Studies prove Western Women are whores

Discuss what's wrong with American women. Share problems, experiences and stories about them and why they suck so bad that you've had to resort to dating abroad and foreign women.
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Studies prove Western Women are whores

Post by Tsar » ... style.html

YOUNG women are becoming more promiscuous, with more sexual partners than men.

By the age of 21 they have had sex with an average of nine lovers - two more than their male partner.

And a quarter of young women have slept with more than 10 partners in the five years since losing their virginity - compared with a fifth of young men.

Young women are also twice as likely to be unfaithful, with 50 per cent admitting they have cheated on a partner - half at least twice.
Yet if their man was caught being unfaithful, 99 per cent of the 2,000 women surveyed said they would show him the door.

The survey follows a US study earlier this year that found teenage girls who watch a lot of TV shows with a high sexual content, such as Friends, Desperate Housewives and Sex and the City, are twice as likely to become pregnant.

The researchers for that study concluded: "One problem is that these and similar programmes glamorise sex while hardly mentioning its downsides, such as pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases."

Lisa Smosarski, editor of More, suggested that there will be no turning back for today's sexually confident young women.

"Our results show that after decades of lying back and thinking of England, today's twenty-something women are taking control of their sex lives and getting what they want in bed. And why not?

"Women today have increasingly busy and stressful lives juggling study, jobs, friends, family, career and their relationships," she said.

"Sex is a great and free way to relax, unwind and have fun in today's fairly stressful society."

The survey found more than half of the women were not in love with the person to whom they lost their virginity.

And only 32 per cent believed love to be an important factor before having sex. Seven out of ten confessed to having had a one-night stand and a fifth had enjoyed more than five.

Only 1 per cent said they would wait until marriage to have sex.

One in four said they would marry for money whilst 39 per cent would sleep with their boss for a promotion. And 27 per cent would have an affair with a married man, while 14 per cent would sleep with their best friend's partner.

It found that almost a fifth of the young women surveyed had contracted a sexually transmitted disease while 21 per cent had been persuaded by a man not to use a condom when they wanted to.

"Whilst women aren't embarrassed to take the lead in the bedroom, it seems they're not so forthright when it comes to contraception." Ms Smosarski said.
Last edited by Tsar on January 21st, 2013, 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ghost »

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Post by Andrewww »

Old article, nowadays those statistics are even worse.
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Post by Jester »

IMO, if a girl is "out on her own", under the influence of pop culture and peers, even a girl with morals will get seduced.

As a man seeking a bride, you have to look for a girl who has
(1) never been out on her own, lives at home with 2 parents, never been allowed to date, never went away to college
(2) is part of a patriarchal culture like smalltown Christianity/Catholicism
(3) Take your time in courtship, easy does it, till youre sure you want her. You interview HER.
(4) Go all out and seduce her, marry her too, all's fair in love and war - once you know what you want.

Sounds hard to find such a girl. Till you realize MOST of the girls in the world fit this description.
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Post by Voice of Reason »

This article disgusts me.
"Women today have increasingly busy and stressful lives juggling study, jobs, friends, family, career and their relationships," she said.
I just love how the article promotes how stressful the lives of women are - as if men don't have stressful lives - and how that's a good excuse for their entitlement to be sexually promiscuous.

I also love this:
Young women are also twice as likely to be unfaithful, with 50 per cent admitting they have cheated on a partner - half at least twice.

Yet if their man was caught being unfaithful, 99 per cent of the 2,000 women surveyed said they would show him the door.
So it's okay for WW to do what they want, but men can't do the same.

And then, after all this, still promote women as the victims:
It found that almost a fifth of the young women surveyed had contracted a sexually transmitted disease while 21 per cent had been persuaded by a man not to use a condom when they wanted to.
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Post by abcdavid01 »

You know, I once knew a virgin girl. She was a Christian, but she didn't do things like go to church every week. Not really practicing. She was Puerto Rican and lived in Florida, then moved to North Carolina. We kind of had a falling out though. I can't say whose fault it was. Actually there are probably two girls I knew. The other was a Catholic and in my dreams (which I cannot healthily engage) I am with her and not on these forums. She was basically my dream girl. Very smart and kind. She wrote poetry and used to teach me things like the genus/species names of animals and sign language. She was Polish with an accent, moved here when she was seven or so. I was in a dark place at the time though. It's like God reached out to me and I failed to grab back. I won't let that happen again though, especially now that I know.

