Discuss what's wrong with American women. Share problems, experiences and stories about them and why they suck so bad that you've had to resort to dating abroad and foreign women.
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Honestly, I have seen so many miserable foreign women stuck with these cavemen American dudes... they get beat, mistreated, etc. I almost think encouraging these 'losers' as someone so eloquently put it to marry outsiders is unfairly putting these women in danger. Suicide, depression, etc... Granted, they may not have had a pot to piss in while living in their native country, but bringing them here to have a subservient battered wife is just wrong. If you are so against American women, that's fine... but, maybe since you obviously invest so much time in exploiting the beauty of these young foreign women, maybe you could also post some links to support groups that help them once they get over here and end up with an abusive asshole no American woman would have.

I've also heard of many cases where the "foreign bride" pops out some kids, loses her youthful looks, and the man moves on with a new mail order. Guys... beauty is not everything. If you only want a woman for her beauty, then you are missing out on what could possibly be a beautiful soul. Stop being shallow and going after trophy wives, and if you do acquire a foreign bride, treat her like a royal queen even if she's not "a terribly demanding American feminist".... or whatever ya'll called it.

Not all American women suck. Some of us demand equality... some of us are more traditional... there's a lot more men in America that are single after a certain age than women... so it can't be just us.


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Post by S_Parc » wrote:Honestly, I have seen so many miserable foreign women stuck with these cavemen American dudes... they get beat, mistreated, etc. I almost think encouraging these 'losers' as someone so eloquently put it to marry outsiders is unfairly putting these women in danger. Suicide, depression, etc... Granted, they may not have had a pot to piss in while living in their native country, but bringing them here to have a subservient battered wife is just wrong. If you are so against American women, that's fine... but, maybe since you obviously invest so much time in exploiting the beauty of these young foreign women, maybe you could also post some links to support groups that help them once they get over here and end up with an abusive asshole no American woman would have.

I've also heard of many cases where the "foreign bride" pops out some kids, loses her youthful looks, and the man moves on with a new mail order. Guys... beauty is not everything. If you only want a woman for her beauty, then you are missing out on what could possibly be a beautiful soul. Stop being shallow and going after trophy wives, and if you do acquire a foreign bride, treat her like a royal queen even if she's not "a terribly demanding American feminist".... or whatever ya'll called it.

Not all American women suck. Some of us demand equality... some of us are more traditional... there's a lot more men in America that are single after a certain age than women... so it can't be just us.

Troll Alert!

FWs married to American men are fast-tracked through a green card process plus citizenship. Thus, they can file for a divorce, after 3 yrs, without losing their PR status.

This is a clear BS posting. An FW, married to a cretin, can have a 2nd BF, within weeks of arriving in America. Let's not kid ourselves here. American men, all characters and qualities, will hit on every woman out there in this great land of ours.

Thus, this is either a guy who wants to start trouble or an American woman, who's attempting to shame others on this board. Which is it?
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Post by Killhoffa » wrote:Honestly, I have seen so many miserable foreign women stuck with these cavemen American dudes... they get beat, mistreated, etc. I almost think encouraging these 'losers' as someone so eloquently put it to marry outsiders is unfairly putting these women in danger. Suicide, depression, etc... Granted, they may not have had a pot to piss in while living in their native country, but bringing them here to have a subservient battered wife is just wrong. If you are so against American women, that's fine... but, maybe since you obviously invest so much time in exploiting the beauty of these young foreign women, maybe you could also post some links to support groups that help them once they get over here and end up with an abusive asshole no American woman would have.

I've also heard of many cases where the "foreign bride" pops out some kids, loses her youthful looks, and the man moves on with a new mail order. Guys... beauty is not everything. If you only want a woman for her beauty, then you are missing out on what could possibly be a beautiful soul. Stop being shallow and going after trophy wives, and if you do acquire a foreign bride, treat her like a royal queen even if she's not "a terribly demanding American feminist".... or whatever ya'll called it.

