Do Asian American men have any hope?

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Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by chanta76 »

Lately I do see more Asian american guys here in NYC dating out..but still it's not common common. I think globally the asian population is huge but yet Asian men in the west are look down upon and have the image of being sexless. So it is up hill climb for an asian american guy to find a girl in the west in matter of fact maybe globally.

Black guys are hyper masculine. Latin man are consider romantic. White guys have all the power. Asian guys are just good at math.....that's the stereotype...

anyway if an asian guy is into non-asian girls what should he do? is it hopeless for the asian men everywhere.

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Re: About asian men

Post by luoldeng9 »

Then perhaps asian men need to stop thinking getting a gf=happiness. After all, American females are complete pieces of shits.. why bother with them? Its better to be dateless than to be controlled by a succubus
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Re: About asian men

Post by chanta76 »


Did want to make babies. The developed Asian countries like South Korea and Japan has a very low birth rate. At the same time both these countries are not great countries to go to for mongers and if your a western guy looking for girl friend in those develop Asian countries just being white is not enough.

I think with Asian American guys they are screwed. I still struggle with my insecurity and it's really racism that cause it. Maybe with the rise of China and the wealthy Asian guys and hopefully with kpop or even some other media outlet Asian guys can feel more normal.
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Re: About asian men

Post by cbcsurvivalist »

That's why you need to smash those stereotypes. Don't be one of those nerdy shy asian guys who dress like shit. Do the opposite. Instead of playing video games and watching anime, go play some sports, go do stand up comedy, etc. Tips and Tricks for the CBC in the 21th century
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Re: About asian men

Post by Yohan »

chanta76 wrote: The developed Asian countries like South Korea and Japan ... both these countries are not great countries to go to for mongers ...

I think with Asian American guys they are screwed. I still struggle with my insecurity and it's really racism that cause it. ...
In Japan in the big cities, this depends on your wallet - there is plenty of nightlife going on.

About Asian-Americans, it is not only about 'racism'. 'Racism' is often used as an excuse for all and everything. Similar to 'religion'.

It is more about that they are few (7 percent out of the entire US-population or so?) compared to the white and black people and that they are not unified and living only in a few areas in the States -

Asian-Americans are divided in many groups which are not much communicative to each other like Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipinos, Chinese, Koreans, Cambodians etc.. The result are small groups only, with little choice in daily life.
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Re: About asian men

Post by Yohan »

Ghost wrote: I think Asian guys can do better in Asia than white guys. White guys usually get the bottom of the barrel in Asia when it comes to women. Being "one of them" can help you.
Yes and no. If they still know about their country of origin and know the language and have some personal connection with relatives and friends, for sure these Asian-Americans are doing better in their Asian countries (maybe not everywhere in Asia) than white people.

However if they lost their identity already, cannot speak anything but English or Spanish, are of low education and are starting with arguments like in USA or in Brazil it is like that and why is it here different in Japan, then they are hopeless people, it makes no sense to argue with them and they are doing often worse than other foreigners who have no native connection with Asian countries at all. -

For example, Brazilian-Japanese are often not welcome as they are known for their low education and illegal drugs and violent disputes. Asian Americans of Christian faith in Japan are also often rejected because of their intensive proselytizing against Buddhism.
Myanmar and Cambodia, both strongly Buddhist countries, created even laws against them to prevent them from aggressive proselytizing in public streets and places.
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Re: About asian men

Post by zboy1 »

It's very different in Asia; Asian women like Westernized Asian men. Now, they like Westernized Asian men who aren't total d-bags, like some Westerners can be. Just be yourself, be relatively educated and act normal, and you will do fine with the women here,

Asian American/Asian-Canadian/Asian-Australian women are completely different from their Asian counterparts; it's like night and day. It's not even funny. Asian men still control Asia, unlike in the United States, except for some countries like Singapore and Taiwan, where White-worshiping and Asian self-hatred run rampant for some reason.
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Re: About asian men

Post by Falcon »

chanta76 wrote:Lately I do see more Asian american guys here in NYC dating out..but still it's not common common. I think globally the asian population is huge but yet Asian men in the west are look down upon and have the image of being sexless. So it is up hill climb for an asian american guy to find a girl in the west in matter of fact maybe globally.

