young woman I am interested in' to, 'Someone who needs some help.' I might help someone like that, not date them. My relative ended up engaged to her until she dumped him. He had just a terrible experience that tore him up. I wouldn't want someone who is into demonic junk in my romantic life. We would not be on the same page anyway.

As far as demonic religions go, there are other issues with New Age. Why choose someone who believes in California religion-- a hodge-podge of Hinduism, Wicca and other religions mixed with a bit self-help philosophy, as if they can make a religion by taking bits and pieces of religion and mix them into something true?

I also get the impression that women into this would be more likely left leaning feminists. For me personally, it is unlikely such a woman would have the same values and ideas when it comes to how men and women should interact, how to respect her man, how a household should be run, how available spouses should be to each other for sexual fulfillment, how to raise kids, etc.

It could be that women who have a real spirituality are more likely to have the 'working on themselves' thing a bit more settled, have a vision and a goal for what they want in life in terms of marriage and family, etc. Feminists also have a tendency to put off starting a family and having children until it gets to be later in life. Maybe some of these New Age females are feminists.

In just about every religion,there are some women with attractive physical features, a charming manner of speaking, attractive arms, etc.
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Re: Are New Age Western Women any better? Why don't they date me if we're on the same wavelength?

Post by OutcastedPhilosopher »

Winston wrote:
August 1st, 2021, 5:18 am
Wow check out this British New Age woman talking about the insights in the New Age bestseller "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield. Doesn't she look so wholesome, glowing and holistic? lol. Why can't I date someone like her? She should be non-materialistic and not shallow and focused on energetic connection right? lol

"Hi everyone

My name's Laura. I live in Portugal with my dog and I am an intuitive oracle and tarot card reader and channeler. My readings encourage a positive mindset and self- connection for a more loving world in flow with nature. I am working to bridge the gap between our current state society and spirituality (deep self -connection).

The insights:
1. Becoming aware of synchronicities and coincidences
2. Putting our current awareness into a longer historical perspective
3. Everything is energy
4. Competition for energy
5. Attaining energy from source
6. Control dramas-clearing the past
7. Using intuition, life questions and coincidences
8. Relating to others
9. Conscious evolution

My blog: "
Unfortunately Winston many of the "New Age" types are absolute whack-jobs. A lot of these people are either current drug addicts or former drug addicts who live to scam people with tarot card readings LOL

To add, most women do not look like this woman which is sad because many just don't take care of themselves. There is some benefits to a lot of holistic type of practices especially in regard to health like eating natural foods, avoiding harsh chemicals, noticing where your attention/energy is going towards, exercising (yoga, walking, swimming, etc.).

On the surface many do believe in a non-materialistic life which is great but if you dive deep enough into many of their backgrounds you'll find they have no other option but to live a non-materialistic life because they are ex-cons, felons, drug addicts, former prostitutes, etc.
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Re: Are New Age Western Women any better? Why don't they date me if we're on the same wavelength?

Post by Winston »

Nothing wrong with being a former sinner or criminal. Because sometimes u have to hit rock bottom before u can become spiritual. Remember in Christian folklore Mary Magdalene was a prostitute before she found Jesus and became a disciple. So its normal for spiritual people to have a rough past.

Btw why u guys always focusing on the worst new age women? There are good ones too. This one has no checkered past right?
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Re: Are New Age Western Women any better? Why don't they date me if we're on the same wavelength?

Post by Winston »

Btw. I was wondering. If i went to India couldn't i date those white new age women there who are on a spiritual quest? Those are probably open to interracial dating and will not be as shallow or picky right?
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Re: Are New Age Western Women any better? Why don't they date me if we're on the same wavelength?

Post by OutcastedPhilosopher »

Winston wrote:
August 4th, 2021, 4:11 am
Btw. I was wondering. If i went to India couldn't i date those white new age women there who are on a spiritual quest? Those are probably open to interracial dating and will not be as shallow or picky right?
You are joking right? lol
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