The Law of Attraction - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

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Re: Debunking "The Law of Attraction" and "The Secret"

Post by starchild5 »

He is a freemason...I was fooled by power of positive thinking book by Norment Vincent Peele...The pastor of Donald Trump....Little did i know that he was a 33 degree freemason... :D

Thinking Positive while surrounded by sh*t is a satanic thinking.

Law of Attraction is just another New Age CIA crap thrown at humanity.

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Re: Debunking "The Law of Attraction" and "The Secret"

Post by Winston »

Excellent metaphysical explanation by German spiritual author Hans Wilhelm about why "the secret and law of attraction" and its big promises doesn't work. Brilliant spiritual explanation.

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Re: Debunking "The Law of Attraction" and "The Secret"

Post by jamesbond »

Winston wrote:This was the original Law of Attraction book written in the early 1900's.

I have read similar books to this one, I think I will check this book out too.
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Re: Debunking "The Law of Attraction" and "The Secret"

Post by gsjackson »

Winston wrote:Excellent metaphysical explanation by German spiritual author Hans Wilhelm about why "the secret and law of attraction" and its big promises doesn't work. Brilliant spiritual explanation.
This isn't really a refutation of the law of attraction, but an elaboration on how to use it effectively. And a very helpful one, in my opinion.
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Re: Debunking "The Secret" and "The Law of Attraction"

Post by Eric »

Check out the Kybalion - the study of hermetics. The only REAL valid source of spiritual laws that holds any weight in my mind, apart from the Kabbalah.
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Re: Debunking "The Secret" and "Law of Attraction"

Post by Winston »

Leaving a Hollywood career, Sharon Lee Giganti began teaching from "The Secret", "A Course in Miracles," and other new age practices. After experiencing the deception and tragedy these brought into her life, she now speaks across the U.S.A. exposing the dangers of these philosophies and practices. Sharon is a speaker for Catholic Answers; learn more on her website

Sharon's keynote was given at the 2012 Catholic Women's Luncheon in San Antonio, TX, a series presented by The Pilgrim Center of Hope (

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Re: Debunking "The Secret" and "Law of Attraction"

Post by Winston »

My comments about sharons videos above that i sent to alex and mr s on whatsapp:

I watched some of that video speech by sharon lee giganti. She was obviously preaching to the catholic choir. She has some good points about the dangers of new age teachings and the law of attraction that i agree with. However she is coming from a catholic point of view. And the thing is, most people who use ouija boards or divination do not get harmed by it. So its fairly safe. Hollywood exaggerates. U dont get demon possessed from it.

Listen to what rosemary ellen guiley says. Shes the top expert on entities.

Sure new age teachings can be dangerous if u take them too literally. But that goes for Christianity and Catholicism and atheism too. All of those beliefs have many flaws and problems if taken literally. None of them explain everything. So u gotta go beyond them all - Christianity/religion, atheism and new age. All of them are very flawed.

Btw the chief flaw of sharon is that she assumes that just because new age teachings can be dangerous and contain some flaws, that it automatically means that Catholicism or Christianity must be the right way and must be correct and perfect and explain everything. That's a huge fallacy and certainly not true. Christianity contains dangerous teachings too and bad ideas, especially if you take the Bible literally. Some examples.

1. Jesus says at the end of marks gospel that believers can drink poison and not be harmed. If you take that literally and tried to drink poison it could kill you obviously.

2. Jesus says that if your body parts cause you to sin then to cut them off because its better to be maimed than for your whole body to go to hell. No one would do that or take it literally of course.

3. Jesus said to someone to give away everything he has an become a bum and beggar in order to be right with God. Obviously no Christian wants to give away all his money and property and become a bum. Christians need shelter and cars and money to live too. So they cant take that verse literally.

Etc. Etc.

You get the point. Taking the bible literally results in hundreds of problems that cannot be resolved.

Many great authors amd thinkers have pointed this out long ago. Read "Why I'm not a Christian" by bertrand russell. Or "age of reason" by thomas paine. Or "letters from the earth" by mark twain. Or the works of robert ingersoll. Or the thousands of articles on Or modern atheists like Christopher hitchens. Or "divinity of doubt" by vince bugliosi, which tears Christian teachings to shreds. Or "reality check" and "i universe" by philosopher daryl sloan, which also tears Christian theology to shreds. Or "Debunking Christian circular arguments" by Winston Wu (me lol). Etc.