Black guys are hyper masculine. Latin man are consider romantic. White guys have all the power. Asian guys are just good at math.....that's the stereotype...
All over East and Southeast Asia, and even Latin America and maybe parts of Europe, Asian men are considered good at math AND romantic AND masculine. Beyond the US, Asian men actually have it pretty good. Really good. Many women throughout the world will date East Asian men, but not South Asian or black men.

Globally speaking, the US is simply bizarre and unusual in its attitudes towards the average middle-class educated Asian man because the US can be so anti-intellectual. Forget about it.

Everywhere else, saying that Asian men are undesirable is like saying the sky is falling or that it's raining cats and dogs.

chanta76 wrote:anyway if an asian guy is into non-asian girls what should he do? is it hopeless for the asian men everywhere.
That's only if you mean Anglo white girls in America. The question for guys like Winston and me had often been that if you're into NE Asian women (Taiwanese, Korean, Chinese, Japanese), then what should we do? Winston has had bad luck with them for many years, and so did I. But we did well with all other women, even white women (Eastern Europeans) in Winston's case.

I think with Asian American guys they are screwed.
How much traveling have you done? Throughout my travels, in every single country I've been to outside the US, Asian-American guys are coveted as the cream of the crop. For example, in Western Europe it's worst to be Middle Eastern, South Asian, or black, while East Asians are generally respected and accepted for having Western European values.

If you really want to get this over your head, go to Thailand. Just ask Ladislav. Many of the women here (not the lower-class ones) will refuse to touch white guys. There seriously are some Asian-only (no whites allowed) bars. Take the infamous Thermae Bar in Bangkok for instance, where most of the ladies will prefer Japanese men but would be absolutely repelled by white men (now just forget about non-East Asian, non-white men). There are tons of white guys complaining on how Thais are racist towards them, but not other NE Asians.
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Re: About asian men

Post by Rock »

- I think you and Winston are anomalies. Most NE Asian guys have great luck in...NE Asia lol. After all, who is that most NE Asian date, marry, and have babies with? To that, you can add certain areas of SE Asia. These regions are their true sweet spots. If I was of NE Asia descent, that's the part of the world where I would feel most valuable to women as a man. Seems to be working ok for the likes of zboy, Ethan, and now even Winston. Repat had a fruitful dating life with Thai Chinese types during his tenure in BK too.

- I highly doubt NE Asian guys are generally considered masculine by women outside NE Asia and maybe some select areas of SE Asia. Perception of masculinity is generally linked to certain traits (voice, T levels, bone size and density, aggressiveness, even cock size lol). NE Asian men fall at one end of spectrum on this stuff while blacks, and certain middle easterners or latinos fall at other end. To be considered masculine as a a NE Asian male, you probably need to stand out as a fairly atypical specimen within your ethnicity.

- In Russia/E. Europe, Winston, according to himself, was not taken seriously as a man. He even got refused at certain brothels due to his race. Now you might say it's only Winston. But I think it's the general perception of most NE Asians there. I remember going out a lot in Harbin which is not so far from Russian border. Most of the whites you see there can be divided into Russians and Anglo English teachers. Russian women stick to Russians and are generally not attracted to local men. This is what the longer term English teachers told me. African women I've encountered by and large seem to be least interested in NE Asian. Similarly, the Kenyan English teacher girls I knew in China refused to date local or imported NE Asian men. They wanted blacks or men of other backgrounds. And these girls were willing to lower their standards given that they were in China. But they just didn't wanna have anything to do with local guys, even those odd guys who had some kinda African curiosity or fetish.

