Why living in Canada sucks

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Will N. Dowd
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Why living in Canada sucks

Post by Will N. Dowd »

Canada, the second biggest country on Earth, is a pretty strange place if you think really about it. It would take most people a while to figure out why, so I'll make it easy and tell you in my opinion why, backed up by facts. I've lived in various places in Canada for about 30 of my 40 years. although I was born in the Capital of Canada to Canadian parents, my mindset and upbringing does not fit the mold of your standard blue collar Canadian white guy, so I don't fit in here. My father is Canadian born, but is the opposite of most people here, and worked most of his life abroad due to his job. He is very educated, but not used to dealing with the average Canadians like I am so has a different view if things. Given his job he was used to dealing with the elite of Canada and foreign countries. My mum is german born and that had a huge influence on my life. When my parents first hired Filipina maids 33 years ago, I connected with the culture there immediately and fell in love with it after my first visit there.

You have to wonder why such an absolutely huge place, second only to Russia in size, only has about 35 million people living there, most of them near the US border. Yes, you guessed it, for half of the year, Canada is a vast frozen wasteland of snow and ice, from east to west and north to south. Most Canadians take this for granted and grin and bear it, so most locals here are some pretty tough and hearty people. If you don't like extreme cold however you will hate it here from about October to April. Spring and fall are cool, but summer is usually very hot and humid. The most mild climates are Victoria and Vancouver, where I live and they are the only places I am prepared to live in Canada. The problem is I no longer want to live in Vancouver, so that means the only solution is to leave Canada.

I think that if Canada were the same size but in at a lower latitude, it's population would be like the USA. Most Canadians brag about how big the country is and how it is bigger than the USA. This is true, but I would much rather have the USA as a territory to live in, it is only a bit smaller and has mild climates all year round in southern areas. Canada is like one big Alaska, and most of it is unlivable. Just look at the northern territories of Canada, the area is huge and only 100,000 people live there. So the hostile weather has a huge reason on the small population here. Just look at other countries with Canada's size, like China, USA, and Brazil, they have huge populations. Canada's massive size works against it, because it makes traveling areal time consuming affair. It even has 6 time zones, so going somewhere usually involves a long time and lot of money. So traveling or doing business here is a real headache because you have a small population spread across a huge area and a very hostile climate.

Canada's leader is a Woman and lives in another country. Most Canadians themselves are not aware the the Supreme leader of Canada is the Queen of England. Due to this, Canada is a well established matriarchy from the very top down, just like most of the Commonwealth and Anglosphere. About 95% of Canadian men are manginas and don't realize it. They think that calling their wife the boss and having her in charge is totally normal. In fact, in Canada, Womens and Mens roles are reversed from the natural system. Women are in charge and look and act masculine like Men do in Male power societies, and the Men act submissive like foreign women do in male power societies. Most men here have never known anything else, and assume this is the way it is everywhere. If they stood up to their wife, she would divorce him and he would have to give up half of what he owns and pay alimony just like in the USA. So marriage here is fraud, but most men don't realize it because they are so desperate to get a woman they sign the contract and become slaves. Canada was recently picked as the best country in the world to be a woman. They forgot to mention that any country where it is the best place to be a woman is probably the worst place in the world to be a man. Funny how they never write articles about the best countries in the world to be a man, only the best place to be woman. I am now convinced that if Afghanistan is the worst country in the world to be a woman, Canada has to be the worst country in the world to be a man

The Natives that were living here for thousands of years before Canada was "discovered", hate the white people and always have and will. They hate all the other people from all over the world that decided to live here also. Just like in the USA, the British and French that came here 500 years ago decimated the Native populations with war and disease, and said tough luck if you don't like it. Just like in the USA, the Natives here live in poverty on reservations. They have a much lower standard of living than others and have low life expectancy, high unemployment, high AIDS rate, high crime rate, high suicide rate, high drug and alcohol rate and just about every other bad statistic you can think of. If you were to go to a Native reservation in Canada, you would think that you have just gone to a third world country. The native reservations are absent from tourist brochures and travel guides. To make up for killing most of them and ruining the lifestlye, culture, land and history the Canadian government gives the natives tax free status and pretty much anything else for free. They also always get lenient crime sentences compared to others. This will never change. The natives will never like the whites, or other immigrants and the immigrants will never get along with the natives.

