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Fat American woman breaks down and starts crying because Indian guy messaged her

Posted: August 23rd, 2023, 8:49 pm
by trident765
It seems like no matter how much dating I do both online and in real life, it's always the same story: The guys I am attracted to are not attracted to me back, and the guys that are attracted to me are guys I am not attracted to.

I do get lots of messages online - the quantity of messages is not the problem. The problem is the quality. The other day I got a really well thought out message from a guy on OKCupid, that was tailored to my profile description. I was ecstatic. But then I looked at his profile pic and saw it was an Indian guy. When this happened I just broke down and started crying, because the fact that he made the effort to write such a well thought out message means he thought he had a chance with me, and this made me feel like I am ugly.

I don't know what to do anymore. I tried losing weight but no matter how much I diet I just stay fat. I really want to get married and have kids, but that's not happening because I am just an ugly, fat, and now old woman. ... _as_a_37f/