Not all American women suck. Some of us demand equality... some of us are more traditional... there's a lot more men in America that are single after a certain age than women... so it can't be just us.

Regardless of your gender (if) your a female, this goes back to expatasiaseeker's post about AW bitching about AM men exporting their love lives. The divorce rate for international marriage is around 14 to 20%, compare that to the US, which is over 50%. I think between 54-57%? If your so concerned for these foreign women go to their Country and tell them this Sh!t. Go preach this fem-sh!t to them. Theres genital mutilations, the local men mistreat them, acid mutilation in some Countries. No you only become concerned because when your a$$ is over the hill Captain-Sava-A-Hoe won't be there to cover your sorry a$$. One thing is for sure you American bytches look at men like investment, almost like stocks. You know who the reliable men are, but want to play the field till that a$$ gets ragidy. By then your no longer eligible for these men especially if you have kids and they don't. You want these men "The Poindexters" to wife you up out of "simp"-athy. You want someone to feel sorry for you and those kids, or the fact that you can't catch a responsible sucker to drain. You women, if "thats what YOU are", by what you wrote prove that your agendas are aimed @ these mens happiness and fulfilling your egos to later in life catch a Poindexter, but even he's disappeared on ya @$$ along with Pookie, Johny Bravo, RayRay, Mike Lawry, and the guy with the motorcycle!
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Post by germanguy »

Killhoffa wrote:
Theres genital mutilations, the local men mistreat them, acid mutilation in some Countries.
I agree with your post...but why this shit again? Just so you know, in Thailand cutting of a cheating bf/husbands dick is quite common. There are even specialist doctors who focus on "repairing" the damage that has been done.

This story of the evil non-western male is so stupid. The same people who hate anti men propaganda in the US suddenly turn around and believe that stuff when it´s about another country. Why is that?
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Post by Killhoffa »

germanguy wrote:
Killhoffa wrote:
Theres genital mutilations, the local men mistreat them, acid mutilation in some Countries.
I agree with your post...but why this shit again? Just so you know, in Thailand cutting of a cheating bf/husbands dick is quite common. There are even specialist doctors who focus on "repairing" the damage that has been done.

This story of the evil non-western male is so stupid. The same people who hate anti men propaganda in the US suddenly turn around and believe that stuff when it´s about another country. Why is that?
I'm not saying that non-western men are evil, but what I'm saying is that sh!t happens in their Country too! Nobodies perfect, but some of these women get misstreated in their own Country. Yet, you do not see feminist fighting for their rights then huh? We have a ton of AW right here that are in abusive relationships and will always be attracted to that lifestyle. That comment was not jabbing at foreign men in no way. That was just an example, to the feminist so concerned for foreign women.
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Post by franmic »

Ok guys so I'm new to this website and came across this boycott American movement thing. I've been shuffling through these forums and decided to chime in on this subject as objectively and logically as I could. Here's my two cents on main priorities and thought process of most American women I've encountered throughout my 25 years of living in America for anyone that cares to read, though it's tough to generalize, here are my thoughts on most American women not counting the decent women who are far and away the minority:

1) American women's priorities are on their well-being (or kids if they have them). She and her kids come first no matter what the situation. Any man who doesn't place the woman on a pedestal will get talked about behind his back, cheated on to incite jealousy in him and then publicly shame him if he then dumps her. If it so happens the man does place her on a pedestal she will lose interest and find other bad boys for which to cheat behind his back or if they are married she will divorce him citing irreconcilable differences and such. It's a lose lose situation.

2) Men must be chivalrous and agree with their ideologies and other garbage that they are themselves spoon fed by the feminist media. If they dare challenge their ideologies the men are put in the proverbial dog house or scorned in some other fashion such as being called misogynists or rapist apologists.

3) American women can hit men, but men can't hit women no matter what. This is a rampant double-standard that is beyond logical comprehension. This is NOT equality.