The French people will never get along with the English or other people, and vice versa. The largest Province in Canada, Quebec is mostly French speaking, and every 20 years or so they threaten to separate from Canada and become a country called Quebec, not a province. Every time Canada votes on if Quebec should separate or not, the separatists always lose, and Canada stay together until another vote comes along some years later. This will never change. They will never get along. For hundreds of years England and France were bitter enemies in Europe and this continues to show in Canada, where they have political and language battles. Canada has French and English as official languages, so everything has to be in both. It's especially bad in Quebec where they actually have a "Language Police" that goes around making sure that everything is in French first and then English. If you have a English only sign, you face heavy fines and punishment. To realize how extreme the language police get, a few years ago the Quebec government refused to pay for a disabled Quebec woman's assistance dog because the dog only understood commands in English and not French!

Canada is always trying to keep American culture out, an impossible feat when the USA is your best friend and next door neighbor. Canada is trying to establish it's own culture, and not have to much of an influence from the USA. This will never succeed, the USA is simply too strong and too close. Canada is always coming up with silly rules to keep American culture out, and Canadians are always trying to find new and creative ways to circumvent these laws. If you are an American and are used to things you can easily get there, you will go crazy here. Most things American are blocked or don't work here. Your satellite system is illegal here, your video or audio streaming website won't work unless you have a US IP address. Most websites you bought from in the USA won't ship to Canada. Even the superbowl commercials are blocked. TV and Radio has a 35% Canadian content rule. So for every 100 TV shows or Songs on the Radio, 35 have to be Canadian. A thriving underground market of ways to bypass all these laws exist. Most Canadians do a lot of shopping in the USA, and have PO box addresses near the border to have shipments sent too and then picked up there.

Their is really no culture. Canada is simply a British Empire manufactured kill and conquer country that anyone from anywhere in the world can come to and live in and say I am Canadian. Multiculturalism is simply a polite word for people from anywhere in the world living together, but not really caring about any culture other than their own. Most nationalities here stick to their own countrymen and avoid others. About the only thing that will bring people together is a hockey game. Every race and nationality usually cheers when Canada always beats the USA at mens and womens hockey, even though all the players are white. That's about the extent of patriotism here though, because the same people who were cheering go Canada will drive across the border the next day to save $20 on a TV in the USA. This business of keeping USA culture out of Canada is nonsense. Neither country has any real culture. Compared to Europe or Asia which has thousands of years of culture and history, Canada has pretty much nothing. 100 years is considered old here. The Native culture that existed here before the white people came was wiped out long ago and the shattered remnants live in squalor on reservations.

Most Canadians have low standards when it comes to their appearance, possessions and women. You don't realize this until you go abroad, where most Canadians look and act absurd in foreign settings. I remember when I was living in europe and met other Canadians I was usually disappointed or sometimes horrified by their behaviour or appearance. It is simply not a priority to look good or have nice looking things. Standards of beauty are low, since people would rather have cheap things than nice looking things. Most houses are big and ugly, and filled with possessions that they don't need, but bought because the bank gave them a huge line of credit. When the english and french pioneers first settled here a few hundred years ago, the top priority was to stay warm, have food and shelter, if you don't you will freeze to death by october. This is still evident in the attitudes of people. Yes you have all the same modern comforts you have in the USA, but staying warm, dry and fed is the main priority. Due to this, other things rarely matter.

Most people owe a huge amount of money, and think this is completely normal. The government is to blame because they regulate the banks and allow people with pathetic jobs to get impossible mortgages and lines of credit, which those people use to buy thing they don't need, with the money they don't have. Although the banking system here is very secure and highly regarded, it is inherently fraudulent and one day will get a wake up call. Most people here owe 50% more than what they have. So for every $1 they have they owe $1.50. Having huge household debt is completely normal here and expected. People will be shocked if you tell them you owe no money. Living payday to payday is the norm here, and I f you don't people won't like you because you are richer than them and they will look down on you for being that way. If you are a rich guy, other guys will be jealous of you and won't like you, and the gold digging women will like you, but only for your money, so being rich here doesn't make it any better. It doesn't get you better women, weather or social environment.

Being different here in any way, even positive is looked down upon and you are seen as elitist and most people will want nothing to do with you. This is the story of my life here. Even now, I'm seen as a freak, although I'm sure many men are jealous of me but refuse to admit it. I owe no money, payed off my mortgage in 8 years, and now don't have a job. All this is seen as very strange. I used to drink a bit but now am completely sober. This is why I don't socialize here because the subject of why I don't drink will always come up and annoy me. I have never smoked or used drugs including marijuana. Smoking marijuana here is completely normal and if you say you have never done it most will be quite surprised! I don't watch sports or TV, rarely watch movies and don't go to live sporting events. I only date foreign women, I speak 3 languages, and have been to 33 countries, and only date dutch. I also won't marry, and don't have any interest in kids and I hate golf, wrestling, UFC, and NASCAR. If you add all these things up that I don't do and tell them to the average Canadian, they would be shocked and would think me a freak and want nothing to do with me, simply because I am different than them, even if it is more positive.

