8 Reasons Taiwan Girls Suck - No Personality/Soul, Cold, Closed, Repressed, Negative Vibe, Grim, Sour, Arrogant, Spoiled

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8 Reasons Taiwan Girls Suck - No Personality/Soul, Cold, Closed, Repressed, Negative Vibe, Grim, Sour, Arrogant, Spoiled

Post by Winston »

Although Taiwanese girls are comparable with the most beautiful females in the world, they are also among the most difficult and come with a barrage of major negative traits, personality problems and difficult obstacles. Here are 7 big problems with them that will give you an idea about why I find Taiwan to be the most BORING place on the planet, as well as the WORST place for dating girls in the world. Each one of these is bad enough, but combined, they make Taiwanese girls not even worth the effort.

1. Taiwanese girls have the WORST personality and social skills out of any country I've been to. I swear. They are worse than you can imagine. Totally unfriendly, cold and frigid. They are great lookers sure, but total duds in terms of personality and conversation skills. Not down to earth at all. They act retarded too, as if they have aspergers or autism. Their social skills are virtually ZERO. Go talk to them and you will see. They have no desire to improve on that too, nor do they care to try to be more friendly. They also have ZERO confidence as well, especially when they are young in their teens and 20's, and act scared to death to talk to strangers, which is weird when you go to other countries and see that young women are far more open and confident toward strangers than Taiwanese girls are. To make things worse, Taiwanese girls have a very NEGATIVE vibe as well. Even when they act polite, you can sense a very negative mindset behind their face, as if they were thinking nothing but negative thoughts about you. Thus it feels very uncomfortable to be around them. Not relaxed at all, but totally uptight. Their vibes and energy are very bad and it's hard to explain why until you understand this. Their fake polite exterior and negative mindset, attitude, personality combination is an unpleasant combo package indeed, as well as very weird. In addition, they seem so cold and reptilian that you cannot relax or feel good or be yourself around them. Many people in Taiwan - both locals and foreigners - can see all this and do not deny it and will acknowledge all this too, but they don't dare talk about it because such negative truths are taboo to mention openly.

2. Taiwanese girls are extremely COLD and CLOSED. They are extremely stuck up and project an extreme cold wall around them that is very unnatural and inhuman. This is an inherent Taiwanese trait that makes them unapproachable, uptight and unwelcoming. They are not open or relaxed with strangers, like females in most countries are. They act very reptilian and cold blooded, similar to the girls in Hong Kong.

3. The mentality of Taiwanese girls is very narrow, simple and primitive. Thus it's hard to connect or vibe with them. They are on a different wavelength, one that is far more insular than ours. They are the least capable of having intelligent deep conversations. The weird thing is, they expect me to be the same, but I'm not, so they don't know how to process that. This makes everything doubly difficult when combined with #1.

4. Taiwanese girls are very picky, shallow, superficial and judgmental. They have narrow standards and are very particular. It's hard to get them to respond on dating sites. They don't like guys who think for themselves or who are nonconformist in any way. In their mind, nonconformists are losers and intellectualism is weird and uncool. In my experience, as soon as I say something intelligent or deep, or show off that I am nonconformist in any way, many Taiwanese girls drop me and treat me as though I no longer exist to them. So much for being appreciated for being yourself. Add this to the above 2 problems, and the problems and obstacles to dating triple!

5. Taiwanese girls are extremely prudish and view flirtation as taboo and bad. Coming from a very prudish sterile culture, Taiwan girls are themselves very prudish. They won't let guys kiss their hand (like European girls would) and view flirting as a taboo, bad and negative. Taiwan is so prudish in fact, that movies made in Taiwan usually never show any kissing, whereas they do if they are made in mainland China. Thus it can be said that Taiwan is the most prudish country in Asia, and its women are indicative of that especially since women tend to conform to the culture. A culture where you can't even flirt simply SUCKS.

