Should we just convert to Islam?

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Post by Repatriate »

MrPeabody wrote:
In the East, Buddhism is really directed at monasticism with little role for lay people. Thus, for example, in Thai Buddhism, lay people make merit by donating to the monks in hopes of a better life. There is also a lot of superstition, like buying lucky objects from monks. The monks are pretty well taken care of, some driving expensive cars, etc. It's a good religion if you are a monk.
Buddhism in countries like Thailand have also adopted animist beliefs as well as hinduism into the religious structure. It's really a mish mash of various cultural and ethnic things passed down. It's not "real" Buddhism either. I find Buddhism is just a loose philosophy that a culture can add pretty much whatever spin they want to it as long as they legitimize it through tradition.

There's something comically vile with giving merit hoping for a return of your spiritual investment with material rewards. Thais really believe this garbage and don't find it contradictory in terms of morality or virtue. They really believe that giving money in a temple will lead to them getting a new job or a mercedes benz down the road.
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Post by Cornfed »

What does it take to be taken seriously by Muzzies when you convert? For example, circumcision is not a religious requirement but a tradition for them, so men who convert are encouraged to have it done. To me this is out of the question. Giving up alcohol is completely unnatural for white men IMO. I would reluctantly give up pork products, although even that sucks. The requirement to only have sex with wives and bondmaids, as opposed to hoes, also makes no sense in most cultural contexts. I believe that none of these are real requirements imposed by the thrust of Abrihamic religion, but rather local traditions that may have made sense at the time. However, would most born Muslim men see me as not a genuine convert for taking this position? How does one overcome this?
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Post by Repatriate »

There are practical reasons for these bans and it's not really as religious as people think it is. Pork was considered "unclean" because they didn't store it properly and the meat was rife with parasites. When people started to get sick and die they deemed it "unclean" and barred it through edict which slowly worked its way into religious text.

Alcohol was also legal and there was trade in wine and other spirits in "Islamic" nations back in the 8-9th century. However, I think the problem was alcoholism became an issue and probably a lot of coffers were being drained on importing drink. So they banned that as well and it worked its way into religious text.
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Post by Cornfed »

Even if you did not actually convert to Islam, I imagine it would be a good idea to get your wife/gf and daughters to wear a headscarf or similar to reduce the amount of dirtbags hitting on them and therefore the risk that they become worthless sluts. Unfortunately dirtbags in the West will likely get used to hitting on Muslim females, so burkas are really the only option.
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Re: Should we just convert to Islam?

Post by fschmidt »

Cornfed wrote:Even if you did not actually convert to Islam, I imagine it would be a good idea to get your wife/gf and daughters to wear a headscarf or similar to reduce the amount of dirtbags hitting on them and therefore the risk that they become worthless sluts. Unfortunately dirtbags in the West will likely get used to hitting on Muslim females, so burkas are really the only option.
You won't succeed in getting your women to do this if you don't belong to a group that the women can follow. I emphasize to my daughter that she is Jewish and so she should follow the Jewish rules of modesty. This only works because she feels Jewish.
MrPeabody wrote:I was seriously considering Islam, but after I got into it realized that if you convert Muslims expect you to wear a beard because Mohammad wore a beard. That is a deal breaker for me. I don’t want to go through life with an itchy beard. Of course, maybe it’s not required in liberal Islam, but then I have no interest in becoming a liberal Muslim.
I promise you that your beard will stop itching after a while. If this is your only objection to Islam, then you should obviously convert and become Muslim.
theprimebait wrote:Yes,Islam is the only hope left to defeat Feminism and curtail female whoredom.
Judaism works too.
Ghost wrote:For a long time I have liked the idea of splitting off and forming a sub-culture with a pure, unadulterated religion that preaches morality. (I also think the 'cosmological' elements are important. People don't respond well to morality alone. I think it is important that that they see it as part of the divine plan for humanity.) Really, though, this "new" religion would likely just be Christianity or otherwise based on the Jewish Bible and New Testament.

All it would require is a small group (even just 5, say) and a commitment to living together to form a community apart from the world. And then finding pure wives and having families. And then a new, moral subculture begins and can thrive.

