Everyday Freedoms in China that America Doesn't Have! What Western Media Never Tells You!

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Re: 36 Freedoms/Benefits in China That America Doesn't Have!

Post by Winston »

I just put up our podcast on social freedoms in China up on YouTube. Nice cover image huh? lol

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Re: 36 Freedoms/Benefits in China That America Doesn't Have!

Post by Winston »

Check this out. In Ghost's blog post about whether China is freer than America, some commentators below explain why they felt China was freer than America. See below.

http://blog.happierabroad.com/2015/09/i ... 1152352725
Stephen McGreevy
January 4, 2016 at 5:29 PM

I spent 3 weeks in China back in November 2013 - and found the people so much more friendly in many ways than Americans - in some cases, by far.

Even the POLICE cars in Beijing looked far less intimidating that the commandoized-looking militaristic-looking police vehicles in the USA.

Everywhere I went in China I saw signs of booming economy and a resultant buoyancy of the people who think things are becoming better and better there. Upbeat! Certainly not a perfect place, but the total upbeat attitude of Chinese people - especially the YOUTH vastly differs from the truly depressing, soul-less, gang-ridden cynical American social-climate and declining economy (especially rural) in the USA.

Lovely architecture of modern buildings in Beijing, Xian, etc. was so much more "eye candy" than the depressing looking sprawl/crappy architecture and infrastructure of the USA.

California has crumbling jammed freeways - China has gorgeous, new freeways (actually toll-motorways) also jammed, but not crumbling.

The FAR BETTER feeling social-climate in China (while not perfect) made me feel almost uplifted, and actually freer - I felt a lot less uptight in China than in the mean-ole USA.

Chinese people are enjoying much more freedoms now comparatively, as Americans are experiencing a great contraction of their own freedoms due to massive amounts of laws and regulations and a growing fascist police-state rising in the USA along with a generalized "fiscal-slavery" to the Almighty American Dollar.

Things will change as China adopts the same kind of "rat-race-consumerism" so prevelant in the USA (but you don't see the obnoxious gun-heads and red-neck pick-up trucks one sees in the USA and also in copy-cat-Canada.

Truly, I get far worse culture-shock returning back to the USA than when I travel abroad (been to 18 nations since 1996).

God I hope to leave USA in 10 years - I BET China will continue to be even more welcoming to immigrants and entrepenuers while the USA continues its crazy downward-spiral. (Pray America does not take out the entire Planet with its Evil Pentagon WMDs).

In this manner, China rocks and I found the nation incredible, actually!

I really need 10 pages to be specific, but i felt better in china than ever in the USA and I am a native Californian who badly wants out of that state... and nation... God I hope I can say "goodbye and good-riddance" to such a huge American population of sicko-gun-heads and be in a freer and happier nation. I hold great hopes for China! Could China save America from itself? My fears are that (inevitably) that the Massively Evil USA Pentagon-WMD-Fascist center will bomb China someday (as Donald Trump would like...)

Sorry to have to say this, really... God I hope the USA can turn around, but NO hopes there, really! FAB SITE HERE! Thanks Winston!

Steve McGreevy Keeler, Kalifornia, Amerika (and I bet the Chinese military does not town-attack via jet-fighter planes/pilots as is being done here in California desert.
Joe S
July 30, 2016 at 10:31 PM

You make many points which I think are correct. In America many things are over-regulated and the whole police ticket thing is a disgusting scam in my opinion.
Mark Patchell
October 29, 2016 at 2:38 PM

I lived in China for ten years and came back 1st of 2015. I tell everyone I felt more free in communist China than I do in the USA. I came back because of medical issues and I'm miserable. I would be back in China and die there if possible. I was talking to a couple of my friends there last night and told them to never leave China, you'll forever be unhappy. I could tell you everything about China but you did a pretty good job. But it does take a certain kind of person to stay over a year there.
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Re: 36 Freedoms/Benefits in China That America Doesn't Have!

Post by Winston »

Did you guys know that in China, one does not have to replace their identity with their job like you do in the US? And one does not need to view work like a religion or God either. Instead one is allowed to be real about work and live in reality. See our WeChat discussion below.


