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Do you believe a lot of Happier Abroaders are faux-traditionalists?

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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Johnny1975 »

I agree with a lot of what you're saying. But in terms of things like getting married, one has to be cautious. It doesn't make sense to do things 100% if it's not the best way. I have a saying : do what works.

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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Adama »

Yes, but then they'll hate you for telling them the truth and bursting their bubble. I'm not overly concerned about it though. You can lead a horse to water. You can't force a horse to drink that water. You can put all the information out there. All the information they need is there. It is just they are stuck on whatever their focus is. If some want to believe that black men are stealing all the precious beauty of the white race, who am I to tell him he needs to focus on getting one for himself rather than hating all those other men who are merely doing what he should be doing? If he wants to sink into hatred and envy, while focusing on racialist supremacist views, who am I to stop him?

This just reminds me of those people who hate God. How can a person hate God, if God isnt real? To me the fact that they hate God only testifies to their knowledge of his existence. And if He exists, which He certainly does, why do they not simply submit themselves unto His righteousness, rather than going about to establish their own righteousness? But then you realize, their love of abominable works blinds them.

God promised to blind the hearts and minds of those who hate Him, and it is a punishment for every unsaved person who breaks his commandments (more than just the 10 listed in Exodus, but the whole book, brothers).

One thing that really bothers me though, is this nonsense talk of Alphas, Betas, Zetas, R vs K, and the rest of that evolutionary psychological bull. My major at university was physical anthropology and evolution. I've studied it. It is complete nonsense for people who hate God. That's all it is. 100% of it is faked. Look at the Piltdown man for any evidence that evolution, archaeology, missing links, and all of the rest of it (yes, all of it) are lies.
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Cornfed »

What exactly is it that you want traditionalist men to to? The reality is that most resources are currently going to diminishing our sexual market value, preventing us from raising families and ultimately genociding us. Pretending this is not happening won't make it stop, and it is bound to have some effect.
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by drealm »

I'm not as traditionalist as I would like to be. My excuse is that being a traditionalist only works in a community of like minded people. In dating for example I have experienced first hand that being a traditionalist provider in latin america doesn't get me what I want. This means I can be 50% provider-moral-guy, but the rest needs to be a combination of dressing well, muscles and personality. In a moral community of significant size I could just get introduced to people, but since I don't have this option what am I suppose to do?

As for your bullets:

- I don't want my wife to work, earn money or be independent. This is one reason why I don't want to date Asian women, they refuse to stop working even if you support them.

- I think I'm selfish in that I have very high standards for a future girlfriend/wife but I've never put a lot of effort into improving myself till recently.

- I do plan to marry, but only because this is the only way to bring a woman to the USA. My goal has always been a monogamous long term relationship for forming a family, regardless of whether it's a legal marriage or not. I am afraid of my future wife divorcing me, but that's a risk I'll have to take.

- I do plan to raise a family. If I didn't want to do this then I would move abroad right now and go to some foreign sex capital abroad.
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Post by Ghost »

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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Jonny Law »


Civilization was build by traditional fuckers. Civilization is falling apart Morally, Financially (Every Individual families) under the leadership Progressive Feminist Minded Liberals.
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Jester »

Ghost wrote:
I'm traditional in the sense that I would never marry a non-virgin woman, believe in traditional sex roles, etc. I'm not traditional in the modern mangina sense, which is white-knighting in essence. Being traditional doesn't get you much if you don't live in a community of the like-minded. If you're a lone wolf traditionalist, you've got your work cut out for you. This is why despite holding onto the values I do, I see that I'm going nowhere fast. Most women are non-virgins, and all the virgins I find have fatal flaws that would prevent me from pursuing a relationship. If you're traditional you need a group and a leader. There are likely a lot of us out there, but we lack direction and organization. No doubt that's the plan of modern society: destroy all male community and spaces. We find each other on the internet, but it never goes past that. It's easy to point the finger of blame, saying that each man needs to do something about it...but this isn't realistic. I favor the build-it-and-they-will-come approach. We need a leader and and a community to be part of. Otherwise we'll just keep wandering. Few of us will find what we're looking for and most of us will wander lost.
The only place I can see where Americans could build such a community from scratch (rather than join an existing group like Mormons etc), with a crtical mass of guys, virgin brides available for those who need them, etc -- is in the Philippines.
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by pete98146 »

