Black man punches white man in face for dating a black woman

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Re: Black man punches white man in face for dating a black w

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

OutcastedPhilosopher wrote:
June 10th, 2022, 5:01 pm
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
June 6th, 2022, 12:48 pm
Yohan wrote:
December 27th, 2015, 7:01 am
Contrarian Expatriate wrote:Any man who utters some blather about "our women" is both an idiot and a loser
There is hardly anything what I can add to this comment. I agree 100 percent. I am very supportive to any international and/or interracial dating.

Unfortunately USA is a place which did not yet overcome all these stupid racist BS-issues.

In the States, white people outnumber black people and other races/mixed people by a huge margin. It's a fact and nothing what you can do about. If you are in USA and not white, you have to accept that the majority is 'white' and you have to live with that.
I know this comment is decades old but hell I'm going to respond to these dumb comments anyway. You support it because your no different than the people who also support homosexuality and transgenderism too. Your perfectly fine with erasing people's race by breeding them out of existence just like homos are fine with spreading aids. You believe people are racist, they believe people are homophobic and transphobic. You race mixers share a lot in common with them since you serve the same masters. You're all part of the same group that believe in eradicating tradition, the same group that pushes interracial propaganda on people, are the same group that wants to turn peoples kids into transgenders, gays, and queers.

So of course you support race mixing, your kind is the type that think a world full of mixed people with no true identity is a good thing. But that don't surprise me. Since I will rule out the possibility that you are probably a white male living in an Asian country. White people are notorious for traveling around and spreading bullshit to the locals. That's the main reason why feminist managed to get a foothold in a majority of these countries. Either because white women influenced, or Jews that look white went there had a hand in it.

Your really are no different from the feminist that travel to other countries and preach feminism to other women and end up ruining women to the point where the men can no longer date them anymore. That's when they literately have no choice at all but to find a woman from somewhere else. The only real reason why a lot of black men date white women in the first place is because they failed among their own women and somehow believe white women are "better." It's beyond me how race mixers can call anybody losers when your the one advocating for genocide. And a lot of white guys go for Asian women because they still buy into that "they are submissive" garbage.

Another thing is I suggest you educate yourself on what sovereignty means, because when people say "our men and our women" they are simply referring to their people of their identity, culture, ethnicity, etc. And while they can't directly control who their own people choose to date, marry, and have kids with. I still think it's selfish that people like you are open to the very idea of erasing people out of existence to fulfill your interracial fetish needs.

Just like most mixed people I spent a great deal of my own life as a mixed person confused about my identity with no culture I felt truly connected to. I can't say that I'm happy with being black since I don't connect with black people and have been victimized by them most of my life violently. I can't say that I'm proud of being partially Indian either because I don't feel like a real one although I've always liked Native American history and culture but I still don't feel like one of them because I'm not. When I use to go to their gatherings and festivals I was just a light skinned negro with half Indian blood that looked nothing like the long haired Native Men I saw dancing around with the feathers in their hair. So I couldn't say "I'm one of you" just because I was mixed.
If I had a choice between the two, I would rather be full blood Native American and that's how a lot of mixed people feel. They either resent one side of themselves or hate both.

There is no way I'm fathering children that don't look shit at all like me or their mother. The fact that you have to race mix just to think of yourself as "non-racist" compared to those who don't believe in it is also pretty damn sad. You are a old man that fled to Japan a decent nation with a great history and fascinating culture that you would love to f**k up with bullshit interracial propaganda the same way white women love traveling to foreign nations and preaching feminism to women in countries that never heard of it before. I guess if you can get enough Japanese women to behave less Japanese that would make you happy. But then you'd just flee and find another country to f**k up with your beliefs.

If you had the power to do so you would love nothing more than to push interracial propaganda on others and have them end up like the Filipino's that got conquered by the Spanish... The real losers are people who want to erase an entire generation of people out of existence by pushing interracial propaganda just because they have no respect for sovereignty. When Bruce Lee had a son, his son Brandon Lee looked nothing like him, Hell he was named BRANDON. That's not even a Chinese name.

He looked 100% White with no sign of Chinese blood at all. Most Asian women that do want to have kids with a white man do it because they hate their own features and want white looking kids instead of Asian looking children. The vast majority of Asian women that race mix are mostly the self hating ugly ones with low self esteem no different than self hating white women that prefer black men over white men. The "racism" you speak of is simply self hatred, there aren't that many black men running around attacking white men for dating black women, and white men in this country is so damn cucked out they aren't attacking black men either.

But THE ONLY reason why most Asian women will get with a white man and bare his kids. Is so they can have white looking children that look nothing at all like them. I've read articles written by self hating Asian women that even admitted that themselves. If I had to choose between chasing trans women or race mixing and having kids that look nothing like me. I'd rather chase transgenders. I respect sovereignty and any nation that also respects it. The one thing these countries should be weary of is letting in too many whites like you that want to destroy the place by having everyone race mix and erasing their own damn identity transforming their country into another USA.