Dating here is a very frustrating and depressing experience. I am picky and only date non white girls, although I prefer asians. I don't want them to smoke, do drugs, have tattoos, and I prefer non drinkers. I want them to be slim, younger than me and feminine. In Asia of course, I would have millions of girls that fit the bill and would chase me, that's why I have over 6500 messages on DIA. But here in Canada of course, I'm seen again as a freak that can't handle a strong woman. I really only use online dating here, where I get nowhere. Most messages go unread and the selection women is awful. They all have impossible expectations and are absurdly picky. The few local girls I met here online were epic disasters. Most girls that show interest in me here online are horrifying. They are usually overweight 40 something divorced mothers with tattoos. If I wanted to, I probably could get lots of dates with women, but they would all be ones I have no interest in. I don't just hit on random girls because I figure they will do all the things I don't want. I would rather look at porn than have one of the local girls. I had luck with Japanese foreign exchange students as I wrote about in another post. But after my trip to the Philippines I realize that nothing will ever compare to that, so that's where I am headed asap.

Living in the big impersonal and cold Canadian cities is depressing enough, but the small towns are even worse. I once spent a year at boarding school in the late 1980s in a town of 5000 people, on the outskirts of a town of 80000 people, two hours north of Toronto. The place was so depressing I still have nightmares about it and the school. The place was simply so backwards and petty it was infuriating. The whole life centered around the hockey rink and the team made up of the local teenage hooligans who's only accomplishment was being able to play hockey. The local girls were simply appallingly awful small town brain dead booty hoes who's life consisted of being groupies to the hockey players in the hope of getting pregnant by one of them so they could be set for life in the chance that one of the guys made it to the pro hockey leagues. It doesn't really matter where it is in Canada, a small town here is like going back in time. The attitudes of people, the lifestyles, the small minded redneck blue collar way of living and thinking is to me hell on earth. Add the long cold depressing winters, awful girls, obsession with hockey, and negative anglo-saxon influence and you have a true hell on earth.

The English and the French were the first Europeans to settle here and due to this the anglo-saxon influence is the basis for people behaviour here, and this means that no matter where in the world immigrants come from to settle in canada, they will eventually end up behaving in the same idiotic way as the local white people. Even if they don't, their kids will. It is totally normal here for kids from any background or nationality to behave exactly as all the local white kids do. So even though the parents might try to raise their kids in the traditional way they were raised in their home country, the influence of white anglo-saxon culture is simply overpowering and once the kids are in school or watch local TV they are ruined for life. this is why you will see chinese, indian and even Filipino kids raised here talking behaving and doing exactly the same things as all the local dumbass white kids, which is very sad.

When it comes to shopping, banking, taxes and fees, Canada is usually hopelessly obsolete, but once again you don't notice it unless you go abroad. Selection and pricing compared to the USA is pathetic. Just compare Amazon.com to Amazon.ca and you will see what I mean. A lot of prices are double, and even shipping costs more, that's why I have an address in Point Roberts. Banking and credit card deals are usual pathetic to what is offered in the USA, but you have no alternatives, so most Canadians just take what they can get. Cell phone deals and contracts are laughable compared to the rest of the world because it is all government controlled. Get this, in Canada, you have to pay to receive phone calls and texts! Abroad this would cause revolts, but here everyone thinks this is normal. So if you answer the phone, and talk it eats into your minutes, and so does getting texts. Compared to the USA, everything except healthcare is a pretty much a rip-off, that's what you get for having only 35 million people spread across a vast frozen land where we have 2 languages and snow and ice half the year.

For all you Americans out there, I don't think you would notice a big difference between Canada and the USA. I haven't lived in the US, so I can't really compare them, but i know most of the problems in the USA are similar to the ones here. After all the USA is the the high school bully and Canada is his best friend and has the locker next to him. So if you are an American looking for a change of lifestyle and culture, coming here won't make much difference, in fact, you might find it worse. If you are used to doing things the American way, you will miss what you had there. I think that Canada is probably a worse place to live than the USA because it is a poor imitation of something that is already bad to begin with. It is like burger king, when you are used to Mcdonalds.