- In urban Colombia, Brazil, or DR, 2nd gen or beyond Asians sometimes assimilate. But then, they really become different. They kinda loose their asianess. Think 3rd+ gen Japanese in Sao Paolo. The FOB types and even their offspring will often stay in their own asian micro community bubbles - partly out of choice but also for not totally fitting in. Sure if you are an Asian guy who from a young age makes a strong effort to localize and distance yourself from your heritage, then you can pull it off. Kinda like those odd white kids who talk and act black in the USA (ala Emenim). If you go this route, you can be accepted. But it's gotta be the real you so you need to start in childhood. Otherwise, it will just look silly.

- Perhaps you found some great sweet spots in rural Mexico for certain types of NE Asian guys like yourself. I also remember reading some anecdotes from Asian guys claiming that France or at least Paris seems to have a lot of women open to them dating wise. So there are probably some interesting potential pockets here and there around the globe. But I suspect those areas are rather small and within them, it's more of a niche subset of local girls.

- If you're a regular garden variety NE Asian guy, your real dating and mating paradise is probably gonna be developing areas of Asia - China, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and perhaps certain niches within the Philippines. Don't know if Cambo and Burma fit into this too or perhaps Mongolia even. I can't imagine your sexual market value will be nearly as high anywhere else in the world as it is in good ole developing Asia.

- Thermae has become dominated by asians in last several years. But it's not an asian only place and majority of girls will go with clients they are not repulsed by of NE asian, white, or even darker persuasions. Thermae used to be one of the coolest places in town (think Tanamur of Jakarta from the 70s-90s) where locals and expats from all backgrounds, levels, and nationalities co-mingled and networked 24/7 while having a great time with local girls. Now it's just a shadow of it's former glory with dozens of dolled up low rent hos standing in a long line-up for the tire kicking men to decide whether or not to take one. Oh and since things in Bangkok have become pretty grim as of late, many of these girls can be had for 1,000-1,500 for quickies. Regular Nana go girls are generally a step-up from these and if you are even pickier, then you need to convince a coyote girl to have a date with you and put up the required funds lol.
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Re: About asian men

Post by Falcon »

I highly doubt NE Asian guys are generally considered masculine by women outside NE Asia and maybe some select areas of SE Asia. Perception of masculinity is generally linked to certain traits (voice, T levels, bone size and density, aggressiveness, even cock size lol). NE Asian men fall at one end of spectrum on this stuff while blacks, and certain middle easterners or latinos fall at other end. To be considered masculine as a a NE Asian male, you probably need to stand out as a fairly atypical specimen within your ethnicity.
But at least that's what I experienced abroad myself, so maybe it doesn't apply to the average NE Asian guy. It's harder to imagine a more effeminate-looking NE Asian guy (Baoniang, Winston, etc.) being considered that masculine by women in some of these places you mentioned though.

I guess I'd be atypical because NE Asian women always say I look older ( = more masculine in other places). My height, voice, and even skin tone are different, and Latinas would specifically point out some of those features as attractive and masculine, whereas those same features would be interpreted by NE Asian women as "looking older." I'm absolutely sure that most Latinas consider me to be masculine.

Winston and I don't act or talk or think like typical NE Asian guys. That's probably the main thing.

- In Russia/E. Europe, Winston, according to himself, was not taken seriously as a man.
OK but still Winston had a few white Anglo-American girlfriends in the US. Read his bio. He never had a NE Asian (Chinese / Taiwanese) girlfriend while in the US, although he did have a Vietnamese one, if you count Viet as SE Asian.

Seems to be working ok for the likes of zboy, Ethan, and now even Winston. Repat had a fruitful dating life with Thai Chinese types during his tenure in BK too.
Zboy did better with non-Asian women too, before his big trip to China. Winston had a difficult start, but that's my point. I'm sure I can get up to at least Winston's level with some more experience, but the thing is we both had to go through a steep learning curve. We simply didn't have this steep learning curve with non NE-Asian women.