They are no better than the Jews in power using black and browns to wreck havoc on White nations. You people f**k up your own nations by being ignorant, you open the borders and let a bunch of people just to prove you aren't "racist" you hate yourselves, no one has to even be racist toward you you create self racism. Then after you wreck your own nations you go abroad and attempt the same in a new country by trying to corrupt the locals with your garbage views. You are also wrong because white people in the United States are on the decline. They are being replaced by Hispanics and blacks both due to massive illegal immigration. This alone shows how little you know about the United States.

Wow! You are based man! haha

The race-mixers deny their children any tradition and end up leaving them mentally confused about who they truly are.

I dated a few girls who were mixed in one way or another and they didn't really fit in and they made remarks regarding this.

For some reason half white/half black girls really like me for whatever reason and they are nice enough but I have found that a number of them only will date white guys especially if they had a black father. One girls father cheated on her mom and broke up the family and so she only will date white guys.

Well, in the last piece the USA is in terminal decline and I think a major financial collapse is coming. The Fed Gov. is bankrupt along with many state/local governments. My boss who is a field grade officer in the military has told us that he expects the US to financially collapse and lose the reserve currency and become a third world country and he even stated it will be like Brazil due to demographics but that is if the situation can normalize itself. It might not because of the government bankruptcy and the loss of pensions, social security, and various other welfare schemes. I think a lot of people don't want to think about what would happen if the EBT cards and WIC were to would have like 50 million people without food.....the future for the USA is going to become extremely violent for a while during this financial collapse. I do think the people in the inner cities especially the blacks are going to be extremely violent especially to each other but especially to other races. Man I would recommend leaving any inner cities or major metro areas.
I didn't want to come at Yohan so hard, but he always often bring up that he has a Japanese wife he fathered two kids with, and I honestly don't see what so great about that. He don't know if they secretly hate themselves, it's not like I ever told my mother how I felt about that, most mixed people don't.

While I understand people can't help it if they are attracted to people of other groups it seems unnatural to me when people start doing it on a large scale in one particular place until you no longer recognize that nation anymore. I can't nor do I want to imagine Japan being a nation where all the women give up on their own men (which a lot of them already have and men gave up on them too). But if you took a lot of non-oriental men and stuck them right there in Japan a country so small and they somehow managed to convince the women to be interested in them...Then that nation will seize to exist as it once was and will be just another Philippines and the pure bloods left would be pissed off about having their nation ruined by these people even if they don't come out and say it to their faces. I met a few Filipinos that hated having Spanish names or was upset that their country literately had no pure blood filipinos because they got conquered.

One thing is certain though that you are 100% correct about the collapse of the country. I said it once and I'll said it again. You can kill off all the whites in America, you can keep lying to yourself that Hispanic/Spanish people are "hard workers" and make countries they immigrate to a better place (California is proof that's bullshit). Hell I even heard my own mother yesterday say "when America turns communist, there will be nowhere to run to like everyone who wanted to come here because this was the GREATEST NATION ON EARTH!" I had to tell her that she was mislead and America was never the greatest nation on earth. I then went on to explain to her and even my grandmother how Japan has the safest society than any country because they don't have mass migrations or a bunch of outsiders pouring into their country...America was doing great before white people turned on each other, became woke self hating retards and wanted to prove how non-racist they were by committing genocide against their own. Or kissing the ass of every black person no matter what that person does.

America already looks like Brazil, if you come here to California you will see it both whites and blacks living in their own filth. Tent cities going from one block down to the next and even homeless sleeping in front of businesses or outside apartment complex parking areas like I see outside of my apt every day people in their cars sleeping in the lot.

The year 2020 already proved how bad this country has gotten. Joe Biden was also talking about disarming the people over that Texas shooting, he knows the people who don't follow the law will still have their guns while the people that abide by the laws will be vulnerable to the people that obtain firearms illegally which will happen even more if firearms are ever outlawed in all 50 states. I am honestly terrified of whats yet to come...But I don't know where else to even go anymore at this point. The reason I never bothered with guns is because I'm like Mcgvyer. I don't like guns, in fiction sure but real life? I can live without them, all I need is a German Shepard to tear into someone's ass with their jaws and I'll feel protected. But actually shooting and killing someone that would be difficult to live with.

My cousin she is the only person in my family that owns a gun the last time I spoke to her. I've never felt safe with them, I get nervous even bring around the damn things. I find it even more funny when people try to call people out for not liking guns, like somehow owning a guy makes them a man lol. I have to educate them on how guns don't make anyone a man, guns is too easy and made people cowards. People like firearms because they're scared of getting their asses kicked and the same applies to criminals that use them. These days I understand people have no choice but to rely on them for defense reasons, but still. A lot of these gun obsessed people in AMerica would never make it in a country that have no access to guns at all. They live in fear too much both fear of their own government and fear of the crazy people they have to live around walking the street. I doubt anybody in a country like Japan feel the need to carry a firearm for any reason. Then you have places like Brazil where you can't even walk certain areas without gunfire...Not a country I want to be part of.

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Re: Black man punches white man in face for dating a black woman

Post by WilliamSmith »

@WanderingProtagonist Yeah it's nothing against Yohan, but that is the case that Japan is now being destroyed by a "diversity" campaign full of jews telling the Japanese they're racist and "too Japanese" because there's not enough diversity in Japan.

