Why r we raising a generation of entitled narcissist wimps?

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Why r we raising a generation of entitled narcissist wimps?

Post by Eric »

I know this forum leans conservative and alt right. I'm just wondering really, why? Can we get past the conspiracy theories?? did this just sort of happen...? Was it intentional/ was it a product of technology, ipads, iphones. .. .etc.

Was it malicious in intent? ....this is my biggest concern. I know this was formed, and factioned... but I don't know why, was it to break apart society. population control?
It seems like everyone's in mind trance, that they are happy...almost not thinking. That they're happy, is testament to fact that they can recreate society such a way that they have that degree of mastery and control over society.

I feel people are really happy this way. I went to school in University and picked up this behavior and learning, it was really fun. I've never felt better, but I've noticed that women are workaholics and masculine, the guys are slackers and just chilled.... and they don't connect too much - that's a trend, not all the time. But I've noticed it.
I've always had this bad feeling that i was becoming weak - should I becoming this? Should I be pampered....

I knew I was losing skills. But it seemed so available. so ready. So easy... It seemed everyone was doing it, and it was fun. It just feels better.

Obviously, my concern is that I'm being had, and it's a trap. It's very seductive because it feels good. I'm concerned that I'm leaving behind skills I learned and had, becoming weak. Why would I do that, you say? I would because I don't need to have them...because you know, Everyone wants to go to a party and eat cake,

rather than slave hard when everyone else is relaxing under the sun. That's the thing. I have a feeling and know down inside it's probably not right, that I should hang onto myself, but..

your thoughts?
With that said, snapping back into reality, it's unbearable being around these neurotic workaholic women, who are so unfeminine and ladylike in their appearance. It's terrible, and unbalanced...because they are unbalanced. I hate being around it.
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Re: Whyare we raising a generation of entitled narcissist wi

Post by zboy1 »

Most people here lean conservative, alt right or traditionalist. It's the nature of being red pilled. But, even on this forum, you have many alternative views, too. I mean, look at someone like Cornfed and Fschmidt. Just because some people on the forum like to call out things when they see it--and are anti-mainsteam, doesn't make them "entitled wimps."
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Re: Whyare we raising a generation of entitled narcissist wi

Post by Wolfeye »

Yeah, I think it was malicious. Maybe not in the "wear it on their sleeve/James Bond villain" kind of way, but it's there. In my opinion, the chicks like (to an extent) being that way because it feels safer- the idea is that the man is either "the enemy" or "the enemy waiting to happen." So, if this is the case (and sometimes it is), they'll be MUCH more likely to try to be completely on their own with A LOT of things.

There's a noticeable trend with men to act like they don't give a shit about anything to seem an "alpha male" or "free." Oddly enough, doing the exact opposite- but that situation goes around & around. It's not at all rare for a guy to dress more or less like a woman & act like he's the manliest thing around (because he doesn't care what other people thing so much, that he jumps right on the metrosexual bandwagon). Speaking of which- wouldn't "METROsexual" have a connotation that the "sexual" part moves? I'm thinking this is the type of guy that'll suck cock to be seen as "socially approved" or "progressive." Not very "free & independent," but that's America lately. I always here something about it only being regional, but I really don't know how much I buy that "land of the noble savage" argument. I'm really not so sure that the people that are always rushing to volunteer for America's next military bullshit are going to buck any kind of push from the government- especially if it were incremental.

It's not rare that you find cases of someone acting like a psychotic asshole & the men just take video of it, instead of stopping it. Why? Here's how a conversation would likely go: "You guys just filmed this? Why didn't you stop it? There were a whole bunch of you." "Oh, the cops would have ruined our lives." "Well- I guess they're the same shit, huh?" "Oh, no- they're just doing their jobs!" "What the f**k are you getting at?!"

