How will Obamacare affect American expats?

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My Rant

Post by Mr S »

If you live 11 months or more outside of the USA Obamacare does not apply to you. Regardless, the IRS can't enforce the penalty anyways other then send nasty big brother letters. Down the road they may tighten the screws and make it enforceable by federal law. However, a few states just nullified the enforcement of Obama care:

Montana: ... -mandates/

Alabama: ... -mandates/

Wyoming: ... -mandates/

Down the road more states may do this. This is really the only way to fight big government now, 10th amendment nullification. The voting process at the federal level is pretty much rigged and also it is the case in some states at the state level now. But now basically 50% of the population knows it can vote for politicians that will give them "stuff"; so pretty much once the individual will to succeed has been marginalized culturally there is no real stoppage of this Euro socialist cultural corruption from taking some kind of permanent root and perpetuating America further into decay.

Essentially, over the next four years the Dems for the most part will try to seal their political gains and attempt to create a one party majority, where even strong second or third parties would not be able to oppose and upseat them in political elections, except in regional areas where their representation won't make much difference in the greater scheme of things anyways.

There will be a grand immigration reform scheme that will be attempted in the next four years to be pushed through by Dems, which will in their minds cement their political dominance for generations to come. So be ready to see a tidal wave of 3rd-world immigration take hold the rest of this decade, forever changing the demographics of America. People of Euro descent will be forever marginalized and will be pushed aside, they will eventually become the persecuted in the future in many parts of the country. As one time it was best to be white, however, now brown and black will become the norm and those considered "white" will be discriminated against and be made fun of and cast aside to make room for the "oppressed" minority that will now enact their perceived cultural revenge on their former white oppressors. This will not happen overnight, it will creep up over the next 20 years. It has already started and will get worse each year.

I am not a supposed "racist", however I do not believe in multiculturalism and forced integration of other races and cultures for various political, social and economic reasons. I would much rather see countries maintain their own race/culture and stay within their own borders only allowing minimal migration of minorities within a scale that will not subvert the overall majority of any country or culture.

Now that we know for the meantime and next generation or two that Western European descended men will not have any representation in their perceived "Western Democracies", I suggest all able-bodied Euro-men to migrate to a friendlier destination where you will not be marginalized and will also not have to deal with multicultural forced immigration and various politically correct laws to enforce it. My beliefs regarding immigration are a mute point however since forced global integration is being rammed upon us whether we agree with it or not, one just needs to find pockets of the world which will resist forced global multiculturalism or seriously impede it's progress long enough for you to enjoy the majority of your remaining life at least. So one will probably need to escape to a tolerable third or second world country where the infrastructure can't support a police state or makes it difficult to create one anytime soon. Remember, most foreign countries have dysfunctional corrupt governments but they generally leave INDIVIDUALS alone as long as you are not challenging the current perceived government rulers. This arrangement works well for previous generation Western educated expats who were born pre-1990 because we have been brought up to be relatively independent thinkers and doers whereas post 1990 and onwards have been slowly socially brainwashed with vast multicultural, socialist economic and social re-engineering schemes to breakdown the individual will and create a collectivist mentality based on various perversions.

To all the Happier Abroad black, brown, Asian members I am not forgetting you as you have escaped the generalizations of your race and kind and become an independent mind yourself. I welcome your kind however as we all know you are an extreme minority within your demographic or culture and the perceived actions of your race and social group is generally annoying to whites and other races not associated with your kind. (this is why in multicultural societies races self-segregate themselves when possible, that's a verifiable fact) Thus, I don't want forced integration with blacks, browns and Asian groups in the country of my birth, which initially was a Euro-dominated cultural experience, now it's a multicultural fruitcake that appeals to no demographic except the elites behind the scenes manipulating and causing the whole mess in the first place. If I must integrate myself, then I will choose this action on my own terms and I will choose the people and culture I want to be a part of rather than having to be forcefully integrated and accepting of people I have NOTHING in common with all the while facing possible legal threats if I do not comply properly with this forced cultural and demographic change. It is not wrong to want to live and raise a family amongst your own kind or the like-minded/actioned. We are all being forced through various legal wranglings to accept this whether we like it or not. Well I don't like it and so I will not participate in ANY multicultural oriented society anymore. If I want to hang around blacks I'll go to parts of Africa or Brazil. If I want to hang around Asians I'll go to Asia, where I now and WILLFULLY chose of my own volition. I was not coerced or forced to come here. The original inhabitants of Canada, America, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom are being FORCED to be around other races and cultures by LAW, whether the people like it or not. Do you honestly think those countries could now ever overcome a disastrous event of historical proportions within their own borders? There is no real cohesiveness anymore in those countries, it's all a mirage, smoke and mirrors. Desperate people of the same race/demographics would all clan together and turn on each other for survival. Only the strongest and smartest racial groups would survive and one can probably already figure out the winners and losers of that scenario.