As for Brazil, LOL, yeah, I was checking it out and there's still some cool things about it, but when I was checking it out in the earlier phase of my expat research there was even a dead body lying in the street on the Google Maps streetview, since a lot of guys down there are always plugging each other and taking each other out.

Also, agree about it being better not to rely exclusively about guns: I got lazy because I wanted to chase women and over-relied on just owning some guns when I should still have been practicing martial arts the whole time like Lucas88, so... +1.
(I do think it's better to also have a gun in the jewnited states since so many other people do and criminals here will always have guns even if they're outlawed, but martial arts for the rest of my life (and keeping up a lot of muscle as much as I can) are what I'll be relying on more as an expat, and eventual citizen of other countries. :)
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Re: Black man punches white man in face for dating a black woman

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

WilliamSmith wrote:
June 12th, 2022, 12:03 pm
@WanderingProtagonist Yeah it's nothing against Yohan, but that is the case that Japan is now being destroyed by a "diversity" campaign full of jews telling the Japanese they're racist and "too Japanese" because there's not enough diversity in Japan.

As for Brazil, LOL, yeah, I was checking it out and there's still some cool things about it, but when I was checking it out in the earlier phase of my expat research there was even a dead body lying in the street on the Google Maps streetview, since a lot of guys down there are always plugging each other and taking each other out.

Also, agree about it being better not to rely exclusively about guns: I got lazy because I wanted to chase women and over-relied on just owning some guns when I should still have been practicing martial arts the whole time like Lucas88, so... +1.
(I do think it's better to also have a gun in the jewnited states since so many other people do and criminals here will always have guns even if they're outlawed, but martial arts for the rest of my life (and keeping up a lot of muscle as much as I can) are what I'll be relying on more as an expat, and eventual citizen of other countries. :)
Japan has never struck me as a strong nation, none of these Asian countries have other than North Korea. I don't even consider China all that strong despite they are destine to most likely take over as the next super power.
But as bad as Kim is, I don't think the Jews will ever f**k with him and his people. But ever since World War 2 ended, Japan got soft, their people got soft. All the Japanese samurai inspired movies and video games will never grant them the spirit they had. All it takes is for a country leader to give in to the demands out of fear or threats in which case I believe they will since Japan is a weak country. The fact they have to depend on a woke military to protect them is proof they aren't strong. I've been told by some people that Japan won't surrender, but then I have to remind them "This isn't WWII Japan where they wanted to beat your ass so bad they pulled off kamikaze attacks on you by slamming their planes into your ships. If it were those Japanese yeah different story.

You wouldn't f**k with those men. But today's Japanese men are like today's white men in America and Europe, limp dicked and weak as hell cucking out for Negro men who get told "you aint shit" by their own women and acting as if they are inferior to them." I heard that Diversity is being eradicated in the States and Netflix pulled the plug on diversity recently. Don't know how true it all is, but I hate hearing about countries getting destroyed especially a nation as safe as Japan is. I wouldn't dare go there because I wouldn't want to influence the people in any way. Where I hear about stuff like hip hop being part of some foreign culture I feel like throwing up and its got nothing at all to do with self hatred. I just don't want to find out that Japanese girls learned to twerk :shock: .

I wish I was in Japan so I could show them footage of what the JEws have done to every country they've f***ed with maybe they'll learn to be more careful. Just the other day I read about Islam and what they want to do, dominate the whole world. It said once they are about 3% of the population they act all peaceful, but as the numbers grow it gets worse. Most Asian countries don't have a lot of "diversity" to begin with because not too many people want to travel to some of those countries let alone live there, like Cambodia for instance I doubt it has diversity. It's mostly the first world Asia countries they want to eradicate.

Jews from what I heard hate anyone that's a threat to them and that includes Whites and Asians both who they see as a major threat to them therefore they want to destroy both of them. The fact that people won't tell these sorry ass Jews to go f**k themselves is problematic. I'm starting to believe these nations enjoy being destroyed, humiliated, and told to kill themselves. All the more reason why I have no loyalty to any nation since none of these nations are loyal to their own people. The moment some cock sucking person with a lot of financial power shows up, instead of putting a bullet in their head they grovel at their feet and destroy their own country leaving their people with nothing to be proud of anymore. From what I read in a number of articles about these people, Jews don't never push that diversity shit on Islamic nations. Instead they push on nations they know won't resist them due to being called "racist." Thankfully I lost interest in Japan a long time ago when it became a nation only nerds that were into anime started being obsessed with.
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Re: Black man punches white man in face for dating a black woman

Post by WilliamSmith »

@WanderingProtagonist Some Japanese nationalists and patriot groups have wised up to the jew agenda and do know about it (and some always have because of seeing Japan as being in the right alongside Germany in WW2), and there's some resistance. So I'm wishing them the best, but I also fear it won't be enough until they've filled Japan with so many foreigners there might not be much they can do to reverse it, though if anyone could organize to reverse it I guess they might.
I can't really deny I'm concerned they've gone too soft too, but hopefully we'll be proven wrong and Japan will endure better than we both fear..... At least they still have a better chance than the whipped soft weak woke West Europeans. I heard thousands of Germans recently fled Germany to get away from rapefugees and migrants overrunning Germany, and ran to Paraguay.

