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Posted: October 9th, 2013, 2:20 pm
by jtest28
I am from the south, lived in Tennessee a year or two. Messed up women there and South. Why do they all think no one is good enough for them? Whats that all about? All TN women ever did was rub their tits up against my back in check out lines. LOL Worst cock-teases I ever did see. But just try getting a date with a girl there. . .

Posted: October 9th, 2013, 2:23 pm
by DanielleNguyen
WTH? That sounds like you just have bad luck....hopefully that wasnt your first date.

Posted: October 9th, 2013, 2:26 pm
by jamesbond
Moretorque wrote:Mr. Wu is even more handsome when on the prowl. :D
Yes and here are a couple of videos I made of our hero Winston having success meeting and dating women while he was in eastern Europe and Russia. :D

Re: Why do you hate American women?

Posted: October 9th, 2013, 2:37 pm
by fschmidt
DanielleNguyen wrote:I really want to know why so many hate American women.
I hate Americans of both sexes equally. Americans are generally horrible people. I wrote about this (from a religious angle) here:
I am overly trusting and go out of my way for others.
Would you go out of your way to feed a hungry cockroach? If not, why would you do this for people? What makes people better than cockroaches?

The only thing that gives people value is a moral culture, which generally means a moral religion. By default, people are pretty bad, worse than most animals. They may be friendly on the surface, but they won't hesitate to stab you in the back for profit. Almost all animals that live in groups are more moral than people are. So my suggestion to you, Danielle, is to forget about humanity and join some moral religion and dedicate your efforts to helping members of that religion.

Posted: October 9th, 2013, 2:56 pm
by DanielleNguyen
But to forget humanity is to do nothing at all. i have helped many people in my life. I even took in a druggie off the street. (I was 18 and living on my own.) I even gave her new clothes to wear. She cried saying I was more kind to her than her own family. I believe people can be saved. I do have a religion I am baptist. I do not believe people would stab someone in the back for money. I wouldn't. I am very happy with very little. Plus, no hapiness can come from money.

Posted: October 9th, 2013, 3:11 pm
by Moretorque
DanielleNguyen wrote:But to forget humanity is to do nothing at all. i have helped many people in my life. I even took in a druggie off the street. (I was 18 and living on my own.) I even gave her new clothes to wear. She cried saying I was more kind to her than her own family. I believe people can be saved. I do have a religion I am baptist. I do not believe people would stab someone in the back for money. I wouldn't. I am very happy with very little. Plus, no hapiness can come from money.
I am hoping we can just grow up quick and save that child of yours future world!

Posted: October 9th, 2013, 3:43 pm
by Cornfed
The obvious reason to despise Western females (they don't rise to the level of hatred) is that they are generally hateful, worthless sluts, drug crazed psychopaths, pathological liars and/or disgusting fat pigs. Also, they have been corrupted so that they want to be haremwhores of the elite rather than loyal wives and mothers.

Posted: October 9th, 2013, 3:45 pm
by DanielleNguyen
saving my son is my world. I will teach him to reach out kindness. I will teach him to dream big and be all he can.

Posted: October 9th, 2013, 4:02 pm
by zboy1
DanielleNguyen, you are the type of White American women that I would've liked to marry in my life (being an Asian male)--but too bad I rarely met girls like you while in America :(

That's why I'm overseas, LOL.

Anyway, yes, I think it's lovely that you have an Asian male as a husband. You sound like a wonderful, loving couple. But, see...the comments that you receive being with an Asian male. Hey, Ladislav, please take note here---Asian men receive a lot of abuse and racism in America!

You are really a different breed than most American females, DanielleNguyen. I wish there were more American females like you in America, then maybe...the country wouldn't be in such a terrible, dire shape right now, culturally and morally...

Posted: October 9th, 2013, 4:05 pm
by DanielleNguyen
I actually grew up in a racist kinda bad family. It made me not want to be like that. Thank you for the nice comment. I really appreciate it, zboy1. I am sorry you have trouble finding a good American woman. But white women and Asian men couple seem rare in America. i have never met a couple like me and my husband. I think that is why it leads to a lot of taunting.

Posted: October 9th, 2013, 8:25 pm
by rudder

Another thing you have to keep in mind is that many of the members on here, especially including myself, do not click with American society on the whole. It's not just the women.

I find it hard to have friends of any gender living here in the USA. I don't like to be around Americans for the most part. I don't get them. For example, I go to Latin America and make more friends in two weeks there than in, say, two years here in the USA.

Posted: October 9th, 2013, 9:40 pm
by DanielleNguyen
I can understand and respect that. My advice though to make American friends , watch the crowd carefully. How I stood out to my husband i was happy and playing with the neighborhood kids. Look for someone with a carefree attitude.

Posted: September 28th, 2014, 7:18 pm
by matthewcoury
AMERICAN WOMEN HATE US! it is true....i'll give you a quick story..i'm consoling a friend of mine (an american) because she just got divorced...i suggest we go to coffee...NOT as a date, JUST as friends so she can talk it out..."awww thanks matt, thats so sweet....i'll see if i have time"....low and behold, there she is on facebook at starbucks drinking coffee by herself (this is weeks later).....extremely antisocial behavior from a girl i have been friends with for years.....does not even want to take the time to spend an hour or two with a friend


Posted: January 23rd, 2015, 10:22 am
by MattHanson1990
jamesbond wrote:
DanielleNguyen wrote:MR. Bond i am going to make a wild guess and say you met the women in the north. If you go to the South, like Tennessee (where I am from) there are a whole lot of really nice women.
I live in the Chicago area maybe that's part of the problem. You don't find any sweet, feminine women here just career orientated women who are very competitive and unfeminine.

The problem with women from the southern states is that most of them get married young, like right out of high school or college. By age 25 almost all of them are married. So like Winston has said in America, "all the good ones are taken." :D
From travel experience, the only part of the US I know of where you actually can find decent women who aren't taken is near the border with Mexico, except in San Diego. However if you go to other border cities, especially the ones in Texas, decent women are pretty much everywhere. Meeting a lot of the Mexican girls in El Paso felt very natural.

Another problem with Chicago is that not only the women are career-oriented, but a lot of them go for breadstealer guys. And morbidly obese women are the only option for decent guys. As a matter of fact, it's the same all over Illinois, not just Chicago. Nowhere else in America would the dating scene be just as dysfunctional as Illinois.

Re: Why do you hate American women?

Posted: January 23rd, 2015, 11:49 am
by 262
If the OP or anyone wants to know why "the manosphere" prefers foreign women over Western women, at the end of the day, you have to at least visit said foreign countries to at least see said foreign women.

First-hand observation > Second-hand information