Mediumship & Clairvoyance

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Mediumship & Clairvoyance

Post by Pixel--Dude »

What do you guys think to mediumship and clairvoyance?

Do you think such things are used to deceive people by scam artists? Or do you believe such a phenomenon exists? In this thread viewtopic.php?style=11&f=14&t=47200&p=385560#p385560
I talked about dreams and whether dreams can offer glimpses of the future. Do you believe that could be true?

Have you ever made any predictions about the future that came true?

Have you ever seen a medium?

Are some of them real or are all of them just scam artists?

I've been to see a really good medium in my local area who accurately predicted a lot of events that actually came true exactly how she described them! She guessed that I would start a new job and meet a woman there who had a young boy. I started work and met my ex, the Polish woman, who had a son. Then I visited her again at some point and she told me I would have a new girlfriend who I thought very highly of. Off to stay with a girl I like over Christmas who has been a highly thought of friend for several years.

How could the medium possibly know this information? It's not like I have social media or anything.

I became so fascinated by mediumship and the occultic art of tarot card reading that I tried it for myself and I have made some accurate predictions when giving readings for friends.

I think tarot cards work because they are occultic items which connect with both the recipient of the reading and the the akashic records energetically. You shuffle the cards, your energy transfers onto them and then they access the Akashic Records to reveal past, present and future events.

The Akashic Records are kind of like a digital recording of every thought, action and idea to have ever happened and what is ever going to happen. This does not take away from free will. You have already made the choices. There was a case when the television was invented by two independent inventors, one beating the other to the patent office marginally.

So what do you think? Mediumship and clairvoyance real? Or fraudulent? Occult and intrinsic in nature and part of our natural abilities? Or evil and an abhorration of nature?

@Tsar @Lucas88 @WilliamSmith
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Re: Mediumship & Clairvoyance

Post by TruthSeeker »

Bible Verses about Mediums

Leviticus 19:31 Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God.

Leviticus 20:6 I will set my face against anyone who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people.

Isaiah 8:19 When someone tells you to consult mediums and spiritists, who whisper and mutter, should not a people inquire of their God? Why consult the dead on behalf of the living?

2 Kings 21:6 He sacrificed his own son in the fire, practiced divination, sought omens, and consulted mediums and spiritists. He did much evil in the eyes of the LORD, arousing his anger.

Leviticus 20:27 A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.

Deuteronomy 18:9-12 When you enter the land the LORD your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there.
Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD; because of these same detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you.

Personally I would not consult with them. They can not be trusted. You can not be assured that you are being given accurate information. How would they know anyway? Most of these charlatans are just after your money. There is nothing to be gained by going to them.
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Re: Mediumship & Clairvoyance

Post by gsjackson »

I don't doubt that there could be something there, though I wonder if the mechanism might be less someone seeing the future and more planting the suggestion in your head and your mind turns it into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

But I'm not interested in anyone's predictions about my future or destiny, and here I'm following the advice of Emerson. He recommended plighting your troth to "the chancellors of God -- cause and effect," and you won't need to worry about the spins of Dame Fortuna's wheel. I feel like there's a lifetime's work of discovery to be made within the realm of cause and effect in all its different manifestations, and that's where I intend to stay. I'm also cognizant of the Christian-based cautions that Truthseeker sets out above, and I think they are essentially the same as Emerson's.
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Re: Mediumship & Clairvoyance

Post by Pixel--Dude »

@TruthSeeker & @gsjackson

I get what you're both saying. I don't subscribe to Christian belief systems, so the word of the Bible did not sway my decision to see a medium. The reason I wanted to see a medium is because my friend took his own life really suddenly and his wife thought it might help her with some closure. This wasn't the only reason I went. I've always had a fascination with divination and I wanted to satiate that curiosity.

As for the particular medium in question, she was able to predict a lot of my life circumstances with such precision that I thought it was impossible for her to know these things. I don't have social media, so she can't have accessed any information from anything like that. The only thing I was required to do was to give her my full name. Other than that I answered with intentionally vague answers so she would be unable to use cold reading tactics.

