Aliens and Predators Movie Franchise

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Aliens and Predators Movie Franchise

Post by Winston »

Have you seen all the Aliens movies? I mean the Aliens series by Ridley Scott starring Sigourney Weaver as the main action hero. What did you think of it? I think only the second one "Aliens" (1986) and the fourth one "Alien Resurrection" (1997) are good. The rest kind of sucked. Those black aliens are so terrible and creepy looking. You love hating them and blowing them up. I like how artistic the movies are. The sets and background are always so dark and gloomy, with endless tunnels and hallways, even on a giant space ship. lol. And the kill scenes are creative. The Aliens don't usually get killed by a simple point and shoot. The director finds more creative and original ways to kill each Alien. The human deaths are creative and funny too. There is black comedy in it as well as horror.

The first one is supposed to be a classic. But it was kind of dumb in that all the crew members froze by the sight of the Alien on board. Even if they were holding a gun, they were too paralyzed to use it, so they died off. In real life, at least some of the crew members should have been able to shoot it. But it has 100 percent of them freezing up. That's too cliched and not realistic.

The second on had a lot of great action and suspense, and a little cute blonde girl with them too that made you worry about her. And the ending was amazing and memorable. Especially the scene where Ellen Ripley fought the Alien Queen in the cargo hold of the ship. Me and Dianne and my son watched that scene several times. It was so awesome and memorable and edge of your seat suspenseful. lol

The third one was stupid. They killed off the blonde girl and stranded Ripley on a mining colony with prisoners and no weapons, so like the first one, they got killed off one by one. The whole film was gloomy and hopeless too. And Ripley's suicide at the end made no sense. Especially when she could have avoided it and received help.

The fourth one was rad too. Lots of memorable scenes and creative kills. And that white hybrid at the end, of Alien and humans, was a trip. It was a killer and nasty looking, yet tried to make a cute baby face expression. LOL. So funny and hilarious. And the death scene of that white hybrid was the best death scene in the whole series. Remember it? It got pulled into a window with a hole in it, made by acid blood from Ripley's hand. Then little by little, pieces of the hybrid flew out into space, while it screamed in agony and begged Ellen Ripley, whom it thought it was its mother, for help. It was so terrible and horrifying, yet original at the same time. lol. You almost felt sorry for it. You were disgusted yet sympathetic at the same time. lol. Such a brilliant scene.

What about the Alien vs. Predator movies? There's only two of them. The first one was good. It had awesome fight scenes between the Aliens and Predators. But the second one was weird and sucked. The film lighting was too dim, probably done on purpose because the Aliens wouldn't look good, or too fake, out in the sunlight. So you could barely see anything. And most of the fight scenes were in the dark, so you could barely see anything, especially after the power outage that made the town even darker at night, which was stupid because it made a bad thing worse.

The three Predator movies (without the Aliens) were good too. The first one was with Arnold Schwarzenegger and the second one was with Danny Glover, both from the 1980's, and the third one was with unknown actors and came out in 2010.

What do you think?
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Re: Great Horror Movie Classics on YouTube!

Post by jamesbond »

Winston wrote:JamesBond,
Have you seen all the Aliens movies? I mean the Aliens series by Ridley Scott starring Sigourney Weaver as the main action hero. What did you think of it? I think only the second one "Aliens" (1986) and the fourth one "Alien Resurrection" (1997) are good. The rest kind of sucked.
I have seen the first two aliens movies, I thought they were pretty entertaining. I am going to rent the two I haven't seen yet from Netflix.
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Re: Great Horror Movie Classics on YouTube!

Post by Winston »

jamesbond wrote:
Winston wrote:JamesBond,
Have you seen all the Aliens movies? I mean the Aliens series by Ridley Scott starring Sigourney Weaver as the main action hero. What did you think of it? I think only the second one "Aliens" (1986) and the fourth one "Alien Resurrection" (1997) are good. The rest kind of sucked.
I have seen the first two aliens movies, I thought they were pretty entertaining. I am going to rent the two I haven't seen yet from Netflix.
Let me know what you think of them. Aren't those alien creatures so terrifying? They are like ants and reproduce like crazy, too fast I think. What did you think of the second one, called Aliens from 1986? Wasn't that one rad? Remember that scene at the end in the cargo bay of the ship when the Queen Alien appeared out of nowhere and ripped the robot advisor apart and then Ripley fought it with crate lifting machine? lol. That was rad and so intense. The little blonde girl was adorable too.

Whoever makes these films is very creative and artistic. Each kill scene is done in a different way. It's not a straight up point and shoot type of kill scene. They do something creative with each one. And the background sets create a gloomy scary atmosphere for the aliens too.