Anyway, I copied in your good rant about being in hell surrounded by other American blacks from a different thread since this is the one about black men attacking us (i.e. white men with black women), but they also attack each other and everyone else so much too like you were saying, LOL. Good stories. :)
You won't get any political correctness woke lib bs from me apologizing for high black crime and persecuting/raping/gangs/etc, and I'm not trying to change your mind about not wanting to be around blacks, but I will comment they're not as bad in some other black majority countries. Numerous Caribbean countries are way more relaxed. There's a lot of blacks in Dominican Republic even though not black majority and from what I heard so far I don't think it's as bad there as in the USA ghetto culture. Some African countries (Ghana, Botswana, and others) are not nearly as bad either even though they're developing. Not trying to get you interested, just saying the situation in the USA is a disaster but it's not that bad everywhere else. :)

I love some American black women and not all the blacks here are that bad, but I also want to get our kids away from the American black scene overall because there is too much gang and drug culture and the jewmedia plays everyone against each other. Also the recent psychotic idiocy of the woke crowd cancelling their math and literacy requirements in some schools on grounds blacks and "POC" overall are supposedly too dumb to read or do math as well as whites and Asians. :roll:
Tell that to the Farrakhan and NOI types who probably didn't realize they couldn't learn how to read or do math as well as the whites without woke libs and jews cancelling their reading and math requirements in their schools, not to mention all the scientists, doctors, engineers, etc in the black African countries who must have had no idea they were too dumb to learn to read and do math and science until woke libs and jews showed up to tell them so. I think Winston even said having an African professor was a pain because they'd assign so much more homework than other professors and hold him to a higher standard. :lol:

@Outcast9428 mentioned he thought the jews might plan to "throw black people under the bus" through their grip on media, which is a possibility, since if they wanted to the jews could easily start spotlighting massively higher rates of black crime, instead of the comparative sprinkling of white gun violence (or calling every other mulatto or Asian or Latino gunman "white" when he shoots something up). Some white activism groups like that Amren also are full of jews, so I'm suspicious the jew parasites who caused all this trouble to begin with are trying to use controlled resistance to direct angry defensive whites toward focusing all their attention blaming blacks, instead of realizing jews are the actual cause of all of this mess since they brought in the black slaves and then ruined the early black economy to keep them down early on, flooded in all the Europeans to make America "a nation of immigrants," and then set everyone at each other's throats to create communism via the civil rights act.
WanderingProtagonist wrote:
June 12th, 2022, 1:25 pm
Actually I did read that one article I saw awhile back regarding Japanese people having a disappointment in Paris when they went. Thing is they'll be even more disappointed if they let them Moronic Jews trick them with that "your racist" bullshit for not being tolerant of other people. I'm black man, not dark light skinned but me being black I have no interest in living in a country surrounded by other blacks. Ever since I was a kid I've been victimized by these people, even had a 13 year old get up in my face and hit me once because he was with this huge black man that had his shirt off and the guy was ripped as hell. My guess is he did that to be part of a gang because he's dead, he was shot to shit and was part of the Bloods. My cousin knows about a lot of people all over this city we live in especially if they went to any of the high schools and jr high schools we knew a lot of these people from. Then there was that time I was on the light rail, and I had these cool Gothic boots that had spikes sticking out of them because I did the goth thing a lot in my 20s. So these two large black males approach me on the light rail, start feeling up my boots and then asked me "what size boots you wear?"

Then left me alone when the security guard got on the light rail. I don't care how much ass kissing people want to do, black people are garbage. The only decent ones are mostly religious and even they'll stand there and watch another black person get beat down by one of their own. Like that footage I saw on youtube with this black guy he shot at this other black guy and there were to kids right there, the littel girl dived on her brother to protect him while this asshole fired multiple shots right on top of her where the other guy had fallen on the kids...He didn't give two f***s, he could have murdered those kids. These people are horrible monsters when they take over an entire place and the only thing other blacks do is take up for them and call people "Racist" when they want nothing to do with them instead of putting their foots through their own people asses when they do horrifying shit like this. The fact that we even allow gangs to exist in this country at all is also a problem. I use to watch Gangland a lot on tv, and none of that stuff is staged. It's all real, all real gangs they interview. These guys act so proud of themselves, and you have some people on youtube that would say dumb stuff like "I respect this or that gang, oh I met a person from that gang before, they were nice to me." Just idiots beyond belief.
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Re: Black man punches white man in face for dating a black woman

Post by Outcast9428 »


Since you are worried about racemixing but want a woman who isn’t ghetto like most US black women are. I do wonder if @WilliamSmith’s suggestion of finding a woman from a Caribbean or African country could be a good one. I feel like, given the amount of poverty in these countries, attracting a woman as an American guy should be a lot easier. The girls in those countries are a lot less likely to be overweight or have tattoos then American black girls too.

Personally I agree with you that I hate hip hop culture. I hate the twerking dance style, the promotion of vulgarity, violence, and promiscuity. I feel like hip hop has had a strong influence on destroying this country. People say that fictional stuff like TV shows and music doesn’t effect people’s real life behavior but it absolutely does and hip hop is proof of that. Hip hop more then feminism or trash TV is what convinced modern women that behaving like a slut is cool. It also taught men to be degenerates, that the ultimate goal of every man should be to own a Lamborghini, and a mansion with twenty different whores walking around and that whatever you have to do to get it is justified.