She told me about my break up with my ex, about my daughter, about the suicide of my friend who was in a dark place and couldn't see the light. She predicted future events that also came true. She predicted I'd start a new job, in this job I'd meet a hard working woman with a young boy. That all happened. Then she predicted the end of the aforementioned relationship and the start of a new relationship a year later with a woman I think very highly of. All that's happened too and I've started getting close with a female friend of ten years or so. I'm going to spend some time with her over the Christmas period.

How can she have predicted all this without there being some truth to the divination of tarot cards? I mean, I'm not totally naïve. I understand there are scam artists who use psychology to cold read and all the rest of it. Are there any feasible ways she could've known all this information?
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Re: Mediumship & Clairvoyance

Post by Lucas88 »


Mediumship is a real thing. I know people who have consulted a medium and received accurate and detailed information about a deceased family member or another aspect of their lives which the medium could have not possibly known through ordinary means. I am also impressed by the accuracy of the predictions of the medium who we have seen. In fact, there have even been studies on the phenomenon of mediumship which tested the psychic abilities of mediums under controlled conditions and which have yielded positive results. The Arizona medium experiments of Dr. Gary Schwartz and Dr. Julie Beischel come to mind.

How does mediumship work? I suspect that it could work through some kind of astral database of events that have happened or will probably happen in the future and that skilled mediums are able to tap into this astral database and then retrieve and interpret information which turns out to be accurate. Indeed, Dr. Gary Schwarz himself concluded that the mechanism behind mediumship is unknown but at the same time hypothesized the possible existence of a mental field from which accurate information may be retrieved.

Is mediumship safe or dangerous? I would say that it depends on the medium in question. Some mediums might simply retrieve accurate information from an astral database as I proposed above, while other mediums might actually open themselves up to foreign entities of a malevolent disposition and therefore run the risk of possession and damage inflicted upon their subtle bodies, not to mention the risk of deception.

I agree with the Christian respondents above to some degree but in a completely different context. Yes, mediumship could potentially open the medium and sitter up to demonic intrusion and deception, but I believe that those same deceptive entities are also behind the religions of blind submission and sacrifice including Christianity and Islam. I'm of the view that the world is largely under the control of a faction of evil gods led by the impostor god Yahweh and known to those of a Gnostic bent as "archons". They are behind the Abrahamic slave religions, the New Age, the elite occult religions (whether outwardly "Satanic", Kabbalistic or other), and the New World Order at large. They can also occasionally interact with unwitting regular folks through practices like negative mediumship (the kind which relies on communication with unfamiliar entities), channeling, Ouija boards, spiritism, etc.

I would also be wary of those who claim to speak to the dead. I believe that instances of true communication with spirits of the departed are extremely rare and that most of the time the medium is simply retrieving accurate information about a deceased relative through the aforementioned astral database in the best of cases or being deceived by an impostor. What people call "the other side" isn't a heavenly realm with angels and infinite love. That is just what the "archons" want us to believe with their mediumistic messages of a blissful heavenly afterlife and NDE testimonies about going into the light as well as spiritism-inspired movies like Nosso Lar (Astral City: A Spiritual Journey). Don't go into the light! It's a trap which conceals an astral gulag for the discarnate soul! Flee from that place! Reincarnate yourself! Don't let them imprison your soul!
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Re: Mediumship & Clairvoyance

Post by Pixel--Dude »


An update to this thread regarding the most recent visit I had to a local medium.

She predicted that I would move house this year, which has begun to happen. I'm in the process of moving house at the moment.

She also predicted my relationship would be strong and I would get my wish this year. My girlfriend has arranged to move up here to be with me when I move house.

She predicted there would be a birth in the family around Christmas time and much celebration and my brother announced recently that his girlfriend is pregnant and due in December/January.

How can we rationalise these predictions and dismiss them as cold reading when I haven't told her any details about my life and plans to move out? These are predictions she made in January earlier this year.
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Re: Mediumship & Clairvoyance

Post by gsjackson »

I don't know. I'm not necessarily skeptical, and am intrigued by quantum non-locality and anecdotal evidence like this.

