I'm Thinking Of Leaving Soon

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I'm Thinking Of Leaving Soon

Post by Taco »

I've been closely watching the economies in Europe and US continuely being downgraded over the past few years now and to be honest its scarying the shit out of me. I currently have a secure job and the economy where I live is stable also. However, I know that its not going to stay this way for much longer. Once the Euro collapses(in a few weeks) the US dollar will collapse right behind it and then the entire world economy will collapse. This is not just another recession, this is the big kahuna(economic depression) coming from which no one will escape. I'm not a fear monger but I believe in telling the truth, the future does not look good, the government will not save you. This is what I'm talking about.

London Falling
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXnsqB8- ... ideo_title

'AAA downgrade haunts Germany & France'
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keFWeB4K ... ideo_title

IMF Warning
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M_mP6Et ... ideo_title

Debt Crisis
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCPRfRQf ... ideo_title

Layoffs In September EXPLODE 126%
http://www.businessinsider.com/layoffs- ... z1ZuIgpNMV


How to Tell When a Civilization Is About to End
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aI9Ru6xC ... re=related

Glenn Beck's Warning
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzsJoVyi ... re=related

Gerald Celente's Warning
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzuEejK7 ... re=related

China Collapse Coming
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfkaS3Gs ... re=related

My possible options -
1. Stay in North America, build a bunker and store food
2. Move to South America, hope I meet a sexy chick with a house
3. Move to the Philippines, shack up with a Filipina I've been chatting with
4. Move to Austrailia, live with aborigines in the outback

I'm considering option 2 and option 3 but that could change any time. I'd like to get everyone's input on this subject. What would you do?
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Post by Simoun »

I would caution against thinking the end is imminent. I think we're in trouble too, but whereas in 2008 I thought we were going to see a dramatic collapse, now I think it's going to be a slow grind to the bottom over a number of years.

I'd continue to work that secure job as long as you have it, save up as much as you can, and try to be at peace about it. After all, the Great Depression sucked for a lot of people. But some people had steady employment throughout.

My ex-girlfriend lived through the Argentine hyperinflation of 1989-1990. Her memories included her father getting his paycheck and racing to the grocery store to spend it because prices increased hourly. And she couldn't buy new books, she had to use the library, and couldn't go out for entertainment as it cost too much. Not great, but not the end of the world either.

The one thing I am worried about is a day when government checks stop getting sent out.
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Contrarian Expatriate
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Post by Contrarian Expatriate »

I think you are reacting to alarmism. True, things look bad and will likely get worse, but the Euro and the Dollar will not just "collapse" even though governments are printing money.

As the one poster alluded, this will be a slow, spiral downward so it is best to have another country or two as options, if and when the US gets out of hand.

When we hit rock bottom, you should be poised to take advantage of the malaise by buying up properties and stocks at dirt cheap prices. Although some people think we are close to that point, we have far, far to go in my opinion.

Your survivalist preparations are alright but I think it is overkill when you can simply save money and move to a country that you find appropriate later when "the other boot drops."
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Post by Taco »

I appreciate your comments so far. I agree, it is wisdom not to do desparate things. However, underestimating how soon this economic collapse will happen is not wise at all. I believe the situation is falling apart much faster than most people realize and faster than I thought it would as well. I believe we have weeks to prepare not months or years. Also, I think moving to a third world country is a viable option before the collapse happens as the people in poor countries which are used to such hardships will be better prepared psychologically than most American and Europeans will be.

Economic Collapse a Mathematical Certainty
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3-vwYJi ... re=related

When will America Collapse?

George Green - former investment banker insider, gives his thoughts on the future(starting at 8:10)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=freXDCRc ... re=related
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Post by Simoun »

I think your best bet is to connect with your family and have a common bugout point here in the US if things get really weird. I wouldn't rely on foreigners to help you since you're an outsider. Hell, if you were in the Boy Scouts, you're better off here in the US just living in a forest somewhere than you would be anywhere else.

Don't panic. In 2009 I had a bugout bag in the trunk of my car, in case I couldn't go home that night. When the Fed announced Quantitative Easing the first time around I thought, "this is the end." But here were are. We have time, I'm confident of that. The collapse will come, but it will be slow and drawn out. Not just some day where we have instant panic in the streets.