I hate seeing any element of hip hop culture in Japan. Admittedly my ex girlfriend listened to some hip hop and I couldn’t help but reveal my disdain for the genre to her. I think she understood it and she didn’t behave like a rap fan but I wouldn’t be surprised if she thought I nitpicked everything too much. I try to remember that it’s basically what everybody listens to now but I can’t stand how f***ing vulgar and disgusting the lyrics are anymore. My co workers listen to rap too and I think they know I hate rap but I try to be at least kind of polite about it. I just tell them I believe rap pushes a bad message.
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Re: Black man punches white man in face for dating a black woman

Post by Outcast9428 »


Also, to be perfectly honest with you. I do feel a little guilty about racemixing even though I want an Asian wife so badly. I can’t stand the nagging thought in the back of my head that I might be turning some guy over there into an incel. What if God punishes me in my next lifetime by making me an impoverished Filipino guy who can’t get a wife because some white guy came over and married her?

But what else am I supposed to do? Traditional girls who want to get married right now are so hard to find in the US. Nearly every girl here has been corrupted to some extent by the feminist propaganda. And I see the girls my friend talks to from Thailand and the Philippines and I feel myself falling in love with them just seeing their photos and the things they say. He keeps telling me “practically every girl there I talk to is exactly your type.”

I will make an ironclad promise to myself though that whoever I court in the Philippines while trying to find a wife I will not do anything that could potentially ruin her for a Filipino man if I choose not to take her as my wife. I won’t spoil her with gifts and financial luxuries, I won’t have sex with her. I want to make sure she will be my wife first.

I don’t want to be one of those degenerate expats who ruins these beautiful countries by exporting Western liberal poison to them. I’m going there specifically to get away from all that and I will not be a Jew and treat these innocent countries like a private playground to do whatever I want in.
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Re: Black man punches white man in face for dating a black woman

Post by WilliamSmith »

No big deal but a minor correction: I didn't suggest @WanderingProtagonist get a woman from a Caribbean or African country since I wasn't sure he even had any interest, but as it happens I did notice other black guys saying they'd gone over there and liked it (and I like black American women though they obviously vary, but also noticed some of the black MGTOW types always bitching about American women say they did great with women in Ghana). Not sure otherwise.

Some black Africans have an interesting charismatic way of speaking English (many are anglophone), and some black African women seem very classy and attractive. :)

As for rap:
I haven't been into any of my girlfriends music styles even if I love the women but can't stand their music (Asian chicks over-civilized bland pop music probably being the least painful), LOL, but I also think "rap is short for crap" privately, even if I don't put other peoples' tastes down IRL. Not all black women are into rap, by the way.
Rap isn't as bad as that slovenly utterly degenerate jew punk rock, but hard to imagine how any one can listen to that rap shit without it making you at least a bit dumber even if you're not smoking weed.
And they haven't done black American families any favors with all the gangstas, drugs, and "pimps up hoes down" bullshit.

When it comes to what's the most annoying, though, gotta hand it to some hot mulatta girls from the Dominican Republic who have some kind of latin hiphop where a chick (or was it a guy like the John Leguizamo "Pest" character LOL) with an unbelievably annoying intensely nasal voice raps in Spanish, LOL. It was so annoying I can't find the words for it. :lol:

As for your take on rap promoting degeneracy, Minister Farrakhan agrees with you about degenerate influences (he's talking about BET = Black Entertainment Television):
“Do you know some of these satanic Jews have taken over BET?... Everything that we built, they have. The mind of Satan now is running the record industry, movie industry and television. And they make us look like we're the murderers; we look like we're the gangsters, but we're punk stuff.” — Justifiable Homicide: Black Youth in Peril (Part 3), Mosque Maryam, Chicago, Illinois, 11/11/07
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Re: Black man punches white man in face for dating a black woman

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

Outcast9428 wrote:
June 12th, 2022, 2:58 pm

Since you are worried about racemixing but want a woman who isn’t ghetto like most US black women are. I do wonder if @WilliamSmith’s suggestion of finding a woman from a Caribbean or African country could be a good one. I feel like, given the amount of poverty in these countries, attracting a woman as an American guy should be a lot easier. The girls in those countries are a lot less likely to be overweight or have tattoos then American black girls too.

Personally I agree with you that I hate hip hop culture. I hate the twerking dance style, the promotion of vulgarity, violence, and promiscuity. I feel like hip hop has had a strong influence on destroying this country. People say that fictional stuff like TV shows and music doesn’t effect people’s real life behavior but it absolutely does and hip hop is proof of that. Hip hop more then feminism or trash TV is what convinced modern women that behaving like a slut is cool. It also taught men to be degenerates, that the ultimate goal of every man should be to own a Lamborghini, and a mansion with twenty different whores walking around and that whatever you have to do to get it is justified.