"Americans especially seem to equate job with identity. Since consumerism replaced community, job also replaced identity. In a consumerist culture your job and money define your identity and worth."

Ethan_sg replied with these profound observations:

"Over here in China many people seem to see their job as a means to an end rather and determinant of their identity - it's a subtle but important difference.

Equating job with identity and replacing community with consumerism is very evident in Singapore too, sadly so.

In China for instance you can see that even the policemen are all pretty laid-back approachable, and come across as just another average everyday kinda guy on the street. In America the cops are bastards, self important, violent, cold and take themselves far too seriously. They are almost inhuman.

Winston and I were at a night club the other day which had a lot of female dancers and pole dancing and we saw that even the security guard and another man on uniform were having a good time smoking and chatting with the girls and taking it easy lol despite technically supposed to being the bouncers of the club. In America bouncers are kinda like cops - self important self - righteous, unapproachable, violent, with a tendency to be "white knights" - discriminate against men and protect women. The atmosphere is so much more tense. Over here even the security guy feels friendly and like someone you could have a drink with at the club. lol

The lack of self importance in the attitudes of the people in China is an indication of how people see themselves as fellow human beings first and foremost, and their jobs merely as a secondary role they have to fulfill in order to make a living. In westernized and modernized countries, people morph into self important automatons behaving as if the only purpose and meaning in their lives is fulfilling their occupational requirements, their "KPIs" ( key performance indicators ) as they like to put it - it's detestable.

Really hate the term KPI, makes me feel like a robot with functions I've been programmed to fulfill."
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Re: 36 Freedoms/Benefits in China That America Doesn't Have!

Post by Winston »

My response to a video on YouTube by a white chick criticizing China and its marriage culture.


cbr9927 1 year ago
chinese culture so screwed.

olivia wong 1 year ago
My family are chinese and I can't agree more.

HappierAbroad 1 second ago
what do you mean? chinese culture is still good and strong. they respect traditional family values. and people still respect their parents like in the old days. it's western culture that is screwed, with feminism, teen rebellion, gay rights, tattoos, etc. none of that is good for a strong healthy society and is degenerate. you got everything backwards man. you must be satanic to think that good is evil and evil is good. god help you. listen to our podcast about why china has a lot more freedoms and social freedoms than america in many areas of life. see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyArIFS8WfI

More comments I posted there:

HappierAbroad 1 second ago
how come in china I see more women than men, yet the western media claims there are too many men and not enough women? very strange. is the US media lying again? check out my photo albums from china. I have thousands of photos taken outside and if you look at them, it seems there are more women than men, at least in the cities. http://happierabroad.shutterfly.com

HappierAbroad 1 second ago
I hate how Westerners always say "The Chinese eat dogs" as though it were something common in China to eat dogs. That's not true at all. I was in China for a year and never saw anyone eating dogs or any place selling dog meat. I'm sure it exists. But much less than one percent of people in China have eaten dog meat. So it's not like pizzas and burgers are in America. Sheesh. The statement insinuates that most Chinese have eaten dog meat or that it is common in China to eat dog meat. That's a LIE, just like everything in the West and Taiwan is a LIE. Seriously. It's like saying "Americans eat burgers and pizza" which implies that most Americans have eaten burgers and pizza, just like most Chinese have eaten dog meat, which is totally FALSE. Stupid lying western media. To learn the truth visit www.happierabroad.com
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Re: 36 Freedoms/Benefits in China That America Doesn't Have!

Post by Yohan »

It makes sense to bring this thread forward again after a rest of two years.

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Re: 36 Freedoms/Benefits in China That America Doesn't Have!

Post by Winston »

@Yohan did you hear our podcast here about social freedoms in China?


If so, what did you think? Did you hear all of it? It's pretty long.
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Re: 36 Freedoms/Benefits in China That America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by Winston »

I wrote this on YouTube comments under Chinese instrumental music videos.