As I see it right now parts of Eastern Europe, Russia, Central Asia, Central/South America are probably your best bets for an alternate residency/citizenship. I did not include NE/SE Asia because even though Westerners are generally welcome there at the moment, European looking Westerners can never be fully accepted into any Asian society, outside of maybe the Philippines. But the Philippines is kinda a joke and not really a viable long-term escape root from oppression cause it's got too much corruption and the people just don't have the motivation to improve their overall lives. They already have been brainwashed that someone else will fix their problems rather than themselves. You can thank the Catholic church for that mentality for the most part. There are tonnes of additional reasons which have been discussed in other discussion topics so I will not reiterate them here. Also, when war eventually breaks out with China in the next decade for one reason or another Whites will be targeted and to a lesser extent other non-Asian looking races. China is one of the last major nations along with Russia and a few other smaller nations that have been resisting forced global multicultural integration. Eventually there will be a showdown with the Jewish dominated Western powers, Just like in the last WW. It's inevitable, it's just a matter of when and where it will take place. When this happens Whites will be labeled and rounded up in the Asian countries that side with China or invaded by China. China has too many males that will be coming of age over the next 10+ years that will never be able to marry and have a family due to demographics. To maintain order they will go to war once they feel they have the capacity to do so. This will happen in the 2020's sometime.

Winston is technically not safe long term in Taiwan cause eventually China will demand full integration or the island will be invaded, just a matter of "when". This could be one of the triggers to a larger scale world war, who knows. Winston should look for a 3rd residency and citizenship somewhere while he still has time. I give China around 10-15 years before they are willing to act against Taiwan. I wouldn't be surprised if they try to invade the Philippines also. America knows this that is why they are trying to sign a new base agreement to reoccupy Subic, the same place they abandoned in the early 90's. Ironic isn't it? Supposedly it will make China rethink their plans regarding dominating the region (doubt it). America is also opening multiple military bases in Australia as well, along with already established ones in South Korea, Japan, Guam, etc. There will be a military showdown eventually, sorry to say.

I am currently hiding out in PI, but I understand it's not a long-term solution to escaping the clutches of American Statism. There are little benefits to getting residency or citizenship here, actually it's rather difficult for foreigners to get citizenship here, there are many hoops to jump through unless you have connections with the right corrupt politicians which can maybe speed up the process. So better off concentrating ones efforts in a country that is more welcoming to foreigners wanting to live and reside in their country. Personally, I will look into a South American country, for various reasons that concern my interests. This may not be the best decision for others but its the best for me for what I need to live a functional life with minimal interference from government regulations. There is no perfect country, you just need to find what is best for you.

Also, for those who are not married you should consider countries that allow permanent residency and eventual citizenship for marrying one of their citizens. That's about one of the only benefits of marriage that I can find in our modern society if you want an easier way to escape your Western country of residence and can't afford the financial stipulations of residency requirements that most countries impose to keep out the riff-raff. This is another reason not to remain in Asia cause most Asian countries won't give you citizenship if you marry one of their citizens, only a marriage visa and some don't even offer that! Asians generally don't like foreigners, they just tolerate us because we have money. I wish non-Asian foreigners would wake up to this fact. I'm not married and this will be my ace in the hole if I need to get out of dodge fast somewhere.