I hate seeing any element of hip hop culture in Japan. Admittedly my ex girlfriend listened to some hip hop and I couldn’t help but reveal my disdain for the genre to her. I think she understood it and she didn’t behave like a rap fan but I wouldn’t be surprised if she thought I nitpicked everything too much. I try to remember that it’s basically what everybody listens to now but I can’t stand how f***ing vulgar and disgusting the lyrics are anymore. My co workers listen to rap too and I think they know I hate rap but I try to be at least kind of polite about it. I just tell them I believe rap pushes a bad message.
To some degree it wasn't all the way that it is. It's the commercialize aspect of rap music doing the damage. Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, Jay-Z, etc...Those aren't even rappers just sideshow freaks that create pornographic sounding music, the videos are even more sexualized now than what they use to be in the 90s. There Juvinile introduced the twerking stuff, but white women didnt' even catch on to that until Miley Cyrus tried to do it. In the 1990s there was Missy Elliot, Lil Kim, etc they literately paved the way for all those sexualized women rappers that exist today despite none of them give them any credit for doing it. The vast majority of the songs were also very anti-male both rap, and pop music including a lot of that R&B music. Black women were always making anti-male music, mainly because black women felt upset with black men in general so the musicians figured "let's exploit this and talk about how black men are shitty fathers, how broke they are, and how we don't want them because they are scrubs that can't hold a job." :lol: the music was just brutally insulting.

When Destiny Child came out with that Independent Woman song, and TLC with Scrubs so many women were playing it constantly...They were literately pushing hardcore feminism on black women with that stuff but non-black women were also listening to that music as well. The thing is music in general has gotten so awful now that anything commercialized is shit. Rap music caught on because we live in the era of self hating white people who are the biggest consumers of that music in the Western world. One rapper even admitted that most of the sales is from white people, though they claim it's because black people can't afford to buy the music albums, which is horsecrap.

I started listening to Heavy Metal music during the mid 2000s when I discovered Megadeth, Testament, Warlock, and then rock and metal groups like Scorpions, Queensryche, Iron Maiden, Ratt, Dokken, Riot, Kix, Kings X, Sound Garden, Saxon, etc. In my early teen years during highschool it was the crappier commercialized rap-rock sounding stuff like Linkin Park, P.O.D, Papa Roach, to more depressing groups like Staind, Puddle Of Mudd. Then angrier or moodier vulgar sounding hard rock music caught on with me like Alice In Chains, Godsmack, Disturbed, etc.

I still listen a lot to metal music, but also developed an interest in Electro-Dance music of the 1980s with the breakbeats. Songs like this. ... r&index=23

I also like a lot of the stuff Crystal Method and Dirty Vegas makes too. That's what I call good music. It's harder when the musician is female, because a lot of the times you find out they are feminist, pro-abortion, or some shit like that and then you just lose interest in their music even if it sounds good. It's the same way with actresses to, most of them are hardcore leftlist. Thinking back on it now. I really miss the early 2000s a lot. A lot of what I use to love and enjoy back then, I feel like it's hard to enjoy any of it anymore.
As for violence, I still watch some violent media but nothing too extreme other than some of the old movies like Death Wish 3 where the gun fights are often bloody but nowhere near as violent as the Rambo movies...Especially 4 and 5...I skipped part 5 just because the violence was too much. I watched The Raid which also has intense violence, but I always skip the part where Mad Dog gets killed because its the most brutal death in the entire film, the way the blood oozed out his neck and stuff :shock: . The Raid 2 had even more brutal death moments.
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Re: Black man punches white man in face for dating a black woman

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

WilliamSmith wrote:
June 12th, 2022, 3:24 pm
No big deal but a minor correction: I didn't suggest @WanderingProtagonist get a woman from a Caribbean or African country since I wasn't sure he even had any interest, but as it happens I did notice other black guys saying they'd gone over there and liked it (and I like black American women though they obviously vary, but also noticed some of the black MGTOW types always bitching about American women say they did great with women in Ghana). Not sure otherwise.

Some black Africans have an interesting charismatic way of speaking English (many are anglophone), and some black African women seem very classy and attractive. :)

As for rap:
I haven't been into any of my girlfriends music styles even if I love the women but can't stand their music (Asian chicks over-civilized bland pop music probably being the least painful), LOL, but I also think "rap is short for crap" privately, even if I don't put other peoples' tastes down IRL. Not all black women are into rap, by the way.
Rap isn't as bad as that slovenly utterly degenerate jew punk rock, but hard to imagine how any one can listen to that rap shit without it making you at least a bit dumber even if you're not smoking weed.
And they haven't done black American families any favors with all the gangstas, drugs, and "pimps up hoes down" bullshit.

When it comes to what's the most annoying, though, gotta hand it to some hot mulatta girls from the Dominican Republic who have some kind of latin hiphop where a chick (or was it a guy like the John Leguizamo "Pest" character LOL) with an unbelievably annoying intensely nasal voice raps in Spanish, LOL. It was so annoying I can't find the words for it. :lol:

As for your take on rap promoting degeneracy, Minister Farrakhan agrees with you about degenerate influences (he's talking about BET = Black Entertainment Television):
“Do you know some of these satanic Jews have taken over BET?... Everything that we built, they have. The mind of Satan now is running the record industry, movie industry and television. And they make us look like we're the murderers; we look like we're the gangsters, but we're punk stuff.” — Justifiable Homicide: Black Youth in Peril (Part 3), Mosque Maryam, Chicago, Illinois, 11/11/07
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Black man punches white man in face for dating a black woman

Post by WanderingProtagonist »

WilliamSmith wrote:
June 12th, 2022, 3:24 pm
No big deal but a minor correction: I didn't suggest @WanderingProtagonist get a woman from a Caribbean or African country since I wasn't sure he even had any interest, but as it happens I did notice other black guys saying they'd gone over there and liked it (and I like black American women though they obviously vary, but also noticed some of the black MGTOW types always bitching about American women say they did great with women in Ghana). Not sure otherwise.