I spent nearly a year in China. It's not as exotic as these images make it out to be but it's nowhere as bad as the US media makes it out to be either. It's an exotic world that is interesting for sure. everything is very big. the restaurants give you bigger portions than in america even, and you don't have to leave any stupid tips like in America, where tips are forced. lol. Also the hotels let you check out at 3pm if you want, so you can sleep in, unlike America where they make you check out at 11am, which sucks. Also you can talk about social issues more freely there, such as racial differences or gender differences without it being taboo. So you do have some social freedoms there that you don't get in America. The western media never tells you this though. I don't know why. Moreover, the streets are super safe. There's no such thing as a "bad neighborhood" so you can walk around anywhere at night. No one ever mugs you. It's not in chinese nature to do that. They may try to scam you, but no one ever mugs you. So there are pluses about China that you never hear about in the western media for some reason.
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Re: 36 Freedoms/Benefits in China That America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by Winston »

Expats in China list some freedoms and benefits in China that you don't get in the USA on Quora.

https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-adv ... -in-the-US
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Re: 36 Freedoms/Benefits in China That America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by El_Caudillo »

The fact that there are no bad neighbourhoods you can't walk around is a good point, Winston. Just a point for the other side though: a lot of jobs in China force you to work long hours...not to actually work, but just to be there in the office in case the boss needs something. I think Americans actually work when they are at work and if otherwise will complain that the boss is wasting their time. In China, the idea that you need your own personal free time is rather new.
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Re: 36 Freedoms/Benefits in China That America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by MrMan »

The US is regulated in a lot of ways and a lot of other countries are more free. In the US, if you want to sell food on the street or even make food in your home to sell, you may have to have a commercial kitchen. In Indonesia, you can sell food on the street in a lot of places without getting in trouble. Vendors will take over lanes of traffic. But this might be technically illegal in some places and after a while the police come through and confiscate the poor vendors stuff. There are pluses and minuses. I don't think there is a health department or that it is illegal to sell food out of your house or to sell on the street-- just certain locations where it is not allowed and people do it anyway. You might also have to pay some small-time thugs off to sell in some places.

There is less 'freedom' in the US due to a high level of regulation. But Indonesians are always talking about getting diarrhea and stomach problems. But I got sick twice after eating chicken sandwiches at Wendy's at the Pondok Indah Mall. The second time I had forgotten that I had gotten sick after eating their chicken sandwich.

@Winston back when you filmed these pretty girls, did you try to 'lock down' any of them into a long term relationship or marriage, or were you just wanting to travel and play the field?
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Re: 36 Freedoms/Benefits in China That America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by Winston »

Regarding your video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grzq9Te8ix4

Your view of China is totally off and wrong. You shouldn't talk about places you never been. I been there for a year and it is clean, safe, and modern. You can walk anywhere at 2am and be totally safe. No one ever mugs you. The people are more authentic too and not afraid to make eye contact with strangers, unlike USA and Taiwan which is far more repressed socially and soulless. What you see on TV about China is mostly lies and exaggerated.

China is mostly clean and 100 percent safe. You can walk around anywhere at night at 2am or 3am and never get mugged. You can't say that about America. Also the people there are more authentic and down to earth, not fake, and not paranoid and not afraid to make eye contact. In contrast, in USA, Japan and Taiwan people are very repressed and don't even make eye contact with strangers.

Also, cost of living in lower in China and healthcare is very affordable. No one there goes crazy over sports. They know that stuff doesn't matter. There is also no political correctness there regarding social issues. You can talk about racial differences or gender differences, unlike the US. Hotels also let you check out at 3pm, not 11am like in the US. You also don't have to leave tips in restaurants like you are forced to in America. Did you know all that?
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Re: 36 Freedoms & Benefits in China that America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by Gali »

Another reason why China is so great.
You can have sex when you have power

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Re: 36 Freedoms & Benefits in China that America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by kangarunner »

Favorite Cornfed quote: "Here's another one to reassure you lemmings that the ongoing humiliation ritual that is your ratshit life will soon be coming to an end."

Favorite yick quote: "You are not my mate".

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Re: 36 Freedoms & Benefits in China that America Doesn't Have! What the Media Never Tells You!

Post by Spencer »

kangarunner wrote:
November 5th, 2021, 6:34 am
Wiseton is video truth or is fake news

you say many points china land of freedoms but video paint it land of hell if you not ccp party man

please shed truthing light so we know is china good land or bad land
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