I really wonder to myself how Canadians, especially men can honestly say they are happy here. Do they really think that out of everywhere on the planet this is really the best they can do? There are so many places where it is smaller, warmer, the girls are better, the food is better, etc. Yes it is a good place to make money,just like the USA, as the incomes and standards of living are about the same. But if you take those things away, it loses it's appeal immediately. The only way Canada will change is if perhaps the USA collapses and takes Canada with it. The only other way would be for Canadian men to revolt against the feminists until they win, but since people here are sheeple and too passive that is very unlikely to happen. I would love to see it though. If every man in Canada decided to stop paying child support and alimony and refuse to get married it would have an effect. Recently students in Quebec demonstrated against tuition hikes and won, so you never know what can happen. Now I've go the HA mentality, everyday I live here I like it less and less. I think the only advantage have had here is the money I made, which will enable me to leave ASAP and hopefully for good.

So to sum things up, for those men who have never lived in Canada, I find it a very strange and irritating place to live because: It is too big and cold for my liking. Travel takes a very long time and costs a lot of money. The weather is bitterly cold and depressing for at least half of the year. The cold weather makes people stay inside and gives them cold personalities, especially the girls. Since it is a matriarchy, women are unofficially in charge and hold the power balance over men. Men are too whipped to do anything about it. Most
women have little self respect and are not concerned with their public appearance. They are often overweight,tattooed, smoke pot and cigarettes, drink too much and dress poorly. They still think they are irresistible to men even though they do all these masculine things. The cost of doing business is very high because of the sheer size and small population. Everything has to be in english and french and Quebec is always threatening to separate from the rest of Canada. The CRTC imposes silly and out-dated laws and rules on TV and radio programs. If you want to enjoy US programming and services, you will hate it here. Things are frequently much more expensive here compared with the same item in the USA even if our dollars are at par. This is due to the vast distances, 2 languages, the CSA standards, a small population and industry wide price fixing. People are sheeple and don't understand how someone can be different than them. If you don't drink, smoke pot, have a lot debt and useless material items, or if you think logically and are an introvert, you will hate it here just like I do most of the time just like I do.
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Post by RobinHood »

Was in Cancun last year and I have to say that the Canadian women were possibly even worse than her American and British cousins that were there.

Nearly all of them had tattoos, smoked like chimneys and drank excessively, a very unattractive look
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Post by abcdavid01 »

Sounds worse than here in the U.S. I said it in other topics, Chinese people make a 75% down payment when buying a new car or house. They value savings, unlike the West.
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Post by zboy1 »

abcdavid01 wrote:Sounds worse than here in the U.S. I said it in other topics, Chinese people make a 75% down payment when buying a new car or house. They value savings, unlike the West.
I disagree abdcadid. Canada is a at least a more sane version of America, albeit with the same cultural issues as the States. I would recommend Canada and Mexico as a good alternative to the U.S. for those interested in moving out of the country, but not wanting to be far from the North American continent.
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Post by Globus »

I live in Canada and I hate it too. I live 100km west of Toronto. I agree with pretty much everything you wrote. The weather is terrible, the women are ugly and masculine, it has no culture, you cant go anywhere without a car, people are anti-intellectual, everyone is obsessed with hockey, people are cliquish etc. I just don't understand how Canada is always rated as one of the best countries to live in. I also don't fit in the fake and superficial culture here. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs and somehow that is seen as weird here. I really can't wait to finish university and leave this culturally backwards frozen feminist hellhole. I also don't like it how in Canada men are repressed and are not allowed to flirt with women. Also foreign women are so much better than Canadian women in every way and I have absolutely zero interest in Canadian and anglo-saxon women in general.
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Re: Why living in Canada sucks

Post by Jester »

Will N. Dowd wrote:
The French people will never get along with the English or other people, and vice versa. The largest Province in Canada, Quebec is mostly French speaking, and every 20 years or so they threaten to separate from Canada and become a country called Quebec, not a province. Every time Canada votes on if Quebec should separate or not, the separatists always lose, and Canada stay together until another vote comes along some years later. This will never change. They will never get along. .....

Canada is always trying to keep American culture out, an impossible feat when the USA is your best friend and next door neighbor. Canada is trying to establish it's own culture, and not have to much of an influence from the USA. This will never succeed, the USA is simply too strong and too close. .....