As for the narcissism, that seems to be as simple as getting someone addicted to a drug. It's a tactic to get people to "spike up" through doing whatever bullshit thing next comes down the pipe. I noticed that there was always some "charitable" angle to things, like keeping kids from feeling bad by deeming every answer praiseworthy. Oddly enough, they have a very different stance when someone defends themselves in a fight or has any opinion that they didn't provide. Thinking 2+2=5 is wonderful, misbehavior in class is grounds to call the new gestapo to start fighting.

A really noticeable Jekyll & Hyde approach to things pervades the culture. They're VERY quick to lock people up or shoot lawsuits at them, there's usually some way to figure out how someone is a either dirtbag or simply complete trash (leaving the observer the "prize pig," conveniently enough- like a junky cooking a fix), and every other country is wrong when THEY f**k up in the same way America does.
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Re: Whyare we raising a generation of entitled narcissist wi

Post by Nailer »

I think a lot of the anti-male stuff our media puts out has subtle effects on society we dismiss too easily. The "rape" indoctrination on college campuses has a heavy effect on peoples' behavior and makes the men scared and the women entitled and angry. That alone right there is enough to screw up society, but there are hundreds of small brainwashing things like that that go completely unchallenged, for decades now. It adds up.

The reason this is being done, in case you haven't figured it out is because Communists / Jews hate the white race, want to wipe us off the face of the earth, so they have global unchallenged power over the brown races. All it takes is a few minutes with Google to discover that every destructive movement in society is overwhelmingly staffed with Jews. It's not even debatable, it's just plain fact right in front of your face. You can either ignore reality or admit it.

It really is that simple, but unfortunately understanding the problem doesn't automatically free you from the situation. The only thing you can do is find hacks for the system and adjust your behavior to massively improve your social opportunity, or leave. Ever notice that all the recommended European destinations here are east of the Berlin Wall? The Jews lost control of the Soviet Union when Stalin purged the party, so they switched sides and came here.

We're not free. We're not some great country that has eclipsed history. We're still in the middle of a 100+ year war during a phase of psychological terrorism, much like Weimar Germany. The Jews are playing a very long game and they are very patient.

That is what you're up against if you try to play the game in America. Sound crazy? You tell me why everyone in the U.S. is terrified of eye contact. Tell me why a person can lose one's job for suggesting that western nations ought to protect their own borders. Tell me why CEOs are fired for having non-Marxist political opinions. Tell me why America went from a pretty fun care-free place to a nation of long-faced wimps staring at their shoes in 20 years.



From what I hear, everything I am saying is pretty common knowledge in the former Soviet States, who have a special hatred for Communism and the people who forced it on them. RamZPaul talks a lot about his travels in the FSU and young girls he talks to say totally hardcore anti-Jew things.

Unlike the self-help PUA people, Winston says there is nothing you can do about it, because you are not the problem. You can't control other people's behavior by changing your own thoughts and appearance. Have you ever met anyone in America who could go out and talk to people and find girlfriends with ease? I have never seen this in my life, so why should I believe it is even possible? The only thing I have ever seen work is having a lot of social connections through a fun job. I have actually seen that work in real life, not just in some made-up fictional account by some anonymous person who claims to be "alpha".

Or maybe I'm just imagining this and I just need to fix my attitude and have an "abundance mentality", lol. :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Whyare we raising a generation of entitled narcissist wi

Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

It is because we are a nation primarily raised by personality-disordered single mothers, that's why.....
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Re: Whyare we raising a generation of entitled narcissist wi

Post by Eric »

It's not long now, WW3 will soon be upon us, I'm sorry to say that...but everything now is leading up to that point, they have been patient and are finally ready to put their plans in place.

Its so sad here, agree and...agree with what Nailer said about all the small things having an effect. Its true - this is a particularly tragic time in history, because all humanity is handicapped in a way never seen before.

The Mediterranean is a nice place to go...that's where I want to be at, eventually...

