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Re: Changing your thoughts vs. Changing your location?

Posted: December 24th, 2014, 10:27 am
by QatarDan
yes - so your thoughts are taking you away from that place and thats fine, my point is that your thoughts do create your reality - theres no getting away from that. Its not a new age philosophy its what has always been said. Its not to say if you sit down and think of loads of money you will become rich - thats not what its about. When you understand it you understand it but its hard to put into words to explain.

Re: Changing your thoughts vs. Changing your location?

Posted: December 24th, 2014, 11:47 am
by Hero
I wonder if Dr. Wayne Dyer can make hair appear on his scalp, just by changing his thoughts :P

Re: Changing your thoughts vs. Changing your location?

Posted: December 24th, 2014, 3:36 pm
by Winston
QatarDan wrote:yes - so your thoughts are taking you away from that place and thats fine, my point is that your thoughts do create your reality - theres no getting away from that. Its not a new age philosophy its what has always been said. Its not to say if you sit down and think of loads of money you will become rich - thats not what its about. When you understand it you understand it but its hard to put into words to explain.
You are right. Thoughts do affect our reality in that they affect our health, our subconscious mind, and our actions. If you repeat a negative thought everyday, it begins to affect your subconscious mind. But they don't have God like powers like New Agers and the Law of Attraction and The Secret makes it out to be. For example, Dr. Wayne Dyer claims that thoughts control everything, yet he cannot use his thoughts to reverse his aging or grow back his hair. Thus he is just saying what sells, not what is true.

I was listening to the audio version of the book "Conversations with God". In part 3 it said something interesting, that if you always want something, the thought of wanting will prevent you from getting what you want, because you are affirming that you are in a state of wanting, not having, and therefore will make no progress to getting it. Instead, it advises you to be thankful for it, as though you already have it. It teaches that thought is a creation engine. I guess that's true to an extent.

It's like when I keep saying that I never have time to do something, I will in fact never have time to do it. It will take me weeks just to do one thing.

Perhaps the best solution is to change BOTH your thoughts AND your location. Now that would be a winner.

Re: Changing your thoughts vs. Changing your location?

Posted: December 24th, 2014, 3:42 pm
by Winston
Feldeinsamkeit wrote:
QatarDan wrote:Whats the difference between you Winston and Hugh Hefner?

Its the thoughts he had. Thoughts do actually create everything. Negative things will still happen but the way you react i.e. think about negative events will effect the next outcome.

Its pretty simple, its not even a theory - it is all true. Its just not easily done!

Some of the guys in here could move to an island of 5000 women where they were the last man on earth sent to save the human race and they'd still be unhappy and moaning. Have a think about it. Your current thinking is going to see you nowhere - good luck
But if you're not "her type" it isn't going to make the slightest difference in the world. By way of an example, I'm much more comfortable around women than I was as a young man,I have plenty of female friends where I live, yet I find that the dating market has become an impossible nut to track these days, despite being in better shape/better dressed with more confidence to boot. To simply blame the victims of this dire dating market is not only wrong-headed, but sociopathic, too, if I may say so.
True. I could believe 100 percent that I am Britney Spears type of guy, but that is NOT going to make it into a reality. Not anymore than thinking that you can fly will make you fly like Superman. There are limits within reason. But limits don't sell, so New Agers like Wayne Dyer never acknowledge such words. Instead he uses words like "no limits" because that sells. Wayne Dyer will only mention what sells, not what's true.

Re: Changing your thoughts vs. Changing your location?

Posted: May 12th, 2015, 2:44 am
by alexbrown
It's brainwashing. TPTB around the world want you to blame yourself while they rape and pillage you. Can you imagine how harmless people will be when they just sit and blame themselves while these bastards at the top are not blaming themselves?

Posted: May 12th, 2015, 1:58 pm
by Ghost

Re: Changing your thoughts vs. Changing your location?

Posted: May 16th, 2015, 6:30 am
by Moretorque
Ghost wrote:How about this: changing your location can change your thoughts.
Yaa great one, and that is only for the elite.

Re: Changing your thoughts vs. Changing your location?

Posted: September 8th, 2016, 2:00 pm
by Winston
Here's another example of what I mean about how all the other self-help gurus out there tells you that changing your thoughts will change your life. This popular successful preacher and inspirational speaker named Joel Osteen, pastor of Lakewood Church, the largest church in America, wrote a book with this title. ... etter.aspx


And as mentioned earlier, the New Age author Dr. Wayne Dyer has a similar title on his book, "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life".


