The PUA Scam and Why it doesn't work

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The PUA Scam and Why it doesn't work

Post by Jakob »

I wrote this post on my blog. It talks in depth about how the PUA industry is a scam. ... -scam.html
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Post by Jakob »

Here's a perfect example of how PUAs rationalize rotten female behaviour in order to support their ideology. Note the strawman arguments, ad hominem attacks, and just plain twisting things out of context. ... k-out.html
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PUA lifestyle scam

Post by Thechamp »

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Re: Pua lifestyle scam

Post by droid »

Here's a nice comment from that blog
AnonymousJanuary 18, 2011 at 1:19 AM
I shit you not, the best thing that could ever happen to relations between men and women is the legalization of prostitution. Men would be able to approach women from standpoint of genuine desire as opposed to craven desperation. Keeping prostitution illegal amounts to a social government subsidy for women. It's an unfair advantage because it grotesquely inflates the value of sex, which men evidently need more than (you could reasonably argue this point but it would be a tough sell). Men being unable to find a sex partner is a problem for which a solution has existed since the dawn of civilization. It's time to let the free market work it's magic! :p. It'd be good for women too. If they are interested in keeping a man around they are going to need to bring more to the table than just a vagina, it'll build character.
1)Too much of one thing defeats the purpose.
2)Everybody is full of it. What's your hypocrisy?
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Re: Pua lifestyle scam

Post by starchild5 »

All by design....They knew of course that, prostitution will balance out the equation against feminism. I have written it earlier. A bar girl from A/c and Pattaya is the greatest weapon against the billion dollar propaganda of elites using feminism agenda not seminar, youtube videos or forum.

Feminist hate bar girls as they will balance out the equation. That is the reason most charities against prostitution are run by Jews, feminism funded by Jews, 90% of PUA scammers are Jews, Porn Industry is run by Jews.

That is why we need venues like A/C and Pattaya for next generation to act as deterrent from women and these western NGO's are hell bent on destroying these two venues....

Free and open prostitution could save half of humanities problem. I know atleast in India 1000s of rapes could be avoided, if prostitution is legalized
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Re: Why PUA doesn't work but Global Dating does!

Post by Winston »

Here are some obvious proofs why PUA is a scam and makes UNTRUE claims, which can be easily verified in any average American suburban neighborhood. Just walk outside in your neighborhood and you will see the following.

1. PUA claims all women want alpha men. However the average married man in the middle class suburbs, as you can see in your own neighborhood, is not alpha. He is mostly beta and treats his wife nicely and calls her "the boss" and tries to listen to her and please her. He's not a dominant alpha male or leader type. Just an average beta male with a job, usually an ordinary white collar or blue collar job. And the upper middle class neighborhoods with big houses usually have couples with higher professions, like doctors and engineers. But those are just high paying professions, not exactly "alpha" in terms of being a leader among the male hierarchy.

2. I know PUA doesn't claim this, but most men online (including here on this forum) think women are all about looks, or that only good looking men can get women in America. However, the average married man in the American middle class suburbs is only average looking. Sometimes slightly above average or slightly below average. But never a male model type. Obviously, looks may attract a woman initially, but a relationship based on looks only won't last long. There has to be some connection. Also, if you ask most married American women, they will tell you something like this: "When I first my husband, he wasn't my usual type at all, but as I got to know him, I began to fall for him." This means that most people do not get their ideal type, they usually settle for someone they are comfortable with.

3. The average married man in the US doesn't try to act cocky or funny (like David DeAngelo's method). He just tries to be a good husband and a good father. That's all his wife wants. She doesn't want him to be a clown or make her laugh all the time. If she wanted that, she could watch a comedy movie or go to a comedy club. So this PUA claim that you have to keep women constantly entertained like a professional comedian doesn't hold water and doesn't make any sense at all.