All niceness and beauty, and innocence is taken out of...should I say not allowed, in life. The simple things that make life worth living are somehow gone. The ground is not fertile to take them. Its truly sad and heartbreaking.
Most guys and girls will not know what innocence is or a kind relationship is like...People you can't look them in the eye, in a thousand different ways we are both conditioned somehow to not come together. There is only alienation mistrust and fear.

Keep trying, keep looking in the good places.
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Re: Whyare we raising a generation of entitled narcissist wi

Post by MrMan »

Nailer wrote:I think a lot of the anti-male stuff our media puts out has subtle effects on society we dismiss too easily. The "rape" indoctrination on college campuses has a heavy effect on peoples' behavior and makes the men scared and the women entitled and angry. That alone right there is enough to screw up society, but there are hundreds of small brainwashing things like that that go completely unchallenged, for decades now. It adds up.
When fornicators dictate sexual morality, you end up with a big mess. Add feminism into the mix and it gets worse. The reason these women are concerned that they might get drunk and someone might rape them is because they and the men on campus think it's okay to go out and have sex with someone who isn't married. The moral issues, for them, become whether sex is consentual and whether a condom was used. Some people still consider adultery to be immoral, or even cheating on a boyfriend or girlfriend. Boyfriend-girlfriend relationships shouldn't be having sex. They don't really have real rights to each other if they aren't married.

Rape gets extended to a woman feeling pressured for sex or doing it when he wants to and she doesn't really want to that much. Or if they have sex when they are drunk, that's considered rape. If a woman carries that thinking over into marriage, she could be a very lousy partner when it comes to sex. If she doesn't have anyone telling her that she is supposed to meet her husband's sexual needs, she thinks she should only have sex when she wants it for herself, and if her husband objects to her selfishness, he's trying to rape her by pressuring her to have sex. I'm extrapolating a bit here, but it would seem marrying one of these feminists whose bought into that mindset could present a rather bleak sex life unless she just wants it for herself a lot. Translated to marriage, this message of sexual morality can be rather selfish.

And the lying rape statistics that the feminists spout are rather scarey.
The reason this is being done, in case you haven't figured it out is because Communists / Jews hate the white race, want to wipe us off the face of the earth, so they have global unchallenged power over the brown races. All it takes is a few minutes with Google to discover that every destructive movement in society is overwhelmingly staffed with Jews. It's not even debatable, it's just plain fact right in front of your face. You can either ignore reality or admit it.
There are lots of non-religious Jews who have abandoned their traditional religious beliefs staffing a lot of left-leaning movements. Lots of these Jews are liberal, and many liberals have a very skewed idea of immorality. That doesn't mean there is an intentional conspiracy among Jews to wipe out white people.
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Re: Whyare we raising a generation of entitled narcissist wi

Post by Nailer »

MrMan wrote:There are lots of non-religious Jews who have abandoned their traditional religious beliefs staffing a lot of left-leaning movements. Lots of these Jews are liberal, and many liberals have a very skewed idea of immorality. That doesn't mean there is an intentional conspiracy among Jews to wipe out white people.
It's international...yes. The same Jewish-led movements are occurring in the entire western world.
Conspiracy is two or more people coming together to carry out a secret plan. Yes, it is a conspiracy.
Wiping out white people. Let's see, the U.S. went from 85% white to 50% white in 40 years, and birth rates in the entire western world are below replacement levels.

Yes, it is an international Jewish conspiracy to wipe out white people. That isn't just what I am calling it. That is what those words mean.



In countless places, in their own words, Jews are stating that they are conspiring across nations to destroy the white race. Not sure how much more obvious they can make it. They're not even afraid to admit it anymore, and you still can't believe it?
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Re: Whyare we raising a generation of entitled narcissist wi

Post by Eric »

THe problem is, and I get sick of talking about it. Women cannot run society, and that's what's happening. Men need to be taught, yes 'taught' by a father how to be a man. That is how men operate, fixed rules and guidance and we can be molded.
Women are not like that, they don't form the same way as a man...they just go along, they do whatever they're told. Now, they're told to hate men and distrust them (you can already see a horrible situation there, that's all it takes to upturn society), dress up like sluts and ho's because they thing, somehow "they'll be respected by a man" if they do that. Don't ask me where that female logic came from.
they're ridiculed and abused for wanting to be sweet innocent girls, by feminists who call them names, like "bare foot in the kitchen, kow towing to men by being submissive...you have a bunch of angry women walking around.