So for all you males in Western countries of whatever race you belong to, you need to get the hell out of dodge while you still can. I think eventually some countries will make it more and more difficult for it's citizens to leave permanently as governments believe citizens are their property and QUALITY citizens will be diminishing rather dramatically every year. There may come a time in the future where you will need PERMISSION to seek a second citizenship. Right now many Americans applying to rescind their citizenship are actually being denied. It may take another 10 years or more for this to start cropping up but don't be surprised when it does. If you have a higher intelligence than the average person you can succeed in any country under various circumstances. Western countries scare you to be afraid to leave your gilded cage, but it's not really as difficult to set up a new life for yourself as it may seem to be.

The subjugation of the INDIVIDUAL is the end goal of the powers that be, how they go about doing this may be different depending on the circumstances but it is what they eventually want to happen. Whether through drugs, crime, terrorism, hedonism, perversion, race/cultural integration-eventual elimination, technology, bioengineering, environmental commodity control/manipulation, etc; it is happening. Will it succeed? Who knows but I fear things will have to get much WORSE before they get better. Will they get better in my lifetime? Maybe, but probably not for at least another 20 years and by then I will be approaching my 60's and may not care anymore since I will be approaching the last season of my life.

There needs to be a mass consciousness awakening to change present circumstances. Some individuals are already there or on the verge of awakening but we are a long ways away for a higher percentage to tip the scales in our favor and put a halt to this mess of human social engineering for the benefit of the few. If you are awakened you can always stay one step ahead of these abysmal machinations if you are willing to move with your consciousness rather than be directed by the external material world. For instance, many of the native Indians in South America are escaping into the vast underground cave system that was built thousands of years ago by unknown earlier human civilizations. They are escaping the genocide of their people at the hands of the corporations attempting to kill them off so they can usurp their land and use it for their own purposes. Many governments have sealed off these entrances whenever possible but the Indians know secret entrances not discovered by governments or local peoples. The individuals that follow their true consciousness will always survive and be led to safer circumstances, it's just we are in the minority and continually being bombarded with disinformation to corrupt our higher spiritual connections.

Anyways, I've left the USSA police state for good and you can too if you just believe in yourself and follow your inner-self guidance system. You will be led to where you need to be and eventually thrive on your own accord without Statism interrupting your development. I'm not religious but I know for a fact there is more to human existence than what we are taught and being shown daily by the puppeteers we call our "leaders". Don't be afraid to go out on your own in the world and let things come to you rather then continuously searching for something outside yourself that may or may not be necessary for you to proceed in life.

The End. :lol:
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Post by zboy1 »

I feel the same way Mr S, and no that doesn't make you a 'racist.' Really, I think in 50 to 60 years, the world will be completely under the rule of the NWO. But by then, I'll probably be dead (thankfully), so might as well enjoy life to the fullest before the SHTF.
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Re: My Rant

Post by gsjackson »

Mr S wrote:If you live 11 months or more outside of the USA Obamacare does not apply to you. Regardless, the IRS can't enforce the penalty anyways other then send nasty big brother letters.
I believe the only enforcement mechanism right now is that if you are supposed to get a tax refund, you won't get it unless proof of insurance is provided. American citizens living abroad are usually required to file U.S. tax returns, but perhaps Mr. S is right about living 11 months or more abroad.
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Re: My Rant

Post by Jester »

Mr S wrote:If you live 11 months or more outside of the USA Obamacare does not apply to you.
This was the answer we were looking for. Thank you!! :D
Mr S wrote: Regardless, the IRS can't enforce the penalty any ways other then send nasty big brother letters. Down the road they may tighten the screws and make it enforceable by federal law.
IMO this is bad advice. You won't be able to renounce US citizenship if you are not clean with the IRS. Get out, get clean with them, and then renounce.
(Of course if you are already screwed on child support or taxes, this does not apply. Lots of advice for those folks on the web.)
Mr S wrote: However, a few states just nullified the enforcement of Obama care...

...Down the road more states may do this. This is really the only way to fight big government now, 10th amendment nullification.
Can't hurt to do the right thing. Good for the soul, plus the more nullification and local sovereignty we get, the more peaceful the outcome will be.
Mr S wrote: The voting process at the federal level is pretty much rigged and also it is the case in some states at the state level now. But now basically 50% of the population knows it can vote for politicians that will give them "stuff"; so pretty much once the individual will to succeed has been marginalized culturally there is no real stoppage of this Euro socialist cultural corruption from taking some kind of permanent root and perpetuating America further into decay.