4) Mutilation or abuse of male genitalia is widely made fun of in the media and American women find it hilarious whenever a man gets hit in the balls or even has hit penis cut off as evidenced by the CBS tv show "The Talk" in where a bunch of cunts make fun about a guy who had his penis chopped off simply for filing for divorce from his psychopath American wife and the whole studio audience of disgusting American women euphorically laugh at the situation.
Imagine of the situation would've been reversed...

5) American women grow up with a sense of entitlement that they deserve a hot guy with a good job, education, is sensitive to feminist needs (mangina), will put her first no matter what, and possibly he would also have to change to suit her needs. To demonstrate this occurrence there was a poll at the popular dating website OKCUPID wherein women on that website were asked how many thought they were too good for any of the men on that website and 80% responded that they were too good. 80%!!!! As a member of that website myself, I have to say that in 2 years of shuffling through female profiles, I could fairly accurately state that attractive women made up only about 10-20% of the female profiles, average women made up about 50% and ugly women made up the rest. Another example of inflated American women's egos. Goes to show why so often I see good looking men with average American women here, brainwashing. Many men in America don't realize that their value has been seriously diminished by this misandrist society where men are expendable and women treated as angels they are truly not.

6) American women are emotional wrecks and can't reason with logic and almost always react with biased self interest in every situation and not with objectivity and logic, and their fallacious appeals to emotion almost always works with the media and the dumbed down populace that was never taught logic/reasoning. The American public does not know HOW TO THINK. This is a huge point and a big reason why feminism/powerful elite were able to hijack society, grade schools don't teach logic/reasoning courses and they are taught in college but you have to go out of your way to look for a course in reasoning/logic.

These are just 6 points that I wanted to make about American women that I thought seemed fair. I might add that I am 28 years old now and woke up from this indoctrination of the radical leftist society America has become when I was stationed in South Korea for 3 years and saw how the feminine beauty of Asian women compared with militant Western feminazis contrasted with each other. I woke up. I am now back in the US and can't stand American women. They are so unbelievably arrogant, selfish, ugly, obese, greedy, diseased, spoiled both in the physical and psychological way, and rude in comparison. I am just counting down the days until I can go back over to an Asian country (haven't decided as of yet) as soon as I get my bachelor of science in finance/accounting in a year.
And I might also add that many of my friends who have traveled abroad have the same viewpoints and are not losers, fat, bald, old, uneducated virgins like these feminazis like to paint us men who don't want American women. I am an 8.5 on the looks scale and many of my friends of are equal or better looking than I am. So all of the feminazis out there can shove it, many Western men with bright futures are foregoing these Americunts for quality women.
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Post by pandabear »

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Post by djfourmoney »

I don't disagree with Dr. Smith at all, but this constantly blaming of Leftist/The Left/Progressives/Liberals is really stupid. Sure feminism had the support of the Left because the Right didn't really want women to vote, get SSI or just about anything else they could think of.

Its history you can't refute it.

That said, something changed in the 1980's and I am not talking about Reaganomics but that it plays a central roll in what's happening today.

That's why you have so many men in the so-called Men's Rights Movement are White, over 35 and Republicans/Libertarians because they believe these political groups have their best interest in mind, especially when it comes to opinions like given on this show.

Otherwise, they aren't practically doing ANYTHING about the overreach of feminism and that's because men aren't organized, unless its sports. ... 55492.html

An estimated 22.3 Million People (mostly men) play Fantasy Football. Ignore the "productivity losses" that's just Elites whining they can't make us work 12 hours without paying overtime.

I am not saying there should be a divide but the lines that divide ideologies should be CLEARLY DEFINED and if Republicans are getting tired of being blamed for the racism of some of its members.


The Left could rid itself of misandry that exhibits itself from time to time.