4. PUA claims you have to be a good talker with charm and charisma or a skilled conversationalist or great entertainer, to get women. However, the average married man in the US suburbs is nothing like that. In fact, many American women say they prefer "the strong silent type" because such types let them do all the talking. I see no correlation that the best talkers get the most women. For example, you could be funny and have a great personality like Danny Devito, but if you're too short and not their type, it isn't gonna make women want you or love you or even want to date you. But if you are Arnold Schwarzenegger with his looks and say very little, women will still like you because of your looks and physique, even if you are quiet and don't say much, because you look much more like their type. And of course, if you are Tom Cruise, you don't need any talking skills or personality. All you have to do is smile and act agreeable and go with the flow, and women will like you, because you are alpha and you know it, no need to prove anything or do anything.

The truth is, being a great talker or having good social skills only matters in sales, business or politics. In business and politics and public relations you have to be diplomatic, tactful and skillful in people affairs of course. That's part of the field. Good communication skills, appearance and professionalism are always an asset there. But in relationships, having social skills or communication skills isn't gonna create love or romance or attraction or lead to marriage. In actuality, a woman sizes you up based on your whole package, not just your looks, but the substance of your soul and who you are at the core, and decides whether she feels an emotional desire to be with you or not. It's very subjective and personal, not something you can control or influence usually.

So it's not true that you need good social skills to get women. The only people who say that are those who are trying to shame you and dismiss you and have no proof of that, and don't understand reality very well. Notice how only your enemies and shamers tell you that "you have no social skills" and your true friends never say that, because it's not actually true, it's just a shaming tactic.

5. Ask the average married couple in the US, and they will tell you that they met naturally, either through school, work, or through friends. It happened NATURALLY through everyday flow of events. They did NOT use any secret formulas or methods or rocket science. The average married man doesn't have anything that you don't have (unless you count his job). It was simply his destiny to meet and marry his wife, and so it happened. That's all. He did not need to try to "make it happen" or go against the grain like we do and like PUA tries to do. If things don't happen naturally, then it's not worth it and not meant to happen. Things like relationships or friendships should happen naturally. Consider this: Think about how you met your best friends or past girlfriends. Did you use any secret formulas or methods or rocket science? Of course not. It all happened NATURALLY right? Of course it did! That's true whether it's a friendship or relationship. Think about it. Therefore, if it doesn't happen naturally then it's not meant to be. Trying to force things to happen or make things happen is UNNATURAL and frustrating and only leads to negative results or consequences.

Yet open up any PUA book and you will see that NOTHING in it is natural at all. It's all about developing something or using secret tricks or methods or trying to manipulate women. The thing is, even if you manipulate women to like you or want you, as soon as the hypnosis wears off and they realize what happened, they will be pissed and dump you and tell everyone you know about it, thus ruining your reputation as well. So even if manipulation worked, it will eventually backfire. That's the problem with things like NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and stuff.

So if PUA contradicts obvious everyday reality you see around you, why do people still fall for it? I don't get it. What do you all think? Have you noticed the above too?

Additional thoughts, insights and deeper questions:

I'm sorry to sound like a fatalist, but in my experience, it seems that if something is MEANT to happen, then it does. You don't choose it or control it with free will or free choice. That's been my experience. That lucky guy who found his soulmate when he was young and married her and lived with her happily in love for life (like in the movie "The Notebook") does not have any secrets or methods that you don't have. He doesn't have any special looks or charm or money that you lack either. It's simply his destiny and he went with it. That's all.

The big 64k question is: Why do some things happen NATURALLY for some people but not for others? Most mainstream people I know meet their spouses naturally through friends or normal social life, and get married and have kids, and that's that. It happened naturally. They didn't have to fight their destiny or go against the grain or try to "make things happen" against the flow of the universe or try to fight the universe. They didn't have to follow the adage "Extreme situations require extreme measures" like we do with HA. This is the big question that no one can answer. I know we all have different destinies, but it's simply not fair and no one can answer why.

