Western women won't date Chinese men

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Western women won't date Chinese men

Post by chanta76 »

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jocelyn-e ... 27240.html

I know..I know most of you will think western women are horrible but if your a white guy you have no worries of white women leaving you for a Chinese guy any time soon. I read that article and I couldn't help but feel tad bit sad for my fellow Asian brothers out there. I mean you have high rate of western guys with Asian women and lack of western women willing to date Asian guys..so where does Asian guys go?

Or maybe this article just proves that race and sex selection is much more hard wired. What I mean is that I notice that if a white girl does date out it's usually with a black guy. And black guys have higher rate of dating out themselves leaving black women which is the role reverser for Asian people.

The stereotype is that black men are hyper masculine and Asian men are under masculine. On top of that Winston Wu started a thread about why are Chinese men so filthy . I mean it does't help the asian men cause.

On positive note to my fellow Asian brothers I do see more and more Asian American guys dating out . I think with the next generation of guys they are getting their act together but I think the deep seated racism and post colonialist mentality still exist which contributes to this. I think.
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Re: Western women won't date chinese men

Post by BlackGuyFromEngland »

chanta76 wrote:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jocelyn-e ... 27240.html

I know..I know most of you will think western women are horrible but if your a white guy you have no worries of white women leaving you for a Chinese guy any time soon. I read that article and I couldn't help but feel tad bit sad for my fellow Asian brothers out there. I mean you have high rate of western guys with Asian women and lack of western women willing to date Asian guys..so where does Asian guys go?

Or maybe this article just proves that race and sex selection is much more hard wired. What I mean is that I notice that if a white girl does date out it's usually with a black guy. And black guys have higher rate of dating out themselves leaving black women which is the role reverser for Asian people.

The stereotype is that black men are hyper masculine and Asian men are under masculine. On top of that Winston Wu started a thread about why are Chinese men so filthy . I mean it does't help the asian men cause.

On positive note to my fellow Asian brothers I do see more and more Asian American guys dating out . I think with the next generation of guys they are getting their act together but I think the deep seated racism and post colonialist mentality still exist which contributes to this. I think.
If are a white guy, you will have a smoother ride with women FOR SURE. The thing about it is that if you are white man, as long as you are not ugly the looks standard is already met. White guys have easy with women, that if anything of them knew the challenges faced by non-white men, they'd fall aprt. Chinese men have hard with women, and if they want to date outside their race, they have it even harder.

And as a black male. We have it hard with women. Black men have a stigma on our head and that stigma is very unattractive to women.
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Re: Western women won't date chinese men

Post by 262 »

Race is just one line in a practically infinite list of requirements a Western woman has for a man. When you see the depths of what even white men have to go through for Western women, well ... that's nothing that needs to be repeated on this forum.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Ukraine ...

(http://www.chinasmack.com/2014/stories/ ... nvied.html)
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Re: Western women won't date Chinese men

Post by Winston »

I've explained in another thread why Asian men and White women aren't naturally and generally compatible. There are exceptions of course. But this applies in general.

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Re: Western women won't date Chinese men

Post by chanta76 »


Well...if asian men and white women are not compatible base upon your assessment that would also imply that asian men are not compatible with black women too since black women are much more masculine compared to white women. If what you are saying is true than Asian men are f***ed. I mean you have loads of white and black guys gunning for Asian girls and fair number of asian girls date/marry white or black guys.
It's like musical chairs there is not enough for everyone. At the same time I notice here in the states some Asian American girls act stuck up knowing that white guys chase them and diss on Asian guys.

Saying that...I think this article focus on native CHinese guys. Native Chinese guys because of how they grew up probably doesn't have the same social intelligence or flair to attract western girls. I think if they improve themselves they can better their chance.