They all point out a massive ton of problems and flaws with the Bible and Christianity when taken literally, as well as organized religion. Many of which Christians cannot explain away or answer.

So both new age teachings and Christianity, as well as other religions and atheism have tons of problems and contain bad teachings and dangerous ideas. None are perfect or consistent or problem free or contain absolute literal truth.

That's why its best to take religion as a metaphor and allegory. Not literal truth, as joseph campbell and tom harpur and many other great authors said. Religions and myths are meant to be guideposts, not literal or absolute truth.

Thats what sharon doesnt get. Same with steven bancarez and other "New Age to Christian" converts. They make the same fallacy that atheists make, when they assume that just because Christianity has problems and flaws and dangerous teachings and ideas, that atheism must be the correct way and ultimate truth. But the truth is all these belief systems have tons of problems, not just new age or Christianity, but atheism and scientism do too. Even buddhism has bad teachings if you take it too seriously in the extreme like some rigid monks do.

The truth is, no religion is 100 percent good or bad, or 100 percent true or false. New age has good teachings too and good concepts. So does Christianity. But they have bad teachings and dangerous ideas too. They got a mix of both.

Thats what sharon fails to understand. That's her primary flaw. Her speech video does not allow comments so i will try to send this to her via her website at ill also make a video about this sometime to put on YouTube too, to correct these fallacious people like sharon and steven bancarez, who falsely and fallaciously assume that one way or one religion (theirs) has all the answers and is the "correct way" or perfect system without flaws or contradictions, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Do you get my drift?

The thing is, any belief if taken to an extreme becomes dangerous. For example students in japan and korea have committed suicide because of getting bad grades. So their belief that "good grades bring honor" is taken to an extreme that puts academic success over life itself, which is insane and dangerous.

If you believe everything government says you can lose your life in a pointless war like vietnam and die for nothing. Or if u believe everything alex jones says to an extreme, you can die in a shootout with cops like william cooper did.

Even romantic love can be dangerous if taken to an extreme. Like what happened at the end of "Romeo and Juliet".

So anything taken to an extreme becomes a dangerous teaching.

The LOA may have some truth to it. But taken to an extreme can become dangerous like sharon said. But that applies to anything, not just LOA. It applies to Christianity and the Bible too.

The new age movement is irresponsible for taking stuff like the law of attraction to an extreme and doing nothing about it. Bruce Lipton and Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra and other new age authors like them should warn people about that and revise the LOA to be more realistic. Otherwise some people may take dangerous reckless risks and think that if they believe they are invincible then they are, because thoughts create reality. Literally. And end up getting killed or seriously injured.

But these new age gurus dont because they like to preach that there are no limits and that the LOA is all powerful because that sounds better and thats what sells. So they are irresponsible and unwise and foolish too. Not spiritual at all. Caring more about what sells than whats true, is not the mark of a truly spiritual person or truth seeker. I should send the above to bruce lipton and try to knock him off of his delusional high horse. People like him should be ashamed of himself and not so proud and arrogant.
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Re: Debunking "The Secret and Law of Attraction" - Truth or New Age snake oil scam?

Post by Winston »

An expat friend named Mark told me this about law of attraction:

"Winston, here is a good article about the Law of Attraction: ... _b_7876036

Here is a good quote from this article, which explains how to attract positive energy to achieve your goals:

That what we attract is based on our thoughts is not really accurate. It goes a lot deeper than that. Just thinking about something is not going to make it happen for you — think of all the things you have had happen in your life, good and bad, that you never thought about previously. Law of attraction is not just wishful thinking either.

It is about our energy — which is a collection of our thoughts, feelings and beliefs. This is also referred to as our “vibration.” We will attract things into our experience that will mirror back our predominant beliefs; we will attract things that will feel just like feelings that are predominant in our energy. This holds true whether we want these things or not — and attracting “bad” things doesn’t mean it was your fault or you “had it coming.” But I digress.