However, the good news is that even those unlucky in love all the time, have some good luck somewhere else. There are many actors who never stay married long and never have good luck finding true love, as we all know, yet they make good money in acting and have good careers in show biz. Rock said that we all have a different package in life, where we are strong in some areas, but weak in others.

Also, I notice that life is not meant to be problem free. So when you solve a problem in one area of life, it often transfers to another area in another form. For example, if a poor person becomes rich and solves his/her money problems, then all of a sudden that person may develop psychological or mental problems and suffer an "inner hell" or some sort, because his/her problems simply transferred from practical money problems to inner psychological demons. Because life is not meant to be problem free without struggles, so if you don't have struggles in one area, you will have them in another area. Because life is meant to have both pain and pleasure in balance, just like in the Ying Yang symbol, for this is a universe or opposites that much co-exist in balance. That's why one cannot live a life full of happiness and joy only without its opposites, even though they try to.

What do you all think? Have you all noticed the same things?
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Re: Why PUA doesn't work but Global Dating does!

Post by jamesbond »

It's funny how PUA has silently gone away for the most part. As more and more guys realize it's a scam, less men are buying their products (and less men are going to their seminars). International dating is increasing so are men who are marrying women from non western countries.
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Re: Why PUA doesn't work but Global Dating does!

Post by yick »

Agree somewhat with Winston with this. Most men get married and have kids and aren't 'alpha' at all - but then most men aren't.

Getting married to someone is usually about being at the right place at the right time, a work or university setting with people of the opposite sex who are around your age which is how most of these dull, boring and not very interesting people manage to meet each other, get married and procreate.

Some Chinese woman was lamenting at me because I said Chinese guys are boring (which they are...) and she says 'oh, and I bet Chinese girls aren't' and I said 'no, because they're twice as boring!' which they are for the most part but they manage to date and marry their equivalents.

Most Chinese guys date and get married, usually with someone too good for them but not one of them has a single, original thought between them. So PUA is a bit of a con because though some people are cocky and funny, it comes naturally, your personality has to be aligned along those lines and most men just can't pull it off but it doesn't stop them dating and having romantic liasons because the women they go out with are as boring as them.

I think listening skills, learning to be a good conversationalist, having knowledge of a broad range of subjects, good hygiene and being in good shape will take you a lot further than learning PUA. :lol:
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Re: Why PUA doesn't work but Global Dating does!

Post by Winston »

Good points Yick. Yes I agree Chinese in general are quite boring, and too obsessed with work and money and living like a robot. You gotta wonder if they are even human, or robots or video game characters. lol. Don't you ever wonder that? They never stop and think about anything or wonder about why they are here, or about the complexity of life, etc. Not many have the guts to say that though, even on this forum.

It does seem that you have to be at the right place at the right time to find a wife or partner that you get married to for life. However, who knows whether that is luck or destiny, you know what I mean? What if like they say, it's meant to be? No one can prove whether something is luck or destiny. And there are many stories where too many one in a million coincidences happen that you start to wonder if it's destiny and not luck after all. You know what I mean?

Plus, even if you meet a woman that wants to marry you, and it's not the right person for you, and you try anyway, something will always go wrong, because deep down you want out of it, or she wants out of it, so it won't go as planned, something will go wrong, and the universe helps you out in that case too. Some people aren't meant to be attached it seems. So it's not just a case of finding the "right person". Some men can marry and stay married for life. But some can't, even if they try, something will go wrong and show them that it's not meant for them. It's a mystery.
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Re: Why PUA doesn't work but Global Dating does!

Post by Spencer »

Many people mary basis only time and who available then and there then stay mary hapy ever after minus hapy plus misrable equal misrable ever after
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Re: Why PUA doesn't work but Global Dating does!

Post by Winston »

One more proof that PUA doesn't work:

8. We've all know people who have said: "When I first met my wife to be, we both know INSTANTLY right away that we had met "the one" and that it was meant to be. No doubt about it. It was a certainty. I knew right away that she was "the one". Once you experience this, looks and superificial things like money and status don't matter."