I consider myself a traditionalist.
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Adama »

Jester wrote:
Ghost wrote:
I'm traditional in the sense that I would never marry a non-virgin woman, believe in traditional sex roles, etc. I'm not traditional in the modern mangina sense, which is white-knighting in essence. Being traditional doesn't get you much if you don't live in a community of the like-minded. If you're a lone wolf traditionalist, you've got your work cut out for you. This is why despite holding onto the values I do, I see that I'm going nowhere fast. Most women are non-virgins, and all the virgins I find have fatal flaws that would prevent me from pursuing a relationship. If you're traditional you need a group and a leader. There are likely a lot of us out there, but we lack direction and organization. No doubt that's the plan of modern society: destroy all male community and spaces. We find each other on the internet, but it never goes past that. It's easy to point the finger of blame, saying that each man needs to do something about it...but this isn't realistic. I favor the build-it-and-they-will-come approach. We need a leader and and a community to be part of. Otherwise we'll just keep wandering. Few of us will find what we're looking for and most of us will wander lost.
The only place I can see where Americans could build such a community from scratch (rather than join an existing group like Mormons etc), with a crtical mass of guys, virgin brides available for those who need them, etc -- is in the Philippines.

I don't think so. I can just imagine Franklin turning into Warren Jeffs. That could become a cult easily. No reason for such a community anyway. What for? To deal with more jerks? The fools on this forum can't even get along and they are going to form a community? No need to anyway. Just live your life. No extraordinary measures are necessary.
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Cornfed »

Adama wrote:No reason for such a community anyway. What for?
Perhaps for a place where your family could have normal social interactions without everyone constantly scheming to turn your wife into a treacherous shrew, your daughters into worthless sluts and your sons into useless pussies.
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by cdnFA »

MarcosZeitola wrote:I believe a lot of people here would identify as somewhat traditional. Traditional in the sense that they would like their wives to be loyal, caring, virginal. Traditional in the sense that they have major issues with feminism. But in them we find a lot of vestiges of modern culture as well. The desire to bone a lot of women, for example. The frustration at not getting laid enough, rampant materialism, envy of more socially or sexually successful men. Also, selfishness, being oriented on material wealth, and of course still caring about what others thing of you to sometimes insane degrees.

The sad thing is, a lot of you faux-traditionalists are doing feminism's bidding. I see a lot of posters here who:

-would like for their wife to work, earn money, be independent
-are very self-centered and view a wife or girlfriend as essentially a commodity
-refuse to get married because "daddy government and feminism will steal my money"
-are not interested in or vehemently against raising a family

The same men complain about how "modern women suck", and wonder where "all the sweet girls have gone". What they fail to realize, IMO, is that they aren't the polar opposite of the modern female they would like to portray theirselves as; more often then not, they are her male counterpart. Her mirror image.

If you really want to flip off the status quo, free yourselves of the toxic mindset that has enslaved so many of your brothers, the best way to do it is not to do things half-assed. You either live a traditional life, or you don't. And don't complain about women being awful in whatever society you hail from, when you yourself aren't any better. The amount of hypocracy is staggering.

Most faux-tradionalists, if given the opportunity to bang Western sluts, would do so. They would no go out of their way to monger abroad, but monger around in their own home towns. Low sexual market value is what drives them to look for alternative measures, but their heart isn't truly in it. Religion, historical revisionism, obsessing over unimportant issues such as race and hatred born from intense envy of all those who succeeded where they failed, is what truly drives these men.