What that does to men is awful. It may not seem like it.... but then the men lose themselves and, go after these women who are flaunting themselves to the men, any man may lose his integrity and boundaries and fast stop becoming a man, because Remember, a man needs to be taught to be and act like a man, a man is rigid, fixed, rational, guiding.

....This is a horribly confused situation. Who knows how it plays out. The men then become chasing women... who seize on control because they have an upper hand... it's a confused mess. The men don't know how to act like a man, they've lost themselves. The men react to the women who react to men reacting to women. It's a confused jumble nightmare. I just want women to go back to acting like the sweet, delicate and dainty innocent things they are. Not an empowered slut who sleeps with 15 guys and dresses like a prostitute. It's terrible. I feel that women ruined this entire situation... but can't blame it on them.
They need men to guide them.

What we should have done, as men, was to rise up and slaughter those rulers doing this - to gain control of our women back...

Listen, as a guy. All you can do is act like your father - or whoever man taught you - ... and act on and seize the opportunity when you want to with a 'slutty' girl and still wait out for the good ones.

That's all we can do, don't lose or let go of your integrity, that's the most important thing.

I see so many hordes of 'men' out there walking around who are half men. men boys...boy men, simps.... faggots, metrosexuals, douches and opportunists, flakes. All this shit stinks. None of them are real men. All are shallow. All have lost themselves.
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Re: Whyare we raising a generation of entitled narcissist wi

Post by Kradmelder »

If you google it you will find many many studies showing that boys raised without a father have much higher rates of sociopathic behaviour and girls have a higher chance of going slutty to get male attention.

A father is the backbone of a family, instilling character and discipline and respect. Without that you go gangsta, nerdy, or weak willed wimp. The extremes. There is no man to set you an upright path. Unless a kid is very strong willed or has some other male role model, his future is handicapped. Look at the dysfunction in the black community due to rates of absentee fathers.

If you want to destroy a society, remove men frim their families. Why else are there so many jew divorce lawyers, shrinks telling women to find themselves, feminists telling them to ditch the authority dad, and rebelling againt your parents in rock music to tv. You will find jews behind all these movements.
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Re: Whyare we raising a generation of entitled narcissist wi

Post by xiongmao »

I am fairly right wing and the biggest satisfaction of my current job is that my statistics helped deliver a huge blow to the left which has pretty much destroyed any chance of them getting back in power in the UK. So long snowflakes.

My current boss has been in the news recently about parenting. It's a gigantic niche if anyone is interested in blogging about it, we had an enormous press feeding frenzy and it all started from one single throwaway line. He got 700 comments on a single article. In less than 24 hours.
I was Happier Abroad for a while but Covid killed that off.
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Re: Whyare we raising a generation of entitled narcissist wi

Post by Adama »

At my current office building, I was just looking at the names of all the lawyers. You'd be amazed at how stereotypes are true. Guess who comprises much more than their representation in even the local population. One guess. Anyone who can't see this is willfully blind.

And as for men in the family, remember that Satan tempted Eve to get to Adam. And for those of you who don't hate God, also remember Samson, whose first wife betrayed him and whose girlfriend (fornication partner) Delilah (the second woman in his story, who wasn't his wife) also betrayed him because she was promised riches.

You must first bind the strong man if you want to spoil his house. You use the woman to bind the man. Empower women and that disempowers men. It destroys them both, because, just like the angels that came out of their place, when women rebel against their husbands and against God, it destroys their souls. It doesn't just destroy children and men and boys, but women who seek their own glory instead of the role God gave them. Many women are drunk on this power.