So, this means that just thinking about what you want can’t bring it to you. Visualizing is not manifesting. If you have no genuine positive emotion about what you want to manifest, if your predominant beliefs are still ones that lend themselves to not believing this thing is possible for you, what you want can’t come. You’re not a match to it.

Setting an intention to manifest something is a great first step, but it doesn’t stop there. You have to dig around a bit internally and examine your belief system and see what could be blocking this thing from materializing."

My reply:

Yeah i know something about that. I didnt say the law of attraction is 100 percent false. It is based on some real spiritual teachings and metaphysics. Nothing can sell if its 100 percent false. But nothing sells if its 100 percent true either. To sell one has to mix both truth and lies. Because total lies are not believable. And total truth contains too many ugly negative truths people dont wanna hear. U see what i mean? So truth and lies have to be mixed in a way that looks appealing, like the package on McDonald's fast food.

The problem is that the promoters of law of attraction greatly exaggerate and mislead. When u take it literally that's when the problem starts. And when u get disappointed that it didnt work.

Because spiritual truth is meant to be taken metaphorically, not literally. Same with the Bible and with new age teachings. They are meaningful and wonderful if taken metaphorically and allegorically. But if u take them literally u will have problems and contradictions that make no sense.

That's what the greatest minds have said, such as carl jung, joseph campbell, etc. That spiritual truth and religions are symbolic, not literal.

Let me send u my article and video about law of attraction.

Btw mark. The law of attraction is true in that like attracts like. For example u and me attract each other because we are both happier abroaders who can only date foreign women and are not accepted by american women in our own country. So like attracts like. And birds of same feather flock together.

And yes u can attract some things into your life by affirming them and making them a part of you. but the control over this is slight. Its not all powerful. Most things in life are out of our control. But the secret and LOA makes it sound like the universe is your playground and u can manifest anything. Thats a gross overexaggeration and distortion. Undoubtedly many have become disappointed as a result. But thats what sells of course. Because no one wants to hear that we only have little control over our lives, aka the illusion of control.

Do u get my drift?
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Re: Debunking "The Secret and The Law of Attraction" - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Winston »

A European lady I'm talking to shared this video with me about the law of attraction. It makes sense and dispels a lot of myths and misconceptions about it. This lady in it, Christina Lopes, seems very spiritually aware.

My comments on the LOA video:

Thats a good video. I agree with most of what she said. She gave a lot of good spiritual advice. Gregg Braden said the same thing, that heart and mind have to be aligned too. However i still dont see how the mind can manifest anything. Very few people can even move a matchstick or a strand of hair with their mind. Even people who have real telekinesis can only move small objects like a match or toothpick. They cannot move a large object like Yoda did in Star Wars. So the effect of mind over matter is miniscule even if achieved. So I see no evidence that mind can alter or create reality in physical world. Mental world yes. But not physical world. U see what i mean?
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Re: Debunking "The Secret and Law of Attraction" - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Winston »

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Re: Debunking "The Secret and Law of Attraction" - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by HouseMD »

The whole thing is nonsense, but the principles keep people focused and thus more likely to achieve their goals. It's basically a book that tricks stupid people into thinking long-term.
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Re: Debunking "The Secret and Law of Attraction" - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Winston »

HouseMD wrote:
February 13th, 2021, 2:13 am
The whole thing is nonsense, but the principles keep people focused and thus more likely to achieve their goals. It's basically a book that tricks stupid people into thinking long-term.
Yeah but that's only if their goals are REALISTIC and ACHIEVABLE. Not if they are unachievable or unrealistic. The problem is that New Age/self help movement lies when it claims that EVERYTHING is achievable and that nothing is impossible and that there are no limits to what you can do if you just... believe. That's a lie and easy to debunk, but it SELLS, because many modern people feel disempowered as if they have no power or control in life. So they wanna hear that they have "secret unlimited potential" like God, that they need to learn to "unlock". Blah blah blah. That's where they cross the line.