Some black Africans have an interesting charismatic way of speaking English (many are anglophone), and some black African women seem very classy and attractive. :)

As for rap:
I haven't been into any of my girlfriends music styles even if I love the women but can't stand their music (Asian chicks over-civilized bland pop music probably being the least painful), LOL, but I also think "rap is short for crap" privately, even if I don't put other peoples' tastes down IRL. Not all black women are into rap, by the way.
Rap isn't as bad as that slovenly utterly degenerate jew punk rock, but hard to imagine how any one can listen to that rap shit without it making you at least a bit dumber even if you're not smoking weed.
And they haven't done black American families any favors with all the gangstas, drugs, and "pimps up hoes down" bullshit.

When it comes to what's the most annoying, though, gotta hand it to some hot mulatta girls from the Dominican Republic who have some kind of latin hiphop where a chick (or was it a guy like the John Leguizamo "Pest" character LOL) with an unbelievably annoying intensely nasal voice raps in Spanish, LOL. It was so annoying I can't find the words for it. :lol:

As for your take on rap promoting degeneracy, Minister Farrakhan agrees with you about degenerate influences (he's talking about BET = Black Entertainment Television):
“Do you know some of these satanic Jews have taken over BET?... Everything that we built, they have. The mind of Satan now is running the record industry, movie industry and television. And they make us look like we're the murderers; we look like we're the gangsters, but we're punk stuff.” — Justifiable Homicide: Black Youth in Peril (Part 3), Mosque Maryam, Chicago, Illinois, 11/11/07
I remember how they tried to go religious with that channel. They probably felt guilty about some of the things they were airing on there. But I doubt religion was making them any profit.
Last edited by WanderingProtagonist on June 12th, 2022, 5:07 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Black man punches white man in face for dating a black woman

Post by Outcast9428 »

WilliamSmith wrote:
June 12th, 2022, 3:24 pm
No big deal but a minor correction: I didn't suggest @WanderingProtagonist get a woman from a Caribbean or African country since I wasn't sure he even had any interest, but as it happens I did notice other black guys saying they'd gone over there and liked it (and I like black American women though they obviously vary, but also noticed some of the black MGTOW types always bitching about American women say they did great with women in Ghana). Not sure otherwise.

Some black Africans have an interesting charismatic way of speaking English (many are anglophone), and some black African women seem very classy and attractive. :)

As for rap:
I haven't been into any of my girlfriends music styles even if I love the women but can't stand their music (Asian chicks over-civilized bland pop music probably being the least painful), LOL, but I also think "rap is short for crap" privately, even if I don't put other peoples' tastes down IRL. Not all black women are into rap, by the way.
Rap isn't as bad as that slovenly utterly degenerate jew punk rock, but hard to imagine how any one can listen to that rap shit without it making you at least a bit dumber even if you're not smoking weed.
And they haven't done black American families any favors with all the gangstas, drugs, and "pimps up hoes down" bullshit.

When it comes to what's the most annoying, though, gotta hand it to some hot mulatta girls from the Dominican Republic who have some kind of latin hiphop where a chick (or was it a guy like the John Leguizamo "Pest" character LOL) with an unbelievably annoying intensely nasal voice raps in Spanish, LOL. It was so annoying I can't find the words for it. :lol:

As for your take on rap promoting degeneracy, Minister Farrakhan agrees with you about degenerate influences (he's talking about BET = Black Entertainment Television):
“Do you know some of these satanic Jews have taken over BET?... Everything that we built, they have. The mind of Satan now is running the record industry, movie industry and television. And they make us look like we're the murderers; we look like we're the gangsters, but we're punk stuff.” — Justifiable Homicide: Black Youth in Peril (Part 3), Mosque Maryam, Chicago, Illinois, 11/11/07
My dad says that Louis Farrakhan is rabidly anti-white but most of what I read about him he seems based. I know he’s JQed but that doesn’t necessarily mean he isn’t anti-white. Funny enough he’s the only political figure I’ve seen on Wikipedia where they label him as anti-white and black supremacist. Given how many genuinely anti-white and black supremacists they ignore that sends alarm bells flying through my brain. I know none of those Wikipedia editors give a shit about anti white racism lol. What are your thoughts?
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Re: Black man punches white man in face for dating a black woman

Post by WilliamSmith »

Farrakhan's a legendary hero as far as I'm concerned! :lol:

Nothing to do with my own romances with black women by the way (a coincidence from some flirting with me to get us started and they're not NOI members LOL), since the NOI as far as I know are separatists who want to take care of each other (other black people only) and not a place for me to be either a Vanilla Sherbet snuggling up to the NOI, or a white heart-throb unwisely crashing their party and trying to meet black women at a Farrakhan speech, but when it comes to bravely having the courage to tell the truth about the satanic jews and synagogue of satan: Farrakhan's the man! :D