I don't think that in America there is any hope of religion saving anyone. Churchianity is just Christianity pasted onto consumerism and the cult of happy thoughts. That is the real religion, and I suppose I can't argue with it in some ways. After all, that may be the most powerful religion in the world.
In America, the Amish, Hasidic Judaism, and serious Islam all succeed in saving people. This proves that religion can save people in America. I know that you are focused on CoAlpha right now, but there is no conflict between promoting CoAlpha and researching religion, so why not research religious options?
Cornfed wrote:It does seem that of the major religions, Islam is the only one that people still follow and has been able to take a stand against the evil death cult of feminist secular humanism. Moreover, it does seem to make more sense than the other Abrahamic religions, the nonsense about people getting good water and comfy chairs in paradise notwithstanding. If white Westerners converted en masse to Islam then likely we would be the dominant intellectual force in the Islamic world within a few years, much like the Ottoman Turks did before us. Instead the West seems intent on importing low quality Islamic people, rather than actually becoming Islamic.
What about Judaism? You would need a mass movement to have an impact on Islam. Instead, you could take a tiny religion as a seed and then get decent people to join it and dominate it. I am particularly thinking about Karaite Judaism here. Please tell me what is wrong with this plan.
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Post by TerraFirma »


Religion doesn't save people, knowledge does. Just like how Western medicine is causing 3rd world birth rates to skyrocket. Yet, I digress.

First of all, Judaism is a joke. That's for degenerates. Christianity is all about worshiping Jews, and is what originally crippled Europe's spirit.. So that's out. Now Islam. This is another Abrahamic religion, if I'm not mistaken. Like any good religious con it has seeds of truth planted in the writings, or else people wouldn't go along with it. But here's the kicker, these top religious entities: Jesus, Yahweh, Allah, are harvesting souls for energy. That's ET interests. Any good metaphysical website can tell you that. Google is your friend. Dark business, religion. Ugh. Just wait until you get into the juicy research.

Religion doesn't have a lick to do with sovereignty or spirituality. Now, I'd toss out some NeoNazi slogans to get you in touch with basic elemental truths, but I don't want to wear out my welcome here.. just yet.

I just took the liberty to read the last post before mine, so I realized I might have openly called someone here a degenerate. Woops.. I've heard that the modern Jewess is the blueprint for feminism and totally runs the household, that Israel is really a matriarchy. Please, discuss.
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Post by Cornfed »

TerraFirma wrote:Lol..

Religion doesn't save people, knowledge does. Just like how Western medicine is causing 3rd world birth rates to skyrocket. Yet, I digress.

First of all, Judaism is a joke. That's for degenerates. Christianity is all about worshiping Jews, and is what originally crippled Europe's spirit.. So that's out. Now Islam. This is another Abrahamic religion, if I'm not mistaken. Like any good religious con it has seeds of truth planted in the writings, or else people wouldn't go along with it. But here's the kicker, these top religious entities: Jesus, Yahweh, Allah, are harvesting souls for energy. That's ET interests. Any good metaphysical website can tell you that. Google is your friend. Dark business, religion. Ugh. Just wait until you get into the juicy research.

Religion doesn't have a lick to do with sovereignty or spirituality. Now, I'd toss out some NeoNazi slogans to get you in touch with basic elemental truths, but I don't want to wear out my welcome here.. just yet.

I just took the liberty to read the last post before mine, so I realized I might have openly called someone here a degenerate. Woops.. I've heard that the modern Jewess is the blueprint for feminism and totally runs the household, that Israel is really a matriarchy. Please, discuss.
So what exactly is the solution? The idea is to form a strong survivable community. It seems you need a religion to do this, because most people are too stupid to do the right thing on an ad hoc basis, and religion gives them a bedrock of absolute certainly to operate on in this uncertain and temporary condition we find ourselves in called life. What religion or alternative to religion would you suggest for this purpose?
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Post by Jester »

Repatriate wrote:Converting to islam is like cutting off your penis to spite the woman.
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Post by Jester »

Some thoughtful posts on this thread.
Repatriate wrote:
Buddhists also have some rather reprehensible beliefs and buy into the "just world" fallacy that everyone deserves their station in life based on some previous action. This means a cripple deserved their fate because they obviously did something to deserve it.
Yeah, New Agers and "New Thought"/Unitarian types also are prone to this. Some Christians, too, believe in karma or "you get what you deserve" in this life. Bullshit. There are SOME repercussions for our sins, maybe even more so for good people who sin, people in whose lives God and the angels are still working based on prayers from their loved ones. But lots of truly horrible villains get away with their crimes, in this life.