Their is really no culture. Canada is simply a British Empire manufactured kill and conquer country that anyone from anywhere in the world can come to and live in and say I am Canadian. Multiculturalism is simply a polite word for people from anywhere in the world living together, but not really caring about any culture other than their own. Most nationalities here stick to their own countrymen and avoid others. About the only thing that will bring people together is a hockey game. Every race and nationality usually cheers when Canada always beats the USA at mens and womens hockey, even though all the players are white. That's about the extent of patriotism here though, because the same people who were cheering go Canada will drive across the border the next day to save $20 on a TV in the USA. .....

Most Canadians have low standards when it comes to their appearance, possessions and women. You don't realize this until you go abroad, where most Canadians look and act absurd in foreign settings. I remember when I was living in europe and met other Canadians I was usually disappointed or sometimes horrified by their behaviour or appearance. It is simply not a priority to look good or have nice looking things. Standards of beauty are low, since people would rather have cheap things than nice looking things. Most houses are big and ugly, and filled with possessions that they don't need, but bought because the bank gave them a huge line of credit. When the english and french pioneers first settled here a few hundred years ago, the top priority was to stay warm, have food and shelter, if you don't you will freeze to death by october. This is still evident in the attitudes of people. Yes you have all the same modern comforts you have in the USA, but staying warm, dry and fed is the main priority. Due to this, other things rarely matter.

Most people owe a huge amount of money, and think this is completely normal......

Being different here in any way, even positive is looked down upon and you are seen as elitist and most people will want nothing to do with you. .....

Living in the big impersonal and cold Canadian cities is depressing enough, but the small towns are even worse. I once spent a year at boarding school in the late 1980s in a town of 5000 people, on the outskirts of a town of 80000 people, two hours north of Toronto. The place was so depressing I still have nightmares about it and the school. The place was simply so backwards and petty it was infuriating. The whole life centered around the hockey rink and the team made up of the local teenage hooligans who's only accomplishment was being able to play hockey. The local girls were simply appallingly awful small town brain dead b***y hoes who's life consisted of being groupies to the hockey players in the hope of getting pregnant by one of them so they could be set for life in the chance that one of the guys made it to the pro hockey leagues.....

.....For all you Americans out there, I don't think you would notice a big difference between Canada and the USA. I haven't lived in the US, so I can't really compare them, but i know most of the problems in the USA are similar to the ones here. After all the USA is the the high school bully and Canada is his best friend and has the locker next to him. So if you are an American looking for a change of lifestyle and culture, coming here won't make much difference, in fact, you might find it worse. If you are used to doing things the American way, you will miss what you had there. I think that Canada is probably a worse place to live than the USA because it is a poor imitation of something that is already bad to begin with. It is like burger king, when you are used to Mcdonalds.

I really wonder to myself how Canadians, especially men can honestly say they are happy here. Do they really think that out of everywhere on the planet this is really the best they can do? There are so many places where it is smaller, warmer, the girls are better, the food is better, etc. Yes it is a good place to make money,just like the USA, as the incomes and standards of living are about the same. But if you take those things away, it loses it's appeal immediately.
I've said it before, I'll say it again, the best writing in the world is on HA.
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Post by Will N. Dowd »

I forgot to mention that Canada has this international reputation for being just, fair, democratic and having a good "brand" image. That's great, but they really just do what the USA tells them to. They are in bed with the USA so much that the old joke goes like this: the Canadian prime ministers have bad breath because US presidents like baked beans. Canada and the US go hand in hand on pretty much everything, and after all they are the largest economic trading partners in the world. It is rare to have Canada say no to the USA asking them for help or support. We were in the Korean War, didn't go to Vietnam or the second Gulf War in Iraq, but we to and are still in Afghanistan, and we were there in the 1991 Gulf War. The NORAD air space is staffed by Canadians and Americans and Canada even now has American police forces operating in it with the power to arrest Canadians! The border is quite lax and until recently you didn't even need a passport to cross it! You do now , but only if flying, if you want to drive across all you need is ID.