But let say Winston white girls and Asian guys are not compatible. And you have an Asian guy who likes white girls. Should he kill himself because he has no hope?
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Re: Western women won't date Chinese men

Post by travelsouth »

Young white women go to Japan all the time to teach. They generally don't last very long before going back to the USA. They try to date Japanese men, but are always rebuffed. They go online and post their sob story blogs, and white American men laugh at them (saying welcome to being an average guy in the States). It's pretty common knowledge that gringas are lonely in Japan.
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Re: Western women won't date Chinese men

Post by Mr S »

I've seen some white women with male Filipinos here on occasion while doing my business in Makati area or Cebu business district. Usually, though the women were what we would call slightly or moderately overweight and the Filipino man was either middle class or above.

When I was in Vietnam I saw some white women with Vietnamese guys too, but I'm assuming they probably met in the states and they were in Vietnam on vacation visiting family or something.

It's not very common, but since I live here and frequently are walking around places where foreigners or higher end people congregate, I do see these kinds of couple on occasion, of course it's usually the opposite but there are exceptions to the rule.

One thing I'd like to say is that for all the talk that Filipinas are open to dating black guys or dark skinned guys from India, Middle East or other SE Asian countries, I almost never see a Filipina with a regular black or dark skinned guy unless I'm in a red light places like Angles City, Malate, Mango Ave in Cebu or Burgos in Makati. I'll sometimes see them with Koreans, Japanese or Chinese, but they have lighter skin usually. I think there is a general stigma among Filipinos if you're walking around with a dark skinned person, unless of course you don't give a shit and usually the lower social classes are the ones that don't care cause they have nothing to lose. Even in the past when I was dating multiple women here I noticed ALL women would look at me and the girl and make comparisons and it was much worse staring if the girl had dark skin. I personally don't care myself how people look at me in regards to who I'm with as they can go F themselves, but here in PI most people do judge you and if you are a white foreigner and somewhat decent looking you will be judged by the Filipinos that are around you. IF you are with a darker skinned girl you will automatically be labeled as a sexpat and the girl a whore, even if she isn't. It's just the way they think here. The lighter the skin the less stares you get if your a white guy with a girl here. So if you want to avoid social awkward situations in public date women with lighter skin if your in the big cities, in the small provincial cities it's not as big a deal but most Westerners don't do that very often.

These are just observations I've made living here and working here as a normal Filipino might, commuting to work and back taking public means and whatever. One can make a lot of general observations about the culture doing this on a regular basis. Westerners stuck in their hidey home condos or hotels don't see this side of the picture usually.
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Re: Western women won't date Chinese men

Post by chanta76 »


Why a white girls rebuff in Japan? I always assumed there is fair number of asian men in asia who wants to hook up with white girls.
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Re: Western women won't date Chinese men

Post by Banano »

'It's pretty common knowledge that gringas are lonely in Japan.'

Really? Enlighten us travelsouth :lol: ...Have you been to Japan? How many lonely gringas you scored?
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Re: Western women won't date Chinese men

Post by romparoo »


Are you Asian? You don't have to answer that if you don't want to.

I think black, white & Asian are all incompatible with each other, but not due to the reasons, or I prefer the term excuses laid out by Winston. The fact is, nobody is truly black, white or Asian. It is an American social construct that intends to divide and conquer. Eugenics in the long run simply becomes in-breeding, and that is where genetic disorders are pilling up and still counting for the so called white race.

I have met a few good looking white women but they have some very exotic health issues. One white woman could not eat a long list of different things because she is intolerant. Naturally she becomes slender and that gives her a free pass to bikini body, but she hates the problem that is causing it. Another example, take the land whale phenomenon. This is a predominant phenotype of western women, and to a smaller extent western men. It is not due to eating too much or drinking coke. It is a genetic disorder. I still remember seeing some white women peers simply become bloated after they reach certain age (somewhere in late 20s). The change is surprisingly sudden: slender to land whale in one year. Some didn't reach the land whale spectrum, but become very chubby, so I guess land whale is what comes next after giving birth.