But watch out for that day when government checks don't come.
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Post by odbo »

Simoun wrote:I would caution against thinking the end is imminent. I think we're in trouble too, but whereas in 2008 I thought we were going to see a dramatic collapse, now I think it's going to be a slow grind to the bottom over a number of years.
I'll agree with that if "over a number of years" includes the late 1990s until 2013 when the USA becomes the world's most infamous shithole.

I don't understand you SHTF (Shit Hits The Fan) types. It's very good to be prepared for the worst and have real skills not just white-collar skills that will become completely worthless in a situation of poverty. But logically think about why this is happening. Do you think the people who run this country will "pull the plug" so to speak just for fun and will allow you to live out your life in the forest? What will you do when they start marching you into detention center to have your chip implanted? Common sense dictates you should GET THE f**k OUT OF THE COUNTRY by next year and go somewhere people aren't complete sheeple and haven't lost their survival instinct. Hope is illogical. There is no hope for America, not a hope in hell. Go somewhere there is hope, and make better use of yourself. And if worst comes to worst I reckon it's better to die amongst a real community than amongst whatever the f**k one can calls these sad excuses for human beings formerly known as Americans.
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Post by Taco »

I still disagree with you guys on one issue. In past recessions, everyone could see it coming a mile away, it happened slowly and everyone had lots of time to prepare. The next depression will happen suddenly because now the US is bankrupt and so is every country in Europe.

When will America Collapse?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7e8GMfjg ... re=related

First, the Euro has to collapse.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf0vnAhq ... re=related

'Euro on edge, will collapse by November'
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1Qd-ooh ... re=related
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Post by odbo »

First it was the "Stimulus package". Now it's "Operation Twist". It's clear we're about to get screwed alright, but the end is not here YET.

CALM DOWN. This isn't the tribulation period. We still have food shortages, World War 3, bubonic plague, mandated vaccines, RFID implants and fascism through environmentalism to look forward to. Once you sell everything you have, quit your job and just leave without a worry in the world. Calm down. Your brain doesn't work when you're scared. What are you scared of, hard times? Be a man. I think what the sheeple fear the most is being free. Learn how to grow your own food, and you won't be afraid of freedom anymore.
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Post by Taco »

odbo wrote:First it was the "Stimulus package". Now it's "Operation Twist". It's clear we're about to get screwed alright, but the end is not here YET.

CALM DOWN. This isn't the tribulation period. We still have food shortages, World War 3, bubonic plague, mandated vaccines, RFID implants and fascism through environmentalism to look forward to. Once you sell everything you have, quit your job and just leave without a worry in the world. Calm down. Your brain doesn't work when you're scared. What are you scared of, hard times? Be a man. I think what the sheeple fear the most is being free. Learn how to grow your own food, and you won't be afraid of freedom anymore.
Calm down? Calm down, is good advice if you wake up one morning with a fat American chick on top of you, it does not apply to a global currency collapse and depression! If anything, most people are too calm, all most guys care about right now is watching getting drunk, getting laid, vacations etc.. I'm not one of the them. When this is all over goat herding in the Sahara Desert will be career choice of most people.

Financial Armageddon Coming Soon (2011)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6a1DZR1 ... re=related
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Post by odbo »

You keep posting youtube videos as if they're proof. Why are you watching reports from CNN, MSNBC, Fox News anyways?! Do you think they will tell you the truth?? :)

Do you think if they pulled the plug they would announce it on tv??? You're in a slave mentality. It's like when the USSR collapsed, people were so used to being slaves they didn't know what to do. Instead of finally building a society that they wanted they stood around waiting for someone to give them orders. And where do the orders come from? THE TV.

I got news for you. The world was enslaved long before you were born. Long before this country even existed. So calm the f**k down and use your brain. Right now you're totally neurotic, probably because you just found out about this recently and expect rapid changes. These same reports were running in 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. We were already robbed many times over since the 1990s, where were you?! You were jerking off somewhere. Do you have any idea how much value the US dollar lost since 9/11/01?

No, working longer hours for less pay doesn't interest you. But a total economic collapse when money basically ceases to exist has you shitting bricks. Do you not see a problem with that? How many post-apocalyptic films did you have to watch to become such a p***y? Are you a man, or an elderly woman in a wheel chair?

Unless your predictions are based on something tangible, SHUT THE f**k UP. You're not connecting any dots, you're watching some fear monger on CNN!