And also, if you remember Molech, the false god which demands child sacrifice, then take a look at feminism and its abortion, also sacrificing of children. Feminism is nothing more or less than veiled Satanism and the worship of women as gods.

There is nothing new under the sun. Just they have managed to do this world wide this time, and they have a death grip.

Now unless God is going to rain down fire and brimstone or send a great flood to cleanse the earth, this is the way it is going to be until the end of this age. There is no rescue from this. There is hope though, if you are not yet a reprobate hater of God, you can still get saved by believing in Christ by faith alone without works (that includes no works of repentance or abiding) because salvation is the free gift of God for believing in Jesus Christ (see Ephesians 2:8-9 and detailed explanation in Romans chapters 3, 4 and 5 for references to the free gift), and we are sealed by the Holy Ghost. Then wisdom and understanding is imparted from God. Good wives are also gifts from the Lord. That's what I am waiting for.

But if you love ungodly pleasure over the love of the truth which is God, then your chances dwindle.
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Re: Whyare we raising a generation of entitled narcissist wi

Post by Eric »

Americans are now fully mind controlled. We have the attention spans of goldfish...every ones promiscuous all hours of the day. Music mind controls you.
Men are broken down impotent wimps in a cage ....the females promiscuous.

No one plans long term but is in it for a thrill. That's a society we have now.
As I see the guys around me, it scares the shit out of me. Its like a disease I don't want to catch.

Can't sleep at night, constantly on go go. That's it...mind doesn't shut off, need constant noise and distraxtion.
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Re: Whyare we raising a generation of entitled narcissist wi

Post by Eric »

If I can just stay above water. Its impossible to live normally ....anymore, so have to take part.

The females are too promiscuous, and everyone is darting the eyes.
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Re: Whyare we raising a generation of entitled narcissist wi

Post by Kradmelder »

Adama wrote:At my current office building, I was just looking at the names of all the lawyers. You'd be amazed at how stereotypes are true. Guess who comprises much more than their representation in even the local population. One guess. Anyone who can't see this is willfully blind.

And as for men in the family, remember that Satan tempted Eve to get to Adam. And for those of you who don't hate God, also remember Samson, whose first wife betrayed him and whose girlfriend (fornication partner) Delilah (the second woman in his story, who wasn't his wife) also betrayed him because she was promised riches.

You must first bind the strong man if you want to spoil his house. You use the woman to bind the man. Empower women and that disempowers men. It destroys them both, because, just like the angels that came out of their place, when women rebel against their husbands and against God, it destroys their souls. It doesn't just destroy children and men and boys, but women who seek their own glory instead of the role God gave them. Many women are drunk on this power.

And also, if you remember Molech, the false god which demands child sacrifice, then take a look at feminism and its abortion, also sacrificing of children. Feminism is nothing more or less than veiled Satanism and the worship of women as gods.

There is nothing new under the sun. Just they have managed to do this world wide this time, and they have a death grip.

Now unless God is going to rain down fire and brimstone or send a great flood to cleanse the earth, this is the way it is going to be until the end of this age. There is no rescue from this. There is hope though, if you are not yet a reprobate hater of God, you can still get saved by believing in Christ by faith alone without works (that includes no works of repentance or abiding) because salvation is the free gift of God for believing in Jesus Christ (see Ephesians 2:8-9 and detailed explanation in Romans chapters 3, 4 and 5 for references to the free gift), and we are sealed by the Holy Ghost. Then wisdom and understanding is imparted from God. Good wives are also gifts from the Lord. That's what I am waiting for.

But if you love ungodly pleasure over the love of the truth which is God, then your chances dwindle.
Because law is a natural profession for jews. You produce nothing and swindle people for money. Screwing people for money is as kosher as a yarmulke.

Family law is even more jewish. Screwing white men is the butter on the bagel. My ex set a well known jew lawyer on me. I told her what kind of christian sets a jew on another christian. Ended up that jew saw his arse as he made too many false allegations in his greed.
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