Maybe more like nonfunctional Caribbean-style socialism, complete with loud, chanting mobs, vilification of the middle class, etc. More corruption needed in order to do business, and more gated communities for middle class to survive.
Mr S wrote: ...There will be a grand immigration reform scheme that will be attempted in the next four years to be pushed through by Dems, which will in their minds cement their political dominance for generations to come.
And Republicans will go along because they have now "learned" that they need that precious Latino vote.
Mr S wrote:
...So one will probably need to escape to a tolerable third or second world country where the infrastructure can't support a police state or makes it difficult to create one anytime soon. Remember, most foreign countries have dysfunctional corrupt governments but they generally leave INDIVIDUALS alone as long as you are not challenging the current perceived government rulers.

....If I must integrate myself, then I will choose this action on my own terms and I will choose the people and culture I want to be a part of rather than having to be forcefully integrated and accepting of people I have NOTHING in common with all the while facing possible legal threats if I do not comply properly with this forced cultural and demographic change. It is not wrong to want to live and raise a family amongst your own kind or the like-minded/actioned.
Absolutely. I would rather voluntarily intermarry, than be treated like a lab rat.
Mr S wrote: So for all you males in Western countries of whatever race you belong to, you need to get the hell out of dodge while you still can. I think eventually some countries will make it more and more difficult for it's citizens to leave permanently...
No doubt. Why wouldn't they? Exchange controls, then exit visas, then exit taxes.
Mr S wrote: The subjugation of the INDIVIDUAL is the end goal of the powers that be, how they go about doing this may be different depending on the circumstances but it is what they eventually want to happen. ...Will it succeed? Who knows but I fear things will have to get much WORSE before they get better. ...

There needs to be a mass consciousness awakening to change present circumstances.

...If you are awakened you can always stay one step ahead of these abysmal machinations if you are willing to move with your consciousness rather than be directed by the external material world.

...Anyways, I've left the USSA police state for good and you can too if you just believe in yourself and follow your inner-self guidance system. You will be led to where you need to be and eventually thrive on your own accord without Statism interrupting your development. ...

I really believe this.
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Post by Mr S »

If you want to stay in the good graces of the American government and plan on returning to it someday then yes, you probably need to file taxes every year if you make a decent sized amount of money. If you make less then $90,000 from a foreign employer and keep the money overseas it's hard for the government to get on your case. They are mainly looking for individuals who make well over six figures and keep money with various financial systems attached to American ones.

I work with an American who hasn't filed taxes for over 20 years but he isn't rich and gets paid in local currencies wherever he works. The American government hasn't stopped him from renewing his passport periodically.

I file taxes every year due to my student loans but I declare no income cause technically I don't have any W-2's so what they gonna do? They let numerous undocumented immigrants steal from the government declaring multiple kids and what not so I highly doubt I will be targeted for any tax evasion. Plus the money I do make is less then $90,000 a year so it's non-taxed foreign income anyways.

I read some article that outlined who was eligible for Obama care or not, expats who reside in the USA for more then 30 days are eligible to file, but less than that they are not. Yes, if you had a tax return and didn't file the proper paperwork they probably could hold your return but I would just change how much the government takes out of my pay and rather owe them money and not submit my health "fine" and records, f-that. They can send me "you better submit" letters all year if they want. But alas, it doesn't apply to me cause I never see myself living longer than 30 days in the states ever again so this is all mute to me.
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Post by Jester »

Mr S wrote:If you want to stay in the good graces of the American government and plan on returning to it someday then yes, you probably need to file taxes every year if you make a decent sized amount of money.
No. If you want to NEVER COME BACK, you should pay up now, so you can surrender U.S. citizenship. Maybe not today, but one day.

I understand that YOU are filing, I just don't want our brothers on here to get the idea that they should be careless about this. Going underground might mean having to live a life of p4p and barstools (OK not all bad ;) ) instead of having the option to become an entrepreneur and truly build a life. I want to see guys on here keep options open if possible.

Mr S wrote: If you make less then $90,000 from a foreign employer and keep the money overseas it's hard for the government to get on your case.
No. You have to file the $91,500, and file it ON TIME, not late -- or you don't get to take the exemption. True, though, they may or may not have access to what the foreign employer paid you, depending on whether the foreign employer is in a tax-treaty country.
Mr S wrote: They are mainly looking for individuals who make well over six figures and keep money with various financial systems attached to American ones.
They are hiring staff like mad. If you keep money in any jurisdiction that has a tax treaty with the U.S., they will find it, and they will take it. All of it (via penalties and fines). Eventually, they will get to the little guys.