But I don't date AW so there's nothing to me to boycott and I don't care what happens America or Americans largely because too many are complicit in their own demise.
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Post by DanielleNguyen »

Actually I think your blog was a bit mean. I am a american woman and i am married to a asian man. I am hardworking and not spoiled. I grew up poor and was very proud of it. I help others and dont care about race or religion. Maybe you may have had a bad encounter with a american woman. I don't know. But don't hate everyone. There may be a diamond amongst all the coal. I know I was. I was lucky to be raised very old fashioned.
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Post by kai1275 »

DanielleNguyen wrote:Actually I think your blog was a bit mean. I am a american woman and i am married to a asian man. I am hardworking and not spoiled. I grew up poor and was very proud of it. I help others and dont care about race or religion. Maybe you may have had a bad encounter with a american woman. I don't know. But don't hate everyone. There may be a diamond amongst all the coal. I know I was. I was lucky to be raised very old fashioned.

I wonder if Winston or Zboy have ever thought about locking this thread....otherwise this brainless shit will continue over and over and over.....ugh. Makes you think its a troll, but I would bet money it really isn't one.
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Post by DanielleNguyen »

Kai1275 isn't the point of a thread to speak your mind. i admit he was right on a lot. It is very hard to find a good american woman. I am just saying they do exist and maybe you could tell me why is there so much hate on American women.
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Post by Johnny1975 »

Danielle, I really don't think anyone here literally thinks that there isn't a single good american / western woman. Saying that not all of you are bad is a ridiculously poor argument, and it makes people think that you're a troll. If you truly understand what this forum and others like it are about, you don't say such things. We already know that there are decent american / western women.

The point is, they are so far and few between, that it is a perfectly valid generalization to say that they suck. You need to understand that. If you continue to say "we're not all like that" no one here will take you seriously.

Also, saying that you have the right to speak your mind is a bull sh it argument. Of course you can speak your mind. But if you say dumb things you're going to be told.
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Post by Winston »

kai1275 wrote:
DanielleNguyen wrote:Actually I think your blog was a bit mean. I am a american woman and i am married to a asian man. I am hardworking and not spoiled. I grew up poor and was very proud of it. I help others and dont care about race or religion. Maybe you may have had a bad encounter with a american woman. I don't know. But don't hate everyone. There may be a diamond amongst all the coal. I know I was. I was lucky to be raised very old fashioned.

I wonder if Winston or Zboy have ever thought about locking this thread....otherwise this brainless shit will continue over and over and over.....ugh. Makes you think its a troll, but I would bet money it really isn't one.
There's no reason to lock this thread. Why suppress free speech? If these posts aren't posted here, they will be posted on other threads. We are supposed to be for free speech remember?
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Post by DanielleNguyen »

well thank you for that. I know there are plenty of bad American women. Read my posts I submitted. I know it is very hard to find a good American woman, especially one who won't stab you in the back. I don't think though it is only American woman. i think it is how you are raised. If you were poor like me you learn to be humble, grow up with many'll be a good mother. Have everything you want...of course you'll be snobby and stuck up. Anyway the point i was trying to make is not to hate/give up on dating American women. I am just saying to look harder. of course it will be difficult as all hell. But when you find her wouldn't that make her worth keeping. I was trying to speak words of encouragement.
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Post by jamesbond »

DanielleNguyen wrote:Anyway the point i was trying to make is not to hate/give up on dating American women. I am just saying to look harder. of course it will be difficult as all hell. But when you find her wouldn't that make her worth keeping. I was trying to speak words of encouragement.
You have got to be kidding right? Look harder to try and find a good American woman! WTF? :shock:

In case you haven't noticed, we are NOT interested in finding, dating and marrying an American woman. There are men on this forum who were married to an American woman and are now divorced. These men have learned their lesson and now wouldn't touch an American woman with a ten foot pole!

We are interested in meeting, dating and marrying foreign women because we know, foreign women make better wives and mothers than American women do. As a matter of fact, studies show that if an American man marries a foreign woman, the divorce rate is only 20%. On the other hand, if an American man marries an American woman, the divorce rate is 50%.

Don't try and talk us into marrying an American woman, it won't work. Yeah there are a few "good ones" out there but they are too few and far between.
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