- Perhaps you found some great sweet spots in rural Mexico for certain types of NE Asian guys like yourself. I also remember reading some anecdotes from Asian guys claiming that France or at least Paris seems to have a lot of women open to them dating wise. So there are probably some interesting potential pockets here and there around the globe. But I suspect those areas are rather small and within them, it's more of a niche subset of local girls.
Rural Mexico is not a niche or a sweet spot. And actually I was often in Mexican state capitals too, not just rural villages. That's basically like most of Latin America, definitely at least 50% of all of Latin America. I did not go to just a few select spots. I traveled very extensively in all parts of Mexico, from the far north to the central highlands to the far south, and even Guatemala, in rural villages, small towns, and large cities. And everywhere I got positive results with Latinas of all races (mestiza, indigenous, black, mixed, and even white).

You really don't need to doubt that I was in the atypical sweet spots of Latin America. For me, Latinas everywhere were so much less unattainable than mainstream NE Asian women. It's just a total no-brainer.
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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by HouseMD »

The Asian guys I know are about 50/50 split, with half dating other Asians and half dating white girls. Only one is single.
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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by jamesbond »

Winston often said it was almost impossible for him to meet women in America. However, there were times where he did meet some women. :P

"When I think about the idea of getting involved with an American woman, I don't know if I should laugh .............. or vomit!"

"Trying to meet women in America is like trying to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics."
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Re: Do Asian American men have any hope?

Post by chanta76 »


. From your writing I can't help but feel that you have this superiority complex because you believe that your supposedly more masculine. Since you have white privilege you would also benefit dating in Europe or Russia but I guess you want to use your whiteness to get all those Chinese girls .

Obviously Asian men do OK in Asia. I think in South America they may do OK too. I have a Peruvian friend who told me that it's a non-issue for Asian men to date local girls. Ditto for Mexico. There is a Japanese Brazilian community and fair number of the Japanese guys that did end up marrying local girls. It's like only the Anglo sphere Asian guys are really screwed BUT lately as I go out in NYC I notice more and more Asian guys with white girls...many of these couples are young couples(under 30) so maybe something is happening that didn't apply to me when I was in my early 20's.

I knew one Chinese American guy who worked in Germany and dated a German girl. He told me there is no advantage race wise but no read DISadvantage from his experience in Europe. It's more or less how you carry yourself. Russia ..I hear mix stories. Sure Winston did get rejected in Russia and certain brothels wouldn't accept him. But I hear stories of Asian guys getting girls there so I get confused...The behavior of an asian American guy vs Asian guy is different. Asian American guys will act American which does lead to some benefit good or bad in certain countries.

It's like in South Korea..if your white guy and want to go into certain brothels (outside of the US Army bases) most Korean girls would reject a foreigner or white guy ..but does this mean a white guy can't get a Korean girl friend. Of course not.

Sometimes Rock you just come out sounding like you .."yeah I'm white and damn I feel lucky I'm not a color guy because of my whiteness I have all this advantage in getting laid." Sorry..I never met you..maybe in real life your not like this but from reading your post you come out like that.

FOr example you visited Jamaica and mentioned that you didn't see any Asian guys with Jamaican women. I met this Jamaican guy in NYC and he told me that there is CHinese population in Jamaica and fair number of the CHinese guys ended up marrying Jamaican women.

Here is one brief history about them. I think given a Choice most of the Asian guys would prefer Asian girls but if no Asian girls around they settle what;s around them. The difference between USA and Jamaica is that USA made laws against color men to date white women..because of the legacy of racism which still exist today it had a negative impact for Asian men . ...

In other parts of the world there is less of that desexualization stereotype. Here is ak-pop band in MExico....notice all those young Mexican girls going crazy for the Korean boy band..I think with the next generation it;s allot easier for the Asian guys globally to date inter-racially..
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