Let me know what you think of the fourth one, Alien Resurrection. In it, Ripley is brought back as a clone with super powers since she's a hybrid. And it features the beautiful Winona Ryder too when she was at her prime. It was rad seeing Winona Ryder's pretty lovely face looking disgusted while seeing the white alien newborn hybrid sticking on the window with pieces of its body flying out into space and it was screaming in agony. That was a terrible scene. It made you feel sorry for the alien hybrid, after being disgusted by it. lol. The director sure knows how to play with your emotions and make you feel mixed emotions. But Ripley had no choice because they were approaching Earth and she could not afford to let any of those creatures reach Earth.

Alien Resurrection

Btw, there's an interesting scene in it when Ripley discovers that Winona Ryder is a robot and says, "I knew you had to be a droid. No human shows that much compassion." It's similar to "2001 A Space Odyssey" when it predicts that in the future, robots will be more compassionate and kind and human-like than humans are, because humans are becoming more and more cold and soulless. Kind of chilling.

Have you seen any of the three Predator movies? What about the two Alien vs. Predator films? The first one was pretty rad. You should see it.

Have you seen the 2012 movie Prometheus? It's supposed to be a Prequel to the Aliens series, and shows how it all started.
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Re: Alien & Alien vs. Predator Movies

Post by Winston »

Others on IMDB felt the same way I did about the newborn hybrid alien death scene in Alien Resurrection. lol. See below. ... 279989?p=1
I was so *beep* freaked out by that scene. The alien makes an innocent face while literally screaming "MAMA!!", and being sucked piece by piece into space. Guts, blood, skull.... It was sad and revolting at the same time. But adds to the nihilism of the franchise.
One of the reasons why I think Resurrection is superior to 3.
It's a brilliant scene, although absolutely barbaric!

It's a testament to the brilliance of this series that you both fear, hate and pity that creature as it dies. It can't help being a vicious creature, it's in its nature, yet it was an immense danger to others, albeit more human than any of the other xenomorph breeds.

I find it a terribly sad scene, a mother forced to kill its child to protect the lives of others.
Agreed. I'm not a fan of the film by a long shot though I don't dislike it as much as most people, but this one scene kills it for me as I just find it both grotesque and strangely embarrassing to watch. Then again the whole concept of the hybrid alien was ridiculous anyway.
I think the newborn is one of the most ridiculous monsters put to screen in a long time. Making matters worse is that it doesn't belong anywhere near an ALIEN movie. But with that said, I agree that those guys did a great job in conveying sadness and betrayal in the face as it dies. I may loathe this silly movie and this out of place creation, but they did do a good job with that sequence.
A lot of folk don't like the Newborn and I didn't either but after the ending and how they showed the mix of rage and then fear in it's face it was quite surreal and well done, I think it got a lot of hate cause it doesnt look anything like the 'Aliens' race what with it having eyes for a start and proper skin but it works cause it's a freaky one off and defenetly stays in your mind longer than the aliens which have become quite generic over the films and only change slightly.. Great film though.
I really liked it! You're spot on - it was both sad and revolting - this was the first Alien that I pitied, and Ripley's reaction added to the pity that I felt. Yes, it had to die, as any beast that poses a danger to humans, and a great one at that, but it was still sad to be killed by the one human that it trusted.
Yeah I've only seen this film once (i'm re-watching again now cos I'm going to watch Promethius in a few hours) but that scene has stuck with me for years! I found (and still find) that scene to be the only thing that I really remembered about the film... and I find it so sad! Like yeah it's not the alien's fault that he was born a preditor! Its just the same as in real life, if a human gets attacked by a wild animal (or a natural preditor that someone is keeping as a pet) the animal is always shot... but the animal is only doing what its species has done for generations!

I mean the alien is worse than any wild animals we have to worry about, obviously! But its still the same sort of thing.
I did not care for that scene. The Alien movies are dark and all, but that is one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen. It went way too far for me.
Watching the film over the weekend this was the scene I was dreading. It wasn't quite as traumatic as I remembered, but I still struggle with it.

It's actually quite amazing that the Newborn was able to be that expressive, conveying being frightened and heartbroken over Ripley's "betrayal". Contrast that with it being terrifying and violent just moments before. And through the wonderful technology of subtitles I found out it's apparently supposed to be able to speak as well.

But the scene just doesn't fit the tone of the rest of the movie.
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Re: Aliens & Alien vs. Predator Movies

Post by Winston »

Fan made Predator film called "Predator: Dark Ages" where a band of medieval knights fights the Predator. Amusing and entertaining, but the ending sucked.

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Re: Aliens & Alien vs. Predator Movies

Post by Winston »

A great fan made film called "Alien vs. Predator: Redemption". Has some cool action scenes and fight scenes.

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Re: Aliens, Predators, and Alien vs. Predator Movies

Post by Winston »

Teaser Trailer for new Predator movie this year. ... r_emb_vi_t

When a young boy accidentally triggers the universe's most lethal hunters return to Earth, only a ragtag crew of ex-soldiers and a disgruntled science teacher can prevent the end of the human race.