Thank God for Hell, where they end up.
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Post by TerraFirma »

Cornfed wrote:
TerraFirma wrote: So what exactly is the solution? The idea is to form a strong survivable community. It seems you need a religion to do this, because most people are too stupid to do the right thing on an ad hoc basis, and religion gives them a bedrock of absolute certainly to operate on in this uncertain and temporary condition we find ourselves in called life. What religion or alternative to religion would you suggest for this purpose?
Hmmm.. What else besides race? It seems that is the prediction for the dissolution of future Amerika; that being racial states. There is nothing more harmonious than growing together and bettering your kin, as that is true evolution and from it comes true love. Everything else is stark degeneracy, like we are so well acquainted with today. It's worth pointing out that Israel is the only racially homogeneous society around, ironic, and they aren't exactly a poster child...

The most profound wisdom I've gained is from aboriginals, like Australian ones. I've been reading your posts on patriarchy, and it goes well with native teachings. Supposedly, it just works. That's what I picture pagan Europe was once like, until all the wisdom keepers, druids, sages, were murdered. By the church, I might add, then the transformation of knowledge into Abrahamic religions and sacrifice of self. What we need most is SELF. As in Higher Self, a vision, and that divine purpose. That is the ultimate way to change and manifest realities; from within.

So, yes, I'd say it should be nature based. What's more natural than your own DNA, what more noble than increasing it's genetic potential and adaptability. That's common sense. It's hard for me to get into this topic without going woo-woo on you, but I will say genetics are the most prized material in the Universe. Simple and profound. Yet, we could both agree that this forum mostly appeals to hedonists. Whatever. We were raised in a material whirrled. (latin mater:mother)

I'm swimming upstream like the rest of you, so who knows how long we will fare. Isn't it fun? This takes willpower; and power is a male attribute. If your pumping pinoy poonay and jerking off, what do you think happens to your potential? That's Vedic wisdom on lifeforce. They were a beautiful culture.
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Post by OutWest »

Jester wrote:
Repatriate wrote:Converting to islam is like cutting off your penis to spite the woman.

To those who want to convert...knock yourselves out...please hurry. Nothing teaches like experience.

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Post by Cornfed »

Talking to a Muslim man the other day, he confirmed that the Muslim females around here are in fact worthless sluts. He said that last week a female wearing the appropriate garb that was in his shop actually blew in his ear. He told her to come back after he closed the shop. She did and he f***ed her. This sort of thing is common apparently. There is a theoretical taboo about men touching females, but in fact the idea is to find an inoffensive, non-creepy way to violate that taboo and touch them anyway. If you don't do that they figure you are a loser. I inadvertently did that to a married Muslim Bengali female about a month ago and wondered why she suddenly became very friendly. I probably could have f***ed her but didn't. So it would appear that we can forget about Islam as a cure for slut society in the West.
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Post by Ghost »

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Post by fschmidt »

TerraFirma wrote:
Cornfed wrote:What religion or alternative to religion would you suggest for this purpose?
Hmmm.. What else besides race?
No, religion is the answer. Nothing harms a race more than racism. Religion sets moral standards which results in positive evolution and produces a good race. Racism prevents a race from expelling its bad members and from attracting good genes from outside the race. Racism causes a race to stagnate and decay. Religion causes positive evolution and produces good races.
Cornfed wrote:So it would appear that we can forget about Islam as a cure for slut society in the West.
Okay, so what now?
Ghost wrote:I think the human race is just f***ed (pun intended I guess...) Promiscuity is rampant everywhere.
What about the Amish and Hasidic Jews?
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Post by Cornfed »

fschmidt wrote:
TerraFirma wrote:
Cornfed wrote:What religion or alternative to religion would you suggest for this purpose?
Hmmm.. What else besides race?
No, religion is the answer. Nothing harms a race more than racism. Religion sets moral standards which results in positive evolution and produces a good race. Racism prevents a race from expelling its bad members and from attracting good genes from outside the race. Racism causes a race to stagnate and decay. Religion causes positive evolution and produces good races.
Cornfed wrote:So it would appear that we can forget about Islam as a cure for slut society in the West.
Okay, so what now?
Well, it is a toughie, isn't it? Suppose one were to remain in the West (and it could be argued that one may as well do so, since with globalization the whole world is becoming a shithole). I think the first thing to do would be to form a subculture of young men organized in military fashion under a particular religion. Then you would need to recruit young females for them to marry and breed with. This is problematic, since even if you could find non-slut white (or Jewish) females, most men cannot outcompete the system, since any bright and attractive female in the West can get lots of money and live a glamorous lifestyle as they perceive it as corporate whores and such. I'm not sure what the answer is.

As to which religion to choose, I think some new interpretation of the Abrahamic religions with perhaps other elements is the way to go. Karaite Judaism is tainted by its association to Judaism and although I don't really know, I doubt anyone takes it terribly seriously.
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