These guys like to paint an idyllic picture of themselves. They are noble "free thinkers", "independent souls" or "men's rights activists". Some call themselves "incel", or identify as "man going his own way". A common thread in their lives seems to be a lack of life experience, a lack of power and lack of any drive to make something of themselves. Another common ailment is the failure to ever put the blame with themselves, and a tendency to always blame third parties, whether it be "western women", "American government", "ZOG", "affirmative action", "feminism" or even their parents or hometown. It's never me, and always them. They can never help it, they are always the victim. A complete and utter lack of passion and the desire for genuine change or self-reflection complete this toxic mix for complete failure.

I believe faux-traditionalists are probably the worst and most pathetic group of men alive today, and certainly the most hypocritical. I would put them at the same level as male feminists and other "manginas" so despised by them. Because they are innately the same, and in denial over it.

American women, and Western women as a whole (who aren't as different from one another as HA would led you to believe because of the 'grass is always greener' principle) are often blamed for their mentality of wanting to have their cake and eat it too. A lot of Happier Abroaders, similarly, want to have their cake and eat it too. At the same time they seem unwilling to make any concessions. Unrealistic expectations meets a harsh reality and the whole thing comes crashing down. If you really want to be free from the cage of modernity, there are some demons left for you to slay. Some of the worst among those demons house in your own mind.
I think almost every person would like a loyal and caring partner and most guys would prefer virginal or of they don't it is only because they worry that she will get curious and stray.
As for boning everything in sight, if you are not going to marry a virgin, why the hell not. Saving yourself for marriage when any potential life mate isn't doing the same seems foolish. That being said, if Chuck Norris were to come up to me and give me the choice to go back to my 12 year old self and give me the option for a do over except I have the option of being able to bang hot chicks every day easily except none of them will actually like me or meet up with a special sweetheart and have a solid satisfying marriage till death but no other girl will have sex with me, I'd go for the second option. Yes I do have someone in mind but sadly I was too ugly, and too socially retarded to even try to make it work. Granted if I were 12 or even 18 I'd probably go with option 1.
However that isn't the choice. So I will continue to have as much sex as I can afford with prostitutes as they are the only women it seems who will have anything to do with me. Sadly my budget isn't very high.

There was a line from a couple of TMZ "reporters" the Irish looking one and aussie slob. They were talking about how the person they will marry is right now in love with and having sex with someone else. In that world traditionalism just doesn't fly. Even in India the virgin bride is quickly becoming a rarity.

As for feminism there are different types.
The egalitarian who thinks women are actual people and that it is reasonable to expect them to pay their way during dating and to contribute to the household either via bringing in an income or staying home with the kids. That you should open doors for people, not hit people except in self defence and offer your seat to people in need and not just because vagina. Sadly it seems to be the rarest type.
At the other extreme you get the extending female privilege bigots type who think women and only women should never be held accountable for their actions and that only those things which are not to a females benefit should be reversed. I want to work less hours, less years at easier less demanding jobs but I still depend the exact same pay as men and not 77%. I am woman, hear me roar until the bill arrives. I should be allowed to dress like a slut and have my tits hanging out and you better not slut shame me but if you dare look at me then I will slut shame you and get you fired. My testimony must be accepted in a rape/assault trial even though the evidence is that I've been throwing myself at my rapist long after his supposed actions and even when there is evidence that I've been in contact with other defendants getting out stories right.

As for this
-would like for their wife to work, earn money, be independent
-are very self-centered and view a wife or girlfriend as essentially a commodity
-refuse to get married because "daddy government and feminism will steal my money"
-are not interested in or vehemently against raising a family

Well I don't want kids so I'd rather not want a leech. However in that regard I am not a traditionalist.
The second doesn't apply to me anyways, or I don't think.
The third is just a fact. One can be a hard core traditionalist but still accept that the legal system is against your values and act accordingly.
as for the 4th, if you are against having a family because of point three, again reasonable. If you are just not interested in having children, you are obviously not traditional in that area but it doesn't mean you can't otherwise be a traditional guy. I just don't like the little buggers, never have, and aside from very short time periods never will.

Incel is not an idyllic view of ones self. You are pretty much identifying yourself as a loser. Trust me on this. It is a secret shame that you don't go bragging about with your real name in the real world. Really, how is the idea that not a single woman wants to have anything to do with you anything but a horrifying and sometimes suicide inducing concept.

