How NASA Faked Outer Space

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Re: How NASA Faked Outer Space

Post by Winston »

I was also wondering, if there's no up or down in space then how come every photo of Earth is always right side up? Never sideways or upside down? Makes you wonder doesn't it? You never think about stuff like this until it's pointed out.
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Re: How NASA Faked Outer Space

Post by Winston »

Gali wrote:
October 10th, 2021, 3:27 pm
Let us start with something that is easier to prove or disprove:

We are talking about rotation of for example Jupiter. It has a big dot. So it is quite possible to see the rotation with a good telescope. Also it is even easier to see the rotation of the moons of Jupiter around Jupiter or respectively of Saturn. That is exactly what Galileo saw and the pope just did not want to look through the telescope.
What Galileo Saw With His Telescope

Why do we not see a sceptic putting a video with a telescope about the movement of the moons of Jupiter? Flat Earthers did a lot more to prove their point actually. Btw you can join a astronomie club they will show that stuff to you probaly.

I do not think Alex would deny the movement of the moons of Jupiter around it and the rotation Jupiter itself.

Like I said you are the one who is challenging it and who makes drama about it. Like with your Flat Earth you will silently accept that you are maybe wrong and move on to another drama anyway.

See when you were a Christian Fundamentailist Flat Earther at 14 years old I was into Astronomy and did a lot of research. So you are a bit late to the science party.

Like I said it does not matter in the end. It is just relative truth not absolute truth.
I've seen that before. It's just a segment from a documentary. I'm asking YOU to see the rotation of Jupiter through your telescope or the giant telescope from an observatory. A documentary proves nothing. It's just a narration. It doesn't answer my questions. Do you see the dot on Jupiter moving across when you look through a telescope? I'm asking YOU to see it, not quote someone else. A truth seeker doesn't take anyone's word for it. Can you see moons moving around Jupiter? If not, you take it all on faith. You never question anything because science is your God since you have no God. To me, truth is my God.

Alex has no telescope so he does not claim anything. I am not claiming anything either. Just asking questions. You are not addressing any questions. You are just defending establishment because establishment is your God. You are religious, not me.

I was not a flat earther at 14. Just a Christian. I have researched astronomy too when I was a kid and borrowed many books from the library about the solar system. I'm just saying you can't verify anything they say. All you can do is see the Moon and stars with your naked eye and a little closer with a telescope. That's all you can verify. Nothing more.

Take my challenge. Go to a big observatory and borrow their giant telescope. Tell me if you see anything I asked about. Seriously. You are just using ridicule, not answering my questions. It means you are not seeking truth, just defending establishment. You are reilgious, not me.
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Re: How NASA Faked Outer Space

Post by Winston »

How do you explain these lunar waves over the Moon? See below. As you can see, the wave does NOT go over the whole video frame, ONLY over the Moon. How? Why?

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Re: How NASA Faked Outer Space

Post by Winston »

Another question: If you go 40,000 miles into space with Google Earth, you cannot see any of the giant craters on Earth at all. So how is it that the Moon is 240,000 miles away yet you can see craters on it? Huge discrepancy. This podcast below with Crrow777 and Mark Sargent makes a good point about that. There are tons of discrepancies like this. Why can't guys like Gali see any discrepancies?
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Re: How NASA Faked Outer Space

Post by Gali »

I was not a flat earther at 14. Just a Christian. I have researched astronomy too when I was a kid and borrowed many books from the library about the solar system. I'm just saying you can't verify anything they say. All you can do is see the Moon and stars with your naked eye and a little closer with a telescope. That's all you can verify. Nothing more.
When I was 12 I build a basic telescope to understand the principle and did for dozens of hours observe the stars with a basic telescope.I also bought a microscope and observed the micro organisms for dozens of hours. I actually did scientific research with experiments.

I got the motivation to do science from my lying backard islamic community. I wanted to prove that they were wrong and lying. That is why I could free myself from the pressure of the muslim turkish community.

I actually wish to get back to study science again that is why I respond to this thread to remind myself of it.
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Re: How NASA Faked Outer Space

Post by Winston »

Question I posted to Crrow777:

Crrow777, I don't get something. Why is the NASA hoax necessary? Why doesn't NASA just say nothing and do nothing? Isn't it better to be silent than to perpetuate a lie that can come back to bite you? Why not just admit they can't go to space and leave it without ever creating NASA in the first place?

Crrow777 there's one flaw in your claim. If these rockets are coming down somewhere, there should be eyewitnesses seeing them crash into the ocean or something. Why aren't there? For example, someone should have seen the Apollo 11 rocket crash into the ocean somewhere. They can't bring every rocket down without someone seeing it. Also wouldn't the US Air Force be able to tell on their radar if these rockets are coming down? Wouldn't the whole Air Force have to be in on it too? Isn't that far fetched?
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Re: How NASA Faked Outer Space

Post by Winston »

I can look through a telescope too. All you see are stars and the moon and the planets. You can't verify anything. Only NASA has instruments to do so. All you can do is take them on faith, but there's no basis to take them on faith, so they could be lying about everything. So again your point is moot. Your claim is that one should get educated by studying what the establishment says. Circular reasoning. Why are you so establishment worshipping?

