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Some Unique Music from Ukraine

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 2:40 am
by ladislav
This is pure folklore- if you listen in, you will hear Scandinavia, East Asia, Iran, Turkey and Slavia in it. All mixed in one. It sounds Irish at some point but don't be deceived. It then goes off in a whole different direction. The second group is very Turkish- like. I can't understand a word. Must be some old dialect.

This is an amateur contest by junior high schools on Odessa City TV. Go to 10: 21 for a really cute song- it is a style called kids' pop. kind of like local "bubble gum pop". The song is called " Fashion from an old chest" and it's about a cranky middle aged lady who had a chest of old clothes which she dug out and put on and walked around the city embarassing herself and the people. Look how natural those kids act and how the girls dont like to act like boys.

This is an Independence Day parade

Another folkloric Ukrainian dance is at 6.55 here

As you may have noticed, there are very few boys involved in any of this. Weird.

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 8:07 am
by abcdavid01
Ukrainian music? Who cares?! Listen to these American classics:


Posted: March 12th, 2013, 2:58 pm
by ladislav
I would be tempted to call these videos satanic if they weren't so banal and vulgar and basically leading people to one thing only- unhappy families ( or no families at all) single moms ( or childless moms) and no new American generation being born.

Kind of leading to the same result as the early Puritan sects in New England in which members did not even dance together. They just got old and died out childless.

Posted: March 12th, 2013, 3:05 pm
by abcdavid01
The first video you posted is certainly interesting. The music changes unexpectedly.

That's the problem with America. We don't have any of that. The closest we come is the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade, super commercialism.