All that being said, there is something very creepy that goes on here. Ditto for the loveshy forum unless it has changed recently.
I love the whole... Western women are a bunch of hypergamous slags who will only go after the Chad Thundercocks so I will go overseas and find a girl who only loves you because your wealth and your whiteness, but mostly your wealth makes you the Chad Thundercock over there.
American women are cheap dirty sluts, I love being overseas where I can get a constant stream of one night stands. [See above regarding Chad Thundercock]
Middle aged Amercian women are disgusting fat cows [plenty of hotties on POF but the percentages go down] but what is the guy complaining bringing to the table. Sure some of ye might be middle aged Fabios but I'd guess that the same percentage of women let themselves go as men do. I am one of them except I let myself go at 18 months.
Then you get the, I want a nice girl even though I will cheat on her and I am a drunken asshole type, although I don't recall seeing too many people admit to that here.
Quite frankly the above lot makes those who are looking for a submissive doormat who will be a maid/servant, breeder and sex slave seem not so bad.
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Eric »

While I understand what your OP says, It feels like you are coming down harsh and blaming the men for the shit situation we found ourselves in. Give us a break. It's hard enough to be in a bad situation - but then we are going to get "kicked" while we are down, too? The truth is, as unpleasant and un pc as it is to blame other things, there are actually many things to blame. This is not victimization, this is the truth. As unsexy as that is/and sounds...and however much it rails against (our) sense of masculinity and control, self reliance - it is infact the truth. We are being hampered by globalist forces and, in my opinion, a worldwide ZOG. It took me a long time to understand this, and even more greater difficulty coming to acceptance with the truth - no matter how ugly & disgusting it was. Most of these forces are invisible and won't acknowledge their existence or harmful, destructive and deceptive effects on everything. When you're little and you know something's wrong...that the environment around you just doesn't seem right, doesn't seem healthy - that it seems to be coming from all sides, that everywhere there are proscriptions against speaking about it and a great mental force of pressure that shames people for acknowledging or admitting it (another psychological tactic employed on the American people, I think). That there is a taboo about speaking about any of it. You know everything's messed up and that the status quo of what society you've been given to work in is inherently defective and fatally toxic, but you see only the effects of the invisible. It took me years to get the knowledge I have now, to where I have, I feel, a substantial understanding of what's going on as to what fits my personal experience and perception in my life - and this is key.

Don't get mad at us. Get mad at the hundreds of millions of guys who are "going the easy way" who have already given themselves up...or sold their souls, washed out, things like these. I hear what you are saying and agree with most of it. It's just hard.
A lot of these guys have so much backed up in themselves - we..have a lot of living we feel we need to get done, make up for the lost time. This is the feeling at least. This is how I feel.
I don't think we should shame ourselves and abuse ourselves, or live in denial about a government that "hates" it's people and wishes to harm us through public policy, mind control, destructive education, etc. Being called a "conspiracy theorist' or attacked for attributing blame, is harmful. We have been hampered, developmentally delayed, messed up & mind controlled, influenced with false messages. Peer pressured, manipulated.
It's not weak to admit these things happened, they did occur. Please, don't deny reality.

It's not a lie to say that my environment does/does not affect me...of course it does, affect you.
I also did not achieve much in life (to my view) because of the negative environment I am in, in large part. There is little to no motivation other than to get a job, picket fence and 1.5 kids and be with the Jones's 'till you die (this shit dream, the only thing we had, was even being attacked - by the liberal left since I've existed...who wants us all to have no life, no aspirations, be groupthink, trendies who hate success and personal ambition and live in a little communist house with a tea pot to be happy. There is no motivation whatsoever behind excelling and achieving, but this whip - this lash. Some guys who will do this (go for the dead & dying American Dream) and not ask questions, the achieve this definition of "success" and prosperity of American life, but I have seen this, I have seen this thing, and it is a disgusting and empty thing - and I have seen the people; they are dry, most of them are washed up souls of people. And it seems they are very, very unhappy people. This is not motivation for building any life. Which is why I - being wise - never went out for it in the first place. I'm not going to take place in a losing race. I've never had even my most basic needs met - so it's hard to work on building up other things. You're trying to go and focus on recruitment and resumes, building this 'perfect' life, when you're leg's bleeding out and smashed and you're about to die...have to focus on that. That's at least been my experience, you or anyone can make fun of me all they want. I know it's the truth.
You can still live and, maybe achieve, what sort of life you set out for yourself...but here - it's sort of like salmon swimming upstream. Only about 3% will really achieve it, there are so many obstacles in the way, now, meant to make you fall aside.
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Jester »