Had they given good common sense advice like the Stoics and said "Be sensible. Know your limits. Focus on goals that are achievable, not goals that are unachievable" I would have no problem, because that's good common sense advice. But they don't do that. They lie and tell you that everything is achievable and there are no limits, because that's what SELLS in America. You can lie in America as long as you are POSITIVE. Because America is a positivity cult, so anything positive is accepted even if it's a lie and obviously untrue. That's what's weird about America.

100 percent truth does not sell, neither does 100 percent lies because that's too fake. So everyone who has a message to sell MUST mix both truth and lies. Even used car salesmen have to do that.

As evidence that I am not spouting straw man arguments, here is a New Age documentary called "Enlightenment". If you watch it you will see that they do specifically say that everything is achievable and nothing is impossible and that there are no limits except for those you impose on yourself, etc. These are THEIR words, not mine, so I am not spouting straw man arguments or misrepresenting New Age teachings. They DO claim what I say they do. See the documentary below for proof.

Sadly, even well esteemed parapsychologists like Dr. Dean Radin, who appears in the documentary above, have sold out and are now parroting the New Age lie that we are all gods with unlimited potential and power and that there are no limits and that everything you want is achievable, etc. I thought he was more credible than to peddle such obvious lies, but apparently not. In order to be a popular author on psychic phenomena, he had to sell out and peddle New Age BS it seems. Everyone is a sell out nowadays.
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Re: Debunking "The Secret and Law of Attraction" - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by HouseMD »

Winston wrote:
February 13th, 2021, 3:39 am
HouseMD wrote:
February 13th, 2021, 2:13 am
The whole thing is nonsense, but the principles keep people focused and thus more likely to achieve their goals. It's basically a book that tricks stupid people into thinking long-term.
Yeah but that's only if their goals are REALISTIC and ACHIEVABLE. Not if they are unachievable or unrealistic. The problem is that New Age/self help movement lies when it claims that EVERYTHING is achievable and that nothing is impossible and that there are no limits to what you can do if you just... believe. That's a lie and easy to debunk, but it SELLS, because many modern people feel disempowered as if they have no power or control in life. So they wanna hear that they have "secret unlimited potential" like God, that they need to learn to "unlock". Blah blah blah. That's where they cross the line.

Had they given good common sense advice like the Stoics and said "Be sensible. Know your limits. Focus on goals that are achievable, not goals that are unachievable" I would have no problem, because that's good common sense advice. But they don't do that. They lie and tell you that everything is achievable and there are no limits, because that's what SELLS in America. You can lie in America as long as you are POSITIVE. Because America is a positivity cult, so anything positive is accepted even if it's a lie and obviously untrue. That's what's weird about America.

100 percent truth does not sell, neither does 100 percent lies because that's too fake. So everyone who has a message to sell MUST mix both truth and lies. Even used car salesmen have to do that.

As evidence that I am not spouting straw man arguments, here is a New Age documentary called "Enlightenment". If you watch it you will see that they do specifically say that everything is achievable and nothing is impossible and that there are no limits except for those you impose on yourself, etc. These are THEIR words, not mine, so I am not spouting straw man arguments or misrepresenting New Age teachings. They DO claim what I say they do. See the documentary below for proof.

Sadly, even well esteemed parapsychologists like Dr. Dean Radin, who appears in the documentary above, have sold out and are now parroting the New Age lie that we are all gods with unlimited potential and power and that there are no limits and that everything you want is achievable, etc. I thought he was more credible than to peddle such obvious lies, but apparently not. In order to be a popular author on psychic phenomena, he had to sell out and peddle New Age BS it seems. Everyone is a sell out nowadays.
Oh it's nonsense. But it sells for the same reasons lottery tickets sell- hope. That and survivor bias, basically being that the people who do well report their results while the rest do not
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Re: Debunking "The Secret and Law of Attraction" - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by jamesbond »

This video is hilarious, it deals with the law of attraction and the new age movement.

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Re: Debunking "The Secret and Law of Attraction" - Great Revelation or New Age Snake Oil Scam?

Post by Winston »

Question. If being positive and confident changes the result then why did Amelia Earhart disappear on her last flight even though she was confident and fearless and brave? That didnt save her. Also everyone on the Titanic believed confidently that it was unsinkable. So why didn't that belief save them? How do new agers explain that? They never even try and no one dares to ask them except me. Lol
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