Why am I telling you this? Just so you know that a Chinese man dating a white woman is actually both of them doing each order a genetic favor when their offspring is born. To be honest, the Chinese is just as guilty, because using my explanation above as a guide, are you aware that the Chinese engages in in-breeding significantly longer than Europeans to the tune of a few thousands years? The Chinese lineage has become totally recessive, and that is why you see when they mix with black, white, Arab or indian, the offspring looks more like the other and not the Chinese. Most Chinese men and women are simply not physically attractive unfortunately, and that is due to thousands years of eugenics. If you have noticed, there is actually another eugenics within the original eugenics. If you look at Hong Kong people, they are so scrawny and tiny, and Chinese people are not very big or tall to beign with. The Hong Kong population, for whatever reasons, have been confining to themselves for generations. The lack of mixing simply kills it for the offspring.

On another note, there is only so much positive media portrayals can do, which of course hasn't gained much traction yet in Hollywood. You probably still remember Long Duk Dong. That came out in 1984. If you are an Asian born before 1995 and live in any western countries, you are bound to suffer. The negative stereotypes of the Asian men have somewhat diminished, and the playing field has become more level for those born after 1995. For you, I think you were probably born earlier, so your chance of dating a white woman is almost non-existent. If you like white women, you can consider going abroad but that is only possible if you can retire early and have plenty of money and time to spend living abroad. Short trips are fun but they are not effective in getting a partner from abroad. Your focus now should entirely be your financial freedom. If you like white woman, get a white woman, don't give in, otherwise it will be disastrous for you and your non-white wife.

About that Ukrainian couple posted by 262, this is where it differs compared to western countries. In western countries, you might have been born native or an international student or a foreigner with proficient English capability, but you will be ignored if you are a non-white male. In Eastern Europe, if you live there long enough, try hard to learn the language and actually master it, you'll be one of the locals and there will be no problem dating and marrying a local.
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Re: Western women won't date Chinese men

Post by Yohan »

chanta76 wrote: Why a white girls rebuff in Japan? I always assumed there is fair number of asian men in asia who wants to hook up with white girls.
It's more about behavior of girls from USA. (It's like that in USA, and why is it not so in Japan?)

I think the largest community of Japanese men married with Western women is the German-speaking community. I am always surprised to see how many they are and divorce is rare.

Japan is not such a comfortable place for the typical US-girl.

There are other foreign women available in Japan too, not only from China or Philippines, but also from Latin America. In Japan are living over 300.000 registered Brazil citizens.
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Re: Western women won't date Chinese men

Post by chanta76 »


Yes, I'm Korea and yes I was born way before 95..saying that do you have document proof about inbreeding within CHina? I'm not sure if I agree with that assessment. I mean through inbreeding you develop allot of health problems or mental problems. For example sickle cell anemia is a disease that is much more common for someone of African descent. If someone of african descent mix with a white or asian the chance of passing this disease is less common. Through inbreeding you would have a population of people who would have shorter life span and or mental retardation.

A part of the reason why Chinese are not too tall or big looking is due to the diet but also even within China there are variation of different ethnic groups within China. I'm Korean way back in 1960's the average height for a 21 years old Korean guy is 5'5 nowadays it's more like 5'9 . Diet and life style improvement did it.

I think your basing everything on looks. Maybe in your opinion Chinese are unattractive and your basing on inbreeding..But if it was truly base upon inbreeding as you say than there would be high levels of low IQ in China or rest of Asia which is not the case.

