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Everyones heard of Cunninghams Law - Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. But have you heard of Coles Law?

Posted: January 8th, 2024, 11:23 pm
by galii
Cole was the Royal Saladologist to King Manpuncher the Fourteenth, of the Antirussian Empire. He devoted his life to combining plant matter in such a way as to not drain the manliness from the consumer. He also sought a way to improve social aspects of salad consumption. His original law was lost to the ages, as there are no longer any linguists who read antirussian, but they claim that the essence of the law was that the manliness of any salad is inversely proportional to the amount of plant you can taste. Thusly, the best way to make a salad is to either mask the flavour of plant, or replace plant with meat.