6. Taiwanese girls are very flaky and act like spoiled divas. Taiwanese females under 35 are anything but down to earth, and can flake out at any time for any reason, or even no reason. It's hard enough getting them to respond on dating sites. But even when they do, they can flake out suddenly. When they do, they disappear, forget you and ignore your emails/calls for trivial reasons or sometimes no reason.

7. Taiwanese girls tend to have this fake innocence and cheesy corny gay ass "hello kitty" expression. It's hard to explain what I mean. You have to be around them to see what I'm talking about. It's very unnatural, strange and inhuman. I have no idea how to jive with it. And I definitely wouldn't want to try to emulate it. Ewww! Ick! Weird!

8. In social groups and nightclubs in Taiwan, guys tend to outnumber girls, which creates scarcity. The guys who are in the group that the girls are in, are usually either dating the girls, or if not, then they are shielding the girls from being approached by other guys. Total cockblock. Again, this totally sucks, and when combined with the above, make the dating scene terrible beyond words and not even worth the effort.

So you see, all the above compounds to make Taiwan the WORST dating scene I've ever experienced, as well as the most BORING uneventful place. It's like everything is against you. Geez! All the above combined are horrible beyond words, and make it not even worth the effort. All Taiwan offers you is food and work. But for dating, love, romance and sex, it totally SUCKS, is overly difficult, uptight, stuck up and very depriving. In fact, no negative words in English that I can think of can describe how terrible it is and how badly it sucks. Thus all I can say is that it is "terrible beyond words".

What's worse, you aren't allowed to say anything negative in Taiwan. The social culture is very politically correct and you are only allowed to say nice positive things about Taiwan. So you can't even tell the truth or express how you really feel without violating this social rule! Geez. At least let a guy be honest for crying out loud. It sucks having to pretend that you like something you don't.
Last edited by Winston on December 6th, 2012, 6:40 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by Falcon »

Winston wrote:6. Taiwanese girls tend to have this fake innocence and cheesy corny gay a** "hello kitty" expression. It's hard to explain what I mean. You have to be around them to see what I'm talking about. It's very unnatural, strange and inhuman. I have no idea how to jive with it. And I definitely wouldn't want to try to emulate it. Ewww! Ick! Weird!
I completely get what you mean. Naive white guys would usually misinterpret that as genuine friendliness. Not so!

Asian-American women are very much the same way, though just somewhat snottier! It's just all show. Once you express interest in them, oftentimes the "hello kitty" expression disappears, and they run away or give you a hard time.

In my thread "How to initiate dating with Chinese women?" viewtopic.php?t=16813 , I compared them to yellow lights. How the heck are you supposed to know how and when to advance the relationship, if the same "Hello Kitty" mode is on all the time? To address this problem, Rock delves deep into all this body language reading.

Whites and Latinas generally don't do that, so they make the "red lights" and "green lights" clear.

EXAMPLE of an Asian-American female on "Hello Kitty" mode (annoying!):

Here's a famous Taiwanese guy on "Hello Kitty" mode:

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Post by keepingitreal »

I know what you talking about here. But that's how insecure people act. They use shit like that to cover up their low self-esteem.

And it's funny how some of them wearing skimpy shorts and skirts while acting the same way. And they somehow freaked out when guys hitting them up. I think it's due to men over there are simply too dorky and just as anti-social and insecure, that's why they don't know the possible consequence of wearing those clothes that show so much legs. Try wearing them in any ghetto in the US and all of them will be single teenage mom by now if they haven't committed suicide.
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Post by keepingitreal »

And there are even dudes act like that too. It's not a good characteristic, but at least more passable for females. I remembering hearing an English teacher came back from Taiwan and said that place is for bitches that are nerdy, somewhat quiet but yet hip, most likely a Justin Bieber or Twilight fan. if you're not that specific type of female or gay boy, Taiwan will be a pain in the ass to live in. He said it in a way I'm actually agree with him.
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keeping it real,

Post by lavezzi »

those in glass houses shouldnt throw stones. having travelled to america, i can say that americans in general are by far the most socially inept group ive ever come across. also, when many of them speak it sounds like someone is scratching a chalkboard.
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Post by danchapman »