I understand that there are hidey-holes here and there. But you have to know what you are doing. I think it's less trouble (for an American) to comply, unless you are hiding money for someone other reason.

Once you surrender U.S. passport, it's another matter. Lots of games can be played with offshore this and that.

Mr S wrote: I work with an American who hasn't filed taxes for over 20 years but he isn't rich and gets paid in local currencies wherever he works. The American government hasn't stopped him from renewing his passport periodically.
He will not be allowed to surrender U.S. citizenship. That's RIGHT NOW. He is stuck.

Later, he may have trouble even owning a bank account. (If you want to change identities, or put everything in a wife's name, no problem, I guess.)

I understand that there are millions of people like your friend.
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Post by Winston »

Can anyone check the Obamacare website and see if they can find any info on how it affects expats? I don't have the time to do that now. But if someone does, it'd be much appreciated by all of us. :)
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Post by eurobrat »

Last edited by eurobrat on May 25th, 2013, 3:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rock »

Jester wrote:
He will not be allowed to surrender U.S. citizenship. That's RIGHT NOW. He is stuck.

Later, he may have trouble even owning a bank account. (If you want to change identities, or put everything in a wife's name, no problem, I guess.)

I understand that there are millions of people like your friend.
I'm not sure that is true yet. It seems State Department and IRS are not we well coordinated.

I believe in some outback posts like Taiwan (where you can renounce but the agency is not even a real embassy, just a de-facto one), u can get your Certificate of Loss of Nationality within like 2-3 weeks before filing your IRS paperwork to log-out of tax system. Once u have this certificate, u can finalize your naturalization process in Taiwan if u r eligible (they require u renounce as part of naturalization process). Don't renounce if u don't have second citizenship available cus being stateless would be a a permanent nightmare.

You won't have to pay any exit tax unless u have net worth of around US$2 mn + and/or yr. last 3 years of annual gross income were around US$130 K or so.

Last edited by Rock on February 21st, 2013, 6:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jester »

Rock wrote:
Jester wrote:
He will not be allowed to surrender U.S. citizenship. That's RIGHT NOW. He is stuck.

Later, he may have trouble even owning a bank account. (If you want to change identities, or put everything in a wife's name, no problem, I guess.)

I understand that there are millions of people like your friend.
I'm not sure that is true yet. It seems State Department and IRS are not we well coordinated.

I believe in some outback posts like Taiwan (where you can renounce but the agency is not even a real embassy, just a de-facto one), u can get your Certificate of Loss of Nationality within like 2-3 weeks before filing your IRS paperwork to log-out of tax system. Once u have this certificate, u can finalize your naturalization process in Taiwan if u r eligible (they require u renounce as part of naturalization process). Don't renounce if u don't have second citizenship available cus being stateless would be a a permanent nightmare.

You won't have to pay any exit tax unless u have net worth of around US$2 mn + and/or yr. last 3 years of annual gross income were around US$130 K or so.

What happens if you do this, and the IRS then comes back and says you have unfiled returns / tax debts? I bet that your renunciation is then retroactively null and void.

I suppose if you are working off the books, you could put down zero amounts for taxes due on Form 8854, when you renounce, and it might slide by. That is going to be dangerous if you have online income passing through the Fed-controlled banking system.
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Post by Rock »

Jester wrote:
Rock wrote:
Jester wrote:
He will not be allowed to surrender U.S. citizenship. That's RIGHT NOW. He is stuck.

Later, he may have trouble even owning a bank account. (If you want to change identities, or put everything in a wife's name, no problem, I guess.)

I understand that there are millions of people like your friend.
I'm not sure that is true yet. It seems State Department and IRS are not we well coordinated.

I believe in some outback posts like Taiwan (where you can renounce but the agency is not even a real embassy, just a de-facto one), u can get your Certificate of Loss of Nationality within like 2-3 weeks before filing your IRS paperwork to log-out of tax system. Once u have this certificate, u can finalize your naturalization process in Taiwan if u r eligible (they require u renounce as part of naturalization process). Don't renounce if u don't have second citizenship available cus being stateless would be a a permanent nightmare.