As a preface to understanding, i think it is necessary to go through the standard phases of “waking up.�

1. An individual vaguely perceives something is wrong with his/her life. This takes the
form of fatigue at trying to ‘keep up’ with real or imaginary crisis, encroachment of
government into every aspect of life, increasing taxation, and so on. Sometimes it takes
the loss of work and the realization that the safety net they contributed to has a big gaping
hole in it.

2. The individual discovers that justice is a joke and that all control mechanisms go up
like a pyramid, taking their property, taxes, etc. with it. This wealth is then distributed to
“help bail out� or “prop-up� failing transnational corporations. Leftovers are channeled
via Overseas Development Corporations to “developing nations,� where the loot is
pocketed by front-men and their bureaucrats. Crumbs filter down to social services,
which, after being guzzled by directors and staff, leave little for the needy except bundles
of forms, in triplicate, of course.

3. The individual looks around for others already exposing “the conspiracy.� These
established champions inform him which “conspiracy� books to read. Having then done
so, the individual begins to “expose� the corruption, first to friends, then when friendless,
he either publishes what he has gleaned or becomes paranoid and withdraws from society

Why does the waking up process fail to spread quickly through society?

1. He is terribly naïve. He believes the massive corruption “just happened� to begin in his
own lifetime, otherwise mummy or daddy or teacher would have warned him. It does not
occur to him that his parents, teachers, etc. were as conditioned as he was.

2. Most people do not wish to know. They, like farm animals, have been domesticated.
Wild animals have natural instincts of self-preservation. They sense the evil intentions of
predators and they survive by trusting their instincts.

3. Pavlovian conditioning/response indoctrination has been fed to every individual,
through schooling. The media then takes over. People’s opinions are simply sound-bites,
from news, talk-shows, or quotes from magazines.

4. Trust replaces the instinct of self-preservation. It over-rides memory and logic.
Controllers and shepherds encourage trust.

5. When threatened with loss of possessions, property, access to health care, etc., people
turn to government (predators) for help, and/or organized religion. Should an individual
persist in pushing for his “rights,� he will be removed from society and placed in a
psychiatric hospital or prison on any number of pretexts. The alternative is death by
“accident,� or shot by police while ‘resisting arrest.’
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Post by Taco »

odbo wrote: Unless your predictions are based on something tangible, SHUT THE f**k UP. You're not connecting any dots, you're watching some fear monger on CNN!
Well, your quite right, people lie all the time but Indices Charts don't. This guy isn't affiliated with the media and he's not trying to sell you anything.

Scary: Major S&P Crash According to the Charts! (starting at 14:00)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn-jhU-3 ... ideo_title
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Post by jf1016 »

i dont think the economy will colapse just degrade over time same ith the value of the dollar. keep your job save more and be cashed up when realastate and shares are much cheaper....maybe hedge your dollars and euros with some gold and foreign currencies...and just be more flexible and get some skills you can use if you choose to leave the country.
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Post by Taco »

jf1016 wrote:i dont think the economy will colapse just degrade over time same ith the value of the dollar. keep your job save more and be cashed up when realastate and shares are much cheaper....maybe hedge your dollars and euros with some gold and foreign currencies...and just be more flexible and get some skills you can use if you choose to leave the country.
Your way too optimistic. For starters, we won't be able to travel much longer, the government will delcare a terrorism alert and shut down all the airports, they've already built a fence on the border and airport scanners to measure the size of your asshole. Also, the world economy is going to crash very quickly, Spain had there credit rating downgraded today.

http://www.businessinsider.com/sp-downg ... in-2011-10
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Post by odbo »

I said it before and I'll say it again. Obama has to be re-elected first before the proverbial shit hits the fan. The primary purpose of the news is to keep you fearful, and thus easily controllable.

Fear is addictive. viewtopic.php?t=10196

The dramatic situation you're seeing in Europe (fabricated by the media) is designed to further rob the nations and disempower people who would otherwise strongly resist what's coming in the future.. by putting them into poverty. They're calling this "austerity measures" where puppet governments agree to use state funds to pay "debt" owed to the bankers.

It's no different from IMF/WorldBank "success" stories where they loan money to 3rd world nations knowing full well they'll default. After the money arrives and is pocketed corrupt politicians, US or Canadian tax payers end up paying back the debt to the banks.
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Alan Watt: North American Union

Post by odbo »

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