What if you found out that space is a hoax and we are in an enclosed structure and that nothing leaves low earth orbit in reality? Would that make you depressed and mess up your mind and reality?

Alex said that Earth is round yes, but it could be that Earth is a sphere within a sphere. So the sphere above us would be where the gods dwell. Alex said that all we have are theories to explain the data. There's no certainty.

Another experiment you can do is send a small rocket into space with a camera on it. At some point the rocket will hit some wall and there will be a thud and will come back down. There's a video on YouTube that shows this where someone put a camera onto a rocket. Try it yourself and see. That indicates that nothing can leave low Earth orbit.
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Re: How NASA Faked Outer Space

Post by Gali »

If I found out that space is a hoax I guess I would accept it. I would not have big problems with it I guess.
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Re: How NASA Faked Outer Space

Post by TruthSeeker »

Someone talked about the spin of planets. If you looked at a planet through a telescope I don't think you'd see it interactively spinning because it's spinning so slow. For example the earth rotates once every 24 hours. If you were standing on the moon you wouldn't see it spinning however you would notice changes after several hours.

So why @Winston are you saying that the planets are not spinning? If you look at one planet through a telescope it remains exactly the same if you look at it say 5 hours later?

Again I'm not saying that @Neo is not right and that the planets are just lights. Personally I think the planets are real and the lifeless ones if moved into the habitable zone could become earth like planets.
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Re: How NASA Faked Outer Space

Post by Winston »

TruthSeeker wrote:
October 12th, 2021, 10:04 am
Someone talked about the spin of planets. If you looked at a planet through a telescope I don't think you'd see it interactively spinning because it's spinning so slow. For example the earth rotates once every 24 hours. If you were standing on the moon you wouldn't see it spinning however you would notice changes after several hours.

So why @Winston are you saying that the planets are not spinning? If you look at one planet through a telescope it remains exactly the same if you look at it say 5 hours later?

Again I'm not saying that @Neo is not right and that the planets are just lights. Personally I think the planets are real and the lifeless ones if moved into the habitable zone could become earth like planets.
I mean look through a telescope for hours and hours. There are people who do that. You definitely never see the moon spin and never see anything hit it even though it has many craters as though it's been hit many times. Very odd and peculiar. A lot of things that astronomy says doesn't make sense and doesn't add up and is not observable.

I heard Mars changes colors a lot if you look at it. But I never heard that you can see planets rotating. Try to Google it. No one addresses this.

How do you know planets are real and are what we've been told? Why would God create so many lifeless planets for nothing? That would be a waste of space and resources and energy, all for nothing.

This guy Crrow777 has discovered that nothing ever leaves low earth orbit and that space is not what we've been told and that there's a firmament above us like ancient texts say, including the Bible, and that NASA lies about everything and hoaxes everything. See this interview with him below. It's very compelling. He sounds very honest, articulate, and intelligent.

When I look up at the night sky I do get the impression and hunch in my gut instinct that it's all a hoax and illusion and that we are under some type of planetarium. I thought I was the only one, but there are a few like the guy above that feel the same way. If you have a good intuition, you should try looking at the night sky sometime and see what your gut feeling tells you. We are so programmed.
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Re: How NASA Faked Outer Space

Post by TruthSeeker »

Winston wrote:
October 12th, 2021, 12:57 pm
When I look up at the night sky I do get the impression and hunch in my gut instinct that it's all a hoax and illusion and that we are under some type of planetarium. I thought I was the only one, but there are a few like the guy above that feel the same way. If you have a good intuition, you should try looking at the night sky sometime and see what your gut feeling tells you. We are so programmed.
Yeah but if it is an illusion and a hoax then WHO is doing the illusion and hoax? God? Why would He deceive us like that?

Hebrews 6:18 says it's impossible for God to lie. If God was committing deception in that the stars and planets are holograms and projections then He would not be a just or pure God. Why would He make the moon projection with craters as though asteroids had impacted the surface when they really didn't? Isn't that deception?

And the stars if they are just points of light, isn't He being deceptive in that we think they are suns like ours?

@Neo and @Winston what do you make of these verses?

Hebrews 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Are those worlds earth like planets like ours? I believe so. Otherwise what would they be?
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Re: How NASA Faked Outer Space

Post by Winston »

TruthSeeker wrote:
October 12th, 2021, 2:08 pm
Winston wrote:
October 12th, 2021, 12:57 pm
When I look up at the night sky I do get the impression and hunch in my gut instinct that it's all a hoax and illusion and that we are under some type of planetarium. I thought I was the only one, but there are a few like the guy above that feel the same way. If you have a good intuition, you should try looking at the night sky sometime and see what your gut feeling tells you. We are so programmed.
Yeah but if it is an illusion and a hoax then WHO is doing the illusion and hoax? God? Why would He deceive us like that?