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Re: Aliens, Predators, and Alien vs. Predator Movies

Post by Winston »

If any of you like the Alien movies, you might like this. It's an Italian ripoff of Aliens with similar creatures, except they're on Earth. It's supposed to be pretty good.

Contamination (1980)

Director: Luigi Cozzi (as Lewis Coates)
Writers: Luigi Cozzi, Erich Tomek
Stars: Ian McCulloch, Louise Marleau, Marino Masé, Siegfrid Rauch

A former astronaut helps a government agent and a police detective track the source of mysterious alien pod spores, filled with lethal flesh-dissolving acid, to a South American coffee plantation controlled by alien pod clones.

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Re: Aliens and Predators Movie Franchise

Post by Winston »

Wow check out this virtual roller coaster ride called "Aliens the Ride" made by Planet Coaster software. It's really cool and rad and if you are an Aliens fan you will love it! Best to watch on a full screen.

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Re: Aliens and Predators Movie Franchise

Post by Winston »

If you thought Rey from "The Force Awakens" was a Mary Sue, you haven't seen nothing yet. LOL. Check out this new Predator movie that's beyond ridiculous! It's called "Prey" and has the Predator attacking a tribe of Native Americans in the 1700s only to be defeated by a young Native American female with a tomahawk. LOL. That's beyond ridiculous. Yeah right. The Predator could kill that primitive woman in 2 seconds. Come on! They might as well have Donald Duck defeat the Predator too. Sheesh. Here's the trailer for the new Predator movie:

Prey (2022) ... ims_tt_t_4
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Re: Aliens and Predators Movie Franchise

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Winston wrote:
August 26th, 2022, 6:12 pm
If you thought Rey from "The Force Awakens" was a Mary Sue, you haven't seen nothing yet. LOL. Check out this new Predator movie that's beyond ridiculous! It's called "Prey" and has the Predator attacking a tribe of Native Americans in the 1700s only to be defeated by a young Native American female with a tomahawk. LOL. That's beyond ridiculous. Yeah right. The Predator could kill that primitive woman in 2 seconds. Come on! They might as well have Donald Duck defeat the Predator too. Sheesh. Here's the trailer for the new Predator movie:

Prey (2022) ... ims_tt_t_4
I only saw half of that before I turned it off, because I already knew something like this was going to happen eventually.
In the first film the Predator seemed like a serious threat although he was picking the soldiers off one by one vs going all out since they would have killed him if he wasn't using his cloaking to stealth his way through the jungle since bullets still obviously hurt him except in the second film he seemed even more stronger to bullets. When Glovers character shot him multiple times up close with a shotgun, it still didn't kill him and he was able to get back up and run like nothing happened. But yeah this film is just a shit excuse for them to make a female seem as though she's strong enough to go toe to toe with Predator. They tried it before with that black woman in AVP that fought a Queen Alien even though she had help from a Predator to defeat it. But the fact that she could outrun the damn thing on foot at all was BS. People that make films like this are just trying to troll the audience at this damn point. F the movie industry.
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Re: Aliens and Predators Movie Franchise

Post by Pixel--Dude »

Winston wrote:
August 26th, 2022, 6:12 pm
If you thought Rey from "The Force Awakens" was a Mary Sue, you haven't seen nothing yet. LOL. Check out this new Predator movie that's beyond ridiculous! It's called "Prey" and has the Predator attacking a tribe of Native Americans in the 1700s only to be defeated by a young Native American female with a tomahawk. LOL. That's beyond ridiculous. Yeah right. The Predator could kill that primitive woman in 2 seconds. Come on! They might as well have Donald Duck defeat the Predator too. Sheesh. Here's the trailer for the new Predator movie:

Prey (2022) ... ims_tt_t_4
I watched this movie. I thought it was excusable because Amber Midthunder is an absolute f***ing rocket!


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Re: Aliens and Predators Movie Franchise

Post by Winston »

Wow check out this fan film "Alien vs Predator: Redemption". It's very good. The Predator is a badass in it. lol. And the action and kill scenes are great.

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Re: Aliens and Predators Movie Franchise

Post by kangarunner »

Winston wrote:
November 29th, 2023, 11:33 am
Wow check out this fan film "Alien vs Predator: Redemption". It's very good. The Predator is a badass in it. lol. And the action and kill scenes are great.

@Winston Why do you care so much about movies and fiction? Most movies are just junk.

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Re: Aliens and Predators Movie Franchise

Post by Winston »

Check out the trailers for the new Alien movie called "Alien: Romulus". It looks like the same cliched formula that the other Alien movies had. Why can't they do something new, like have the xenomorphs go to NYC and fight the US military or something. That would be rad. lol

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