So Canada's image is really mostly affected by what the USA does, on our own we don't do much. One thing that is absurd is how Canada donates millions of dollars in aid to poor countries around the world, but treats its own Indian citizens like garbage and has them live in terrible conditions. Another example of this is that Canada has banned asbestos use in buildings here for years because of its toxic properties, but they don't tell that to foreign countries and they sell lots of it abroad to others while banning it here!
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Post by lone_yakuza »

Last edited by lone_yakuza on November 20th, 2016, 5:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Globus »

Here are my reasons of why Canada sucks:

1. Terrible weather. Canada has some of the worst weather in the entire world. There is no single place in this country that has a nice weather. Where I live (close to Toronto) in winter the temperatures can fall below -30 degrees Celsius (-22 Fahrenheit) and the air is really dry and lots of windchill. In January I often have to shovel 50m of snow every other day. Winter also lasts very long usually from November to April. There is no spring. It basically is winter then summer. The summer is really warm and humid. Sometimes it is so humid that it feels like you are breathing in water instead of air . Fall is usually very rainy.

2.Terrible women. Canadian women are very similar to American women. Many are radical feminists that hate men and masculinity. Canadian women are also very cliquish and business alike. They are cold, don't flirt with men and expect to be left alone. Flirting with women in Canada, unless they are in your clique can get you charged with sexual harassment. Canadian women are also glued to their smartphones texting and rarely make eye contact with anyone. They even text while they are driving Shocked . Unless you belong to a specific clique in Canada meeting and interacting with women is very difficult if not impossible. Canadian women have a tendency to view males that are not part of their clique as creeps. Canadian women are also very masculine and dress bad. Canadian women are one of the main reason why I want to GTFO of Canada.

3.Busy/Workaholic society. Canada is one of the most workaholic countries of in the world. It is basically like America when it comes to working but with lower wages and higher taxes. When I was in high school a lot of people worked even though they had a lot of school work. Some even worked 2-3 jobs on top of being involved in a lot of extracurricular activities and having difficult courses. Even where I am in University a lot of people still work. Life in Canada is focused mainly on a career and working and consuming.

4. Antisocial society. Canadians may be polite but they are cold and distant. They also don't want to talk about interesting and meaningful things. Many prefer to work or to talk about weather or sports. They are also very ignorant about the rest of the world. They also lack curiosity. They want to keep to themselves and don't like mixing with other people unless it is with their clique. Canadians also like to be very independent just like Americans. It doesn't matter if you are a good intelligent guy if you don't fit into a specific clique here your social life will be almost nonexistent. Thankfully I managed to make a few friends in University.

5. Can't go anywhere without a car. Here where I live it is difficult to go shopping or somewhere else if you don't own a car.Distances are long and places are few and far between, the weather is also terrible like I already said.

6. Canada is boring. Canada is a very boring country. Just google "Canada most boring country" and you will see what I mean. All across the country there is nothing interesting to do or see other than go see a movie or go to a shopping mall or work. If you are school or university it won't be that boring, but if you are done with your education then there is almost nothing interesting to do. Cities in Canada all look the same, you won't people walking around like you would in Europe or in other countries. Canadians use their cars to get everywhere. Rarely would you see people walking. Canada has no culture and it is extremely politically correct and because of all that very boring.

7. I don't fit into the fake social culture here. I am an immigrant eastern european male currently in university. I have always felt like I don't fit or belong here. I tried to fit in but I failed. People here are very fake for my liking.

8. Canada was recently named the best country in the world to be a woman. That means that women here are allowed much more freedom than in other countries. This is especially bad for men because the women in Canada have a lot of options on who they date, a lot of job opportunities, and women in Canada are usually just left alone because males are not supposed to show interest in women here. Also many Canadian women ignore men and see them as creeps. Canadian women also go for the retarded bad boys and thugs and jocks. Also many Canadian women are hyper independent and dont even need men. Unlike women in most countries Canadian women dont even care about their appearance. Also most Canadian women are unattractive, career driven highly likely to divorce you. That is why it is best to find a foreign woman and ignore Canadian women altogether.
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Post by Globus »

lone_yakuza wrote:Are there any East Asian male canadians? Is it worse there for us than in the USA or is it better?
There are quite a few east asian male Canadians. Where I live in Canada 10km from my house is the University of Waterloo which is 90% Asian but I go to different University. Also Vancouver BC has a lot of East Asians but I keep reading it is a very cliquish city and if you are new there it would be almost impossible to make friends. As far as east-asians they are treated a bit better here than the USA but not by much. For example in the USA you said you were threatened to be killed and that sometimes people were racist towards you. In Canada people wont racially attack you but they are racist but they hold it in. In Canada just like in America people also perceive East Asian males as socially awkward and unattractive. In my University I see a lot of east asian males but most of them are loners. There are also a lot of east asian females but unlike the males they are always in groups. As far as women are concerned Canadian women are not any better than their American counterparts and in fact are almost identical. So Canada is really not that much better than America for east asian males, but very good for east asian females because a lot of white males here are attracted to asian women.
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Post by Vancouverdude2926 »