You won't have to pay any exit tax unless u have net worth of around US$2 mn + and/or yr. last 3 years of annual gross income were around US$130 K or so.

What happens if you do this, and the IRS then comes back and says you have unfiled returns / tax debts? I bet that your renunciation is then retroactively null and void.

I suppose if you are working off the books, you could put down zero amounts for taxes due on Form 8854, when you renounce, and it might slide by. That is going to be dangerous if you have online income passing through the Fed-controlled banking system.

Once you lose yr. US citizenship, it's basically gone. You won't be able to get it back no matter how hard u try unless u can prove yr. renunciation was forced under coercion by a third party. The US government would not pursue the complicated mess of trying to get it re-instated (unprecedented to my knowledge) unless yr. a mighty big fish. Taiwan is full of dual Taiwan / US nationals like Winston. Overwhelming majority of them are probably US$ mulch-millionaires and a smaller slice are high roller rich.

What I've learned living in Taiwan over the years and talking privately with a local who is a partner with Taiwan branch of one of the bulge bracket international auditors and does hundreds of US expat returns per year is that the IRS generally does not bother pursuing Taiwanese caught committing blatant violations except in cases where they have significant assets on-shore in the US. In those cases, it's generally an asset grab, not a criminal case. IRS criminal division has extremely limited resources relative to tax crimes committed. Pursuing one foreigner overseas is probably more complicated than pursuing a dozen locals in the US. Do the math. They may do it once in awhile to show that they can. But it's a major major pain in the ass for them. On the civil side, collections is next to impossible unless the perp has assets on-shore in the States which can be seized.

Now consider the case of someone who obtained his a Taiwan Passport after renouncing his US citizenship. He could legally change his official name to the Chinese one (US residents in Taiwan have both their English name and a Chinese one on their Resident IDs which they themselves choose and cannot be converted to their English name the way foreign names can be in some languages such as Thai. Even if u try, it's totally arbitrary at best). So going forward, he travels on a Taiwan passport with the English transliteration of his new Chinese name, totally different from his original English name. So what info on his new passport is connecting him to his former identity? Just 2 things - his birthdate and his country of birth. It's very hard to put an Interpol flag just on that info and generally, Interpol flags don't happen with plain vanilla tax crimes anyway. US government is not going to bother unless u r huge or they have another reasons to go after you.

Consider case of Bobby Fischer. He was wanted in the US for a long time for something serious (doing something high profile against direct orders from US government). Yet he was allowed to travel freely abroad on his US passport until after he got on the Philippine Airwaves soon after 911 and claimed it was perpetrated by Jews, that the US deserved it, and he was very glad it happened. After that, State Department cancelled his passport unbeknownst to him and his next trip (Manila to Tokyo) he was nabbed and jailed on landing for trying to enter Japan on an invalid passport. Eventually Iceland saved his ass by naturalizing him while he languished in a Japan prison for months. So he was able to avoid extradition to US and live out his final years in Iceland instead.
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Post by Jester »

Rock wrote:
What I've learned living in Taiwan over the years and talking privately with a local who is a partner with Taiwan branch of one of the bulge bracket international auditors and does hundreds of US expat returns per year is that the IRS generally does not bother pursuing Taiwanese caught committing blatant violations except in cases where they have significant assets on-shore in the US. In those cases, it's generally an asset grab, not a criminal case. IRS criminal division has extremely limited resources relative to tax crimes committed. Pursuing one foreigner overseas is probably more complicated than pursuing a dozen locals in the US. Do the math. They may do it once in awhile to show that they can. But it's a major major pain in the a** for them. On the civil side, collections is next to impossible unless the perp has assets on-shore in the States which can be seized.

Now consider the case of someone who obtained his a Taiwan Passport after renouncing his US citizenship. He could legally change his official name to the Chinese one (US residents in Taiwan have both their English name and a Chinese one on their Resident IDs which they themselves choose and cannot be converted to their English name the way foreign names can be in some languages such as Thai. Even if u try, it's totally arbitrary at best). So going forward, he travels on a Taiwan passport with the English transliteration of his new Chinese name, totally different from his original English name. So what info on his new passport is connecting him to his former identity? Just 2 things - his birthdate and his country of birth. It's very hard to put an Interpol flag just on that info and generally, Interpol flags don't happen with plain vanilla tax crimes anyway. US government is not going to bother unless u r huge or they have another reasons to go after you.