Hebrews 6:18 says it's impossible for God to lie. If God was committing deception in that the stars and planets are holograms and projections then He would not be a just or pure God. Why would He make the moon projection with craters as though asteroids had impacted the surface when they really didn't? Isn't that deception?

And the stars if they are just points of light, isn't He being deceptive in that we think they are suns like ours?

@Neo and @Winston what do you make of these verses?

Hebrews 1:2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

Hebrews 11:3 Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Are those worlds earth like planets like ours? I believe so. Otherwise what would they be?
Well the Bible never claimed that outer space existed the way sci fi movies show us. NASA and astronomy claimed that. So NASA would be involved in the hoax, or the powers that be.

Don't assume God is perfect either. There's no evidence that God is perfect and a million reasons looking at this world to believe that he's not perfect. The God of this world definitely made it to be a parasitic enslavement system. Of course he wants YOU to blame yourself for it because your ancestors chose to sin by eating a stupid apple from a tree. It was all a setup. The Gods or God worked together with the Serpent to lure man into doing something so that their plan to make the world an enslavement matrix could happen and mankind could be blamed for it. Use basic logic here. If the gods didn't want this world to be a parasitic enslavement matrix, would it be? Of course not. Obviously they do want it to be one, and that's why it is one. Simple Spockian logic.

We are only talking about the God or Gods that run this world. They definitely cannot be just or all good or all honest. If they were, they would not allow this world to be based on illusion, deception, and money, especially America. It's very Luciferian. So Lucifer runs everything, both the good and evil side. He plays both sides. It all makes sense if you think about it. I don't know if the God of the universe and the God of this world is the same. I don't know if there are any good gods that are above Lucifer. I certainly hope so.

The big deception and secret is that God, Satan, Lucifer, and the Serpent are all working together as a tag team. This is obvious in the Book of Job. And obvious in Genesis too. The Bible was hijacked by the cult that rules the world and corrupted to suit their agenda. King James and his Masonic lodge was part of that too of course, that's why they wrote an "authorized" KJV of the Bible. Authorized means it's approved by the elites for their agenda. You've all been had along with all the other Christians. Totally fooled. As Mark Twain said, "It's easier to fool someone than to convince them that they've been fooled."

For the truth about the conspiracy behind the Bible and how all the deities worked together as a tag team to defraud all of us, read the Divine Secret Garden series by John Panella. It makes sense and adds up and explains a lot and clears up the confusion about why God and Satan exchange places a lot in the Bible, or why they work together, which is obvious when you take off the blinders. The books and audiobooks in the series are all free to download. There's no profit motive or agenda. Here's the link to download the whole series for free. It's very eye-opening. I'm currently listening to the audiobook version now.

Regarding Hebrews 6:18, well there are other verses that say that God causes lies and deception too. And that he creates evil. So the Bible says many opposing things about God. You are only focusing on the verses you like. The reason the Bible contradicts itself is to confuse you. It's on purpose. Because Lucifer plays both God and Satan and the division is a hoax. So just like the elite on earth, they play both sides and appear to contradict. It's all a sham. Read the book series above to learn more.

Isaiah 45:7 states, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

In Genesis when man's eyes were open, the Lord said that "Man has become one of us, knowing both good and evil." That means that God is good and evil too, just like man had become. Very simple.

The Bible never said that the stars were suns. That's a concept of modern science.

The term "worlds" is vague. You can say that we all live in our own world. Or that the elite live in a different world. It's subjective and arbitrary.
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Re: How NASA Faked Outer Space

Post by Winston »

New documentary produced by Crrow777, the first person to popularize that our Moon seems to be a construct and not a floating rock.

Stream here for a small fee:

Or download here:


Shoot the Moon is a documentary film about the telescope work of the man known as Crow, or Crrow777.
It includes the first filming of the phenomenon that would come to be called the Lunar Wave, that was first captured in the Fall of 2012.
The releasing of this footage catapulted Crrow777 to becoming known all over the world, first for the Lunar Wave, and then the numerous other amazing pieces of objects and astronomical footage that he caught during his four years of continuous filming through his telescopes.
The film includes seven different Lunar Waves, a ton of objects in the sky, both during the day and the night, many of which are seen transiting the Moon.
No other film contains so many objects and anomalies that have been shot with high-end optics and telescopes, and is presented with interview segments discussing the work.
The accompanying original score makes this documentary film a one of a kind adventure.


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Re: How NASA Faked Outer Space

Post by Winston »

One hour interesting video about how the International Space Station is a hoax.

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Re: How NASA Faked Outer Space

Post by Winston »

Why do you think they push "space" on us so aggressively?

"With your comments, let's get to the bottom of this and consider the core reasons why they push "space" so aggressively on all of us through movies, songs, and now.... this endless list of TV shows through the streaming services. If you turn on Netflix, Hulu, or Prime there will always be several new "space shows." Let's examine the real reasons for this and leave behind the first grade 2010 understanding of "it's just to steal your tax dollars." (Give me a break... that ain't it!)"

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