I can totally understand how Winston can come to those conclusions, in particular, how he feels the girls are. Yes they are different but once you get past that you will find they are about the same things. I have lived here for 10 years or so, and while me and the friends have of course occasionally been rejected, in general we have never been without girlfriends and have continually been picking up. I am bewildered that someone can't pick up.
The key is picking up should be done subtly with no need for chat up lines, just start conversation about where they work etc. At a well known bar with too many guys a friend of mine would have no trouble picking up. Why? All the guys are stood around in 2 or 3s holding their beers, staring, chests preened, before piling over to a girl and saying something overly sexual and getting rejected. My friend would not stare, then suddenly approach, just smile, no sexual chat up lines, just have a neutral fun conversation with his hands down by his side. The result was that he would pick up all the girls and have them in hotels that evening. Another friend would only do his picking up in a bookstore because the girls are disarmed in there. Over the years many girls have confirmed that method: try to pick them up in the bar and they are naturally wary, meet in a bookstore and they will be in a hotel in half an hour. I have covered most of these topics in my blog. Look for the sub-topics on girls and culture. http://www.betelnut-equation.blogspot.tw/
I am not spamming here as it is all free and just written for the purposes of trying to give cultural insight for others.
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Post by Winston »

danchapman wrote:I can totally understand how Winston can come to those conclusions, in particular, how he feels the girls are. Yes they are different but once you get past that you will find they are about the same things. I have lived here for 10 years or so, and while me and the friends have of course occasionally been rejected, in general we have never been without girlfriends and have continually been picking up. I am bewildered that someone can't pick up.
The key is picking up should be done subtly with no need for chat up lines, just start conversation about where they work etc. At a well known bar with too many guys a friend of mine would have no trouble picking up. Why? All the guys are stood around in 2 or 3s holding their beers, staring, chests preened, before piling over to a girl and saying something overly sexual and getting rejected. My friend would not stare, then suddenly approach, just smile, no sexual chat up lines, just have a neutral fun conversation with his hands down by his side. The result was that he would pick up all the girls and have them in hotels that evening. Another friend would only do his picking up in a bookstore because the girls are disarmed in there. Over the years many girls have confirmed that method: try to pick them up in the bar and they are naturally wary, meet in a bookstore and they will be in a hotel in half an hour. I have covered most of these topics in my blog. Look for the sub-topics on girls and culture. http://www.betelnut-equation.blogspot.tw/
I am not spamming here as it is all free and just written for the purposes of trying to give cultural insight for others.
Pick them up in a bookstore, and they will be at your hotel in half an hour? LOL. Why don't you make up something a little more plausible? No one is going to buy that, not even Rock. That's not how it works dude. Let's make a bet. Let me bring you to a bookstore or whatever public place, and if you are able to get a Taiwanese girl (of decent looks) in your room in half an hour, I'll give you 10,000NT. Every BSing white guy has chickened out when I made that offer. Most white guys, esp in Asia, are lying BSers who are easy to catch.

We recently had several BSers here, including one in Minnesota, who made up BS stories like yours and were caught posting porn pictures as proof of how easy it it to pick up girls. I don't understand why you white guys have a need to lie like that. It's not logical. White guys are weird. They also suck at saving up money, and act degenerate too. Any money they get, they feel an immediate compulsion to spend it. Really weird.

What do you look like? How tall are you? Do you only pick up in Taipei?

Can I give you 10,000NT if you can prove your claims?

Not a single Taiwanese person or honest white guy I know thinks Taiwan is an "easy pick up place", especially not in a bookstore.

Most Taiwanese girls will not even hold a conversation for one minute. I can start a neutral non-sexual conversation with anyone too. It's easy. Anyone can. I have good communication skills. But if the other party says nothing and puts nothing in it, there's nothing you can do. Most young girls in Taiwan have zero social skills with strangers and are duds in personality. They are very hard to connect with. Not one Taiwanese person I told this to disagrees. NOT ONE. What does that tell you? It's fricking obvious, that's why.