Back in 2009 I was asking my recently-deceased father for answers to ultimate questions and was immediately led to a book in Barnes & Noble about the Rhine Institute, which was the leading center for the study of para psychology. The Rhine Institute was on the campus of my undergraduate college. By coincidence the son of my father's best friend in the Pacific during WWII, with whom he hadn't been on touch for several years, also came to school there as a freshman the same year, and the kid volunteered at the Rhine Institute during his time there.

The book didn't necessarily provide any sunbursts for me, but the episode did underscore for me how much my father -- a very smart guy -- believed in powers of the mind. As a boy, he'd been healed of a nervous condition by Christian Science practitioners, and while he never became a praticing Christian Scientist (unlike his PhD brother whose dissertation committee was headed by John Dewey), he was always very interested in it.
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Re: Mediumship & Clairvoyance

Post by Cornfed »

The things in question would be fairly easy to guess for a man in a certain age range. That is not to say that mediumship is necessarily impossible. My subjective experience is that it is somewhat possible.
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Re: Mediumship & Clairvoyance

Post by MrMan »

I think it's con artistry, cold reading, perception through demonic or other forbidden means, or a mix of these things.
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Re: Mediumship & Clairvoyance

Post by kangarunner »

gsjackson wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 8:06 pm
By coincidence the son of my father's best friend in the Pacific during WWII, with whom he hadn't been on touch for several years, also came to school there as a freshman the same year, and the kid volunteered at the Rhine Institute during his time there.

Son: "I don't know what got into me...".

Father: "I do son. Five generations of large family breeding".
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Re: Mediumship & Clairvoyance

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
May 30th, 2023, 7:51 am
I think it's con artistry, cold reading, perception through demonic or other forbidden means, or a mix of these things.
What reason do you have to believe any of this is true? The medium I visited couldn't possibly have known the aforementioned details of my life. I gave her very little information so how could she use cold reading?

And demons? Why on earth would demons bother wasting their time with such trivial trolling. I think mediumship is forbidden by Christianity, but not inherently evil. I think mediums who use tarot cards access the Akashic Records to gather information about the person they are doing a reading for.
Cornfed wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 8:15 pm
The things in question would be fairly easy to guess for a man in a certain age range. That is not to say that mediumship is necessarily impossible. My subjective experience is that it is somewhat possible.
As I mentioned to MrMan, it's not like she made some generic or vague predictions about my life. The things she told me regarding my past (at the time my future) have all come to fruition. She's also accurately told me details about people in my life, which have also always been true.
gsjackson wrote:
May 29th, 2023, 8:06 pm
I don't know. I'm not necessarily skeptical, and am intrigued by quantum non-locality and anecdotal evidence like this.

Back in 2009 I was asking my recently-deceased father for answers to ultimate questions and was immediately led to a book in Barnes & Noble about the Rhine Institute, which was the leading center for the study of para psychology. The Rhine Institute was on the campus of my undergraduate college. By coincidence the son of my father's best friend in the Pacific during WWII, with whom he hadn't been on touch for several years, also came to school there as a freshman the same year, and the kid volunteered at the Rhine Institute during his time there.

The book didn't necessarily provide any sunbursts for me, but the episode did underscore for me how much my father -- a very smart guy -- believed in powers of the mind. As a boy, he'd been healed of a nervous condition by Christian Science practitioners, and while he never became a praticing Christian Scientist (unlike his PhD brother whose dissertation committee was headed by John Dewey), he was always very interested in it.
Thank you for this interesting contribution. I too believe the mind can be a very powerful thing. I think consciousness is the root of everything. We are the consciousness and not the physical body.
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Re: Mediumship & Clairvoyance

Post by MrMan »

Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 31st, 2023, 3:26 am
MrMan wrote:
May 30th, 2023, 7:51 am
I think it's con artistry, cold reading, perception through demonic or other forbidden means, or a mix of these things.
What reason do you have to believe any of this is true? The medium I visited couldn't possibly have known the aforementioned details of my life. I gave her very little information so how could she use cold reading?