Even if you don't know anyone personally who has told you that, at least you have heard someone say that at some point, whether on the radio, YouTube, internet or wherever. We've all heard people say that before, either in real life or in the media or in a book or autobiography. It's a common thing that people say about their wife or husband.

The thing is, it obviously indicates that their spouse and them were "meant to be" and they knew it as a certainty when they met, as if it were "love at first sight". That does indicate a sort of fate or destiny. If so, then that is yet another example that it's not about what we do, or what we choose, or some formula/method that we follow, that determines whether we find love or not. It just happens if it's meant to be, and doesn't happen if it's not meant to be. Therefore, any PUA system/method/formula isn't going to bring about love or find you a soulmate or find you "the one".

Now it is true that if you act mysterious and not tell the woman too much about yourself, that it makes her more curious about you. Men do that in movies all the time to attract women. But she has to already find you attractive for that to work. If you're not her type, she won't care how mysterious you are. Either that, or you gotta be a spy like James Bond with an exciting dangerous lifestyle for her to follow you through life and death action (like in the movies lol) for her to fall for you, because when a couple goes through life and death danger and action together, there's an adrenaline rush that unites them together. You see this in almost every spy action thriller movie.

Another proof that PUA is BS and doesn't work is:

9. No PUA guru or coach will EVER let you film them or follow them while they cold approach women that they do not know. The only pick ups they do are on stage with paid actors or paid women where everything is scripted and rehearsed. No way would they go out and try to pick up women that they don't know in front of their students, because it'd be a disaster if they were rejected. It's not something they can control so they don't do it. Even if you offer to pay them, they all decline. That proves right there that they cannot use PUA to pick up women they don't know as they claim. No doubt about it. Try it and see. Offer them money, even a lot of money, to prove they can pick up women they don't know at a location YOU choose so they cannot "stage any pickups", and they will all make excuses and decline. That proves they are full of it obviously. It's an easy logical proof and test, one which speaks volumes, which you can try and verify for yourself.
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Re: The PUA Scam and Why it doesn't work

Post by Winston »

Is it true there is a secret set of phrases u can say to a girl to make her want u or turn her on and make her fall for u? This guy claims there is and if u don't believe him then u are a negative whiner. Lol. What u think? ... 1478001193

I found it by clicking an ad on YouTube that sounds like a PUA commercial. Lol

Does this actually work or is it just fiction? The thing is it assumes women are machines that have secret codes that will activate them or make them do things. Rather than conscious beings with free will. Right? Lol. Isnt that a fallacy? Does any PUA stuff work?

What happens if i do what he says and pay the fee? What secrets would i get exactly?

Is there a set of secret words that will make a woman fall in love with u? If so then women are machines that u can hack right? If not then what do i really get if i pay the fee for the PUA secrets?

To be honest ive never seen a relationship that came out of PUA. Every relationship i see came naturally. Even in the movies it always shows that couples get together naturally. Not with any PUA secrets or formulas.
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Re: The PUA Scam and Why it doesn't work

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

The PUA coach industry is indeed based on profiting off of the false hopes of losers, incels, and Asbies. So no, there is no secret phrase. A girl either considers you doable or she does not. The only secret is to find out if you are to her relatively early in the association and move in if she is not.

The cousin of PUA,”Game Theory,” has some validity but is only effective for about 10 to 20 percent of men. However, it’s biggest value is in the useful PUA lingo to explain various phenomena.
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Re: The PUA Scam and Why it doesn't work

Post by kangarunner »

@Winston 1. and 9. are not true. On #1, They don't make that claim. And on #9, that's only true for the scam PUA guys. The real guys like Julien Blanc or Matt Cross or James Marshall would let you film them in a cold open with complete strangers.
1. PUA claims all women want alpha men.
9. No PUA guru or coach will EVER let you film them or follow them while they cold approach women that they do not know.
I do agree that PUA does not work but having game is essential when you talk to women.
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