I read this thread and I just had to sign up and join in with my first post on this fantastic bitchfest. I live in Vancouver BC and spend lots of time in US cities. My read is that conditions here are slightly better for Asian guys than say in Seattle or San Francisco but not by much. For one, there are a lot more Asian girls in Vancouver than say in Seattle. That said, they are quite cliquey and my sense with them is you have to be an Asian guy with some money or a really good job to get much mileage or else be a reasonable looking white guy. But it is quite possible here with the Asian chicks just because of sheer numbers and some of my geeky friends have managed to score OK with Asian girls - some of which are not bad looking. The white chicks here are a whole other story and they may even be more difficult to handle than an American girl. I say that because they are in denial of even the usual yardsticks of the unreasonable demands of American women. For instance, a Canadian white girl will often go out of her way to convince herself that she is incredibly unmaterialistic and just wants to save the world so she will deliberately avoid a successful, "alpha" type executive man and certainly a solid "beta" type provider male such as a computer programmer. Plus, as another poster pointed out, a lot of Canadians generally have a "tall poppy" syndrome where they are envious and hateful of successful people and will treat them badly. As such, being well off and having a six figure income may even be an excuse for REJECTION. Yes, you heard that right - being successful is the latest excuse these crazy Canadian white women will use to reject great guys. You can see this on their dating profile - they don't even want rich, successful guys anymore - they now ask for "quirky" guys or what is really fashionable in Vancouver "outdoorsy" hippie granola oddly enough "beta" type passive-aggressive long haired (tallish) guys or a ski bum type of guy but of course none of those relationships last. A hot white chick was recently complaining to me that her loser ex of five years (one of these sensative, new age guys with the hippie Jesus look) wiped her out financially and that she was now dating but found it really difficult to date in Vancouver because of "all those Asian guys who are shorter than me" . Well, I'm sure she'll find another "renovation project".

Our service industry sucks here, too. At least in the USA, as much as you guys like to bash it, if you put down big bucks you can expect to get good service and be taken to the head of the line unlike in Canada where people will hate you. Girls in the USA are definitely transparent gold diggers who have no qualms about saying they want $$$ with their big cocks but in a sense you know the game as unfair and shallow as it is. In Canada, at least with educated, white chicks, that just wouldn't be "politically correct" and so you have no idea what these girls want. So they end up with the biggest LOSERS (renovation projects/ usually passive-aggressive not even alpha males) and complain about having to support them and then they dump them and wonder where all the great guys are.

And it seems to me it isn't even about looks any more either. I know quite a number of good looking, successful, tall white guys who can't get anywhere with white Canadian women. As such, they end up like my buddy - a very smart, tall, well educated, kind, reasonably fit, prince of a man who makes $110,000 year who after years of being single but trying to date pretty women could only find a very fat, ugly white girl. Or, they end up with an Asian girl (which at least is a possible option in Vancouver). And that just drives the white bitches crazy when they see a good looking white guy with a skinny Asian chick! Or they end up like me, single, (let's not forget cold) and hated despite and/or because of a $200,000/yr. income and a high management position which just isn't politically correct up here.
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Post by lone_yakuza »

Last edited by lone_yakuza on November 20th, 2016, 5:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Teal Lantern »

Vancouverdude2926 wrote: And it seems to me it isn't even about looks any more either. I know quite a number of good looking, successful, tall white guys who can't get anywhere with white Canadian women. As such, they end up like my buddy - a very smart, tall, well educated, kind, reasonably fit, prince of a man who makes $110,000 year who after years of being single but trying to date pretty women could only find a very fat, ugly white girl. Or, they end up with an Asian girl (which at least is a possible option in Vancouver). And that just drives the white bitches crazy when they see a good looking white guy with a skinny Asian chick! Or they end up like me, single, (let's not forget cold) and hated despite and/or because of a $200,000/yr. income and a high management position which just isn't politically correct up here.
Exactly how crazy do they get, when this happens? They start fights with her? What?

Oh, wait. I think I found one. :lol:
Why are East Asian girls stealing white guys?
http://www.topix.com/forum/asian-americ ... 5M0ARIJ74G

http://www.mgtowforums.com/forums/anecd ... eeeee.html
не поглеждай назад. 8)

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Post by odbo »

some signs Canada has big problems:

"canadian family" magazine covers (all single moms):



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If you hate Canada then leave like I did!