And demons? Why on earth would demons bother wasting their time with such trivial trolling. I think mediumship is forbidden by Christianity, but not inherently evil. I think mediums who use tarot cards access the Akashic Records to gather information about the person they are doing a reading for.
Spirits can have access to all kinds of information. There are Christians who prophesies or get other revelatory information and share it. The difference is what we are allowed to share comes from the Holy Spirit. Angelic revelation is also 'kosher.' For some types of activities, the difference is what spirit is sharing information. Why would demons be involved? As for why's, I don't know all their motivations, though I could guess. There are spirits who were allowed to have rulership in a sense, and/or influence over people. For some reason, they find this desirable. Some spirits seek to inhabit human bodies, though they can go into animals. I suspect that is not a need for all of them. But some spirits have access to all kinds of information and may be able to guess at or predict the future based on that, and know various things about you.
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Re: Mediumship & Clairvoyance

Post by Pixel--Dude »

MrMan wrote:
June 2nd, 2023, 11:38 am
Pixel--Dude wrote:
May 31st, 2023, 3:26 am
MrMan wrote:
May 30th, 2023, 7:51 am
I think it's con artistry, cold reading, perception through demonic or other forbidden means, or a mix of these things.
What reason do you have to believe any of this is true? The medium I visited couldn't possibly have known the aforementioned details of my life. I gave her very little information so how could she use cold reading?

And demons? Why on earth would demons bother wasting their time with such trivial trolling. I think mediumship is forbidden by Christianity, but not inherently evil. I think mediums who use tarot cards access the Akashic Records to gather information about the person they are doing a reading for.
Spirits can have access to all kinds of information. There are Christians who prophesies or get other revelatory information and share it. The difference is what we are allowed to share comes from the Holy Spirit. Angelic revelation is also 'kosher.' For some types of activities, the difference is what spirit is sharing information. Why would demons be involved? As for why's, I don't know all their motivations, though I could guess. There are spirits who were allowed to have rulership in a sense, and/or influence over people. For some reason, they find this desirable. Some spirits seek to inhabit human bodies, though they can go into animals. I suspect that is not a need for all of them. But some spirits have access to all kinds of information and may be able to guess at or predict the future based on that, and know various things about you.
I confess that I agree that revelations shared through mediums could possibly be information imparted by evil spirits or some kind of malevolent entity. @Lucas88 has also shared that same concern when it comes to mediumship. But I think this is mostly a risk when mediums have audience with the dead (supposedly) and these entities have a chance to pose as dead family members or friends.

I don't think the same applies with a tarot card reading. With a tarot card reading my personal belief on how it works is that when the subject shuffles the cards they are transferring their energy onto them. Information on that person's past, present and future are stored in the Akashic Records and when they intuitively choose the cards they choose cards which give relevant answers to that person's past present and future which the medium interprets.

With what you said about Christians receiving prophesies or revelatory information and who share it, how do they know that the messages they are receiving aren't from demons or malevolent entities? I've already said before that I think Yahweh is the King of demons and evil. Satan or Lucifer is just a scapegoat for all his own evil deeds.
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Re: Mediumship & Clairvoyance

Post by MrMan »

False prophecy is a concern for Christians who believe in prophecy. There are certain tests-- whether a prophet's words come to pass and the fruit in their life. There is also confirmation, where God speaks something to us and someone else prophesies it. There is also perceiving by the Spirit that the words are from God when one hears it. That depends on one's spiritual gifting to some extent, I think. I've also gone someone and someone prophesied something over me, and gone elsewhere and someone else prophesied that. I am a teacher by spiritual gift and by profession, and I can't count the number of times someone I didn't know perceived by gifts of the Spirit that I am a teacher, or my gift is teaching.
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Re: Mediumship & Clairvoyance

Post by Pixel--Dude »


My girlfriend bought me a tarot card deck as a gift. I haven't used them yet, but I am interested in getting better at giving readings and such. :)

The deck she got me is based on H.P. Lovecraftian horror. I'll see if I can share a few pictures here so you can let me know what you think.



I think these would interest @Tsar if he's still reading stuff on the forum. What do you think @Winston

I really like the deck, but because the deck is so different to the Rider Waite deck, I am struggling with interpretation. If anyone wants to be my guinea pig and let me give them a reading, just let me know :mrgreen:
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