I do agree that America has a social construct base on racism that cause this division. You don't find this social construct in other countries . Me thinks it's more due to racism in the environment of post western colonialism that is causing this .
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Re: Western women won't date Chinese men

Post by romparoo »


Not saying peeps were doing incestous relationships, but rather, if eugenics were going on for a long time, it eventually became a form of in-breeding. Sure you can still have a little diversity going for a stranger of the same race of opposite gender, but you are simply recycling let say 1000 set of the same genotypes. Over time there would be disorders and malformations due to this systemic eugenics. As the population try to survive in the presence of disorders or malformations, they will also develop a little X factor. For the Chinese, it is their intelligence. For the Europeans, it is appearance, but as you may be aware, Europeans also score high in IQ albeit a little lower than Asians on average. Europeans also appear to be more physically well built. So where do these come from? The IQ went from South and Central Asia to Mediterranean and Eastern Europe. The physical traits like strength and dexterity went from North Africa to Mediterranean to mainland Europe. In other words, Eureopeans did more genetic mixing despite eugenics because they don't recycle the same set of genes. Genes went from Eastern Europe to Central Asia too, but it doesn't go East Asia due to the great wall. Genes are also coming very limitedly from Persia to East Asia due to vast tract of formidable landscape.

Ps. There is a certain facial similarity between a number of Asians and people with down syndrome. That alone tells you why eugenics due to isolation is bad.

Ps. I know what you are saying about diet. But Hong Kong'ers are not in starvation either, but they have pretty much shrunk. From 1955 onwards, in 50 years, the average Dutch grows 10cm taller. It's not quite a 'diet story' either. Sometime genetics peculiarity happens, sometimes it is good, but sometimes it is bad. Genetic mixing keeps the good stuff, and usually phase out the bad stuff.

Ps. I don't see race. I see phenotypes and genotypes. I can get you two women, one white one Asian, and both have very similar facial features due to the same phenotype albeit expressed in a stronger or weaker manner.
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Re: Western women won't date chinese men

Post by Yohan »

BlackGuyFromEngland wrote: If are a white guy, you will have a smoother ride with women FOR SURE. The thing about it is that if you are white man, as long as you are not ugly the looks standard is already met. White guys have easy with women...
As a white man I cannot confirm this. There are other criteria also to consider. Many women are highly materialistic orientated. It's not only about looks, it's also about the wallet - money often overrides race, age and looks... In some places religion is also a criteria to be accepted or rejected regardless if you are white or otherwise good looking...
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Re: Western women won't date chinese men

Post by BlackGuyFromEngland »

Yohan wrote: As a white man I cannot confirm this. There are other criteria also to consider. Many women are highly materialistic orientated. It's not only about looks, it's also about the wallet - money often overrides race, age and looks... In some places religion is also a criteria to be accepted or rejected regardless if you are white or otherwise good looking...
I think that if a woman of any race brought home a white guy, she can pretty be much assured that he will face little if any animosity. However all things being equal - If it were a black guy and th women was non-black, doubters and haters of all kinds would make their opnions known immediately before they even met the guy. I have rarely if ever have witnessed a woman of another race threateneted to be cut off entirely just for being with a white guy. A black guy though ? Like I said, it's 50/50...sometimes 30/70 working against him (assuming he's not rich or famous).

And I'm not saying that blacks aren't apprenhensive about their children marrying whites, be they male or female, what I am saying is that I don't think that families and friends of non-black partners would be as accepting or as lenient with a black guy as they would with a white guy. The privileges of being "white" are pretty consistent amongst all avenues, the same thing occurs when they apply for jobs, housing in certain neighborhoods, loans etc. I think favortism is pretty consistent across all avenues when you make the comparison.

As far as black men's portrayal within favorable stereotypes--it's a double edged sword. Sure favorable steretypes including being sexually aggressive, athletic and musical - then yeah with certain women is does give you an added advantage, but with that comes the idea that this is ALL you are capeable of, even to the point that people are shocked that you don't fit within any of them. A white guy though ? They're pretty much chameleons, they can fit into anything without much flak or surprise. People tend to judge them individually. Asians and Indians I will agree with you though--I think they have it the toughest breaking into the more positive stereotypes of masculinity.

All stereotypes of White males are positive. In movies they are the Prince Charmings, the Superheros, the hard working doctors, the bright scientists, and the cool guys. Women see them as being "safe" and such. Girls from other backgrounds assume they are rich and view them as royalty.
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