Why doesn't anyone else emphasize changing our location like I do? Why is that so taboo?

Re: Changing your thoughts vs. Changing your location?

Posted: September 8th, 2016, 6:58 pm
by ladislav
I guess for some people, thoughts change reality and for some, they don't. Also, they alone definitely do not 'create' reality. If they did, we would all have a psychedelic world ala Yellow Submarine with every mind creating realities.

I believe they can affect reality somewhat but no one has even measured just how much. We definitely need words and then actions to attach to thoughts.

In my personal experience, I haven't seen much pattern. Whether I have negative or positive thoughts, the hard reality outside is not affected by them.

Just last week I lost my job- I was fired- and I had zero negative thoughts. I was feeling and thinking very confident happy thoughts on that day. And I had no idea I was going to get fired.

So these teachings are not scientific, they are more like a religion with no proof. If some people want to believe in them, and buy such books, more power to them.

Re: Changing your thoughts vs. Changing your location?

Posted: September 8th, 2016, 8:40 pm
by Adama
It probably is you. It was in my case.

After some positive things happened to me seemingly by accident, I began to realize that it actually was me. There is something wrong with society because of feminism, but also my focus was on the negative instead of the positive. Only focusing on the negative just got me thinking that even the positive right before my very eyes was a negative thing. I couldn't see the good things for the good things they were, because I was such a negative thinker. But once those positive things happened to me, it began to bring me to the realization that things aren't as bad as they seem, and that it was just my perception, which led me to delusional thinking. (Something really good happened to me which shattered by delusional belief system, which is something I've been trying to explain here to no avail.) Joining up with MGTOW and other men who also subscribed to similar delusions only deepened this negativity for me. Luckily I have escaped that cult.

I will not deny though. There is more opportunity overseas and it is more plentiful, and there is great scarcity here in the states.

Re: Changing your thoughts vs. Changing your location?

Posted: September 8th, 2016, 8:46 pm
by Adama
ladislav wrote:I guess for some people, thoughts change reality and for some, they don't. Also, they alone definitely do not 'create' reality. If they did, we would all have a psychedelic world ala Yellow Submarine with every mind creating realities.

I believe they can affect reality somewhat but no one has even measured just how much. We definitely need words and then actions to attach to thoughts.
It does work. It works really well actually. This is more fact than speculation for me, because I've seen it, with myself and others.

For example, say a man is happily married with children, and he has been for decades. However, he subscribes to a philosophy that says that men should live on their own and never get married and never have children. This belief system is so powerful that he even wishes he could live life over again so that he could undo marriage, family and children to be a more solid man going his own way. Similarly, there are feminists who follow their belief systems to such a degree that they actually try to sabotage their heterosexual sons. Ever read about those psychos?

It just depends on how strongly you subscribe to those beliefs. Mark Twain has written an excellent book on the subject.

Posted: September 9th, 2016, 2:05 am
by Ghost

Re: Changing your thoughts vs. Changing your location?

Posted: September 9th, 2016, 3:52 am
by Moretorque
No Adama, if you were multi talented like Tim Tebow you could have multi good paying jobs here in the states like being a ESPN commentator after chas'in daa ball in your pro football career then get a job with the NY Mets on the side and chase daa ball some more...........

Daa Adama get with it please......... :roll:

Re: Changing your thoughts vs. Changing your location?

Posted: September 9th, 2016, 3:53 am
by Adama
Moretorque wrote:No Adama, if you were multi talented like Tim Tebow you could have multi good paying jobs here in the states like being a ESPN commentator after chas'in daa ball in your pro football career then get a job with the NY Mets on the side and chase the ball some more...........

Gee Adama get with it please......... :roll:
If I had talent. I have no hand eye coordination. So that's out. :mrgreen:

Re: Changing your thoughts vs. Changing your location?

Posted: September 9th, 2016, 9:33 am
by El_Caudillo
I sometimes feel that I've missed something in certain places. That I'm somehow lacking something others have. I never get why other people are choked up and sad in their farewell speeches in jobs. For me it's a time of great elation, I can say what I want and I never have to go back. I've made lots of friends on my last day of working in a place merely because a whole bunch of (normally lacking) serotonin is coursing through my veins. Changing my location always feels good to me and when I'm down it's a struggle not to just go to an ATM, grab a taxi and head to the airport.

I guess that is one thing that is great in Taiwan, that it's easy and cheap to jump on a train and be in a city with a slightly different atmosphere in an hour or so.