Post by arnbo »

First let me thank Winston Wu for showing us that by thinking beyond our boundries we can find happiness. Where was Wu in 82' when I graduated? Will N. Dowd is correct in that if your unhappy living in Canada then get out there and explore the world. You can always move back if it doesn't work out. My comments are from someone who lived 26 years in Edmonton and then 22 years in Brisbane. Although I miss the beef steaks and target shooting my life down-under has truly made me "happier abroad". I wish to expand on points made by Globus:

1)Weather-Edmonton is colder than Toronto but is more miserable than Scandinavia because Edmonton people are NASTY. Brisbane is sub-tropical with Mango trees, a humid climate and I ride my motorbike year round.

2)Fat, ugly suburban princess syndrome. Gentlemen's Quarterly magazine once wrote an article about the burly women of Edmonton. Australia also has it's fair share of fat, tattooed, body pierced sluts. A slut roots everybody...a bitch roots everybody but YOU! I left Canada when Kim Campbell was PM and Australia has just had 3 years of Julia Gillard as PM. Both were aweful. The difference is that women in Canada have a LOT more control. Here, unless there are children involved a bloke can have a split without being taken to the cleaners. Like their Canadian counterparts many pretentious women here are waiting for the perfect man to come through their door. Since I am neither royalty nor a celebrity; I had to look elsewhere. Luckily, Asia is nearby and I met my wife in southern China. Yes, China also has some gold diggers (Shanghai sluts) but there are many options open in SE Asia.

3)Workaholics: Depends on the person. I've known both extremes in both locations. Myself, I work to live not live to work. Australians have a zest for their leisure activities:fishing(no licences req'd), whale watching, beach, BBQ, sports, gambling, bushwalking, etc. In Edmonton the common pastimes are smoking dope and getting drunk. My own pastimes there were deemed politically incorrect.

4)Canadians are superficial and distant. Peter Jennings also made reference to this during his time with the CBC. My wife's first night in Edmonton was witnessing a policeman kicking in the ribs a Red indian passed out in the gutter. No one cared. Canadians are politically correct on the outside but hateful and back stabbing on the inside. After I was exonorated on several charges locals once again began to talk to me. Australians on the other hand are genuinely warm and helpful. A " fair go" and "mateship" are quite important parts of the culture here. Also being a dobber (fink) is frowned upon here while it seems to be a national past time in Canada. It is in Australia where I learned compassion.

5)Both countries are large land masses with low population densities. You really do need a car here as well. I grew up with V-8's and still have my first car 30 years later. The Edmonton police also tried to take that away from me. When I was 16 and got my Alberta driver's licence I used my mum's Buick and went for a long drive. This opened my eyes in that I was no longer confined to life in the Edmonton shithole. I also took a good look at the condescending Edmonton people. Buick:"It's not just a car it's your Freedom!". I started to plan on how to leave Canada.

6)Canadian culture is something of an oxymoron...really it's 90% American culture. Canada started with French, British and Native cultures. Growing up in Edmonton I was looked down upon because my parents were German. I only recently found out why...allied war crimes of WW2...The hypocrisy of Canada was evident: A Francophone minority controlled the Federal government yet complained about their rights. Australia has only one official language. Adding to the problem is the sheer volume of migrants from India that have flooded into Canada since my childhood.

I still see Sikhs as the scum of Asia but while I lived in Canada I couldn't say anything for fear of violating the Multiculturism Act and being labelled a "racist". This can carry a prison term in Canada. Enoch Powell warned of Indian style communalism back in 1968 but Canada is more interested in social engineering. The Employee Equities Act of 1985 is open discrimination in favour of women and ethnic minorities. Why live in a place where the government passes laws against my male whiteness? Canada's immigration policy has let in all sorts of terrorist groups and further fragmented any sort of chance of Canadian unity. Immigration is a key election topic for Australia's upcoming election. Sikh's in Canada have infiltrated almost every political party in order to boost their own agenda. I hope that it doesn't happen here.

All of these things gave me incentive to leave. When I attempted to emmigrate; the Edmonton police did their utmost to prevent my departure and continued to harrass my parents 4 years after I left. I looked at 4 different countries and managed to get a visa for my first choice: Australia...no regrets.

My advice to any of you unhappy with life in Canada is to do your research, weigh out your alternatives, formulate a plan, then just leave...don't complain...just leave.
Good luck and may all of you find peace and happiness in your new life abroad.
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