Reality is reality. Women aren't that easy in real life. Everyone knows that. None of the experts on Taiwan here, including Momopi or Rock or even Falcon, consider Taiwan an easy pick up place. That's all BS that only comes from weird white guys who won't accept 10,000NT from me to prove their fantastic claims. Weird!

If I offer you 15,000NT, would you still come up with BS excuses why you can't prove your BS white guy claims? LOL
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Post by jamesbond »

Winston wrote: Pick them up in a bookstore, and they will be at your hotel in half an hour? LOL. Why don't you make up something a little more plausible? No one is going to buy that, not even Rock. That's not how it works dude. Let's make a bet. Let me bring you to a bookstore or whatever public place, and if you are able to get a Taiwanese girl (of decent looks) in your room in half an hour, I'll give you 10,000NT. Every BSing white guy has chickened out when I made that offer. Most white guys, esp in Asia, are lying BSers who are easy to catch.

What do you look like? How tall are you? Do you only pick up in Taipei?

Can I give you 10,000NT if you can prove your claims?

Not a single Taiwanese person or honest white guy I know thinks Taiwan is an "easy pick up place", especially not in a bookstore.

Most Taiwanese girls will not even hold a conversation for one minute. I can start a neutral non-sexual conversation with anyone too. It's easy. Anyone can. I have good communication skills. But if the other party says nothing and puts nothing in it, there's nothing you can do. Most young girls in Taiwan have zero social skills with strangers and are duds in personality. They are very hard to connect with. Not one Taiwanese person I told this to disagrees. NOT ONE. What does that tell you? It's fricking obvious, that's why.

Reality is reality. Women aren't that easy in real life. Everyone knows that. None of the experts on Taiwan here, including Momopi or Rock or even Falcon, consider Taiwan an easy pick up place. That's all BS that only comes from weird white guys who won't accept 10,000NT from me to prove their fantastic claims. Weird!

If I offer you 15,000NT, would you still come up with BS excuses why you can't prove your BS white guy claims? LOL
It sounds like it is just as difficult to meet girls in Taiwan as it is in the USA. Women in both of those countries seem to be unfriendly and anti-social.

I don't believe guys who say, "yeah, I can get a girl into my hotel or apartment within one hour of meeting her." You can't even do that in the Philippines (unless you go to a bar and pick a girl up).

Most of these so called "PUA" guys are full of horse shit! I want to see them in real life pick up a girl in a bookstore or grocery store and bring her back home within one hour of meeting her! :shock:
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Post by xiongmao »

I recognise point 2 in mainland Chinese women.

For the most part, Chinese women have nothing to say. They're kind of empty inside. I thought it was communism, but maybe there are other forces at play.

I listened a bit to an English speaking competition here tonight. The girl's English was good, but she had nothing to say.

On the other hand there do seem to be more girls than guys here.

The only problem is that China is all about work, work, work. It's just so hard to get a date and it's a shame to see girls slave their asses off then wake up when they reach their 33rd birthday and realise their chances of marriage and babies are totally remote.
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Post by momopi »

xiongmao wrote:I recognise point 2 in mainland Chinese women.
For the most part, Chinese women have nothing to say. They're kind of empty inside. I thought it was communism, but maybe there are other forces at play.
Religion reflects specific cultural values -- Shinto to Japanese and Tao to Chinese. Consider, Tao is a cultural product of the Chinese civilization from Han Dynasty, and as far back as >2,600 years ago (pre-Buddhism) the Ancient Chinese strived for emptiness (state of pure mind) in binary opposition of fullness. One could speculate in chicken-or-egg argument on Taoism & Emptiness, but that would be thinking too much.
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Post by Billy »

I read today an article in a german newspaper about a taiwanese- german relationship which is very popular on facebook. Another sign that Taiwanese girls are interested in whites or foreigners.