Her name was Angel. Actually Andzelika, but she went by Angel. First day of my Freshman year in high school I left my seat and returned to find she had taken it. So she got up to give me my seat back, but I told her to stay and sat down next to her...

I actually found her address online a few months ago, but I don't know if I should send a letter. I haven't seen or spoken to her since graduating High School and I figure I should look forward, not back. Like Jester said, most girls in the world are alright. Just Angel was a diamond in the rough. If you want a diamond, go to a diamond mine. I know you're looking at Russia Tsar, but Poland might be good too.

I'm ready now, God.
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Post by Andrewww »

Voice of Reason wrote:I just love how the article promotes how stressful the lives of women are - as if men don't have stressful lives - and how that's a good excuse for their entitlement to be sexually promiscuous.
Yea I really don't see the correlation between having a busy life and sleeping around with a different guy every week. How is that going to improve anything ?

I'm just horrified when I think of how hard it will be to raise a child in this kind of society, especially if it going to be a girl.

Nowadays even a 12 year old has a smartphone, they hook up before getting their first period and by the time they hit 20 they're pornstar material.
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Post by expatasiaseeker »

Andrew, why would you WANT to even have children, especially in America? You are committing VIOLENCE against the children by raising them in such a toxic culture.

Also, why the hell would you want to be married in America? If you guys are STILL even considering the idea of marriage in America at this point, you guys really need to have your heads examined. I mean, most of us gave up on such ideas years ago, and now it is the year 2013 and you dudes are STILL thinking about marrying an American woman?

PURE MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by odbo »

Remember that Sex in the City was originally written having 4 white-collar gay guys in mind, but the gender of the characters were changed and it became a worldwide hit among females of all age-groups which speaks volumes about "women's intuition" and all that bull. Modern non-conservative women are so out of touch with their nature that their goal is to get as many lays as possible as if it is some kind of sport.

In their warped minds, they believe opening their legs and getting some guy to f**k them is an admirable accomplishment, which inflates their ego. They don't understand that males see whores as trash to be exploited and then avoided, and no female has ever become happy after choosing that lifestyle.

Smart women like those from the developing world see snatching up a good man as their goal, especially a stable provider so they can retire and raise a family, and have a luxurious and stress-free life if he is wealthy. Chinese women know what they want, Anglo women are lost beyond hope. There's a reason they go around having meaningless one-night stands with so many males, because the guys they are allowing between their legs are pathetic. Uncultured females who grew up with the TV as their guardian judge solely on appearances. A male might be 6 foot 4, he might even have a big house and fancy car, but if he is a complete fraud masquerading as a man he cannot satisfy a woman. Just like American women can't give a man what he needs because they have no feminine energy or a woman's sensibility.

Of course non of this masculine/feminine stuff matters to fags and there lies the problem, we are living in a fag-driven culture which fails both men and women. Retarded Anglo skanks will cry "where have all the real men gone" while they date nothing but clowns as hollow as they are. They make it seem like real men went extinct some time in the 20th century. But if we take what Anglo women call "alpha males" and transport them back in time 50, 100 or 150 years, they would have been relentlessly bullied and probably died of starvation (because they are superficial frauds and don't take care of business) while the men who are being ignored by Anglo whores today would do just fine and maybe make the history books.

What were until recently considered the losers of society are now the examples of what a man should be. Not too long ago males had concepts of masculinity to adhere to and girls/women still had standards. If a guy was too concerned with his looks or didn't fight his own battles, women saw him as too feminine and not dating material. Now everything is backwards, real men are invisible or creepy, and males who emulate celebrities, join gangs or take dildos up their ass are seen as some kind of top dog and are given endless attention. Women today attracted to homosexuals and as a result more males are going down that slippery slope.

A few decades ago the whole point of being gay was that you didn't have to get married and settle down. But most fags took it too far and had a bunch of orgies every week until they self-destructed by middle-age. Remind you of anything? Although in most cases rampant promiscuity isn't actually good for a straight male, it doesn't f**k his physical and mental health over to the extent that it would a female or a gay male.