I don't think he necessarily hates white people that much as wokepedia and jewmedia defame him for, but it doesn't even matter if he secretly did: I don't give a damn if he doesn't like white people since Farrakhan and the good people from the NOI aren't chasing white people to every corner of the earth pushing a kill whitey agenda: That would be our mutual mortal enemies the jews that are doing that, not Farrakhan and NOI.
My dad says that Louis Farrakhan is rabidly anti-white but most of what I read about him he seems based. I know he’s JQed but that doesn’t necessarily mean he isn’t anti-white. Funny enough he’s the only political figure I’ve seen on Wikipedia where they label him as anti-white and black supremacist. Given how many genuinely anti-white and black supremacists they ignore that sends alarm bells flying through my brain. I know none of those Wikipedia editors give a shit about anti white racism lol. What are your thoughts?
Actually, white people flat-out owe Farrakhan one IMO: The jews try to smear him as a "race hustler" and NOI as a "hate group" but they help other black people take care of and support each other and preserve their health to live better lives, not to mention avoiding the satanic jew vaccine. A lot of the blacks who got helped live better lives by them might have ended up falling under the jew influences and getting lost in drugs and ghetto culture and violence and degeneracy if not for their help (which means they might've been part of the black crime wave taking out some of the whites who whine about Farrakhan being "anti-white"), so some of the whites who think Farrakhan's the bad guy because he's a separatist and/or calls out the ZOG and satanic jews have got it wrong.

The Nation of Islam Research Group also compiled that fantastic research series Secret Relationship of Blacks and Jews:
The jews banned it from Amazon with no word of warning or explanation since the red pill truth is to the jews like bright sunlight and a stake through the heart is to a vampire, but they still have them on their own store: ... -and-jews/

The Secret Relationship of Blacks and Jews, Volume One:
The Jewish Role in the Enslavement of the African

The Secret Relationship of Blacks and Jews, Volume Two:
How Jews gained Control of the Black American Economy

Jews Selling Blacks: Slave Sale Advertising by American Jews

And last but not least:
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Volume Three:
The Leo Frank Case, The Lynching of a Guilty Man

Ron Unz who now runs my favorite alternative media outlet Unz Review praised the third volume with these words (in his American Pravda: The ADL in American Society):
"Anonymous works published by heavily-demonized religious-political movements naturally engender considerable caution, but once I began reading the 500 pages of The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man I was tremendously impressed by the quality of the historical analysis. I think I have only very rarely encountered a research monograph on a controversial historical event that provided such an enormous wealth of carefully-argued analysis backed by such copious evidence. The authors seemed to display complete mastery of the major secondary literature of the last one hundred years while drawing very heavily upon the various primary sources, including court records, personal correspondence, and contemporaneous publications, with the overwhelming majority of the 1200 footnotes referencing newspaper and magazine articles of that era. The case they made for Frank’s guilt seemed absolutely overwhelming."
Well I said that much, now we need a Farrakhan video too. :mrgreen:
It's hard to pick a favorite Farrakhan speech (his 1990s speeches where he explained how the ZOG jew bankers created the Fed, ADL, FBI, IRS, etc and got America into the world wars was fantastic), but I'm going with this one for now:
Perfectly contrasts those of us who know jews are a problem and have the backbone to say so, vs spineless cuckservatives slinking and whispering and crawling to the jews like Billy Graham and Tricky Dick Nixon.
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan bravely tells the red pill truth on jews and the synagogue of satan and their wickedness and filth, from the jewmedia, to encouraging filth and degenerate behavior through hollywood and the porn industry, and the jew-led transgender movement "turning men into women and women into men."
Spineless cuckservatives Billy Graham and Dick Nixon knew all these truths about the jews and their recorded conversations proved they knew it in the 1970s: Graham and Nixon crawled like spineless maggots in submission to the synagogue of satan anyway, but Farrakhan's had the courage and character to tell the truth about the jews for a lifetime!

In the middle of the speech, Minister Farrakhan also says (about President Tricky Dick Nixon knowing the truth but fearing to speak it):
"He ain't got no balls! But I got: WATERMELONS!!! [after thundering applause dies down ].....there's a metaphor y'all."

LOL :)
If you're serious about "taking the red pill," read thoroughly researched work by an unbiased "American intellectual soldier of our age" to learn what controlled media doesn't want you to see 8) :
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Re: Black man punches white man in face for dating a black woman

Post by Outcast9428 »

@WilliamSmith Notice how Wikipedia writes the article for the Waukesha rampage killer... ... ade_attack

The guy who did this is a confirmed black supremacist. But the article barely mentions it until the very end. Now read the Buffalo shooting article...

The white supremacy angle is immediately talked about and the article goes at full length talking about it.

The article on Louis Farrakhan is exactly the same way. The "black supremacy" and "anti-white conspiracy theorist" aspect shows up immediately in the article...

So to sum it up, Wikipedia barely said a word about an actual black supremacist who went out and killed people but they make a big point of it when talking about Farrakhan.
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