Cornfed wrote:
Adama wrote:No reason for such a community anyway. What for?
Perhaps for a place where your family could have normal social interactions without everyone constantly scheming to turn your wife into a treacherous shrew, your daughters into worthless sluts and your sons into useless pussies.
"Well actually, she's not REALLY my daughter. But she does like to call me Daddy... at certain moments..."
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Adama »

Cornfed wrote:
Adama wrote:No reason for such a community anyway. What for?
Perhaps for a place where your family could have normal social interactions without everyone constantly scheming to turn your wife into a treacherous shrew, your daughters into worthless sluts and your sons into useless pussies.

If that is what you want, then homeschool your kids. Believe me, if you have a problem already with regular people, forming a community with more regular people is only going to intensify the problem. That will not cure anything. There will be many disagreements over other matters, and you might be surprised to learn that although you thought your community was full of people who think like yourself, you'll slowly discover that the mangina tendencies are deeply ingrained into the average American man. In other words, even among men who claim to be MGTOW/MRA/PUA/Incel, you will find that most of them are manginas deep down when it comes down to it.

Also, some of you might dream of becoming Amish or whatever, but life there is not rosy either. You would not want to be part of such a community. Especially since you will not be independent and in charge but rather subject to others who may not have your best interests in mind.

Let us not forget that there is a not so insignificant chance that this could slide down into a cult over time, not unlike Warren Jeffs and the Mormons or David Koresh and his splinter sect of 7thDayAdventists called the Branch Davidians. So joining on with fellow members who want to form their own cult may not be the best idea.
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Re: Faux-traditionalists

Post by Adama »

Jester wrote:
Ghost wrote:
I'm traditional in the sense that I would never marry a non-virgin woman, believe in traditional sex roles, etc. I'm not traditional in the modern mangina sense, which is white-knighting in essence. Being traditional doesn't get you much if you don't live in a community of the like-minded. If you're a lone wolf traditionalist, you've got your work cut out for you. This is why despite holding onto the values I do, I see that I'm going nowhere fast. Most women are non-virgins, and all the virgins I find have fatal flaws that would prevent me from pursuing a relationship. If you're traditional you need a group and a leader. There are likely a lot of us out there, but we lack direction and organization. No doubt that's the plan of modern society: destroy all male community and spaces. We find each other on the internet, but it never goes past that. It's easy to point the finger of blame, saying that each man needs to do something about it...but this isn't realistic. I favor the build-it-and-they-will-come approach. We need a leader and and a community to be part of. Otherwise we'll just keep wandering. Few of us will find what we're looking for and most of us will wander lost.
The only place I can see where Americans could build such a community from scratch (rather than join an existing group like Mormons etc), with a crtical mass of guys, virgin brides available for those who need them, etc -- is in the Philippines.

Why do men fantasize about joining a group of other men? Do men not realize that those Mormon cults ruin people's lives? Look on any documentary about escaping Mormonism on Youtube. Warren Jeffs, who is a cult leader in Mormonism, raped his own nephews, destroying their lives. He removes wives from their husbands and give them to other men (sins which are worthy of death by God's judgment in Leviticus under adultery). He also expels hundreds of young men from the community once they hit puberty and become competition for the perverts at the top of the cult who want to possess every woman they can get their hands on.
A good man is above pettiness. He is better than that.
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