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Post by Tsar »

expatasiaseeker wrote:Andrew, why would you WANT to even have children, especially in America? You are committing VIOLENCE against the children by raising them in such a toxic culture.

Also, why the hell would you want to be married in America? If you guys are STILL even considering the idea of marriage in America at this point, you guys really need to have your heads examined. I mean, most of us gave up on such ideas years ago, and now it is the year 2013 and you dudes are STILL thinking about marrying an American woman?

PURE MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The American culture is toxic and it messes anyone up. It's biologically toxic, psychologically damaging, emotionally toxic, and spiritually destructive. That is why I wouldn't ever marry in America, reside in America, or have children in America.

Three Main Points:

The feminist/hypersexual media - glorification of thugs, homosexuality, and whores

Government education - teaches, indoctrinates, and reinforces - feminism, homosexuality, and immorality. They don't teach anything spiritual in schools because religion teaches morals. Separation of Church and State meant the government 1. Couldn't form a State Church or State Religion and 2. Couldn't force you to be religious. Religious references and teaching morals of religions was not intended by the Founding Fathers of America.

What happens when a government wants everyone to conform to a moral code they endorse? They attempt to wipe out religion and all spiritual beliefs with solid morals; if the government's moral code doesn't conform to tradition then they also attempt to wipe out tradition under the guise that tradition is archaic. This is happening in most of the WW. Many countries that have long traditions of etiquette, morals, and a long history are less likely to be indoctrinated and culturally-colonized; especially if they are outside of the American sphere of influence.

Toxic culture - What is traditional, acceptable, proper etiquette, and classy isn't mainstream in America. What America and much of the WW has become is a culture of brutes (scum, wiggers thugs), whores (99.999% of the women), and sociopaths (politicians, the elites, much of the American population, criminals, feminists). America is an uncivilized and savage culture compared to other cultures. Anything that doesn't conform to the Government-Endorsed Moral Code is labeled "not politically correct" "unacceptable" "misogynist" "discrimination" and it is "shamed" by the ignorant masses.
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Post by Andrewww »

odbo wrote:Although in most cases rampant promiscuity isn't actually good for a straight male, it doesn't f**k his physical and mental health over to the extent that it would a female or a gay male.
I must emphasize this sentence because I think I can add something to it.

Herpes for example is carried by more women than men and HIV is very common among gay people. What I'm saying is that you are at a much greater risk of catching a nasty disease if you are a woman or a gay male.

Add to that pregnancy, the fact that women are the child bearers and the risk of passing such a disease to a child and you realize how irresponsible these people are. What good is a woman who can't have children because of a nasty STD ? What good is a woman who can pass STDs to her unborn child ruining his life ?

That's why a slut will never be more valuable or more "empowered" than someone who treasures her sexuality.

@expatasiaseeker, well that's the thing. I wasn't considering raising children or marrying in Canada but I dunno if I can do that in Eastern Europe where the economic situation is messed up. It's a dilema I'll have to sort out in 5-10 years.
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Post by Array9 »

Great post Tsar.

26 -- Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

Many of the 45 communists goals for America are in full swing. They are pushing their agenda in our faces on a daily basis.
Men chase, women choose

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Post by abcdavid01 »

Please elaborate...what are these 45 goals?
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Post by Array9 »

Cleon Skousen authored a book called The Naked Communist in which he list the 45 goals of the Communist party to take over America.

It is too long to list here but many of their goals have already been accomplished.

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.â€￾
Men chase, women choose

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Post by odbo »

Array9 wrote:Cleon Skousen authored a book called The Naked Communist in which he list the 45 goals of the Communist party to take over America.
found this:
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."

28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.

34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.

35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.

38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].

39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
These kinds of documents are thought provoking but ultimately misleading. The Communist conspiracy is a red-herring, Communist is a politically correct way of saying Jew. And political correctness and terms like anti-Semitic were of course invented by subversive Jews. You're better off reading the Protocols of Zion or the Bible to understand how they pervert things and what you shouldn't take for granted in life.
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