Consider case of Bobby Fischer. He was wanted in the US for a long time for something serious (doing something high profile against direct orders from US government). Yet he was allowed to travel freely abroad on his US passport until after he got on the Philippine Airwaves soon after 911 and claimed it was perpetrated by Jews, that the US deserved it, and he was very glad it happened. After that, State Department cancelled his passport unbeknownst to him and his next trip (Manila to Tokyo) he was nabbed and jailed on landing for trying to enter Japan on an invalid passport. Eventually Iceland saved his a** by naturalizing him while he languished in a Japan prison for months.
So he was able to avoid extradition to US and live out his final years in Iceland instead.
Overall I agree with you.


Res asset forfeiture - yes right now it's just U.S. -- But they are right now in the process of forcing foreign banks to identify everyone BORN American, whether a citizen or not. Could they later force those foreign countries to seize those accounts? Sure.

Plus, we all should maintain a U.S. bank account, in order to sell services to the U.S. (E-Lance, Amazon, Kindle, EBay, ClickBank, etc.), pay alimony and child support, buy stuff to import to our new country, etc. (Yes there are exceptions you could work online and just export containers of stuff from one non-US country to another, avoiding the U.S., but most of us aren't going to do that kind of business right away.) You could live in the Phil's teaching English to Koreans online, like one member on here... but I bet he gets paid via PayPal, which means they could shut down his account on a whim. PayPal is a U.S.-controlled company.

Second, re identity change. That's a hassle, and I won't be doing it. I admire "Subversive Uncle Frank" and his ilk, but I am not going to abandon my name, far from it. Moreover, Chinese guys may have a neat option for the moment, but if DNA-chipped passports get rolled out, they would catch you. Sure, they aren't rolling that out in the next year or two. But getting a second passport will take several years, unless you marry or plunk down serious cash. So not filing tax returns creates a risk of whether you can get everything done before they go live with the DNA.

Third, I **AM** Bobby Fischer. (Or is it "John Connor"?) I'm glad for folks who can skate around in a low-profile fashion, I will do so when I can. (I sure keep my mouth shut a lot these days, because I don't want to get on a list to exclude from the Phil's, Mexico, wherever before I get in there.) But I will be much MORE outspoken once I get out of this hellhole. Already the NSA used to listen to my phone (on my Charter Cable landline, you can tell when a call gets flagged and they start listening actively). I've been "warned" (in a friendly way) to desist speaking out, etc. Yeah they know who I am, and they sure as hell will in the future. I am not expecting any "Illuminati hit men", but a selective tax audit or bank account freeze? That kind of thing is damn easy for them to do. I plan to get Mexican residency, Armenian residency, plus a Paraguayan passport.

Backup, resilience, defensive posture. Was it Sun-Tzu who said, first put yourself beyond possibility of defeat, THEN go on the offensive?

But anyway, yes I agree - for someone who can get a second passport in the next 2 years, and isn't a political dissident, they could probably skip the tax filings and slide through.

If the consulate where you do it isn't in the habit of checking to see tax returns.....
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Post by Winston »

I'm confused about something. I thought Obamacare was already passed. But now the news is making it sound like it's still being debated in Congress. Wtf?

If it's not even passed yet, then why did you guys act like it was already law? I don't get it.

Also, why does Congress have the right to vote itself a pay raise? That's stupid. Why did they ever get such power? Government is supposed to have checks and balances. Given the ability, everyone would vote themselves a pay raise. That's a huge conflict of interest.
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Post by Moretorque »

Mr. Wu, the United States government went bankrupt over 80 years ago. Mayo Tae Sung said it best when he said political power grows out of a barrel of a gun. Use your head Mr. Wu, this is why the anti federalist demanded the Bill of Rights along with the second amendment.
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Post by zboy1 »

Sean Hannity calls in to Obamacare operator: she admits system is broken and unreliable; Tells him to call in the early mornings or very late at night to even get through the system, LOL.

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