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Post by RichieBoy »

I spoke to a Taiwan girl in Heathrow airport, she had a cold expression and seemed kind of snappy because I didn't know about the Taiwan/China passport thing. She said something like 'There's more than one China' or something like that
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Post by deasil875 »

I refuse to court Taiwanese females. They are some of the most soulless bitches ever. They ooze a repressive, and angry controlling authoritarian vibe that is very cold as a result of their Tiger mom upbringings. The cultural mindset is school and work work work and more work until the day you die. Any artistic talent and goals and endeavors are crushed and beaten out at a young age. Anyone who rebels against their parents and defies this cultural machine is pretty much an outcast. What the f**k is that? That's no life I want to live. Through my own experiences I've found Taiwan and Chinese to be the least compatible Asians with the more free-thinking European attitude and lifestyle.

Ditto on previous post about the whole gay boy thing. If you arent into the metrosexual bullshit, and aren't willing to carry her f***ing purse for her in public for fear of basic emasculating common sense, there is not a chance in hell you are going to last with a Taiwanese bitch.
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how stupid ?

Post by zozopoutpout »

i just read your post and couldn't make otherwise then register to tell you how wrong you are.

you write your list of tw girls caracteristics as if you are a master of the subject. from what i see of your experience it seems you are totally off the path. i been to taiwan and i can tell you most of the thing you mentionned is not the case. i'm foreigner and french canadian and i met a lot of stranger and they were all polite and really nice. i didnt had no problem to make friends girls or boys. i think your problem is your not outgoing and you might be creepy so it's normal you get this kind of reaction. instead try a more funny approach and not nervous style and you will find out you are totally wrong. the girl are quite nice and they like to have fun and they are also really curious just if you use the kind of approach black men does in america to get girl of course they will feel offended and u will provoque bad reactions.
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Re: how stupid ?

Post by Winston »

zozopoutpout wrote:i just read your post and couldn't make otherwise then register to tell you how wrong you are.

you write your list of tw girls caracteristics as if you are a master of the subject. from what i see of your experience it seems you are totally off the path. i been to taiwan and i can tell you most of the thing you mentionned is not the case. i'm foreigner and french canadian and i met a lot of stranger and they were all polite and really nice. i didnt had no problem to make friends girls or boys. i think your problem is your not outgoing and you might be creepy so it's normal you get this kind of reaction. instead try a more funny approach and not nervous style and you will find out you are totally wrong. the girl are quite nice and they like to have fun and they are also really curious just if you use the kind of approach black men does in america to get girl of course they will feel offended and u will provoque bad reactions.
Excuse me, but you're being very narrow here. I'm not wrong if I am being honest about my experiences. Why should I lie and say that Taiwanese girls are open, approachable and friendly when they are NOT? Why should I lie to conform to your politically correct view?

You forget that you are white and I am asian so my experiences will be different from yours. White guys are given special treatment. They are allowed to be different. An asian guy is not expected to cold approach a girl in Taiwan without being introduced by mutual friends.

No I'm not creepy. I look innocent and kind. But I don't have a Taiwanese style or personality. I look like an older Asian guy who is supposed to be already married.

The reason Taiwanese girls don't talk to me is not because I'm creepy, but because they have no reason to. Taiwanese girls are cliquish there and don't talk to strangers. You have to be introduced by mutual friends. That's the culture there. Even the mainstream people in Taiwan will agree with me. Ask any honest person there and they will tell you that "Taiwanese girls are not open". So if mainstream Taiwanese will validate this, then why should I lie and say that Taiwanese girls are very open when they are not? That makes no sense.

If the problem is me, then how come I find the girls in Russia and Eastern Europe and the Philippines to be a MILLION times more friendly and approachable than in Taiwan? You fail to consider that.

Everyone knows that Taiwanese girls are too spoiled and westernized. This is common knowledge even in Taiwan. Even our best pro-Taiwan advocate here in the forum, Rock, spends most of his time in the Philippines now, because Taiwanese girls are too difficult now.

Try to have a bigger picture view, not a narrow politically correct one. I'm not gonna lie just to appease you.
Last edited by Winston on August 8th, 2014, 3:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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